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1868971 No.1868971 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1868987

Why are Jap girls skinny?

>> No.1869022

sugoi copipe, aniki

>> No.1869021

Gundam 00 sucks.

Watch a real Gundam like Gundam SEED.

Gundam SEED is the only true successor to the original (Gundam 0079). Gundam SEED is the only Gundam that follows the 0079 blueprint.

1). Gundam Wing: What the fuck does Gundam Wing have to do with Gundam? Gundam was never about terrorist, nor was it about hardass (anti-social) teenagers.
2). G Gundam: Lolwut go back to watching Naruto. Gundam was never about fighting, nor was it about shonen power levels.
3). Turn A Gundam: Wtf is this shit? What does this have to do with Gundam?
4). Universal Century ripoffs: And the UC Gundams are nothing more than ripoffs. Kinda like how the video game industry keeps popping out FPS with gimmicks. "We threw in a time portal gun." "Our work here is done."

tl;dr Watch a real Gundam like SEED.

>> No.1869086

>build error:
>undeclared variable 'copipe'

Not pasta bro. It's true that I borrowed some ideals from my lord, master, and savior, but all of it was freshly typed. Meaning, it cant be defined as "copypasta."

>> No.1869093


>> No.1869097

Guess what else sucks. Your mom.

>> No.1869117
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Pic related, whatever faults 00 has, nothing compares to the unholy amalgamation of yaoi fangirl soap opera, rehashed animation and fanfiction.net level characterization and plot progression that is Gundam SEED/Destiny.

>> No.1869175

>I'm a faggot who likes Macross Frontier

How did I know you like Macross F? I knew because it was written all over your butthurt post. You don't like the Gundam 0079 structure/blueprint. You don't like action/adventure, drama, and plot twist.

Well I got some bad news for you. You don't like Gundam.

Look, you could create a show about 5 environmentalist who have the power to put their hands together and summon Captain Planet (a giant rainbow coloured mecha) then you could label said mecha "Gundam", but that still doesn't make it a Gundam. Wing, 00, G Gundam, etc... could indeed be better shows than Gundam, but that still doesn't make them Gundams. You're obviously a kid who grew up with these hybrid Gundams, thus you have an immature perception of what Gundam is about. And quite frankly, as a person who grew up on the original, I find your questionable remarks offensive and I request an apology.

tl;dr Your flavor of the month Gundams will never hold a candle to the original Gundam 0079.

>> No.1869188

why is /a/ here

>> No.1869187

Holy shit! you should post this redemption of yours to /a/!

>> No.1869197

take it to /m/ you underage b&s

>> No.1869234


The fans agree with me. The two most popular Gundams are 0079 and SEED.

Gundam SEED's CE setting will become the first setting to surpass the UC setting in size. With 102+ episodes, 6 movie remakes, 2 spinoffs, 2 ripoffs, and 5 OVAs, plus an additional movie that's rumored to be in production (which might even inspire a third season) the C.E. setting has become the new standard.

Weeaboos agreed, don't bother me about it.

>> No.1869244

I hate SEED.

But like 0079.

>> No.1869245
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What's wrong troll? Couldn't rebut my post so you made something up about Macross, huh? And since you claim to know enough about UC to say that SEED is somehow "faithful" to 0079 while the rest are "ripoffs", why don't you take a seat and tell me the following:

The episode number from which my picture comes.

The number of Gundams in Project V.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of the show can answer these questions.

>> No.1869257

Is this like... an open audition to become the new Robotech Guy?

>> No.1869258

So everything that's popular is automatically good, right? Though popularity is never a good measure of aesthetic quality, when your fanbase is composed entirely of yaoi fangirls, underaged cancer and Narutards, just like that of Seed, it means that anyone with a shred of intelligence or heterosexuality should steer clear.

>> No.1869299

>The episode number from which my picture comes.
Oh please. Don't insult me. While you were still watching pokemon I was probably finishing off Char's counter attack.

>The number of Gundams in Project V.
I'd love to answer that question; however, unlike you I didn't just get finished watching the UC Gundams. It's been a decade since I've seen any Gundam from the UC setting. You probably just finished them last month. Cool memory bro.

>> No.1869317
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All Gundams were NOT created equal.

>> No.1869329

>Oh please. Don't insult me. While you were still watching pokemon I was probably finishing off Char's counter attack.

Stop evading the question and answer it, it's a well-known episode universally remembered by anyone who's seen the series. If you choose not to respond, I'll just give the number myself and out you as the ignorant troll you are. And didn't you say that:

>Gundam SEED is the only true successor to the original (Gundam 0079)

in you post here: >>1869021? Are you saying CCA was a "ripoff?"

>I'd love to answer that question; however, unlike you I didn't just get finished watching the UC Gundams. It's been a decade since I've seen any Gundam from the UC setting. You probably just finished them last month. Cool memory bro.

Again, trying to evade a basic question about 0079 that's revealed in the first two episodes. It's obvious you haven't watched the series.

>> No.1869421

Gundam SEED:
1. Kid on a neutral colony who hates war, finds an experimental mobile suit during an attack from enemy forces.
2. Kid is surprisingly good at piloting experimental mobile suit and defeats the two invading mobile suits.
3. Kid joins a white base and travels to Earth while being attacked by a mysterious masked man.
4. They travel to a nearby Earth alliance colony that arrest them. They escape said colony and make their way towards Earth.
5. They get into a battle above Earth's atmosphere. The protagonist is forced to make a landing in the Earth's atmosphere.
6. Once on Earth they get into various battles.
7. They travel to the desert. At the said desert the main character fights against the desert tiger. Later that day the main character meets the desert tiger. The protagonist kills the desert tiger.
8. Kid visits his mother.
9. Need I continue?

Gundam 0079:
1. Kid on a neutral colony who hates war, finds an experimental mobile suit during an attack from enemy forces.
2. Kid is surprisingly good at piloting experimental mobile suit and defeats the two invading mobile suits.

>> No.1869436

Sounds a lot like ZOE

>> No.1869457

ITT: True Yoshinoya spirit.

>> No.1869462

Yes, please continue. The later half of both shows is radically different, and you know it.

Also, do you admit defeat troll? You can't seem to answer >>1869329. What's the matter? Wikipedia not helping you?

>> No.1869487

0079 itself was NOT good.
Z made it good.

>> No.1869497

No, because 0079 didn't fail at being emotional, fail at having an ending, and fail at being coherent in general.

>> No.1869513

>whatever faults 00 has, nothing compares to the unholy amalgamation of yaoi fangirl
The same could be said of all next gen Gundams. All Gundam protagonist are pretty boys. And if you met a man that looked as good as Kira or Athrun, you'd be gay for him too. Ironically the male characters of Gundam SEED are less homo than the males of G, 00, and Wing. At least the Gundam SEED protagonist got laid.
>soap opera,
The soap opera style of storytelling gave Gundam SEED a unique feeling.
>rehashed animation
Contrary to popular belief. Frame for frame, SEED has the most action of any Gundam. If Wing's slow animation, G Gundams QUALITY animation, and 00's generic animation had as much battles as Gundam SEED, perhaps they would have had animation rehashes. Also, keep in mind that Gundam SEED single handily revived the franchise. Gundam was going bankrupt till SEED came out. You can thank Gundam SEED for Gundam 00's budget.
>and fanfiction.net level characterization
The same could be said of all Gundams. Protip: Gundams aren't known for their character development. By what stretch of the imagination did Gundam Wing had good character development? Name one non UC Gundam that had good character development. Though, Gundam SEED's Flay wasn't bad in my opinion.
>and plot progression that is Gundam SEED/Destiny.
You just typed that to finish off your rant. Protip: SEED's plot pacing is faster than 0079 and Gundam Wing. And Gundam 00's plot never goes any where. Does Gundam 00 even have a plot? I dropped it after a few episodes. But I unfortunately have to watch it one of these days. I cant let Gundam 00 mess up my almost perfect record. The only Gundam I haven't watched is SD Gundam.

>> No.1869529

Depends which version you mean. The TV series has a lot of filler arcs(lol salt), the Zeon mobile armor parade and Daitarn 3 carryovers like the G Armor and G Bull. The movie compilation is excellent, though.

>> No.1869543

>The soap opera style of storytelling gave Gundam SEED a unique feeling.

Sorry bro, but you can't argue for EXACTLY THE SAME and AT LEAST IT'S UNIQUE at the same time.

>> No.1869546



>> No.1869550

The width of her thigh muscles is the only thing stopping you from seeing between them.

>> No.1869560 [SPOILER] 
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SEED > 00

>> No.1869620
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Guys, can't we just all get along?

>> No.1869622
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>The same could be said of all next gen Gundams. All Gundam protagonist are pretty boys.

Someone hasn't watched Gundam X.

>At least the Gundam SEED protagonist got laid.

Yes, because that gratuitous fanservice scene couldn't have been summmarized with a subtle, off-screen implication but instead, required explicit screentime.

>The soap opera style of storytelling gave Gundam SEED a unique feeling.

Ah, but was it an aesthetically good feeling?

>Contrary to popular belief. Frame for frame, SEED has the most action of any Gundam.

>> No.1869630


>Wing's slow animation
This is true.

>G Gundams QUALITY animation
Show me some QUALITY from G Gundam. If there was any at all, it was few and far between.

>00's generic animation
There's a difference between animation and art style. Whether you like 00 or no, you'd be hard pressed to say that it has unfluid animation for a 50 episode series.

>had as much battles as Gundam SEED, perhaps they would have had animation rehashes

G Gundam had more battles with better battle choreography than any fight in the last half of SEED and as for 00, you haven't even watched more than "a few" episodes, so how would you know?

>> No.1869633


>The same could be said of all Gundams. Protip: Gundams aren't known for their character development.

I take it you've never seen 0080?

>By what stretch of the imagination did Gundam Wing had good character development?

It didn't, and I doubt you'd find anyone making that claim.

>Name one non UC Gundam that had good character development.

If you're going to make a claim about all Gundam series and then restrict the premise of your argument AUs, then that's nonsense.

>> No.1869638

Including sluts makes a show better, right?

>> No.1869646 [SPOILER] 
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>the awful character design on the part of Hirai

Shut your whore mouth, it's absolutely perfect!

>> No.1869669

IMO new and other Gundam series shouldn't really strive to be the exact same thing that a predecessor was. I like and respect all Gundam eras and series because they are different.

>> No.1869724

>One major flaw of Gundam SEED. The copypasted faces
Is that all you got?

>G Gundam had more battles with better battle choreography than any fight in the last half of SEED and as for 00, you haven't even watched more than "a few" episodes, so how would you know?
Protip: When your art-style is as shitty as G Gundam, your choreography is going to be good. You seem to know a lot about G Gundam. Don't tell me you actually like G Gundam. I could use a good laugh. The only good shonen jump style fighting mecha was Xenogears. But unlike G Gundam, Xenogears had a plot.

>> No.1869770


>Is that all you got?

I should be asking you this. I didn't even post the faces and you haven't bothered to answer my posts, troll. Can't respond? Overwhelmed, perhaps?

>Protip: When your art-style is as shitty as G Gundam

Irony, given that your favorite Gundam is one in which all of the machines have the same frame with cosmetic differences in the size of backpacks and all the characters appear to be inbred given the similarity of their faces.

>You seem to know a lot about G Gundam.

Unlike you, I've seen more Gundam series than just SEED, G and Wing, which were the only ones you were able to mention with anything resembling detail in your posts, despite your fraudulent claim that you've seen every series.

>Don't tell me you actually like G Gundam. I could use a good laugh.

>> No.1869779

>Mind if I put this claim to the test?
Be my guest bro. I've seen:

Gundam 0079
Gundam 0080
Gundam 0083
Zeta Gundam
Gundam ZZzz
Gundam F91
Gundam MS 08th
Victory Gundam
Turn A
SEED Gundam
Gundam SEED Destiny

>> No.1869790

In that case, are you prepared to answer some questions?

>> No.1869849

Be my guest, bro.

But don't ask me an obscure question. Only ask me major plot moments. For example, there's no way I could remember every small frame from Zeta Gundam.

>unlike you I didn't just get finished watching the UC Gundams. It's been a decade since I've seen any Gundam from the UC setting. You probably just finished them last month. Cool memory bro.

I saw G Gundam 4 years ago, yet I cant remember a single thing from that show. And Xenogear's plot is too deep for me to remember it.

Though I should warn you that I have every Gundam on my 2TB harddrive. I'll try not to cheat.

>> No.1869863
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>> No.1869877

I'm going to be asking you things which someone who's seen the show could recognize, but wouldn't be found on wikipedia, so keep that in mind.

>> No.1869894

Let's start with something easy; you've had plenty of time to look around on the internet to find an answer, so tell me. From what episode of 0079 does my picture here (>>1869245) come?

If you don't know the number, then describe the episode. It's well known among anyone who's watched the TV series.

>> No.1869898

>I take it you've never seen 0080?
Protip: Assuming you watched Gundam 0079, 0083, and 0080 when you were a child. None of them are as good as you thought they were. The only exception being 08th team which manages to stand the test of time.

Gundam 0080 is kinda slow paced. Gundam 0079 needs a remake. 0083 has bad characters and even badder witting (I've only seen the English dub of 0083).

tl;dr I'm tired of people putting 0083, 0080, and 08th team on pedestals. They aren't that good. Both Gundam Wing and SEED can easily go toe-to-toe with them.

>> No.1869921

That's a trick question. It's not from 0079.

Can I quiz you?


Where is this music from and what episode was this music played?

>> No.1869928


>> No.1869936

fuck u, kinpatsu yarou!

>> No.1869961

Not downloading a virus, and since you don't know, I'll tell you. It's from the Doan's Island episode, the one which was so bad that Tomino himself disavowed it. 99% of the time when you see QUALITY in relation to 0079 that isn't taking place in space, it's most likely from that episode.

>0083 has bad characters and even badder witting
>even badder writing

>> No.1869966

And let me reiterate, virtually anyone who claims the level of familiarity you have with 0079 would know that. Next question coming up.

>> No.1869973

Seriously? Toe-to-toe with 0080? How many braincells do you have?

0080 made me bawww like no animu series ever could. Wing and SEED feel scriptless in comparison.

>> No.1869987

Remember, other series have "badder writing". Irony.

>> No.1869994

sure is /m/ in here

>> No.1870001

Next question; who dies by hitting an asteroid and in what series does he appear?

>> No.1870012

>Not downloading a virus

Nice excuse bro. Because all Anons are elite haxors, amirite?

I skipped episode 15 when I watched it all of those years ago.

>> No.1870030
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Next question; who is this man and does he have any importance to the story?

>> No.1870032

I'm not going to answer. It might be a virus.

>> No.1870036

I think the really amazing thing about Gundam Wing is its philosophical overtones. I've talked for hours with my friends about what Heero and Treize's conversation on the meaning of war (episodes 36-38) really MEANS about WAR, and we've gotten to thinking that maybe, just maybe, it's not about war at all.

Gundam Wing makes us think on such high levels that sometimes I orgasm spontaneously when discussing it. It's miles from that ridiculous Tomino super robot trash, it makes Ideon look like a goddamned Playmobil fire engine. Fucking Ide Gauge. The Zero System is about life, man. That's as real as it gets. It's about your MIND and your SOUL.

I wish I had pretty, long hair like Zechs-chan. That Charles is such a pale imitation.

>> No.1870041

>MEANS about WAR


>> No.1870045

>Nice excuse bro. Because all Anons are elite haxors, amirite?

Hardly, but I'm not foolhardy enough to download a troll poster's link or to otherwise save anything posted by a troll.

Butthurt troll is butthurt.

>> No.1870048

Alright, what do you think of Legend of Galactic Heroes?

>> No.1870059


>> No.1870060

Because stating an opinion about a franchise is trolling?

>> No.1870057
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War never changes.

>> No.1870055

Even /m/ has seen better days.

>> No.1870069

Giving an unsubstantiated opinion and then making inflammatory posts based entirely around ad hominem attacks such as >>1869175 constitutes trolling.

>> No.1870146

I'm not going to answer any of your questions because I fear getting a virus.

Congrats at derailing the debate into a "I've seen more Gundams than you" thread. This debate has nothing to do with the quality of the show. This debate was about staying true to the original series that started it all. Gundam Wing or 0080 could be better than Gundam SEED but because they don't follow the blueprint, I don't think they should be considered Gundams. Xenogears is arguably more similar to Gundam than Gundam 00. And a Gundam can still be unique while paying homage to the original. I just see it as disrespectful to the older Gundam fans to label every flavor of the month mecha show a "Gundam." Kinda like Squaresoft's Final Fantasy.

Let's end this circlejerk. I have better stuff to do. In conclusion, Gundam 00 has nothing to do with Gundam. Gundam's not about uber cool mechas, nor is it about infantile politics. "I'm going to start a war on war itself." Who's writhing that shit?

And surprised you never called my bluff >>1869779 In truth, I've seen every Gundam but Gundam SD and Gundam X. I have X on my harddrive, but never found the time to watch it. Judging from your taste, I assume you've only seen the next gen Gundams. Am I right in my assumption? You're on an Anonymous imageboard, so be honest.

>> No.1870163

Honestly, Nina and Kou aside, 0083 I feel was one of the best Gundam series made. The artwork was excellent, the characters were better defined than in most other gundams and seemed more "human". It also had more of a "war" feeling than "I'M HE-MAN WITH ROBOTZ LOL"

>> No.1870177


>08th MS Team I feel was one of the best Gundam series made. The artwork was excellent, the characters were better defined than in most other gundams and seemed more "human". It also had more of a "war" feeling than "I'M HE-MAN WITH ROBOTZ LOL"

>> No.1870245
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tl;dr Everything with a mecha in it can not be considered Gundam. Just take a pause and actually think about it. What would stop me from calling Xenogears a Gundam? Why not just paint ZOE's Jehuty red and blue and call it a Gundam? Where's the limit?

Gundam 00 didn't even have a masked man in it, unforgivable. How you managed to watch even 10 episodes of that show is beyond me. Hopefully a masked man appears later on in Gundam 00.

>> No.1870293

>0083 I feel was one of the best Gundam series made. The artwork was excellent, the characters were better defined than in most other gundams and seemed more "human". It also had more of a "war" feeling than "I'M HE-MAN WITH ROBOTZ LOL"
Maybe one of the reasons why it's so good is because it follows the blueprint.

>> No.1870298

Yeah, in season 2 of 00.

>> No.1870421

>Yes, please continue. The later half of both shows is radically different, and you know it.

Did you not see the later half of Gundam SEED and 0079. After the battle in the desert both of the white bases get damaged. Then in both Gundam 0079 and Gundam SEED, they have a battle at sea, followed by a battle in the air. Then in both of the shows, they attempt to leave the Earth's atmosphere while under enemy fire. After a few battles in space the desperate enemy reveals a giant laser gun that kills millions. Then both Kira and Amuro destroy the giant weapon and the show ends.

And that's not even getting into the minor details like how both Kira and Amuro weapons got destroyed during the battle of the sea.

>> No.1870576

>Kinda like Squaresoft's Final Fantasy.

I could have swore it was Square Enix that made Final Fantasy.

>> No.1870580
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>> No.1870623

This thread in a nutshell.

>> No.1871002

How come I never hear about the similarities between Gundam SEED's Mu La Flaga and Gundam 0079's Sleggar Law. Their personality is identical and even their roles in the show was identical. They even died the same.
