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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1862140 No.1862140 [Reply] [Original]

I shat bricks the moment I heard that fucking bgm. The whole time jessica was crying I wanted Battler to go OBJECTION. AND MY WISH WAS FUCKING FULFILLED! FUCK YEAH BATTLEEEEEEEEEEEEER

>> No.1862159

But if the key was there... THEN WHO WAS PHONE

>> No.1862317
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A witch, obviously.

>> No.1862345
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I just turned gay

>> No.1862356
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>> No.1862359

The red text gives me a hard on.

>> No.1862360
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>> No.1862363

Umineko is full of awesomeness.

>> No.1862366

It's in red so it must be true.

>> No.1862381

Only thing I dislike about Umineko is the abundance of closed room murders. Think of something else, Ryukishi07

>> No.1862390

God I am such a Slowpoke.

>> No.1862539


>> No.1862778
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>> No.1862799

Looks like he stopped hugging his knees

>> No.1862884
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So how did she help you during the second game?

>> No.1862917
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battleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer you lucky cunt

>> No.1862924

Battler's harem of witches which he doesn't acknowledge they exist.

>> No.1862930 [SPOILER] 
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Look at this and see.

>> No.1862940
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oh takano you lovable fuck

>> No.1862944
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>> No.1862947
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>> No.1862972

Awww, so tsun-tsun

>> No.1862976

>So how did she help you during the second game?

>> No.1862978
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>> No.1863429

Say mii again, Rika! Say mii again!

>> No.1863452

She gave him the courage and willpower to keep fighting Beato. Which is what causes the events in episode 2's tea party.

>> No.1863571


But Beatrice said that she noticed Bernkastel helping Battler during the main story. Bern gave did the moe encouragement after Beatrice told her to quit hiding the fact that she was helping him.

>> No.1863614

Don't know then. The only possibility I can think of is that Bern was somehow involved in the First Twilight locked room mystery. It's the only time Battler was actually winning during that episode.

>> No.1863788
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I'm a normalfag whom /jp/ helped get this the other day. Currently going through the first chapter, right after the discovery of the first victims. So far:

-Maria doesn't really work for me for said moe level though. She can go uuuu all she want.
-How do I shot screens with ONScripter? Looks like there's suppsoed to be a key for it, right?

>> No.1863851
File: 227 KB, 720x804, 1231000191410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patch for episode 1 where?

>> No.1863862

Witchhunt Umineko

>> No.1863866


Also has patches for Episode 2 and half of 3.

>> No.1863881

Baka Tsuki removed their scripts

>> No.1863924

Don't forget the patches and disks also contain the previous episodes, ie you just have to get episode 3 and the v3 patch and you're all set.

>> No.1863936

scripts but not patches. They merely prevent you from reading the plot instead without going through the VN

>> No.1863960

Do you think Bern would get mad if I pulled her tail?

>> No.1863976

I dont need to download episode 1 and 2? Fuck yeah!

>> No.1864212
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>> No.1865996

normalfag continued: finished the first episode and all attached stuff. Good stuff! definitely glad I listened to anon on that one

I suppose I need to get through the other translated stuff before hazarding guesses but theories are dancing in my head...

Battler's still the cutest cast member so far.

>> No.1866012

Maria is not supposed to be moe.
If you want moe, look at middle-aged woman moe Natsuhi or Kanon.

>> No.1866020

>I suppose I need to get through the other translated stuff before hazarding guesses but theories are dancing in my head...

Don't torture yourself trying to figure out what's going on, you'll only get sucker-punched in the later episodes as things get increasingly weirder. Just enjoy the ride.

>> No.1866038

I just finished Episode 2 as well. This shit is fucking amazing. The ending scene of Episode 2 (after the credits ended) was touching.

>> No.1866041

Well, I'm eager to see how things will evolve. Some bits seem relatively easy to explain so far (most notably the first six and Natsuhi's murder) but I guess that'll get twisted along the ride.

>> No.1866047

The untranslated stuff too. Episode 4 fucks with a lot of shit taken for granted in the first three episodes.

>> No.1866046

am i the only one that has a huge crush on kyrie? also, full translation patch for ep. 3 where?

>> No.1866065

Yeah, thought she was awesome too. No complete patch for 3 yet, still two sections left to translate.

Yeah sure, but since I can't read moonspeak I have to stick with the translation :/

>> No.1866157
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 1231030211749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want moe, look at middle-aged woman moe Natsuhi...


>> No.1866159

I read that as


>> No.1866176

She'll be revealed to be a witch in the answer arcs and her power will come from the level of headache she has, like Psyduck.

>> No.1866177


>> No.1866181

That's because that is what it says

>> No.1866186



>> No.1866222

Anon should not wear goggles, they do nothing and prevent him from noting small differences, apparently.

>> No.1866245

>(most notably the first six and Natsuhi's murder)
Well, Eva and her husband's murders are massively iffy too in episode 1 too. The mention that the chain wasn't resistant at all when cut when previously it had prevented the door from being opened, the act the corpses can't be seen from outside and the suddenly appearing symbol make me think there's two different rooms involved.

>> No.1866358

>the act the corpses can't be seen from outside and the suddenly appearing symbol make me think there's two different rooms involved.
Technically there are, the bedroom and the private bathroom connected to the bedroom, however the only way to get access to either is through the main door so they still function as one big closed room

>> No.1866387

No, I mean two rooms as in two bedroom-bathroom combos. You lock an empty one with the chain and exit through the window, that's the one that's first checked and discovered to be locked. Then when Kanon comes back with the pliers he actually is at a second room in the same hallway, with the symbol painted on its already partly opened door, and doesn't even try to push the door open before cutting a chain that may actually have been tampered with and not actually be locking the door. Once said chain has been cut open no one will question its reliability (they'll be too busy looking at the victims), when in fact the real locking chain was on another door. Using two rooms is a classic closed room mystery ploy. The only tricky bit is leading people to different doors on the two trips. It can be pulled off in several ways. For example the victims can be in the "wrong" room compared to what the servants think them to be in, but then on the second trip they'll naturally stop at the already partly opened door with the weird extremely noticeable symbol. Or if you're one of the servants you can check the wrong room the first time and if you're convincing enough the other one won't realize you haven't stopped at the right door.

>> No.1866544


>> No.1866569

>do nothing and prevent him from noting small differences

sure is trying to use a meme at all costs in here
