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1897073 No.1897073 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking black/white comics.
It was Tenshi all along.

>> No.1897091
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>> No.1897097


Why is she giving up so fast anyways? Maybe she knows she can't beat her on her own playground and is planning something.

>> No.1897102

Is that プッププッ a "shiver" sound?

>> No.1897111
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Yuyuko for the rescue!
You heard it here first!

>> No.1897113

Yeah, she is trembling?

>> No.1897118

Back to pooshlmer, you.

>> No.1897121

Why has she even started that damn things when she is scared of random moonpeople?

>> No.1897123

surely Yukari is just being cunning and acting it out, right? even ZUN can't be that...drunk,right?

>> No.1897127

Really...she has to be faking, even Ran is surprised.

>> No.1897128

Yorihime and Toyohime drank the Elixir.
Also they have peaches defense

>> No.1897131

At least this shit will spam some Yukari vs Eirin doujins

>> No.1897152
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Are you that fucking retarded?
While Moonfags are busy Mooncity was already overrun by 34435343634624364 Mini Suikas

>> No.1897163
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They didn't drink the elixir. If they did, they'd be exiled as well, but
since they are "pure", they are technically immortal and Yuyuko's death wouldn't work on them (or it would make them dead for some milliseconds and defile them after a few tries).
However, afaik Yuyuko is still on the moon, Toyohime and Yukari are in the Bamboo Forest.
It's time for Eirin to show up. She couldn't possible let the chance to meet the princess pass just to keep hiding. They know very well that Kaguya is at least within Gensokyo, or otherwise Eirin wouldn't have sent them the letter.

>> No.1897188

I though the whole purity thing made them not to die of age, not invulnerable to death, that is they can be killed by normal means. But that's just me, maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.1897196

I think Kaguya mentioned that the purity within Eientei prevented falling vases from breaking.

>> No.1897198

eternity hax. Nothing will change

>> No.1897200

Then what's the difference with being "pure" and drinking the hourai elixir, both are immortal isn't it? I don't get it.

>> No.1897203

Moonpeople want to stay pure virgins.
Tentacle monsters from earth are not welcome.

Hourai Elixir makes your soul impure > Exile

>> No.1897206

Any shmuck can steal and drink the hourai elixir (See: Mokou), which is why I'm guessing they don't like it hanging around.

>> No.1897209

Random moonfags are not immortal
impure earth scum would be bad for their lifespan or something along that lines

>> No.1897213

Then why Kaguya drank the elixir, wasn't she immortal already?

>> No.1897220

>The Lunarians (月人, a person from the moon) are the people living on or coming from the moon. They resemble humans in most ways, and are classified as human in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense. Lunarians naturally live much longer lives though, and are even said to live forever. They possess some of the most advanced technology that there is and are supposedly, according to Kaguya, the originators of magic.

>> No.1897218

Aren't you impure for just thinking about stealing it or drinking it?

>> No.1897228

She drank the elixir "out of curiosity".

Now that I think of it:
The Lunarians are not "pure" by themselves.
They are just humans and spawn impurity with every of their actions.
They use the udonge trees that feed on their impurity to gain long lifestspans.
They do eventually because of the little impurity that affects them before being fed to the trees.
A Lunarian becomes (more) vulnerable if you defile them.

The purity doesn't seem to work for the rabbits.

>> No.1897267

>the originators of magic.


>> No.1897265

she's splitting her boobs with her arms. It's kind of weird to look at.

>> No.1897271


>> No.1897276


>> No.1897282
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>It allows her to act in periods of time so short as to be imperceptible to human beings

>Since these periods are just aggregates of moments in time, they pass normally, but they are far too small to be perceived by normal people.

>It's said she can manipulate parallel timelines by using these moments.

>As both of these abilities allow the manipulation of time, they far surpass what normal humans are capable of.

Useless Lunar Princess only good for her sex appeal

>> No.1897296

Well, I'm still not sure about that lunarians being immortal. In fact, the common consensus is that they are not. The wiki says Kaguya drank the elixir and became immortal, which implies she wasn't before (of course this is not official). When Yuyuko tried to kill Eirin, she didn't reply with something like "You can't kill me because I'm immortal" and instead she talked about using medicine, why would she use medicine if she is (supposedly) immortal?

>> No.1897301
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>> No.1897305


>> No.1897307

Lunar robos

>> No.1897319

So... lunarians are elves?

>> No.1897342
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Okay guys...

Eirin told moonbitches about Yukaris plan
Eirin did nothing to stop lolrocket. She even added some charms to make sure it will work.
Yorihime is busy fighting team jobber
Toyohime is busy talking to Yukari
Changes prison is protected by some useless bunnies

>> No.1897347

Sort of. Japanese elves?

>> No.1897350

No sexy ears

>> No.1897361
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They have sexy pets though.

>> No.1897367

a god is added?

>> No.1897376

Eirin rescue Change > Change is actually Mima > good end

>> No.1897415

Mima dies dramatically in the process of saving the other Touhous. Marisa goes berserk and blows up the moon(if you can't kill the lunarians, you can destroy their home).

>> No.1897431


>> No.1897437
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Yorihime is a cool guy defeating earthlings and not afraid of anything

>> No.1897446


>> No.1897448

Keep dreaming,bro

Eirin will win

>> No.1897456

I know the ins and outs of medicine.
In exchange, poisons and drugs won't work on me.
Trying to poison me is futile.

As if she defeats the poison with knowledge

>> No.1897468

torrent to IN please?

I feel the urge to shoot moonbitches

>> No.1897475


>> No.1897488

Doesn't sound too far fetched, knowing the kind of stuff that happens in touhou...anyways.

>The moon was completely without impurity. As a result, those who had moved to the moon forsook any lifespan. That they had no lifespan meant they were neither alive nor dead. In that sense, the moon may be a Pure Land without impurity, that is to say, the same as the world after death.

>Of course, since the lunar citizens and the moon rabbits aren't immortal, they can die in, for example, accidents or battles. Still, even the citizens of the lunar capital bear just the faintest trace of impurity. Even we may be fated to live out our lives and die some day.

So that settles it I think.

>> No.1897499
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>> No.1897592

What's "kaei.rar" on masterspark.net?

>> No.1898508
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Oh god Reisen II is moe

>> No.1898522

Ran could at least slaughter her in a fit of rage after her master got defeated However this is ZUN so that's entirely impossible.

>> No.1898534


Reimu got her Shrine Maiden powers sealed
Yukari is too scared to fight back


>> No.1898550

From what i get with my feeble wizard powers...
Yukari is scared since Toyohime was the one who defeated her in the past

>> No.1898551
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u no raik mai stori?

>> No.1898555


>> No.1898572
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>> No.1898586

Oh look, Moonbitch is sending her subordinate to execute the prisoner.

>> No.1898615

Eirin > Toyohime > Yorihime > Kaguya > Reisen > Reisen II > Yuyuko > Suika = Yuugi > random Lunarfags > Yukari


>> No.1898627
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If you honestly think Yukari actually lost you are an idort. Yukari is planning some crazy shit. This entire thing happening is her fault to begin with and her 'losing' is only her way or trolling the moon bitches some more.

Ran and Yukari are going to fuck up the moon.

>> No.1898633

guess i'll have to read more doujins

>> No.1898642

Yukaris plan got leaked by Eirin, BAD END

>> No.1898652

Yukari is trolling. Rape is imminent.

>> No.1898670


Path to Lunar Capital is closes. Se cannot win her treasure hunt.
Also she already said she is no match for Mega sue

>> No.1898673


Path to Lunar Capital is closed. She cannot win her treasure hunt.
Also she already said she is no match for Mega sue

>> No.1898690

I cried a little

>> No.1898718

Not so hax after all... ?

>> No.1898729


Moonbitch walked over, Yukari trembled in fear

>> No.1898756
File: 375 KB, 1147x1060, 1231621179464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi has been around a lot longer than we think.

>> No.1898761

We already discussed this last year

>> No.1898776

That's one of the 3 fairies, you idiot.

>> No.1898777


her hair and bow do not show in that picture, they should if that were Tenshi.

>> No.1898780

What god of the month was it this time?

>> No.1898789

Alice and Medicine look friendly in the picture.
I thought they didn't like each other.

>> No.1898799


Useless little omnipotent lovecraftian horror, only good for her sex appeal.

>> No.1898800

>Kaguya and Mokou look friendly in the picture.
I thought they didn't like each other.

>> No.1898809

Actually, Mokou's drinking tea(?) and looking snobbish.

>> No.1898814

Miko Sugata no Kami, I think.

>> No.1898811


Well, their hate of each other must die down eventually, they can't keep this killing cycle forever.

>> No.1898818

actually they can.

>> No.1898820


it is not tea, it is in a glass. It is probably wine since champagne is clear. In this picture you can see many alchoholic drinks in the bottles. Either that or Youkai don't like getting drunk and are drinking sparkling sodas.

>> No.1898824

And this is...

>> No.1898833

You're probably right. I just assumed it was tea because that's all Remilia ever drinks.

Also, Mokou secretly just wants Kaguya to be her mommy.

>> No.1898834

Why is there still no Yorihime vs Yugi doujin?

>> No.1898836

No idea. She must be a shrine maiden deity, so that's how Reimu got her powers sealed.

>> No.1898851

thats cheating...

>> No.1898872
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>> No.1898952

The moonbitches being hax isn't the problem the passing, plot and art is (i like her but god she can't do fucking action for shit).

I find it cool that the bad gays are over powered makes for more drama.
