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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 682x539, MeltyBloodCiel01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1887182 No.1887182 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ why does everyone hate Ciel? I happen to enjoy her route, though of the three I've done Hisui is my favorite.

>> No.1887185

Route =! Character

>> No.1887192

Because japanese fans like to make fun of Ciel's popularity and /jp/ tries to immitate them.

>> No.1887190


>> No.1887195

I'm asking why she is so unpopular in the first place.

>> No.1887197

I hate her tomboyish hair.

>> No.1887199

What about her hair is tomboyish?

>> No.1887204

Is it the H-scenes in her route? I'm indifferent to that sort of thing, so maybe they're bad and I just don't notice because I don't care.

>> No.1887206

Because /jp/ doesn't like older girls

>> No.1887211

Uh... ARC?

>> No.1887212

Because /jp/ doesn't like curry

>> No.1887215

So in other words there's no reason, it's just a running gag like Sacchin.

>> No.1887220

That's about right.

>> No.1887221

/jp/ doesn't like animal abusers.

>> No.1887226

Some things i feel indifferent about Ciel:

She's 24(Old hag)
Tomboyish haircut
Is willing to kill you
Run into the sunset(sunrise) TRUE END

>> No.1887230

Rule 63 Kotomine, right down to the Black Keys.

>> No.1887238

Only Hisui is never willing to kill you.
Short hair is indeed the not GREATEST thing.
For all intents and purposes, she is forever 17 (also older than 24 actually)
Menage a TROIS, nit harem (and given Arc's nature is possible, just...ot fitting, so you have that).

True End was good though, if only for pissed of Arc.

>> No.1887248

But Kotomine is delicious.

>> No.1887251

I thought she was 30 or 40.

>> No.1887257
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Because she is a Christfag and doesn't play nice with Arc and Akiha.

>> No.1887261

Well, when Roa possesed her, due to her potential, he made much more noise then usual and was killed faster.
She should not have been 18 herself by then, more then 10 years have passed for sure, thus she is 30+ most probably.

>> No.1887267

It was my understanding that she only is immortal while Roa survived. Arc by contrast really IS forever young and like everyone who isn't Akiha has short hair.

>> No.1887272

Since Arc and the twins are Shoulder length, they are not short.

And unless Roa is killed by Shiki (which happens properly only in Near Side), she is immortal.

But even when he dies, she starts of as a 17 year old.

>> No.1887285
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I always liked to see Arc in a different manner.

>> No.1887284

So both she and Arc are older than they look, but Arc is MUCH older, so I don't see how age is really a matter of complaint. Though again, I'm starting to see it as more of a running gag than actual hate.

>> No.1887293

Arc however, since she was in CRYOGENETIC SLEEP(more like chains, but you get the point), she has the contrast of knowledge and wisdom supplied by True Ancestors and the nature of a kid that barely know of the world and has lived for about a year or two properly.

While Ciel is more like an old woman hiding her age...

>> No.1887298

But then you still have to take into account the "delicious cake" principle.

>> No.1887299
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>> No.1887303

What does Ren have to do with anything?

>> No.1887304
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because she likes curry.

also, she kinda looks like chie-sensei of higurashi or sae of hidamari sketch.

>> No.1887305

Exactly... I think.

>> No.1887309

But Chie is actually an homage to Ciel.

>> No.1887319

of all the routes, I liked Ciel's route THE BEST.

>> No.1887331

I prefer Hisui but of the three I've done (Ciel, Arc, Hisui) Ciel is my second favorite. I'm doing Akiha's now. I'm not enjoying it.

>> No.1887340

Akiha's route is kinda tragic, to say the least, though it has some delicious incest. oh wait, shiki and akiha are not blood relatives... oh well.

>> No.1887349
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>>>delicious incest
And that is something I don't get and never will.

In fact, it is why I don't enjoy her route that much, never mind that it can only end in tears. They aren't blood siblings, but they might as well be.

>> No.1887369

Because /jp/ doesn't like girls who are into anal sex.

>> No.1887430

I liked Ciel's route except for the disgusting h-scene.

>> No.1887448

Well, it doesn't really matter.
In Akiha's route, regardless of blood relation or not, he'd do her.

In Kohaku's route, regardless again, he won't.

>> No.1887463

Oh god, Shiki's body looks like a pair of pants. CANT UNSEE

>> No.1887474

Is that Sailor Mercury in the top right picture?

>> No.1887498


>> No.1888119
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>> No.1888181

Ciel is my favourite Tsukihime character, I hate Akiha and don't like Arcueid very much. Having said that, everytime I lurk /jp/ I shed a tear, thinking that I feel like a fuckin' troll.

>> No.1888192

She is ugly and boring

>> No.1888195

Ciel's route was good. Ciel-senpai sucks shit. Battle mode Ciel is badass. The chemisty/romance between Ciel and Shiki sucked.

>> No.1888198

Man hold up. Shit. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT

>> No.1888199

For fuck sake. I really liked that picture, you know?

>> No.1888203


>Ciel is my favourite Tsukihime character

Shirou is my favorite Fate/Stay Night character, and even I think you're a troll.

>> No.1888219

And so I said. *sob*

>> No.1888224

I don't hate her, but I found her route quite odd. Everything leading towards something more than camaraderie felt really forced to me. Actually at times, it felt like the game itself was resisting my attempts to pursue Ciel, which really ruined it for me.

>> No.1888225

is there a character sheet for the other characters?

>> No.1888273
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Best route. Best character. BEST PROTAGONIST EVER.

>> No.1888270

I don't like the tattoos.

>> No.1888280
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These are two sides to the same coin. Both are canonical roles that Ciel plays over the course of the game.


>doesn't play nice with Arc or Akiha

One of her admirable points, I always thought.

>> No.1888287

Ciel looks great in everything but the school uniform. I'd say that the uniform is just ugly, but Satsuki looks great in it.

Still, she's my least favorite Tsukihime girl (that's not saying much, because I like all of them a lot).

>> No.1888292
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I like Ciel, but I prefer Arcueid, Hisui and Akiha.

>> No.1888309


Akiha's route really ruined Akiha for me. I would have prefered it had all the sex been skipped out and it just been about pure love between siblings.

Also it felt so weird to have Akiha as a vulnerable character

>> No.1888322

So you just liked her as a demanding classy sister that once in a Blue moon seems to worry, which is just a false tirade to not let everything spill out?


>> No.1888323
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>I prefer Hisui
I bet you also prefer nigger cocks up your ass.

>> No.1888335
File: 80 KB, 750x600, 1231443788484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say I like Ciel, of course she is no Arcueid but she does place second.

Only thing I dislike about Ciel is the school uniform.

>> No.1888358

my main gripe with ciel is she's not fuckawesome cute like Arc. You compare the two near side heroines, and Arc is easily superior - cuteness OVER9000, badass, lolo ONOMNOM gaijin, and oh yah, PHANTASMOON!

Meanwhile, Ciel is curry, school uniform of BLEH, and oh yeah... the entire damn route is forced.

It's no coincidence that the good end is harem end, because for fucks sake, you have to FORCE shiki to go after ciel, Arc just comes naturally.

Farside heroines are awesome in their own right of course.

tldr, fuck ciel, arc is cute

>> No.1888364

I like Ciel but I prefer everyone else.

>> No.1888370

I hate Arcueid. A lot. I can't find a single attractive thing in her.

In b4 trolltrolltroll

>> No.1888384


I'm not the guy you replied to I'll respond anyway.

Akiha is love but I find it a bit creepy that she is Shiki's love, and a bet most of the people who have a sister here will agree with me. She actually reminds me of my own big sister quite a lot (I say big she's always been a frail looking girl), who went to extreme lengths to protect me from our abusive father when we still lived with him but I never found out about it until a few years ago. I always used to think she was being such a bitch when she made me go to bed early if my father ever went out to drink, I knew he could be violent at times but I didn't realise how frequently that was.

Turns out he would always be pissed with us for some reason when he got back and would want to drag us out of bed and take it out on us, so she'd stay up and go straight to him so he never came and bothered me.

I love my sis but sex would never come into it. When I read about Shiki I can't help but think of him as being me; protected by his selfless sister from a scary world he selfishly denies for his own convenience.

But I can still understand why others might like her like that especially if they never had a sister of their own, if my sis was still alive, even if just for a day, I'd want to hold her and never let go. I miss you sis.

>> No.1888386
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Shit, right?

>> No.1888394
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>> No.1888400
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I find her the sexiest, at least body wise. Arc seems too sultry, Akiha and twins - too flat, Ciel's perfect, athletic and has nice ass and legs.
Not that it really shows in Takeuchi's drawings though.

>> No.1888408
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>> No.1888419

>I find her the shitiest


>> No.1888450

MAIDS because you raep them > Vampire princess because you can raep her too > Tsundere Imouto : she raeps you and will end up eventually sucking your blood > A cat is fine too. > Shit > heroines without a route.

>> No.1888519

I liked her because she actually knew what she was doing unlike the closet yandere and imouto.
Kohaku would be my favorite over her plot-wise, but her ending felt worse than Ciel's good route to me.
Bitch got raped, but to risk murdering dozens of people and to be aware of that ain't an a way to vent.

>> No.1888530

>heroines without a route.

Isn't it sad Aoko

>> No.1888539

At least she is alive...

>> No.1888567

ciel was the the worst character because she didn't have a character

i felt like her actions and opinions were arbitrary changed to fit the story of her route

>> No.1888577
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I heard you like some Gilgamesh.

>> No.1888629
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>> No.1888750

I like Ciel and I chose to do her without glasses.

>> No.1888767

You sick fuck !

>> No.1888784

I liked Ciel's route. I didn't even mind her as a supporting character, although she could be a bitch at times. She makes for a terrible love interest though, and the romantic development in her route was awful. Shiki just suddenly goes from only liking her as a senpai to loving her as a woman. I wouldn't say that I hate Ciel, but she's easily my least favorite Tsukihime heroine.

>> No.1888806

I have this feeling that if I ever get around to playing Tsukihime, I'll end up liking Ciel just to go against the memetic dislike for her; that's what always happens when I perceive a character as being unjustly despised.

>> No.1888814

Ciel was my favorite female character in Tsukihime.

>> No.1888832


Lies. We all now that there are no Ciel fans, only trolls pretending to like her.

>> No.1888850
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Ciel is badass. How can you dislike her?

>> No.1888860

Ciel sucks, but she is still better than any of the shitty fate stay night characters

>> No.1888877

The heroines? Yes. Rin is unimportant, Saber is only good as moe, and Sakura is a good waifu but an used and off and on yandere waifu.
The other characters? Highly debatable.

>> No.1888890
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>> No.1888893


Same here, I loved her route, but don't care so much for the character as a love interest. It was fun watching Shiki gradually break down, raping Kohaku, and culminating with a death match with Ciel (my favorite end for her).

>> No.1888897

CIel's route is worth if just for making Arc snap.

>> No.1888896

Ilya is the best Type Moon character, so no.

>> No.1888900

It's true ;_;
Her tatoos are hot.

>> No.1889052

And then the bitch goes and WASHES THEM OFF before the secks begins.

>> No.1891264


Can't stop laughing.

>> No.1891273

Personally I liked Rin and Saber more than Ciel, but not the other Tsukihime girls. Ilya is up there with the Tsukihime gang though.

Sakura... Sakura is below Ciel. Fuck you Sakura, fuck you and your awesome route.

>> No.1891291
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600 years is nothing.

>> No.1891301




>> No.1891351

So, does all the complaining about this mean that no one was around the first time it happened?

>> No.1891363

Sure seems that way.

>> No.1891426

Everyone had the same face.

>> No.1891452

>I happen to enjoy her route, though of the three I've done Hisui is my favorite.
> three

>> No.1891456


He probably skipped Arc or Akiha.

>> No.1891458

>skipped Akiha
Don't joke like that, bro.

>> No.1891472

It seems that anon really hates characters with multiple layers (another reason they like Nanaya over Shiki, but that's a later discussion).

Ciel is fun, quirky, forward, sometimes easily embarrassed, and really cool to have on your side. She's business-like and absolutely cold when she needs to be, and still winds up being soft-hearted in some cases. She hands out advice and a friendly ear. She's got a healthy appetite and a girlish dream, although it'll never be fulfilled. She even shares a romance that may be unrequited, but keeps it to herself until the day he comes around. She also has her jealous and angry side that doesn't listen well to reason.

All in all, she's actually one of the more rounded characters of the cast, if not the most rounded. And chipper/cheerful despite her quite horrible backstory (more happy than Shiki, even if her happiness is fake a lot of times).

Trick of it is, you need the overall exposure of her throughout the routes to come to that kind of conclusion. The first two routes were so bogged down by EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION in relation to Roa, Apostles, and Shiki's eyes that you could lose or overlook an easy piece of what makes Ciel attractive.

>> No.1891487

It seems that anon really hates characters with multiple layers (another reason they like Nanaya over Shiki, but that's a later discussion).

Arcueid is fun, quirky, forward, sometimes easily embarrassed, and really cool to have on your side. She's business-like and absolutely cold when she needs to be, and still winds up being soft-hearted in some cases. She hands out advice and a friendly ear. She's got a healthy appetite and a girlish dream, although it'll never be fulfilled. She even shares a romance that may be unrequited, but keeps it to herself until the day he comes around. She also has her jealous and angry side that doesn't listen well to reason.

All in all, she's actually one of the more rounded characters of the cast, if not the most rounded. And chipper/cheerful despite her quite horrible backstory (more happy than Shiki, even if her happiness is fake a lot of times).

Trick of it is, you need the overall exposure of her throughout the routes to come to that kind of conclusion. The first two routes were so bogged down by EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION in relation to Roa, Apostles, and Shiki's eyes that you could lose or overlook an easy piece of what makes Arcueid attractive.

>> No.1891489

Oh god I lol'd

>> No.1891503

Arc's 800+ years old.

Looking at it, I like Ciel/Shiki interactions more in Akiha's route and in Kagetsu Tohya. It's all pretty cute and silly, there. No pretenses or forcing--just them and a natural rapport. I could imagine a relationship developing from that direction.

>> No.1891531

Think of it this way... She will be a virgin everytime.

>> No.1891551

Even then I felt like Shiki and Ciel had a "just friends" relationship. Ciel may have gotten jealous over Shiki but it never seemed like Shiki had any romantic feelings for her.

>> No.1891565

She's been asleep most of that time though, is why she acts childlike outside of the vampire-killing business.

>> No.1891571

But she wasn't a virgin when she died as Roa...

>> No.1891612

>No pretenses or forcing--just them and a natural rapport.

The thing is...if you notice, Ciel is REALLY bad at lying. Keeping this in mind, much of her interaction with Shiki in her route takes on new meaning.

>> No.1891635

I don't understand the Ciel hate. I did like her Executioner persona and behavior. Her school girl facade, not so much. I seriously think her character would have been utilized better if she stayed more badass and interacted with Shiki more outside of school.

>> No.1891649

but that wouldn't be true to her character.

>> No.1891671

I mean have her get close to Shiki, just not in the school Setting. Given Shiki's daily routine, that'd be impossible.
