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1857687 No.1857687 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I wanna get into touhou and I don't which game in the series I should start from. So which game is the entry game for the series?

>> No.1857689


>> No.1857692

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

>> No.1857693


>> No.1857696


>> No.1857704

So which one?

>> No.1857705

Whatever you want it doesn't matter. Also sage for Cirno image aka another soon to be terrible /jp/ poster

>> No.1857709

The Highly Responsive to Prayers

>> No.1857716

So I can jump into any of hem without having to worry about the story line? Also I don't know who cirno is I just randomly chose an image from my touhou folder..

>> No.1857721

>story line?
It's non-essential. You're playing these games for the gameplay elements.

>> No.1857720

>story line


>> No.1857725
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>I don't know who cirno is

>> No.1857732


Perfect Cherry Blossom or Imperishable Night. Either works.

>> No.1857742

>Either works
I cant find this game, do you have an /rs/ download link of this?

>> No.1857748

>I wanna get into touhou
>my touhou folder..
>the story line


>> No.1857750

>I cant find this game,
>do you have an /rs/ download link of this?
Have you tried /rs/?

>> No.1857760

Yeah, already downloaded PCB and IN from /rs/ but haven't found EW yet.

>> No.1857766


I found a demo version but I'm still looking for the full as well... Help me /jp/!

>> No.1857777



All games + some others,

>> No.1857796

Perfect Cherry Blossom or Imperishable Night. I prefer Perfect Cherry Blossom because the artwork is better and the music is pretty kick ass.

>> No.1857814

Start with the easiest, LLS

>> No.1857818

This thread is actually a good sign. It means that the flood of newfags generated by the Touhou anime actually intend to play the games significantly rather than bolster than already too-large ranks of secondary fans who can't beat them on EASY MODO.

>> No.1857846

He already has a "touhou folder" and has yet to play anything / even not know who Cirno is somehow. Just as big of a fag.

>> No.1857852

Doesn't really matter, as long as you start with something from the PC era.
Also, never go Easy Mode. Ever. It softens you.

>> No.1857855

hm, never noticed that before but you might be right. Now maybe this will get ZUN's ass in gear to make his loyal, yet retarded, subjects happy with a new game. It would be good timing to draw all the people who watched the anime but never played a game before.

>> No.1857860

OP here: I upload a lot of pictures from Pixiv to danbooru, so occasionally I upload Touhou pics from pixiv to danbooru. But for the life of me I can't remember all their names off the top of my head.

Thanks to all the other guys who answered my question and thanks to the guy who posted the link.

>> No.1857878

You only need to remember the important ones and that varies hugely from person to person

>> No.1857880

EOSD should be the first game you play

It will give you an appeciation of the changes that PCB and IN made

>> No.1857887
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Another new game already? Because it isn't as if we have enough denizens of Gensokyo already...

>> No.1857892

And make you less reliant on a visible hitbox.

>> No.1857893
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<-----------This is all you need to know

>> No.1857907


As if playing second-rate shooters makes you less of a retard.

>> No.1857908

I'd say Imperishable Night, if you don't want to have to configure your computer for Japanese non-Unicode programs (since it's easiest, though I suggest you be a man and at least play on Normal mode). Oh, and since there's a damn good chance you can't read a lick of Moonspeak, English patch at:

>> No.1857914

I'd actually like to see old characters as new final stage bosses. I know ZUN's head is a never ending waterfall of little girls but still....

>> No.1857915
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>> No.1857920

EoSD, definitely. After you've played EoSD to death, play PCB.

If you start with PCB, you'll never be able to play EoSD well.

>> No.1857927

At this point for the people have been playing these from the start needed to know moonlanguage is almost unnecessary. Though it's kinda odd, with the popularity you'd think all the games would have a eng patch.

>> No.1857929


>> No.1857933


Everything's translated, the lack of a patch is because the guy who used to do the hacking stopped doing it and 4chan is a bunch of lazy incompetent NEETs who can't make a patch even if all the translation has already been done for them.

>> No.1857945

Yeah I know all the script is there in eng but half the time you're reading after the fact. Eng patches are just nice but not necessary by any means.

>> No.1857947
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>> No.1857960

I lold quite heartily.

>> No.1858198

I played EoSD first and yeah, I did appreciate the changes ZUN made in the later games. I still really like EoSD though.

Still need to check out the earlier games...

>> No.1858272

...two Reimus?

Time paradox?

>> No.1858303


and two alice's
and two marisa's

>> No.1858314

Is that loli Alice?

>> No.1858329

and loli marisa
and loli reimu

>> No.1858335
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>> No.1858337

Don't forget the RAN RAN RUUUUUU~~~!!

>> No.1858377


>> No.1858403


I'm pretty sure Subterreanean Animism sold way more copies than the Maikaze doujin. People on /jp/ have been blowing it way out of proportion.

>> No.1858468

Which one is the zombie?

>> No.1858488


in Mountain of Faith, ZUN introduced a rather yellower skin-tone for his protagonists.
