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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1859018 No.1859018 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, this shit again.

>> No.1859031

>Neutral Good
>Chaotic Evil

I've got some bad news for you...

>> No.1859036

i have no opinion either way

>> No.1859037


>> No.1859040

>Chaotic Evil
You didn't even put any thought into this, did you?

>> No.1859045

>Lawful Evil


>> No.1859046

You seem like you don't really know the DnD alignment system all that well, and are simply guessing from what it sounds like.

>> No.1859055

You don't know shit about alignment, do you.

>> No.1859056
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superior alignment

>> No.1859064
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superior alignment

>> No.1859066

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.1859068

Hitler is pretty moe.

>> No.1859071

Chaotic and Lawful describe weather the person would actively insure they keep all their promises, or regard them as irrelevant. Since most characters don't really adhere to either way, they'd be a column down the center.

How is berzerker evil, he's insane. If he had enough brain-cells to make a decision that might mean something.

On that note how exactly is Archer TN, the guy's spending eternity protecting the world, doesn't that mean just a little bit?

>> No.1859076

As a certified Meteorologist, I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1859079

No. you fucked it up.

>> No.1859081


Stopped reading here. It's almost like you're TRYING to discredit yourself

>> No.1859082

You also have to look at the reasoning why Archer is protecting the world however.

>> No.1859084

>Chaotic Evil

>> No.1859091

I'll just get this out of the way now:
>Pretty much the entire chart
>It's incorrect

>> No.1859112

... It's shit.

>> No.1859223


Where is True assasin?

Also Archer(Gillgamesh had the allingment Chaotic good.) Though I must say that when I figured his goal out I thougth chaotic evil as well.
Also is there anyone who has figured out what Lancer would wish if he won?
Im also wondering why Ilya is fighting? As she will just progress deeper into insanity as the war progresses, ending up like a vegetable at the end. The Einzberns must have had a goal.

>> No.1859233
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why was she fighting? her family wanted him and his family dead for what he did to the einzbern. and to finally win the grail for them after generations of failure

>> No.1859234


Lancer just wanted to fight strong guys, didn't have any wish.

Einzeberns just wanted to win, didn't care about succesfully doing that Third Magic/whatever crap the war was supposed to do in the first place.

>> No.1859244


Thanks. Must say I liked Lancer in UBW, and Fate. I liked Ilya's death in UBW. Really fitting, instead of hanging around as an annoying girl at ones house, as you mention she wanted to kill Shirou.

>> No.1859258
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its not like she wanted to kill shirou, it was what she was raised to do. What she wanted was find out more about the family she never knew.

>> No.1859263

How the fuck is Shirou not Lawful? Maybe HF Shirou since he abandons his ideals, but 2/3 holds the majority.

>> No.1859292


Gil is Chaotic Good in the sense that he believes
Good = All Mongrels, Women, and Children grounded under his Rule and Heel. He honestly thinks that everyone being lorded by him is the best for mankind, which is why he's disgusted with the current world and wants Angya Mayu to burn everything and leave the best as his subjects. Oh, and having a Saibah Waifu.


Einzberns don't have any real wish, they just feel that they own the Miracle of the Holy Grail, and like a baby who's had his rattle taken away despite not paying it any attention, they want it back.

>> No.1859296


In whatever route he's prepared to do the same things Kiritsugu and Archer did in their lifetimes. Well, initially in HF.

Unless you consider killing people to save others lawful, I'd say that's pretty neutral good.

>> No.1859304
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>> No.1859317
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>> No.1859356
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You got the tsukihime characters way off.

>> No.1859363

who is the girl in the middle of bottom line?

>> No.1859365

Chaotic evil Kohaku..wat?

>> No.1859366

she almost seems recognizable, but i've got no clue

>> No.1859367



>> No.1859369


>> No.1859370
File: 136 KB, 450x450, 1230898296005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is ORT!

>> No.1859372

You're supposed to put Arihiko in the middle.

>> No.1859373


Considering all of Tsukihime is set up by her...

>> No.1859374

i don't see the MANLY BADASS alignment there

>> No.1859375

chaotic sad

>> No.1859379

just as planned = lawful

>> No.1859381


BS. She wildly variates on what she does too.

>> No.1859382

Why does Ciel have her "I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU" face on?

>> No.1859385
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chaotic rage

>> No.1859393

Flip Akiha and Arc and you got it.

>> No.1859394


Akiha is chaotic? Did I just get trolled or are you really that stupid?

>> No.1859396
File: 72 KB, 450x671, 1230899397022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say loli Altrouge?

>> No.1859398
File: 59 KB, 554x709, 1230899419754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes you're god damn right somebody said loli Altrouge.

>> No.1859400
File: 57 KB, 600x424, 1230899470004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure would be nice if there were more Altrouge out there.

Someday, Tsukihime 2, someday.

>> No.1859402
File: 76 KB, 760x480, 1230899487543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior rapeface.

>> No.1859406

/r/ transformed Alt art that is not total crap

>> No.1859413

There is precious little Altrouge fanart, and the older Altrouge stuff mostly looks like trash. Danbooru it if you want it, I haven't seen anything else.

>> No.1859417
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>> No.1859440

As someone who would consider his own place at true neutral, I am please with archers position.

>> No.1859446


...If you know what I mean.

>> No.1859453
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Pixiv should have something

/r/ kanji

>> No.1859456

Kohaku is Lawful Evil.

>> No.1859458
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>> No.1859460

still no official design?
Beenig an Altrouge fag must be hard

>> No.1859462

Yeah, if I had her moonrune'd name I'd check pixiv.

>> No.1859474

>Being an elitist faggot who fawns over characters who are mentioned once or twice to be edgy and alternative must be hard

fixed for accuracy

>> No.1859478

too be fair the little information they have is interesting

some sort of unknown godhax to outhax arc
she is also the boss troll of the vapires

>> No.1859503
File: 96 KB, 714x1200, 1230901558882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this.

>> No.1859515
File: 97 KB, 504x667, 1230901681914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnd this. Never seen it posted anywhere else, so I'll upload for anyone else's benefit.

>> No.1859524

oh god Primate Murder is hot.

The loli is fine too!

>> No.1859526

I have an idea. If you guys complain about these fucking alignment charts so much why doesn't one of you just fix them?

>> No.1859528
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 1230901998403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfft. Primate Murder will look something like this

>> No.1859529
File: 43 KB, 300x452, 1230902024090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would take effort

>> No.1859532

pfft. Primate Murder will look like this

complaining is more fun

>> No.1859534

If somebody would post a list of alignments that was agreed on by the general population of /jp/ I'd make one.

But then every time it was posted it would only end up being trolled.

>> No.1859550

/r/ this site with artworks of all DAs

>> No.1859559

You know, we could use one of those poll sites and give every character a poll with each alignment as an option, and we could let people vote and decide by the majority. In fact, I'll do it right now if someone compiles a list of characters who should be included.

>> No.1859566


>> No.1859604

Kohaku is Lawful Neutral. Lawful because she wordlessly obeys her master, Tohno Makihisa-sama, and neutral because she stopped caring about the things he does to her.

>> No.1859611

alignment doesn't work like that

>> No.1859628

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to let random people vote. We'd take it down long before anyone other than /jp/ would notice it.

>> No.1859630

Would you care about alignment when there's a loli synchronizer next to you?

>> No.1859647

Assassin is lawful neutral, not chaotic, at least in Fate/UBW routes. He always fights with honor and fulfills his duty of protecting that gate.

>> No.1860797

The majority of the Servants in the war didn't have a wish. Gilgamesh didn't have a wish until he was covered in ichor from the Grail (then he wanted to burn humanity). Lancer and Assassin wanted a good fight, Saber wanted to make like R. Kelly and turn back the hands of time, True Assassin wanted an identity time would never forget, Caster found love, and Archer wanted to kill himself version 1.0. Every other Servant was fighting strictly for the sake of their beliefs or their Master.

Alignment is Neutral Evil. No honor in baiting a witch and having a hardon for Saber's sword. Nasu agreed. Don't bother him about it.

>> No.1860798

Is anon done with the poll yet?

>> No.1860804

>>Chaotic Neutral

Alignment does not work that way.

>> No.1860826

Not a full list, but:

Wallachia is Neutral Evil. He exists for himself but follows the guidelines set by others according to the fears they embody him with. He obeys the rules of his own existence and doesn't attempt to subvert them.

Nanaya Shiki is Chaotic Evil. He kills everyone and everything he chooses to. He obeys no one. Put in his own terms, he is just something that "kills whoever summons him." And he enjoys it.

Gilgamesh is Chaotic Neutral. He just does whatever he wants to, but he understands good and evil. He just thinks the entire world is an evil thing in need of being abolished. If anything, he rejects un-virtuous people, but doesn't necessarily reward virtuous people. He's Social Darwinism and Inherent Nobility's love child.

Illya isn't evil. Just never really taught what it means to have human emotions correctly.

Berserker is definitely not evil. He's motherfucking Hercules. The only reason he does what he does is to protect his loli. That's Good, motherfucker.

Sion is True Neutral. She has no internal conscience or compass. She is basically the sum of whatever she brings in. Even after meeting Shiki, the only thing she wants is to remain as is Sion Eltnam Atlasia, without becoming a vampire and giving into needless emotion.

>> No.1860827

D&D alignment system. Anybody can be anything. Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense to you, it still makes more sense than the Alignment system in agregate.

>> No.1860853

Good = Help people
Neutral = Don't give a fuck
Evil = Fuck people over for more power

Lawful = The dice landed on a 1 because it landed on a fucking 1 and you just need to deal with it
Neutral = Don't give a fuck
Chaotic = The dice landed on a 1 because that's how I loaded it

>> No.1860868

Works for me. Doesn't necessarily invalidate anything so far.

>> No.1860870
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>> No.1860872

Wouldn't chaotic rather be the dice landed on a one so I'll flip the table and set it on fire to make it land on another side ?

>> No.1860873

Paladins are pricks, but they're defined as being Lawful Good.

How do you defend?

>> No.1860874


They're only pricks to pricks.

If you're a nice person, they're nice people too.

>> No.1860875

What you describe is more Chaotic Evil, but yes, that's the chaotic side of evil.

Paladins are not Lawful Good, they're Lawful Anal.

>> No.1860876

Pretty much. Y-axis I've also seen being selfish and non-selfish the 1 time I went to /tg/.

>> No.1860889

>It more or less comes down to this. But people like to argue.

>> No.1860892

>Paladins are not Lawful Good, they're Lawful Anal.

I will accept this.

>> No.1860899

Common description. Good: you put others above yourself in most respects (exceptions for life and death for most, except paladins). Evil: you put yourself before others, if you consider others at all.

The Law-Chaos axis kinda revolves around your good-evil alignment. What I mean by this is that Lawful Good, since you value others' feelings and priorities, means that you follow the laws of society. Lawful Evil, since you may not give half a shit about others, means you follow your own laws, but you have to have some structure.

>> No.1860901

Gilgamesh = Chaotic Good

>> No.1860903
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I offer a compromise.

>> No.1860915

I can't make sense of that diagram.

>> No.1860919


| Good/Evil

---- Law/Chaos

>> No.1860925

Wow that's not helping.

Look at it as if it were three dimensions.

>> No.1860947

It's an R-Type ripple shot.

>> No.1860950

Can't it be said that lawful-chaotic regards whether you follow a certain structure? Lawful follows the structure of their church or whatever, neutral follows the basic structure of human behavior, and evil follows the structure they or their organization has made up?

>> No.1860958


R-Type had ripple shots?

>> No.1860960
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>> No.1860978
File: 24 KB, 500x400, 1230929277566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I missed something.

>> No.1860979

Okay you're mixing things up here. First you talk about Law-Chaos, then you talk about Law-Evil?

But it sounds like you're just repeating what I said. Good characters, having vested interest in others, follow the laws of others (society, church, whatever). Evil characters follow either their own laws, or whatever laws are forced upon them. Neutral characters follow balanced laws that don't favor any one side, which are usually considered natural laws or laws of the "universe".

>> No.1860993

I messed up there, said lawful instead of good. And I wasn't really saying much different, just trying to say that "structure" is the keyword in all cases.

>> No.1860999

now i can see it. thank you.

>> No.1861003

Well, sure, but players are much more likely to leave structure out of a supposedly LE character than from a LG. It's obvious when you don't have enough structure in the LG, since you would be breaking some law, order, or promise. LE though, is more of having to start the game with a defined set of personal rules that you won't break.

>> No.1861025

LE characters have organizations. A thief wouldn't be able to break the laws of his guild, even if he was evil, lest he suffer for it.

"Lawfulness" on the side of evil is obedience to hierarchy and the desire to avoid being brutalized by your superiors.

>> No.1861040

I was defining these personal rules as structure, structure doesn't really have to come from a third party.

>> No.1861106

Not always the case. Well, chaotic characters can benefit from guild membership as well, mind you, and they'll follow the rules because they know what happens if they don't. Following the rules for them is more about protecting their own hide than anything else, though. And, on the flip side of the same coin, not all LE characters are in an organization of some sort. They could just have a personal code that they strictly follow.

>> No.1861118


how the fuck is caren Lawful good, she is a fucking sadist.

>> No.1861176

When I saw OP's pic I thought this was going to be a 'similarities' diagram. I was sadly disappointed.

I mean, Saber may be a fusion of Hisui and Arcuied. But she's nothing like Ciel.

>> No.1861207

No. If you flip the table over and set it on fire, all the other players are going to want to get rid of you and you can't cheat the system if you're dead.

>> No.1861215

You technically win the game if you kill your opponents.

It's called a forfeiture by mortality.

>> No.1861219

Quoting a fellow faggot: 'Lawful Good isn't Lawful Stupid'
