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File: 78 KB, 640x640, japporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1874971 No.1874971 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any serious movements to get rid of the obscenity laws.

>> No.1874973

link to donation box.

>> No.1874975

Learn the English language.

>> No.1874979

Christ, he forgot a question mark.

>> No.1874988

-Learn English
-Watch uncensored porn.

>> No.1875006

It's hotter when it's censored - let your imagination run wild, rather than be disappointed with flabby beavers.

>> No.1875034

>>1875006 It's hotter when it's censored

>> No.1875050

Actually, it sometimes is. We all have our ideals in terms of body parts, and real people rarely fit them. I don't even see the mosaic anymore; my mind fills in the blanks.

>> No.1875059


Sometimes I could fap to a JAV for 30 minutes and not even recall if it was censored after I close it. It's not like it's strong mosaic, anyway. It's bullshit censoring for an outdated law, just like how you can make a TINY black bar in manga and call it a censor.

>> No.1875078

Tiny black bar? A doujin I have has a transparent square that bare covers her clit.

Seriously, why bother?

>> No.1875080

Because while it's the law, the law is remarkably unspecific when it comes to such things.

I just don't question it, and enjoy myself.

>> No.1875081

They're all hairy, so censoring is for the greater good.

>> No.1875091

I will forever hate the day when people decided that shaving all the pubic hair off was attractive.

>> No.1875097

Excessive pubic hair is pretty disgusting.

Trimmed is okay.

>> No.1875098

Fuck you loli rules

>> No.1875099

But that's not "shaved" now, is it?

>> No.1875102

Bald ≠ shaved

>> No.1875103

There's probably an alternate universe where women style their pubic hairs. 2D would have pubic hair moe.

>> No.1875347

there's a lot of uncensored stuff being made recently
but a lot of them are hairy
you have to search for the paipan stuff

>> No.1875351


Free from repression, the hair finally sprouts!

>> No.1875353

and why the fuck would I want to do that? SHAVED = SAGE'D.

>> No.1875373

OP made me realize that ero manga and JAVs were censored, as opposed to American porn, which is uncensored. haha oh wow.

Yeah, it is stupid, but I think censorship for manga is even more stupid. I mean, if doujin artists don't put bars on their drawings, they get v&? Doesn't make much sense.

>> No.1875377

Trimming is the only way to go. Neither shaven nor unkempt - the golden mean.

I say: put some effort into attractiveness and hygiene, but save baldness for lolis and prostitutes.

>> No.1875380
File: 759 KB, 1456x2050, 1231226296268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do you people even watch 3D porn?

I downloaded a few movies out of curiosity last week (I never watched porn before), and I almost threw up when some guy put a dick in a girl's mouth. After that I quickly deleted all those videos and fapped to this picture of Flandre.

>> No.1875382

Why are you such a homersexual?

>> No.1875410

>if doujin artists don't put bars on their drawings, they get v&?
That they do.

Worse yet, because the law is vague about how much can be shown, there is an endless cycle wherein lax enforcement leads to artists pushing the envelope, which results in someone going a little too far for some government official's liking, so the police finally decide to enforce the law for once and arrest someone, after which everyone tightens up, which leads to a period of non-enforcement - and so on and so forth.

There was a series of busts, IIRC, last year, leading a number of publishers doujin circles to become more stringent about censorship standards. Transparent boxes are apparently now considered not good enough.

>> No.1875417

Yep, you're broken. Enjoy your pictures. Alone.

>> No.1875427

Yeah seriously. I watched some 3D porn the other night for the first time in almost a year and I deleted it after about 30 seconds. Not only is it visually unappealing, but I also couldn't stop thinking about how the whore had been plowed by hundreds of dicks in the past.

>> No.1875444

You should watch better porn, me thinks.

>> No.1875459

I do. It's called hentai.

>> No.1875511

Enjoy viewing giant titted women making choked faces while drooling as they get plowed by multiple massive cocks spraying truckloads of semen.

>> No.1875513

I know the feeling, though you'd be hard pressed to make me throw up from anything really.

I fap to real stuff now and then, but it's seriously hentai 99% of the time.
There's some actual good 3D porn out there, it's just rare.

>> No.1875543

I was referring more to h-manga. The only animated hentai that's worth a damn is the Pico series, but even the other shit is better than 3D.

>> No.1875627

I had my fair share of disgusting 2D and 3D porn. I can not really say for sure which one is the worst. IMHO it all comes down to our ability to find decent 2D or 3D porn out among the mountains of trash.
