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1876025 No.1876025 [Reply] [Original]

What if Tohno Shiki met Emiya Shirou on a Field trip to Ryudou Temple?

>> No.1876027

They'd have a nice chat about that girl sitting in the back of the bus.

>> No.1876028


>> No.1876056

Depends which Shirou, and which Shiki. Steel Mind Shirou would probably see Shiki as a threat to his peace, and kill him, whereas HF NormalEnd Shirou is dead.

Meanwhile, Fate Shirou and ArceuidArc Shiki would reminisce about their lost loves.

>> No.1876067

Shiki and Shirou living as roommates in college confirmed.

>> No.1876073

Shirou is too dumb to make it to college. Shiki will never live long enough to make it.

>> No.1876079

Shirou's not that dumb, he just doesn't like to think of his friends and classmates 'that way', so convinces himself that certain things mean other things from what they really mean. As for Shiki, well, I can't imagine Shiki getting killed after all he's been through (assuming we're going with one of the ends where he lives).

>> No.1876081

>Shiki will never live long enough to make it to college

HAHA! good one man.

nah theres a simple trick to getting shiki to live longer.
put him in a dolls body like shirou!

>> No.1876093

Shiki even has better connections to Touko than Shirou does, so he could get an even more awesome body.

>> No.1876099

Shiki's gonna die early because of his eyes which are killing his brain as they get stronger, and the fact he's sharing his life. Of course, all these are solved if he become's a certain vampire's servant in a certain good end.

>> No.1876103


just get a body made just for his eyes like ryougi has.

>> No.1876111

You can't just stick Shiki into any doll's body!

It must be a loli type doll.

>> No.1876144

The problem is the strain his soul has already suffered due to his near-death experience and usage of the eyes.

Unless you pull a 'Heaven's feel' miracle on him, just new body and soul transfer won't cut it.

>> No.1876148


Then let's use the power of SCIENCE.


>> No.1876154
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You don't say...!

>> No.1876159

Even sister should agree with this plan! I mean its for his benefit, and that's what she cares about right?!

>> No.1876167

We can rebuild him...Stronger. Faster. Better than before!

But seriously, one day his soul will just 'puff away' and you will have a soulless android.

>> No.1876186


Strengthen the soul so I doesn't die by merging it with the souls of evil spirits purified.

>> No.1876198

>a 'Heaven's feel' miracle on him

What's that supposed to mean? It seemed completely reasonable to me, especially after all the Bad/Dead Ends involving Ilya doing a complete soul transfer. Considering the kinds of things that are routinely summoned out of nowhere in F/SN, somebody making a new body for Shirou with a good amount of time to work with isn't all that farfetched.

>> No.1876202

I've heard of this thing called Heaven's Feel...

>> No.1876200


This totally isn't a bad idea.

>> No.1876201

...Soul strengthening?
Anyway, as I said before, the only way for Shiki to survive with what we have seen in T-Moon works is the Heaven's feel miracle or something close to it (Has resurrection of the dead been covered anywhere)?

>> No.1876204

Thats why they call me the "Plan Maker"!

It seems they don't mean it though...

>> No.1876212

Only mention of actual resurrection of the dead (as opposed to soul transfers or soul copying) was basically just to say 'It can't be done'.

>> No.1876214

Only mention in F/SN that I can recall of actual resurrection of the dead (as opposed to soul transfers or soul copying) was basically just to say 'It can't be done'.

>> No.1876216

Who's that girl on the lower left corner?

>> No.1876221

Yes! Soul Strengthening!

If you can bind a soul with a weapon to make a strong weapon, why not bind a soul with another soul to make a stronger soul?

We'll just kill the personality of the soul and purify it of evil, and merge it with the other soul.
It'll gain the strength of the other soul with no traces of its personality or evil!

>> No.1876230

...Oh, wow.

>> No.1876232

I understand if you're basking in awe of my wonderful idea, but you really should pick your jaw up off the floor.

>> No.1876236

>no traces of its personality or evil!
Why just not build a robot?

>> No.1876240

Really people, if a Servant can eat souls to get stronger, then it's not THAT big of a step to have a human do the same.

I mean it's not like we'll use good people to help Shiki. We'll use vampires or something. Those guys are gona be killed one day anyway.

>> No.1876242

I think you missed the point. What he's saying is, basically, we want to strengthen Soul A. In order to do this, we take Soul B, strip it of personality, evil, good, etc., and then fuse it with Soul A. Soul A gains all of Soul B's strength and life force, but does not gain any of Soul B's personality traits, maintaining only those traits originally present in Soul A.

>> No.1876250

Left corner = A character from Melty Blood (was a background character in Tsukihime I think).
Right corner = Shit.

>> No.1876256

...Oh god... It's Neco Arc given human form! RUN TO THE HILLS!

>> No.1876258


>> No.1876263

Er, Servants can just converts Souls (purest form of energy-magic or not) to fuel so they can be sustained.

They cannot get infinitely stronger.
They have a peak to reach.
After that, they can have extra supply of Mana.

>> No.1876270

So you're saying...uhh...it won't work?

I thought stealing life force from those that don't deserve it, such as evil creatures, to replace Shiki's missing energy would work.

It's not like it HAS to be a soul I guess.
But thats the most obvious solution.

>> No.1876272

Wouldn't it be easier to do it for Shiki, then? He wouldn't even need to convert the soul into mana/odo, just add it to his own.

>> No.1876284
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What if Akiha and Rin met each other?

>> No.1876287

Rin bows before her superior.

>> No.1876292

...I really can't think of anything interesting.

>> No.1876293

man who the fuck are you anyway jeez

>> No.1876296
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>What if Shiki and Rin met each other?

>> No.1876301

...A fan?

>> No.1876303

He's a fan.

>> No.1876306

Some people like trying to rationalize things for no apparent reason, based on knowledge we have, and speculation to fill in the blanks.

More importantly, who the fuck are you to question what we do with our free time?

>> No.1876309

Your father, useless ingrate!
To think I hoped to see a grandchild before I died...

>> No.1876312

Shiki: So, do you like blondes?

>> No.1876313

Then he breaks down crying.

>> No.1876322

Only if it's Fate Shirou. If it's UBW Good Shirou, he'll say yes, but that he prefers black hair. UBW True lives in England, so would never have this conversation. HF Normal is deader than Batman's parents, HF True would say no, and Steel Mind would probably have tried to kill Shiki by this point anyway.

>> No.1876325
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Isn't Steel Mind the same as HF True?

>> No.1876326

why you...
fuck year!!

>> No.1876327

No, Steel Mind is the Bad End where Shirou lets Rin kill off Sakura, and the game basically says 'We don't need to tell you anymore, because Shirou can't lose. The End.'

I personally consider it the End that produces Archer, but that might just be me.

>> No.1876328
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Why, yes/

>> No.1876335

When Tsukihime 2 comes out (with Duke Nukem) we will see if TM is bastard enough to give us a Shiki dies due his eyes end.. i suspect it.

>> No.1876343
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or Arc just turns him.

>> No.1876346

Needs a Nrvnsqr2 end. You kill it, you replace it.

>> No.1876349

Fuck that.

We'll just do Demon Fusion and combine him with a Nekomata.

>> No.1876354

And he becomes Thanatos?

>> No.1876355


>> No.1876391


So is it possible to get a higher res pic of that picture?

>> No.1876409
File: 38 KB, 1216x1448, 1231247080236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go,buddy.

>> No.1876421


Well....thanks...I guess.... But I am pretty sure that is an upscaled version of lower res pic xD right?

>> No.1876442

Len is the Nekomata ?
Who for the sacrifice (stronger fusion !) ?

>> No.1876447

fusing of souls does have precedence in the TM world. Nrvnsqr was basically this concept minus the killing of the soul's mind. theoretically this could be done to a normal living human with better results than with a vampire who's body is always degrading. it would be similar to when arc fixed the gaping hole in his side wouldn't it?

>> No.1876455


Refined tea party, pleasing to everyone's sensibilities..

>> No.1876463


Didn't Nrvnsqr just eat their bodies and enslaved them inside his chaos without caring for the victims souls?

And wasn't the reason for why he got energy from it because he was a vampire? Not because he ate their souls or anything. Am I wrong?

>> No.1876474

Nrvnsqr was chaos because he actively fused the souls with his own instead of just taking them as servants. his own soul would eventually become just another soul in the mix.

>> No.1876507

Wrong Nrvnsqr was chaos because he had replaced his body with his Reality Marble. Though Reality Marbles requires insane ammounts of magical energy in order to be sustained, and therefore blood wasn't enough in order to sustain his body, and thus he needed to eat whole bodies.

The bodies Nrvnsqr ate became one with his reality marble. All of the enteties that makes Nrvnsqr are all seperate enteties yet they are all one since they are all his reality marble, and a reality marble could be seen as an extension of ones soul.

The identity of all those enteties is that of chaos wheras the identity of the chaos is Nrvnsqrs Reality Marble and the identity of his Reality Marble is Nrvnsqr.

I dont think Nrvnsqr gives a shit about the souls of others.

>> No.1876531

lol wut, his reality marble just lets him hold a shitload of chaos

lurk more, reality marble is an extention of a person's inner world, it's impossible for someone to become their own reality marble, doesn't make sense.

>> No.1876567


>> No.1876576

Lolz I know that there may have been a few errors in what i wrote but the fact that Nrvnqr replaced his own body with his reality marble is cannon.

It was his way off trying to gain immortality, as most of the dead apostles tried to do some how.

Warachia become a fucking phenomena where he became rumors and would live on forever in that form xD so dont tell me it is impossible to replace your own body with a reality marble xD.

You are the one who should lurk more. Nrvnsqr replaced his own body with his reality marble, that is cannon.

The Type Moon universe is pretty wicked, a LOT of things is possible.

>> No.1876581

Cannon the the left of him cannon the right of,
Volley'd and thundere'd.

>> No.1876584


lol wut? xD

>> No.1876587
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>> No.1876589

Your fucking spelling and typing.

>> No.1876990
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Shirou: Why don't you ask your girlfriend man.

>> No.1877532
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Yeah.....You best be gettin' the fuck away.

>> No.1877540

failshop is fail.

Shirou should be INFRONT of arc, not behind. learn2perspective.
