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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 1000x750, Left-handed grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1897681 No.1897681 [Reply] [Original]

I heard somewhere that Japanese children get left-handedness beaten out of them in school, making Japan a country with relatively few left-handed people.

>> No.1897687

And so they should, kids getting into the habit of doing things with their left hand will be fucked later on in life

>> No.1897688

But that's good. People shouldn't use the wrong hand for writing as it'll smear everything and make it look like shit.

>> No.1897690

If that's your argument, shouldn't Japanese kids get RIGHT-handedness beaten out of them?

>> No.1897693


>> No.1897696

Last I checked, Japanese was an LTR language.

>> No.1897699
File: 34 KB, 303x404, kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897701

I had a deranged old woman for a grade school teacher because the school was too poor to hire anyone else. She made me write with my right hand. Fucking bitch.

>> No.1897710

Being left-handed should be considered a mental retardation

>> No.1897713


That's nothing unusual. American schools were still doing that into the '70s, maybe even later in some places. Historically, left-handedness has never been at all popular. The word "sinister" comes from the Latin for "left-handed".

Also, there are never many left-handed people in the first place, less than 10% of the population on average.

>> No.1897714

left handed=weak genes. they should be thankful to not be put for dead.

>> No.1897719

About the same estimated percentage for gays

>> No.1897724

>left handed=weak genes.
[citation needed]

>> No.1897734
File: 45 KB, 351x431, 1231607202548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is intolerant of lefthandedness, because it makes a person stand out, and no one is allowed to stand out without being a genius at something.

>> No.1897829
File: 7 KB, 86x100, 215461909_8ce154256a_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese children get left-handedness beaten out of them

>> No.1897832

should'a thought twice before launching your Leftorium franchise in Tokyo, eh Ned

>> No.1897844

No, you're a disgusting NEET

>> No.1897842

Is being left-handed a moe factor? Cause if that's the case I'm moe.

>> No.1897847
File: 17 KB, 512x384, 1205028743779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ambidextrous, fuck all of you.

>> No.1897877

As a left handed person, I got to say, it's awesome. And when you find another lefty, you feel like you're in some kind of special club. But yeah, my handwritting is horrible (but computer fixed that problem) and my right hand it useless. I can't even use a spoon properly with my right hand. Or fap with it.....

>> No.1897882

I call myself ambidextrous, but it's more like I can use either hand to learn to do something but once I learn to do it with that hand it's fuckin impossible to do it with the other.

>> No.1897892

Now all you need is two dicks.

>> No.1897922
File: 54 KB, 450x600, 450px-Iidx15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897938

Fapping with your left hand is better anyway since you can still use the mouse.

>> No.1897969

I write with my left hand and fap with my right hand. Worst of both worlds.

>> No.1897962

You can use the mouse with your left hand while fapping with your right.

>> No.1898005

That's what I do. I always switch to my right for the grand finale though.

>> No.1898014

I was forced to use my right hand. While my writing isn't that great, it's passable. I also can use my right hand for anything else, although by habit I use my left.

So kinda ambidextrous for me I guess.

>> No.1898038

You can use the mouse with your right foot while fapping with your right hand and anal fingering with your left.

>> No.1898047

I thought left handedness was more common in Japan than other countries.

>> No.1900261


>> No.1900315

I'm ambidextrous when it comes to fapping. I usually go with my left hand so I can still use my right hand for the mouse.

>> No.1902872

I can do everything but fap with my right hand.

Also beating left-handedness out of kids is pretty stupid, you are left handed because of how your brain is wired up, and going against that is highly inefficient, capping your maximum capabilities.

It's unfortunate but it's better just to learn to cope on your own.

>> No.1902890

Some parents used to do that, especially for kids learning 習字.
