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18790436 No.18790436 [Reply] [Original]

What is your ideal Touhou Visual Novel? Dating sim? Lore exploration? Post your idea here

>> No.18790458

Full immersion.
Raw survival and avoiding social land mines.
Establishing yourself in Gensokyo. Perhaps gaining power.
Anything else is just boring secondary bait.

>> No.18790645


Touhou H Tag Tournament

Satorin o Oreiro ni Someageru!

>> No.18790765

Done from the perspective of a weak normal human, but one with a very useful superpower.
No forced wish fulfillment romances.
Somewhat lighthearted, but with genuine stakes.
Brutal and violent bad endings.
Personal story about discovering your new place in Gensokyo as a above average human.

>> No.18790803

Just go read Forbidden Scrollery

>> No.18790910

Yes. I do think the visual novel should be more Forbidden Scrollery than WaHH. Visual novels are at their best when there's a genuine feeling of danger.

>> No.18791137

i concur, and it would be nice to lurk around in gensokyo, and speak to the various touhous as a weak but weird human

>> No.18791167

So you want a Divi:dead-like touhou with a nice thick atmosphere? Well, that's cool, that kind of atmosphere is really nice, but visual novels are really at their best in the common route when everyone's just messing around, for some reason I'm really weak to comedy in visual novels and am extremely easy to amuse.

>> No.18791190

Yes. I mean, i don't think it should go full Nasuverse or anything. But i like the idea of having a main character that would probably be killed pretty easily if he went up against even a weak Youkai. And that somewhat being reflected in the general tone of the story.

>So you want a Divi:dead-like touhou with a nice thick atmosphere?
I don't know what that is, honestly.

>but visual novels are really at their best in the common route when everyone's just messing around, for some reason I'm really weak to comedy in visual novels and am extremely easy to amuse.
I think a more comedic visual novel COULD work. But i also think you do need some kind of tension for the choices to matter. And that's hard to accomplish if you go slice of life, especially if you also don't have any romance.

>> No.18791219
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Divi:dead is some ancient ass VN with a pretty good atmosphere, being set in a private school founded in the middle of fuck knows where, pretty decent, despite its age.

>> No.18791233

> And that's hard to accomplish if you go slice of life
Then simply add night events where you would have occasional spooky Gensokyo experience.

>> No.18791245

That could work. Really, both the more serious and more comedic approach are both equally viable. I just personally find the more serious approach more intriguing. Especially since i do think Touhou has potential for good drama.

>> No.18791254

Going by the description i found online. It seems interesting enough. Might give it a shot one day.

>> No.18791276
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>I just personally find the more serious approach more intriguing
>Touhou has potential for good drama.
Oh god no. Keep that shit away from it.

>> No.18791282

Oh shush. Drama doesn't mean everything automatically has to be a Grimdark edgefest of violence and misery.

>> No.18791298

Touhou is meant to be lighthearted series with slightly dark background. Any kind of drama would just feel forced.

>> No.18791316

Nah. I think it would feel pretty natural, if done from the right perspective.

>> No.18791326

>oh shush
Moralfag detected; having gone on record as saying gensokyo is as grimdark and edgy as warhammer 40k, I'd say that's precisely the kind of drama I'd expect you to lust for. Rethink life.

>> No.18791359

Did you miss the bit where i pretty explicitly said i don't want a Touhou visual novel to go the grimdark route? Or that i thought both approaches were equally valid?

>> No.18791504

Lots of action, tons of bad endings and a faceless protagonist who starts out weak but progressively becomes stronger until he can face off against the most powerful 2hus. Seija is one of the heroines, mainly because "flipping" things is an extremely cool ability to have in an over-the-top setting (and because I really like her).

>> No.18791630

>faceless protagonist
Do we have to? I tend to prefer my visual novel protagonists to have some actual characterization.

>> No.18791916

first VN. fucking amazing.

>> No.18791929

the guy literally said he wanted brutal and violent bad endings

>> No.18791936

No OCs.

>> No.18791962

Brutal bad endings are a must when we have characters like Sakuya. Of course all merged with the things that make touhou a light hearted series as well. No "character becomes stronger as he progresses" thing though. Either the MC is useless or his power is set already. Actual plot.

>> No.18791965

That doesn't have to mean the game has to be edgy or grimdark. Simply that the consequences for making a big mistake can be severe.

>> No.18791973

>Brutal bad endings are a must when we have characters like Sakuya.
Yes. Exactly. Or characters like Rumia, Mystia, and Medicine.

>> No.18793587

Definitely not anything with powerless self-insert, because I can't self-insert as that.

>> No.18793664

That Touhou Danganronpa fan series would be pretty cool with a playable version.

>> No.18794721

>Lore exploration
Honestly? this.

>> No.18795484

...Get a life you loser. I haven't even been on /jp/ for a week or two. It's nice and all that you have such a massive hate boner for me. But please, stop bothering other people.

>> No.18797193

I find it hard to believe that multiple people use such gay phrases as "oh shush" on /jp/, especially when you were shitting up the Yukarin thread at about the same time, but hey, maybe, just maybe.

>> No.18797887
File: 45 KB, 290x362, c20090116_asami_04_cs1w1_290x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lore Exploration with Myst/Uru style genre.

You play as a young Occult Investigator masquerading as Private Eye from Outside World named Asami Toshihiko (浅見智彦). He has the ability to locate anything, even things that are lost or hidden. The ability also allows him to See everything, even the things that do not want to be seen.

One day, he got hired by Lady in Purple/Yukari and invited to a mysterious Ryokan where he will lodge in for solving cases in Gensokyo. The Ryokan itself is connected to Gensokyo on the corner of the Boundaries, directly opposite of Hakurei Shrine.

Yukari says that he need to solve incidents that not require "shoot first ask question later" like the local incident resolvers, meaning this case will rely on intelligence and inference skills with some folklore knowledge or even sorcery/withcraft.

Example of first case : The Scarlet Mist emerges again, but strangely it only engulfs around the Scarlet Devil Mansion while the rest of Gensokyo is not affected. The owner of the mansion, Remilia, did not recall or need summoning the mist, as she can get out with ease with her anti-sun parasol. This where Toshihiko steps into the case by investigating the mansion and it's inhabitants. The background lore of each character will be explored to help him solve the incident. His ability also useful for locating the hidden truth on the environment, or even on the person.

Trivia : Asami Toshihiko (浅見智彦) is based on other fictional character named Asami Mitsuhiko (浅見光彦), a famous amateur sleuth and writer who solves crimes based on Japanese folklore or legend.

Source :

>> No.18797940

Where can I read this fanfic in full?

>> No.18798029


40k isn't edgy, it's grimdark and campy

>> No.18800876

>He has the ability to locate anything
That's Nazrin ability

>> No.18800916

>40k isn't edgy
It is.

>> No.18802328

>I find it hard to believe that multiple people use such gay phrases as "oh shush" on /jp/
I'm not the only person to use the phrase "Oh shush", you know. And regardless, i'm free to post where and when i want. If you have a problem with me, then report me or something. Stop acting like a creepy stalker.

Also stop using the term "moralfag", you insane sociopath. If you want to argue that all human morality is meaningless. Then go live in Somalia, and see how well that goes.

>> No.18802444

i love jaypee

>> No.18802917
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Ideal Touhou Visual Novel/Dating Sim

Fully customizable main character appearance. (Gender, hair color, height, clothes etc)

Choices, many different big choices with big outcomes leading to different endings.

Custom routes, choose whoever you want to date. (And ofcourse have the ability to date another girl and go down her route like huniepop.)

Choosing your powers, Your MC shouldn't be just a normal ordinary weak human, he/she should have the ability to have magical powers like all 2hu's, and you should be able to choose whatever powers you want your character to have. (What spell card and projectiles etc.)

Have the story not just focused on dating the girls, while the game should be a Dating Sim, it shouldn't just be dating the girls, but also having many different adventures in Gensokyo.

Speaking of, the game should also be an RPG, so basically a Touhou Dating Sim Visual Novel/RPG where you can not only talk to the 2hu girls in gensokyo but have many adventures and have danmaku battles with 2hu girls. (Kinda like Undertale how it's both an RPG but also has Danmaku-like battles).

And basically everything here: >>18790458

>> No.18803183

Dating sim, but also has mystery and bad ends. But the bad ends shouldn't just be jerking off how stronk the youkai are and how easily they can kill the player character, there should be crazy shit like a culprit finishing her plan with disasterous results, or something spooky causing the PC to undergo a metamorphosis into a monster and eating everyone, and so on.

I admit my perception of "a Touhou VN" is influenced by those old cyoa stories from here.

>> No.18803346

>Abilities : Finding sought-for items
>As stated, Nazrin's ability is being able to find specific objects that are being looked for by someone. In order to effectively utilize the ability, she must have a clear, concrete image of what she is looking for.

Kinda different if you ask me

>> No.18803413

>ut the bad ends shouldn't just be jerking off how stronk the youkai are and how easily they can kill the player character, there should be crazy shit like a culprit finishing her plan with disasterous results, or something spooky causing the PC to undergo a metamorphosis into a monster and eating everyone, and so on.

It would be nice to have Nasu-Esque bad endings, rather than just "You go out at night and a Youkai eats you". But if this thread is any indication. Most people would scream "GRIMDARK!" if anything more serious than "Cute girls engaging in bland slice of life material" or "Wish fulfillment self insert fantasies" happen.

>> No.18804341

So, Corruption of Champions: Gensokyo Edition?

I'm all for that.

>> No.18804434


You guys are looking for the Touhou era games such as eraTohoK and eraTohoTW.

username: era
password: eraeraera

>> No.18804450

The Era games have too little characterisation and not enough plot.

>> No.18804484

It's the closest you'll get though.
Both games allow you to make up your own lore and TohoK definitely has the requested customization options.
TW is... well... it's basically just a nukige. There's LiG (Live in Gensokyo) but I don't know if it's actually still developed. I'd basically want LiG but with more gameplay.

>> No.18804641

Do more dick pushups.

>> No.18804686

If only...

>> No.18806121 [DELETED] 


>> No.18806132

no, and get lost out of /jp/, 'kudasai'

>> No.18806592

I don't even visit /jp/ that much. And yet i still feel morally obligated to stick around. Just to make sure you keep stalking me, instead of going out to torture animals or kill people.

>> No.18806642

Get out and stay out, leave, 'kudasai!'

>> No.18806663

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18806795

your mother

>> No.18806875

Until you have left this earth. No.

>> No.18806948

No, get out and leave, 'kudasai.'

>> No.18810168

Anything to fuck the 2hus

>> No.18810275

Danmaku with specific routes for characters, with good or bad endings depending on your performance

>> No.18810557
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Story focusing on the activities of the Sealing Club.

>> No.18811570

They already have four short stories though

>> No.18816614

I prefer Comedy Mystery taken from some of the characters prespective

>> No.18816667
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Was there ever a 4th Kenchinroku?

>> No.18818775

Not yet I think

>> No.18818820

Ah shit thanks anon. Lo

>> No.18821203
File: 53 KB, 412x811, 1ef4cf9a1f749a3f8606bc6e62085c99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Just a handful of sprites and a title screen. Supposedly he's still working on it.
