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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 389 KB, 530x750, older-sis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1869903 No.1869903 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell would anyone prefer a younger sister over an older one?

>> No.1869913


You care about younger sisters.

Older sisters care about YOU.

>> No.1869908


>> No.1869914

It depends what we're talking about here.

If it's Signum you're talking about, then the discussion is over.

>> No.1869918

I think pedophiles would be a pretty safe bet.

>> No.1869929

Little sisters who browse /jp/ must get scared at the fact their brothers might sexually like them.

>> No.1869930


They care about you first, so that's always nice. Also, tits.

And if it's like Signum, you've already lost.

>> No.1869938

They're browsing /jp/, they're probably into incest. On the other hand, they're probably into loli as well so they wouldn't want their brothers but their own little sisters.

>> No.1869939

As long as it's a sister I'm happy.


>> No.1869940

Not every older brother is a disgusting fat pedophile fuck, see: myself.

>> No.1869943

>see: myself


>> No.1869946


Well one thing is for sure, they aren't ronery.

>> No.1869950


So you're just a plain old disgusting fat fuck?

>> No.1869959

Nope, just a lovely older brother who doesn't want to get into his little sister's striped panties. And I'm nowhere near the fat type.

>> No.1869964

How do you know they are striped?

>> No.1869972

I was just pointing out one of your retarded pedo-related fetishes. But yeah, I do know, because I've seen them, so what?

Why hasn't a mod deleted this thread already anyway?

>> No.1869977


Closet pervert, obviously.

>> No.1869982

Dude I like older sisters, I have no interest in younger ones.

>> No.1869979

>Why hasn't a mod deleted this thread already anyway?
Hopefully mocking your righteousness.

>> No.1869996

I sometimes wish I had a younger sister too. Pretty much have the same relationship I have with my sister, but I get to be the one being taken care off.

Then I realize, I would hat to have been the middle child. So it's a nice dream, but I'm happy as it is.

>> No.1869999
File: 374 KB, 1280x1024, 1231109608711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now we're talking.

>> No.1870007

Mocking my righteousness? That's funny. I'm pretty sure if you ever told anyone outside this site that you wanted to fuck your sister, they'd mock your pathetic ass.

>> No.1870014

>Why hasn't a mod deleted this thread already anyway?

Sister fetish is clearly /jp/-related. It's one of the very pillars of our community.

Also, I wish I had a sexy older sister instead of an imouto ;_;

>> No.1870024

That would probably turn these freaks on even more.

>> No.1870016

I'm a sister and I find it funny how you guys basically worship us. If I had brothers like you guys I'd basically make you slaves, get you to feed me grapes, fan me and so on.

>> No.1870025
File: 6 KB, 858x524, 1231109823838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a sister

>> No.1870031

Probably, plus my boyfriend wouldn't really like it I guess

>> No.1870027

Look at me, I'm a moralfag troll. Please pay attention to me.


>> No.1870033

How long do you think that would last before they turned on you?

>> No.1870039

Remember kids: Just when you think a thread can't get worse, it gets worse.

>> No.1870049

Okay, if you say so. Allow me to age this thread!

>> No.1870054

What do you mean? I have rape fantasies.

>> No.1870058
File: 178 KB, 722x1024, 1231110211644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1870065

>I'm a sister

but even if you were a "sister" in your fantasy land brothers don't work that way, sure we will love you to the end of the world but that is only for nice sisters.

The little sister people may work that way but not the people who love the older sisters, we want a loving and caring older sister.

>> No.1870074
File: 126 KB, 700x979, 1231110378345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye'm a sister.

>> No.1870075

I guess they would probably mock you for spending your days talking about girls in frilly clothing on the internet.

>> No.1870077
File: 71 KB, 411x334, 1231110428551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm a sister

Striking similarities

>> No.1870082


This isn't /a/ dipshit.

>> No.1870086

Are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.1870087

Less trolling and more Tama-nee dammit !

>> No.1870088

OP artist sauce?

>> No.1870089

>Are you a fucking idiot?
>TonyHawk !4pO0./8NKY
I would have to say yes.

>> No.1870091

>not /a/
>troll pretending to be a girl shitting up a thread

Hard to tell the difference from here.

>> No.1870094
File: 23 KB, 399x331, 1231110749156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm an older brother with a younger bro 2 yrs my junior then an imouto about 10 years younger than me, and I think an older sister would be coolness.

Mebbe it's something about having what you don't have... whatever. Onee-chans are awesome.

>> No.1870097
File: 91 KB, 217x364, 1231110781438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not every older brother is a disgusting fat pedophile fuck

>> No.1870099

My sister is five years older than me, I'd gladly trade her for a younger one

>> No.1870101

Why can't I have both?

>> No.1870105


Holy shit I actually thought I was on /a/. Not even a troll

>> No.1870106


oh Kagami, how I'd love to be your and Tsukasa's oniichan.

>> No.1870107


>> No.1870108

What's with these imbeciles and their "NO GIRLZ ON THE INTERNET XDDD" ideas? Do they come brainwashed from /b/?

>> No.1870109

Actually I still have to take care of my older sister, so I'd rather just have a real imouto.

>> No.1870110



>> No.1870114
File: 191 KB, 638x478, 1231111179191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her as my onee-san.

>> No.1870115

I think they'd rather think there be no girls here than picture real female anime fans. Because they're all disgusting landwhales.

>> No.1870117
File: 18 KB, 285x259, 1231111212074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.

>> No.1870126

I am a middle child with an older sister and a younger sister.

Fuck you guys, this shit is not cool.

Yes, I am a moralfag. On /jp/.

>> No.1870128


Us or them? Or both?

>> No.1870134


is just mad because his sisters are fat/ugly

>> No.1870142

I have an older sister who is tsundere for me

>> No.1870151

mhmm, you go right on believing that

>> No.1870164

In a twist of fate, there's a distinctive lack of tripfags here.

>> No.1870165

>this thread

>> No.1870217

what wrong with liking your sister, younger or older ?

>> No.1870223


Oh, you mean in a sexual sense? Well shit, there's plenty wrong with that. Go outside more, aniki

>> No.1870234


If you mean wrong in a genetic sense, its more or less 1 % morechance to end up with a fucked up babby thant two stranger. Incest become a problem if it more than 1 generation. I see no problem with seximg up your sister if she up for it.

>> No.1870256
File: 270 KB, 802x486, 1231112903196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go outside more

>> No.1870271


I don't see anything wrong in English lessons, either.
