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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1868424 No.1868424 [Reply] [Original]

I’m currently on my third trop to South Korea and have spent over three years here altogether. All of that time I’ve spent teaching English to adults.

Koreans make no secret of their hatred of the Japanese. Only last week, when I told my class my girlfriend’s name is Ikumi, one of my students asked if she was Japanese. When I said yes one woman said - to my face - “I hate Japanese”.

This is a very widely shared attitude. Did you see the last world cup? The Japanese fans supported the Korean team. The Korean fans supported whoever played against the Japanese.

The examples are endless of Korean hatred for Japan. Only last month the Korean government finally decided to look into Japanese complaints that for over TEN YEARS Korea had been dumping waste into Japanese waters.

I can honestly say that among my students, 90% would agree with the statement “I hate Japanese people”.

Sometimes we discuss this. I ask why my grandfather, let alone myself, doesn’t hate the Germans. Why the Vietnamese don’t hate the US (and the Koreans) etc. Why is it only Korea that hold these grudges for so long.

I don’t know the answers. But I do know that my Japanese girlfriend living with me here in Korea has to be very careful at times about revealing her nationality and has often called herself Chinese simply to avoid problems.

>> No.1868442

I hate japanese.

>> No.1868444

Not taking you seriously for using another freaking Cirno picture so sage.

>> No.1868451

What? Pic is obviously unrelated.

>> No.1868460

It's Cirno in swirly glasses.

There's nothing serious about that picture and there's nothing serious about you.

>> No.1868464

>Klein !Klan7ih6Qs

>> No.1868467

Koreans are dwarfs IRL. They have a very long book of grudges.

>> No.1868469

I know there's nothing serious about your picture, which is why there's nothing serious about the post either.

Unless you want to alert /jp/ of the breaking news that Korea hates Japan.

>> No.1868486

Sounds like scotland and england except much worse.

>> No.1868499

Nobody takes tripfags seriously.

Also, stop trying to victimize Japan, OP. I know plenty of japanese (japanese americans, close enough) that hate Korea.

>> No.1868497
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ITT fools

>> No.1868507

lgiun XD!!!

>> No.1868511

You would hate Japan too if you had to deal with what Japan did to Korea. China likely holds a similar grudge.

>> No.1868543

It's not a unique attitude, Korea just happens to be the most vocal on the internet since they're all connected to it and are thus a nation of trolls. People in a lot of other parts of Asia that were raped by Japan are too busy struggling to live to worry about old grudges. But lots of people everywhere are still embittered over old wars. Hell, Germany still hates itself.

>> No.1868619
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Korea haet the world.

>> No.1868624
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>> No.1868638

Some do, some don't.

ASIANS have superior hate. Anglo-Scot hate is only banter really. Not deep seething hatred.

>> No.1868649

>South Korea
The answer to everything is Starcraft

>> No.1868656

To be honest, I don't really "hate" sassenachs, but I do look down on them.

>> No.1868669 [SPOILER] 
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Korea = superior products

Japan = superior looks

China = superior government

>> No.1868673
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>> No.1868794


>> No.1868891

Pretty much all of Korean hate in Japan are inside 2ch

>> No.1868960

But they're saxon, and more likely to be aryan.

Korea invented China and Japan

>> No.1868965

Argument breaker: Anime where animation process has been outsourced to Korea

Chew on that for a moment.

>> No.1868982

Interjection - You are a fag

>> No.1868986

Korea has a divided country, no major world accomplishments or inventions, are constantly in the shadows of Japan, and have been victimized by their neighbors for their entire existence. As a group, they are a very hateful and angry people, understandably, probably the most xenophobic in the world. However, I have met some very nice Koreans, so they're not all bad.
Just the overwhelming majority.

>> No.1868990

So is Japan and South Korea is like New York and New Jersey?

>> No.1869002

When korea call my fav anime serries Condom
it's time to hate ! i like my korean ramen ... but thats made in China .... when they butcher an anime like robotech into a super robot garbage and claim their own ... also i understand moonspeak .. just not korea speak .

>> No.1869017

>>When korea call my fav anime serries Condom

Yes, lets call it what it actually is, "Bandai commercial".

>> No.1869039

Original Japanese Version

Dubbed Korean Version

>> No.1869087

Korean is nigger
