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18953469 No.18953469 [Reply] [Original]

who would win...?

>> No.18953501
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/jp/... I don't feel so good.

>> No.18953544

Probably Reimu.

But that's because Reimu isn't exactly threatening any innocents or being evil. I don't think Goku could fight at his full potential unless he has to save the world or avenge Krillin being killed again. If he did, then Goku wins.

Motives play an important part here. Gap team potential is also another factor.

>> No.18953554

Goku will go all out if he thinks it will be a good fight, or they show him they are his equal, but can Reimu even hold out long enough to face true Goku?

>> No.18953569

Reimu has the ability to phase out being untouchable, discussing powerlevels with Touhou is retarded and that's why we have danmaku and there are spellcard rules. Sage.

>> No.18953596

I don't really think Goku would use his most powerful abilities like the spirit bomb against Reimu for just a good fight. Would he really go through all the super saiyan transformations just for a good fight?

>>18953569 is right though, Reimu could just phase out of reality in her most powerful spells.

If we consider spellcard rules, would Goku be able to perform danmaku proficiently enough to beat Reimu?

>> No.18953600

Goku practically revives villains just to fight them at their strongest.

>> No.18953612

Would Goku punch a cute girl though?

Even if he would, COULD he? Reimu doesn't even need to dodge, she can phase out. And if "at her strongest" includes having Yukari aid her, it would be even harder for him. How would he even manage to hurt Reimu?

I think this would force Goku to use spellcard rules. And even if he tries his hardest, I question his ability to outdodge and graze Reimu.

>> No.18953613

>Would he really go through all the super saiyan transformations just for a good fight?

he has done it plenty in DBS, so yes he would

>> No.18953624

reimu cant even destroy a planet

>> No.18953628
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Goku because he would simply planet buster Gensokyo away. Discussing powerlevels is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.18953635

There's no way Goku would kill everyone in Gensokyo just to beat Reimu.

>> No.18953695

Goku could just take the money back if she disappeared. She would be mad enough to face him 1v1

>> No.18953723

If there's something more childish and dumb than discussing power levels inside a series, it's discussing powerlevels mixing different franchises.

>> No.18953744

But could Yukari beat One-punch man????

>> No.18953747

>Would Goku punch a cute girl though?
Goku has never given a shit about that. Even in Super he had absolutely no problem with blasting a cute girl in the face at point blank.

>> No.18953820

he certainly would, he fought a female saiyan in super and blasted the shit out of her point blank to beat her

>> No.18953833

Could Ultra Instinct beat every spellcard?

>> No.18953869

His final form basically maxes out his evasion and gives nigh-precog so he could probably dodge any spellcard

>> No.18953893

danmaku isnt very fast to begin with lol

>> No.18953906

murcurius beats them both
kuso thread

>> No.18953933

But could Goku tank a hit? Most attacks in DB don’t go fast, but everyone seems to prefer to block them instead of dodging. Would any ki hit kill Reimu, like danmaku? Which attack is stronger?

>> No.18954021

>fantasy heaven
Yukari vs Goku would be even easier.
The real question is Goku vs Yama.

>> No.18954037

And the kuso thread award goeesss toooo....

>> No.18954061

What sin has Goku committed?

>> No.18954131

Disturbing the peace (Starting shit for no reason)

>> No.18954186

That’s his job, though.

>> No.18954272

goku can definitely tank a hit. reimu wouldnt be able to tank a serious ki blast though

>> No.18954306

Then Yama will have a busy time

>> No.18954310

She won't need to. She'll just fantasy heaven and crush him.

>> No.18954353

reimu will miss though, she isnt fast enough to catch goku with anything

>> No.18954363

She can technically warp space so that Goku can't go anywhere. She's done similar things before. Goku could probably teleport away when he realized though.

>> No.18954365

Whoever wins, we lose. Also kuso thread.

>> No.18954383

goku can instant transmission across the universe, so thats not going to help reimu

>> No.18954399


>> No.18954402


>> No.18954406


>> No.18954421

Well if they're in an arena battle and he warps away from it, she'd win.

>> No.18954429

he could just teleport behind her and blast her away. reimu cant beat a planet destroyer

>> No.18954583

>Large Star level

>> No.18954603
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Now go ahead and read Batora.

>> No.18954615

Goku is universe level according to them

>> No.18954618

He can't hit her in fantasy heaven you mong

>> No.18954641

This is the same website that calls Cirno faster than light.

>> No.18954874

>most attacks in DB don't go fast
Piccolo hit the moon in one second flat in the first few episodes of Z and obliterated it, what are you talking about?

>> No.18954879

You mean the website that made Renko and Maribel FTL?

>> No.18954891

>that level of abstract powerscaling

>> No.18954912

Here, I'll put an end to this discussion.
No one wins.
Neither combatant would be able to kill the other.
Reimu does not have the power nor speed to hit Goku, nor would she deal any damage even if she did land a hit.
On the other hand, Goku would not be able to cause any damage whatsoever to Reimu if she uses her reality bullshit.

>> No.18954927

>Weaknesses: She can only tell Japanese Standard Time and needs to do the necessary calculations to know other time zones
Holy shit how could she win with such a glaring weakness that is so easy to take advantage of?

>> No.18954947

>island level durability

>> No.18954971
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Danmaku is a contest of beauty. Goku loses by default.

>> No.18955026

Look at most projectiles like a spirit bomb or any other generic attack. They go slower than a baseball

>> No.18955028

its canon that goku can teleport to other planes of reality, so he would be able to do that

>> No.18955040

Those are scaled down for your viewing pleasure, but in reality the fights are moving at near light speeds. A good example is the Namek saga, ven though the fight between Goku and Freeza took a shitload of episodes it was only 5 minutes in their time.

>> No.18955084

Reimu 'flies' beyond reality. Either way, all Reimu needs to do is go to gap world and Goku is fucked.

>> No.18955091

goku can sense her ki or whatever and just follow her there. its not beyond his abilities.

>> No.18955103

Freeza's death beam when his final form first appears kills someone so fast that they don't even see it. It depends on the attack, but a lot of attacks are slower so we can actually see them.

>> No.18955119

Goku hired a dimensional galactic hitman to kill himself just because he wanted to fight him. If he thinks Reimu would put up a good fight he'd want to fight her, and want her to go all out. Obviously she'd be no match in an actual physical altercation but he might find the concept of danmaku amusing.

Goku being a good guy doesn't preclude him from fighting people. He'll be friends with Reimu afterwards.

>> No.18955138

He’d give her a senzu bean so she can summon Yukari then fight again.

>> No.18955147

"beyond reality" is too vague, goku has teleported to king kais planet, which is basically the afterlife. a place "beyond reality"

>> No.18955161
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>> No.18955179

In all honest he'd probably ask her to summon Suika and/or Yuugi

>> No.18955187

He wouldn’t want to fight a drunk person, though, because he would see it as a handicap.

>> No.18955672
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if Goku is the monkey King, then he has an MKB, which means all his attacks hit, so Reimu’s phasal shift means nothing.

>> No.18955813

Reimu can phase out, but for how long?
Sakuya can stop time, but for how long?
Yukari can manipulate boundaries, but can she truly manipulate all of them at her whim?

Reimu doesn't bomb through a spell card the whole time in the games (well, you can save your cards for ONE spell card...), Sakuya doesn't just stop time and spawn knives right in front of you with no time to dodge, and Yukari required specific conditions to even be able to teleport to the moon using her abilities to manipulate boundaries.

Please do not forget that touhous can't keep using their abilities forever, nor do they have full control to the point of omnipotence, it makes no sense otherwise. Goku can unleash as much firepower as he needs until Reimu runs out of bombs, but Reimu has infinite retries anyway

>> No.18955992

>He'll be friends with Reimu afterwards

Important fact
Regardless of who wins, they would be drinking tea afterwards

>> No.18956483

Would Freeza fight Cirno?

>> No.18956639

But Goku lost to a drunkard before.

>> No.18956730

>nor do they have full control
>Goku can unleash as much ... as he needs
Attacking in a non-physical manner in the DB universe takes energy. Several characters have been out of breath after attacking or have collapsed after attacking when wounded, without taking a hit in return.

>> No.18956905
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Goku is beautiful, you fag.

>> No.18956949
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>> No.18956966

Who cares if even Mokou can take on SSJ Goku, she can't take on Goku Blanco

>> No.18957601

Faster than light is doubtful but close to lightspeed is legit based on this
where Sunnymilk reacts to and deflects lasers.

>> No.18957624

>Reimu can phase out, but for how long?
>Sakuya can stop time, but for how long?
>Yukari can manipulate boundaries, but can she truly manipulate all of them at her whim?

>Reimu doesn't bomb through a spell card the whole time in the games (well, you can save your cards for ONE spell card...), Sakuya doesn't just stop time and spawn knives right in front of you with no time to dodge, and Yukari required specific conditions to even be able to teleport to the moon using her abilities to manipulate boundaries.
they don't do that because they can't do that because they are unable to, but because the Spell Card battles have RULES.

from The Grimoire of Marisa:
>Fantasy Nature
>By the way, at the beginning this wasn't a spell card at all, but I changed this into play by giving it the name of a spell card. Otherwise, there's no chance to win.

>> No.18957626


On a more serious note. I think it mostly depends on what happens first. Reimu activating her "I win" button. Or one punch from Goku turning her into a red smear on the wall.

Technically, Dragon Ball characters are supposed to move at ridiculous speeds. But that's frequently ignored by both the anime and manga. So, i say it's a draw.

>> No.18957635

No. Gag characters always win.

>> No.18957639

>Reimu can phase out, but for how long?
Forever. She doesn't do it in the games because of game mechanics and because its broken, but ZUN says she can do it permanently and she will never get tired.

>> No.18957641

*they don't do that not because they are unable to, but because the Spell Card battles have RULES.

>> No.18957668
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>> No.18957694

Read this and tell me Goku can beat Yukari:

>> No.18957733

>just read this tl;dr fucking novel by some random faggot

yeah i'll get right on that bro

>> No.18957741

Then let me give you a tl;dr: Yukari is an extremely high tier reality warper who can do whatever the fuck she wants and there is not a damn thing Goku could do to stop her.

>> No.18957792

Large Star Level Reimu is understandable considering Hou Yi literally destroying stars with a bow and arrow and Junko killed the guy before LoLK.

Shinki also created Makai, a dimension big enough to hold clusters of stars.

FTL Maribel and Renko is bullshit, though.

>> No.18957793

>basing capabilities on extrapolations and unreliable narrations

>> No.18957797

I forgot how fun powerlevel threads could be.

>> No.18957801

That's the problem with Touhou power level debates: due to the spell card rules we NEVER see any character go all out or even remotely close to their full potential. Therefore we have to go by descriptions and the few feats they do have.

>> No.18957808

Don't underestimate hatgirls.

Reminder that someone that dwarfs TTGL exists in Touhou.


"Hey, Amitabha, who lives in Paradise, is 6×10125 yojana tall, right? Just 'above the clouds' isn't even..."
"Umm, if that's the case, Amitabha's height is far greater than the scope of the universe, at least according to the Big Bang Theory. That's some ridiculous inflation."

>> No.18957818

Or you just don't prescribe them huge setting-breaking power levels to win some random debate.

It's made vague on purpose by ZUN, anyway. That respect thread is about a fanwork as anything else.

>> No.18957853

While that's true, if you DO want to use touhou in a debate it's the only thing you can look to.

You forgot the ^. Amitabha is 6*10^125 yojana tall.
From the original buddhist sutras http://buddhasutra.com/files/contemplation_of_amida_buddha.htm:
>the height of that Buddha is six hundred thousand nayutas of kotis of yojanas innumerable as are the sands of the river Ganges

>> No.18957885

>While that's true, if you DO want to use touhou in a debate it's the only thing you can look to.
Making extrapolations as to determine what a character can do is cancer. It's generally better to look directly for feats and not assuming no limits fallacies just because their limits haven't been reached. Yukari can't gap to the lunar capital nilly willy, or to heaven, for example.
There's really no need for Touhou to go beyond planet bound things, and relying on mythology to determine what they can do isn't actually looking right at the canon. Most of the human characters native to Gensokyo don't even know what's real or not, which is a plot point. Almost all of their statements are fallible.

I could claim Saitama beats anyone because his "gag" is one-punching. but if I was actually debating using him, I'd look at what he has done, differentiating "maybes" and things that he does on screen. For example, it's theorized by an accomplished scientist that Saitama "broke his limiter" and has no limit, does this mean that he has literally no limits? No.

>> No.18957912

Do you want me to write that entire respect thread down here? There is very little extrapolation in there, it's all directly backed up with sources.

>Yukari can't gap to the lunar capital nilly willy, or to heaven, for example.
So she can't. What of it? That's hardly an anti-feat considering that the moon had barriers explicitly against her and heaven is at least 6*10^125 yojana in size.

>> No.18957915

Goku could just move faster than her.

>> No.18957924

No he can't, Yukari is faster. Or can you give me an exact speed for Goku?

Can you do it without going "well, Goku is faster than A who is faster than B who is faster than C who is faster than sound therefore Goku is FTL!"?

>> No.18957987

>it's all directly backed up with sources.
Half of it is filled with Maribel and Renko's pondering, statements by Rinnosuke and things written by Akyuu. All of which cannot be likely taken at face value.
I mean for fucks sake, it starts off by saying "Gensokyo is a brane world" from an off-hand remark from Renko, who knows almost nothing about Gensokyo's nature. It also mentions Maribel calling it a "quantum world" which she would also not have the knowledge of, so we cannot assume she is entirely accurate. This goes for a huge lot of things in that thread.

It mentions she has existence erasure but doesn't take into account that their existence wouldn't be truly erased, just joined with everything else. That's making something indistinguishable.

A lot of things are "said" (even in her profiles, which implies vagueness) or merely referred to in spellcards, which tells us little about what she actually does with that, or if it's just a name.

We don't know if what she says is true or not.

Predicting events and altering those that happen does not lead to event manipulation on a conceptual level or such. Even I could do event manipulation then.

There's no point in typing out in this thread. I wouldn't agree.
Not him, but Goku in his best state right now is faster than Beerus who managed to travel across a good portion of a universe within minutes to catch up to Whis. In pure close combat he's easily above FTL based on scaling from much weaker characters (and ki allows for scaling) or reacting to and defeating confirmed FTL characters.

>> No.18958016

Also, whoever made the thread thinks that Yukari is supposed to be a 1-A (someone who's just on the verge of being omnipotent) despite never truly pulling those kinds of feats on her own.

This kind of stuff is simply not needed. It's a lot like me saying "Goku is multiversal because Super Saiyan God shook the universes with 3 punches and threatened to destroy it. Then he got another form, kaioken and an even stronger form". Which has no basis, the only Dragon Ball character that is decisively on that level actually has feats for doing that stuff, and it'd be Zeno. A case could be made for Super Shenron, but it's hax.

>> No.18958021

It would be nice if mods moved this thread to /a/ along with all the powerlevel obsessed dorks.

>> No.18958033

I'd be glad if it moved to /a/ because it'd die within a day.

>> No.18958037

More like a couple hours at the latest.

>> No.18958040

>Half of it is filled with Maribel and Renko's pondering, statements by Rinnosuke and things written by Akyuu. All of which cannot be likely taken at face value.
Refer to what I said earlier: of course this is shaky but it's the closests we can come to getting a proper understanding of touhou power levels because the spell card rules eliminate any possibility of there ever being a serious fight where we could get actual feats.
If you want to argue with Touhou characters in vs. battle you have to accept this or they are pretty much just blank slates of characters with no power whatsoever. And I've seen people actually do ignore all these things and claim Yukari wouldn't be able to destroy even just house.

>Goku is faster than Jiren
So you couldn't do it without scaling. Color me surprised. Ki scaling is retarded, it simply is not consistent enough. Kid Goku was bulletproof and could move huge boulders while end of DBZ Goku could only lift 40tons and DBS Goku got wounded by ordinary bullets. How can you claim that this is in any way reliable?

Also, I really hate how this thread looks. Vs. Debates are supposed to be about finding ways how your character might beat your opponents character, not about how your opponent doesn't understand his own character.

>> No.18958056

I wish capeshit and Dragonball would just die, honestly. It's fucking cancerous. The point of the spell card rules in touhou is that there don't have to be big battles over any disputes but rather a friendly round of magic laser paintball. Don't bring your super serious discussions here.

>> No.18958066


>> No.18958121

Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter ≥ Type Saturn > The Six Sisters ≥ Type Pluto > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) = ArcheType Earth (Arcueid) ≥ Type Venus > Balor of the Evil Eye ≥ Arcueid (50% (post Roa's death)) > Primordial Demons > Primate Murder > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh > Arcueid (30%) > Lancelot (F-15) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Saber > Zero Caster's Sea Demon > Lancelot > 5th Berserker > Dark Berserker ≥ Original Roa > 17th Roa (Elesia) > 4th Rider > Merem Solomon > 5th Lancer ≥ 4th Lancer = Archer ≥ 5th Rider > 4th Caster > 5th Caster = Nrvnqsr > Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Kouma > 4th Assassin > 5th Assassin > Aoko > Barthomeloi ≥ Arcueid (6%) > Kojirou = Ciel ≥ Kotomine (young) = "Ryougi Shiki" = Soren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Night of Wallachia ≥ Touko = Kayneth El-Melloi > Leysritt > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R. Shiki ≥ Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven's Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki > Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Luvia = Kotomine > Zouken > Kiritsugu > Irisviel > Maiya = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Ilya = Kariya > Sakura > Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > Azaka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Gun God (unequipped) > Fake Shiki = Ryuunosuke ≥ Tomoe > Keita San ≥ Shinji > Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.18958144

But can Shiki kill servants?

>> No.18958175

>and claim Yukari wouldn't be able to destroy even just house.
Well you can kill Yukari just by not believing in her hard enough.

>> No.18958341
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He can. In bed.

>> No.18959014

>not about how your opponent doesn't understand his own character.

Nobody even understands how touhou characters work to begin with, their powers are vague.

>> No.18959146

Depends on whether or not danmaku rules are at play. Reimu can do a lot but there's a power gap that skill alone can never overcome. Plus, Goku isn't a youkai, so even if she were to suddenly remember that her goddess is literally a goddess of youkai extermination, it would do her little good.

>> No.18959883

>If you want to argue with Touhou characters in vs. battle you have to accept this or they are pretty much just blank slates of characters with no power whatsoever.
Or you just make things inconclusive.
>How can you claim that this is in any way reliable?
Ki control has been a thing since DB.

>> No.18959946

Is there a Shiki x Medusa doujinshi? It feels like that should be something that exists.

>> No.18960004

Like this?

>> No.18960050 [DELETED] 

No seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Florida.

>> No.18960057

No seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Florida?

>> No.18960060

Reimu would lose a round of magic laser paintball against Goku.

>> No.18960077
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I think deleting a post just because you forgot a question mark is worse.

>> No.18961655

Imagine thinking Reimu could stand up to SSJGSSJ Goku.

>> No.18961724

>Her ability is being able to fly, that is, being weightless.
>The gravity of Earth, any level of stress, and threats of power all mean nothing to her.
>Both her mind and body float in the sky of fantasy, a mysterious shrine maiden.
>However powerful the opponent is, that means nothing in her presence.

from Imperishable Night

>> No.18961791

SSJG can rival the power of a multiverse destroyer, not to mention Goku has shown the ability to absorb power, thus Reimu's attacks can do nothing.

>> No.18961834

It's always the same with Dragon Ball fags. I tell you why your attacks mean nothing and you just reiterate how awesome Goku's power is again and again.
Newsflash: it doesn't mean shit. Even with Multiverse destroying power Goku can't possibly reach Reimu.
Reimu might be unable to do damage too though, I'll give you that.
Though if you go by EoSD, Reimu can manipulate Auras and life energy, so Goku would be proper fucked.

>> No.18961878

By even just Super, they change the power to only be detectable and changeable by Gods. Unless she's got Yukari to change that, then she has nothing on deity energy.

>> No.18961897

I never said her aura manipulation was for humans. And Reimu has fought plenty of gods.

>> No.18961906

Within rules, though. Now, you could argue that Reimu could get Goku to agree to fight in some danmaku style ruleset, which is completely reasonable, but that's not what you're saying.

>> No.18961941

Point is, Goku can't touch Reimu through Fantasy Nature while Reimu still has the possibility to attack him. She could also use her ability to summon gods to fight for her. And when looking at people like Amitabha, even multiverse busting is weak as hell.

>> No.18961954

We don't even know the true nature of Amitabha in Touhou, we know myth and something that Maribel and Renko said, who are both fallible in Touhou. Please stop extrapolating myths for feats.

>> No.18961969

Well, unlike Dragonball there are few definitive feats in Touhou I can argue with. The setting is basically made to be as bad for vs. debates as possible.

>> No.18961978

Why is Goku missing his legs?

>> No.18961979

> I tell you why your attacks mean nothing and you just reiterate how awesome Goku's power is again and again.

Thats because Goku has actually accomplished things you dumdum.

>> No.18961995

And it still means absolutely fucking nothing. Even if Goku gets five billion more transformations and his power level goes up to 700 sextillion he still couldn't touch Fantasy Nature. So fucking stop arguing with how amazing his universe busting power is.

>> No.18961997

But he can. He'll Instant Transmission to whatever plane Reimu tries to run away to.

>> No.18962010

It's not a different plane it's outside fucking reality. Nothing can follow Reimu there.

>> No.18962012

Because disintegration is now a meme.

>> No.18962021

Outside reality doesnt mean a thing. In fiction that just means a different dimension or plane, which Goku would be able to teleport to.

>> No.18962031

It doesn't in Touhou. Don't try to force your rules onto Touhou to get an advantage. Otherwise I can just as well say that Reimu summons Zeno and obliterates Goku.

>> No.18962032
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So he'd remove himself from existence? Doesn't that mean he loses?

>> No.18962038

Goku can legit can summon him. Reimu doesnt stand a chance. Besides youre forcing Touhous rules on DBZ to try to get an advantage, which isnt working for you at all I might add.

If Reimu doesnt fade then neither will Goku.

>> No.18962040

How would you even fight Reimu? She can make herself unhittable

>> No.18962042

Goku just finished beating Thanos

>> No.18962052

You're literally trying to argue that all works of fiction follow the same logic and that's how Goku can beat Reimu. It fucking doesn't. "Outside reality" is not the same as a different plane. NO ONE can follow Reimu there. How hard is it to accept that there are abilities that Goku can't possibly deal with?

>> No.18962056

Goku can deal with anything if he powers up enough. This isnt even a meme, its canon. He literally powered up so much that not even timefreeze has shit on him.

>> No.18962058

So don't.

>> No.18962066

Ah here comes the no-limit-fallcy. I was waiting for this. He resisted a 0.5second time skip therefore nothing works against him anymore!
Fuck off.

>> No.18962073

I didn't start this debate, but you can be damn sure that I'm gonna defend Touhou when someone tries to argue against it.

>> No.18962085

You are only sore because it means Goku will beat Reimu. Even if Reimu was able to be intangible to Gokus attacks, there is no way she would be able to land a single hit on him to begin with.

>> No.18962095

>Ah here comes the no-limit-fallcy.

saiyans have no limit, so this isnt really a fallacy

>> No.18962098

I am sore because I have seen this argument like 10 different times and every time Dragon Ball fags ignored every logical argument thrown against them and just pointed to Goku' awesome universe destroying power. (which isn't even that particularly strong in the grand scheme of things.

But if you want to go with a no-limits-fallacy let me counter with one of my own:

>Her ability is being able to fly, that is, being weightless.
>The gravity of Earth, any level of stress, and threats of power all mean nothing to her.
>Both her mind and body float in the sky of fantasy, a mysterious shrine maiden.
>However powerful the opponent is, that means nothing in her presence.

from Imperishable Night. Reimu is completely invincible and this is canon.

>> No.18962102

Hit literally did the thing where he moved to a pocket dimension to avoid Goku's attacks and Goku's response was to power up until he smashed through the pocket dimension where Hit was fighting and blasted him with a Kamehameha.

>> No.18962108

Reimus invincibility means nothing in the grand scheme of things either. What good is invincibility if you cant win? Its known that Saiyans thrive under conditions that are unfavorable against than and eventually break their limits to win. There is no doubt he'd be able to punch Reimu in the face even while she is "invincible".

>> No.18962116

>There is no doubt he'd be able to punch Reimu in the face even while she is "invincible".
Are you fucking serious right now? You seriously claim that Goku has no limits but then completely ignore everyone else saying the same?

>> No.18962120

Saiyans have no limits, its literally one of their abilities. They'll power up hard enough to win, even on the verge of death. Thats not Reimus ability though so you are out of luck.

>> No.18962123

Fantasy Heaven is literally just the same thing as Ultra Instinct.

>> No.18962125

>>However powerful the opponent is, that means nothing in her presence.
It totally is idiot.

>> No.18962127


>> No.18962144

Goku definitely loses in a danmaku duel, he would have to hold back.
Stalemate under normal circumstances, she can't harm him and he can't harm her.
Biggest question is what the limits to Reimu's God Channeling ability are.

>> No.18962146

can she channel goku

>> No.18962148

If she channels Beerus she can probably win desu.

>> No.18962149

Probably not, but likely she could channel Beerus and Zeno.

>> No.18962157

It means nothing, unless you can prove Goku wont be able to power up that hard. But you cant, because Goku has done so.

>> No.18962169

It means that she is invincible and Goku can't touch her. And Goku is not able to power up that hard. Reimu is on a whole nother level then Hit.

>> No.18962180

He most certainly would, its written into his character at this point. Exhaustion/dying doesnt even stop Goku.

>> No.18962185

It's written into Reimu's character that she is invincible and the spell card rules had to be implemented to give Youkai and gods a chance to fight back against her.

>> No.18962186

>I am sore because I have seen this argument like 10 differen

it definitely must be sore losing for an 11th time lol

>> No.18962192

Reimu almost died from hunger once because a hunger god was hanging around

>> No.18962194

Goku died from a heart attack once.

>> No.18962205

Don't forget that Goku let their guard down and got hit by a smol laser at one point too.

>> No.18962208

Yukari is the most powerful character in all of fiction. She only ever loses because she's fooling around.

>> No.18962215

Yukari isn't that strong. She needed prep time to beat two small-time conmen.

>> No.18962217

This is a good thread.

>> No.18962219

I wouldn't go that far, after all there are plenty of characters explicitly stated to be omnipotent. Though, from Strange Creators of Outer World:

>Yukari's ability is the "manipulation of boundaries". It's a far-too-powerful ability that can, logically speaking, affect anything. Naturally, if she put this ability to its full use it wouldn't even be a game, so for the purposes of the narrative she fights within the spellcard rules. Then again, it seems she was involved in the creation of these rules in the first place, so...

>> No.18962223

Goddamn this.
Filthy secondaries never notice that Yukari's ability usually requires a set of conditions for a boundary to be fucked with.

>> No.18962231

reimu got bullied by fairies

>> No.18962242

The only reason she needed prep time was because she was searching for an efficient way to take them down while still adhering to the spell card rules. If she brute forced it Jyoon and Shion would have died very quickly.

>> No.18962249

Ever wonder why we never see God in 2hu? It's because Yukari actually IS God in 2hu.

>> No.18962253
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>> No.18962254

Yukari should manipulate a barrier between her vagina and my cock.

>> No.18962258

More like her cock and your asshole.

>> No.18962261

Oh my Yukari, these posters must have been hit on their heads when they were children.

>> No.18962264

>fastest thread on /jp/
/jp/ kys

>> No.18962272

well yeah, dragonball is more popular than touhou in japan

>> No.18962274

lol battler wins with his superior intellect

>> No.18962275

There's a barrier around your cock? Is that why you're a virgin?

>> No.18962286
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kuso thread

>> No.18962291

Oh none of them were real losses. It was mostly just flame wars were either no clear winner emerged or Touhou won.

>> No.18962294

Reminder that canonically Hecatia is stronger than Reimu

>> No.18962296

spoken like someone who lost 11 times

>> No.18962299

Reminder that canonically Hecatia is stronger than anyone from Gensokyo or the moon but Yukari is actually from the outside world.

>> No.18962336
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>> No.18962347

Good thread

>> No.18962356

Trinity Theme + Literally a Goddess of Witchcraft = Hefty powerboosts.

>> No.18962359
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which 2hus would goku be friends with

>> No.18962368

Yuyuko for their shared love of food or Meiling or Byakuren as sparring partners.

>> No.18962369

theyd all be his friends but theyd only appear in a filler episode to get beaten by arale

>> No.18962393

this thread has no right to still be alive

>> No.18962406

It's the best thread on 4chan

>> No.18962408

Goku and mokou

>> No.18962417

arguably the most kuso thread to ever fly under meido's radar

>> No.18962427

when it comes down to it this thread falls perfectly fine under otaku culture

>> No.18962452
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Holy fucking shit.

>> No.18962488

OK but could Elder God Demonbane beat the Thought Robot???

>> No.18962504

Battle Royale between Elder God Demonbane, Thought Robot, Azathoth, TOAA, Featherine Augustus Aurora, who wins?

>> No.18962515

The real winners are us

>> No.18962518


>> No.18962523

Ren Fujii because they threatened his ordinary life

>> No.18962524
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Auauau by being cute nanodesu

>> No.18962534

Useless Oyashiro, only good for lewding

>> No.18963996

*the viewer

>> No.18964001

Thot Robot >>>>> alll

>> No.18964068
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Nice thread.

>> No.18964184

Peter rabbit is the worst book I read as a kid

>> No.18964296
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I kinda liked it, but was never my favorite.
Then again I just read it for the sake of learning how to read and learning to not be an asshole.

>> No.18964345
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>> No.18964467

Here Comes The Cat is much worse, if you can even call that a book.

>> No.18964523

Goku because he donated to Reimu and therefore she won't be fighting at her true power.

>> No.18964591
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koishi is the strongest out of everyone

>> No.18964785

This dumb story still isn't over, is it?

>> No.18964827
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It will probably never finish now that it Evangelion'd itself.

>> No.18964833

Supposedly there's only one part left to the story and everybody is dead.
There's nothing left to do besides finishing themselves off.

>> No.18964837

It's also in Germany.
All that's left is for Yukari to kill Koishi.

>> No.18964851

Oh, and then she can remake her very own Gensokyo.
COULD work, but there's no lesson to be taken from the whole story. Not like there was any point to begin with.
Koishi just went out fishing and suddenly everyone's mad.

>> No.18964944

I just hated how much of an idiot peter was, and he just seemed like a total idiot. I guess it tried to tell children “don’t disobey your parents”

>> No.18965089
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>> No.18969068

Could a bomb hurt Goku?

>> No.18969287

A tiny ass gun could do it because "his guard was down" so I don't see why not.

>> No.18969474

It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulses that could give the name of the fair sex to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race; for the whole beauty of the sex is bound up with this impulse. Instead of calling them beautiful, there would be more warrant for describing women as the un-aesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art, have they really and truly any sense or susceptibility; it is a mere mockery if they make a pretence of it in order to assist their endeavor to please. Hence, as a result of this, they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything; and the reason of it seems to me to be as follows. A man tries to acquire direct mastery over things, either by understanding them, or by forcing them to do his will. But a woman is always and everywhere reduced to obtaining this mastery indirectly, namely, through a man; and whatever direct mastery she may have is entirely confined to him. And so it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for conquering man; and if she takes an interest in anything else, it is simulated–a mere roundabout way of gaining her ends by coquetry, and feigning what she does not feel. Hence, even Rousseau declared: Women have, in general, no love for any art; they have no proper knowledge of any; and they have no genius.

>> No.18970017

Sometimes a cigar is just that, a cigar.

>> No.18970049

Krillin throwing a fucking rock at him hurt him because he wasn't expecting it

>> No.18971246

He's a parody, not a gag.

>> No.18972469


>> No.18972832

Well, he just finished defeating Thanos.

>> No.18973014
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What the hell is going on in this thread?

>> No.18973029

Name one type of Touhou discussion worse than powerlevel wanking.

>> No.18973251

>Sunnymilk reacts to and deflects lasers
Have you even played a Touhou game? Lasers don't start at damaging power level immediately. They start out as weak and harmless lasers to give you a chance to dodge them.

>> No.18973267

anti-yukari posting

>> No.18973378

Chadhan trained by Yuyuko(yomu) instead of piccolo

how strong would he have got by the time Vegeta and Nappa arrived?

>> No.18973387

wch 2hu wud u fuk

>> No.18973658
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-That feelerino when you happenstance upon this marvelous thread on the 'jay right when it was created and unironically feed it serious replies in order to facilitate discussion on this wonderful topic and come back to see that it has reached over 200 replies and bask in all the butthurt

My work here is done

>> No.18973661

shiki can kill touhous

>> No.18973691

but who can kill faster, shiki or yuyuko?

>> No.18973692

Depends on the 'hu

The lines Shiki sees can be considered "deathgaps" in a way, as Shiki sinks his knife into these cracks of sorts. So Yukari could supposedly just close all her gaps up.

Remilia could probably just change her fate so she won't die, also leaving her with no lines.

Yuyuko could probably do something similar.

The immortals would probably have no lines either.

With no lines and no powersource whatever like Arc had to attack, what power does Shiki have over the touhous?

Then again, this thread is for Goku and your topic is a wonderful discussion for another thread in another day, so we should continue it then.

>> No.18973704

kusoest thread

>> No.18973706

Have you even read that manga? Those are very obviously real light-based lasers based on the fact that Sunnymilk could affect them with her ability to bend sunlight.

>> No.18973777

That laser is not from a game though, it's from the manga, so game mechanics are irrelevant.

>> No.18973795

Could Bernkastel beat STTGL?

>> No.18973888

Stelio Kontos > Gohan Blanco > Goku = Yukari > Reimu

>> No.18973974

So are the lasers in the game. You can't see how fast they increase in power in the manga because the frame rate is too low.

>> No.18974109
File: 152 KB, 584x382, 44-umineko-twilight-battler-punches-punching-bernkastel-ttgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally everything that is wrong with powerlevel wanking.

Those were magical lasers. Magical lasers in Touhou are nowhere close to the speed of light. In fact they are quite slow. The fairy had good reflex and deflected projectiles moving at 50 km/h max.

The absurd, ridiculous wankery thought goes like this:
>Sunnymilk can deflect magical lasers
>Lasers go at the speed of light
>Sunnymilk can travel at lightspeed
>Yakumo is even faster and can travel at FTL.

Literally everything in this argument is wrong.

It's the exact same thing for the absurd, ridiculous overinflation of Battler's power in powerlevels. The arguments go like this:
>we were shown a weird meta-fight between Bernkastel and Lambdadelta were candies acted like small galaxies or black hole
>Bern and Lambda have universal powers and fight with big bangs and by creating and destroying entire universes
>Battler punched Bern in the face
>Battler has multiversal power.

This is absurdly retarded.

You see a lot of that shit in powerlevel discussion. A character said he thought he could take on a world and win, thus he can obviously destroys planets. That other character punched him in the face, thus he has obviously solar system busting punches. Peak retardation.

>> No.18974145

You are completely correct of course, but good luck trying to convince those nerds that their favorite character is actually not as strong as they like to pretend. It's just an eternal flame war.
So when I try to argue in favor of Touhou I have to use this shit too or it couldn't even be called a fight.

>> No.18974160

Most powerlevel fags have brain problems that allow them to make some ridiculous mental gymnastics. They tend to forget basic logic such as limitations and weaknesses.
If you want to properly discuss power levels you need to look at the context of scenes like the one you spoke of.
In the case of anyone in the Metaworld you can make the basic assumption that they're as powerful as the plot demands and as a result should not be considered for powerlevel discussion.

>> No.18974197
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Powerlevel thread with its obligatory dbz cancer. /jp/ has reached a new low.

>> No.18974200

Goku cant even beat Mugi.

>> No.18974232
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Good thing there are 2d girls.

>> No.18976138

You are forgetting Shiki's strongest weapon:
The Tohno gland.
And not even 2hus are able to beat the cock.

>> No.18976186

Now this is kuso
