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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1861133 No.1861133 [Reply] [Original]

Superior Japanese culture and technology:

First, they started copying from the Chinese.
Then, they started copying from the Dutch.
Now, they are copying from the Americans.

>> No.1861137

You mean from the Corean

>> No.1861145

Everybody copies, western europe is a huge copy orgy and America is the bastard child. The difference is that some countries do it better than others.

>> No.1861149

You're copying /b/ trolls from many months ago that never worked in the first place.

It's like you're really Japanese.

>> No.1861155

>Everything in human history, knowledge, and tradition is an accumulation of everything built and learned by past generations inherited by future generations.


>> No.1861163
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The best of all three worlds, indeed.

Enjoy your black market. Or your Turk immigrants. Or your everything aside from a somewhat decent army.

>> No.1861179

Mimicry is the purest form of admiration.

>> No.1861181

Was there an invisible "oh I just realised that" in front of my sentence or are you just stupid? or a troll

>> No.1861189
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>> No.1861195

Some notable inventions made by different peoples:

The Chinese:
- Gunpowder
- Compass
- Paper

The Dutch:
- Microscope
- Submarine
- Pendulum clock

The Americans:
- Aircrafts
- Internet

>> No.1861384

The Chinese:
- Gunpowder
- Compass
- Paper

The Dutch:
- Microscope
- Submarine
- Pendulum clock

The Americans:
- Aircrafts
- Internet
- Nuclear weapons

>> No.1861398


worse than nuclear weapons..

>> No.1861408


Seriously, though. Who cares who copied what as long as the ending product is better.

>> No.1861413


should nuke them again

>> No.1861414



>> No.1861424

You forgot Printing for China

The invention that made learning affordable for poor people aka most of history's greatest scientists and scholars

>> No.1861436
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>> No.1861440

The only thing on top of my head that I can give Japan credit for is knowing how to use a toilet properly instead of throwing their feces out in the street. Even if the Egyptians thought of that already.

>> No.1861441


>The Americans:
>- Aircrafts

You have forgotten that even a blimp can be considered an aircraft, which wasn't by any mean an American invention. And even ignoring that, heavier-than-air light was a dream all of humanity had been pursuing since time immemorial, thus the Wright brothers just cobbled together what others had been postulating for centuries and made a machine out of it.

>- Internet


>- Nuclear weapons

LOL no. USA just provided the funds and facilities to help bring the Manhattan project to fruition just in time to use the bomb before the war would end, but the minds behind it are almost entirely German, Italian, Hungarian and British.

>> No.1861452



>> No.1861447

Too bad they later on developed poor learning institutions...

>> No.1861450

By Americans, we just mean second hand Europeans, and not Native Americans, right?
What have the Injuns invented?

>> No.1861449

1. Okay then, the airplane, how about that?
2. Probably true
3. But America was the ones that brought them together, so technically, they are 'credited' with making the first atom bomb.

>> No.1861458

Huh, who cares

It benefited Europe greatly when it was brought over

>> No.1861459


>what others had been postulating for centuries
Yeah other nations couldn't do jack but only postulate for hundreds of years

wtf? The first nodes were built in US, and the internet of the modern world is basically cords running from US to all nations. Just recently the cord running to middle east got cut accidentally and they have been out of internet.

>> No.1861460

Surprisingly plenty.

>> No.1861462


And I'm not sure what you mean by poor learning institutions. Most early institutions in the world were the same, then it's just a matter of who started industrialization first

>> No.1861464

They invented the concept of lolcow and butthurt.

>> No.1861471

Referring to recent institutions.

>> No.1861477
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WHO GIVES A SHIT WHO INVENTED WHAT. Welcome to globalism, faggots; enjoy your stay!

>> No.1861479

HAHA, OH WOW. Anyway, legit troll thread is legit, I hope a dog rapes OP tonight.

>> No.1861495

Japan made the most important invention in the history of mankind: The Fappable Cartoon.

I'm not really joking!

>> No.1861499

Also, the eroge.

>> No.1861522

Well, the thing with Japan is that while they have extremely strong tradition and culture on their own due their isolationist position in between west and east they are forced to constantly interpret foreign influence in order to keep up with the development. Which is not really such negative thing.

Then again, the Americanisation of Japanese culture is really the biggest treachery of all. USA does even not have a culture in it's full sense and even if it has in terms of some feeble argument, it's still multicultural waste of nothingness. Most of those "weird" things that you guy consider as an oddity in Japan are the exact result of what happens when relatively conservationist-minded eastern monoculture violently collides with western multicultural mutation like USA.

>> No.1861526

America invented the internet

>> No.1861532


>> No.1861557

hey poster >>1861522 you're not incorrect, but the Japanese are still fairly racist. They think their culture is the greatest and no foreigner could possibly understand it. But it's really silly to think this way.

>> No.1861559

lolyes, internet was invented purely by America, there is no debate around it

>> No.1861562
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sup nig

>> No.1861571

"The Internet began as a computer network of ARPA (ARPAnet) that linked computer networks at several universities and research laboratories in the United States. The World Wide Web was developed in 1989 by English computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)."

Ehh, started by US, worked on with its idea by several nations

>> No.1861576

The Japanese:
- Tea ceremony
- Robotics
- Samurais
- Kamikaze
- death or defeat(they choose to die rather than a humiliating defeat
- papercraft
- Anime and Manga

>> No.1861583


I'll give you 1/10 for that

>> No.1861594

>Well, the thing with Japan is that while they have extremely strong tradition and culture on their own

You mean China v.1.2 ?

Yea, strong culture of their own indeed....

>> No.1861597

In b4 technicality debate.

>> No.1861598

Americans invented the Vidya.

>> No.1861654

I'd say that for a person that was born outside of such monoculture does lack the ability to understand that culture by default. This may seem strange to americans since when you're from a multiculture and get introduced to monoculture, whether it's totally foreign as Japan or a bit more familiar western European culture, you are an outsider no matter what.

US has no outsiders in that sense since multiculture is not in unison but rather multiple cultures more or less awkwardly co-existing under same society. It's not really even a culture in same sense as monoculture but more of a fabricated dialogue in between forcefully and random mixbred cultural memes from all over the world. Or course the point of the Usanian ideal is to uphold some sort of unity manufacture by the educational system, which is sort of hilarious double standardic effort since you have to actively to delude yourself to see some sort of unification in almost anywhere in that country. Thus they grow up pretty deluded and stupid. Anything goes.

>> No.1861666

More like 3.0. The nidas are 2.0.

>> No.1861677

Some notable inventions made by different peoples:

The Koreans:

>> No.1861688
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>> No.1861821

I like how Tibet is graciously granted independence.

>> No.1861844


A troll response like that is a little too long. Shorten it a bit.

>> No.1861854

>multiculturalism doesn't work


>> No.1861853

>multiculturalism doesn't work with the education system

>> No.1861856



>> No.1861870


Also responsible for reviving the entire videogame industry. Japan doesn't just "lolcopy" it "goes on to improve, shrink, and make reliable.

>> No.1861970

Nice summarisation. Where on earth you got that from?

The point is simply that US education system is primarily designed to manufacture "americans" out of people who live in the states and not so much of to promote quality education. Which is a ridiculous idea since the whole US citizenship is practically a mythological nationalist concept in terms of actual real-life scrutinising of any part of that doggone society. The whole social dilemma that multiculturalism presents is being whiped under the carped and false comformity is established on forcefully manufactured ideal. For the people living in such society, if that does not promote delusional double-standard morality, I don't know what will.

>> No.1862361

ROFL this is too easy????

What do you think about americans XD XD

>> No.1862408
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>> No.1862420

Meh, I'm Chinese and I think it's fine
At least they know what's good for them, refusing to take knowledge from other cultures tends to lead to a dead end for civilizations

>> No.1862421

Is this thread still here?

>> No.1862432

yeah, says the chinese, world-renown industrial spies. every fucking week a new chink is caught stealing military and industrial secrets from america. chinese are the only thing worst than a jap

>> No.1862447

hell, that's not our fault anyone would do it
blame your own pussy government for not cracking down on it, demonizing it in the media, or doing better background checks in immigration/hiring

>> No.1862448


>> No.1862461
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>> No.1862495


??? dont get it

>> No.1862518

lol, that is hilarious

>> No.1862524


>> No.1862527



>> No.1862529

The Chinese:
- Gunpowder
- Compass
- Paper

The Dutch:
- Microscope
- Submarine
- Pendulum clock

The Americans:
- Aircrafts
- Internet
- Nuclear weapons

>> No.1864449


China invented a lot of shit (hell, even the assembly line) then didn't use it effectively and forgot about it because they're stupid.

Japan imported ideas and then perfected them.

In the western world, America did the same thing, and it made us succeed. Intellectual property gives a country a good head start whether it's stolen or earned.

this is the only thing that is making zhina competitive now
