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File: 464 KB, 900x2100, Wikipe-tan_Miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1866830 No.1866830 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/

I'm bored. ITT ask the boyfriend of a miko anything.

>> No.1866833

Does oral virginity count?

>> No.1866838
File: 35 KB, 350x378, 1231045612536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many demons has she been raped by?

Does her vagina still have traction or is it like throwing a hot dog into the LHC?

>> No.1866839

Why would a she be a virgin at all?

>> No.1866844

Ha ha. I really have no answer for that. She's pretty tight...and I have an average to small sized penor.

>> No.1866854

Because that is what the maiden in shrine maiden means.

>> No.1866856
File: 223 KB, 1282x1147, 1231045781156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she know about the Touhou series?

Are her armpits actually appealing at all?
Or does she wear the shirt-type coverings?

>> No.1866865


Oh boy...we need to have a talk buddy. There's a difference in the world between ideals and reality. And most of Japan could give a shit about their religion these days. In fact many miko these days are simply part timers doing it as their high school job or whatever.

>> No.1866866

Miko are supposed to be girls of upstanding character. Which means they should, among other things, be virgins. Some exceptions are allowed, such as victims of rape etc. But fooling around with gaijins is kinda... but I guess she's a whore with no morals so she probably lies through her teeth to the priests.

>> No.1866871

Yeah, she knows about Touhou. She doesn't really think anything of it I guess. She wears the full on vestments or whatever you'd call them...no exposed arms. She works at an Inari cult shrine...a pretty famous one actually.

>> No.1866872


>There's a difference in the world between ideals and reality

Not in 2D there isn't.

>> No.1866873

I was just pointing out why somebody might think it would be case considering the definition of the words. I have no opinion about the state of miko hymens because I have experience in this area ;_;

>> No.1866878

no experience

>> No.1866879


Hahaha. You're not going to be able to troll me buddy. Unless you are actually that sad and know nothing about Japanese religion...then I pity you.

But seriously. I'm sure many miko are virgins...especially the younger ones in the more rural areas. Its not something they check for though ;)

>> No.1866887


Yeah, I wasn't taking the piss or anything. I was more worried I was going to shatter your ideals or something. :)

>> No.1866888

2D is the ideal.

>> No.1866892

Describe the sex more.

So I can masturbate to dreams like I always do.

>> No.1866901


2D is the reality.

>> No.1866904


lol, we have pretty normal sex. And I've never asked her to wear her hakama and stuff because I'm not that into it and I do respect the religion enough for that. It just happens to be a thing she does.

>> No.1866912

Then how can I escape reality?

>> No.1866919


No escape from reality...

>> No.1866921


Not by looking at a wall.

>> No.1866922

Kill yourself.

>> No.1866923

I want to sex with Reimu's ribbons.

>> No.1866929

how does your gf stand on the whole miko/virgin thing

>> No.1866931

Man your questions are boring /jp/...I thought this would've been more interesting.

>> No.1866937


What's there to ask? Mikos are boring.

>> No.1866935


Read above. I doubt half of all miko are virgins these days...it's like a job really...it's not like in a history book...etc

TL;DR...we have sex...it's fine

>> No.1866938

Would you kill someone you love, because of love?

>> No.1866948


Probably not. I'd say I don't really love THAT intensely. I'm a pacifist by nature and I think that instinct would override any situation where I might possibly think about killing someone.

>> No.1866956

are we allowed to tie bad luck fortunes on the shrine trees?

>> No.1866964


I always joke with her that the bad luck ones don't exist. I've never gotten one anyway.

You can do whatever you like with your fortune...though it's probably more that you wouldn't personally want to tie it though. I don't think it'll hurt the shrine if you do or anything.

>> No.1866967


That anime sucked. :(

>> No.1866972

does she have one of those haraigushi things? does she ever wave it at you?

>> No.1866980

Is she shaved?

>> No.1866987

She's a shrine maiden... but is she a CRAZY shrine maiden?

>> No.1866993

Is she a fujoshi?

>> No.1867000

Swallow or spit?

>> No.1867005

can you post a pic of her in her miko clothes? you can blur out the face

>> No.1867008

Are foreigners allowed at those shrine festivals?

>> No.1867018

Do shrines with armpit-mikos exist nowadays or are they a thing of fiction now?

>> No.1867020

Is he still around? lol he's not been replying for a while now.

>> No.1867030


Yes, money more important than bath.


No, only in gaijin fantasy.

>> No.1867046

>actually that sad
Leave.....just, leave

>> No.1867056

Awesome, time to get nosy

So it's a part-time job? How's the pay?

She probably has a different profession in mind for the future, does she know what she wants to do?

>> No.1867070

Hey OP, can I fuck your little sister?

>> No.1867098

So how long is her pony tail? A3? A4?

>> No.1867100

>41 posts
>No one calling bullshit

Oh for fucks sake.

>> No.1867129

This is by far the best post in this thread.

Thank you, that made me laugh quite soundly.
