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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1900206 No.1900206 [Reply] [Original]

It seems that I'm an Orin. What are you, /jp/?

>> No.1900215
File: 116 KB, 499x499, 1231654513969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Ran apparently.

>> No.1900216

Nobody in Europe or the Americas gives a crap about their blood type

>> No.1900225


>> No.1900222

I don't get the numbers thing.


>> No.1900227

Your birthday, I think.

>> No.1900228

they are dates

>> No.1900230

I'm Eirin.

>> No.1900232

Suika here

>> No.1900234
File: 94 KB, 600x793, 1231654766559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900237

I only know that i am B
what are the numbers supposed to be

also what he said

>> No.1900239


>> No.1900243

Assuming they're missing the ~ between 5/21 and 6/21, fuck yea I'm an Aya.

>> No.1900255
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 1231654947260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Yuyuko.

>> No.1900252

Numbers are dates, presumably of birth.

So find your blood type and birthday range.

>> No.1900254


>> No.1900258
File: 42 KB, 192x256, 1231654966771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Komachi cool

>> No.1900264


Wait I'm not self-confident. This chart is wrong.

>> No.1900265

I'm Keine or Patchu.

Don't know what my blood type is though.

>> No.1900270

There seems to be a definite bias among the O bloodtype.

>> No.1900277

If you notice, must of the O blood type characters are overpowered.

>> No.1900272

My blood type constantly changes between B and O, so I would be Ran or Meiling

>> No.1900276
File: 245 KB, 1000x1008, 1231655145930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dob?
I am 1/14 O negative.

>> No.1900274

12/18 blood type O?

I think my penis just increased in distance...

>> No.1900275

Apparently I'm a Marisa.

>> No.1900283

No fair, the most common blood type is O

>> No.1900287

And my brother and sister are both Reimus.


>> No.1900285
File: 79 KB, 408x610, 1231655201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamame. Damn, I was almost Marisa!

>> No.1900293

>My blood type constantly changes
You're that one in a million case?

>> No.1900296
File: 148 KB, 600x553, 1231655292368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah ok

in that case i am Marisa-ze

>> No.1900298
File: 62 KB, 294x333, 1231655309432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Hina.

>> No.1900303

How does that even work?

>> No.1900304
File: 204 KB, 507x600, 1231655403374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900305


>> No.1900306


My sister is 9/20 overbearing and flat as a board...Jesus...

>> No.1900311
File: 60 KB, 256x256, 1231655477995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh wow I can't read

Thought I was Hina at first. Glancing over the chart, I am in fact Yukari.

>> No.1900312

Indeed, turns out I have a weak O type, which occasionally turns into B, pretty weird.

>> No.1900314

Didn't expect to get Flandre. Guess Type O blood is pretty over powered.

>> No.1900316

Let's see:

Me: Yamame
Brother: Mokou or Wriggle
Sister: Kanako or Alice
Mother: Yamame
Father: Tenshi.

I'm just going to believe my sister is A and my brother O.

>> No.1900332


>> No.1900326

It's common. AB and B should have the strongest characters since they are more rare.

>> No.1900330
File: 344 KB, 700x1415, 1231655627524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. ummm.. Aya?

What do I win

>> No.1900338
File: 167 KB, 500x698, 1231655699542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Flan, awesome

>> No.1900341

I'm a Suika?

>> No.1900342

A year of subscriptions to her newspapaer. Enjoy making paper boats with it.

>> No.1900349

Damn it! Why did my sister get to be a Mokou!
Well... I guess an Orin is acceptable...

>> No.1900352

>B= rare

you like in Africa or Asia?
In Europe, B and A is pretty common

>> No.1900354

I'm a Yuka.

>> No.1900355

>B= rare

you live in Africa or Asia?
In Europe, B and A is pretty common

>> No.1900357

Man, now I almost wish I knew my blood type.

My astrological sign is Cancer (derp) so that makes me, what? Alice, Eirin, Kanako, or that one girl whose name I don't remember?

>> No.1900360


>> No.1900361

She is Koishi and she > you.

>> No.1900362


Utsuho here.

>> No.1900367


>> No.1900371


>> No.1900374

In the US, something like 87% are O or A

>> No.1900377

Tell me at least someone here is a Kaguya.

>> No.1900386

Well fuck

>> No.1900385

I didn't even notice Kaguya was in the chart. Her skirt has the wrong color.

>> No.1900388
File: 486 KB, 800x600, 1231656361546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incidentally, my sake NOT EVER DROPPED

>> No.1900391

And we still have not reached Gensokyo.

We have also not turned into the little danmaku girl either.

>> No.1900393


>> No.1900395

Also, according to the Japanese superstitions about blood types and your personality, I deduce that my blood type ought to be AB to correspond to this chart. Eirin? I can live with that, I guess~


>> No.1900403

So I got 2 personalities?

>> No.1900415

I dream about being in Gensokyo every once in a while. Haven't turned into a flying loli that shoots stuff yet, but cool dreams bro.

>> No.1900418

I'm... a useless rabbit.

>> No.1900424

How's the sex appeal?

>> No.1900438

I'm dumb and an ox.

>> No.1900439

I never dreamt about Gensokyo.

But I do have pretty neat dreams at times.

>> No.1900444

One time I had a dream that Marisa was my older sister.
It was awesome.

>> No.1900443

I had a dream where I was in Keine's class and she confiscated my Gameboy.

Then she headbutted me.

>> No.1900449

Heh, Flandre.

>> No.1900457

I once dreamed that I was summoned by Patchy ZnT style.

>> No.1900462

Why would she do that?
Did she kiss you as in ZnT?

>> No.1900471

She wanted another servant to tidy the library.

And no she didn't kiss me, but she did want my help to translate french texts for her.

I did try to court Koakuma though.

>> No.1900484

She probably whipped him and he liked it.

Fucking ZnT.

>> No.1900485


>> No.1900492


>> No.1900496

Huh? Im Nitori?

>> No.1900515

Should have went for the harem end.

>> No.1900520

7/17 A-type. Alice. Fuck.

>> No.1900527

Harem are hard to take care of I prefer only having one girl at a time

>> No.1900563


We didn't say anything for the trip, or do anything but walk really, so just fill in whatever you want here. After some point though, the dog just stopped moving. I went up to the dog and touched it. It topped over, completely frozen. All of a sudden, all hell just breaks loose. One guy runs up to the dog and begins tearing away at it, digging into it and getting whatever edible meat there was in the dog. Another guy joins in. But one of the guys just flips out and begins shouting and cursing at the two guys enjoying the meal of raw dog. Eventually, one of the guys breaks off one of the dog's legs, and bludgeons one of the others to death with it, ala Lamb to the Slaughter. I almost piss my pants in fear, blood all over the damn place, dotting the white landscape in red. It was almost like some sort of modern art piece. I began to run. But before I got very far, I woke up.

>> No.1900561

I never had a dream about Gensokyo, but here's one of them.

I woke up in a glittering room, walls, floors, EVERYTHING coated in ice. Well, actually that's sort of inaccurate. Everything in the room was carved from ice. It was a relatively small room, with only basic things, such as a bed, drawers, a lamp, stuff like that. Anyways, you ever had that sort of dream where you just KNOW things? Yeah, well, I went downstairs, to be greeted by a bartender, clad in a multi-layered suit, only his eyes peeking out from the masses of cloth enveloping him. Apparently, I slept in the second floor of a bar. Pretty neat. But this bar... this bar was special. Everything was made of ice as well. You could actually see the wine through the cabinets if you looked carefully, splotches of color in the massive monolith of ice, contrasting against the absolute... WHITENESS of everything.

Anyways, I waved, and headed out the bar. I knew I had something to do, but I didn't know what. But there was something I obviously had planned, because I started heading down the street, which surprise, surprise, was made of ice as well. It's not there were any working cars or anything, so road safety wasn't much of an issue. But once I got outside, I could really see how the whole place was laid out. The houses were shaped like domes, but they weren't constructed that way. They weren't built in the same way an igloo was built, but instead, they were hallowed out from the massive block of ice that the whole town was founded upon.

>> No.1900562


Well then, I headed down the street, waving to familiars, until I turned a corner to see a group of about three people, swinging a street sign around, a loud crack resounding whenever it impacted the ice. The only tree (well, it was dead anyways) in the town was up in flames, and there's a large group of people circling the three. The three were shouting something, but I couldn't hear what it was. They sounded pretty mad though. I began to approach the group. And when I did, the guy holding the sign, took a swing at one of the people in the crowd. I broke into a run and tried to get them to stop quarreling. It would appear that in this dream, I would actually have balls. In the end though, I got a faceful of street sign.

I woke up, along with the other guys around me. Snow was all over the damn place, a massive blizzard whirling around us. There were six of us. There were the three people that were pissing off in the middle of the street, the guy that they first attacked, me, and a random dog. At our side was a massive iron gate. I'm talking BLOODY MASSIVE. Like, this thing was actually keeping back the blizzard that was raging all around the walls of the town. Anyways, after pounding on the gate fruitlessly and complaining about the lack of food, we turned away from it and began to walk into the infinite field of white that greeted us.

>> No.1900580

Aya? .... this would explain the voyeurism..

>> No.1900583

Patchu here

Fuck yes

>> No.1900593

I don't know my blood type, so I'll just pick the only one I recognise in my row and say I'm Suwako.

>> No.1900586

Can you remember all your dream? I wish I could. I normally forget most of it.

>> No.1900590

I dreamed I was a Nazi once.

>> No.1900592

No. But there are a few that I remember in KICKASS detail.

>> No.1900639

shit I forgot my blood type... will post back later if I find it out

>> No.1900645

I'm a Parsee

>> No.1900663

Except Nitori is better

>> No.1900677
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 1231660909775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Nitori. FUCK YES. She's the best.

>> No.1900686

I'm Sanae.

...No wonder I get the feeling that /jp/ hates me.

>> No.1900688

Looks like I'm here to kick ass and suck dick.

>> No.1900701



>> No.1900709
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>> No.1900724

You lucky Suika bastards. I think I'm a Yuyuko, which is fine too I guess

>> No.1900730
File: 475 KB, 591x600, 1231661693121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How boring. For a while I didn't even remember her name.

>> No.1900734

Holy shit, me too!

>> No.1900736
File: 47 KB, 513x380, 1231661774125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing I've got to a memorable dream involved me laying in a meadow near an extremely foggy town with a stream running through it. Also there was an extremely attractive woman in a qipao holding a small wooden paddle like it was a fan standing before me. She and I talked for a while. It was like a dream and I can't remember what we talked about, but I do recall her kneeling next to me and the two of us sitting on the meadow and looking out at the town below and the sky above. She seemed nice but a tad bit mischievous.

Apparently, people used those paddles to swim in circles in the stream for fun.

I thought it would make a nice scene for a story.

Course, a little after that I was a flying cardboard box going through rings made from clouds, presumably to solve Lex Luthor's maze.

>> No.1900737
File: 143 KB, 714x750, 1231661775476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nom nom nom

>> No.1900738

I'm Suika but I don't drink, something's wrong with this thing.

>> No.1900740
File: 579 KB, 1440x900, 1231661785205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika reporting in.

>> No.1900743

What the fuck is with all the Flandres in this thread?

>> No.1900747

...and the recent surge of Suikas.

>> No.1900749

Where the hell am I supposed to find out what my blood type is?

>> No.1900764

it's called a clinic

>> No.1900766
File: 32 KB, 415x681, 1231662172444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.1900802

I'm Yukari, fuck you.

>> No.1900821
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>> No.1900902


>> No.1900945

I'm either Remilia, Kaguya, Orin, or that other girl I can't remember whose name is.

>> No.1900951

Marisa, fuck yeah, ze!

>> No.1900961

I think you mean Tenshi, Remilia, Yugi, or Kaguya.

>> No.1900962


>> No.1901349

Looks like I'm Meiling...

>> No.1901406

I'm also row 3, column 2

>> No.1901421
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1231670789021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxy lady~

>> No.1901432

I don't know my blood type.

>> No.1901437

How do I find out my bloodtype?

>> No.1901448

Give blood, receive cookie.

>> No.1901455

>birthday/bloodtype roulette
>116 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

it's like I'm really back on /a/

>> No.1901457


Donate blood. They'll also warn you if you happen to have high cholesterol or other abnormalities.

I had no idea I had RH negative until I donated blood. Now they keep telling me to donate everytime my window opens.

>> No.1901465
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6/20, Blood type O

We are destined to be lovers

>> No.1901468
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This was unexpected, I am Patch apparently.

>> No.1901475

I got the SA extra stage bitch. Wish my blood was A so I could get Alice.

>> No.1901476
File: 841 KB, 1500x1125, 1231671677351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like im a cute vapire loli

>> No.1901482

i'm peach woman
whoever the fuck that is

>> No.1901489

Thats a Masochist.

>> No.1901492
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1231671867945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish you could change your blood type after I reveal some info about the character I got.

>> No.1901502
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1231671925949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia here

>> No.1901515

Hina? What the fuck.

>> No.1901528


Sorry, I'm not into Touhous with throbbing 9" cocks.

>> No.1901557

And yet you recommended Inaba Box to someone not so long ago. Lying to yourself isn't good.

>> No.1901569

Apparently my family is a Youmu (Father) and a Yuyuko (Mother) that gave birth to a Meiling (me).

>> No.1901577

I don't know what my blood type is.

>> No.1901585

Go donate. You get food afterwards.

>> No.1901589
File: 179 KB, 700x573, 1231672759834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this means I can molest my little assistant all day long. But i probably wont since i reading books.

>> No.1901624


I'm not totally adverse to futa doujins, I just hate it that they show up in most of them.

Also Inaba Box is canon.

>> No.1901626
File: 125 KB, 512x512, 1231673203434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please molest me.

>> No.1901657
File: 266 KB, 600x831, 1231673915730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way am I related to...?

>> No.1901684

Remember when everyone hated you, Croatia? Now you're just freakin' adorable. I wonder why.

>> No.1901726

Am i the only Yukarin here?

>> No.1901737


Anon of Croatia became a Touhoutard.

>> No.1901744

Tripfags are always hated for a year or so...

>> No.1901750

I'm a Marisa, if I recall my blood type correctly

>> No.1901755

And rightly so.

>> No.1901761

What I dont get is how does B type fit to Patchy... i get how it fits to Reimu or Yukari or Remilia or Cirino or Yuyuko but Patchy?!

Type B – The Hunter
# individualist
# dislike custom
# strong
# optimistic
# creative
# flexible
# wild
# unpredictable

>> No.1901767

You don't know Patche's other side.

>> No.1901772

Oh no, I am a Cirno.

>> No.1901794

oh no, i hope you have an ice day

>> No.1901833

blood types are shit, an outdated remnant of WWII racist beliefs. Thay don't work? Oh, surprise!

are you really croatia? is that his trip? in this thread you're nice and all but in other threads I've seen you posting massive faggotry.

>> No.1901878

For a fictional character, a blood type can be selceted to represent certain attributes. It would be pointless to give the character a blood type/birth date otherwise.

>> No.1901888

I'm Suika~

>> No.1901896

I think I'm Tewi. I'm not sure if this is good or bad...

>> No.1901941

Aren't the dates related to the zodiac?

I'm a Virgo, blood type A, I'm Keine.

>> No.1901973

i am Keine? well i guess it makes sense.

>> No.1901983

Ohgod ohgod, I'm Reimu, does that make me a horrible person?

>> No.1902009
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Almost correct, only I don’t have magical powers, breasts, a tragic past to scapegoat all my shortcomings, and I dislike poop as a food substance.

>> No.1902018

I don't even know what my blood type is

>> No.1902020


>> No.1902050
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>> No.1902057

Wow, am I actually the only Hime-sama here?

>> No.1902082
File: 273 KB, 500x600, 1231683053224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, I'm Remilia Scarlet.

>> No.1902160

Alice here.

>> No.1902163
File: 211 KB, 819x819, 1231684354919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice. lol

>> No.1902174

Surprisingly accurate ... I'm either Mokou or that flower chick.
Because I can be quite violent sometimes.

>> No.1902186
File: 63 KB, 399x271, 1231684726243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so looks like i'm a god with big tits. awesome

>> No.1902194

IT appears I am Youmu. Does that mean I am too the softest?

>> No.1902203

Yeah missing out the s on the end of word is a habit of mine, I should try to get rid of. So yeah it's me.

>> No.1902205

Why is Alice's head on backwards?

>> No.1902208
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>> No.1902210
File: 36 KB, 430x440, 1231685058623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, Sakuya!

>> No.1902211

...Cirno. What the fuck.

>> No.1902243


>> No.1902247

Holy crap I'm patchu

>> No.1902278
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>> No.1902302
File: 346 KB, 640x640, 1231686273645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu FTW

>> No.1902314

Oh hai there reimoo. I was about to RAAAGE again when I saw you, for *pretending* to deflower youmu. Then I discovered how retarded that doujin was.

Gensokyo was spared.

>> No.1902335

2/15, unknown blood type, but I can't lose. Either a rouge violin player, possibly the strongest youkai, an insane loli that like utterly destroying things, or a maid with the power to control time.

>> No.1902347
File: 147 KB, 600x700, 1231687070964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is popular, oh yes she is...

>> No.1902348

get out

>> No.1902351
File: 197 KB, 839x896, 1231687123606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1902357
File: 471 KB, 950x1000, 1231687275017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi. Only fits vaguely. To tell the truth, don't have a lot in common with any character in that month.
Curiously, I'm born a month prematurely, and fit in oddly well on some characters in the month after...
A bit creepy.

>> No.1902368

I'm NEET... I think. I don't quite remember what my bloodtype was but I think it was AB

>> No.1902392

was about time

>> No.1902400

for what?

>> No.1902424

I don't know all the Touhou girls.
Who's who ?

>> No.1902429

>asking to write 48 different names
How about you just look it up at http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Characters instead?

>> No.1902460

I fucking hate you

>> No.1902518
File: 116 KB, 700x692, 1231689789726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea Utsuho!!
