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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 630x332, reimu flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18877510 No.18877510 [Reply] [Original]

A newly discovered species of myrtle in China has been officially called "Reimu" by the Beijing Forestry University. People got in touch with them and confirmed that it was indeed named as such due to the plants resembling Reimu Hakurei's frilly red-white ribbon.


Would you look at that, Touhou on your nature encyclopedias.

>> No.18877552
File: 39 KB, 400x351, beijingforestryart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18877554
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She deserves it.

>> No.18877586
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Nice, i'd be proud if i were ZUN.

>> No.18877682

Cool, Reimu is a nice sounding name, and it does look really similar. I wonder what Reimu smells like...

>> No.18877983
File: 366 KB, 1214x1720, __hakurei_reimu_komano_aun_and_sukuna_shinmyoumaru_touhou_drawn_by_himajin_noizu__e2f8fbe105d8cf4f7f7d2263e6a0102b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Touhou made a significant contribution to the scientific community?

>> No.18878465

she trully is a good girl. she helps even when she doesn't want too.

>> No.18878515


>> No.18879244
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>> No.18879311

Gonna deflower Reimu.

>> No.18879342

i want to plant reimu

>> No.18880004

I want one

>> No.18880340

I want to plant her next to Patchouli

>> No.18880350


>> No.18880390
File: 602 KB, 1000x1000, 43022120_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations my darling.

>> No.18880430

Well shit, that's impressive.

>> No.18880445

.... it's real

>> No.18882991
File: 2.48 MB, 1492x1693, reimu flower3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art's coming in.

>> No.18883109
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>> No.18883120

Fucking chinese weebs!

>> No.18883179

so tsundere

>> No.18883187

New incurable sexually-transmitted pathogen named after a green-haired miko when?

>> No.18883204

Are there any other examples of this?

>> No.18883220

There's a protein called Sonic Hedgehog which causes cancer.

>> No.18883221

Cute! I want my own Reimu now.
But honestly it's amazing that Touhou finally made a lasting mark in the world.

>> No.18883226


>> No.18883306
File: 97 KB, 960x720, Gary Larson, on having a parasitic louse species named after him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than Sonic hedgehog, there's pic related and this guy.

>> No.18883355

That's nice and it really does look like Reimu's ribbon.

>> No.18883389

This makes me sick

>> No.18883461 [DELETED] 

New infectious airborne flesh-eating pathogen named after a certain time-stopping maid when?

>> No.18883463

That sounds more like Rumia.

>> No.18883484 [DELETED] 

underrated post.

>> No.18883490 [DELETED] 

Sakuya makes flan's human-flavoured pastries, you can't deny that she doesn't have a taste out of curiousity

>> No.18883513

That's a very specific part of one of her profiles, Rumia eating people is a far bigger attribute and is known for that a lot more. We also don't know if it's true considering Flandre. It's like if you called an extremely flammable material Orin instead of Mokou, because the former has flamey skulls.

>> No.18883524

I bet Yuuka is fucking seething.

>> No.18883525

>We also don't know if it's true considering Flandre.
disregard this line I forgot to delete it.

>> No.18883532

I like this, it's sweet.
Hundreds of years from now people will still be talking about Reimu, now in flower form.

>> No.18883535

How many new 2hus will we have by then?

>> No.18883536

she's more about sunflowers.

>> No.18883575

Many, I hope

>> No.18883580

Touhou is immortalized now. Thanks China!

>> No.18883683 [DELETED] 

At least I'm basing my shitpost off a passing remark in the game as opposed to fanon slutposting.

>> No.18883867

No, she's not. She likes the miko and thinks it's a fitting name.

>> No.18883885

There is literally no relation to Sakuya's popular image whatsoever.

>> No.18884402
File: 670 KB, 629x1000, 1506845289075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there any plants that look like tiny remilia hats?

>> No.18884998

Does she get deflowered in this doujin?

>> No.18885133

I'm gonna smell a Reimu real good!

>> No.18885201
File: 95 KB, 354x443, 膨脹.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb posting to Komica.

>> No.18885328


>> No.18886039 [DELETED] 

t. assblasted Sanae white-as-cum knight

>> No.18886068


>> No.18886138


>> No.18886208

Is it really a new species? It looks more like it's just a new variety. People breed plant varieties with weird names all the time.

>> No.18886413

Yeah, it looks like a new cultivar, a hybrid of two existing cultivars of crepe-myrtle.

>> No.18886860

Not exactly the same, but https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimjongilia

>> No.18887105
File: 214 KB, 1200x1332, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_kujikimi__0b538432c0bd2853d13a17f7cbe758b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18887126

Almost https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua

>> No.18887185
File: 478 KB, 630x589, espn suika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou fanart immediately after public shoutout
Reminds me of the old days... simpler times.

>> No.18887218

Will that flower eradicate anyone that doesn’t leave a penny by it?

>> No.18887241

>what does Reimu smells like is now a legitimate question

>> No.18887260

Then the flower's nectar is what her juices taste like?

>> No.18887337

So apparently the Chinese Communist Party might reverse the naming huh?

>> No.18887381
File: 59 KB, 600x373, GQ keith olbermann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keith Olbermann

>> No.18887602

At the risk of getting dangerously political, there's a species of moth named after Donald Trump.


>> No.18887619


>> No.18887744

What is best eurobeat and why is it Futureland?


>> No.18887827
File: 90 KB, 1022x664, 1386654398908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18887850
File: 199 KB, 462x513, 說,為什麼@我.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does a political party have any say in what the scientific community does?

>> No.18888126

Because the particular party I am referring to is currently ruling the country in which the flower was discovered and named. Said political party can likely very easily block the name from becoming official if they deemed it necessary.

>> No.18888138

Why would they?

>> No.18888147
File: 275 KB, 1024x968, 就你嘴賤惹事多.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to understand what I was saying. I was asking why would politics dictate how scientific advances are made?

>> No.18888154

did you get that from using google translate in komica?

>> No.18888209

China and Japan historically haven't had the best relations. The Communist Party also likes to exercise control over cultural and scientific developments. It's possible that an official might force the scientists to rename the flower because the name originates from a Japanese game series. I doubt it, however, considering it's not really a big deal and the Party has other things to worry about.

>> No.18888217

Maybe someone in the party hates otaku shit.

>> No.18888238

>I doubt it, however, considering it's not really a big deal and the Party has other things to worry about.
So why is this >>18887337 post saying they might reverse it?

>> No.18888274

Idk. That wasn't my post. I just highly doubt that the Party, especially at the national level, would get involved in something as trivial as naming a species. It's not like they named the flower after a hanjian or anything.

>> No.18888349

Sweet delicious reimu nectar, bottled up for consumption

>> No.18888363

Great now the Chinese will actually be able to bottle and sell Reimu nectar.

>> No.18888390

I bet it tastes really sweet

>> No.18888407

Very pretty! Just like Reimu! Very pretty Reimu!

>> No.18888451

Can you fags take the /pol/shit back to /pol/, please.

>> No.18888461

trying too hard.

>> No.18888470

That camera should have said "Nitori".

>> No.18888497

So when can I buy seeds and grow my own Reimus?

>> No.18888518


>> No.18888553

Someone from /jp/ had better make a Gensokyo greenhouse filled to the brim with Reimu's.

>> No.18888817

Where can I order seeds to plant around my yard and house?

>> No.18888935

>tfw no garden of reimu.

>> No.18889493

If human ghosts became flowers in Gensokyo during the incident of PoFV, what does it means that a resident of Gensokyo became a flower in the outside world?!

>> No.18890136

You can't plant your seed in Reimu but now you can plant your seed OF Reimu!

>> No.18890156

I need to get a handful of Reimu's seed.

>> No.18890164

I want to buy a planter full of Reimu at my local Home Depot!

>> No.18890214

It has nothing to do with politics dictating how scientific advances are made. It has no bearing on how or why the research is being done. Government bodies/politics, in general, can still decide they are not OK with something being named a certain way, and have it changed. You can bet if someone found a new species of insect and called it a cocksuckeroach that there would be someone above them to tell them to re-name it. Be it within the establishment itself or some kind of government regulated scientific body.

But it's like >>18888209
said, I doubt very much that anyone would care anywhere near enough to pay that much attention to this particular case and raise a fuss. Still, I would put it past some people, especially some power tripping official, to take offense to having pop culture references in their "serious business", which is why I asked the question to find out if anyone had any insight into whether this could happen in this case.

Yes. I didn't mean to imply that I believe that they will, only bringing it up to see why someone might be operating under the assumption that they might. Which. again, was why my first post was a question.

>> No.18890226

wouldn't* put it past some people...

>> No.18890236


>> No.18890254

Pssst. Hey, Kid. I can help ya. Just come into this dark alleyway.
Now just close your eyes...

>> No.18890265

I want to seed Reimu.

>> No.18890336
File: 123 KB, 900x1200, 65524793_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it legal to grow your own Reimu? Isn't it essentially piracy?

>> No.18890349

As long as you state that it is a doujin plant, originally created by Team Beijing Forestry and don't spoil the ending, you're good

>> No.18890385

Well, there's the panda thing.
>hurr all your panda are belong to china, donut steal

>> No.18890407

who are you quoting?

>> No.18890424

does cumming on the reimu makes her grow faster?

>> No.18890440

wow, touhous have even gone back in time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOkina

>> No.18890655

>Baba Okina
okina is an old hag! it says so on wikipedia!

>> No.18890665

The people have a right to know!

>> No.18890751

Fuck you, no country is greater than science. I'm gonna name a new species of grass after my dick and they can't stop me.

>> No.18890857


>> No.18891688

>TFW Reimu will never bully the rest of the plants on your lawn

>> No.18891703

Hotglue when?

>> No.18891761

>why would politics dictate how scientific advances are made?
Anyone even slightly knowledgeable over the history of science would be able to tell you this m8

You do realise just how absolutely massive the Party is and how pervasive it is, right? I'm guessing most people here are Americans and Europeans, and unfortunately some SEAs, who do not comprehend how China's politics and the Party works. They can influence it, it's really no skin off their back. Not saying they will, but saying "Pfft, they've got better things to do" is ignorant.

>> No.18893013

I am going to fertilize Reimu.

>> No.18894053

Reimu's seed will be spread all over place in my garden.

>> No.18895165

But she's so young-looking.

>> No.18895397

I thought this was happy thread?

>> No.18895404

you're a happy thread.

>> No.18895422

Thanks you

>> No.18896643

>Reimu is a flower now
>Kirisame helps flowers grow
Even in nature they're inseparable.

>> No.18896677

Is there also a flower shaped like Marisa's hat waiting to be discovered?

>> No.18896702

nah, mushroom

>> No.18898849

Reimu garden when?

>> No.18899553
File: 61 KB, 400x400, patchouli plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right next to my patchouli garden.

>> No.18900076

Thank you for sharing this wonderful news.とても嬉しいです…

>> No.18901367

Can they be ordered online?

>> No.18902414

Certification for these things typically takes time, so I assume not. At least it won't be like with Chinese zoo animals - once it's available commercially you'll only need one twig to grow and multiply your Reimus.

>> No.18905118

>I bet Yuuka is fucking seething.
Anon, both 'Yuuka' and 'Kazami' already alude to flowers.
'Yuca' (pronounced and variably spelled 'Yuuka') and 'Catami' (pronounced extremely close to 'Kazami') are both ancient (extinct) American flowering plants of the Asteraceae (Sunflower) family, which led some Japanese to believe Yuuka was based on the Native American deity those two plants were named after, 'Yuthkatol' or 'Yuca Catami'.
She's not seething, she's probably genuinely happy that there is more flowers in the world and people are respecting their beauty.

>> No.18906281
File: 1.26 MB, 1233x1754, reimu flower5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18908785


>> No.18912595


>> No.18916997

Has something like this happened again? Touhou on tv?

>> No.18920172

Oh there's this.

>> No.18923397

Dunno how to feel about this.

>> No.18928204

>the villain is the good guy now

>> No.18928212

yuuka btfo

>> No.18928216



>> No.18931606

There was also Aya on Oxford university banner.

>> No.18932387
File: 341 KB, 892x712, aya oxford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18934249

Faculty head confirmed for Touhou fan.

>> No.18935793

I'll get some of these flowers and cum on them.

>> No.18937536
File: 99 KB, 768x768, DcCQNRJU0AEl5ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18937739

And what then?
I hope you feel bad for being fucking gross, my dude.

>> No.18937760


>> No.18937893

the Chinese government, apparantly

>> No.18937955

they let a fossil be called han solo go through.
this is a new flower they discovered with no other valuable properties , not the cucumber relative that produces super sweetener or pandas.

>> No.18938046

It's panda diplomacy.

>> No.18941783

Is Star Wars popular in China? Aren't they against it since it has ghosts and shit?

>> No.18941939

they dont mind ghosts, especially ancestor ghosts that guide towards a propper path and are treated with reverance, it's skeletons Halloween ghosts they have a problem with.
but star wars is pretty popular, not the newer ones, they talked shit about it, didn't have a good story and the action is eclipsed by

>> No.18942078


>> No.18942198

Y'know what, this is actually pretty fucking cute. I want a sample now.

>> No.18942264

Star Wars is not popular in China or parts of Asia other than Japan because those countries never got into the first 6 movies when they came out. Star Wars today relies a lot on nostalgia.

>> No.18942965

>the action is eclipsed by
Anon did you die?

>> No.18943146

That's wonderful.

>> No.18944892

Wew, didn't notice.
Eclipsed by any wuxia film out at the time

>> No.18947953


>> No.18950297

My stamen has never been so ready

>> No.18954013

Reimu is made for pollination.

>> No.18956866

"please" stop
it's actually a rather pretty flower so I kind of want to do it anyway now. Kind of surprised there are still things like this out there that don't have names yet.

>> No.18956894

Neat. That's quite the list too...

Good luck.

>> No.18961623

I wouldn't mind it, too, but I wonder how big it is, since some of the crepe-myrtle plants are said to grow up to 100 feet. Probably not a decorative cultivar like this one, though.
