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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18767569 No.18767569 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for learning Japanese with/for otaku media, especially niche games, anime, manga, and stories. If you want to learn Japanese for work or travel, go to >>>/int/.

This is not a translation thread. This is not DJT.

Lurk more before asking questions.


>> No.18767574


>> No.18767578

>What is that on the right?
>I get that it's 私 but is it because of a font or simplification?
Yeah that just looks like a cute font. It fits the style of the game. Don't worry about it.

>> No.18767579
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Well, I hope the guy who was making duplicates is happy now.

>> No.18767580 [DELETED] 
File: 690 KB, 1285x749, Screenshot (35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that on the right?
I get that it's 私 but is it a triangle because of a font or character simplification?

>> No.18767585

We fucking agreed not to change it to OJT


>> No.18767586

this isn't OJT

>> No.18767587

What's so confusing?
A thread for learning Japanese with/for otaku media on the "Otaku Culture" board makes perfect sense, and if you wanted to learn or discuss Japanese for any other reason then the appropriate board would be /int/, would it not?

>> No.18767588


>> No.18767589

ban evader-kun trying new tactics and hoping the mods are too stupid to realize

ignore and report

>> No.18767592 [DELETED] 

/djt/ got booted from /jp/ for rampant autism, if you haven't noticed

>> No.18767594

sorry but learning japanese is not otaku culture, that's weeb culture

>> No.18767599

Stop ban evading.

>> No.18767602


>> No.18767603

Could you explain what "weeb" and "weeb culture" mean?

>> No.18767604


>> No.18767605


>> No.18767610


get off ban evader's thread

>> No.18767617

there's touhou otaku, idol otaku, train otaku, scenery otaku, eroge otaku, etc etc, but "Japanese language" otaku, come on, that's so stupid, DJT weeb should stay at /int/ or /a/

>> No.18767619

Weebs are otaku

go gas yourself

>> No.18767626
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>> No.18767629

>touhou otaku, idol otaku, train otaku, scenery otaku, eroge otaku
You mean weebs?

>> No.18767634

no, weeb are tryhard that want to transform themselve into Japanese, otaku are people who are super passionate and dedicated to their hobby or interest

>> No.18767637

Learning jap sounds pretty passionate to me

>> No.18767641

sometimes train otaku doesn't care about japanese, they are in love with train and wanted to share pic of train and discuss train,on the other hand people that is indulged with the mystified Japan land and want to become japanese are weeb, do some research dude

>> No.18767642
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>> No.18767644

most "weebs" are just anime otaku or j-culture otaku, the ken-sama sort is rarer than you think

However, both weebs and otaku are regarded as tactless cancer in their respective socieities

>> No.18767646

Well that's cool then because nobody here is planning on becoming Japanese

>> No.18767648

Pokemon Original
Pokemon Advanced Generation
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Pokemon Best Wishes!
Pokemon XY
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Mewtwo Strikes Back
The Power of One
Spell of the Unown
Celebi: Voice of the Forest

>> No.18767649

Are we having a To Heart 2 read along session?

>> No.18767650
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>> No.18767651

I just want to say that I hate your threads because they're full of idiots asking stupid questions and arguing about the same pointless shit for the ten thousandth time.

>> No.18767652

this is a kuso banter thread

>> No.18767653

Then get the fuck out

also get back to DJT or the mods will delete it

>> No.18767656

good, DJT go >>>/int/

>> No.18767660

>Then get the fuck out
I have the same right to an opinion as anyone else in this board.

>> No.18767661

you already have a thread there

>> No.18767663


I'll fucking bite.

>This thread is for learning Japanese with/for...
How are people even supposed to learn if you don't even link to the most basic of resources you humongous mongoloid?
Ah, but then you say
>Lurk more before asking questions.
Where is the fucking guide then? Want beginners to fill up your already shitty thread with "Where can I get X manga/anime/VN?" "How do I start learning Japanese?"
But then again, you are a huge self centered manchild that cannot even use common sense.

>This is not DJT.
Then what in god's forsaken name is this thread then? Oh I know; your puny attempt at being the special snowflake you always wanted to be.
You really want to be mommy's greatest disappointment? Fine, go and stick a finger up her ass but don't you fuck with people that are actually focused on learning and getting things done.

>> No.18767667


>> No.18767668
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/jp/ is for comfy, drama queen crossboarder please go back to your respective board

>> No.18767672

OP and the two second posts you quoted aren't the same person.

This please.

>> No.18767673

you sound pretty mad at people just trying to learn a language for their own interests
maybe you should tend to your corpse on /int/

>> No.18767679

DJT was originally from /a/ and all would be solved if it could go back there.

>> No.18767682

This isn't DJT.

>> No.18767684

What was the final final verdict on that? Buyfag is still up. When was the last time we tried to slide back in quietly?

>> No.18767686

Before the import of DJT, /jp/ would very occasionally have Japanese learning threads that weren't full of completely retarded questions.

Bringing DJT brought more of the stupid questions you supposedly hate to /jp/ than anything else.

>> No.18767691

Don't know but the quality of /a/ is as hilariously bad as ever and still has generals so it's unfair that DJT and sadpanda threads aren't allowed.

>> No.18767699


Where, point me to where did I say that learning Japanese had any relevancy to people's interests.

Let me rephrase that again for you:
>don't you fuck with people that are actually focused on learning and getting things done.

I couldn't give more of shit if you are a weeb or not. What I do give a shit about is that you are impeding, weeb or not, the sole purpose of this thread which is learning with your senseless banter.

Now go ahead, put another strawman up.

>> No.18767703

Yeah good luck with that

>> No.18767731
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>> No.18767734

Looking for the one where nukige is hardest and plotge is easiest but I can't find it.

>> No.18767739
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>> No.18767741

Thanks man.

>> No.18767752

Which Nukige is that

>> No.18767761

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as weeb, is in fact, Wapanese/Weeaboo, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Wapanese plus Weeaboo. Weeaboo is not a meaningful term itself, but rather another freeform offshoot of the fully functioning Wapanese term made by combining the vital word components Wannabe and Japanese.
Many internet users use a modified version of the term Wapanese every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Wapanese which is widely used today is often called “weeb”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the term Weeaboo, developed from the term Wapanese. There really is a weeb, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the original word.
Weeaboo is the real term: the alternative to using the original while being able to maintain the same meaning and nuance. Weeb are essential letters in the spelling of the full term, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of the complete term. Weeb is normally used in combination with three more letters: the whole thing is basically Wapanese with Weeaboo added, or Wapanese/Weeaboo. All the uses of the so-called “weeb” are really uses of Wapanese/Weeaboo.

>> No.18767889

Crayon Shinchan
Chibi Maruko-chan
Ninja Hattori-kun
Cyborg Kurochan

fuck that was hard

>> No.18767896

Weeaboos aren't just Western fans of Japanese media, right? Do Eastern non-Japanese fans count?

>> No.18767912

Who cares about those?

>> No.18767924

Just making sure, the method for Yomichan-Anki integration on the Guide will only add words (and their meanings) in, yeah? So if I want to put in sentences (be it examples from kenkyuusha or the ones I found the word in), I have to make a new field and manually copy-paste/type it in?

>> No.18767952

>(see the Yomichan webpage for a full list of options)

>> No.18768027

>the sole purpose of this thread which is learning
In the context of anime and manga. That's why it was created on /a/ and not any other board.

>> No.18768244
File: 522 KB, 1080x1080, 1515123864177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not DJT
But you still have mention it in the description so people can accidentally find your thread, huh?


>> No.18768268

Hey man thanks for the sage

>> No.18768280

honestly i understand all 3 so i guess i may be close to knowing japanese

>> No.18768307

(but i can't speak for shit unless its just formal style phrases so i don't know it after all)

>> No.18768347

this is just like reading wikipedia

>> No.18768353

it even has a hyperlink
