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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1857256 No.1857256 [Reply] [Original]

: O

Train Man was quite good. Is there an american chan board that actually would care like the people in the series/movie did?

>> No.1857260


>> No.1857259


>> No.1857264
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>> No.1857317

There are threads around from time to time which would make you think that 4chan was such a board.

Nothing but an illusion, though, I'd guess.

>> No.1857329

Sadly true.

>> No.1858092


>> No.1858255


>> No.1858264

sometimes people on here are a little better...just gotta be at the right times, and the topic actually has to be good.
Nobody will ever believe it if something like Densha happened here though. You'd need a lot of proof for it to catch on

>> No.1858280

people always rage when people try to share personal information

and also are extremely suspicious.

>> No.1858293

Because /jp/ is not their blog and it's possible that they made shit up to troll.

>> No.1858302

Nurse-kun happened, and that was on /b/ of all places. It's certainly possible, but getting the right circumstances all together would be exceedingly rare.

>> No.1858313

i think part of it is getting something that the readers can actually either identify with, or take some interest in.
It has to be completely out there, and yet believable. Something that enough people will keep the thread alive in relation to the sages and the hate.
It shouldnt make people mad, but rather arouse their curiosity and perhaps want more.

It almost sounds like becoming a good troll

>> No.1858333

This board is predominately American.

Can you even begin to imagine Americans ever caring about anything beyond themselves? The idea makes me laugh out loud like never before!

Take a hike, kid.

>> No.1858344

It's a rare phenomenon for such a thread to exist. One time an anon tried convincing another to not become an hero.

>> No.1858358

It's NOT Train Man, it's Densha Otoko.


Got it memorized?

>> No.1858359

Well it has to involve a love story, and for a place like 4chan you will probably need a loli too. You can see where I'm going with this.

Nurse-kun was successful because he had a love story of sorts, a loli with damanged goods moe and he was a good writer on top of that

>> No.1858363

The Train Man phenomenon happened in a board filled with self-defeatist hikkis, NEETs, and soulless lurkers with no individuality. How is 4chan any better?

>> No.1858372

just because they're hikki's and NEETs doesn't mean that they're like 4chan.
As >>1857260 has shown, there are english boards of the same nature in which they actually have discussions.

>> No.1858382

>Train Man

It'd Densha Otoko retard.

fuck sage

>> No.1858386

Not seeing any difference there.

>> No.1858393

>>It'd Densha Otoko retard.

Don't you mean baka?

fuck sage (and that's from sa-GAY-ru, faggot)

>> No.1858412

Train man posted on "single men", which is basically a giant 2ch Ronery Board. So you have to realise that the default thread on that board is a ronery thread.

>> No.1858420

hmm browsing /r9k/ i see some threads of people helping and occasionally people do offer advice and stuff, but the majority in other boards is...
"not your blog"

>> No.1858424

I'm sorry your both wrong its 電車男

>> No.1858431
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>browsing /r9k/

Also sage for >>1858412
Because he's insisting in saying Train Man.

>> No.1858456

/jp/ is an English speaking board. Find me an English dictionary that uses "densha" and "otoko" in it.

>> No.1858460
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I never watched any of the shitty adaptations but the original posts are great. Someone has kindly taken the time to translate them, and I will post the link since they're far more interesting than the silly dramas that they spawned.


The threads are nice because they're fresh and unspoiled, before the trainman phenomenon Akihabara was unpolluted with normalfags and Otaku were losers and pariah instead of national clowns. At this time, not so long ago in 2004, negis were rightfully assosciated with ME, the OStans were a bright, emerging phenomenon, as was Touhou and Typemoon, /b/ was goo- well, probably better, and 4chan barely had a few million posts.


ah well, times change.

>> No.1858513
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>negis were rightfully assosciated with ME, the OStans were a bright, emerging phenomenon

Memories... ;_;

>> No.1858562
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Back when This was still an in-joke and Type-moon had only recently sold-out.

>> No.1858563
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>> No.1858570
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>> No.1858587
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I never thought I'd ever come to hate miku.

That fucking whore.

>> No.1858613


>> No.1858638

Ahh, to be underageb& on the internet once more ;_;

>> No.1858651
File: 201 KB, 1280x1024, 1230880288084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Anon, you and your trolling!

You're trolling, right? Right? ;_;

>> No.1858664

Don't worry. I just looked it up in Wikipedia. Cool stuff

>> No.1858672
File: 430 KB, 817x1500, 1230880764548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost contact with the OS-tan fandom for some time. What happened to Vista-tan?

Originally a silver-haired girl with a red seifuku seemed as the official design, but some months ago I found some pics of this one. I like this one better, seems more related, but I still wonder which one is the "official" one.

>> No.1858715

Oh god green haired Vista is hot. Seriously the other one sucks.

>> No.1858743
File: 311 KB, 665x932, 1230882072667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1858766
File: 134 KB, 600x446, 1230882366217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for the DRILL factor, I never really liked vistake.

>> No.1858849


>At this time, not so long ago in 2004, negis were rightfully assosciated with ME, the OStans were a bright, emerging phenomenon, as was Touhou and Typemoon, /b/ was goo- well, probably better, and 4chan barely had a few million posts.


>> No.1858858

>Got it memorized?

>> No.1858885

                       \ Train Man yeaahh━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!!~☆
   /|   。.
  _,/ノ   . .
        ___,,-―――='' ̄ ̄    _,,-'―=''' ̄_,/|  o    *
_,,-―=''' ̄      ___,,-―――='' ̄ __,-―='' ̄   / .   . .
   _,,-―=''' ̄        _,,-―='' ̄ ヽ       /  +
 ̄ ̄        _,,-―=''' ̄          \    /  . . .  .
      ,,-='' ̄                   ヽ  /    
.  。. ★  ☆
    ,,,-''        ノ              ノ   ヽ/     。.    .
-―'' ̄        (;;;)    |___,/  (;;;)   |   . ☆  +

>> No.1858911

itt trolls and fags
