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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1878644 No.1878644 [Reply] [Original]

Girls love is the only kind of love I can tolerate now. I can't even get off on guy x girl scenes anymore. WHAT HAS TOUHOU DONE TO ME?!?!?!

>> No.1878655

The funny thing is, when I first started fapping nearly 10 years ago, I could get off to hot lesbian scenes

Now I can't any more. Usually multiple dicks in a girl, rape, etc are the only things I can get off to these days

However I am still a huge yurifag....

>> No.1878658

lord i'm doin' all i can to be a better man

>> No.1878683

Touhou has perverted you. Go watch some rape porn.

>> No.1878688

Try guy x guy, pretty hot shit.

>> No.1878700

Same here, I think it's because of all the Touhou futa doujins

>> No.1878708

Personally, I like normal scenes, but I also appreciate some nice yuri loving.

However, I can't stomach 3D porn at all. I find it boring, stupid, and not sexy.

>> No.1878718

You're basically me, but I held off until about six years ago.

I'm still pretty sure I can keep myself from raping someone, but who knows how long that'll last. Best part is, it's not even consideration for the person I'd be raping (despite what I tell myself); it's because I know I'd get caught, and jail doesn't sound fun.

>> No.1878719


>> No.1878732
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Touhous have been known to do some strange things without men, for instance...

>> No.1878734

welcome to /u/, this was done to me by Marimite

>> No.1878735

I've got bad news bro, you caught the gay.

>> No.1878742

i can get off on anything.

>> No.1878746

Turns out you're a faggot. Who knew?

>> No.1878747

Broadened your horizons

>> No.1878776


You have been overtaken by the Warp. IT IS A GOOD PAIN.

>> No.1878793

At least you have preferences.

>> No.1878823

Just because the penises you are jerking off to are attached to hot women doesn't mean you aren't still jerking off to penises. Lets face it, it's not the women themselves that are doing it for you, it's the fact they each have a huge cock. Take that away and suddenly you aren't interested.

Personally I've never understood futa, it seems just a few short steps from gay porn.

>> No.1878835

Futa is distinctly a "half-empty/half-full" issue; what is a few steps away from gay porn for you is a few steps away from absolutely no males at all for others.

>> No.1878838

closet fag

>> No.1878849

Porn without penises is hardly porn at all.

>> No.1878870

i've fapped to gay porn, i'm straight though.
the idea of actually touching a guy irl makes me feel sick though.
when you see normal porn all the time, you just get to the point where it bores you and you need to find new things to fap to

>> No.1878874

Except if I really didn't care about the body it was attached to, then I *would* just look at gay porn. But I don't, because male bodies are a total turn-off to me.

It's actually the total opposite of what you said, I don't care about the genitals as long as they're on a female body. Traps are also acceptable exactly because they look feminine, as long as it's not a manly body I'll fap.

Of course this is speaking as someone who likes both yuri and futa, if someone ONLY likes futa and not yuri, I can't speak for them.

>> No.1878875

A penis is just an overgrown clitoris. The balls are the true source of manliness. No balls = not gay.

>> No.1878897

WOW! Same here (except replace rape with /ss/ for here)

Small world /jp/, small world...

>> No.1878903


The point is less 'penises are gay' and more 'focusing on penises is kind of gay'. Futa seems to focus more on how hot it is for a woman to have a penis then it does on how hot the women actually are. Basically you are focused on the fact she has a penis. Just listen to the number of guys who would happily let a futa girl have their way with their assholes and tell me it's not gay.

>> No.1878920

Ok, it's not gay.

>> No.1878928

It's only gay if the balls are touching.

>> No.1878940


>i've fapped to gay porn, i'm straight though.

I've got some bad news for you...

>> No.1878943

Meiling has a Penipeni

>> No.1878955

I've got some bad news for you... It's possible

>> No.1878965



>> No.1878975

Pot, meet kettle. Fag.

>> No.1878976


You might be able to lie to yourself, but you can't alter reality.

>> No.1878977

I can't watch 3d porn at all these days. I used to like lesbian scenes, but they kind of suck. it's always 2 women not pleasig each other, or two women enojying themselves in the most boring way possible.

>> No.1879007


I like yuri (read hot girls pressing against other that may or not may include toys) and hetero hentai, and I am a faggot?

Go play a game of pretend with some of your gay friends.

>> No.1879020

ur an insecure faggot

go fap to gay porn and ur a real man

>> No.1879024

Yuri alone makes you a fag.

>> No.1879029
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Sorry, I only fap to abominations, monstergirls, and mostly female humanoids creatures.

Dicks? No thanks.

>> No.1879036

ITT insecure fags

>> No.1879041

ITP: Denial.

>> No.1879048

Yuri is awesome. But just yuri?
That's unhealthy.
Unless you're a lesbian.

>> No.1879050

ITP: Denial.

>> No.1879067

I like futa without balls, and I think anal sex is disgusting.
