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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1879955 No.1879955 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my wow, I don't even know how to describe what I'm feeling right now. Jesus Christ almighty,

>> No.1879970

Wait, what?

The translation is out?

>> No.1879974
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>> No.1879975

Did you just get there?


>> No.1879989

Goddamn, I lol'd.
Great concept.

>> No.1880006

She can even cook? Saya's wonderful.

>> No.1880009

But the translation isnt complete

>> No.1880017

where can i get the translation?

>> No.1880022

Translation here

>> No.1880033



>> No.1880063
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Saya's cuteness is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.1880070

I find it funny that there are still H-scenes after the (somewhat obvious) twist. Surely they don't expect me to fap to it?

>> No.1880072

You mean you didn't fap harder?

>> No.1880086


I didn't even fap to the first ones. Just didn't feel the urge. Granted I did get an erection with the Yoh scenes but I refused to do anything about it.

>> No.1880090

It is, there was a thread about it earlier. So for anyone else.



>> No.1880600
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He'd beat shiki.

>> No.1880610

Is crossposting so wrong?

>> No.1880602

Oh hey, it's escalator.

>> No.1880603
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He'd beat shiki

>> No.1880618

No, just didn't expect to see it I guess.

>> No.1880625
File: 649 KB, 806x626, 1231306898124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is your font so ugly, OP?

>> No.1880639

I'm loving this game. Obvious twist is obvious but still so deliciously satisfying. I won't be able to rest until I see all (4?) endings

>> No.1880643

Three, actually.

>> No.1880654

It was AWESOME. Sadly, since I have absolutely nothing better to do of my life, I found it too short. Back to F5ing /jp/ now, I guess.

What twist? Saya is a tentacle monster? Because if so, it really wasn't a twist at all... honestly, SnU is pretty straightforward.

>> No.1880662
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It's like I'm really playing Tsukihime

>> No.1880661

all three ends are bad ends

>> No.1880671

How? Who gives a shit about human civilization? If Saya lives on, then it's a good end. Asylum end is a bit sad for poor little Saya, but really nothing bad.

There's only one bad end.

>> No.1880687

Saya dies after germination

>> No.1880688

What? No she doesn't.

>> No.1880695


She does.

>> No.1880705


>Who gives a shit about...

I do

>> No.1880711

1. Saya says it's only the beginning and her pain instantly disappears. It's not stated anywhere that they die when they reproduce.
2. Ryonko refers to their marriage at the very end.

She really doesn't.

>> No.1880717


She really does, though

>> No.1880733

She doesn't

>> No.1880740


She totally does.

>> No.1880749


>> No.1880764

Whether or not Saya dies in the Blooming doesn't really matter. It's the only possible way for Saya and Fuminori to be "together forever," even if only metaphorically. It's the happiest possible ending.

>> No.1880771

They die together in one of the ends, and that's like being together forever.

>> No.1880777

But why bother with a "sad" being together forever when you can have a "happy" being together forever?

>> No.1880786

so where do i dl the game?

>> No.1880788

I hear the Internet is a good place to start

>> No.1880789

I agree, which is why I prefer that end to the first end. However, the Blooming is better because Saya fulfills her purpose and has children with Fuminori, thereby achieving a certain kind of immortality.

>> No.1880799

What's the game about?

>> No.1880797

Back in my days, we weren't so helpless. We found whatever we wanted on 56k internet and we didn't even have google.

>> No.1880802

What is Saya about?

>> No.1880806

guy gets into an accident that makes him see everything as lumps of gore, then he meets saya who is the only one that looks like normal human being, cannibalism ensues.

>> No.1880803

A VN about brain surgery.

>> No.1880808

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

>> No.1880812

Oh, great, now I've lost a bunch of sanity from reading that. Be right back, hospitalizing myself.

>> No.1880818

What's the VN with Gore Screaming Show in it about, then? If I recall, it had a similar premise.

>> No.1880819

A VN about chasing a girl.

>> No.1880820

>What's the VN with Gore Screaming Show in it
You mean Gore Screaming Show?

>> No.1880824


>> No.1880831


>> No.1880832

Except Gore Screaming Show isn't as good as Saya.

>> No.1880839

Gore Screaming Show is a character in the VN of the same name.

>> No.1880841

Ohh. Had no idea. Thanks much.

>> No.1880937
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It's about a love.

No, really.


This is what I understood too. No matter what they could have done, they could not have been together in the old world. I took it as that they both die when Saya releases her spores. That way, the new world is the gift of their wedding - regardless of if they live to see it's effects.

But as noted in an earlier thread here, Saya seemed to absorb information at an impressive rate. Assuming her children would behave in a manner remotely similar, they would surely absorb the culture and achievements of humanity in whole. Thus, what was really lost?


>> No.1880982

I am pretty sure that the way the game is designed makes it impossible for you not to sympathize with Saya not to care little about human civilization at least in that setting.

>> No.1881007

I was still for humanity, mostly due to Ryouko's badassness.

>> No.1881010


Do you mean:
1) Makes it impossible not to sympathize with Saya and only have little concern about human civilization.
2) Makes it impossible not to sympathize with Saya - not meaning you would care little about human civilization.

I'm assuming 2)

>> No.1881025

Fuck you /jp/. I just went down to grab a bite to eat. Couldn't eat anything remembering this game.

>> No.1881030

my bad, I actually meant 1. The story makes me kinda feel that what Fuminori got was not an abnormal sight, but sort of a real sight, seeing human as what they really are deep inside. Thus Yoh is not as horrible as that faggot friend etc.

>> No.1881032
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Lost your appetite?

>> No.1881038

Most fucking awesome visual novel ever.

>> No.1881039
File: 261 KB, 639x480, 1231316463783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah. Waiting for twenty whole minutes for the text to load... the game starts up, and STILL NO TEXT.

Fuck this shit, I'm going back to Let's Meow Meow.

>> No.1881044

I think I'm the only guy that actually hates Saya and Fuminori.

What's up with that?

>> No.1881052

I kind of hate Fuminori. I can understand Saya, but Fuminori was just a fucking bastard.

>> No.1881062

Good job missing the most awesome visual novel ever.

>> No.1881075


It's not MY fault. I had it already on the lappy and I went ahead and installed the new stuff. Waited twenty fucking minutes and I see the opening pic... NO TEXT. It was like that even WITHOUT the English script.

It sucks.

>> No.1881078

>I don't use Japanese region settings, I am a faggot

>> No.1881079


Is it because she's cute? I don't see it.

They both did the same things. Fuminori lost his mind, what's her excuse?

>> No.1881083


Well, how the fuck am I supposed to know THAT?! You think I can read Japanese?! Or is there an instruction booklet?!

>> No.1881085

It's not unethical to kill lower life forms. Like how people can crush flies without being called evil.

>> No.1881086

Saya has a sort of twisted innocence and purity about her. Fuminori is just an asshole.

>> No.1881088

>One, that this isn't confirmed to work on anything except Windows XP in Japanese locale.

Did you read the wiki you downloaded it from?

>> No.1881090


This is going nowhere fast.

>> No.1881092

Saya has sort of a twisted innocence and purity about her. Fuminori is just an asshole.

>> No.1881100


>> No.1881096


Grrr... I run Windows 2000... it's all I got. Dammit.

Someone should Youtube this story or something.

>> No.1881112

What are you gonna do if you see the world like he does, other than killing yourself that is.

>> No.1881120

Well, I guess it's a nice change of pace from the usual "how do I install Fate/stay night?" threads.

In before Saya thread /jp/ spam.

>> No.1881133

Had I been in his shoes, once I realized what Saya was and what she was capable of doing, I would have killed her and then myself. Once you get to the point around the whole Yoh affair(or even earlier with the painter) that becomes pretty much the only honorable course of action.

Granted, when the push comes to shove, whether I would have the will to follow through with this is arguable, but I certainly wouldn't have so hurriedly thrown away my humanity for some corrupted notion of love.

>> No.1881134

Whats so good about the human race anyway?

>> No.1881135

Have you tried installing it on Win2k first? All he said was that he had tested it on XP only.

>> No.1881139
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Whats so 'corrupt' about it? Twisted, yes, but considering we're dealing with a man who can only see horror and a Cthulhu-esque monster it'd be impossible for it not to be.

>> No.1881150

Misanthropy is a viewpoint which I will never be able to understand. I don't like being around people either, but to reject all the beauty that has sprung from us as a race is absurd.
Love should not be a thing that is expressed through malice and destruction. The whole point here is that they took something beautiful and turned it into something ugly.

>> No.1881154

fuminori did best, in his option. World sux, and saya was only purpose to live. Yes i'd kill any human for her. but i doubt he knew about what sort of children saya bears

>> No.1881153


I love you.

>> No.1881155

>Love should not be a thing that is expressed through malice and destruction.
Are you some kind of hippy faggot?

>The whole point here is that they took something beautiful and turned it into something ugly.
Who are you to judge what love is to others when you haven't been loved yourself, Anonymous!

>> No.1881162

>but to reject all the beauty that has sprung from us as a race is absurd.


and humanity wasnt destroyed, it just evoluted

>> No.1881161

so you can kill the only human you can see in a monstrous world, and a little girl nonetheless, just because it's supposed to be right?
that seem pretty heartless to me. besides, there's no way you can know, other than from thinking it out. it's gonna be so not worth it.

>> No.1881165

>Are you some kind of hippy faggot?
Heh, just a romantic I guess.
To be honest, I think the ending where Fuminori ends up in the insane asylum is a good, albeit tragic, example of what I think love should be like.

>Who are you to judge what love is to others when you haven't been loved yourself, Anonymous!
I guess you've got me there. But on the other hand I am quite familiar with love of the unrequited variety, so at least there's that.


>> No.1881168

>Bawww i love human race more then myself

>> No.1881171


>Love should not be a thing that is expressed through malice and destruction.

Malice and destruction against each other, yes. Malice and destruction against 'monsters', why not?

>The whole point here is that they took something beautiful and turned it into something ugly.

How so? Their relationship, the feelings they had for one another, were perhaps the purest and most sincere I've ever seen. The fact that they treated the rest of the world as their enemy doesn't somehow diminish or tarnish their love.

>> No.1881172


And here I thought that would be admirable. Oh, well. Like I said, it's going nowhere fast.

>> No.1881180

only if you were a girl, anon. VN moeblob or something.

>> No.1881182

Saya made humanity better in the good end.

We were changed to be able handle reality for what it really is. Without the weak bindings of humanity we will be able begin exploration of extra dimensions just like Saya's sister's are capable of. All of human culture and history will be saved in this new form and made better.

>> No.1881183

"Right" and "wrong" have no place in discussions about Saya. It is a perfectly amoral story.

>> No.1881185

If he doesn't kill her or separate from her, he just ends up twisting her. I mean, by being around him Saya goes from relative purity to a fucking monster.

>> No.1881195

not really, they just had to get out of city and friends in the start, not when they killed bunch of meatbags

>> No.1881196

Did you even play the game? Fuji gives Saya true love and happiness. Even before she meet Fuji she had eaten a human baby so it's not like he exposed her to killing humans.

>> No.1881205


I'll drink to that.

>> No.1881208

theres no prove that she eat him. As before i insists, saya escaped of hurting humans as much as possible.

>> No.1881221


Haha, sorry, but no. Saya makes reference a couple of times to previous hunts. Once she mentions a park where she used to hunt 'small ones', and after killing Oumi she tells Fuminori that it has been awhile since she got a 'big one'.

>> No.1881226

Does the game really need to spell it out for you? After going on about the missing cats, frightened patients, and then the missing baby you still refuse to believe she ate the infant? Saya never had a problem eating humans and the only reason she didn't proactively hunt adults is because they are dangerous. Notice how she always tried to get the jump on people (Koji, Omi, the painter guy) when attacking.

>> No.1881228

hmm thats right, i forgot about it. But anyway who knows what was with her that time

>> No.1881236

Small ones = cats/dogs. You know, the ones that were mysteriously disappearing?

>> No.1881237


To be fair, it's implied she eats small mammals and birds.

That being said, however, it's also implied she ate a newborn baby.

That's right, Saya eats babies.

And she enjoys it.

>> No.1881239

You don't have to agree with what any of the characters did. If you can understand them, that's enough.

>> No.1881243

she had no problem with eating them, but not killing, i guess erostuff her "papa" gave to her made her think about humans not that much trash. She killed oumi becase she was surprised at first, and it was dangerous let her see other rooms. Kouji on other way attacked her beloved.

>> No.1881244


I'll drink to that, as well.

Here, here.

>> No.1881253

Ummm so eating a new born infant does not equal killing. Okay.

>> No.1881263

I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing differing interpretations, though.

Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I have to wonder why a gem like this wasn't translated sooner.

>> No.1881261

>>1881030 what Fuminori got was not an abnormal sight, but sort of a real sight, seeing human as what they really are deep inside.

Good point, but kind of clashes on how all inanimate objects are transformed too, instead of just humans.

It's clearly stated in-game, that the story draws inspiration from a similar segment in Tezuka's Phoenix, however, I'd like to draw a reference to Dreams in the Witch-House (I had to reread it just now). The whole text is available here:

For the sake of this discussion, I shall quote the essential excerpt:
"In the deeper dreams everything was likewise more distinct, and Gilman felt that the twilight abysses around him were those of the fourth dimension. Those organic entities whose motions seemed least flagrantly irrelevant and unmotivated were probably projections of life-forms from our own planet, including human beings. What the others were in their own dimensional sphere or spheres he dared not try to think."

The story tells about an university student, convinced that research into the mathematics and greater understanding may grant the ability to progress 'beyond' our three-dimensional world and emerge anywhere else in the universe after stepping back down. At night, he's plagued by visions and visitations by an old crone and a hideous creature bearing resemblance to a rat that take him to terrifying places, doing sinister things parallel to the real world in the city of Arkham.

With all the Lovecraft references abound, it's not hard to see some nods towards this text, assuming which, the main character could somehow see beyond our world, to entities inhabiting it just beyond human recognition.

Think what you will. But I bet this VN has all the other HPL fans silently smiling too.

>> No.1881262

maybe she was starving, who knows

>> No.1881277

The direct reference to the Silver Key was awesome. Also in the lab the screen that hid the body of Saya's father had a "octopoid" creature printed on it. Hmmm what Lovecraftian Eldritch entity could this be?

>> No.1881283

Yeah, but you can't really fault Saya for her nature. What she did to Yoh, however, carried a blatant sadistic intent that was previously not part of her character.

>> No.1881284

Starving makes it okay to eat a baby? Just accept Saya thinks people are tasty. She is still lovable as always and in the good end what she does for humanity is great.

>> No.1881296

She was fighting over her man so the sadism is purely female intent.

>> No.1881299


My 'good end' is the one where Koji kills Saya

But that's just me.

>> No.1881301


Eh? Saya originally appeared in the world to transform it by subverting the dominant species into creatures like her. Yoh was an experiment to this end, which perfectly fits her personality. The only reason Saya never bothered doing such things before is because there was no point without the love the Fuminori provided.

>> No.1881303

baby was first, who she taste, how could she know? Well yeah, human are, as i said, she could not kill them(or she would haunt homeless) , but not to eat, since dead body is just free meat
well yoh had crush on fuminori and saya knew it, so she did almost perfect in this case

>> No.1881308
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Your good end is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.1881311

why would you spend 20 hours to melt somebody, when you can just BOOM and all is done?

>> No.1881314


Yeah, I feel bad. For Koji.

>> No.1881320

arent spores "a little" diffrent nature from melting?

>> No.1881315


Needed practice?

>> No.1881323

Yeah, but that's the point. It's Fuminori's presence that causes her to act this way.
It's made quite clear that Saya enjoys Yoh's suffering.

>> No.1881325


But she can't do that. Partly because it was her first time, and partly because thats not the way it works. I imagine that in the end it would have taken a period of hours for most people to transform, with only a few rare cases like the doctor able to resist the change for longer.

>> No.1881328

So when you BOOM you do it right instead of breaking everyone's minds and making them useless animals. Thanks to what she did to Yoh we have the new species reveling in the streets (Or that is how Ryōko describes it as she slowly changes).

>> No.1881332

>It's made quite clear that Saya enjoys Yoh's suffering.
i did too. is this bad?

>> No.1881334

In fact Fuminori himself describes it as sadistic. Doesn't mean she was a pure non-baby eating saint before meeting good ol' Fumi.

>> No.1881336

You did good son. You did good.

>> No.1881337

Well if you really look at it, Fuminori is the villain of the story. Hes the one who actualy is the catalyst for everything that happens.
But if I was Fuminori and had that happen to me I would Love Saya and even If I knew and saw her for what she really was I would still love her the same for in both cases you know who she is really. A lost and lonly little girl looking for someone to care for her. I wouldnt hesitate to give up my humanity and sanity for her.

>> No.1881347


>> No.1881348


Undoubtably Saya did, in the same way that a child will find the agonised writhings of a tortured insect amusing. You have to remember, Saya isn't human. She doesn't consider us (excepting Fuminori, and perhaps her Papa) as equal or particularly worthy of notice. No matter how much of our culture she absorbs, no matter how 'human' her mind might become, she will always be... whatever she is, at heart. Its simply part of her nature.

>> No.1881351


Well, yeah. Sort of.

>> No.1881353

The true hero of the story is Ougai. He's so fucking awesome.

>> No.1881355
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She was taking it easy.

>> No.1881360


Get the fuck out of here, jackass.

>> No.1881366

This was the first time Saya is shown enjoying the suffering of others. Maybe she did earlier, who knows, but from what we're given and how she is presented earlier in the novel, I think it's a valid conclusion that Fuminori acted as a source of corruption for her.

>> No.1881373
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No, I will save /jp/.

>> No.1881372


She got her kicks by scaring patients in the psych ward back when she lived in the hospital.

Yeah, I wasn't surprised by how she turned out.

>> No.1881377

Ummm Is it just me but I got the impression that for the most part she didnt really fucking care about the suffering of others except for Fuminori. The only examples I remeber is her enjoying the suffering of Yoh which is related to her feelings about Yoh trying to steal her mate away from her.

>> No.1881378

you woudnt be bored lurking in hospital for a months?

>> No.1881382


I don't think I'd be going around scaring people with fragile minds.

The point is not why she did it but that she did indeed do it.

>> No.1881388

Saya is a sadistic lovecraftian eldritch horror from beyond time and space. That is what makes her so lovely.

>> No.1881389

>I don't think I'd be going around scaring people with fragile minds.
Why not? That sounds hilarious.

>> No.1881392

you surely like people much more than me

>> No.1881411

You forget how lonely she was.

>> No.1881404

You can't honestly be comparing this to prolonged physical and psychological torture. If anything, these pranks established her childish nature and made her seem more harmless.
Yes, but even then, she is still acting in a way that is more monstrous than she was before. Given the structure of the story, I'd like to think the whole Yoh affair carried more weight than just a cheapening excuse for an H-scene.
Of course I might just be reading too deeply into things.

>> No.1881414


>You can't honestly

Yes, I can.

>> No.1881417

thank you /jp/, now i release that i hate ordinary human as much as fuminori does. Well i love saya as much as his does too.

>> No.1881421

This such a beautiful story about how fate pulls together two people whos worlds have fallen apart.

>> No.1881424

Saya is so Moe

>> No.1881448

Fuck humanity; I'm with Saya.

>> No.1881454

is that because those things are man-made?
I kind of remember that trees and forests seem okay in the wild?

>> No.1881457

You never saw the forest from Fuminori's perspective, so of course it would look normal.

>> No.1881460


Actually, no. The trees, the mountains, and the sky all look like that.

>> No.1881463


>You never saw the forest from Fuminori's perspective

Actually, you do. If only for a brief instant. Check it out.

>> No.1881467

Actually after pushing Koji down the well Fuminori goes through the forest on the way home. It shows the trees as horridly composed of flesh as everything else.

>> No.1881472

I just stopped playing after the cannabalism scene. I sat staring at the monitor for 15 minutes and said out loud, "no fucking way"

>> No.1881473


>no fucking way


Just keep on reading.

And yes, WAY.

>> No.1881478

If I could reach through the monitor and slap you in the face right now I would, because you're missing a great VN and the best VN I've ever played.

Then again, I haven't played many VN's

>> No.1881482

Failed your sanity check?

>> No.1881486

she is a little bit childish and straightforward, but that part is actually very humane.
I also like how her real voice sounds like :3

>> No.1881488

in after newfags and young typemoon fags getting their hands on this game.


>> No.1881490

Is this better than Umineko.

I'm not playing if it's not worth my time.

>> No.1881493


Well, I don't think a lot of people can stomach this. Not everybody is into horror.

>> No.1881495

Pretty much.

>> No.1881500

oh because this game is so terrifying.

>> No.1881497

Im not saying its a bad game. It has excellente writing, or a excellent translation or both, compared to half of all the other visual novels I've read.

The only thing comparable in quality is the higurashi translation.

But yeah...just...a bit over the top there for me

>> No.1881506


horror and terror are two different things.

And, yes. This VN is certainly horrifying.

>> No.1881509 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1881510

If you finished FSN before you already tasted the true horror, Saya no Uta is a breeze compared to it.

>> No.1881515 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1881516

Only if you're some underage fag that watched Scream with your school friends for the first time last week.

>> No.1881517

Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way?

>> No.1881519

Saya No uta is worth playing, if you dont like it you can quit and do something else. The story is very intrigueing and unlike some other visual novels the games pretty short I belive at around 5hours in length. The game has some rather disturbing material but its all part of teh story. The H Scenes are its weakest point because the game would still be great without them.

>> No.1881526

I dedicate this thread and the minds of all its participants who are experinceing the game, To Saya.

>> No.1881529


In a neutral way.

Although I'll tell you that I enjoyed it very much despite being more than a little disturbed. Or maybe it's partially because I was more than a little disturbed.

>> No.1881536

Saya, Saya, she's so sweet~
Saya, Saya she loves meat~

>> No.1881537

holy fuck this game is hardcore I never played something like this before

gore fuck yeah

>> No.1881543
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It has such a pleasant aroma.

>> No.1881546

All the deaths happen off camera, interestingly enough.

>> No.1881547

How do you change the font?

>> No.1881559

Saya no Uta: not so good (on horror). Saya is too moe anyways.

I guess that was my main complaint with this game. I came in expecting some great VN horror, but it didn't deliver there. It was still a good read though, which I guess is all that really matters.

>> No.1881564

Fuck off troll.

>> No.1881565

who doesnt?

>> No.1881590

Man, I'm really on the border as to whether or not to play this game. It seems so disturbing on one hand, but also very unique and intriguing. I feel that something in me might break if I play this ;_:.

>> No.1881600


Oh, don't mind me. I'm just very easily disturbed. You should give it a shot, though.

>> No.1881606

Just man up and play it, friend.

>> No.1881608

It's definitely worth a play through.
Go for it, Anon. I mean, since you're posting here, how much more broken can you get?

>> No.1881611


Hhh, I think I'll give it a pass for now. I'll wait until the final release and then test my courage again.

>> No.1881625

See alot of people I show this game too as well as talk about it too tell me to stop. I think most people cant handle this games imagery and descriptions.
There are really alot of sheltered people out there.

>> No.1881630

Just finished the last ending, god damn this VN is great.

>> No.1881634

you can always choose not to see the gore, if that helps....

>> No.1881663

This game is NOT scary, for gods sake guys. Are you 13 or something?

>> No.1881665


Not so much that they're sheltered as it is that we've been overly exposed to various disturbing things.

>> No.1881695

Saya no Uta was one of the most beautiful games ever. It's like fucking art.

>> No.1881704

Any of you niggers have a torrent with more than 1 seed?

>> No.1881711


more like newfags are easily impressed

in b4 this shit happening in every /jp/ Saya thread

>> No.1881715


Not so much for the fright than for the disturbing and depressing theme.

>> No.1881729

There's only one Saya no Uta game result on isohunt, and it has 50.

>> No.1881736

it's not even THAT good

>> No.1881732

I found it on /rs/ anyway, I should've just checked there to begin with.

>> No.1881751

It's not disturbing either.

I never though /jp/ was a bunch of pussies.

>> No.1881821


Being absolutely honest here. Something in me DID break while reading it.

This game decreases your sanity. There's no way I can have back the time when I had not read it.

And I'd kind of want to.

>> No.1881843

>This game decreases your sanity.
Moral not equel to sanity. Moral actually makes you weaker. So enjoy, weak part of you died

>> No.1881893


Horror and terror are terror and horror

>> No.1882009

Slowfag here, I just finished this I think... Are there really only those 3 endings? Goddamn, I finished this in like 4 hours. That's kind of pushing the boundaries of shortness, but I have to admit, I haven't played a huge list of VNs.

Still, it had an eerie sort of beauty to it. Something in my mind broke a little.

>> No.1882301

Reading Saya no Uta was quite enjoyable.
I haven't really treated it as a horror VN, and it didn't really appear that frightening, if you keep in mind Fukamori's perspective and Saya's goals.

>> No.1882444

This game is a moral killer...I feel like part of my sanity has slipped away from me... and goddamn does it feel good.

Also am I the only one playing "Song of Saya" on infinite loop in my music player?

>> No.1882466

I'm playing "Shoes of Glass" and "Silent Sorrow" too.

>> No.1882474

How do I split the text files to make the script file load faster?

>> No.1882783

Wait until Editing/TLC is complete, you'll also get a font fix/other bugfixes for those in the wrong locale.
