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18847655 No.18847655 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.18847656
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>> No.18849138

Is famitsu pretty accurate when it comes to their scores? Because the new Tengai ni Mau game came out and it had pretty decent scores.

>> No.18849239

I'd wait for amazon reviews. Numbers with no reason are meaningless to me but that's just me.

>> No.18850008

What's better. Black butterfly or ashen hawk?

>> No.18850455

I liked Kokuchou more.

>> No.18850472

Each had aspects I preferred over the other. I think they're about equal.

>> No.18852137

Is thread dead because of lack of news?

>> No.18852331

Probably personal preference.
I like Ashen Hawk more.
But play both.

>> No.18853340
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Cute girls and Ryuya-sensei. The jewelry continues to be doujin tier though.

>> No.18853615
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>Japan in charge of gun handling

>> No.18854158

Beatiful designs, can I ask where is it from?

>> No.18854162

what's reverse image search?

>> No.18854198

I've tried, and it just gave me 'anime'

>> No.18854419


>> No.18855286
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Kek. As the other character said, "Something tells me you really want to go."

>> No.18856493

He's supposed to be discount Leon right?

>> No.18857760

Oh man, first time I played that the goldfish kept getting me.
I hope Haccaworks isn't ded.

>> No.18858098
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>> No.18858205
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>> No.18858249

Ugly characters

>> No.18858553

I keep on seeing Sohaya but obviously it's not. Hopefully the full version doesn't disappoint.

>> No.18858837

Seems promising.

>> No.18860326
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>> No.18860667

The song is tacky, but I do like how the visuals are coming along, so I'm looking forward to the other groups' MV previews.

Also, RayGlanZ sounds like talking about hormone secretions or something, but I guess you could say that's what they're going for

>> No.18860795
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That's it, no more 30k yen box sets for me. I already bought two of them-

>has the Hakodate Amane performances and bonus /u/ school route

WELP, at least it's essentially 4.5 games in one this time

>> No.18860847


>> No.18862236

Dang, alright, this is a set I'd happily pay 30k yen for.

>> No.18863148

Reminds me of kpop.

>> No.18863170

How's Touken Ranbu as a game, I never played KanColle.
Would it be alright to start now?

>> No.18864989

You could, but why would you? It's just a money-drain scheme, not even thinly veiled.

>> No.18865103

It's not fun, unless you actually enjoy spending entire afternoons fighting repetitive battles over and over again to collect beads and stuff. At least mobileshit like Granblue and Fate has actual story and characterisation to distract you from the endless grinding. I mean, whether you think it's worthwhile is up to you but it's more than what Touken ranbu ofers.

>> No.18865484

KanColle style "gameplay" is pretty shit.

>> No.18869490

Any point to finishing the Outlands in The Bell Chimes For Gold? That's about the only thing I have left to do in the game but nothing story-related happened in the other dungeons.

>> No.18869908

The dungeons are just there to get ingredients, there's no story point to them at all.
Did you actually buy the English version? I thought it was a nice game but really a bit too niche for Sekai to localize it.

>> No.18870929

Thanks for the response.

>Did you actually buy the English version?

Yep. After playing it I have a long list of complaints, but overall it wasn't bad. I'd get the sequel if they bother to release it.

>> No.18871576

Nero e rosso isn't really a sequel, it's just set in the same universe. And it seems to be a lot more 'hardcore'.

>> No.18874536
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I wonder if it will be a success or die early.

>> No.18874697

Not sure if it's right place to ask but anyone know where to get Ensemble Stars! Starry Stage 1st~ leak? I saw screenshots with Akatsuki performance but op don't answer where did he got it.

>> No.18877456

I swear I'll finally beat Tsundere S Otome this week, don't die.

>> No.18879387
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Nice shirt

>> No.18879401

Another sord with makeup.

>> No.18879664

I did not expect that face on that body.

>> No.18880162
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>Poison Kiss

i've been waiting for this.webm

>> No.18881942

This is why I don't understand why Touken Ranbu is so popular.

>> No.18882025

It's because of the designs. The game is so empty and boring that you don't need to play, there's no important plot whatsoever either so you can just get straight into tkrb because you liked one of the designs.

>> No.18882450

that baby face with that body looks weird

>> No.18885597 [DELETED] 


>> No.18886235

He looks fucking tired. I like it.

>> No.18888171
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Kurayami no Hate was nice. I'm glad I played it. It was fun watching everyone break down including the villain. I didn't stick around to finish the childhood friend's route because I couldn't stand his voice.

>> No.18890599
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>tfw the person you're not aiming for is thirstier in another character's route
>tfw a bad ending would lead to being with him

>> No.18891304

What game is that?

>> No.18892460
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SIGNAL. It's an old DS game. Heroine is a new article writer in a magazine for the sports racing section. The wrong choice can lead to things like the MC forever alone, the guy choosing someone else, the MC ending with another guy, or surprise yandere entrapment. I laughed myself sick because it was like a soap opera.

>> No.18896059

How's Tengai ni Mau?

>> No.18897250
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Did anyone order the Room No.9 complete works? I just want to read the pages on the plot but I don't wanna pay for EMS just for it.

>> No.18898331
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One year later Fluna and Seleas still coming "soon"

>> No.18901052

They've changed there focus from Tsukiuta to their other band projects.

>> No.18901156

I just hate how they keep adding more and more groups.

>> No.18901698


>> No.18901727

It might have something to do with VA ability too. Most of VAZZROCK is more minor guys.

And those are the girl groups, I think they've realized that it's better to focus on the female audience because they can't compete with the more popular anime girl groups out there.

>> No.18901825
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Any impressions? If not, how's Kaori Oda's single album Suibi for the ost?

>> No.18902430

Psychedelica on PStore when

>> No.18903386

I'm playing Chouchou Jiken ~Rhapsodic~ and so far I like it.
The back grounds are pretty and varied.
The bishounen are pretty interesting so far.
the heroine is kawaii.
Plot seems fucked up enough to be entertaining.
I only don't like the BGM.

>> No.18903857

I saw the LE for about 3500 yen and I decided to grab it. I think most people's complaints about it are the guys except the trap but other than that the story is pretty decent. I'm trying to clear other games in my backlog first before I get into it. Let me know what you think about the game when you're finished.

>> No.18904466


Since my japanese is shit, it's going to take me some time though.

>> No.18905239


>この度、2017年10月31日に配信を開始いたしました>スマートフォン向けアプリ「スタレボ彡 88星座のアイドル革命」につきまして、2018年6月28日(木)をもましてサービスを終了させていただくこととなりました。

RIP in piece

>> No.18905247

what a surprise

>> No.18905263 [SPOILER] 
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New route or nah?

>> No.18905566

Definitely a new route. It looks like a continuation of his bad end in the main game though. Honestly, I can't think of how a romance story with him would work out.

>> No.18905675

Jesus Rejet.
So how is it going to pay the bills now? Keep shilling Dear Vocalist and vampires?

>> No.18905816
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Guy here

I have a friend whos playing code realize and telling me about it

GDI it looks cool. Shes on van's route and that shit is right up my alley

Im seriously thinking about playing this. Is the vita version any good?

>> No.18905837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18905840
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>> No.18905850

I wouldn't be surprised if they fade out in a year or two, with the way things are going for them.

>> No.18905853
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>> No.18905860
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>> No.18906646

Pray the Marginal#4 phone game does better.

>> No.18907627

The only way I could have seen it working is if the route happened when they were both in the police academy, before all the stuff started

>> No.18907639
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Top sellers for NA vita store march

>> No.18907738

Super late, but yeah, Vita version is fine.

>> No.18908730

Ah, yeah. I can definitely see that working. Reminds me of the approach Chou no Doku did on Majima where his revenged plan failed when Yuriko confessed to him. It looks like they're continuing on the Zero end though and the murders already took place at that point the boys and her potential lover died too. I can't really envision a happy end for this route otherwise it would feel like a trainwreck and they'd most likely try to justify the actions he did in the main game for the sake of it.

>> No.18909386
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Damn, how bad was this game to get all those bad reviews and get a 20% off reduction this early?

>> No.18909503

Looking at the reviews it looks like a lot of characters are a bunch of jerks (Probably the guys too) as I've imagined. Thank goodness I didn't end up getting this even though I've been considering of purchasing it a few weeks ago.

>> No.18909513

Unless it's justified, given the time period this is based on. Shame, this game came up on my radar since Oda Kaori's song as the opening. Hopefully she gets some recognition for making some of the soundtrack.

>> No.18909536

At least the soundtrack single is pretty good.

>> No.18910308

None of them have even finished the game. I find that I tend to hate nearly everyone in a Takagi game at the start, but warm up to them and later love them all so I think it's worth waiting for the reviews from people who have finished it.

>> No.18910385 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18911523

They're just a bunch of dumb eop's.

>> No.18911657

Nips on 5ch were saying that the abuse in the beginning is worse than in Hanayaka, the side characters are awful, and Takagi didn't write all the scenarios this time and a mobage writer did instead (fug)

At least this seems to be getting a lot of reception? I was surprised that Fortissimo sold so low.

>> No.18912000

>I was surprised that Fortissimo sold so low
People lost interest after being delayed for so long.

>> No.18912121

Wasn't it that as well as the trap being the only decent husbando?

>> No.18915223

the trap is from a completely different recent game that also go bad reviews.

>> No.18915583

Rejet has been hanging on by a thread lately, and I doubt that Magi4 will help it much, much as I like it. Has any of its other otome CD series been doing good lately?

>> No.18915617

Do we even know sales figures for all those cd's?
Sure they haven't made a new game lately, but maybe they don't need to to still make a profit.

>> No.18917997

I wonder if they're going to cancel that KgK spin-off moba. Last Twitter update for it was over two months ago.

>> No.18918360

I thought this was kill.

>> No.18919804

Not only was Corda 2 ff's bonus preorder DLC code printed in invisible ink, it was printed in invisible ink upside-down in reverse on top of other invisible ink text. What the fuck man

>> No.18921048

>Chou no Doku
I've always thought that route was a neat way to shake things up while keeping the body count down. I'm delighted it became a bigger wreck in the fandisk.

>> No.18922476

Yeah, I actually thought it was better compared to the other routes where he gave her parents an instant death. He may not have killed them in his route but the suffering was more long-lasting because not only her dad still has a huge debt to pay, her mom will be tormented by the fact that her daughter eloped with her half-brother. It's insane. I thought we'd get 3 generations of incest but I remember Majima saying that he can't probably have any children because of the fatal wound Yuriko's father gave him

>> No.18922812

How well did Black butterfly do?

>> No.18924342

It's been a year since they've released the PV but still no news about it. I hope it doesn't mean it's cancelled.


>> No.18924420
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Finally a year now, huh? I hope so too, I've been waiting on a full version of that OP this whole time.

>> No.18924545

I though Nips liked abuses.
Isn't that game with vampire bullies popular after all ?

Or maybe the negative review come from a minority of vocal moralfags, while the abuse-loving masochists are quietly enjoying it.

what kind of abuses is it ?

>> No.18926189
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Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 12

>> No.18926556

Thanks, doc.

>> No.18927207

(1)ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side(KONAMI/PS2)2002年6月20日発売

(1)ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 1st Love(KONAMI/DS)2007年3月15日発売
(2)ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 2nd Season(KONAMI/DS)2008年2月14日発売
(4)薄桜鬼 ポータブル(アイディアファクトリー/PSP)2009年8月27日発売
(5)ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss(KONAMI/PS2)2006年8月3日

(1)ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 3rd Story(KONAMI/DS)2010年6月24日発売
(3)うたのプリンスさまっAll Star(ブロッコリー/PSP)2013年3月7日発売

(1)うたのプリンスさまっAll Star After Secret(ブロッコリー/PSP)2015年3月12日発売
(2)うたのプリンスさまっMUSIC3(ブロッコリー/PS Vita)2016年1月28日発売
(3)金色のコルダ4(コーエーテクモゲームス/PS Vita)2016年3月10日発売
(4)うたのプリンスさまっRepeat LOVE(ブロッコリー/PS Vita)2017年1月26日発売
(5)薄桜鬼 真改 風ノ章(オトメイト/PS Vita)2015年9月25日発売


>> No.18927501

If they do end up canceling it, they better release that song at least. Fucking hell, the quite a few people are more interested in the song rather than the game itself.

>> No.18928298

Can someone help me out with Psychedelica Black Butterfly? I've been getting the Best End and not the epilogues of the other boys and I already tried 2-3 walkthroughs, even someone who played in japanese (I can read most of it), yet I keep getting the same ending over and over. I've been trying to get Takuya's epilogue for hours now. This has been mentally exhausting.

>> No.18928639

Isn't all you have to do is (re)play all the character-specific story parts? It's been a while since I last played it, but I'm pretty sure it has a flowchart so you don't even have to skip through the entire game but can just jump from one required scene to the next.

>> No.18928647

Forgot to mention that you might have to get their bad ends first in order to unlock their epilogues.

>> No.18928903

Psychedelica is great but it reads more like a VN with romantic side stories then an otome

>> No.18931774

More story than romance.

>> No.18933439
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So Corda Octave will now be a console game instead of mobashit. And nothing of value was lost

>> No.18934103

Where is Chapter 11? Was already posted and I missed it?

>> No.18934525
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>> No.18934761

Speaking of La Corda, I wonder if they'd ever port the original game. I've been keeping my eye on it but I think they only ported the first sequel and I haven't played any of the games so I probably wouldn't get it without ever touching the 1st game.

>> No.18935458

Yep, it's >>18826024
By the way, we've also started uploading the chapters on mangadex.

>> No.18936537

Thanks, doc. I'll check that if I'll miss the chapter next time.

>> No.18938278

This is why I can't stand the idea of games moving exclusively to phones. They always have to have some online component that will eventually get shut down.

>> No.18939543
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>> No.18939548
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>> No.18943726
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Did anyone get the Teito Bibouroku VFB?

>> No.18946124

is Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk in the same vein of bummer as Black Butterfly? Black Butterfly is bittersweet and all but I don’t think my heart can stand another game where my favorite character an heroes in an open ending if it requires suffering through repeating and misplaced translation strings again

>> No.18946752

Is the translation that bad?

>> No.18947942

It’s fine for the most part. The main route translation I didn’t notice any errors but once you get into side routes, especially the real life scenarios, the amount of times I see characters being called by the wrong name or got confused by a repeating line is pretty high. There was only one instance where meaning was completely lost because of a misplaced string, but the fact that it happened at all is frustrating.

There are also a couple times that a character will be speaking a line that’s obviously a few sentences long that will be translated as something like “how so?” Or “I see” and I’d have to listen a few times to try and parse meaning from it.

>> No.18948581

I will in a month or two. Why?

>> No.18950661

If that's the case, they should really begin a TL and grammar patch.

>> No.18950770

I think ashen hawk will be better

>> No.18950797

Is it true that one of the main guys don't have a romantic ending?

>> No.18950824

Considering how many otome they've been releasing, I assume the reason for the issues with their releases is that they're pushing really rushed, probably unreasonable, deadlines for each title. I was under the impression they've been receiving negative feedback for these problems but I guess it hasn't been enough.

>> No.18950992

The first VFB had a section on irl places that are still around and I was wondering if it had anything like that again.

>> No.18951400

Yeah the redhead tower guy, it was even in the first mag scans.

It's a shame there are so many EOP's who are so desperate that they don't make more of a fuss about quality and eat up trash translated phone games just as much.

>> No.18951587

They're just too dumb to care, hence why they continue to be EOPs.

>> No.18951675

What are you playing right now? What's on your backlog?

>> No.18951693

I started 7'scarlet in the hopes of finishing it or at least getting far into it before the English release, but I've been letting myself get distracted constantly so I'm still in the beginning.

>> No.18951952

Another thing is that they try to shill localization companies and say that people should be thankful that they're bringing niche games to the West. They also don't like it when someone complains about the translation quality. As if that'd stop the company from localizing these games.

>> No.18953956 [DELETED] 

Playing a pirated copy of Collar x Malice before the fandisc comes out.
Speaking of which, can anyone comment what the contents of the limited edition booklet are like? I'm considering between splurging and buying both games in limited edition or getting the regular edition twin pack.

>> No.18953968

Playing a pirated copy of Collar x Malice before the fandisc comes out.
Speaking of which, can anyone comment on what the content of the cxm limited edition booklet is like? I'm considering between splurging and buying both games in limited edition or getting the twin pack.

>> No.18955793

It's literally the "better than nothing" argument. Here's what I say to that, "Get gud, scrub".

>> No.18956186

I'm not spending money and learning another language just to read a digital picture book

>> No.18956417

Hiroshimoot should set up nip capcha.
Site quality would go up tenfolds.

>> No.18957257
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>They still think Hiro cares about anything that won't make money

>> No.18958313

You don't need to spend money to learn Japanese.

>> No.18958517

I think they're implying they pirate everything as most EOPs do.

>> No.18958591

Has a true end ever pissed you off?

>> No.18958848

And you don't have to buy things to complain about bad translations.

>> No.18958990

How come you guys never talk about BL games?

>> No.18959034

because you don't recognize when we do

>> No.18959059

Why don't you?

>> No.18959087

That's possible but in this thread alone, I don't think any BL game was talked about.

Because I'm more of a lurker than a poster.

>> No.18959095

I see mention of two.

>> No.18959113

Alright, then let me amend my previous statement:
How come you guys don't talk about BL games as much as you do otome games?

>> No.18959119

There are more otome games than BL games. Are you new?

>> No.18959140

because when they are posted people ignore it and then ask later "How come you guys never talk about BL games?"

>> No.18959207

I don't like BL

>> No.18959225

A huge chunk of the already small anglo BL game player base is split into only caring about either babby's first Chiral shit or nukige-esque titles.
People who know enough Japanese to comfortably read VNs and also willing to branch out beyond that are a small minority, which contributes to not much discussion.

>> No.18959283

I was annoyed at Norn9's True Ending just because I expected more meat from it. Like a proper route, rather than a short victory lap. Maybe my own fault, because the game was already bigger than it needed to be.

>> No.18959289

>Because I'm more of a lurker than a poster.
Then maybe you should start posting when others post about them instead of doing this >>18959140

>> No.18960353
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>> No.18960552

I hate BL

>> No.18960710

>David Production

>> No.18960849

I'm worried enstars won't work well as an anime because it's like 80% monologues

>> No.18960861

>Schedule is subject to change
At least they seem to have an animation studio this time.

>> No.18960872

>everyone listed but not Anzu V.A.

>> No.18961275

now throw the main story off the garbage like how they handled rasupiri anime.

>> No.18961408


Add an auto function for the love of God

>> No.18961575
File: 2.61 MB, 1440x810, enstars 3rdanni titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd anni op and title screen
I'd rather have them add a speed modifier.
voiced mini/intimate events like with Eden would also be nice.

>> No.18961857

wow it's fucking nothing
die HE

>> No.18962500

Everyone in /blog/ is an EOP deep down and only knows the games that were translated and the ones who don't already read every single game and are already tired.
At best, the only non-chiral games that can spark a discussion would be Mebiusline or Lucky dog but only 5 people in all of 4chan most likely read it and understood it to completition. Most new BL games are either boring nukiges or are in eternal development hell too. The only possible thing that could be discussed would be sweet pool's english release but most likely everyone here already read it before.
tldr; bl games are dead that's why nobody talks about them

>> No.18962599

I've seen people talk about Shingakkou, Omega Vampire, Omerta, and Tokyo Onmyoji before too.
Problem is that it's all likely the same couple people and you can only discuss the same thing with the same person so many times.

>> No.18962794

Funnily enough, on several occasions I've given my impressions on BL games I've been playing and in the same thread or the one after it, someone asks something along the lines of this same question. I'm not sure what anons like you are looking for. If you want BL game discussion, get involved when they're brought up.

I post about Mebiusline constantly so it probably looks like more people here are into it than there really is.

>> No.18963389

The best type of revenge is to live well. Majima's endings, and fandisk continuations embody suffering well. I love that after the detective ending. Both characters carved out their own paths after the miserable experiences they've been through.

>> No.18964190

That hard to do considering most translated games are vita

>> No.18964193

BL is for fags

>> No.18964212

Vita games before a certain update are pirateable.

>> No.18964354

BL is gay

>> No.18964784

BL is shit and so are fujos

>> No.18964808
File: 188 KB, 220x380, Kamigami_no_Asobi_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any greater wasted potential?

>> No.18964957

>says this while posting in what's basically a fujo general

>> No.18964962

Why are you giving a spammer the attention they want?

>> No.18965057

That furry game is gaining meme attention now.

>> No.18965230

Which one is that?

>> No.18965252

beast x light

>> No.18965288

Not that I particularly care if furshit gets mocked but is it possible for EOPs to be interested in or just genuinely like something without spewing dumb memes all the time?

>> No.18969284

>is it possible for EOPs to be interested in or just genuinely like something without spewing dumb memes all the time?
Unfortunately not

>> No.18969656

Moving mouths weird me out.

>> No.18969688
File: 434 KB, 1506x2000, Diabolik.Lovers._Haunted.dark.bridal_.full.1613646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18969705

If done properly I don't mind it so much. But UtaPri's mouth animations were just awful.

>> No.18970739

Speaking of this game I heard the 3rd game (Dark Fate) was the best installment in the franchise?

>> No.18973723

I like otome
I don't like bl

>> No.18974237

What the fuck happeing in banyaro?

>> No.18974963

I don't see the wasted potential, the setting and characters are pretty boring.

>> No.18975514

Ayato is wasted potential for a secret do-M, with all his mommy issues and everything. The game should have had various bad ends where he reveals his submissive nature.

>> No.18975589

I agree with that. It doesn't have the weird back and forth the second game has, where the 1st guys are oddly OOC.

>the setting and characters are pretty boring
Exactly. Could have been better.

I honestly thought there'd be more do-M guys than just the one.

>> No.18975757

>bad ends where he reveals his submissive nature

Like Reiji's?

>> No.18976661

Yui's 10/10 design is wasted in an otome game.

>> No.18976761

I think Azusa's not that popular, which is a shame but not surprising.

>> No.18976766

Why do people like you even come here?

>> No.18976809

Because I like otome and BL, just not exclusively.

>> No.18977303
File: 2.22 MB, 4923x2832, Thoth.Caduceus.full.1656254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad, mythology games are a better meme premise than vampires

>> No.18977770

What's wrong with liking cute MC-chans

>> No.18979594

The furry face type or the furry body parts but face type?

>> No.18980573

The 3D shows will keep going for a while, but yeah the games are over.

I at least wanted to see ANSwer properly in the show.

>> No.18984495

>eternal development hell
My medical sci-fi BL torture quota's never gonna get satisfied. Sad.

>> No.18985874

Nothing. Unless you mean Avalon, then people are dying.

>> No.18987211

How do you guys feel about Otomate focusing their future releases for the Switch?

>> No.18987212

at least a nip character designer able to draw delicious muscles.

>> No.18987219

happy, beause I have one and the big screen is confier than the vita's.

>> No.18987812

Glad their going for that and PC rather than phone games.
And I hope if they are porting that they port some more games over and other companies follow suit.

>> No.18987929

>No proper event since White Day

Avalon was a mistake. And I can't believe they went through the trouble of redrawing the sprites just to make everyone except Yukiho look worse.

Wonder if they can sell better than the PS4 ports, and if the other companies will follow suit. Whichever ones are left.

>> No.18988741

>Psychedelica at OtoPa again
I won't give up hope and keep praying for a third game.

>> No.18988856

Praying with you.

>> No.18989917

Don't have a Switch (yet) but I'm perfectly fine with this plan.

>> No.18992686

>Avalon was a mistake.
It really was, especially if they really are planning on gutting so much of the secondary cast. I just want actual events and new songs, please DW.

>> No.18994949
File: 14 KB, 640x360, DLMx9BSUEAAYL-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bootleg Hakuoki getting a game too

The mobage is a mess. Oda best boys though

>> No.18996269

>Talent management company Arts Vision announced on Thursday that voice actor Yuichiro Umehara has been hospitalized after being diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The actor is focusing on treatment and recovery, and will take an indefinite hiatus from work.


>> No.18996466


Poor guy.

>> No.18997356

God I hope mobages will give him chance to recover and don't change VA of his characters like they did with Hosoya. His voice the only thing that keeps me alive. He only started to shine I hope he'll get well soon.

>> No.18997363

Dang, wishing him all the best. Looks like the disease's prognosis is good at least, so hopefully he'll get to come back soon.

>> No.19000464

Damn son, I hope he gets well soon.

>> No.19000496
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kek, of course it has to be the actor who plays the purest Enstar. Don't these people know that you're supposed to delete this shit when you become popular. So glad social media wasn't big when I was a shitty teen.

>> No.19002321

>trashing fujos
Son, fujos pay your bills.

>> No.19003378

After most companies move over to Switch and no new titles end up really catching my eye, I guess I'll be putting this hobby on hold.

>> No.19003724
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ikemen Sengoku - 03 [720p][00_03_23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Masamune becomes a Youtuber


>> No.19004646

My eyes. Reading the entire thing report was awful.

>> No.19007243

is this the end for him

>> No.19008959

Better be.

>> No.19010118

Why's he such a little ball of hatred?

>> No.19010137
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>> No.19010177

Will it be as gay as original bandori

>> No.19010998

He looks creepier than beaten up Anabelle

>> No.19011034

Based bandori.

>> No.19011594
File: 93 KB, 411x182, tr713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 13

>> No.19012311

If's over, Banyaro is finished

>> No.19014936

>they're not even cute boys, but tall and hot
The silhouettes are already giving me anxiety. I just want banyaro back.

>> No.19015288

stellaworth's layout changed

>> No.19015337
File: 77 KB, 592x628, Dc0KjzCUQAEfvTs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose? Is this a new trend?

>> No.19016493

Looks decent although I miss the release calendar on the home page.

>> No.19019206

It's on the shop page.

>> No.19019339

If the music is also produced by Elements Garden, does this make Argo a band version of Utapri's music?

Also RIP Banyaro

>> No.19023642

How are his nip fans reacting?

>> No.19023973
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>> No.19023983


>> No.19024270

never get attached to phone games

>> No.19024309

What went wrong?

>> No.19024463

Does that mean no more Osiris ever again?

>> No.19024510 [DELETED] 

The announcement says no more app update but you can supposedly still use some of the game feature after that date. CMIIW.

>> No.19024518

Osiris is kill.

The announcement says no more app update but you can supposedly still use some of the game feature after that date. CMIIW.

>> No.19024588

Ritsu a cute, shame he's stuck in a kusoge.

>> No.19025226

Fuck. Guess I'll follow the development of Argonavis after all.

>> No.19025288

Wow, truly RIP Banyaro.

Hope they do revival gachas or something before they stop updating in July, I want to scout for some of the older cards. And guess I'll be checking male Bandori after all.

>> No.19025510


I don't have high hopes for BanB Dream's music, it will probably be as cheesy as BanG Dream's. I just have SB69 now

>> No.19025581

Would be funny if any of Banyaro's seiyuu end up voicing characters in BanB, now that I think about it.

>> No.19026002

Kmasa doesn't seen to have much else going on, and people seemed to really like his voice.

>> No.19026160

I really hope we get to hear more of him in the future. His singing voice is fucking amazing and he seems like a very nice guy judging from his Twitter and the Nico streams.

>> No.19027771

I personally never liked his voice that much, but he was definitely talented. It's interesting to see his goodbye message and thoughts about Kyo. It'd be good for him to branch out in other roles, or maybe properly form his own band.

>> No.19028398

Kmasa posted a blog post some time ago that he's going freelance as a seiyuu, maybe he'll be in brodori.

>> No.19031978

Why? I thought the game was popular enough to survive.

>> No.19032228

Here's wishing him good luck, then. Did a little digging and seems like his only anime role was a random student in Super Lovers? Hopefully he'll do more things in the future.

Was hoping Banyaro would get an anime adaptation considering so many games had adaptations, but I guess it's not to be.

>> No.19032506

The costs were probably too high and they probably expected it to be a lot more popular than it was. They hired some popular seiyuu, released over 80 original songs, had actual studio musicians, needed animators for SSR cut-ins, etc. It didn't help that there wasn't actually much incentive for people to spend money on events, and that the gacha was, frankly, terrible. I did think the merch/music was selling well though, so I'm surprised they seem to have pulled the plug on everything.

>> No.19032601

There were only about 10k active players

>> No.19035932
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>> No.19035973

Looks like that says 70th anniversary.

>> No.19036492
File: 228 KB, 350x495, sgt_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19036502

that hypnosismic thing seems to have gotten a following

>> No.19037022

Sangoku Rensenki and Yoshiwara Higanbana are getting ported to the Switch

>> No.19037188

A port of a porn game on the Switch, somehow it seems wrong.

>> No.19038928
File: 142 KB, 1200x900, DdVW7azU0AE5tHb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the usual "family-friendly" version with all porn removed and just implied.

>> No.19039210

Heimskringla is canceled.

>> No.19039478
File: 77 KB, 1200x572, i-img1200x572-15246297464ko9oh128064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limited edition otome-themed Switch consoles when?

>> No.19039496

Why does my favorite company have to be full of drama. They're losing a lot of fans over that employee firing thing.

>> No.19039574

Oh my, that's pretty cute.

>> No.19040413
File: 9 KB, 300x225, 1520213212280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be interested in me uploading the first two enstars stage plays with subs on nyaa?
It would be enstars on stage and take your marks.

I was the one who did the first torrent and someone pointed out that I got the name of the stage play wrong. I can't edit it (no account) but now I have both stage plays so I can make a new torrent with both in them if anyone would want that.

>> No.19040863

The JAST Blue twitter account is kinda cringy. They also keep using artbook scans and shit.

>> No.19040892

really instills confidence in their tl.

>> No.19040962

Some of the tweets look like a fan gushing about the game while trying to keep it professional. They cross the line with the most recent tweet though.

If they ever localize non-Chiral games they better give the same enthusiasm for them too. But I doubt it.

>> No.19041154

Do it. And thank ya anon.

>> No.19041485

Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino TL patch beta is out

>> No.19042636

I was wondering why the gacha seemed to yield better results in the past few months, but it’s such a fucking shame. I can’t say enough that this one had amazing music, fun groups, and a cool play screen. But despite that, I’m not surprised. Attention wanes and something more fun and flashy pops up everyday.

I’m still sorry to see it go. I’ve been worried about a few of my favorites when I see how easy it is to rank in the top 10k with little play. RIP. Damn I got attached to this one.

>> No.19043191

Why is this industry so dead?

>> No.19043222

BL being deader than otome is even weirder, given how big the fujo industry is.

>> No.19043264

too expensive

>> No.19044978
File: 157 KB, 720x896, 76ED5A14-6CC1-4E22-93B9-873478FF1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this is a little old, but I figured what the heck if you guys are OK with it.

>> No.19044982
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>> No.19044990
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>> No.19044995
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>> No.19044998
File: 203 KB, 720x898, 42711B52-D1F8-4389-93BE-C2EFE4FDE6CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045009
File: 184 KB, 720x899, F123762B-3FC8-4277-9A0B-B5DAC39DAD7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045037
File: 2.07 MB, 1622x2028, 138A633B-BD59-4D65-9054-9E40AFDC2A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19045040
File: 2.34 MB, 1629x2035, 612A2F29-6F4A-4EB7-B665-F345D5F372C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045053
File: 2.51 MB, 1620x2028, 16A95999-A019-4005-8905-B0DF47B7CBF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045060
File: 2.48 MB, 1620x2028, 39ECF07C-1AD2-4806-A452-DE4FC26A8BD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045067
File: 1.77 MB, 1618x2028, CA85AA7F-D9EE-4B4F-B662-15306B9F5FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045071
File: 2.05 MB, 1620x2033, E955E516-E647-418B-940A-A6F9C43DC8F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19045576

Mahoutsukai to Tenshi to Akuma trial is out

>> No.19046505

Hibari's so pretty, I hope cgs feature her more. It's a shame Kasuga seems to be just a side-chara with no route, though.

>> No.19046838

No more physical Vita games in 2019.

>> No.19047264
File: 176 KB, 1200x424, DdY8DDLVQAIxOAZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stellaworth Super Comic City 27 goods are going up online in a few hours.

They're also having a 50~70% off sale on some goods.

>> No.19047295

Say it isn't so.

>> No.19047309

Just in NA and EU, JP physical games will still be produced for now


>> No.19047707

It's probably unlikely but I hope Dorico no Toshokan still makes it in the Vita (if Rejet has no plans on cancelling it). I don't plan on getting the Switch anytime soon.

>> No.19048071

Yet they still didn't fix the stupid "invalid request" error.

>> No.19048270

I feel you, anon. The game wasn't even on my radar during pre-reg and I just picked it up on a whim once it was released; didn't think I'd end up liking it as much as I did. I can't say I'm surprised about the fact that it's ended either, but I really wish it had caught on more, though I get that most people were turned off by the gacha. At least there's PGR for more "Blast" music though, yeah?

Interestingly, it seems like fans on twitter are campaigning for people to try out the game before it ends. Looks like it trended on the Play Store for a while too.

>> No.19049029

Motherfuckers, I knew this would happen but I didn't expect it to be this soon. So by next month, the developers or localizers have to send in their requests by next month. That's a timespan that is a huge red flag because some games I hope to play may never be physical and just take up more memory space.

>> No.19049078

Is it possible to outsource physical distribution back to Japan or maybe put the option of putting localization TLs in JP copies and then tell people if they want to order it physically, they can buy the jp version which are not region locked and have English TL options? When Blazblue Central Fiction came out on ps4 in japan, it was surprising to see English text onto the japan copies anyway.

>> No.19049116

> Cendrillon PalikA switch exclusive
I don't have any clue as to what was on the minds of Idea Factory to cancel the psvita version. You are cutting into your own profits by not releasing both platforms simulataneously and since practically every VN supports psvita, the argument for the game unable to run on the vita is moot. Unless of course, they know that their own game will be a steaming pile of shit that the nintendo users will still buy, and cutting away from the vita users that may buy it will cut their losses.

>> No.19049316

Was it ever said if it was going to be on Vita or were people just assuming?
The official website just said undecided until the Switch announcement.
I still don't have either system and there aren't very many other games on each I want either so I'm just going to see how other companies might follow suit before picking one.

>> No.19049386

It was
Straight from the devil's mouth yet, poof. They cancel that.

>> No.19049867

Probably trying to force their fans to buy a Switch.

>> No.19049987

Yeah, it's a shame. Well, at least we're still getting Variable Barricade and Piofiore no Banshou on Vita.

>> No.19049994

Butler is most likely the secret route. They aren't giving him a CG with her for nothing.

>> No.19050489

*24,859(21,484) 18/02/15 Vita 『アイドリッシュセブン Twelve Fantasia!』
*12,838(10,963) 18/03/22 Vita 『イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋 新たなる出逢い』
**8,833(*8,833) 18/02/22 Vita 『遙かなる時空の中で Ultimate』
**4,312(*4,312) 18/02/22 Vita 『ときめきレストラン Project TRISTARS』
**4,411(*4,411) 18/04/26 Vita 『天涯ニ舞ウ、粋ナ花』
**3,019(*3,019) 18/03/22 Vita 『Dance with Devils My Carol』
**2,864(*2,864) 18/03/08 Vita 『フォルティッシモ』
**2,095(*2,095) 18/03/08 Vita 『ラッキードッグ1』
**1,475(*1,475) 18/02/22 Vita 『VitaminX Destination』
**1,360(*1,360) 18/03/29 Vita 『GALTIA V Edition』
**1,343(*1,343) 18/03/29 Vita 『円環のメモーリア -カケラ灯し-』
**1,257(*1,257) 18/03/29 PS4 『DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION』
**1,223(*1,223) 18/01/18 Vita 『エフェメラル -FANTASY ON DARK-』

18/02/15 PS4 『忍び、恋うつつ -万花彩絵巻-』

18/05/31 Vita 『Cafe Cuillere ~カフェ キュイエール~』
18/05/31 Vita 『sweet pool』

18/06/28 Vita 『真紅の焔 真田忍法帳』
18/06/28 Vita 『DYNAMIC CHORD feat.apple-polisher V edition』

18/07/26 Vita 『Collar×Malice -Unlimited-』

18/08/09 Vita 『CharadeManiacs』
18/08/23 Vita 『殺し屋とストロベリー』

18/09/06 Switch 『薄桜鬼 真改 風華伝 for Nintendo Switch』
18/09/13 Switch 『Code:Realize ~彩虹の花束~ for Nintendo Switch』
18/09/20 Vita 『金色のコルダ3 フルボイス Special』
18/09/20 Vita 『金色のコルダ3 AnotherSky feat.神南/至誠館/天音学園』

>Only games breaking 10k sales are from mobile game franchises

It's ogre

>> No.19050508

Damn. Didn't think this day would come so soon.

>> No.19051212
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>> No.19051842
File: 96 KB, 472x600, GAME-0019778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone getting this? I'm a just bit wary because it's a port of a mobage

>> No.19052088

Damn shame. The CDs they put out were great for a mobage.

>> No.19052412
File: 281 KB, 900x802, 63757614_p11_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to upload all the ensemble stars stage plays I have with english subs.
I added JoK too.

More people should upload stage plays and idol lives. It's frustrating how little are available on nyaa.
Do you think they'll do a physical release of the game? That's the only way I could justify buying it as I am not a fan of buying digital.

>> No.19052738

Some of those boys look cute, but this is probably my first time hearing about it.

>> No.19052903

You could always try the phone version. It was too shitty for me to finish though

>> No.19053659
File: 25 KB, 461x318, 997295729306583041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thirst is real

>> No.19054003
File: 196 KB, 1200x743, Ddg0NgIV4AAKMPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shota route is the true route
I'm surprised they've revealed it quite early.

>> No.19055122
File: 35 KB, 600x360, DV5pxh7VwAAHbj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a digimon

>> No.19056059

The trailer looked super cute.

>> No.19056077

As much as I love to support Takuyo, this game seems too plain for my taste. I might reconsider after reading some reviews, but as of now I have no plans of buying it.

>> No.19056141

Last two IDOLiSH7 TV anime episodes in 15 minutes. I guess CR simulcast soon (tm)

>> No.19056235


>> No.19056313
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>> No.19056783
File: 41 KB, 209x216, tr714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 14

>> No.19057212

>It's out on CR but still no other rips aside of Puya which is Spanish

>> No.19057781

Thank you, anon.

>> No.19058193

Thank you.

>> No.19060604

