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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 640x640, 636dded6c2389c76e4d3acd79f57ba05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
188071 No.188071 [Reply] [Original]

New thread since the old one is autosaged to hell.
see >>186996
I am the beta of my patch.
Incomplete is my status, and engrishy is my text.
I have created over a thousand threads.
Unaware of trolling.
Nor aware of the installer.
Withstood faggotry to fap to Rin.
Waiting for patch's arrival.
I have no regrets, this is the only path.
My whole life was "Unlimited Leak Works."


A couple of anon posted other mirrors but look in the other thread. Password is "MESSAGE IS A FAGGOT" (without quotes). Once again, I'd like to say that MM is a great group and this was done with no ill-will to the likes of TakaJun and others that work hard. I hope they understand that there's a limit to one person messing things up.

>> No.188076

all hail to ascalon

>> No.188079

Taka is back in the IRC.
Warm words are encouraged, since he's in a funk. But may not be the best idea. Tread lightly.

>> No.188081

So how many dls so far, Ascalon?

>> No.188087

Hey Ascalon, you're going to go back to lurking when this blows over, right?
Are you going to come clean if they still can't figure out who you are and are on the verge of a witchhunt?

I hope for an affirmative to both.

>> No.188091

When they catch you, you'll keep us updated. Right?

>> No.188097
File: 87 KB, 750x1192, 1205216214374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a good night. I would continue to revel in this massive win, but I need to get some sleep.

Cheers to you, Ascalon. And cheers to the hard working members at Mirror Moon who made this all possible for our enjoyment.

>> No.188099

I bet he's getting enough points to do fuck all with those sites.

Do they still give points per download to use towards their pay for services?

>> No.188101

Ascalon is truely a man amongst men.

>> No.188102

Delicious UBW is delicious

>> No.188104

Whoops. Fuck college tomorrow I'm playing sum delicious UBW.

>> No.188108
File: 87 KB, 600x623, 1205216389614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On rapidshare like ~144 no idea on the megaupload link.

Well I don't use this tripcode except for uploading torrents/files to 4chan, so yeah basically. I already post 98% of the time anonymous. Plus there's the fact that the trip has been compromised . As to the latter bit, if they start internal bickering to the point of dissolution I'll come clean. But those guys are great and only Ryuusoul, TakaJun, and a couple of others actually do anything so it's not like much of value would be lost anyways. Once again I want to extend my <3 to TakaJun and hope he doesn't lose heart, and if anything this is a testament to his great work.

>> No.188109

Hail Ascalon, tripfriend to all 4chan.

>> No.188113


>> No.188115

Fuck, I was just going through a replay of Fate before this came out. Oh well, still pretty happy it finally came out.

>> No.188124

whiny faggots are whiny


>> No.188126

I want to wait until tomorrow and I've had a good night of sleep before I start this shit up.

But it's still a couple hours until I'm tired enough to sleep, and I know I'm not going to be able to, with UBW being on my mind the entire time.

Fuck I've been waiting for this.

I love you Ascalon, and I love TakaJun and everyone else that worked on this, but Message, go fuck himself.

>> No.188130

>[01:14] <!TakaJun> How I'm doing? thanks for asking /sacrasm
>[01:14] <!TakaJun> Well, I really dont know
>[01:15] <!TakaJun> I'm angry and depressed
>[01:15] <!TakaJun> I'm angry at the leaker for, well, lying to keep the patch private
>[01:16] <!TakaJun> I'm angry at Message for pushing the installer this far
>[01:16] <!TakaJun> and I'm angry at myself the most for not just releasing a simple installer (i knew people were waiting, I was waiting too)
>[01:17] <!TakaJun> I'd have a fight with Message every month or soabout the installer progress
>[01:17] <!TakaJun> but oh well

>[01:20] <!TakaJun> no, I'm just angry at myself for getting things to this point
>[01:20] <!TakaJun> I knew people wanted the patch this badly, but I let Message talk me into using his installer every time I bitched at him

It sounds like this leak was exactly what the project needed. Expect the real patch soon.

>> No.188143
File: 88 KB, 550x550, 1205216624717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate iichan. Faggots bitch all the time about powerlevels and circlejerk. Their touhou board and other *specialty* boards are nice though

>> No.188142

I'm not even finished with Fate yet, so I may end up waiting for the real release. I keep getting bored, since it's the same stuff I've already been through ten times in the Anime. UBW and HF are what I'm playing for.

>> No.188144

good on for takakun, facing up to reality is hard at times - we love your work

>> No.188149

144?! holy crap

>> No.188150

I have a newfound respect for Taka.
He's really just a nice guy.

>> No.188152

try taking a normal picture

>> No.188154

Now this is stuff I like seeing.

>> No.188160

omg <3<3

>> No.188161

TakaJun's a good guy. I'll hold off and wait for the official release. Thanks for your hard work for all of us.

>> No.188165
File: 669 KB, 1437x2052, 1205216851646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly I do love TakaJun he bore most of the labour for UBW and HF, be it translation and/or editing. I know he's probably pissed off at me but once again I hope he comes to understand that I truly respect him and his work.

>> No.188166

If Takajun where a girl, we'd all have a hardon for him and how he let's people walk all over him/

>> No.188170

what ಠ_ಠ

>> No.188171

TakaJun seriously we love you man.

>> No.188172

from mm fsn page:

Well, I'm sure some people already know what happened...

*100% Ranting ahead, so you can stop reading here if you want.

Just so people know, my translation in it is unedited and very unpolished. I'm ashamed that it's seeing public eyes...

Anyway, I can't say I didn't see this possibility with all the rage pent up over the past MANY months. I myself got mad at Message many times about the whole installer deal.
I'm angry at myself for letting this get this far and letting people talk me into waiting for Message's installer. I'm angry at the person who did it. I'm angry at Message for taking this long. In short, a lot of anger and disappointment.

Well, I really don't care who did it, it's just a waste of my time. I just wish he/she would've came talked to me beforehand about all his anger for the delay.

Moving ahead. Well, I really have no idea right now. Quitting over something like this is just stupid, but then again, I've lost my motivation for now.

>> No.188175


He should of kicked the faggot off the team ages ago

>> No.188176

half of /jp/ probably has a hardon for him already.

although... >>188130

>> No.188178


That's cause /touhou/ isn't part of iichan.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't pooshlmer totally seperate?

>> No.188180


That's cause /touhou/ isn't part of iichan.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't pooshlmer totally seperate?

>> No.188188
File: 201 KB, 480x608, 1205217086977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well whatever I meant that they were under the umbrella of wakachan.

>> No.188192


>> No.188194

Wow, way to kill my respect for TakaJun.

Protip: It's a translation. You aren't creating shit. END OF FUCKING STORY.

Goddamn, I'm tempted to get into VN translating just so these fags don't ahve a hand in it anymore.


>> No.188196

> Just so people know, my translation in it is unedited and very unpolished. I'm ashamed that it's seeing public eyes...
If that were the case, then Message wouldn't be the only one holding up the project, would he?

Also we should go and post appreciation messages for TakaJun and the team on MM.

>> No.188198


I fapped to his translation, does that count?

>> No.188199



>> No.188200


Fucking hell, so now on top of the MASSIVE DELAY message has caused demotivation and depression for Taka?

I didn't think it was possible to hate someone this much.

I was wrong.

>> No.188204


On the bright side, now even the faggots on the MM's forums should see him for what he is.

>> No.188206

cry moar faggot

>> No.188210

Why? A mechanical translation and someone with a vague understanding of Japanese could have done a faster job at this.

This is fucking PATHETIC.

>> No.188211

>If that were the case, then Message wouldn't be the only one holding up the project, would he?

When you consider the fact that this beta is *supposedly* from october and isn't THAT bad, yes, yes he is.

>> No.188215

The translation that was leaked was not the official one. It's an editor's copy, for editing (obviously).

>> No.188217

no, its just the leaked translation that is uneditied, im sure the current final version is polished.

>> No.188219

Why? I played UBW months ago. I don't need TakaJun's sad emo translations.

>> No.188220

To be fair this is the beta without any of the changes that were implemented, I don't have the polished version and I can't add my changes because I have no idea what to do with the .ks files. They show up as gibberish after I try to open them.
Hopefully he'll cheer up as he realizes that we all value his work.

>> No.188221

That translation represents a considerable amount of work and effort.
It's not like he's getting paid for this, either.

>> No.188223

I have a feeling Message wont be sticking around MM for much longer.

I can only imaging his reaction when he wakes up to see all the shit that's gone down tonight.

>> No.188225

go on then ,do it - oh wait your too busy whining here.

>> No.188226

can this be played without a sound card? I only got some shitty computer here for the next week and I'd like to know before I download this again

>> No.188228

post them if you like, there are at least 2 or 3 anons here glad to be of service in such matters..

>> No.188229

Don't lump me in with you fags.

No it isn't. It's text. Simple text. It only represents a considerable effort for one who has a poor grasp of the language.

>> No.188230

ah, ok then, even more reason to wait

>> No.188235

>[02:39] <Kapow> >>188071 /jp/ is gay for TakaJun
>[02:39] <Anony> did you notice, the first UBW thread
>[02:39] <Anony> went to autosage in <25 minutes
>[02:40] <Anony> fastest /jp/ thread in its history
>[02:40] <Anony> Faster than moot's own sticky
>[02:40] <Anony> that's how much Anon likes MM and F/SN.
>[02:40] <Rufus> Oh God we really are gay for MM
>[02:40] <DrmChsr0> Yes you all are.
>[02:40] <Amethyst> I am gay for TakaJun and MM~
>[02:40] <!TheXev> lol
>[02:40] <!TheXev> i doubt that will make Taka feel any better
>[02:40] <!TheXev> he needs imouto right now!
>[02:41] <!TheXev> lots of imouto
>[02:41] <!chendo[work]> Yeah seriously guys
>[02:41] <Rufus> Will he accept Imouto Promotions?

>> No.188237
File: 95 KB, 550x865, 1205217626371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can extract them yourself from the patch2.xp3 with the tools provided by insani. I'm way too tired to figure out what's wrong now.

>> No.188238

If I knew Taka's address, I'd order him a consolation "Don't feel bad, but you just LOST THE GAME" cake.

>> No.188242


>> No.188239

Text written by Kinoko Nasu.

Anyway, I was going to wait until HF was done, but I just can't pass up UBW.rar (pw: MESSAGE IS A FAGGOT)

>> No.188243

>imouto callgirl

>> No.188253

i hear you can get them from vending machines in japan.

>> No.188262

i will sacrifice my 2 loli sisters to cheer up takajun.

>> No.188264

It is 7.47 am.
I was about to leave for college.

I won't. FUCK YES, UBW.

>> No.188268

Alright guys, get all your imouto doujins together and pool them then throw them up on a torrent named "Cheer Up Takajun Imouto Collection"

>> No.188270
File: 11 KB, 150x181, 1205218116753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all happiness to takajun aside, anyone got a good walkthrough for UBW?

its lost me.

>> No.188272

start an /h/ thread?

>> No.188273

The one in /rs/ should still be up.

>> No.188277

Fuck man, it's not even his fault.
To be honest most of us just see this as a teaser and we're waiting for the real deal.
I hope he gets out of depression soon.

>> No.188278

Shittly translated walkthrough

<1 to save>
Day 2 We send cherry
(※ in Dojo)
If you already capture ※
Day 3 Stop
<Saves T15>
After 15
Bring back
Day 4 Schools
Day 5 Sabor stands
<Saves T16>
Shy hallway 16

>> No.188279


>> No.188281

Good idea, someone get on this.

>> No.188282


$ python xp3-extract.py patch2.xp3 ubwscript fate_full

>> No.188286

Why doesn't an Anon offer to make him an installer so he can release the actual one?

>> No.188289

so the game goes to UBW path if you stop saber from trying to kill rin with your command spell right? then does refusing to join forces with rin lead to HF? i always thought the latter lead to UBW since i remember moonspeak showing up after i made that choice.

>> No.188294

I think not saving Archer and refusing to cooperate with her leads to a dead end shortly into UBW; this is just what I've heard, I've never checked.

>> No.188295
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>> No.188297
File: 16 KB, 285x277, 1205218462915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was worth waking up at 1am and being restless for the next 2 hours. hopefully by the time i get to play it this afternoon there might be an updated version!

>> No.188298

If you want HF, choose all the Sakura choices in the first 3 days

>> No.188302

It leads to a dead end in UBW.

>> No.188304
File: 142 KB, 480x640, 1205218674407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the problem is that the text is already wrapped and it's tedious to edit.
Here's to hoping that MM releases their already edited patch.

>> No.188306
File: 63 KB, 365x543, 1205218676147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up and what do I see on the front page?

I'm crying buckets of tears.

>> No.188307

Am I the only one concerned that we may never see the real deal alongside with HF because of this?

>> No.188312

perhaps - but let's face it, something needed to be done.

>> No.188315

HF will get translated, if not by MM then by some other group.

>> No.188316
File: 29 KB, 245x382, 1205218805422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard Message is the one keeping Nasu from releasing the Sacchin route?

>> No.188318

Probably true.

>> No.188322

I have faith TakaJun will feel better soon. HF is already 50% done with translation. I don't think he's the type to leave it unfinished like that.

>> No.188326


Message has the cure for aids.
He can't release it yet though, Those old syringes aren't good enough for it.

He's currently inventing a new syringe for it.

>> No.188327

I think he's already said that he won't quit over something like this.

>> No.188328

He should have an army of Mollusks ready to fight for him.

>> No.188330


Nope. I'm also worried.

However I have too much respect for most of the members of MM to believe they'd let some e-drama fuck them over for more than a short while.

Plus it seems that we're on the same page with the whole "the installer was taking way too fucking long" bit. So hopefully this won't lead to anything major.

>> No.188331
File: 27 KB, 400x416, 1205219005756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, say it isn't true!!!

>> No.188338

I hear he decided that syringes are a thing of the past and he's partnered up with a huge corporation to start developing Star Trek type hypo sprays; nothing less would be acceptable for so wondrous a drug.

>> No.188340

So will Message quit finally, now that this entire thing has been pinned squarely and unequivocally on him?

>> No.188344

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

>> No.188345


Nah, He decided to scrap that idea.
Now he's trying to turn into an airborne virus, so people are cured by meerly breathing.

>> No.188347

>"the installer was taking way too fucking long"

what is MESSAGE trying to do? write the whole thing out in binary? seriously, there's a reason Open Source methods work. get the dude to use CVS or some other versioning/progress control structure

>> No.188350

probably not, more than likely they'll drop the project entirely and act like it never happened.

>> No.188353

so am i supposed to overwrite the original file

>> No.188356

I'm glad the faggot who was saying "translating text is no big deal" has shut up because I was going to raeeegggg

>> No.188360


He's currently inventing adamantium to make the syringe needles, he hasnt started on the actual syringes yet

>> No.188362

sorry it is.
Apparantly the standard visual novel format isn't good enough so he's rewriting the entire engine and repainting all the H-scenes too.

That's true, honestly most of us will probably replay the game when the real deal comes out anyway.
And from how things are going I'd say there's a fair chance that they'd code their own installer, fuck message in the ass with the old xbox controller and the xbox itself.

>> No.188363

The only reason FSN hadn't been picked up by another group is because MM is respected by many. If they hadn't have grabbed it, we'd have the whole thing translated this time last year.

>> No.188366

This has been a point that I've constantly tried to make on the Mirror Moon forums since 2007.

>> No.188364

no, go into command prompt and type= format c:

just rename the file, add a _backup to the ending or something

>> No.188371

Or just name it patch5.xp3 like I did. Works fine.

>> No.188367

FUUUUUCK I hope that doesn't happen. This whole deal was Message's fault anyway.

>> No.188374


oh shi- i overwrote my file

>> No.188379

Enjoy your broken Fate route.
I wonder what you lost. Probably the servants' stat screen images.

>> No.188381

nice to have, but not necessary. i don't think that anon could have fucked it up THAT hard

>> No.188392

it'll get grabbed by another group THE SECOND mirror moon announces they'll drop it. So, if they're pricks, they'll put it in an eternal freeze, but if they admit they just don't want to, we'll be fine.

>> No.188393


>> No.188395


I didnt actually, wonder what I have lost though

>> No.188402
File: 142 KB, 400x283, 1205219909239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laddies and gentlemen, this is why Monopolies suck

>> No.188404

Sweet, so all the begging finally paid off.

I'm thankful for this, but I seriously hope they do something about that faggot Message.

>> No.188407

Well, I seriously doubt anyone would want to be him in a few hours.

>> No.188408

dude, the installer will be worth the wait. it'll even install the full version of DNF

>> No.188409

Monopolies are awesome you you double communist.

>> No.188410

This is serious, we should put together some sort of imouto present for TakaJun.

>> No.188413

Takajun said any group willing to pick up HF can go ahead. I wish some group will take the oppotunity and make a patch before 2012

>> No.188417

I still think we should collaborate to make a song.

>> No.188418

(for MM. A UBW song)

>> No.188419


This drama is gonna be better than UBW.

>> No.188420

Shit, naming it patch5 just cost me my save files.

Now I have to spend 9 hours grinding through that fucking Fate route again.

>> No.188423


You mean instead of yet another UBW chant variation?

>> No.188424

The drama created in RAGE threads and troll threads has already been more epic than UBW.

>> No.188425

all that's left is the installer so just release the specs or guidelines for making it; spring break is coming up, i'm sure somebody can spend a week pounding away at the keyboard writing something. also, with the features of Visual Studio 2005/07, packaging it all up should not be a problem

>> No.188426

Oh, I forgot about that. It didn't lose the saves, but it's using a different folder. Instead of fate_english_savedata in My Documents it's just fate_savedata. Sorry.

>> No.188427
File: 47 KB, 875x880, 1205220367091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I backed up files?

>> No.188428

>Takajun said any group willing to pick up HF can go ahead.

no one will do it because of his immediate reaction blog post he made when he's obviously very emotional. Wait a week or so when this cools off and then we'll probably hear what mirror moon will do as a group.

>> No.188430

Exactly. I'm going to start on something using the bleeper music maker, but I haven't done anything like this before.

That being said, I'm going to put a good few hours into it; I have a general idea of how it should be segmented.

>> No.188431


same here, your save files should still be in your folder though. what do we name the patch?

>> No.188432

HF is the 3rd route which Taka is only at 50% anyway. No one would seriously take the work from him at this point unless they were total jackasses, and even then finding a whole group of people who would do it would be harder. Taka will come around after he cools off a bit.

>> No.188433

The man needs imouto and you're writing a song? The fuck is wrong with you, 4chan.

>> No.188434

just put the files in the other folder

>> No.188435

No you don't. Your save files are still there, in your user's documents folder, but the patch makes it look in the other directory for some reason.

1. find fate_english_savedata folder
2. copy all contents to fate_savedata folder
3. ???
4. Profit!

Everything is compatible too, even if you saved in untranslated parts.

>> No.188439

i replaced the patch2 file, but everything seems to be okay. hm...

>> No.188443
File: 37 KB, 800x600, 1205220638106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon/anons who asked about my VN.

>> No.188445
File: 62 KB, 360x480, 1205220671650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patch I was given is in the rar as is. I too overwrote the patch2.xp3 and never looked back. Nothing missing.

>> No.188447


Hah, just kidding. Who knew UBW would have been leaked so soon!? It's like a fucking early christmas present for this year.

>> No.188449

sure, the point is getting MESSAGE to hurry up or OPEN SOURCE what's already done with the installer, since Taka apparently wants to use it

>> No.188451

Yeah so...
I'm trying to install FSN and I'm getting that horrible cd3 error.
I don't know why, I've used these cd's, or at least the images that they were burned from, and it installed just fine back when I played through fate route.

There a way to fix this without downloading another image of cd3?

>> No.188456

I hate you guys. I hate you... First thing I do after eating breakfast, I come to my computer, I start my daily routine, I check /a/ and I see >>>/a/10160410 from there, I got linked to here... And then I fucking see that the installer doesnt seem to be a fake.

A fucking first time Ive actually cried when browsing 4chan...

>> No.188457

What is imouto?

>> No.188460

> since Taka apparently wants to use it
I doubt that's valid anymore. Seriously, someone with coding skills go and write a simple installer to cheer him up.

>> No.188464

well, seeing as how things are, message is going to be in some deep shit. At this point what he does will probably be what determines the fate of the project. I hope some people at MM finally get some balls and either nix him or tell him to get his act together and stop acting like a king.

>> No.188465

Too many Moralfags in this thread.

>> No.188471


* Message|Zzz is now known as Message

>> No.188467

I honestly hope this doesn't push HF back, like, another 3 years.

>> No.188468

Yeah, I know how you feel mate. 7:30am and I havn't fucking slept due to this sudden news outbreak.
Ah well, good opportunity to fix my sleeping pattern, and there's work to be done.

>> No.188474

Taka was probably the one who gave Ascalon the patch in the first place, so right now he feels it's his fault for what happened. The internal drama at MM is going to be juicy.

>> No.188475


Oh yeah, I forgot to ask that has anyone seen theyr horizon to be twisted... Like from... You know... That fucking "wormhole test" (Divided by zero..).

>> No.188477

it's the thing that has a vagina that comes out of your mom after she fucked and baked for nine months. apparently, we're suppose to go to Taka's mom and give her some sweet loving so she hatch him an imouto

>> No.188479


Fireworks time?

>> No.188481

brace for impact

>> No.188482


>> No.188485

If I'm not mistaken, the problem is the filename doesn't match the name used inside the cue file. You can edit the cue file using Notepad, or just rename the third CD image to match the cue file contents.

>> No.188486

so Taka wants all of 4chan to impregnate his mother so he can have sex with his future sister?

>> No.188487

someone post the IRC drama that unfolds

>> No.188494

yep. things as they are, he'll get to fuck his imouto when we get UBW

>> No.188495

there's not any right now.

there will be when message wakes up i would think

>> No.188498

I take that back, message woke up a few minutes ago if we go by his nick

>> No.188500

"nnh no onii-chan don't touch me there, it's dirty."
"n... no Taka nii... your tongue it's... ahh!"

>> No.188501

He's reading the forums now...

>> No.188502


also, i don't see any irc drama right now, the fuck?

>> No.188504

it's late night/early morning, most westerners are asleep or getting ready for work. you won't see shit until the afternoon

>> No.188505
File: 51 KB, 450x300, 1205221391417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd better be saving the logs, Kirk.

>> No.188508

I don't get it why these people are such dramaqueens.

>> No.188513

He's just signed out of the forum

>> No.188515
File: 32 KB, 703x393, 1205221601679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Will Play UBW Tommorrow! Tonight, I rest!

>> No.188518

message modded the fuck out of the mm thread.

>> No.188527

Somewhere, message is crying while we laugh.

>> No.188528

ファイル : 行 : 884
タグ : call ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )

what does this mean

>> No.188530

What a fucking douche.

>> No.188535


Because they are faggots, OP and takajun excluded I guess. Message is just a bitch, and I can understand takajun's emoness but he should also understand that we hate message, not him.

>> No.188538

The file where the error occurs: line: 884 tag: Call ( Tag before and after © error's occurring might be shown) reading error.

>> No.188541

i think i'll just reinstall instead

>> No.188543



>> No.188544

I trust /jp/ anons in the IRC channel will keep us informed of the IRC drama.

>> No.188547

If it's a blue screen with an error box in jap then you need to install applocale and run FSN in locale japanese. Did the Fate patch work normally?

>> No.188548

there isn't any.

message hasn't said a word since he woke up.

is message a eurofag or did someone wake him up i wonder?

>> No.188549



>> No.188550

Nothing is happening. Message is either being too mature about this, or has smashed his monitor in a temper-tantrum.

>> No.188554

No IRC drama this far, Message hasn't even said anything after changing his nick back from Zzz.

>> No.188556

Or is contemplating the handful of Tylenol and the razor blade next to him.

>> No.188557



>> No.188558

After screwing with people's posts.

>> No.188559

It said "Information" at the top and I was already using applocale. I hadn't played Fate all the way through yet so I don't know if it's something I recently did or not

>> No.188561


what did he alter in said posts?

>> No.188566

>still doesn't post suggestions for anyone else.
I mean, did you even just scan the thread? People at least post three or so.
Also, namefagging on your first part? Wtf.
Fuck you newfag. If you're gonna such at posting, then get all butthurt, you should really just leave

>> No.188568

wear a wig if you do Mugen. And if glasses are a must, please remember to take them off for photos

>> No.188569


>> No.188571

That was removed long before Message logged on.

>> No.188573

chendo did that

>> No.188578

I fail
I looked in the wrong thread
don't know if message has modded anything, don't see any messages to indicate that he has.

>> No.188580

just do Jin

>> No.188581

(OIC; I don't go to other forums very often)

>> No.188584

About fucking time. Sucks for the guys who did the actual work, but they should have had the guts to hold Message accountable, four months to not make an installer is a massive fucking joke.

It should have been out the door a week after the editing finished with a standard installer. If some people with weird configurations had problems, that's a shame, but they can hash out solutions as the problems crop up. You're releasing a fan-patch here, not a fucking operating system.

They could have recovered the situation at any time, but they chose to cruise along until the fiasco reached a truly ridiculous point. They have no one to blame but themselves for losing control of their release

>> No.188587

Lives in Netherlands to be exact.

>> No.188590

message's pride was holding it up for months, by january he was already at the point where he didn't want to get heat from just releasing "a normal installer"

he dug his own grave, but he's a smooth talker, so I dont expect anything to happen. Plus the MM staff is actually pretty friendly so they wouldn't have the heart to kick anyone out. If message leaves, it'll be on his own accord.

>> No.188591

Ascalon, were you the one who MOU IKKAI!'d us the other week, or did Message ever admit to that?

>> No.188592
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, 1205222793952.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or more than likely talking with other MM staff via PM

>> No.188595


Well, this explains everything.

>> No.188598

Anyone have the save game for fate route? I can't be bother to play it all over again. Message was a faggot so I had to uninstalled it... And never backup my save

>> No.188602

Fuck. Time to get some lobbying done. Fucker needs to go.

>> No.188601
File: 125 KB, 750x675, 1205222956120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me.

>> No.188604

This is what always confused me about Message's "VISTA IS SO HARD TO MAKE WORK" complaints: F/SN runs just fine in Vista with Applocale. Applocale doesn't claim to be supported in Vista, but it DOES work; I've cleared the Fate route this way. Didn't even have to update my language packs, since apparently Asian language fonts are included by default in Vista.

Much onii-chan-type love to TakaJun.

>> No.188605

You forgot to back up your save and you're calling Message a fagot?

>> No.188611
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 1205223140153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.188612
File: 16 KB, 214x213, 1205223163769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Message: I'm not going to play the blame game or anything, and just say that I hope you don't lose motivation either. Whatever you're working into the installer must be pretty cool, so I'm cool with waiting. Then again I'm also fairly patient, so this probably doesn't reflect most peoples views on the subject.

>> No.188613

Durr hurr what do you expect when you got mou ikkai'd when you were expecting delicious ubw

>> No.188620


>> No.188622

How does that factor into forgetting to back up the most basic of things?

>> No.188625

Wait..what? Explain. My brain isn't working after sleep deprivation.

>> No.188626

According to copypasta, Message's installer will give us the secret of life (also killing us)

>> No.188627

Aren't they saved in My Documents?

>> No.188628

You clearly never RAAAAAAAAAGE before

>> No.188630



>> No.188633


Some faggot called 'cskaniel' on MM forums

>> No.188634

anyone else feel dirty while you play this?

>> No.188639


>> No.188640


some forum post.

>> No.188635



>> No.188644

Enjoy not getting Heaven's Feel gais.

>> No.188645

No message, we don't feel dirty while playing this.

>> No.188646

well fuck...I can't play fate stay night because i need japanese unicode or some shit which i can't get because i don't have windows cd

>> No.188647

This whole thing is Message's fault, I can't fucking believe that he's actually comforting him. Fucking cocksucking bitch.

>> No.188650

most people on MM forums have been brainwashed by message, as he's the only staff member who actually moderates.

>> No.188651

i suggest google.

>> No.188657

I love all ou fags who made this a big deal when all you needed to do was sit down and play it in moon. Too good to sit down with a dictionary or something?

>> No.188658

apploc motherfucker, do you use it?

>> No.188653

no because EVERY SINGLE SECOND THAT GOES BY is like me rubbing shit all over Message's face while spelling out the words FUCK YOU all over.

>> No.188659


there is more in the same thread. I think I only visit this forum to rage.

>> No.188660


>> No.188663

More proof that the fucker needs to get kicked out of the group.
Seriously he's exploiting a decent groups work and effort just to build up a loyal cocksucking fanbase to his epeen.

>> No.188665

yeah, us bastards too lazy to learn a language.

>> No.188667

i tried using applocale but when I did it said I needed japanese language installed on my computer first which i don't have which needs the windows cd

>> No.188668

I would be fine if there wasn't so much damned kanji

>> No.188672

It ruins the mood when i'm trying to look up the kanji for Nasu's writing style and fap at the same time.

>> No.188675

you do it for me, since i tried numerous times and shit doesn't work

>> No.188676

I dunno, I'm sure there's a workaround.
Like perhaps the file you need for japanese unicode install is sitting around somewhere in C:/windows or something. Happened to me.

>> No.188677

wait let me get this stright

1. you're anonymous, yet you didn't install east asian language when you installed your window?


2. you're anonymous, but you don't know where to pirate windows?


>> No.188680

>Post subject: Don't slow down, Taka-jun.
>I'd rather stick with the same translation group for all three routes.


>> No.188681

not my fucking computer, was given to me by cousin who doesn't read moon

>> No.188682

just out of curiosity, which games is bigger? Fate/Stay Night or Tsukihime?

>> No.188686


f/sn i think

>> No.188687


FSN, almost 3 times as long actually.

>> No.188688

f/sn by far

>> No.188689


fsn by quite a bit i believe

>> No.188690

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.188691

Ascalon, we all appreciate you leaking this, of course, but it's quite possible that mirror moon will collapse over this, due to mistrust among the staff. If you reveal who you are to the mirror moon staff, that may make it more likely that they won't quit. Any anger from the MM community will be outweighed a hundred times over by the support from Anonymous.

It's your choice entirely, of course, but since your actions here have clearly shown that you want Fate/Stay Night to be done and distributed as quickly as possible, I thought it might be a good idea to bring this angle to your attention.

Now to go off and play the game, finally...

>> No.188692



>> No.188693

then help the anon out, I mean fuck it's UBW!

>> No.188694

Go back to the mirror moon forums and post it where someone cares.

>> No.188697

MM won't collapse under this. There are 3 people who may or may not leave: TakaJun, Message, and Ascalon.

In fact, Ascalon said he would just quit once they found out it was him, so then we just got Taka and Message.

>> No.188698

>Are you dense? This is all Message's fault, if he hadn't of fucked about making an installer to satisfy his e-peen the beta patch would never of been leaked

>I'm aware of that, asshole. I'm trying to be polite.

Apparently the ass-kisser was just being polite

>> No.188700

>Am I cool yet?

>> No.188701

>Apparently the butt-sniffer was just being polite

>> No.188702


>Apparently Message's cock sucker was just being polite


>> No.188703

>Apparently Message was just being polite

>> No.188704



Fuck, the newfags nowadays...

>> No.188705

Same person from MM who just entered 4chan for the first time.

>> No.188707

Fucking idiot.

>> No.188708


>In more than one way if you know what i mean.
>...You lost me

Oh c'mon how can you not know what i mean

>> No.188711


Consistency is best.

Just like I don't like switching between fansubbers unless the group that I've been following takes a really long time.

I doubt that the Heaven's Feel installer will take as long one way or the other, anyways, since...

1. Message will have already figured out most of what he wanted to figure out, meaning that he won't spend 3 and a half months playing around with it (he probably will take longer than a day or two troubleshooting and trying for more of the ineffective anti-piracy stuff, but I doubt that it'll take as long)


2. They'll kick Message out of the group given the current circumstances or pressure him into releasing the installer faster

>> No.188712

i've actually been on 4chan 2 years it's just that i don't know shit about computer software

>> No.188713


>> No.188715
File: 76 KB, 429x611, 1205225018891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good guess but no. I'm a citizen of /a/ and came here because your drama reached my lair.

>> No.188716
File: 27 KB, 272x311, 1205225066849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you mean?

>> No.188721

ok so translation by takajun or translation by takajun - hmmm sorry, ill wait for takajuns translation, just to be consistent.

>> No.188722


2 years in Gaia you mean.

>> No.188723

I deleted FSN last month because I thought message would take another 3 months

>> No.188726


>> No.188727
File: 81 KB, 240x424, 1205225306215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have already considered this and if push comes to shove I'll intervene. MM is a great group so I doubt it'll come to that.
/jp/=/a/ but with even more blatant pedos and VNs.

Also this thread is now auto-saging and will soon disappear of the front page, I hope the mods wake up and sticky soon. I'm currently debating between trying to take a short nap or playing Clannad.

>> No.188729

Where I went: #mirrormoon
What I expected: DRAMA LOL
What I got: Deep discussion of hardware, software, and operating systems.

>> No.188731

>What I got: Deep discussion of hardware, software, and operating systems.
Cunning attempt at justifying Message's complete and utter failure, no doubt.

>> No.188734


>> No.188735
File: 265 KB, 1024x3453, 1205225583644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.188736


Oddly no
It seems chendo mentioned he likes OSX.
One Anon called him a faggot for it
Snowballed from there.

>> No.188743
File: 17 KB, 465x173, 1205225753049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.188750

That means you're gay. Go be gay somewhere else.

>> No.188757

Thanks for the technical support.

>> No.188760

fuck now that i've reinstalled fate/stay night it doesn't work

>> No.188761
File: 179 KB, 550x655, fa429b78d919cb10bd933ec20e1f5c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell did you do? The message seems to imply that one of the text files within the patchx.xp3 files got corrupted somehow. Did you just copy + paste the patch in the directory? This seems to work for everyone (assuming the fate patch has already been applied). I have no idea what's up with your copy.

>> No.188769

I'll try reinstalling it for now.

>> No.188770

No I'm serious. F/SN just detected that he was gay.

>> No.188782


Shouldn't that just set him along the secret Archer route?

>> No.188794

Someone needs to make a continuation thread.

I am not even interested in this game but have been following this installer drama for a while

Message is a turd, now I found out he is Dutch it makes some sense. Just like here in the USA there are many turds in the Netherlands too.

>> No.188805

...You know why stupid faggots are stupid?

Did you see that Utawarerumono-release? It used the installer. Go figure.

>> No.189015


same thing just happened to me, during a scene where you're eating lunch with rin on the school rooftop. where'd you get the error?

>> No.190129

