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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 547x746, 1562356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1890442 No.1890442 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1890446


>> No.1890450

Klein, is way too big.

>> No.1890447
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>> No.1890449
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>> No.1890451



>> No.1890454
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>> No.1890457
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>> No.1890467


>> No.1890463
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>> No.1890465
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You wish, brother.

>> No.1890469

Oh shit, that just reminded me to study some ancient Greek for a test tomorrow...

>> No.1890470
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>> No.1890474
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>> No.1890477

You don't deserve that tripcode. She didn't deserved to be the only one alone at the end.

>> No.1890480
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>> No.1890483
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I'm actually her so yeah, I do.

Also agreed, poor C.C.

>> No.1890488
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>> No.1890493

>I'm actually her

reported for roleplaying

>> No.1890502
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>> No.1890509
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>> No.1890513
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>> No.1890525
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wut other tripfags am i missing?

>> No.1890530
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>> No.1890542

Curry Butt = Ciel Dude ?


>> No.1890549

/jp/ is probably the only 4chan board fully dedicated to stroking each other's cocks.

>> No.1890555

tripfag appreciation thread?

>> No.1890558

feeling left out? I'll stroke yours too bro

>> No.1890560

I can't say it enough times: This is the gay board.

>> No.1890563

wheres our tripfag rankings

>> No.1890569


god tier: sion`
medium tier: kyon, china
shit tier: ponpo, currybutt

>> No.1890571


How about /y/?

Isn't that dedicated to guys stroking each others' cocks too?

>> No.1890580

/y/ has a passive and an active part. In /jp/ we only have passives.

>> No.1890594
File: 216 KB, 600x480, 891737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm actually her so yeah, I do.

Klein is vegan moe.

Wait, that means you're healthy version, right?

>> No.1890596


Makes sense...

I have a running joke with one of my roommates that if we had gay sex, we know that he would be on top.

and that doesn't make much sense, since he weighs much more than I do, and would be likely to crush me.

>> No.1890619
File: 139 KB, 600x846, yotsoklan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'd respect your opinion and just agree I suck but
>god tier: sion`
Opinion invalid.

Nope. Micronized, brother.

>> No.1890624

lol wat

>> No.1890627


you mad bro

>> No.1890634

another report for roleplaying

>> No.1890667
File: 63 KB, 550x599, aa9b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poor Currybutt. Even Haruhi wanted to ban him.


Flat chest Klein is the best Klein.

>> No.1890675


I actually like currybutt, he always makes me laugh.

>> No.1890703
File: 181 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi there.

>> No.1890707

So where are the Touhou tripfags, especially Lily? Is Jones still banned?

>> No.1890713


/b/ must be a regular laugh riot for you.

>> No.1890722


I'm glad that most of the touhou tripfags are gone, most of them were painfully retarded.

>> No.1890729

You forgot the Suika tripfag

>> No.1890736

I'm here, just posting anonymously. This must be how AoRF felt.

>> No.1890738


He was one of the worst.

>> No.1890742


Yeah. There's so many of them, and I can only think of like two that aren't intolerably shitty posters. And some of them are blatantly underage, like Suika.

>> No.1890743

Triptouhous are the best! ヽ(゚∀゚ *)ノ

But I think Remilia usually posts as Anon now.

>> No.1890754



>> No.1890785
File: 164 KB, 718x1053, 7dfee17c32423cccf188366a55b19d5175420b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about TripType-Moons?

I think Tatari is a pretty cool dude, eh creates lies and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1890788

>eh flips burgers and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1890796


Tatari's okay, all the others are terrible. Maybe worse than the Touhous. Well, no, none of them really pretend to be girls so that's not quite fair.

>> No.1890798

TM tripfags should just disappear. That applies for Investment Banker and Pedo and that Dedicated Aya-sama fag. The only ones that should be allowed on this board is China and Kordox.

>> No.1890809


You're retarded too.

>> No.1890811

You can't suppress tripfaggotry. Even if you ban all tripcodes or use forced_anon, we'll still be here, and we'll still act like faggots. We just won't be color coded for your convenience anymore.

>> No.1890812

>none of them really pretend to be girls
>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.1890816
File: 65 KB, 428x509, 7dfee17c32423cccf188366a55b19d5175420b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look, look! I can be Anonymous too!

>> No.1890821
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>> No.1890824


But then you just blend into the background noise so it's not as noticeable.

>> No.1890825

Yeah, all of the idiots who go by their favorite girl's name irritate me. The ones who post pictures of the aforementioned waifu with every post make me want to punch them through the Internet.

>> No.1890826
File: 182 KB, 542x538, 1491275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting someone...

>> No.1890831

You can tell apart people under forced anonymous.

>> No.1890833

Well, that's true. Certainly there hasn't been a Jones shitstorm in a while.

>> No.1890835

Actually, I can tell when it's Remilia Scarlet, because he always acts like a moron and derails every single Touhou topic that would appear to have some sort of discussion value.

>> No.1890839


I don't believe he did. Kordox has the doll shit and China provides erotic doujins. Everyone else either shitposts or doesn't contribute to the board in a positive way or posts garbage like GRIMDARQUE GENSOKYO, FFFFFFFFFFFFF

I mourn the passing of self-moderation.

>> No.1890840

Seriously, with few exceptions the trip users on /jp/ aren't horrible. It's stereotypical to hate them on 4chan I guess but I wouldn't say that most of them in /jp/ are consistently shitty posters.

>> No.1890841


There's a point. asses lololol penises are teh suck

>> No.1890853

But I posted figure buying links and that playasia sale info that one time ;_;

Anyway I guess you're right, most people aren't providing translated doujins like Hong Meiling but it's not like they are contributing any less than 99% of the posters here.

>> No.1890854


Perhaps, but the rest of the board tends to be of a higher standard (on its better days) that a tripfag that might be perfectly acceptable on other boards sticks out like a sore thumb here, or so I find.

>> No.1890857

Well, I have been a NEET for the past 3-4 years. And during that time I've been on this site for 10+ hours each day. You eventually get quite tired of posting as an Anon.

>> No.1890859


I don't recall him pretending to be a girl. At the very least he doesn't do it as often as Remi.

He is a terrible, terrible poster, though. Straight out of /b/.

>> No.1890865

Well, maybe we're noticing different things. A good day on /jp/ for me is just not a lot of shitty threads and legitimate discussion about things and most of the trips here contribute decent discussion at least. They aren't trolling idiots and what not. That can at least contribute to conversations, which is usually enough for /jp/

>> No.1890866

That, and a number of us took up tripping during the Cirno craze as a troll bonus and an excuse for shitposting.

>> No.1890868

Just in my opinion, Hong is a fucktard magnet.

Good intentions, but his topics always end up as an amalgamation of people going "SOURCE! SOURCE!"

I don't understand why he just doesn't link the NSFW Touhou board.

>> No.1890869


He tends to roleplay as Arc sometimes, which is annoying itself.

>> No.1890873

tripfaggotry is only commendable when it is used to imitate fictional characters, and then only for a limited time.

>> No.1890876

>Seriously, with few exceptions the trip users on /jp/ aren't horrible. It's stereotypical to hate them on 4chan I guess but I wouldn't say that most of them in /jp/ are consistently shitty posters.

Whether they're good or cancerous is besides the point; anyone who assumes a tripcode is at best someone who entirely misses the point of an anonymous imageboard or at worst, an attention whore. The whole reason why this site is better (however marginally) than the rational event horizon of places like Gaia is because of anonymized posting; we gauge posts by their content rather than by the person posting them and while a considerable amount of trolling happens as a result, you also have an opportunity for decent discussion. And if you want to contribute(lol) to the board, you don't need a name or code.

TLDR; There's absolutely no justifiable reason to be a tripfag.

>> No.1890879

You're subhuman filth and ought to be shot like the dog that you are.

>> No.1890885


Yeah, but I often forget to check the nsfw board.

>> No.1890887


It's that kind of "I contributed once so it's okay if I shitpost" attitude that makes you an ass.

>> No.1890892


I can name more intolerable tripfags than you can name barely tolerable ones. I'm not even counting the ponpos and ZUNs of the world. For every China there's a dozen underage shitposters who browse /b/, or even worse, an athens. It's not generic tripfag = faggot hate (at least not for me), most of them are just terrible posters.

>> No.1890899

Trolling and attention whoring may be distasteful to others, but they're perfectly justifiable (and the same thing, when you get down to it).

>> No.1890901
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For the record, Tripfags are supposed to be universally hated amongst Anonymous. It is a requirement of sorts, and if a tripfag is actually being given any real kudos or props then that particular tripfag is making a grievous error. Of course, there are examples to the rules on certain boards, but the boards that encourage tripfaggotry are vastly different from the ones that do not.

Tripping or using a unique nickname is the self-idenfication of fucktards in 4chan. Real users of 4chan don't need to use names. If you're unprepared for that, then you probably shouldn't use a tripcode.

Only veterans of 4chan like myself can use tripcodes efficiently without being chased off like most of the Triptouhous. They needed to learn that this wasn't Gaia and that you were not supposed to roleplay your favorite character on here, and I am pleased that Anonymous helped them to realize that. When Anonymous is saging a thread or otherwise raging about Tripfags, I realize that he is only acting his part as the area defense mechanism of 4chan, keeping out the riff-raff and the Gaiafaggots.

The day tripfaggotry is accepted in /jp/ will be a very grim day indeed.

>> No.1890908


>Only veterans of 4chan like myself can use tripcodes efficiently without being chased off like most of the Triptouhous


>> No.1890911

Oh heh you actually thought I meant those as legitimate "contributions." As if every poster on /jp/ needs to translated ero touhou doujinshi to not suck. Regardless, define shitposting however you wish, but alert me next time there are 9 Cirno threads on the first page that are made by regular trip users and not random Anons.

>> No.1890912

Shut up and go back to /b/.

Also, I lol'd pretty hard at your third paragraph.

>> No.1890916

This is trolling right?

>> No.1890920

Don't be so defensive, ponpo. I think you're a reasonable user, even if you have strange taste in girls.

>> No.1890918
File: 281 KB, 640x480, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only veterans of 4chan like myself can use tripcodes efficiently
>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.1890929


This is one of your better ones.

>> No.1890936

>Trolling and attention whoring may be distasteful to others, but they're perfectly justifiable (and the same thing, when you get down to it).

Are they the same thing? Most good trolling is done anonymously by people who don't care about what happens on the internet, while most attention whores suffer from the same problems as furries and internet tough guys; they approach the web in the same fashion as they do real life.

That aside, what justification exists for attention whoring, in your view, aside from "I want to do it, so I will"?

>> No.1890943
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, Trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic extremely related

>> No.1890949


You're still one of the easiest people to troll on a board that's the easiest to troll on all of 4chan. You always need to defend your honor or whatever, it's funny.

>> No.1890952

>by people who don't care about what happens on the internet

Look at it this way: both trolls and attention whores want to be responded to. A troll wants negative attention where an attention whore wants praise, but it's the exact same thing. By responding, you give the troll's ego a stroke. Anonymous trolls aren't looking for recognition like attention whores are, but they sure as hell want victims to respond to them, amirite?

>> No.1890954
File: 142 KB, 644x800, b71d4dc66577577b6836776b70e73e38c38acf1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, if I entered a thread and did not encounter at least one bellicose reply from an Anonymous, I would get the fuck out of /jp/ before it became like /a/.

The Anonymous who rant on about shitposting endlessly may seem as though they are merely following a set of made-up, imaginary, unnecessarily arbitrary rules, but in reality they're only keeping order amidst the chaos.

>> No.1890958

Look, pal, take your /b/ dogma back where it belongs. That, or grow up, like the rest of us did.

I gaze upon you not with hate but with pity.

>> No.1890959
File: 2 KB, 267x381, meiyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defend honor

Uh yeah obviously. Honor? Japan/General?

>> No.1890963

Arc is my favorite tripfriend.

Just sayin, if I had to choose through them all, Arc would be my first choice.

Arc, I like you. Come over and fuck my nee-san

>> No.1890964

>>anyone who assumes a tripcode is at best someone who entirely misses the point of an anonymous imageboard

That matters little, since many people try to be unique little snowflakes yet still post anonymously. Also, the forum comparison is weak, as an imageboard simply doesn't have the same attention whoring features as a forum. You're going to be judged by the content of your posts here regardless if you use a name or not; there are no post counts or post history buttons to take advantage of here.

And I never understood why people even bother to mention Gaia these days. Our badge of honor of "being better than Gaia" disappeared years ago. We have exactly the same userbase now.

>> No.1890970

This is an excellent point; I honestly hadn't considered it this way previously, but there is a fundamental difference in the aftermath of whatever attention a troll generates, as compared to that of an attention whore. Trolls not only expose (and thereby educate) underage and ignorant posters, but their actions can also unintentionally lead to intelligent discussion, on occassion. But do you ever see the same happen with simple attention whoring?

>> No.1890973

On a side note, I always found it amusing that on a board obsessed with Touhou, a user named zun is one of the worst posters.

>> No.1890980
File: 18 KB, 390x207, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheer up fags, at least you're better than this dipshit.

>> No.1890984


You're telling me to grow up on /jp/ of all places? The land of little boys with no responsibilities, better known as NEETs?

You can't be serious. Either you're really, really being super obvious in your trolling, or you're that stupid.

No, you can't be serious. I refuse to believe that an Anonymous could be that retarded on here.

>> No.1890985


Good point, I need a trip to be that retarded.

>> No.1890992

I lol'd heartily.

>> No.1890995

Yes, but again it's only inadvertent, or a side effect of the attention whoring, i.e. doing something helpful for the community for the attention. See also: most if not all non-anonymous fan translators.

Neither trolls nor attention whores (which, again, I believe to be two of a kind- yin to their yang, if you will) are inherently bad. Both trolls and attention whores bring us good things, both trolls and attention whores bring us bad things, and both trolls and attention whores are sometimes completely harmless. It's up to an intelligent moderator to weigh the pros and cons and decide which to keep and which to purge. (Of course, 4chan has a dearth of intelligent moderators, but let's not go there.)

>> No.1891005


Gee, mister, I'm not sure if I'm ready for flatchested lesbian ragesex yet! You sure she'll be okay with that?

>> No.1891006

I can understand why trolls would want to play on easy mode. It makes me feel a little bad when I make what I think is a really cutting retort or a rather clever piece of trolling and it seems like everyone just skipped over my post, but every halfhearted shitpost from Tripfag X garners at least 3-5 responses. Normally I disdain it and think you should just improve your craft without resorting to such crutches, but if nobody even reads your post it doesn't really matter how good you are.

If they didn't automatically get all those obligatory replies just for taking up an identity, there probably wouldn't be as many of them. Maybe when trolls sink or swim solely on their own merit the extremely shitty but prolific ones won't crowd out the rest, and natural selection will lead give rise to ones that are actually worthy of the label.

Or most likely people would still just post "hay /jp/ im a girl recommend me a club in tokyo that i can go to when my boyfriend is away and i'm feeling ronery ^^;;" as Anonymous and it would still work better anything involving even a modicum of subtlety.

>> No.1891007

>That matters little, since many people try to be unique little snowflakes yet still post anonymously.

Can you link to a thread on the front page in which you see this happening, because I've never encountered this.

>Also, the forum comparison is weak, as an imageboard simply doesn't have the same attention whoring features as a forum.

It has fewer features, but anyone who frequests a board, particularly an anonymous board in which most of the posters don't have names will come to quickly recognize the misguided minority who have them.

You're going to be judged by the content of your posts here regardless if you use a name or not; there are no post counts or post history buttons to take advantage of here.

But as soon as you factor in the name, you immediately have an association with attention whoring and whatever sort of negative posting "history" you've acquired; only when everyone is faceless can you honestly have an environment free of temporal bias.

And as I asked before, are there any tangible benefits to assuming a name other than attempting to bask in the praise of neckbeards?

>And I never understood why people even bother to mention Gaia these days. Our badge of honor of "being better than Gaia" disappeared years ago. We have exactly the same userbase now.

Are you certain of this?

>> No.1891010

I'm being perfectly serious.
Protip: /jp/ is college-age. Just because we're nerds and therefore immature socially doesn't mean we can't think and act like the adults that we are.

If you're going to post here, please act your age.

>> No.1891015

>You're going to be judged by the content of your posts here regardless if you use a name or not; there are no post counts or post history buttons to take advantage of here.

Well this is a complete lie. If it was true then people would be called out as individuals or for specifics posts rather than "fukn tripfagot."

Of course there is the ever present vocal minority who quotes/sages/insults every trip user on /jp/

>> No.1891018
File: 95 KB, 460x307, curb-your-enthusiasm-20070813041706454-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just because we're nerds and therefore immature socially doesn't mean we can't think and act like the adults that we are.

>> No.1891025

Exactly! This is why I became a tripfag.
And you're right about the last point as well, which says a lot about /jp/'s current state of affairs.

>> No.1891029

It's okay, you don't have to. You can go back to /b/ and act immaturely with your fellow under-18's.

>> No.1891034


>> No.1891037


What, and leave you to act like a 5-year-old over here? Out of the question, sir.

>> No.1891045

>And you're right about the last point as well, which says a lot about /jp/'s current state of affairs.

I still blame athens for this. Whether he was a troll or delusional or whatever, /jp/ really took his ball and ran with it.

>> No.1891062

Of course, one man isn't solely to blame. There's been a shift in the user demographics of /jp/, which should be no surprise to anyone who's spent more than a year or two on 4chan.

>> No.1891068

>I still blame athens for this. Whether he was a troll or delusional or whatever, /jp/ really took his ball and ran with it.

plz describe wut u meen cuz I never really come to /jp/ that much and when I do all I look at is touhou shit.

>> No.1891075
File: 381 KB, 1024x768, 1211756782908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>because I've never encountered this.

What? Never experienced the "I'm different than all you guys" Anonymous posts? Then you are a lucky man.

Also, that's why I love /jp/ so much, since that stuff rarely happens here. We have pretty much accepted that we're all fat NEETs who will never touch a girl. Even if we have done these things, we still keep it to ourselves (unlike certain other boards).

>>And as I asked before, are there any tangible benefits to assuming a name other than attempting to bask in the praise of neckbeards?

I'm sure that just depends on the person. I'm not really here to make happy funtime internet friends like a certain Moot, so praise or an insult is all the same to me. But I'm quite happy not having Anon under my name field. I suppose that's a result of modern /b/, because that's what I think of when I see "Anonymous".

>> No.1891084

sage for tripfag thread

>> No.1891087


Funny, whenever I see a tripfag make a shitty post I think of neo-/a/.

>> No.1891088

When I was last in /jp/, probably a little over half a year ago, it was decent SWR and MB netplay threads, a daily Aya thread, and VNs. Then apparently shit happened.

>> No.1891085
File: 258 KB, 817x1028, 1852255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why I was first to come to the OPs mind when posting this thread, anyway.

>> No.1891102

Shit got magnified. Daily Aya troll has become a multitude of 3D threads. Userbase has expanded in a generally downward motion. I find your name vaguely out of place, since anonymity on the internet is of course impossible.

>> No.1891104


You really want to know?

I made this thread because I wanted to discuss trip users and the state of /jp/ and such. That's actually my post that you're quoting. Had to start the discussion in some way.

Also, you're just too moe.

>> No.1891109


The state of /jp/ sucks, thanks for making it worse.

>> No.1891111


>Well this is a complete lie. If it was true then people would be called out as individuals or for specifics posts rather than "fukn tripfagot."

For the most part, this is what happens. Let's see, who should I use as an example... I was going to use ZUN, but I kinda like him so he's not the best for these purposes. Bah, I'll just fall back on athens.

Alright, let's say athens posts anonymously. He's still athens. It's impossible not to recognize him. But, you have to read his posts at least partway before you realize you need to report him. But when he's posting as athens, he's attaching his post history to himself. As soon as you see the namefield you know that he's never made an on-topic post in his life and just rants about girls and attracts /r9k/ fags. Do you assume that anyone who posts "Fuck off athens, reported" is doing it just because he's a tripfag? They didn't articulate their reasons, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. They should just be a given, and they're a given BECAUSE he chooses to attach his history to himself.

Really, this is /jp/. Regardless of the extremely steep decline, you don't see much in the way of generic tripfag hate. The whole "all tripfags are bad" attitude pops up in metathreads like these, sure, but how often do you see people just going "sage for tripfag lol"? And "Reported for athens/Sax" doesn't count.

>> No.1891125

/jp/ - Trolls/General

>> No.1891127

If it makes you feel any better, I'm half of the anonymous posters in this thread.

>> No.1891131

Well shit. I only really came here for the occasional moonspeak thread, and for SWR/MBAC netplay anyway though.

>> No.1891150

That makes me the other half, no?

>> No.1891152

Probably. Are you also a tripfriend? I'm the user formerly known as Anonymous Jones.
