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18978638 No.18978638 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18861983
What's your favorite spellcard? Non-spell? Stage section?

>> No.18978706

I like Kanako's second nonspell.

Best stage part is the opening of TD stage 1 up to and including the midboss.

>> No.18978788

I really like Futo's "Blazing Winds of Haibutsu" and Yatsuhashi's "Heian Reflexion".

>> No.18979050

I really like Kanako's last spell. Very intense with fast motion.

>> No.18979177
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x960, th16_ud0042 (HSiFS) Lunatic 1cc - ReimuSu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to see how HSiFS lunatic was and got this, summer is nice.
> favorite spellcard?
Probably ephemerality 137 if solo youkai.
Kaguya's 2nd
>Stage section?
All of IN stage 5 for comfiness alone, but I like the section before Tewi more.

>> No.18979208

>Favorite Spellcard
Okina Extra's seventh card, or maybe Yuyuko's first? It's hard to pick one. I'm sure it'd change when I go back to play other games again.

The Okina one where she starts at the bottom of the screen, or that one Marisa non where you can just destroy her familiars.

>Stage Section
I kind of like the blue and red star section in LoLK, even if I am garbage at it. Can't think of any other stage sections that jump out at me.

>> No.18979211

Well actually I have to add on parts of DDC stage 3, cause it's fun to gather resources a fuckton.

>> No.18982485

Someone made a roulette at the end of the previous thread so it might be worth of try to repost this. Difficulty is what you prefer I guess.

HRtP 00-04
SoEW 05-09
PoDD 10-14
LLS 15-19
MS 20-24
EoSD 25-29
PCB 30-34
IN 35-39
PoFV 40-44
StB 45-49
MoF 50-54
SA 55-59
UFO 60-64
DS 65-69
FW 70-74
TD 75-79
DDC 80-84
ISC 85-89
LoLK 90-94
HSiFS 95-99

>> No.18982532

Favorite card is Scarlet Gensokyo
Favorite stage is HSIFS Stage 3

>> No.18983629

>favorite spellcard?
Event Horizon

Is EX-Alice's second pattern cheating?

>Stage section
Can't think of any I really love off the top of my head, so I guess the opening to PCB stage 4 for setting the atmosphere well.

>> No.18983635

I guess I'll roll for later then.

>> No.18985675

00-04 is joker because my HRtP is slugish.

What will I play tonight ?

>> No.18985910
File: 107 KB, 850x425, __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_kiguchiko__sample-3f0a8d11a2ba63dcec5c2765a3baae07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite spellcard?
Mountain of faith by far
Sakuya`s second one
>Stage section?
Reimu/Marisa chase in IN
lets give it a go i suppose

>> No.18986137
File: 1.58 MB, 3842x960, spell, non, stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to answer my own question.
From left to right, spell (especially if you time it out), non-spell (if this counts), and stage portion.

>> No.18988123
File: 468 KB, 640x480, pofv yamaxanadu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf yama-sama that was our only real match after your first no-timer bullshit.
on further examination I've found that my Youmu gap literally spawned on her sprite.

>> No.18988656
File: 243 KB, 545x600, 350DA2E4-A3AE-43A1-9A29-714531460FD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything but PoFV and PC-98

>> No.18990514

Played last two weeks touhou in 1.5x speed and now normal speed seems like cheating. Feels good man.

>> No.18990521

UFO on higher difficulties is stupid difficult. I hate it.

>> No.18991004


>> No.18991185

It wouldn't be bad if the difficulty was legit instead of a product of bad game design.

>> No.18991321

What difficulty and game? I've been a little curious to see if the 90 fps boot camp actually helped without being too frustrating.

>> No.18991376
File: 400 KB, 640x480, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months ago when I played sg, I remember I barely got any twirls and barely had any real walls/nonsense in practice, and was good at remi. 3-4 months ago, I had some twirls and walls in practice. Now, I get twirls roughly every other time? and this shit roughly every 1/5 times.

Weird stuff man.

>> No.18991542

UFO on normal. At first i felt like i was playing it again for the first time because of high difficulty but when i managed to clear it i tried in normal speed and literally 1cc'd it first try

>> No.18991563

Bad game design where? The glowshit bullets can be obnoxious, but there are some genuinely difficult patterns throughout the game such as GT, RTG, Shou's second non, Good Omen, and DR. Hell, other patterns like Kogasa's second spell, KKS, Sinkable Vortex, and Ghost Ship's port aren't to be taken lightly either.

>> No.18991649

It's just crazy difficulty. King Kraken Strike has no business being a stage 3 card. Same for Kogasas second.

>> No.18991738

So it's bad game design because you're a shitter?

>> No.18991825

only legit niggers can be good at ufo

>> No.18993337

How far it has come.

>> No.18995135

I actually agree, UFO lunatic has god awful difficulty curve. Even SA had a good sense of progression.

>> No.18995622

This is missing games, though.
Also, did I miss it or did nobody update the 1cc chart to add AoCF's Overdrive mode?

>> No.18995792

I've only seen like 2 charts that had anything filled for the fighters at all. This thread is almost exclusively for the shooters.

>> No.18995890

>almost exclusively
So then it's not exclusive.

>> No.18995944

Right, but it's the same idea as 4+ standard deviations away from the mean on a normal still has non-zero probability.
My point is simply that you're probably better off going to /2hug/ for your issue. These threads don't even have the chart templates available anyway.

>> No.18996012

it's a bad difficulty curve. some stage 2 and stage 3 cards are harder than stage 5 / 6 cards.

>> No.18996222

Hi all extreme game lover :D
in past was play this extreme game :D mostly perfect cherry blossom :D

Can you guys recognize my favorite game? i try to find it in youtube but failed it.
Only 1 thing i remember, 1 of the boss was shout Yin Yang ball.
Which release is this? seems its not Perfect Cherry Blossom. watched like 20 video.

>> No.18996254

dark souls

>> No.18996271

>dark souls
not that, shouting game i mean, like perfect cherry blossom.

>> No.18996282

large yin yang balls comes down, and maybe large flower as well.

>> No.18996315

Civ 4. You've probably got your ass nuked by some taoist motherfucker.

>> No.18996333

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxCChOrQs0E this game?

>> No.18996347

i say it last time, its like Perfect Cherry Blossom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2CjTgw22xE <----

>> No.18996565

he probably means IN where you fight Reimu.

>> No.18996583

yes reimu :) she the 1 who have yin yang symbol

>> No.18996616

is there a game where reimu is the boss? cant find it :D

>> No.18996631
File: 128 KB, 593x960, 1506720718339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally an opportunity to post this.

>> No.18996650

imperishable night

>> No.18996938

try find it in yt, failed it, are you sure i look this game?
can you prove it? video or something?

>> No.18996966

Either Imperishable Night, or Lotus Land Story

>> No.18996979 [DELETED] 

How about fucking off?

>> No.18997025 [DELETED] 

:D if you say please xD

>> No.18997326

finally just got my first hard 1cc in MoF. which game's hard mode should I try next?

>> No.18997578 [DELETED] 

>shouting game

I saw a lot of people shouting at this game, is that what u mean?

>> No.18997624


>> No.18997642

Pls 62

>> No.18997683


>> No.18997689

Play IN

Don't play eosd

>> No.18997716

not that 1.

Maybe i find it

>> No.18997837

>1 of the boss was shout Yin Yang ball.
If you meant to say "Shoot" then you're talking about Imperishable Night, but only if you play as Magic Team or Scarlet Team. Or you're talking about Lotus Land Story if you play Marisa. Or if you mean the boss was a ying yang ball, you're talking about Highly Responsive to Prayer.

>> No.18998045

look the video i post before you, this 1 >>18997716
You see the yin yang ball? that i looking for, but in my memory was larger then this yin yang ball, and cant remember for 2nd screen mode was.
So you say its Imperishable Night with Magic Team? or Scarlet Team?
or Lotus Land Story with Marisa? ok :D let me check it

>> No.18998869

Oh right, she uses them in PoFV too. maybe PoDD too.

you probably are thinking of Imperishable Night, LLS is from the PC98.

>> No.18999027

finally i remember 2 more thing :D
1st Large Yin Yang circle, or just circle, move up to down and left to right in same time
2nd there was large spinning flower
3rd this 1 can be recognizable i feel :D, ok so there was 1 or more line come up to down fully vertical, after some sec later, the line/s turn to ray for around 3 sec or more, and not moving, stay in same position, after time was disappeared.

sorry bro, i check Marisa A and B and no luck in Imperishable Night, something missing, maybe it was a copy game, or something, i check all game with Marisa A+B

>> No.18999207

>Large Yin Yang circle, or just circle, move up to down and left to right in same time
>there was large spinning flower
>there was 1 or more line come up to down fully vertical, after some sec later, the line/s turn to ray for around 3 sec or more, and not moving, stay in same position, after time was disappeared.

You are talking about three different attacks from three different characters in PoFV. Are you trolling us or what?

>> No.18999274

Yes it was in different stages.
And no, i'm not trolling, if you think that, i'm so sorry.
I really want to find this game, i start to think maybe my memory fooling me, i was play to many games in the last 8 years.

>> No.18999298

Well it has to be Phantasmagoria of Flower View. It's the only one that has ying yang orbs, spinning flowers and lasers. Hell, it's the only one with spinning flowers as far as I know. It can't be anything else.

>> No.18999327

>maybe it was a copy game
Well, if it had attacks from PoFV but wasn't two-player, then yes it definitely had to be some random fangame or something.

>> No.18999331

then why i cant find it :( i watch all marisa and even Reimu and Sakuya. AB

>> No.18999367

PoFV will only have the spinning orbs when you fight Reimu. The lines come from Marisa and the flowers belong to Yuuka. Try watching a Cirno run of that game.

if that's still not it, then I don't know what to tell you. Your memory is either faulty or you're thinking about a fan game.

>> No.18999386

you right, different character on that game, cirno have the flower.and Shikieiki have the ray.

>> No.18999417

Seems my memory was a bit fault.
When i was check cirno i remember everything.

>> No.18999420
File: 576 KB, 1921x959, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your ying yang orbs, large spinning flowers, and full vertical lasers. Game is Phantasmagoria of Flower View. They're attacks used by Reimu, Yuuka, and Marisa respectively, and show up on the side of whoever they're fighting, not their own side. Please go away now.

>> No.18999440

Thx guys for helping, it was a long journey :D but we find it :D
yes :D

now i start searching a download link and try the hardest difficult :D

>> No.18999497

have fun playing it, You won't though because it's PoFV

>> No.18999530

i know why i wasn't think PoFV, i was focus on my side only, so i remember only 1 side, and not two side.

>> No.18999801

That's not the only problem tho, it lacks customization. We should be able to add or take out games, difficulties and backgrounds.
An option to export as .png would also be nice.

>> No.18999803

fuck you PoFV is fun, fag

>> No.18999873

RNGshit is not fun.

>> No.18999903

Correct, it's almost exclusive.

>> No.18999907


>> No.18999935

Let's not recycle the same PoFV argument from the last thread. Clearly neither side convinced the other and it's not going to happen here either.

>> No.19000052

Yeah let's shit on UFO instead, since anon doesn't like randomness in his games there should be no problem.

>> No.19001130

List your problems with UFO that don't boil down to you being a shitter.

>> No.19001595

1: Byakuren is not real and not in love with me
2: I not a big fan of Shou's theme.
3: The ambiguity of Murasa's skirt/shorts confuses me, which I don't like.
4: UFO collecting is a pain in the ass for several reasons and does not feel nearly rewarding enough for how much risk you have to go through to do it. Sanae bombspam shitters need not respond.
5: Nue's ZR makes it impossible for me to think good, pure, christian thoughts.

>> No.19001869

wtf i hate UFO now

>> No.19001879

only if you're bad at videogames

>> No.19002553

how to get better at dodging random bullets? what is the best game of the series to practise that?

>> No.19002567


>> No.19002595

And PoDD, Stb,DS. Maybe ISC too but I haven't played it yet

>> No.19002657

Let's try this.

>> No.19002658

thanks my dudes.

>> No.19002731

Depends on the type of dodging you want to do, but in general micro and macro: use some spal and practice kd, meister, sg, sylph, megalith, cromlech in eosd. I recommend kd the most though.

>> No.19002822

Is there a way to loop the spellcard so I can keep practising one specific one without setting SpoilerAl over and over?

>> No.19002943

Rolling to get back into the games

>> No.19003120

>3: The ambiguity of Murasa's skirt/shorts confuses me, which I don't like.
What kind of shorts do you wear, anon?

>4: UFO collecting is a pain in the ass for several reasons and does not feel nearly rewarding enough for how much risk you have to go through to do it.
I dunno, I feel pretty good when I max out lives on stage 3 (?) even. Managing such risk is fun as hell. It's pretty much like deciding when to bomb.

>> No.19003544
File: 750 KB, 1280x960, th15_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaa just how the fuck do I capture this? Practice isn't helping.

>> No.19003678

btw :D i love tohou music as well :D, my favorite music its overdrive mix
<---- Yin Yang guys

>> No.19003690
File: 98 KB, 356x529, 1519292032707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one her easiest spell card. It's nothing but left and right dodging. Stay calm and try to pick up a rhythm.
DMD mode: master PDH.

>> No.19003777


>> No.19003815

>try to pick up a rhythm.
I can't seem to, hence 99+ tries and no success. I always fail after ~20 secons pass.

On normal after some practice I have much easier time with Lilies of Murderous Intent, and the Primordial Divine Spirit World is outright trivial, but this one fucking spellcard I can't get.

>> No.19003904

Old webm I made for this thread a while back. Maybe it'll help you figure out the rhythm.

>> No.19004444


>> No.19004466

quads and the game I was already working on, ok...

>> No.19004749 [DELETED] 

I don't think the normal eosd ssg has timer freeze, no life loss, rank manipulation, or power loss. I'll send it in roughly 12 hours as I'm at work if no one else sends it

>> No.19004779

I don't think the normal eosd ssg has timer freeze, no life loss, rank manipulation, or no power loss manipulation. I'll send it in roughly 8 hours as I'm at work if no one else sends it

>> No.19005173

ISC is about puzzle solving by figuring out where to use items, not much random dodging from what I remember. Even going for no-item clears is still solving the puzzle of where to go and when, and of course a test of your micrododging skill as well.

>> No.19005297

I enjoy the spinoff games like STB,DS, and ISC more than the main games.

>> No.19005401

What's the best 2hu game to start with?

>> No.19005524

EosD if you care for making your way chronologically through the series.
If you're fine with hopping around the games somewhat randomly, PCB and MoF are considered the easiest, so if ease of 1cc will help introduce you, start with one of those two.

>> No.19005862

HSiFS is probably the easiest, but the release mechanic might teach you bad habits.

>> No.19005913

> making your way chronologically through the series

You have to start at the very beginning at HRtP if you really want to do it "chronologically".

But yeah, EoSD is the main starting point for most people. I encourage starting from HRtP since its quite easy on to 1cc on normal even for newbies, but most people don't cause it requires an emulator and it's a breakout game that shows it's age.

>> No.19005944

PC-98 isn't canon.

>> No.19006110

>even for newbies
Skill in touhou doesn't translate well to HRtP due to genre differences. Would be nice if we got another one of that, though.

>> No.19006117

Never said it was. Well, it sort of is, but hardly as it has no priority. It's still part of the touhou series with the same characters made by ZUN.
Doing it chronologically implies starting from the very beginning if you ignore cannon.

What i'm trying to get at is start at HRtP if you care about starting at the beginning and like to see how the games progressed over the years. I did that and I am glad I did.
If not then just start at EoSD like most people and avoid emulation setup.

>> No.19006170

You are right. It doesn't really play like a modern touhou game until LLS on PC-98. It would be nice, but am sure it's not going to happen.

But when I first started, I started at HRtP and it only took me like 2 afternoons to 1cc normal both routes. Never played a bullet hell game in my life and I suck. Just my experience that's all. SoEW did take a while though.

>> No.19006416 [DELETED] 

>All eoXD patterns

Fuck off shill

>> No.19006432

Who are you quoting friend?

>> No.19006571

Thank you anon, I'm not sure if it was watching this for 3 minutes or having 2 beers to form a spiritual connection with ZUN, but I finally managed to capture the spellcard. Hopefully it'll be much easier to get it to a consistent level now that I'm past the initial hurdle.

>> No.19006667

>having 2 beers to form a spiritual connection with ZUN
That would have taken 20.

>> No.19006729
File: 128 KB, 657x363, B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking excessive amounts of beer, doing beer geek shit and brewing my own, so yo could say I'm attuned with him already and the two were just to refresh the bond. I think I might be enjoying touhou so much because all the cast are drunkards.

>> No.19006858


>>19004779 here, I forgot to add in practicing meek, books, vine, chaotic dance, meiling's last spell, sakuya 2nd non in stage 5 (as well as 1st but not really imo.), and vi as well, and sakuya s6 non kunais for macros and cool and flashy looking micros. I assume you know how to use spoileral and everything, so here's the better eosd ssg: https://mega.nz/#!VpgDmJ6b!ngT7URcYoiTyENCW0conEpclRmr0CLVUZrWm33r6_jI

You very likely didn't tell him a single pattern that would help him practice dodging random bullets even though you likely had clear knowledge of how to help him get better.

>> No.19006921

But HRtP isn't a bullet hell, even with bullets there to dodge now and then.

>> No.19006938

Yeah I know, sorry. I was just trying to make a point it easy on normal.

>> No.19009746

so how comes this is the gameplay thread, yet the one in /vg/ - Vigeo Games Generals is mostly secondary shit?

>> No.19009800

because this board is less shitty than /vg/

>> No.19010021

Is it actually a question as to why a /vg/ thread is shit?

>> No.19012620

Treat this thing right here as the gameplay thread and the thing on /vg/ as the "gameplay" chatroom.

>> No.19012799

I love you. thanks you my friend.

>> No.19013005

Because that's a touhou general and this is a touhou gameplay thread. The rest of /jp/ is available for secondary shit, waifu bullshit and discussion of the non-vidya parts of the series.

>> No.19013114

I thought the rest of /jp/ was for idols.

>> No.19013128
File: 875 KB, 1240x1309, 1459990859309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu A is so weak.....
It's like a pacifist run whenever she's used.

>> No.19013625


>> No.19013630

I said available, as in you can make any thread for that stuff on /jp/, and a lot of folks do. The point is that /vg/ has one thread for everything touhou, and /jp/ has one thread for everything gameplay, and you make threads for anything else.

>> No.19013647

She was so great in EOSD but in PCB god, sakuya A replaced her for me.

>> No.19013870

Yeah Sakuya A's considered the best in PCB for new players. Think most super players use Reimu B though. At least, Needle Reimu is the choice in the other games.

>> No.19013993

Toss up between ReimuB and SakuyaB for scoring. WR is the latter.
I don't know why there's so many more ReimuB LNNNs than SakuyaB though. To me, it feels like SakuyaB has way more utility and has a much easier time dealing with s6 spam while losing only a bit of dps. But then again I'm only playing at high miss LNB level so maybe there's something I'm not seeing.

>> No.19014379
File: 505 KB, 640x480, sakuyab pcb normal 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a terrible run to be honest, but at least now I've 1cced Normal PCB with all shots. It's only as easy as you make it.

>> No.19015406

Any new shooting fangames worth playing?

>> No.19015457

Unless it's Mystical Power Plant 2 then probably not.

>> No.19015483

Touhou ルナイン3 looks fun.

>> No.19015579
File: 520 KB, 640x480, Base Profile Screenshot 2018.05.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd photo game when?

>> No.19015595
File: 58 KB, 340x380, A72F3973-34CA-44E5-8F04-7DD0DEDC58AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes a shmup difficult in your opinion?

>> No.19015847

Probably because of Sakuya's awful focus speed, which is why Reimu shots are better and that goes for ReimuA as well. I don't know what anon is talking about, other than DDC SakuyaA, she is always trash.

>> No.19015989

>other than DDC SakuyaA, she is always trash.
But that's wrong.
For low level survival, PCB SakuyaA is stupid easy with 4 bombs per life and homing that actually does damage unlike ReimuA.
For high level survival, PCB SakuyaB has the advantages of spread making stages 3 and 5 easier and having the easiest s6 spam over ReimuB's higher damage and more precise movement. While ReimuB does have a lot more LNNNs than SakuyaB, she's still number 2.
For scoring, SakuyaB in both PCB and DDC hold the WR.
PoFV Sakuya is about mid tier.
IN Sakuya solo is trash though I'll give you that.

>> No.19016022

The only shottype that has enough things to overweight her focus speed is DDC A. SakuyaB comes up close but that's about it, every PCB shot is good anyways.
Also PoFV Sakuya is trash tier, story mode of course.

>> No.19016052

Nah, I can't in all honesty take your argument seriously. Her moderate increase in focus speed isn't enough to overshadow her advantages, plus her WRs are fact, not opinions.
What level do you play at, anon? I'm wondering if it's just a lack of experience in movement control or if you genuinely think these things after a long time of play.

>> No.19016058

How hard are the scene games like STB or ISC compared to the main games?

>> No.19016293

I think your unfocus and focus speed being so close together is not acceptable at all, Sakuya practically has no focus mode.
I have some lunatic 1ccs but I consider myself hard mode tier.

>> No.19016335


>> No.19016676

Does anyone have any tips for MarisaA in DDC? It's the only shot that I can't 1cc normal with, I'm struggling with Benben and Seija's non spell cards especially but everything just seems to last forever.

>> No.19016806

You have a problem with MarisaA but you cleared the game with SakuyaB?

>> No.19017006

I'm having much trouble in Clownpiece's Hellfire "Graze Inferno" and I don't think I'll be able to get out of this. Do you guys have any tips for dealing with this spell?

>> No.19017036
File: 157 KB, 640x480, HSoB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trial version of 東方真珠島 ~ Hollow Song of Birds just got released.

>> No.19018087

Don't know much about ISC since I haven't played it but I'd say the last levels of STB are more or less comparable to some lunatic spellcards.

>> No.19018226

Orange no shot no bomb is the only true way to play this game.

>> No.19019532

Here's a list of the best songs from every stage and boss.

Stage 1: The Dark Blowhole
Boss 1: Crystallized Silver
Stage 2: Road of the Apotropaic God ~ Dark Road
Boss 2: Diao Ye Zong (Withered Leaf)
Stage 3: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
Boss 3: Rigid Paradise
Stage 4: The Frozen Eternal Capital
Boss 4: The Magic Straw-Hat Jizo
Stage 5: Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
Boss 5: Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?
Final Stage: Ultimate Truth
Final Boss: Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
Extra Stage: Alice in Wonderland
Extra Boss: Reach the Moon, Immortal Smoke

This is canonical.

>> No.19019581

Ultimate truth sucks. Fires of Hokkai is better.

>> No.19019602

2/14 see me after class.

>> No.19019604

Not everyone loves drums or 10 seconds of nothing but heartbeat sounds, Raiko.

>> No.19019634

nice list anon, but can you defeat mine?

Stage 1: Paradise ~ Deep Mountain
Boss 1: A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander
Stage 2: Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird
Boss 2: Green Eyed Jealousy
Stage 3: Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World
Boss 3: Eternal Spring Dream
Stage 4: Illusionary White Traveler
Boss 4: The Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain
Stage 5: Lullaby of Deserted Hell
Boss 5: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Final Stage: The Sea Where One's Home Planet Reflects
Final Boss: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
Extra Stage: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls
Extra Boss: Reach the Moon, Immortal Smoke
CD Song: Greenwich in the Sky

>> No.19019685

>CD Song: Greenwich in the Sky
Anything but Satellite TORIFUNE and/or Trojan Asteroid Jungle is objectively incorrect and you know it.

>> No.19019754

But the best CD Song is Trojan Asteroid Jungle.
If we're adding other things, then I might as well add these to the original list.

Title Theme: A Shadow in the Blue Sky
Ending Theme: The Flower Like The Fantasy
Credits Theme: Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream...

>> No.19019774

Why are you faggots posting it here when there's a thread for it right here.


>> No.19019777

Because I love you, anon.

>> No.19019801

Rigid paradise is a nice theme i`ll give you that

Here`s what i came up with
Stage 1: Mist Lake
Boss 1: Apparitions stalk the night
Stage 2: The Bridge People No Longer Cross
Boss 2: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever
Stage 3: The Mysterious Shrine Maiden Flying Through Space
Boss 3: Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17
Stage 4: Interdimensional voyage of a ghostly passenger ship
Boss 4: Old Yuanxian
Stage 5: Provincial Makai City Esoteria
Boss 5: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Final Stage: The Exaggerated Castle Keep
Final Boss: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
Extra Stage: A World of Nightmares Never Seen Before
Extra Boss: Hartmann's Youkai Girl

>> No.19019891
File: 475 KB, 500x625, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touhou_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__06354ec1a4cb67f8734f18248dfa8253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i`d rather place Futatsuiwa from Sado for extra boss instead of Koishi one

>> No.19019898

I'm quite partial to the rather dark-sounding themes of the first 3 stages of LoLK.

>> No.19019944

LoLK has probably the best ost overall, in my opinion.
The only real weak point is Sagume's theme.

>> No.19019959

unironically very good taste, but

stage 1: Night Sakura of Dead Spirits
boss 1: A Tiny Tiny Clever Commander
stage 3: The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
boss 4: Old Yuanxian
boss 6: Lunatic Princess
stage extra: Last Remote

very nice, EoSD extra stage theme is one of the good ones.

though desu best final boss theme is the hardest to pick, they're all "close but no cigar". I might as well choose any of them except DDC's.

>> No.19020324
File: 450 KB, 633x479, th8clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just now got my second hard 1cc this week (first was MoF the other day), think i'm making good progress

want to try PCB next but yuyuko was always hard as hell for me, even on normal

>> No.19020420


I had a fluke run with SakuyaB where I didn't die until Seija's penultimate spellcard I can normally beat Yasuhashi with 2 bombs. I can't do any of Benben's spells without bombing in a 1cc run.

>> No.19020559

Not bad. Here is mine:

Stage 1: A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky
Boss 1: Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect
Stage 2: The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moonlight
Boss 2: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever
Stage 3: Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea
Boss 3: Plain Asia
Stage 4: Voile, the Magic Library
Boss 4: Old Yuanxian
Stage 5: Faraway Voyage of 380,000 Kilometers
Boss 5: Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer!
Stage 6: Cemetery of Onbashira ~ Grave of Being
Boss 6: The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
Extra Stage: Extend Ash ~ Person of Hourai
Extra Boss: Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke

Note that Fate of Sixty Years is by far my favorite final boss theme; didn't include it since this is for the regular, six (seven with extra) stage games.

>> No.19020838

What kind of shit taste is this

>> No.19020887

Stage 1 : UFO
Stage 1 boss : LoLK
Stage 2 : MoF
Stage 2 boss : IN
Stage 3 : IN
Stage 3 boss : HSiFS
Stage 4 : IN
Stage 4 boss : IN (Reimu)
Stage 5 : SA
Stage 5 boss : HSiFS
Stage 6 : PCB
Stage 6 boss : HSiFS
Extra stage : IN
Extra stage boss : UFO

>> No.19021565

ah this easy mode on TH09 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
almost lose it :D 8 years of no playing :D but i manage it :D with last life :D
maybe tomorow i complete easy mode without lose life :D
Cheer me up :)

>> No.19022034 [DELETED] 

please die so you can never post here ever again

>> No.19022069 [DELETED] 

i'm happy, someone still love me :D

>> No.19022070

Please learn english and or age 10 years before ever posting here again.

>> No.19022207

Well, bomb chesse it then. I mean DDC literally showers you with resources and even with bombed Benben you should clear it with no problem.

>> No.19022571

How good is mystia in PoFV compared to the others? I just 1cc it with her on lunatic but the last stage was a fucking massacre

>> No.19023083

Mystia is fairly trash in multiplayer due to multiple issues, but for solo play, unless you're playing as Aya or Medicine, it really just comes down to who you feel most comfortable playing as since the AI is on a death timer anyway. A personally think that Mystia's scope, movement, and level 1 are all complete trash, but to each their own.

>> No.19023126

So have we really talked about this much yet? I dislike ido's older work, but I feel like he makes some top notch things when working with raichu. And having just played a good amount of this, it feels like it could be on par with BoSM. The resource system feels very exploitable, but the danmaku is fun and decently challenging so it still feels worthwhile. It's kind of running into the issue that ido's older works ran into, where certain sections feel like they go on far too long, and certain boss patterns have too much health while others have too little, but at the same time it's not as bad here as it was in, say, MPP. Difficulty curve in general could use some fine tuning, but it's nothing too bad.
Orange probably needs a nerf, especially since it can completely destroy certain patterns on higher difficulties. I'd hate to see it get hit too hard, though, since it's by far the most fun color of the bunch, and frankly is an ingenious idea for a shot type.

>> No.19023604

I'm probably just going to play 11 regardless.

>> No.19023835

I'm just trying to finish all characters on lunatic, already did some of them and though mystia would be good since I'm trying to left the OP characters like Reimu and Marisa for last. Her scope seems pretty good actually, but her speed both focused and unfocused feels like fucking Aya on drugs and her level 1 attack is pretty much trash-
In the end, took me 2 runs to do it 1cc, Eiki just decided to shit carrots over me due rack being so high when I reached the last stage

>> No.19024394

Finally got my first normal 1cc of UFO as SanaeA, but I did wreck Byakuren through eternal continue cycle once and had other close runs including losing at the last spell. Could've played better because I died on easier Byakuren's spells like second non and Devil Recitation. I don't like how you have to pretty much perfect the first three stages, or otherwise you'll run out of resources later. The music is top-tier though.

>> No.19024400

Is there somewhere a table of all stage deathtimers?

>> No.19024549

wtf is wrong with shining shooting star?

why is reimu showing dat belly when she's supposed to be chaste?

>> No.19024789

Reimu isn't chaste.

>> No.19026717

>when she's supposed to be chaste?

>> No.19027264

Shrine Maiden.

Showing belly isn't being unchaste. Only deviant people would have a tum fetish.

>> No.19027431

>you have to pretty much perfect the first three stages, or otherwise you'll run out of resources later
I wouldn't say this is the case, it's just the game is stressfully difficult, with Shou being the worst offender because of how annoying her lasers are. With enough practice you can totally afford a few fuckups in the early stages, however.

>> No.19027817

If I can tune my brain not to look onto lasers' attempts to distract you, then I can dodge them with no much problem. However, I don't know how to do her green laser spell without bombing once, and last spell is too troublesome to capture indeed.
Of course you can spare not getting that x2 red UFO once, but losing a life will bite you in the ass on later stages.
Though maybe it's okay to die a bit on stage 4, as you can max out your lives at that point.

>> No.19028405

why does the dev insist on using such a shitty file host?

>> No.19028440

Let's see.

>> No.19028746

Jesus. That's such an amazing demo.

When does this come out?

>> No.19029432
File: 457 KB, 1282x961, NBNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew. That got scary. Some really stupid deaths but some nice caps too.

>> No.19029703
File: 1.45 MB, 1275x956, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's Normal 1cc with every shot type, I captured Benben and Seija's final spellcards but I still struggle with Multiplicative Head. MarisaA has been the most frustrating shot for me to clear with so far except for TD Sanae and I don't really understand why.

>> No.19029981
File: 528 KB, 900x800, Yuyuko (2364).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anons!

>> No.19030416

shimmys knife survival is pure bullshit, the hitbox doesn't even match the graphics except probably Reimu's.

>> No.19030846

Is there any beat better than Starry Sky of Small Desires?

>> No.19031637

It's just memo, dude. The same route will work every time. Marisa's hitbox is big but you're not supposed to go through the kunai anyway so who cares?

>> No.19032810
File: 492 KB, 640x480, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, my first 1cc.
I honestly through it would be harder, I did a lot of stupid mistakes on Youmu.

>> No.19033527

Congratulations anon, now try the extra stage.

>> No.19033897

Congratulations! Youmu is one of harder stage 5 bosses for me, even if PCB gives you more than enough resources. Consider playing EoSD, IN or maybe try out other shots.

>> No.19034408

so how the hell do you go about getting resources in TD? seems like it's only possible to get to 5 lives by the last stage (assuming you dont lose any)

bombs arent as much of a problem but they take a while to get too

>> No.19034430

Did you ever try pressing c?

>> No.19034438

You should be able to get 6 lives (maybe 7 with good trance usage) but yes, TD gives very few resources in exchange for having the easiest pattern difficulty in the series. Not much you can do but practice and minimize your mistakes.

>> No.19034448

I understand trance gives you a boost but you dont really get it often enough to make a big difference

anyways you're right, it's not a hard game. I was just curious if there's something I'm missing

>> No.19034800


scenes that require 10 pictures are usually endurance-sided from my experience, but holy shit the last 5 pictures were absolute hell to dodge.

>> No.19035043
File: 449 KB, 740x700, HSoBHikariko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine shitposting and tweeting harder than Hatate

>> No.19035174

You're not using the full extent of the camera's range so you're taking a lot of pointless defensive shots. I guess it's a bit too late for that tip though.

>> No.19035397

speed killing and chaining kills helps a lot to build up trance, same for shooting really near the enemy as it drops gray spirits after certain amount of damage which is very useful against bosses

>> No.19035613
File: 43 KB, 404x475, sadkura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm ever going to figure out how to play eosd stage 5.

>> No.19036968

What difficulty? In any case, you can easily do it by going to the top of the screen and tapping, if you look up a couple of videos.

>> No.19037399

There is this guy that has been streaming TD everyday a bit, you might learn something from them

>> No.19037413
File: 113 KB, 1200x1000, 6f3a7a0bf7de763d0b00e12090271d12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first hard mode 1cc yesterday. (MoF Reimu B)

Mai has the best theme.

>> No.19037844

You know the fairies that come from top in pairs and fire in all directions, like the first pair at the beginning? The shots are aimed at you, you must stay still as they fire (else the pattern gets messy) and then move a little bit to the side. All the bullets will fly right past you. Do you have problems with other parts?

>> No.19038479

Stay in the centre, wait until fairies fire, then dodge a bit to the side.
For that triple fairy waves do the same, but instead wait for the second wave and dodge actively.
For Sakuya's first non I usually try to squeeze between knife wall and red kunais at the bottom of the screen, then go up and do it again.
Her second spell is literally "Misdirection", move a bit into direction opposite to Sakuya's until the kunais line up into a wall and should be easy enough to dodge everything.
The longer you do her spells, the less time you'll have to dodge semirandom danmaku spam, though on Normal it should be bearable.

>> No.19038686

Hatate sorta feels like cheating in DS. You do unlock her after you beat the game, but the reduced range and size on her snaps are far overshadowed from how quickly she charges.

>> No.19038714

Have fun with Hatate 10-4.

>> No.19040297
File: 513 KB, 640x480, th003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunatic SanaeA 2.391b

>> No.19042191

it's easy

>> No.19042321

do a fun little stream doing it 3 caps in a row

>> No.19042393
File: 28 KB, 960x388, 1502674500756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how the fuck is PoFV even possible?
For like two minutes straight it will be easy going, then all of a sudden the bullets are flying at mach speed and the enemy is spamming boss attacks despite that being impossible, as well as waves and waves of lower-level spell attacks, and don't get me started on Lilly White.
I can't even get a Normal 1cc on this because as soon as stage 6 rolls around, I lose at least one life per stage, and Shiki drains me of all three remaining lives right at the end by never ever getting hit on her side of the screen, with nothing I can do to change that fact.
I've beaten all of the Windows extra stages and have a handful of Hard 1ccs in the other games, but PoFV has never gotten easier.

>> No.19042407

Most of the stages have at least one point (usually right before the boss) where a bunch of fairies with big health pools come in in waves, and they all drop resources. This is when you want to plan to pop your Trance meter. First of all it allows you to actually kill all of them, and second of all it of course increases the amount of resources you get from them after the fact.

>> No.19042415

There is nothing suggesting that shrine maidens need to be chaste in gensokyo. In fact, there is much evidence to the contrary.

>> No.19042462

Dodge better and use lots of level 2s.
That's about it really. Good luck.

>> No.19042470

Spam level 2 bombs. Duh.

>> No.19042534

Stage 1: Unforgettable, the Nostalgic Greenery
Boss 1: A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander
Stage 2: Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird
Boss 2: September Pumpkin
Stage 3: Romantic Children
Boss 3: Plain Asia
Stage 4: Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night
Boss 4: Old Yuanshen
Stage 5: Faraway Voyage of 380,000 Kilometers
Boss 5: Reverse Ideology
Final Stage: Voyager 1969
Final Boss: Concealed Four Seasons
Extra Stage: Thunderclouds of Magical Power
Extra Boss: Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons

Shoutout to Illusionary White Traveller, I really hate that I had to pick between it and Retribution for stage 4 theme.

>> No.19042545

I only ever see that as the advice, but have never really felt lvl2 spam make any difference, aside from of course getting me out of tough spots. But then I get screwed when I need 3 bombs in a row, but am short one because I was afraid of sitting at lvl4 and "wasting" resource.

I think I'm just going to give up PoFV forever.

>> No.19042894

Is there a way to get my ps4 controller to work on my computer for 2hu games?

>> No.19043803


>> No.19043961

Why would he do it 3 times in a row when you only need to do it once?

>> No.19043995

>I've beaten all of the Windows extra stages and have a handful of Hard 1ccs in the other games, but PoFV has never gotten easier.
I guess somebody should have worked more in his funds rather than just memo'ing everything!

>> No.19044131

My biggest trugle is not to get bored with early game(trying to focus on it and don't lose lifes)

>> No.19044844

I've done it as every 2hu and it does get a lot easier once you learn its mechanics and how to abuse them. There is always some element of randomness, yes, but you'll adapt to overcome it.
Just try to not die somewhere on stage 6-8, and though first Shiki fight is literally impossible on all but two (?) shots, you should be able to beat her on your next attempts. In 4th round she definitely has a really low timer, and if you still can't survive 2 mins there, then you're just bad.

I do hope you're not pressing X instead of charging your level 2 or 4s, which allows you to conserve so much spellcharge that you can get a level 2 right after casting it in danmaku-heavy area.

>> No.19045278
File: 419 KB, 598x598, 1525660129103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like how the fuck is PoFV even possible?
You just have to have a high LUK stat, which all the people that pretend PoFV is good or takes any skill do.

>> No.19045410

I beat it on every shot on loony and can beat it on any shot again in a credit or two. I sure am super lucky, huh?

>> No.19045504


>> No.19045535

I mean usually when you flip a coin and it comes up heads 10 times in a row you would start thinking that maybe it's not as random as you first thought it was but hey you do you.

>> No.19045930

n i g g e r

>> No.19046140

c h i n k

>> No.19047487 [DELETED] 

hey guys how do I be a cool touhou supperplayer like dxk??? He's so cool I'm his biggest fan and I wanna be just like him!!!!

>> No.19047920

Is Forbidden Fruit any good?

>> No.19048482

No, except for Aki Sisters

>> No.19048766

I've been getting an issue in EoSD where sometimes I get what feels like an fps drop, but the fps counter remains at 60fps and everything seems to continue moving at the right speed, it's just choppy. Anyone know what might be causing this?

>> No.19049527

OS? CPU colligation? I doubt it's that, but those are go-to's for old games, so maybe. Alternatively, maybe your hardware is too weak? again, I doubt it Do you run many programmes in the background? You may not have enough RAM or processing power to have them all "supplied". Try running the game immedietaly after boot, assuming you haven't any autorun stuff installed, terminate them if you do. IE usually has a kind of autorun feature, look for the "explorer.exe" process in the task manager and end it, it should free up a considerable ammount of processing power. If all comes to naught, reinstall the game, maybe that'll help. If you haven't in a long time, consider reinstalling your operating system, it's a good practice anyway. Those are just basics though good luck on finding the "proper" way to deal with the problem if there's any. Maybe try out the vpatch, I've never used it, but who knows, it may prove useful in your case.

>> No.19049920

Are you using Windows 10?
If you are disable fullscreen optimazations. If it's a laptop try to play while charging.

>> No.19051692

>disable fullscreen optimazations
not that guy but how do you do this (do you mean in game or windows settings?)

been having the same issue as him, i think

>> No.19051865

I've wondered if people, likely the same in threads, who put out low quality bait almost every single thread find it rewarding

>> No.19052319

I've wondered if people, likely the same in threads, who call posts they disagree with "low quality bait" almost every single thread find it rewarding

>> No.19052667

stay bad

>> No.19052817

stay mad

>> No.19053037

Compatibility settings

>> No.19053087

System resource usage is completely fine. I'm using Windows 10 which is probably why the problem is happening, but I don't know what part specifically.

>Maybe try out the vpatch, I've never used it, but who knows, it may prove useful in your case.
Already using vpatch so that I can play in windowed mode without it being a postage stamp.

Will this make any difference on the game if I'm running it in windowed mode anyway?

>> No.19053775

I don't know. You can also try to change the GPU settings of the specific game into max performance or integrated graphics.

>> No.19054388

I'm actually pretty bad at memo, but spot-dodging in the other games often doesn't come with random complete walls of bullets that are unavoidable.

I never have enough lives to get to 4th round Shiki, it's always the third fight that I game over to. 2 minutes is simple, it's at the 4th minute or so that I guess I just run out of stamina.
I only press x to bomb if it's a split-second necessity-bomb, which happens more than I'm comfortable with, but not more often than like 3-4 times per run.
>which allows you to conserve so much spellcharge that you can get a level 2 right after casting it in danmaku-heavy area
What do you mean you get charge back by clearing more danmaku with the spell?
>it does get a lot easier once you learn its mechanics and how to abuse them
Please teach me, that's what I've tried doing on multiple occasions but people just say that bombspamming wins.
Should I be even trying to kill lvl4 boss summons, or should I ignore them and keep focusing on popping fairies in high-density areas? Is popping fairies in high-density areas even a good thing? It seems to make sense but I had more success with the game years ago when I was a noob by just spamming bullets nonstop, and nobody ever mentions clearing bullets with fairy chains. Does it matter if I pop spirits before or after I immobilize them with the focus mechanic?

>> No.19055457
File: 347 KB, 1056x1504, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for the "explorer.exe" process in the task manager and end it, it should free up a considerable ammount of processing power

>> No.19056037

Spell: junko's final, ringo's 2nd, yatsuhashi's final, okina's spring final
Non: sagume's 2nd, ichirin's midboss/final
Stage portion: lolk s4 laser yinyangs

>> No.19056188

it's easy to do this, i could easily do it. the question is how much will you pay me?

>> No.19056193

you could try to kill teh bosses if you are using marisa or something. but you should be chaining to summon bosses on the opponents screen instead (every 100k, 300k and 500k spellpoints you summon a boss).
try to time your 100/300/500s right before the opponent reaches it, and if youa re using spells, only use lvl 2s.

>> No.19057599

Not him and I dunno about more modern OSes, but back when I was using XP that totally worked. Open what you needed, close explorer.exe with the Task Manager, then do Windows+R and run it again when you're done.

>> No.19059720

god UFO is a shit game.

>> No.19059878

>god I'm so bad at videogames
You're not going to get any better if you don't go and practice.

>> No.19059995

Favorite spell is cats walk
Favorite nonspell is midboss ichirin
Favorite stage portion is IN stage 1 pre midboss

>> No.19060379

i beat UFO on hard and im never playing it again. its a shit game.

>> No.19060441

Sure you did. Now run along and stop blaming games when it's your lack of skill that's the problem.

>> No.19060846

How good do you have to be before you're allowed to dislike UFO? It feels like the only defense for any complaint raised against the game is "you're only complaining because you're bad".

>> No.19060926

Maybe start complaining about things other than "this game is too hard!", "i wish the game didn't punish me for grabbing the wrong ufo like a retard!", "i can't follow the ufo even though its trajectory is more predictable than my bait!"

>> No.19060932

LNB I guess, I managed normal 1cc on Reimu and Sanae and I'm fucking done, the game is frustratingly hard and I don't intend to touch anymore untl I clear hard in all games except for LoLK and maybe SA.

>> No.19060985

Does "losing 1.00 power per death makes it too easy to snowball mistakes on a boss fight and get stuck with low power so my LNB attempts keep dying at Shou" fall under the first category? That's my only real complaint with the game.

Shit, guess I'm not good enough to complain yet.

>> No.19061103

The game is too dependent on RNG for patterns.

>> No.19061221


Working on my third 1cc right now Reimu B EoSD. I get so close half the time but I always wind up losing a ton of lives at the very end for no reason. Reimu's ass is too fat that's why her hitbox is so big. She needs to lose weight!

>> No.19061967

thats a compliment, i wish i was azn

>> No.19064099

That's because "lol u slaty" is the only argument ufofags can ever come up with.

>> No.19065168

see >>19060926

>> No.19065272
File: 264 KB, 500x500, 1453872450118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always wind up losing a ton of lives at the very end for no reason

>> No.19065332

That post you linked is literally "git gud"

>> No.19065483
File: 326 KB, 1280x960, bargain bin LNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah. I actually did it. Not that it's worth anything but still.

>> No.19065785

Is there a problem?

>> No.19066429

see >>19064099

>> No.19066566

That post you linked is literally "i can't git gud so the gaem is bad"

>> No.19066600

It literally isn't. Good display of how ufofags are tho, they only can resort to deflecting and shitposting to defend their shit game, very fitting.

>> No.19066727

It literally is, as it is your response to being told to git gud. Good display of how anti-UFOfags are tho, they can only resort to strawmanning and shitposting to attack the game that's too hard for them, very fitting.

>> No.19067197

Deflecting is for the incapable.

>> No.19067297

I was capable of beating the game :^)

>> No.19067306
File: 615 KB, 640x480, th010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am incapable of remembering to attach pictures to my posts though.

>> No.19067347

Well that's nice for you, but you didn't do much to disprove >>19064099 or >>19060846.
There is something more to be considered about the git gud argument, why would someone get better at a what it seems to be a bad game in their eyes? Like hey, sonic 06 seems like objective shit, better get WR in it.

>> No.19067360
File: 33 KB, 256x384, 1464894091070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game literally showers you with resources. Even if you miss like half of the UFO's it is still possible to bomb cheese it. Or completely ignore them since no UFO runs are possible. So unless you're losing like 5 lives at Shou I have no idea why would you have problems with UFO..

>> No.19067445

Because most of the arguments against it stem from a place of lack of skill. Sonic 06's fucked up physics aren't a design feature meant to provide a fun challenge to the player; the timer for the UFO changing color is.

One of the biggest complaints about UFO is "hurr the ufos are mean i wish i didn't have to put any effort into getting resources :(" so you tell me.

>> No.19067776 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 633x356, Monkey-typing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I play touhou for score

>> No.19067866

Chimps represent.

>> No.19067956

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19068022

Implying you're not meant to play for score.

Why do you think score gives you lives, anon?

>> No.19069196

I'm betting 90% of ppl here hates ufo only because ZM likes it

>> No.19069448

UFO resource system is still better than DDCs. It's actually flexible (want bombs? get those greens. want score? get those blues) and helpful with its screen clear. Meanwhile in DDC you have to dive for PoC and risk your life to get 1/15 of life or 1/3 in rare cases, which is worse than TD as usually you have trance to both x2 the gains from dedicated resource drop fairies and it gives you temporary invincibility (which gives you less resources in total run, but still).

>> No.19070188

Just create safer routes or bomb when there's a lot of items on screen. DDC scoring is held back by the bomb spam.

>> No.19071486
File: 575 KB, 640x480, Base Profile Screenshot 2018.05.21 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shikieiki can suck my fucking cock. this shit is 10 times harder than Seamless Ceiling. I can't even get past the 3rd pattern

>> No.19071582

I'd put money it's only certain retired kp-like people

>> No.19071614

Macro it, don't micro it.

>> No.19071868
File: 692 KB, 640x480, th003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at these salty UFO haters, just because you're bad doesn't mean the game is bad. See look, first Lunatic 1cc by me, literally no effort involved.

>> No.19071985

Isn't the WR 800 million higher than your 2.7b, ZM?

>> No.19071993

It must take effort to have a threesome with a chain smoking retard

>> No.19071994

You're much better at the games than you are at making non-obvious bait, so stick to it. You can't shitpost worth a damn.

That's not ZM.

>> No.19072158

I'm not zm bro, also apparently someone got 3.5 UFO???? Woah what a god!!!!!!!!

>> No.19072724 [DELETED] 

It’s obviously ZM’s replay you dumb subhuman monkey.

>> No.19072790 [DELETED] 

Who are you even trying to trick here? Anyone who's in the know can see through it instantly, and anyone who isn't don't give a fuck. Why even bother?

>> No.19072815

kuso thread

>> No.19072866 [DELETED] 

You're the retarded nigger trying to make people think that's your replay. A shame ZM didn't give you a better one since he'd rather post it on twitter for precious twitter likes.

>> No.19072900 [DELETED] 

You're not talking to who you think you're talking to, Einstein. Fuck me for thinking someone who's stupid enough to start shit like this would have the brain cells required to follow a <5 post chain without messing up who's who, I suppose.

>> No.19072907 [DELETED] 

You can pretend all you want, but at the end of the day when you look down at your hands you will realize that you will always be a nigger.

>> No.19073045 [DELETED] 

haha woe Mr edgy did me posting one lunatic 1cc make u lose ur shit this hard?? pathetic!

>> No.19073076 [DELETED] 

nope you dumb nigger

>> No.19073140

I dare everyone in this thread to go outside

>> No.19073235

I feel so lame that I can't even finish IN

>> No.19073242

on easy too mind you

>> No.19073297
File: 1.87 MB, 1180x1521, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_toyosaki_shu__81270decb1cdb5f96306380ef99dfcac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do girls play 2hu? Is there a girl who is very good at it?

>> No.19073559
File: 636 KB, 1200x1846, 1877200fe243a8ec47ca058ea08cdce4419bd704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's enough people on this earth that there's at least one girl who can LNN a touhou game.

>> No.19073666

That first one is a serious problem.

>> No.19073725
File: 17 KB, 228x237, 1434283999569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I not a big fan of Shou's theme.

>> No.19076377

It's the only method they have for dealing with their inability to master certain games, unfortunately.

>> No.19078882

Any way to get this game? The torrent seems to be dead.

>> No.19079158

Nevermind, found it.

>> No.19079815

Tfw the last good touhou game was IN

>> No.19079879

Nice joke, but the last good Touhou game was actually MS.

>> No.19079990 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 517x384, RPReisenS4_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soku is a Touhou game with netplay.

How to set it up?

https://mega.nz/#!Xu5w3ZCA!3qOLthCfKsr7LJh0N5pWS1VcWXcjWQGsRuOPJW4KzjU Ready to play brainlet version of Soku:

1. Drag and drop the contents of the .rar somewhere
2. Find Configex123 which should be located in the 12.3 folder and edit [th105path] part so it links to the location of your 10.5 folder
3 Launch the game
4. Launch Sokuroll

And now you can connect to anyone who has either port forwarded or is in a private network like hamachi or zerotier


>> No.19080127

That's a fangame

>> No.19080200

Nice joke, but the last good Touhou game was HRtP.

Can you fuck off already, Chilean? Nobody gives a shit about HisoutenRNG: Secondary-Enabler Edition. Either shill a relevant game, a good game, or get fucking lost.

>> No.19080328

Funny, I'm pretty sure the last good Touhou game was KiKi KaiKai.

Nice bait.

>> No.19080335

You're all hilarious. There has never been nor will there ever will be a good Touhou game.

>> No.19080394
File: 31 KB, 110x110, reisen-oo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice "bait"
I'm not Chilean and RNG is literally least of the problems of this game.

>> No.19080402

Who even cares about the fighting games? Only secondaries. Same for the lore, even the characters. Who actually gives a shit about the characters?

>> No.19080621

This, we should all be playing Galaga.

>> No.19080707

Has anyone gotten The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil to work with both thcrap and the vsync patch? I followed the instructions on the wiki and it still doesn't work.

>> No.19080829

Stop using botnets.

>> No.19080838

A reminder that PoFV is Touhou netplay for real niggas.

>> No.19080864

Stop using outdated memes

>> No.19081004

A reminder that PoFV is randomized shit for people with no actual 2hu skill.

>> No.19081372

Pure, distilled salt that would make Junko proud.

>> No.19081394

Following in the footsteps of the UFO defense force, I hope you've at least cleared it on all shots on lunatic if you're going to be complaining.

>> No.19081452

Not an argument.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm not a lucky person. So I have to stick to my babby games like SA that someone unlucky like me could beat because they are dependant on skill rather than luck.

>> No.19081491

Post your SA scores and LNBs.

>> No.19081497

Wait, SA isn't full of randomized shit patters? Shiiit man.

>> No.19081553

If you're citing SA as your "skill based game" of choice then I strongly suspect that you're playing on normal, in which case I'm sorry but your opinions are heavily biased by inexperience and carry pretty much no weight.
But hey feel free to prove me wrong. Do post some scores or LNBs if you can.

>> No.19081556

Any 2hu game is a skill based game if you take it far enough.

>> No.19081572

SA has a tough normal but is on the easier side for lunatic survival and isn't particularly hard to score at an okay level. His choice of it as the game to flaunt his "skill" in raised some flags is all.

>> No.19082373

a tough normal of course doesn't really mean anything unless you're a beginner, since everyone else sticks to lunatic.

>> No.19083104

No, in fact its not a very hard game if you route/memo from what I have heard.

>> No.19083287

So what I'm getting from this is that if I pretend to inexplicably shitpost about a good Touhou game, you guys will pay attention to me too?

>> No.19083376

Do whatever you want. That kind of shitposting always boils to "post ur score" and shitposters never post their score so it gets boring pretty fast.

>> No.19083766

That's the point. Up your reading comprehension, anons.

>> No.19083774

Ups, >>19083104 was meant for >>19081497

>> No.19084006

>a good Touhou game
You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.19084939

Right, forgot they don't exist.

>> No.19085703

Play IN

>> No.19085805

