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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18654823 No.18654823 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, Japanese video games, etc.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Previous Thread >>18642944

>> No.18654840

Is there an order that radicals go in, like an alphabet or something?

>> No.18654854

uuuh I think you used the wrong OP pic there friend

>> No.18654862
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>> No.18654922
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What sites to buy ln/mango from? Mandarake shit-listed me.

>> No.18654930

Fuck this kanji and the 27 readings it has that make it fuck me over in every word it appears in

>> No.18654937

>learning individual readings

>> No.18654956



>> No.18654995

Sort of - number of strokes
This is why learning words is much more sensible then learning kanji

>> No.18655012

>number of strokes
but not a set order, like 一,丿,乛 etc?

>> No.18655033

Amazon ships them overseas. The shipping is over 50% of the base price though

>> No.18655038

More like over 100%

>> No.18655041

Over 50% and over 100% are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

>> No.18655056
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>> No.18655057

Why do they charge so much.. is it cheaper for a digital copy?
or are they tiny res and useless

>> No.18655064

Depends on how much you order.
It's 800 yen for the shipment + another 300 yen per item (to Europe).

>> No.18655070
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>> No.18655078

damn do you live in the south pole

>> No.18655092

That is also my experience ordering any Japanese material in Australia.

I hate it.

>> No.18655093

No, but I live in a country known for having absurd taxes and tariffs so I should expect this

>> No.18655113 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 261x273, mottomatto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mattzumoto, how much japanese exchange student pussy did you get to make sure you were fully immersed in japanese?

what was it like going down on them under your manga wall?

>> No.18655120

What do you estimate is the percentage of visual novels, light novels, and manga translated into English?
I want to know how much more shit I'd have access to if I understood Japanese.

>> No.18655128

bout tree fiddy

>> No.18655129

>I want to know how much more shit I'd have access to if I understood Japanese.
At least ten times more.

>> No.18655168

All of it, since translations are compromised.

>> No.18655422

I tried reading some manga on kindle and it comes in a pretty poor resolution. Is that normal? It feels like the image height is smaller than my monitor

>> No.18655454

learning japanese is less about having lots of material and more about actually being able to appreciate the material instead of getting stuck with monkey english translations

so the answer to your question is infinity more shit

>> No.18655474

>infinity more shit
Finally, I'll be exposed to shit writing, in JAPANESE

>> No.18655508




>> No.18655560

Does 言 care if you write the top stroke as a line or a tick?

Will it fuck me up if I make a habit of writing it a particular way?

>> No.18655567

Is Sakubi a good resource to brush up on my grammar? I went through most of Tae Kim's stuff in the past but many of the intricacies/rules have since left me.

>> No.18655594



>> No.18655709

Well which Kindle do you have? I sometimes read manga on my Kobo Aura One and it looks good but it does have a 1872 x 1404 resolution. Looks like some Kindles only have a 800x600 screen and that's probably not enough to read manga comfortably.

>> No.18655751 [DELETED] 

Kindle for PC, duh

>> No.18655771

Kindle for PC from amazon. It just looks like images are really small, like 900x600 and if I zoom in the image just gets blurry.

>> No.18655828

Is it fine to say おはよおう as you're leaving? Either as a "good bye" or a "have a good day"?

>> No.18655832


>> No.18655839

Well, fuck, I just did this shit for some reason. Ty anon

>> No.18655882







>> No.18655885

I have been learning words is the thing. This one shows up in so many of the words in my deck, and its like its different every time so I keep getting them wrong because I never remember which random reading its going to be this time and answer wrong.

The standalone kanji itself is no less than 20 different words, all with different pronunciations too, so even in context you get fucked.

>> No.18655901

You have fucked up, m8. 腹切する.

>> No.18655968
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>> No.18656015

Imagine for a second you were learning English instead. This is analogous to hopping onto your local Daily English Thread and blogging about how you never know the pronunciation of "ough" when it appears inside words on your English anki flashcards.

You seem like you know English so I assume you see how stupid that sounds to anyone who actually spends time listening to the language. Learning words isn't about trying to drill the letters into your memory using anki, it's about hearing them in practice and being aware on a base level that they exist.

Reading requires that base level awareness of the existence of a pronounced word, having a good picture of the contexts it might be used in, and knowing what symbols stand in for it on paper. All that intuitive knowledge is what allows you to see something like this and read it properly:
This is an example where 直 is by itself and followed by に but the same concept applies to every other use case, including when it's with other kanji. The same set of skills is used to tell you how to read it.

Unfortunately getting that intuition takes a shit ton of input but it's the one and only way, so no real use complaining. Anki can help a little bit with the "base level awareness" and by reminding you that a word exists, and it can help a lot with exposing you to tons of kanji, but at the end of the day a couple dictionary entries and example sentences won't build a full map of a word's usage in your head.

>> No.18656022


>> No.18656023
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So i decided i want to type in the answer in my anki core2k/6k deck. Should i type the english definition or the kana reading? Or is there some way to type both as the answer?

>> No.18656052

This. I'm an amerifat; shipping is strait Juden, even domestically, shit from jp is just nuts- $20 and up if unless I want to use sal.

>> No.18656063

meant for >>18655093

>> No.18656069

It can't be as bad as >>18655070 though, I live in the US and I only have to pay about 80% of the price of my physical manga in shipping, not 280%

>> No.18656107

But all I have for now is anki with these words (they have yet to show up so far in my reading material, go figure).

So all that's happening is that I get them right and then get them wrong 1-3 days later, forever and ever. I think one of them made it to 7 days once and I just got it wrong. I'm probably better off just making a separate deck of just these words because half of them are leeches already.

>> No.18656111

>Imagine for a second you were learning English instead
Not that anon, but despite starting to learn English in 4th grade and getting fluent enough to read Harry Potter novels only at about 7th grade, I honestly can't remember a single thing about my learning English.

It's like, I don't feel like I'm having problems with vocabulary. Grammar was hard, but I never felt struggling with it. Speaking in English was also never a problem outside of stutter.

Learning Japanese is a much more frustrating experience.

>> No.18656135

>So all that's happening is that I get them right and then get them wrong 1-3 days later, forever and ever.
Is this about the 20 words containing 直? If so, what I do with really confusing terms that I mistake easily and often is to go out of Anki all together. I put those 20 words on a piece of paper (printed), and just go to town on them.

Do hourly reviews until you're sick of it. Spend some time on making your own personal mnemonics for the difference between each word. Wake up with that paper next to your bed and have them be the first thing you test yourself on in the morning. Yeah, you're breaking out of the SRS thing with really frequent reviews, but people have different memorization hurdles.

Once you feel absolutely bored with it, put them back (or unsuspend them) into Anki and maybe press "Hard".

>> No.18656154

If they eat up that much of your time I'd just delete them from anki. Or yeah, make a separate deck like you said, but really there's no need to worry about it that much. Anki isn't the right solution to resolve confusion like the kind you're dealing with, in fact it just makes it easier to get confused since everything is mixed up together and out of context. Just read and listen and let your brain fill in the gaps

Maybe it's because you were younger and less reserved about it? I could see myself being a lot less stressed with learning Japanese if I had started it at age 10, but I don't know if it would actually be a faster process in terms of years.

This is a bunch of wasted time, just watch cartoons for christ's sake

>> No.18656164

>I don't know if it would actually be a faster process in terms of years
To be honest, I don't know why I expected to be good enough in Japanese to be able to read majority of Japanese books within a year. I had not done that for either my natural language or English. I'm just impatient. So many porn I could've read, y'know? All those Artist CGs on sadpanda.

>> No.18656173

You could have been reading in a year if you actually put some effort in.

>> No.18656188

But putting effort is haard and I want to read that porn now.

I mean, I can already read like 30% of most Japanese media I choose to consume now, so there's definitely progress! After 9 years of casual learning.

>> No.18656319
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>> No.18656398

Kill yourself.

>> No.18656470

Well today I learnt that とにもかくにも is a thing.

>[副] 1 それはさておき。いずれにしても。とにかく。 2 何やかやと。あれこれと。

>> No.18656476

cool blog

>> No.18656507

Remember when 4chan premium accounts used to be a joke?

>> No.18656589



>> No.18656596

Why is this starting back up?

>> No.18656601

It suits this place.

>> No.18656699

Remember when this site was made so you didn't have to pay 10BUX to post?

>> No.18656714

netlify update when

>> No.18656726

I just met this word: 出撃.
Seriously, what the FUCK is a sortie?

>> No.18656736

What have you posted to be added?

>> No.18656752 [DELETED] 

>A sortie (from the French word meaning exit) is a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops, from a strongpoint.

>> No.18656761

>A sortie (from the French word meaning exit) is a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops, from a strongpoint.
You could have figured this out just from the kanji.

>> No.18656819

Not as bad but bad enough; it's just a book bro

>> No.18656891

Huge waste of time. Just be honest with your answers. You should not be averaging more than 5 seconds per review. Reading is more important as long as you have a feeling for what it means.

Just fill out the captcha brothers.

>> No.18656912

i have a feeling that わたしはゲイ

>> No.18656916

Some time next month.

>> No.18656917

This is my I think 3rd or 4th time taking N5. In the exam I felt like I'm gonna fail it again and been crying since, but after recollecting myself, I think I finally understand why I'm failing.

Little background of skill level: I haven't actually studied Japanese seriously until maybe a few years ago. I memorized Hiragana and Katakana many, many years ago via sheer exposure (sister was full-weeb that time so I got so I got to watch her play Japanese video games a lot), and then around 2-3 years ago I started grinding vocab via lexikeet, I think, which helped me understand radicals and learned how to write kanji correctly
And then 0-1 years back from right now I've mostly been learning Japanese via Anki, did some translation projects for some 4komas and game content, but I never did take the effort to learn these vocabulary like putting them in an Anki deck and grinding each day. Right now I talk to some Japanese acquaintances every now and then online in a community I'm in, using mostly vocab to deliver broken-but-understandable Japanese. I even got a sponsored trip to Japan last month for my translation work.

Anyway, cutting straight to the point, it seems that grammar is my weakest point, and listening also still needs some improvement. I'm pretty sure I aced vocab minus one question (I had no idea what みがいています meant at the time... but ironically I knew what the kanji 磨く means, so I would have gotten it right if the question used kanji instead of full hiragana). Heck, my gf who passed N3 a while ago didn't know the kanji for 砂糖 but I did, lol

Constructive advice would be appreciated, thanks. I'm thinking of immediately retaking this July, and hoping that my grammar would be fixed by then.

>> No.18656929


>> No.18656932

>What do you estimate is the percentage of visual novels, light novels, and manga translated into English?

Do you realize translations are garbage made by people like >>18656917

>> No.18657022

have you never watched gundam before faggot?

>> No.18657062
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>> No.18657120

Sakubi is meant for people with no prior experience to plow through. If you've already read another grammar guide, it might cover stuff the first one didn't, but you're better reading and using reference material instead.

>> No.18657123


>> No.18657138

Most translations are so bad that you should pretend they don't exist. Even for very simple things.

>> No.18657155

How is it even possible to fail the N5 more than once.

>> No.18657236

I swear I have seen this exact post with these exact words before

>> No.18657255

I swear I have seen this exact post with these exact words before

>> No.18657269
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>> No.18657462

My particles are fucked up.


how do you practice and get particles down pat.
I know that に is often used for either time or location and で is used to specifies the means/methods, を is a direct object marker, が is subject marker, は is the topic marker and へ shows direction.
That is basic overview but how do you go from looking at the particles in depth to using them correctly with the correct type of verbs.

For example: Taken from: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20180321/k10011373581000.html
I would not think to use で here and instead use を in the 夫婦で訪れた, isn't 夫婦 the object of the verb 訪れた what does で mean here? Is it the difference between "...visited by married couples..." and "...married couples visited..."?

>> No.18657469

read and watch more stuff

>> No.18657578

>Trying to analyze grammar

The red big dog.

>> No.18657586

Oh, I didn't know there was a breed called big dog. And they can get red hair?

>> No.18657609

Visited as a married couple. It's similar to 一人で (by oneself).
It is impossible to produce natural Japanese until after you can understand it fluently.

>> No.18657645

I'm a beginner and I looked at the guide in the OP. The first thing the guide mentions is grammar and Tae Kim, so I started reading that (pdf version)
In the second Tae Kim chapter it explains Hiragana, so should I sit and start learning all Hiragana until I can rememeber what they mean and how to write them? Or what? In the guide it says
>You shouldn't expect to memorise everything you read the first time around in whatever guide you choose, but you should be aiming to understand it.
Or should I start by reading something else?

>> No.18657665

Step one is to read the whole DJT guide.

>> No.18657684

I did but then I forgot I did like a fool.
Guess I'll continue until I know all hiragana

>> No.18657696

>so should I sit and start learning all Hiragana until I can rememeber what they mean
Hiragana have no meaning. Just get a smartphone application that you can use to practise recognition. This will take around a week. Don't bother with mnemonics for kana, just cram them; the same way you would cram Greek or Russian letters. Do the same for katakana sometime later. You can postpone the katakana for a while, really.

>> No.18657712

Don't be like the RTK cucks that memorize symbols all day, just absorb the hiragana through context. Get the 6k deck and Anki and start reading

>> No.18657727

Core is even more of a waste of time than RTK.

>> No.18657732

>Hiragana have no meaning. Just get a smartphone application that you can use to practise recognition. This will take around a week. Don't bother with mnemonics for kana, just cram them; the same way you would cram Greek or Russian letters. Do the same for katakana sometime later. You can postpone the katakana for a while, really.
Not that I could doubt you, but why do you say that?

Getting some mixed signals here

>> No.18657735

This is true. One should just pick up a Japanese novel on day 1 and start reading it, then you'll immediately be better than the Japanese from Zero guy

>> No.18657758

ok its more than a feeling at this point わたしは正真正銘ゲイであります笑

>> No.18657794

Just watch all of MattvsJapan's videos

>> No.18657834

I can confirm this. I read an isekai novel through brute force and suddenly I knew enough Japanese to get a job and pass the N1.

>> No.18657851

watch a video with pronunciation too

>> No.18657903


>> No.18657908


>> No.18657925


>> No.18657993

Decks and cards aren't the answers to everything. I would make a list of the words that use the kanji and just review the list every day for a week or something. In cases where you are mixing up readings/meanings I find that it is easier to fix the problem if I can look at all of the words at the same time.

>> No.18658025


>> No.18658069


>> No.18658082

That feeling when you translate your first sentence... Am I Japanese now?!

>> No.18658083


>> No.18658101


>> No.18658155


Can somebody explain the meaning of that だって here? I tried thinking of it as a も but, even then, the sentnce doesn't make much sense to me.
This is a deffinition for 包囲網.

>> No.18658202

its one of the meanings you didnt eliminate in your post

>> No.18658213

This kind of enigmatic "I-don't-want-to-spoonfeed-you" tin foil tier posting is getting out of hand, don't you guys think?

>> No.18658227

Seconding this anon.
I know two definitions for だって, one is "because" and the other is "even a...", but neither of those fit there.

>> No.18658233

He is the lowercase shitposter. If you see a post with no capitalization, ignore it.

>> No.18658264

actually, lowercase posters are the masterrace because we're not NEETS and don't have time to waste on capitalizing letters for retards on a weeb imageboard

>> No.18658272

dont derail further im waiting for them to actually try or just tire out from rolling in their shit

heres your spoonfeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLMfvVO0Cs

>> No.18658292


>> No.18658389

>we're not NEETS and don't have time to waste on capitalizing letters for retards on a weeb imageboard

are you sure you aren't just dumb?

>> No.18658406
File: 68 KB, 640x610, rtvg75nygh45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok pant shitters its time to get with the program

put 組織立つ on your fuckin worthless flashcards so you can get through today but be fucked tomorrow

>> No.18658429

Should i be viewing new cards in core while mining

>> No.18658439

Focus on one thing.

>> No.18658500

Mind blown.

>> No.18658533

Do people love to waste money por what

>> No.18658564

How many more years do you plan to play the court jester of these threads? Your dedication is while pathetic, impressive in how you can keep such an banal act going for so long.

Just how much do you hate yourself to do this? Are you also the person who pretends to be a little Japanese girl or is there someone else in this thread equally as sad as you? What keeps you from deepthroating a shotgun?

>> No.18658565

>did some translation projects for some 4komas and game content,
how can redditers ignore this kind of shit?
it blows my mind

>> No.18658573

What do you mean?

>> No.18658591

/djt/ is one of the funnest tabs in my browser i like working with disabled children

>> No.18658668

I'm interested in hearing about digital copies, too. Are the resolutions shit? I'm sure they wouldn't want to give like, 1080p HD scans of manga since that'd be so easy to pirate, but at the same time if I'm paying money for a product I want it to be at the very least legible.

>> No.18658734

Aw man it's been a while. I was actually starting to miss you.

>> No.18658743

Do mock/practice tests exists?

>> No.18658748

>1080p scans
Even slanty eyed jews aren't this cheap. They're almost always garbage nonetheless.

>> No.18658757

Give "JLPT example questions" a quick goog, my man.

>> No.18658786 [DELETED] 


>> No.18659037

Dropped in to Marine's channel the other night to see what it is he does for 3 hours every day. Half of his time he spends talking about study methods and the other half he spends picking sentences he hears from multiple fucking choice answers. The options aren't even distinct; there's no confusing what he heard and yet he still does it for practice. Wew.

>> No.18659105
File: 11 KB, 192x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if it's possible to convert notes/highlights I've made inside the Kindle PC app into an Anki deck?

Trying to google this is a right pain as everyone assumes you're using an actual Kindle device

>> No.18659240

Can you export those notes into a formatted text file?

>> No.18659431

>when you read over 100kb of text in a day
Feels fulfilling man.

>> No.18659471

how the fuck

>> No.18659486

Isn't the average reading speed 50KB/hour?

>> No.18659490

Jesus Christ... He will literally never learn

>> No.18659491

That's probably less than 150 pages, anon.

>> No.18659497

When a person is described with 楽しい as in simply 楽しい人, what's the implication?

I guess it's kinda up to interpretation and depends on context, but seems to me as just an all around fun person, right?

>> No.18659517

delightful and pleasant and like the vibe flows well when youre together and of course you have fun together

>> No.18659525

It means enjoyable in a literal sense. Their vagina is the perfect size and softness to provide maximum enjoyment.

>> No.18659536

the fuck do u know bout that

>> No.18659539

A man was described as such, so you're right I guess unless I haven't gotten to the part where he has a vagina
Oh okay guess that's a bit more involved than what I thought, thanks

>> No.18659575

Didnt matt teach him how to study?

>> No.18659585

Yes but nukemarine is a WORKING ADULT™, so he can't study properly.

>> No.18659637
File: 11 KB, 71x71, george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to NicoNico
>wrote " つもくゐいどえぶりで " in about a dozen streams
>their text-to-speech makes it say exactly as that sounds

lol Nips are so naive

>> No.18659647

fuck, you actually made me check with Google's text-to-speech.

I wonder how aware the nihongologers are of english memes.

>> No.18659656


>> No.18659662

dog is red, and big.

>> No.18659663
File: 34 KB, 304x304, Snoop-Dogg_01-22-2016[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18659681

Would they understand it better if you add よんひゃくにじゅう, I wonder.

Is there a 'sex number' like 69 in Japanese?

>> No.18659692

I would say 801 would suit your tastes.

>> No.18659702

is it possible to learn japanese if you're not a paedophile?

>> No.18659711


>> No.18659733

If you learned when you were small, when pedophilia is still acceptable because the pedophile is a kid themselves.

>> No.18659750
File: 219 KB, 706x703, 1506080966571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid not. Scientists baffled

>> No.18659850

Men have something called a "mens' vagina." It's located in the same spot as the anus.

>> No.18659872






can someone please explain to me what the hell the last sentence means because i think im getting it completely wrong, or is he saying her response will make sexy joke material

>> No.18659875

I wonder how Snoop Dogg feels about that meme, considering he wasn't even the one who said that line.

>> No.18659895
File: 101 KB, 500x500, 1521630684288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 何それ rude or crude or completely normal? Why do /a/utists meme this so hard, was it just because of her delivery?

>> No.18659897

I think the second line may have a second meaning of she's being bad in bed.
And the last line says that she reacted to (understood) the dirty joke.

>> No.18659900

why dont you try to work it out here in the thread or otherwise tell me why you think you should even be attempting to read this at all

>> No.18659917

yeah I asked somewhere else and they explained it, when I first read it i didn't even think of him making a joke about how she's weak at night/in bed

>> No.18659969

Has anyone messed around with duolingo's Japanese lessons?
They have a segment where you're given words/particles/conjunctions in random order (with some fakes) and you have to tap them in the correct order.

I thought it was a decent/fun way to drill grammar and sentence construction, but it's such a small segment of their studying and they don't have a 'just this type of study' option so,

I was wondering if you guys knew if there are any other programs that are like that?

>> No.18659971


What is the か after 独断 doing there?

>> No.18659980 [DELETED] 

so is mattvsjapane good at japanese?

>> No.18659981

I heard LingoDeer is also good and similar.

Also, you will never learn Japanese from either of these apps

>> No.18659996

I fucking hate this game. I made it to stage 5 boss with 5 fucking lives and lost them all because of their retarded fucking patterns. I'm literally in tears right now. Fuck HSiFS and fuck touhou

>> No.18659999

And I posted in the wrong thread god fucking dammit

>> No.18660001

Wrong thread. Also, just use summer/fall and spam releases.

>> No.18660031

its chilling there wondering if you were even able to read the beginning of the thought in the first place

>> No.18660049

You're boring.

>> No.18660064

then get interesting

>> No.18660121




>> No.18660241

I hear the jap pod 101 on yomi read
as かがくきこう instead of きごう as would be normal 記号
which is right?

>> No.18660257



>> No.18660276


>> No.18660338

Post the previous sentence.

>> No.18660362


That's it. A girl told the guy to do one of those "psychology quizzes" adn the guy starts thinking about their nature and other stuff.

>> No.18660405

It's saying the 答え are either 見え透いた単純なもの or あまりに恣意的に過ぎる独断.

>> No.18660575



>> No.18660590

No, you have to fantranslate manga without knowing Japanese for that

>> No.18660654
File: 11 KB, 141x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the penultimate character in this image is? I can't figure it out.

>> No.18660686


Get used to that font, it's everywhere

>> No.18660704

You're supposed to write it like すもーくうぃーどえぶりーでい. Or better yet, use katakana.

>> No.18660705 [DELETED] 

Has anyone watched Nukemarine pay tutors to sit there and watch him read? Why does he keep changing his voice and speaking like a girl?

I thought he was trying to learn Japanese not learn how to act.

>> No.18660728

no joke it's legit easiest to remember how to say things correctly if you speak the way you hear the most

>> No.18660747

>Katakana name followed by Xん

Gee I wonder what X could be...

>> No.18660750

He's N4 after 10 years. Though he stopped studying for a while.

>> No.18660755

i know

>> No.18660756

I don't think my voice can hit those high of notes for the shit I watch

>> No.18660766

i'm sure you could do it after ten years of practice if you tried

>> No.18660781

i don't think that's how vocal cords work

>> No.18660787

Thanks! I was looking for the other か and couldn't find it, so it got me stumped.

>> No.18660791 [DELETED] 

apparently nukemarine's work like that

>> No.18660816

Does he really speak like an anime girl in his tutor videos?
I kind of want to see that, can't be assed to scroll through and look for it though

>> No.18660883 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 807x935, 1480446825014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was a brainlet so i enjoyed anime and had more media to learn from

>> No.18660924

Yeah, whatever, go watch black mirror or whatever you normies watch nowadays.

>> No.18660937

Just watch American shows and read Americans books that have been translated

>> No.18660942

wait what
give a link to him talking like a girl

>> No.18661122


>> No.18661175



>> No.18661213


>> No.18661216


>> No.18661225

What is a good website to practice with native speakers?

>> No.18661267


>> No.18661270


>> No.18661293

What is going on with the end of this sentence?
...and I think I just answered my own question.
But my understanding is still shit -- something about carnivores being reluctant to eat other carnivores. I guess I can't tell how の is being used here... I'll just 'read more' but it would be cool if someone could point me in the right direction.

>> No.18661312
File: 341 KB, 1164x778, ミルフィーユ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.18661328


>> No.18661354


>> No.18661382


>> No.18661425

Is it possible to play a persona game in japanese on my computer? Consoles make me want to claw my eyes out.

>> No.18661431

What's stopping you from emulating Persona 1-4?

>> No.18661453

They are region locked.

>> No.18661481

のです is like asking for an explanation, think of it as emphazising the か, really.
Your translation seems to be on point.

>> No.18661653
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 6676059i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>region locked

>> No.18661712

download a japanese bios

>> No.18661838

If の is bothering you, try reading up on の. Tae Kim explains the actual grammatical function iirc (の working as a noun stand-in to nominalize a whole phrase)
That probably won't help you form a full understanding of it right now, but the only way that will happen anyway is through taking in lots of Japanese

For now you can think of the difference between questions that use の and questions that don't

泣いてる? vs 泣いてるの?
At first glance these look like they are looking for the same answer, but the tone is completely different. The first one is simply asking "Are you crying?" in a curious/neutral tone, and it means the speaker is actually seeking that information because they don't know it. The second one is like a more aggressive "You're crying?" not necessarily asked because the speaker doesn't have any clue about the answer, but more with the motive of prying the answer out and drawing attention to it, possibly because that answer is based on an explanation they want to see. So saying 泣いてるの to someone who's crying is basically calling them out on being a little bitch, but saying 泣いてる is just asking if they're crying or not.

Another example of the tone change:
何がいい? - Asking the listener to point out what's いい because they don't know.
何がいいの? - What's いい about this? [All of this looks like it's not いい to me.]

の kind of implies the speaker already has their own idea of what the case could be, and they are asking because they're surprised that it's turning out to be different (or that the listener thinks it's different). の is usually around when you see words like 本当に and マジで in yes/no questions

Your example is similar. The speaker is asking "Carnivores don't have a desire to eat other carnivores?" in a tone implying the person they're talking to, or someone else, or the general situation, is somehow directly or indirectly asserting that yes, carnivores don't want to eat carnivores. It suggests they (the speaker) thought it would make more sense if carnivores did want to eat other carnivores.

It's probably better to think of the か as emphasizing the question aspect, since か can pretty much always be omitted (and often is) but の is pretty crucial to the intent of the question

>> No.18661848

Wow, an actual explanation, in /djt/. Did not expect this.

>> No.18661924

This is a really good explanation on の, better than all i've read, in fact.
Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.18662003

Huh, I never knew it was that intense. I thought it was more curious, but it sounds more like "you got some 'splaining to do."

>> No.18662050
File: 76 KB, 1059x223, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tae Kim gave this explanation, so I have the same thought as yours.

>> No.18662052

Questioning if eating.
The thing of eating?
Questioning the act of eating itself.

Remember の creates a noun-phrase.

Does this sound about right?

>> No.18662299

食べるの? の、「の」が、名詞を作っている、というのは少し変な感じがする。

食べるの?は、実際に食べるとは思っていないときなど に言う。「まだ食べるの?太るよ。」「納豆を食べるの?(私は、納豆を食べるのは無理だ。/あなたは、納豆が苦手だと思っていたのに、意外だ。)」

>> No.18662339
File: 669 KB, 900x828, __original_drawn_by_sabujiroko__6db67090c2632746e99cd912d8e6809a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about やる in the last sentence
>Hm? I'm talking to my friends on LINE so you can fuck me as you like, just don't forget the rubber
>old man is gross, so I'll be honest
Would that be right?

>> No.18662371
File: 146 KB, 744x1024, 10e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making cards with voiced example sentences on the back from anime but I wonder if I can make the process more efficient.

What does DJT think?


>> No.18662396

I think it would be good if you stopped masturbating to drawn porn and actually started learning japanese

>> No.18662419

Is there some database out there that lists and explains every way anime/manga characters end a sentence? These are frustrating the hell out of me and are by far the part that is making me hate reading, because I don't know what they mean and can't look them up because of the abundance of random 小さいつ and random ー between letters
I don't even know if these are parts of real words like if they actually have them, or if its just written that way for emphasis on random sounds for the character's personal mannerism like how some english comic might end a sentence with "d-damn this suuuuucks" where damn and sucks are not actually written that way but those mis-spellings are there for a stutter and drawn out sounds for emphasis.

Please send help friends, I want to read manga but I don't get these at all. They make me sad.

>> No.18662469

Not quite a database, but dic.nicovideo.jp/a/語尾の一覧 is an article that covers basically all the common cases and then a few less common ones. I encourage everyone to check it out.

〜とミサカは〜ます remains superior even after all these years.

>> No.18662474

It would be good if you stopped being a cheeky cunt but alas, we can't have everything we want

>> No.18662487

He has a point.

>> No.18662514

railgun was ten years ago

>> No.18662524

Huh, that explanation is kind of weird without context. Without any Japanese to go along with 遅くない? and 遅いんじゃない? it's hard to tell what he's trying to say about it. I can think of cases where "isn't it late?" would be fine as a casual 遅くね?
Also he didn't address that there's other ways to put it that use の
Like in the context of asking about the current time, all of the following exist.

Let's say someone opens with 夜の10時って、and follow up with one of these:

遅い? (Asking if it's late. They are actually seeking to find out if 10 pm is late or not, because they don't know)
遅いの? (It's late? They didn't think it was late.)
遅くない? (Isn't it late? They are confirming that it's late.)
遅くないの? (They thought it was late, are surprised that something is suggesting it isn't. ない would be emphasized)
遅いんじゃない? (Actively suggesting to the listener that 10 pm is late, not so much a question at this point)
遅いんじゃないの? (Suggesting it's late and are surprised listener would think otherwise. Probably angry someone is coming home at 10 pm)

TK seems to be saying the same thing though, that it seeks explanation. How come you can't talk with me right now? is definitely a question that would end with の if you asked it in Japanese.

>> No.18662546

That does seem like a nice resource thanks, I have bookmarked it. Are these common cases to common anime or are these more or less specific to the single character/series that is listed by the character? The particular manga I am reading atm doesn't seem to show the one I was hung up on earlier on that article and I couldn't find it with a bit of searching either.

>> No.18662586

I'm exposing myself to compelling i+1 content

>> No.18662626

What are you hung up on?

>> No.18662638



>> No.18662798 [DELETED] 

So there’s a George vs Matt youtube drama. You can watch it on Nukemarine’s channel.

>> No.18662802

I hope that's a joke.

>> No.18662811

Oh come on, he's doing the 'read more' advice and you're still berating him? What, are you now going to dictate what people should read as well?

>> No.18662815

>youtube drama
I'd rather watch Japanese gyaru screeching than watching this

>> No.18662816


>> No.18662944

Any method anime/manga characters end a sentence that is not です, だ, ます, etc. Aka anything that isn't covered in TK

As soon as I turn to a new page and see some character's speech bubble ending with some horrifying concoction of kana and ー I just want to tear the page out before I even get to it because I don't have a way of translating, understanding, or learning it

>> No.18662958

>Aka anything that isn't covered in TK
Have you tried the Manga Guide to Japanese or something like that? They have plenty on sentence endings.

>> No.18662960

>As soon as I turn to a new page and see some character's speech bubble ending with some horrifying concoction of kana
Post the page when that occurs and someone will help you work through your lack of understanding. That's what these threads are for.

>> No.18662970

>someone will help you work through your lack of understanding
And some other someone (some other one?) will sneer at him.

>> No.18662980

All I can think of is wacky sounding ones like やんす or like イカ and ゲソ as in ika musume, but I feel like those are pretty obvious so I'm having trouble understanding what you're talking about. Are those what you're talking about? Just wacky gobi that specific characters use as a cartoony quirk?

The fact you picked out small っ and ー specifically is confusing me because I can't think of any examples.

>> No.18663026
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1426979987808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I even got a sponsored trip to Japan last month for my translation work.
how did you manage that if I may ask

>> No.18663030

No I haven't. Is that somewhere in the OP if I dig around?

Yeah and that's been helpful for sure. But I love reading on my tablet before bed (its where I do most of my reading) and the process of getting something from there posted to here is pretty arduous away from my desktop

I don't really know what to call them if its not that. I just noticed a pattern that they almost always come at the end of a sentence/panel. I just assume they are anime/manga character things because whenever I have been texting with japanese people they don't seem to ever end sentences like that.
But the particular example that spurred my comment was actually when I was browsing the thread and saw >>18662339

>> No.18663052

>Is that somewhere in the OP if I dig around?
It's called Japanese the Manga Way.

>> No.18663068
File: 51 KB, 424x178, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18663089

circular reasoning?

>> No.18663092

Written Japanese is imitating spoken Japanese which is often heavily slurred. In my experience you can look that stuff up fine, there's a million results on google. I'm pretty sure that's how I got clued in on most of it in the first place.
っつーの is a slurred っていうの and it's a super colloquial way to push something you're saying at the other person.

It's not a new sentence ending, you just need to listen to a lot more casual Japanese. Watch out for 方言 though

Also I would be wary of learning the Japanese that Japanese people use with you as a standard for all "real" Japanese. There are a lot of situations a gaijin won't see if they are texting to a japanese person who is well aware that their partner is a gaijin that won't understand certain things. They will almost certainly avoid dialects.
Dig around the Japanese side of the web and you'll find tons of people using colloquial language they wouldn't use in a "kaiwa time with gaijin" setting

>> No.18663098

Part of posting on 4chan is overcoming the fear of being shitposted at. If your fear of being shitposted at outweighs your hope of getting a real reply you won't be posting much of anything at all no matter where you go.

>> No.18663108

Rule number two after "read more" is "use google" buddy

>> No.18663116

>っつーの is a slurred っていうの

Where do I put this so I remember it? I have to remember this.

>> No.18663139

If you really want to remember っつーの = っていうの, why not make an Anki card for it.
>っつーの (slurred)

>> No.18663141


>> No.18663160

Remember つー as ていう
I vaguely remember TK talking about this specific one, actually
It's just a matter of not having to move your tongue as much to say it, just natural slurring

Same way sometimes verbs ending in ~てた kind of morph into ~つた when people talk fast

>> No.18663186

Thanks. But realistically how would someone like me go about figuring that kind of stuff out while reading? I've seen plenty that were probably similarly slurred words

>> No.18663189

"Potato Potato"?

>> No.18663196
File: 48 KB, 715x469, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>っつーの is a slurred っていうの
so やるかっつの becomes やるかって言うの, yeah? Which in itself is やるかというの?

So in the panel posted >>18662339, the second panel becomes 「おっさんキモすぎるし, 真面目にやるかというの」?

Not that anon, but I'm still stuck on the 真面目にやるかというの. "Doing it so seriously like that?" Still so bad at these, haha.

Googling "かっつーの"の意味 lead me to a hinative.com page where someone ask what it meant, and they say pic related.

>> No.18663240

Fear follows fear, no?

>> No.18663241

If you hit a wall, try google, try here, etc
Reading is only a representation of spoken Japanese, so it would help if you took in more spoken Japanese regularly.

Yeah, the actual meaning is what the hinative guy is saying. It's a way of pushing what you're saying at the other person. You can interchange with つってんの and つってんだよ and whatever, the meaning is the same

Colloquial speech and dialect kind of ends up with its own usage, so it's hard to "expand" it into non-slang in a formulaic way. The best you can do is trace it back

>> No.18663263

If you literally translate と言っているの it means "is what I am saying", right?

>> No.18663266

Yeah. The speaker is doing the 言う

>> No.18663291
File: 685 KB, 2335x2507, 1492077958189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you anons force yourselves to read?
I can only do 1-2 pages before my head hurts and its too hard and I close it

>> No.18663303


Why would I need to force myself to do the very thing I started studying the language for in the first place?

>> No.18663306

I do as much of 1 page a day for a week, then 1 page a day for a week, then 2 pages a day for a week. On and on until finally I finished that novel where a brother fucks his brocon imouto.

>> No.18663311

The guy who posted the image here, so does it actually mean "the old man is gross (because he is) doing it seriously like that"?

>> No.18663352
File: 504 KB, 538x2414, Warren_Livingston_Cromartie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18663384

Okay, I'll read it!
one れ too many?

>> No.18663428




>> No.18663429


>> No.18663554


>> No.18663612


>> No.18663639

I can't learn Japanese.

>> No.18663661


Sucks to hear it, but at least now you can spend your time on something else.

>> No.18663667

I believe you.

>> No.18663681

What does /djt/ do while reading as an illiterate newbie?
Spend hours researching and looking up every line of text and weird grammatical interaction until you fully understand the text?
Or just "kind of understand the gist of it" and leave it at that? The former seems best for actually learning and absorbing the language, but the latter seems to be the only way to maintain sanity.

>> No.18663699

>Spend hours researching and looking up every line of text and weird grammatical interaction until you fully understand the text?
>Or just "kind of understand the gist of it"
The former. I once tried the latter, and it gets you into too much trouble later on in the story, because you've carried a misconception the whole way.

>> No.18663730


The truth is in the middle, looking up literally every single thing is inefficient but half-assing isn't a good way to learn. I recommend putting extra effort in learning the grammar points you don't understand first and foremost because while you'll be encountering all kinds of new words for a very long time, grammar will be both critical and largely the same no matter the subject.

>> No.18663804

When I read my first VN I read it parallel to a translation. I spent maybe a minute or two at max trying to figure out something, then I just read the English version. The advantage was that I never lost the context thanks to the translation, so I had a reasonable chance to understand every line.

>> No.18663821

>When I read my first VN I read it parallel to a translation
Nekopara had this in the game itself, I played the game with Japanese text for some time, then played the game with both Japanese and English text to see if I got the story right.

Total failure 80% of the time.

>> No.18663832

I'd personally recommend reading something you're already familiar with to begin with, it lets you focus on the Japanese, without having to worry that you're going to completely misunderstand something that will just make things more confusing later on, without having to agonize over every tiny little thing.

>> No.18663848

Yeah, that's how it is when you're a beginner.
But hey, every failure is an opportunity to learn something new. It also makes you realize how much your brain wants to connect the dots and even when you got it completely wrong it still kinda makes sense. This is why I never signed up to the "learn from feel" people.

>> No.18663849

It's just words they recognize as being said a lot.

>> No.18663858

Why listening practice is important: 4 years of Japanese studying and literally thousands of books read, but I just now realized that 日 is read as か in situations such as 8月11日.

>> No.18663882


>> No.18663901

Not typically.

>> No.18663921

this is also why you never learned japanese

bang bang

>> No.18663974

I can guess the meaning but is 乙女の華 an idiom? Never saw it before and can't find it on weblio.

>> No.18664008 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 593x551, reading-example-back[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJT you've been called out!


>> No.18664034

If you struggle with grammar you must study with books or something. By n2-n1 grammar level you will have been discerning similar patterns.

>> No.18664039


>9 (ア)華やかできらびやかなもの。「社交界の―」

>> No.18664058


>> No.18664143 [DELETED] 

But everyone here already knows Core is shit.

>> No.18664167 [DELETED] 

>he actually watches these videos or is actually that faggot making them
Either way, fuck off

>> No.18664202 [DELETED] 

Why should I fuck off? Because you happen to disagree with me?

>> No.18664208 [DELETED] 
File: 681 KB, 697x643, 1481177498673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many hours have you wasted doing the core deck?

>> No.18664215 [DELETED] 

proly because youre posting gay idiot videos of a guy trying to make money offa retards like you lot lmao

>> No.18664218 [DELETED] 

Because you are here just to shitpost and/or advertise that youtube

I went through 2k in around 20 hours, what does that have to do with anything? Should I report you for shitposting too?

>> No.18664265 [DELETED] 

Matt, a casual reminder that GR11 is enforced on all boards.
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome

>> No.18664270 [DELETED] 

casual reminder that backseat modding is gay and if youre gonna do it at least do it in nihongo

>> No.18664277 [DELETED] 

Telling people you'll gonna report them is against the rules of 4chan, m8. Have you even read them?

>> No.18664278

I'm gonna do the first 500 of core, then I'll do 500 words from mining. I'll report back with findings

>> No.18664286 [DELETED] 

I didn't say I reported anyone. I just asked if I should report the shitposter

>> No.18664294

New to reading here. How am I supposed to read when I have to stop and look up a word or twelve every sentence. It feels like I'm doing it wrong.

>> No.18664299 [DELETED] 

>proly because youre posting gay idiot videos of a guy trying to make money offa retards like you lot lmao
What makes the video (singular) that I've posted "gay" and "idiot"? And what does the financial aspect of it have to do with learning Japanese? I I haven't paid him a dime nor had I planned to do so in the future.

>Because you are here just to shitpost and/or advertise that youtube
Why do you think I want to advertise anyone, because I merely linked to their video? And why did you conclude that I'm here exclusively to shitpost if you don't know my post history?

>> No.18664305 [DELETED] 

Matt, fuck off.

>> No.18664321

How do you expect to do it 'right' without knowing the vocab? Yes, that's the way to do it.

When I was learning English I decided to read a book in English - on the first few pages I marked all the words I didn't know. It was all red. Then I picked up some more English along the way and came back to the book and I understood it all.

>> No.18664328 [DELETED] 

you are but start small and with things with multiple avenues of input such as a narrated ehon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrqO4eSqRC4

pictures and the way someone says something helps you understand new words too!

youtu.be/nPYdQGkgrN4#t=69 time stamped at the sex number lol

>> No.18664332

Just keep going through the sentences looking for

1) a sentence you understand.
2) a sentence you *almost* understand

Anything else is a waste of time. Trying to learn from any sentence besides type 2 here is inefficient

>> No.18664337 [DELETED] 

Posting about that guy or his videos equals to shitposting here and you clearly know it which is why you are posting it

>> No.18664344 [DELETED] 

The links in the OP are a bigger shitpost than any of Matt's videos

>> No.18664350 [DELETED] 

Nothing in the rules of the board it says so, so you are making stuff up, pal. Be less emotional, because if you're so tetchy all the time - due to some heartstroke or something - you won't live long enough to enjoy your fluency in Japanese.

>> No.18664353 [DELETED] 

There's a rule about post quality

>> No.18664358 [DELETED] 

and that rule is why this thread is on this board

>> No.18664393 [DELETED] 

Advertising is against the rules, tardo.
You need to go back.

>> No.18664452
File: 37 KB, 1175x140, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's explain simple concepts in the most confusing and convoluted way possible
Thanks DoJG.

>> No.18664464

Can't really blame a technical dictionary for your own obtuseness, anon.

>> No.18664466
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1488548159502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18664481

Does the マンガワン app limit content based on location? I want to read the raws for 秘密のレプタイルズ and they should be in the app, but i can't find them anywhere.

>> No.18664482


>> No.18664512

>Be anon
>Speak English fluently
>Never studied English grammar books
>Decide to learn Japanese
>Decide to use Japanese grammar books

I just don't understand...

>> No.18664514

Neither do I, Matt. Neither do I.

>> No.18664521

dont worry if you follow the guide youll soon be on the course to epic self-owns like this >>18664482

>> No.18664537

DoJG is obtuse. Don't pretend it's not.

>> No.18664564


>> No.18664569
File: 1.36 MB, 260x260, accepting_death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh good a childrens book this shouldn't be too bad
>oh neat I could actually read/understand the first page maybe this won't be so bad...
>get stuck on the second page with a word おっちょっこちょい
>not in the dictionary because this is a japanese dictionary and they only put words in it if they aren't in something you're trying to read
>partial results suggest it could include any of "suddenly", "child", "man/husband", "oops"
>google tells me it maybe means either "dirty person" or "scatterbrain" and "careless person"
>3 different results from 3 different sources, any one of which could be made up or wrong or correct and I'd never know
>none of the dictionary partial results or the google results really seem to fit the context of the reading anyways so it doesn't even matter
tfw 2k into core and have been through tae kim's guide 3 times and I still can't read past the second page of a fucking children's book. Fuck reading so much.

>> No.18664579

you can't learn japanese if you don't read or listen a lot

>> No.18664581

sorry i dont know what youre talking about because my helpful post about japanese was deleted

>> No.18664623

ok anyway shes expressing her shock that shes dead dude because she got run the fuck over by ludacris in his classic track "move bitch" and its attributed to the fact that she lived her entire life being bad at not doing stupid shit that makes stupid shit happen to her

>> No.18664654
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>> No.18664734

>and literally thousands of books read
So you haven't encountered words like 二日酔い and 三日月? Why do you lie?

>> No.18664749

There are 1460 days in 4 years, which means you've been reading at least 1.4 books a day to reach 2000 books. Very sugoi.

>> No.18664752
File: 47 KB, 430x430, 1461074747462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a japanese dictionary and they only put words in it if they aren't in something you're trying to read

>> No.18664776
File: 34 KB, 835x422, nahonga wa mozakasi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18664784

>but I just now realized that 日 is read as か in situations such as 8月11日

>> No.18664800

wow, turns out core is superior. you would have known this on the second day of studying!

>> No.18664961

The speaker is responding to a guy who said he would kill the speaker.
Does this mean something like
¿Do you (honestly) think you can/will kill me?

>> No.18664972

no dude try again

>> No.18665006 [DELETED] 


>> No.18665056

it's time to clean things up, huh
shimatsu suru no no ka yo

>> No.18665061

I don't think that's what it means. He's responding to a threat.

>> No.18665067

not this either try again

>> No.18665074

i'd deffo clean your face up if you ever threatened me

>> No.18665079

id clean your face up because you prolly dont do it yourself

>> No.18665081 [DELETED] 


>> No.18665175

Really simple thing probably, but somehow can't find anything on the translation of
Based on the context it seems like a sigh of disappointment, something like "oh well".
Is that right?

>> No.18665198
File: 32 KB, 573x333, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh senpai

>> No.18665211


>> No.18665244

I mean, obviously I found those, but I wasn't sure if the word works by itself the same way.

For that matter, 往々and 汪々 use the same kana too.

>> No.18665309

you cant never practice lissning cause nothing can be input at that level

>> No.18665633

Nice copypasta bro. Now get back to plebbit.

>> No.18665641

This is a copypasta from reddit.

>> No.18665667 [DELETED] 

So Matt went after Core users in his latest video.


>> No.18665670 [DELETED] 

report and ignore

>> No.18665691 [DELETED] 

Everyone already knows core is trash designed for people that are afraid of reading but want a sense of measurable progress to pretend like they're learning Japanese

>> No.18665707 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Matt

>> No.18665708
File: 117 KB, 1440x1080, 1504842804024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.18665718

>reading about grammar past tae kim
got what you deserved, textbook drone.

>> No.18665725

There's your problem. You should be reading something you enjoy so there's no need to force yourself to read it.

>> No.18665728 [DELETED] 

He implied that people believed the Earth was flat (or that people didn't believe Earth was round) few hundred years ago, and that's like the biggest pet peeve I didn't realize I ever have.

I hate the video already

>> No.18665737 [DELETED] 

People think the Earth is flat TODAY

>> No.18665749 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's TODAY's. Flat Earth theory as a global beliefs wasn't a centuries-old beliefs.

Non-flat earths had been the theory since ancient times.

>> No.18665775 [DELETED] 

>Flat Earth theory as a global beliefs wasn't a centuries-old beliefs.

Citation needed

>> No.18665797 [DELETED] 

People have known that the Earth was round for multiple thousands of years. Greeks scholars measured it to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

>> No.18665808 [DELETED] 

A scientist theorizing is not the same as a "global belief", fucking moron. Not only is that not a source it doesn't even address the issue

>> No.18665813 [DELETED] 

There was no such thing as "global belief" back then.

>> No.18665819

there is global belief that わたしはゲイ

>> No.18665822 [DELETED] 

They weren't theorizing. They knew. Factually. Based on evidence. And the idea was shared by any scholars that it traveled to. Not even the catholic church believed the Earth was flat, that's a myth perpetuated by bad/wrong elementary school teaching material about Columbus (who, by the way, just thought the world was way smaller than it was, because he was deliberately misinterpreting the experiments and math that measured its size).

>> No.18665824 [DELETED] 

This is all too spooky for this comfy thread of trying to understand a language

>> No.18665836

>woman + child = little girl = likeable/fond

>> No.18665852 [DELETED] 

agreed dude lets put on our dick pants and chill


>> No.18665860 [DELETED] 

>They knew

They didn't. Their experiments could have been explained by a flat Earth with a near sun. Also still haven't provided a citation for your original claim. Remember, Matt was talking about the intuition of the masses, not scientists that do experiments

This anon thinks there is >>18665749

>> No.18665868 [DELETED] 

>Their experiments could have been explained by a flat Earth with a near sun.
No, because then it would depend on where you did it.

>> No.18665873 [DELETED] 

>Also still haven't provided a citation for your original claim. Remember, Matt was talking about the intuition of the masses
you're the one that needs to post that citation, matt

>> No.18665884
File: 106 KB, 650x933, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is 等 read など and when とう?
(bottom right panel)

>> No.18665896

You get it wrong
>woman + child = The woman "likes" the child = /ss/

>> No.18665902

the child could be a female, though

>> No.18665908

などと等の違い into google

>> No.18665909 [DELETED] 

No it wouldn't.

For what retard? You're the one that made a claim here >>18665749

>> No.18665918 [DELETED] 

No, that's not me. Also, Matt, aka yourself, is the one that made the controversial claim, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.18665922 [DELETED] 

>No it wouldn't.
Yes it would. Don't you know basic trig?

>> No.18665923
File: 116 KB, 1335x955, 5345c4266aeb6705b8ddacd67e0b7c26a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whether the earth is round or the earth is flat the bottom is where your japanese level is at

>> No.18665955 [DELETED] 

Yes I do retard, and the math works out if the sun is very close to the Earth

>The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk

There, a citation from wiki now fuck off

>> No.18665962 [DELETED] 

archaic does not mean a few hundred years ago

>> No.18665963

Link to your soundcloud?

>> No.18665967 [DELETED] 

>Yes I do retard, and the math works out if the sun is very close to the Earth
Apparently you don't, because the math doesn't work out. They knew where the sun was at different times and what distances there were between different points on the planet. It is not difficult to figure out distances using astronomy and the sun, and they knew how.

>> No.18665973

I want the flat earthers out of my DJT thread.

>> No.18666030

You did it!

>> No.18666044


>> No.18666111
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>> No.18666119

you realize that stops working when the ground becomes parallel with the sun's rays, right

it becomes wildly inconsistent with distance on the surface, which you mean measure using astrology

>> No.18666122


>> No.18666143


>> No.18666179

Character responds to an invitation with
What does the first part mean? Seems to be something along the lines of I've got no problems with that, but I don't understand how それもありかなー fits into it.

>> No.18666208

What the fuck is even happening in this garbage thread anymore

>> No.18666230

a whole buncha 雑魚s bein themselves

>> No.18666256
File: 2.69 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180323-093509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is セミ?

>> No.18666266


>> No.18666275

>can't use a fucking dictionary
Never going to make it anon. Its a cicada by the way.

>> No.18666276

It means "half" in latin

>> No.18666280

what the fuck is a 出撃

>> No.18666282

Even though this is a shittypost, I actually worry about this.
I can recognise the kanji but I don't feel like I'd do well figuring out a sentence entirely in Hiragana or with words normally written in Kanji being put in Hiragana.

>> No.18666286
File: 108 KB, 550x226, Semi-Trailer-Truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18666293

So I just met this word: 出撃
And seriously, what the FUCK is a sortie?

>> No.18666295

Smash that N5 button and watch as all your worries float away because you were fretting over a test made for literal babbies that could be past by anyone who skimmed Sakubi and did one fourth of core2k

>> No.18666306

How are you really gonna not even wait til a new thread starts to post this again, man.

>> No.18666313

hey look its the sortie faggot

>> No.18666337



>> No.18666357

don't open this it's virus

>> No.18666362


Reading and listening solves this problem quite nicely. Unless you are a robot that can synthesize grammar rules on the fly after "memorizing" them, the way you actually learn is seeing shit in context a bunch of times.

>> No.18666364


>> No.18666378


>> No.18666381


>> No.18666387

I don't really care for N5 as it is a waste of money test that anyone who has memorized a picture book for tourist could pass.

I am more concerned that I might encounter kanji I have learnt to recognise through the kanji rather than the ひらがな reading will massively slow me down.

>> No.18666413

sounds like you need to read a bit then?

>> No.18666437

That is what I will do then.

>> No.18666474

Do you guys mine entire sentences, or do you just mine words then use something like Epwing2Anki to generate sentences?

>> No.18666480

I was worried about that too, but it hasn't been much trouble at all honestly. Sure, you might not recognize みがいています as 磨く right away, but if it was written as 歯をみがいています then you'd be fine. Context helps a lot, especially when you're trying to sort out hiragana. Try an old NES JRPG or a kids book sometime.
Alternatively, just read every post our beloved, cute, sweet little 妹 makes ITT.

>> No.18666486

I did, though somehow I missed it.
Oh well. So she's pretending to be a cicada I guess.

>> No.18666493

just let the nihongo come to you naturally dude

>> No.18666508

i only mine words in order to get my dumb little old man brain to "remember the kanji"

>> No.18666527

Words. And only because you literally can't read this retarded language unless you memorize a fucking dictionary.

>> No.18666530

a sponge doesnt have to try to absorb

why do you

>> No.18666555

>There are people who actually actively study for this and fail
What the fuck?

>> No.18666558

Can somebody please post the screenshot from Muramasa that's just a wall of insults?

Humans are pathetically inferior creatures, that's why.

>> No.18666673

I do sentences, anything less is pointless.

>> No.18666697

This is what happens when you haven't ever written anything.

>> No.18666700
File: 50 KB, 533x300, 1468406391975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alternatively, just read every post our beloved, cute, sweet little 妹 makes ITT.

>> No.18666709

>anything less is pointless
mining words is not pointless though

>> No.18666717

>I do sentences
So in the front you have sentences, what's in the back? Genuine question. My anki deck is words I've mined and example sentences from dictionaries (not Tatoeba).

>> No.18666732

Generally people who mine sentences have definitions for the newly encountered words on the back of the card.

>> No.18666751

Ah, and they then bold or mark the new words in the sentence, yeah?

I find words I don't know, look for example sentences of that, and if in the example sentence there's also a word I don't know, I repeat the entire process again. Similar in a way, just far more hassle.

>> No.18666761

>>Ah, and they then bold or mark the new words in the sentence, yeah?
I suppose you conceivably could but given that the point of sentence mining is being able to understand the entire sentence I don't really see why you would do that.

>> No.18666797

Well, if the front only shows the sentence unmarked, how do you know what's supposed to be in the back of the card?

For example, if the front showed you this sentence:

And when you made the card, the 'new word' is 中敷 so you put the definition of that in the back. When you got the card again, how do you know that 中敷 is in the back of the card and not, say, 包含する?

Ah, do you mean that the back doesn't really matter after a certain point?

>> No.18666817

The point of sentence cards is understanding the front of the card, it doesn't matter if you know what is going to be on the back. You only put the definitions there because you (should be) mining i+1 sentences and its useful to have the new term there for that reason.

>> No.18666820

Because the sentence is supposed to only have one new thing in it, therefore you'll know the rest of the words/grammar in the sentence and be able to deduce what the new part is.

The stuff on the back is just a reminder if you fail the card.

>> No.18666833

> it doesn't matter if you know what is going to be on the back
>The stuff on the back is just a reminder if you fail the card
Ah, okay! Thanks, anons.

Hmm, maybe I should try that as well.

>> No.18666962

>sentence cards

>> No.18667004

DoJG is not obtuse. You are stupid.

>> No.18667006

DoJG is obtuse. You're pretentious.

>> No.18667024

Maybe you need to learn English before trying to tackle Japanese.

>> No.18667026

I know more English than you do.

>> No.18667028
File: 41 KB, 535x263, emacs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dojg totally isn't obtuse guys

>> No.18667041

Too lazy to dig for the "You don't even know English" image so let's just pretend I posted it.

>> No.18667043

That's...alright? That's clear to me.

>> No.18667087

Hey, is there a plugin or a setting that hides reviews until it accumulates to a certain number? Say I want no reviews if only 4 cards are due if I set it to 10 and it won't show me any are due until 10 reviews accumulated.

>> No.18667115


>> No.18667123

do you even know what obtuse means

>> No.18667131

You'd know if shinji got in the fucking Eva.

>> No.18667141

If it takes you 11 lines to describe something so simple you are being obtuse.

>> No.18667146

that boy fuckin ruined anime dude

>> No.18667151
File: 10 KB, 587x239, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


x in this picture.

>> No.18667152

Evangelion is literally the pinnacle of anime and potentially the pinnacle of storytelling, the only way you could say it "ruined" anime is because it set a literally unreachable bar for everything that came after it.

>> No.18667159

I didn't know obtuse was the area within a fragmentary circle described by an arc

>> No.18667160

ask mr miyazaki the founder of anime if he thinks so

>> No.18667164

Well, now you know.

>> No.18667165

Evangelion is the Evangelion of anime, dude.

>> No.18667166

It's literally cool robot fighting aimed at children

>> No.18667172

eva turned all possible future anime into tang dude

>> No.18667182

Shitty Gundam ripoff. Te song that plays in EoE when they turn to fanta is cool though.

>> No.18667185

eoe ruined evangelion

>> No.18667186

Yeah, my favorite scenes are from episode 25.

>> No.18667201

I haven't read anything today yet because of this fucking migraine send help

>> No.18667203

take ibuprofen and consume caffeine, then go to bed

>> No.18667211

evangleon is cool i watch it with my dad

>> No.18667212

Thanks mom. Good night guys.

>> No.18667217

make sure you don't let your body metabolize ibuprofen on an empty stomach

>> No.18667220

>Taking it on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach lining and might cause bleeding.
Oh shit. Thanks again 母ちゃん

>> No.18667222

Don't listen to this guy, take acetaminophen and consume caffeine, then go to bed.

>> No.18667223

acetaminophen works too but most people don't have it sitting around their house

>> No.18667224

dont take any drugs and just face life head on no matter what it throws ur way

>> No.18667227

Follow both of your lesbian moms and consume both ibuprofen and acetaminophen (paracetamol) together, plus caffeine.

>> No.18667231

I actually didn't have any ibuprofen so I took acetaminophen instead
I'm not as strong as you 兄様
Thanks 父ちゃん

>> No.18667232

>I actually didn't have any ibuprofen so I took acetaminophen instead
wow that's actually surprising

>> No.18667236

Really? Is ibuprofen more common over there, whereever you are?

In my Australian house I have Panadol more often than I do ibuprofen.

>> No.18667239

Is it? I hardly ever have a need for either but my real 母さん dropped off some equate last time she visited. Burgerland by the way.

>> No.18667241

where I live, NSAIDs are the go-to over-the-counter pain relief medications
ibuprofen is one such NSAID

>> No.18667243

I feel like acetaminophen is more common than ibuprofen. Then again I suffer from fairly high frequency migraines and always keep acetaminophen around, so maybe I'm just biased.

>> No.18667253

I see. Where I'm from (Indonesia) my doctor mom was highly suspicious of NSAID's side effect of gastric ulcer (not helped by her history of having one), so she pretty much stocked the house with only Panadols.

>> No.18667416

Can someone explain >read more to someone who doesn't understand?
I open up a beginner level reading material and all I can read (more like pronounce) is the hirigana and katakana and one of the hundred or so kanji that I know. The rest I don't know how to read or what it means or anything. I probably can even say out loud less than 10% of the book without looking it up. How is this helpful to learn a language when I can't understand 90%?
I even see videos of these so called linguists that spout the same "lol just read bro" nonsense. I don't know if its some special kind of brainpower that unlocks after you learn language number 3 where you can just pick up a book for a language you've never touched before and immediately start reading it and somehow absorb that and understand it.
This is a very foreign concept to me that doesn't even make logical sense.
Is there any guide about how to actually read when you can't read? All these people (youtubers, content creators involving language) are so fast to say "just read more" but ironically none of them put their money where their mouth is and show how a beginner would approach reading without knowing how to read.

>> No.18667425

Your brain literally needs to create new neurological wiring for every part of reading Japanese in order for it to become a simple process. The only way to train all of the skills needed to read is by reading, even if reading is too hard to actually read. If you can read the kana, great, that's enough for now. Just make sure that, for the things you can do in reading, you do them.

>> No.18667427

Look up every unknown word.
Consider doing Remembering the Kanji if unknown kanji scares you.

>> No.18667440

Have you finished Tae Kim?

>> No.18667451


>> No.18667453

Happy Birthday Marine.

>> No.18667456


>> No.18667463

its mostly bullshit pushed seemingly by people who dont have any fundamental japanese ability regardless of whatever other shit they know

reading levels exist and starting at the bottom is a great idea for that but looking at text is just one part of many in the whole picture

>> No.18667465


>> No.18667496

I'm looking for a word like "holiday" that refers more to just a day of remembrance that isn't necessarily a day off work. Like Ash Wednesday or April Fools.
Does 記念日 work?

>> No.18667601

How do you improve listening? By studying phonetics, not listening to any natural japanese conversation (or even a slow conversation with exaggerated pronounciation designed for foreigners learning the language), until you memorize the exact positions for pronouncing each vowel and consonant, or by listening enough that your ears are better-trained to distinguish sounds?

The idea behind "read more" is that you try getting used to the 1% you can read―the extremely simple and grammatical phrases like ここに座るように言われた―so that you can tackle on more complex sentence structures later, which might be composed of several simpler clauses that you have become used to reading. Of course, strictly reading and not studying any vocabulary or grammar is pretty pointless, and it's even worse to read relatively hard material such as novels full of prose, since you will be searching up more words than reading. Overall, you should start with something simple, such as most slice-of-life mangas, so that you can hopefully understand 20% and eventually understand more as you gradually learn more words and grammar. Your biggest problem with manga (of any difficulty) will be understanding slang or noticing contractions, but you shouldn't worry too much about that for now.

>> No.18667616


>> No.18667639

I thought this was that young man again, but apparently it's an old man.

>> No.18667644

Why don't we get any QTs peddling their shitty, redundant language channels?

>> No.18667646


>> No.18667653

that's just how his dialect pronounces it

>> No.18667668

Read more

>> No.18667677

April Fools isn't a day of remembrance or a holiday. I'm not really sure what to call it. Wikipedia calls it an "annual celebration" so I guess you might as well call it a 年中行事
記念日 literally does mean "day of remembrance" as in anniversary, so if that's what you want then there you go
See for reference: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/記念日

>> No.18667682
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 1511753715917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on taking breaks from reading once a week? Beneficial or harmful to learning?

>> No.18667705

If you stopped learning, you stop learning, simple as that.

>> No.18667707

It's definitely not beneficial.

>> No.18667715

Missing days makes me feel much worse than any sense of feeling "burnt out" ever could.

>> No.18667725

it's subtext
he's telling you to 延期 your 暗記

>> No.18667747

so you don't think it's like weight lifting where you'd give your brain a day to rest?

>> No.18667760

Why would it be anything like that? Your brain doesn't get damaged by thinking too hard.

>> No.18667764

I'd only ever take a break if I was getting absolutely sick of studying and it affected my pace so much that taking a break would lose me less study time. But that hasn't happened so I persist.

>> No.18667766

No because reading Japanese doesn't stress your CNS.

>> No.18667772

Worse than skipping reps

>> No.18667783

>The first step to learning Japanese is to meditate/build self discipline
lel I have now heard this from two different sources. Are weebs really such big fags that they actually fall for this?

>> No.18667791

>build self discipline
I mean if you don't have discipline you really aren't going to succeed.

>> No.18667795
File: 221 KB, 960x720, 1521695283191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where you'd give your brain a day to rest?
sleep is the brains rest

>> No.18667801

I mean when I was teaching myself Spanish none of the guides told you that you need to build discipline or meditate. Is it just that the type of people who want to learn Japanese tend to be lazy sacks of shit, so it has to be said?

>> No.18667805

no one that doesnt have self discipline is going to acquire it for a cartoon language

>> No.18667839

Be honest, guys. How much do you like saying/writing "radical"?

>> No.18667861

It's mostly weebs who think they can completely master the language by watching anime and give up the instant actual studying gets mentioned so you kinda need to mention that for them.

>> No.18667871

Most Spanish learners fail even though it requires vastly less discipline than Japanese (for an English native).

>> No.18667884

It sounds dumb. I just call it "bushi" like Japanese do.

>> No.18667885
File: 17 KB, 482x220, 5645634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poast stats

>> No.18667902 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 853x623, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18667907

Does Yung Lean know Japanese?

>> No.18667920

Only about enough to purchase an Arizona Tea from a 711 but yeah, he does.

>> No.18667926 [DELETED] 

arizona iced out boys posted up in tokyo lmao

>> No.18667956 [DELETED] 

the madman is still doing it.

>> No.18667963

alright, what are your thoughts on reducing my reading time from 1 hour to 30 minutes so i stop feeling burnt out at the end of the week, do you think the 30 minute cut from each day is too much?

>> No.18667973

spanish is easy mode dude

>> No.18667982

That's very clearly his point, anon.

>> No.18668015

Read material that you enjoy and you won't feel burned out. You should be so compelled you want to keep reading past your quota. I guess 30 minutes might be acceptable for the first few months when the difficulty saps the fun out of everything.

>> No.18668079
File: 281 KB, 454x449, Screenshot_23032018_1035274275136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain this speech pattern to me.
> いや おまえの嗜好はいい
Translated as
> Don't base it on your personal preference

In what situations does "<X> はいい" mean something negative?

>> No.18668099

いい, 結構 etc can mean "enough", "sufficient", i.e. a way of refusing something.

>> No.18668103

>1 hour to 30 minutes
Honestly I feel really bad if I don't do at least 2 hours every day. It really feels like I'm not making progress.

>> No.18668111

i'm still at that point where it's pretty slow, i'm getting about 300 lines in an hour, if that's any reference for speed

>> No.18668120

i remember this post

>> No.18668129

I see. Thanks.

>> No.18668135

It's probably going to be more mentally taxing if you slow down and then start to notice you're not making as much progress as you used to.

>> No.18668152

I don't know anon but I was in the same situation as you ( I could only understand like 10% of the text or less) and now I find myself reading yotsuba without any problem

>> No.18668155

I don't know Japanese but that translation doesn't make sense
>don't bring weird things
>I like pudding
>no, your taste is all right (it's something else)

>> No.18668180

progress in learning, or progress in the vn? if it's progress in the vn, i don't mind too much, but i also don't want to harm my learning too much

>> No.18668200

hes sayin fuck what u like my ninja its mack daddys way or the highway

>> No.18668207

It's only natural that if you spend less time studying you'll learn slower. So if your mental fatigue comes from being overwhelmed by how much you don't know then slowing down is going to make that worse. If you're simply fatigued from overworking yourself then I don't know what to suggest

>> No.18668229

Not him but how did you manage that in the early stages, if you don't mind my asking? I am trying to work through it and its been quite a progression wall for me, I am not making a lot of progress going through it

>> No.18668247

Read the いいから section. Also, if you're going to compare with a translation use the official Yen Press version, not the awful scanlation.

>> No.18668277

well I got frustrated reading yotsuba and dropped it, and started reading VNs with a texthooker, It was easier to look up words that i didn't know, and eventually I started reading yotsuba again and I noticed the immense difference. don't get me wrong im still a beginner but it is inspiring to see at least a little of progress in my studies

>> No.18668303

I had a similar progression. I started with "easy" manga, got frustrated and swapped for a VN, and then after a few months of banging my head against VNs and LNs I went back and tried manga again and found it really easy by comparison.

>> No.18668316

lifes all about rollin around [in shit] till somethin feels good

>> No.18668322

You callin' me a pig?

>> No.18668326

pig human whats the difference really

>> No.18668330

I've got thumbs.

>> No.18668332

pigs don't jerk it to vore, for one

>> No.18668346

You have no proof of this.

>> No.18668349

>I started with "easy" manga
Don't confuse simple with easy.

>> No.18668416

yeah i guess you're right, i'll just stick through the suffering until it becomes better

>> No.18668434

> The rest I don't know how to read or what it means or anything
Why would you pick something without furigana as your first read?

>> No.18668581

so if I'm getting this right, they basically never misspell anything?

>> No.18668600

oh they do

>> No.18668610

teh typos ar epart of laernign th elamguaege

>> No.18668715

Because you'll have to know these words without furigana anyway. Learning words in kana and then in kanjis just leads to unnecessary waste of time in the first place.

>> No.18668776

do you know what furigana is for
hint: it's not for looking up words

>> No.18668808

If you don't know tons of words (and you will since we're talking about first reading here) then you have to learn all the words. If you're not going to read something full of furigana for your life, you better learn and practice without it.

>> No.18668832

There's literally nothing wrong with furigana. If you what color a dandelion is, you'll still be able to tell what color it is weather you can see the color. So you start off with color pictures where the yellow is right there for you. Then you switch to black and white and you can still tell it's yellow from so much exposure

Anki is all you need to drill pronunciation

>> No.18668849

are textbooks a waste of time? tae kim and endless anki + reading is how this thing is done?

>> No.18668863

tae kim is not enough for me, i like HJGP and some DoJG on the side
but otherwise yes

>> No.18668875

>how this thing is done?
What things?

>> No.18668886


>> No.18668910

>endless anki + reading
Eventually you won't need the anki!

So that's a thing.

>> No.18668917

i need some coffee, thanks for reminding me

>> No.18668944

the one I have started with does have some furigana but not on every word

And even if it does or doesn't have furigana I don't see how it changes things especially if what >>18668776 says is true (that its not for helping look up and find out meanings of words)

>> No.18669012

if you want to see what furigana are for try reading upside down

>> No.18669016

>kanji reading with 3 syllables


>> No.18669030

I like 湖, because the pronunciation for that is just 'water' and 'sea'. And in my head that's logical for a kanji meaning 'lake'.

>> No.18669038
File: 14 KB, 212x387, Screenshot_65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was looking through my RTK deck and for whatever reason some cards were skipped. Is there some way to "do" the skipped ones so they're added to the reviews later on and whatnot?

>> No.18669052

Choose the cards you wanted, Edit>Reschedule

Try that

>> No.18669060
File: 166 KB, 640x960, 1480820877707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried but it wasn't that bad even

maybe I finally know japanese

>> No.18669061


>> No.18669063

Should I stand on my head or turn the monitor around?

>> No.18669070

Why stop at three when you can go above and beyond?
古 橘 殿 柵 and more!

>> No.18669078

Thanks, I think that fixed it.

>> No.18669087

which way is upside down?

>> No.18669091

If you're for some reason using windows like me, here's a cool trick to impress your friends

Right click on desktop → Display settings/Screen Resolution → Orientation → Landscape (flipped)

>> No.18669120

I wonder what's the kanji with the longest reading.

>> No.18669121

rotated 180 degrees from normal

you made it man

>> No.18669140

The people who learn kanji don't learn readings in isolation.

>> No.18669206

All "long readings" are usually 4 character. Only 政 stands out as far as I can remember.

>> No.18669210

>usually 4 character.

>> No.18669237

More then half of them are bullshit. I can read 矣 as "だろう or であろう or のだ" if I feel like it but that doesn't mean the kanji has the readings.

>> No.18669250

im sorry dave, but I can't let you read that

>> No.18669259
File: 52 KB, 580x432, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More then half of them are bullshit
What about the other half?

Also, there's another link for 'kanji with long reading', https://soranews24.com/2017/04/20/w-t-f-japan-top-5-kanji-with-the-longest-readings-%E3%80%90weird-top-five%E3%80%91/

That one uses 大漢和辞典 as a source and claimed pic related is the longest reading a kanji have.

If unclear, it's 裋, with the reading being まつりのそなえもののおさがり. Jisho just put it as just したぎ, though.

>> No.18669279

>What about the other half?
Readings of "ancient" kanjis are hard subject since most of the things in japanese were written in 漢文 that's basically chinese and a lot of things were unpronounced (置き字). Were you say something aloud, you would have to find japanese analog or similar phrase.

>> No.18669327

「もちろん死刑だ。仲間が何人か捕まって、処刑された。この国の伝統的な死刑方法を知っているかい? 手足を縛って逆さまに吊り上げ、道路に頭から落として殺すのさ。この国では、家族も一緒に処刑される。交差点広場の公開処刑を、私は何度も見ることになった。まず仲間達の家族が落とされる。親、配偶者、子供の順に……。そんな中、仲間達が私や他の仲間を群衆から見つけて、目隠しを断って、落下するほんの刹那に何かを訴えて、そして頭蓋骨を砕かれ、首の骨を折って死んでいくのを見た。……何度も見たよ」

mined like 40 words also arent light novels for kids what the hell lol

>> No.18669416

They are indeed written for literal retards, but I guess you're even more than that

>> No.18669423

im sure your brain is very very big :-)

>> No.18669431

Maybe your brain is just very very small :DD

>> No.18669490

could be

but you misunderstood the op and are looking extremely dunning kruger to me atm so idk!!

>> No.18669522

yes キノの旅 is for kids, and you are a new born

>> No.18669625

>68.5% retention today
gonna kms

>> No.18669656

What's your all time retention

>> No.18669832
File: 192 KB, 507x507, 3472458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people get this upset about that retention
>tfw that's my average retention on a good day

>> No.18669959
File: 33 KB, 703x335, month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, I feel like a failure if my mature retention dips below 90%. That actually makes me feel better, though I haven't been adding as many words lately as I'd like.

>> No.18670077




>> No.18670146

like 78%

>> No.18670152

What do you do when you learn a brand new word to retain it so well? Is there a specific method you use to hammer it in when you learn it the first time?

>> No.18670285


The short version is that I attach visualizations to words to make retaining them easier, I don't really do "hammering in" much at all. It obviously also gets easier over time in general, the more experience you have with kanji and vocabulary the easier it becomes to recognize what previously unseen words might mean and how they're pronounced.

That's one good thing about this language, eventually you just start picking up speed and from there it's just a matter of keeping the boulder rolling.

>> No.18670289

those are the stats of someone who does not use anki properly

>> No.18670296


How so?

>> No.18670333

your stats suggest you have perfect retention when you learn words and get worse over time

this is the exact opposite direction you want to be going

>> No.18670372






>> No.18670427

>soy boy
>get cucked
>cute girls looks good in cute city.

>> No.18670467


I don't have perfect retention, but I only ever press 'Good' the first time I see new words which are the only thing Anki counts for the "Learning" statistic. That section is practically irrelevant since it doesn't really make any difference in the long run, words I legitimately fail to retain show up as 'Again' presses under "Young" instead.

As for the mature retention, obviously niche words I last saw 2 months ago or whatever are harder to remember than niche words I saw 2 days ago no matter the method. That doesn't really imply any kind of negative trend unless the retention percentage itself starts steadily dropping, which it hasn't.

>> No.18670485


>> No.18670500

Interesting, I am having kind of the opposite effect. When I was new to it I was just crushing it like most days I would do my 20 new kanji and the review and just want to keep the train going and add 20 more (I didn't but I wanted to). I did a bunch of custom studies and stuff just because I wanted to do more review because I was finding it really easy.

That worked up to maybe 1000 words, and now I'm around 1200 and I just can't keep them straight anymore. My leech cards have gone from 3 in the first 1000 to 14 after passing 1000 and there are probably more on the way. And I can just feel the retention slipping, and now I'm even getting ones wrong that I'd got right for the past 2 months. Its to the point I have to stop adding new cards every 3 days or so just in order to "catch up" and actually have any chance at retaining the new ones I just learned

My learning methods haven't even changed, I just wrote out a new word one time when I first saw it; the kanji, the hiragana pronunciation, the romaji, and the definition/meaning. I just think its become less effective now that there are so many different kanji that look way too similar on quick glance so I mix them up.

But I need to find out what's wrong. I don't want my word/kanji journey to end already, but I can't keep going like this its fucked up. If any other anons have been through that and can share what worked for them I'd love to hear it

>> No.18670504
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>> No.18670594
File: 27 KB, 469x205, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as I never drop below 50% I'll be okay, r-right?

>> No.18670656


I don't think it's so much you having the opposite experience from mine but more that you're right in the middle of the infamous hump between beginner enthusiasm and having enough experience under your belt for things to start moving increasingly smoothly. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 words is pretty much exactly where it's located, it's enough for you to have been at it for a good long while and having a lot of words to deal with, but reading is still fairly slow and difficult so it's hard to be properly exposed to the continous reinforcement you gain from it.

I kind of tailor-made my own visualization method for myself over time so I can't help you much on that front but yeah, it's a good idea to try and see if you can find more effective methods if your current one isn't working. For what it's worth, you'll probably be fine and things'll eventually get better as long as you don't let that murderous hump win.

>> No.18670808


>> No.18670869

i hate her
i hate her so much

>> No.18671049



>> No.18671176

I have very similar stats to these (my answers on "young" cards are better but "mature" ones slightly worse). And this is how it should be really. If you see a word rare you will remember it worse than cards you regularly see for a month.

>> No.18671219

First time seeing word when you read something. Second time when you add it to your deck.

>> No.18671263


>> No.18671319
File: 20 KB, 385x265, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And this is how it should be really.
well fuck

>> No.18671325

10/10 parenting

>> No.18671330
File: 22 KB, 342x236, 2018-03-23_14-53-28-sel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your stats flip you the bird it's all good.

>> No.18671446

remembering phenomimes is hard

>> No.18671458

japanese doesn't smell that bad to me

>> No.18671466

What the fuck is a phenomime? Just say onomatopoeia like a normal human fucking faggot

>> No.18671474

onomatopoeia is harder to type though

>> No.18671759

i guess if you could smell nihongo more people would have a better go about learning it since smell is the strongest sense tied to memory

>> No.18671794

Is there a good anki deck for lewd stuff or should I create a mining deck for that?

>> No.18671803

Just read porn man.

>> No.18671912

Learn radicals.

>> No.18672053
File: 1 KB, 127x109, 213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concerning kanji that have old forms that are still in heavy use - is it considered incorrect to write them by hand in the new form?

for example month radical in the kanji for 'derison':

>> No.18672086


>> No.18672116

The "new form" of the kanji doesn't officially exist, so yes it's technically incorrect to write it with the final two strokes horizontally. Nobody will care if you do, though.

>> No.18672131

Thanks! Last question: why don't they implement the new forms as fonts? That shouldn't be too difficult, so what's stopping them?

>> No.18672295

嘲 has new form?

>> No.18672513

What do you guys think of lingodeer? Any recs for something similar on android?

>> No.18672566

is there some logic to why it seems like the grammar logic of transitive and intransitive verbs gets flipped?

I see things like く often used for transitive endings then ける for intrans, but i occasionally see ones that are the opposite, with ける being "to x" and く being "to be x"

The only ones I can grab are the ones with 付く attached because its basically an added verb to create a full meaning

>> No.18672660

>is there some logic to why it seems like the grammar logic of transitive and intransitive verbs gets flipped?

>> No.18672878

It's turtles all the way down.

>> No.18672994
File: 106 KB, 385x385, 1500191759477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you come across a word in something without furigana, and you look it up in the dictionary only to find out it has multiple possible readings which all mean the same thing, how do you know which one to use?

>> No.18673019

Expand your search to include the stuff the word is being used in/modifying

>> No.18673037

Is there a difference in meaning between 落ちた and 陥った ?

>> No.18673051

>tfw I finally realise that in general, okurigana for verbs keeps second-to-last mora explicitly written for ichidan verbs and keeps only the last mora written for godan verbs, unless there's a necessity to differentiate between different verbs

>> No.18673054

its like you dont even know the kanji

>> No.18673058

Watch more anime so you have heard the word used before

>> No.18673100

you know when you gain the intuitive knowledge to recognize and discern which is gained by 経験するing nihongo therapy for a while

>> No.18673164


Do at least the bare minimum amount of research to find the answer to my question.

>> No.18673179

I look for the word in a japanese dictionary and I see example sentences. If they are absent or archaic then I don't add the reading. If they can potentially be used I write down all of them.

>> No.18673184

look it up in an epwing dictionary and see which reading has the most definitions

>> No.18673261

Try reading their dictionary entries.

>> No.18673307

ask \djt/

>> No.18673368
File: 9 KB, 300x222, 1479700981710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point in your studies did you take up your first translation project?

>> No.18673406
File: 38 KB, 400x363, 1521459201277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With around 1200 mature cards in Core and TK under my belt

>> No.18673419

Just now

This says "I understand"

N6 btw.

>> No.18673441

I've never translated anything because I wouldn't dare maculate any form of Yamato art.

>> No.18673445

my ninjas out here learning japanese specifically to translate porn

being a NEET truly is a super power

>> No.18673485

あれは1996年 when we made vhs fansub of romeos blue skies

>> No.18673513
File: 185 KB, 629x362, 1512851587641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good Medieval European style fantasy LNs? I don't care if they're isekai or not.

Alternatively, mystery-focused LNs. Can be one big mystery spanning the whole story, or individual little mysteries which form arcs.

>> No.18673546

so why do you want to read flimsy little childrens books instead of big thick hardcover books that teach you what is love

>> No.18673568

>Only girls can learn Japanese
What the fuck? It's not fair, I was born the wrong gender.

>> No.18673588

Zero no Tsukaima is fun, it takes a few volumes to get going. As for mystery, I enjoyed Bungaku Shoujo, but if you're not into literature at all it might not be as interesting or fun to you.

>> No.18673614


What does that となってこと form mean?
>In short, it's something that happens after you can buy enough time.

>> No.18673623

I'm not sure I understand how Anki is supposed to be used to learn. Just installed it today, followed the guide and went through the 20 words. I wrote down the hiragana, romanji and meaning in a notebook for all of them.

Is that it? Am I supposed to go through the new words multiple times or just the once and then again when I do the repetition the next day? I didn't remember jack shit if I'm honest. Am I supposed to be writing the words down or should I just be remembering them from looking at the card?

>> No.18673638


>> No.18673644


Anki is a learning optimization tool, it doesn't actually do the learning for you. Use whatever learning technique you deem best with it.

>> No.18673646

That's how I interpret it.

>> No.18673677

i used to say that

>> No.18673697

Sue me asshole

>> No.18673730

Acquiring vocabulary, even passive, is the most laborous part of learning any language. Anki is probably the most effective way to do it.

>> No.18673742

>see the word 人間
>do you remember the reading and the meaning?
>if yes, hit good and move on to the next word
>if yes but it took you a minute, hit hard and move on
>if no, or if you only remember either the reading or the meaning and not both, hit again
>repeat until you realize you're spending 3 hours per day on anki and you've never read any native material

>> No.18673783

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIt5CYvsYNA reading [books] is for nerds anyway

>> No.18673793

you learn by using and experiencing the language, not by looking at anki

anki helps for learning new words ahead of time and memorization, it being flash cards and all. If you expect to learn the language purely through flashcards you are in for a paintrain

>> No.18673794

Can someone translate this sentence for me?
I know the first part is, "Japan expected exemptions from the sanctions, but.." but I don't really get what 思わぬ出遅れは見通しの甘さの表れ means

>> No.18673812

Ok, I understand. Thanks.

>> No.18673822

How much did you mine from your first read lads? I've started reading a VN after about 2.2k in core and I've already got 1.5k mined from not even half of one route. It's kinda daunting.

>> No.18673829

why not try breaking it apart and showing us how you see it instead of just asking for a translation

if you cant make sense of that much of what youre trying to read then its time for you to start reading more appropriate material such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xIMV5USYY

>> No.18673842

I'm not sure about that, can anyone else chime in?

>> No.18673850

>I wrote down the hiragana, romanji and meaning in a notebook for all of them.
Why do beginners like wasting their time doing pointless shit so much?

>> No.18673862

who the fuck cares about what you think when youre saying shit like "となってこと form" lmao

the answer you got was suitable

>> No.18673869

>"I'm useless and I'd rather feel superior to random people on the internet than help people"

Clearly there's some figure of speech in there that I don't know, because the literal translation is meaningless. "Late start without thinking is the visible appearance of sweetness." 思わぬ出遅れは見通しの甘さの表れだ. Is there some kind of grammar guide you'd recommend that goes over stuff like this, because the free beginner shit you find on google real quick doesn't as far as I know.

>> No.18673887
File: 22 KB, 370x355, xcgfhrtju456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should examine 甘さ because 甘い is what you are 甘い is not how i will treat you and your 甘さ and what you think 甘さ means in that sentence are is so fucking 甘い that i want to fucking cry my ninja

>> No.18673905

it's because they think perfecting the basics will help them learn nip. Yet are afraid to actually read shit that is needed to actually learn

>> No.18673997

not that guy.. I usually just listen to it a few times and try to memorize it. surely i have to do something for vocab, what do you recommend?

>> No.18674176

>what do you recommend?
Ignore lower case posting retards.

>> No.18674209

Don't ask lowercase-kun to help you, he's just here to dunk on people and not be helpful.

>> No.18674231

~kamisama helps those who help themselves~

>> No.18674294

ii need heplp

>> No.18674300

but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oILYbmC7Aw

>> No.18674374

You're boring.

>> No.18674394

not boring enough for you to ignore : )

>> No.18674404

I enjoy making worthless people like you feel bad about their pathetic lives. Most people here just ignore you though.

>> No.18674419

LindoGeer's on Android, though. I have it. Something similar to that, with its own planned lessons arranged on its own levels, is pretty much just Duolingo. Memrise, maybe?

>> No.18674425

Because I'm a beginner and don't know what works and what doesn't? Do you think I'd pointlessly waste my time on purpose?

>> No.18674430

>epwing dictionary
This had been massively useful to my studies, I wonder why 'how to install epwing dictionaries' isn't in beginner's guides to learning Japanese.

>> No.18674443

Why is the /int/ djt so much better than this piece of shit

>> No.18674449

why are you so mad and hateful just loosen up and have a good time like everyone else : )

>> No.18674450

I don't know. Are you Nukemarine?

>> No.18674459

Go back there.

>> No.18674468

甘さ could mean 'naiveness'.
思わぬ, have you heard of ぬ being used to make something negative?

You know the first part ends with a 'but', therefore the second part has to do something negating the first part. What's the context for this sentence?

>> No.18674474

one has people collaborating in order to learn nihongo while the other is sucking the latest gaijin dick from social media and forcing themselves to read shit they have no business attempting

>> No.18674481
File: 581 KB, 1918x2432, 1513968041026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you recommend?

>> No.18674488

/int/ does collaborations? With who?

>> No.18674492

I genuinely didn't know /int/ had a /djt/.

I also didn't know what /int/ was.
