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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18554457 No.18554457 [Reply] [Original]


FAQ & Resources:

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Previous thread: >>18362333

>> No.18554458
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JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Downloads (game rips, scans, radio, etc):

>> No.18555016

I thought each game was supposed to be drawn by a different artist?

>> No.18555207

Photo-kun, please.

>> No.18555322
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Speaking of beauty marks.

>> No.18555394

They are, each game is 3 volumes. That's just the first one.

>> No.18555601
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Can Broccoli recreate UtaPri's success?

>> No.18555682

>3 fucking marks

>> No.18555781
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Impressed, willing to look at the soundtrack.

>> No.18556155

All those beauty marks and none in the right places.

>> No.18556364
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>> No.18556523

You should know that's impossible since the only reason UtaPri is popular are the seiyuufags and idolfags. Doesn't have much to do with the (mediocre) quality of the UtaPri VNs.
I just hope it'll be a good game.

>> No.18556618

Nice, another UTC without Mouri dropping.

>> No.18557507


>Love&Art making another idol group

B-pro is kill

>> No.18557764
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Aw, boo. The Guykatsus had potential. At least the arcade cabinet is still up and running.
And I still get my fill from Hataraku anyway.

>> No.18557769

Meant for >>18544402

>> No.18557789

Only Brown is decently cute. Fang and Eyelashes are getting there, but the Moles are a mess.

>> No.18558439
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>> No.18558445


>> No.18559793

Only when they'll release another Toshirou's tantou in the event, then they'll adjust the drop rates (which needs a total overhaul in the game because way too many swords are exclusive).

I wonder if it will be enough of a success to warrant a screening in the west.

>> No.18559853

Any vn where all or at least >2 characters wears glasses?

>> No.18559930

>comedy idol anime
>Akira-sensei as script writer
Nah... Get ready for traumatic idol flashbacks.

>> No.18562836
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I think the heroines look cuter here.

>> No.18563559

Are they all sisters?

>> No.18563980


>> No.18565382
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Square Enix getting on that idol bandwagon. Who's next do we think? Male Nintendo Idols?

>> No.18565448

Those designs are bland as fuck.

>> No.18565886

>trap with pants

>> No.18565944

The trap is cute enough, but the tan one looks like an ACTORS reject.

>> No.18566270

They're going to eat each other up.

>> No.18566466


>> No.18566584

>The game is set in a world where the real world and fantasy world cross over, and casts players as the producer of a unique talent agency that manages idols that are heroes from a fantasy world, who are able to use swords, fly, or use magic.


>> No.18566591

Square releasing another unfinished beta like KimiKiri? Nice

>> No.18567646

Some Utapri games are really nice, especially the senpai-only ones.

>> No.18567655

What is this? 3dpd movie or another animation?

>> No.18567711

Absolutely delicious. Thank you.

>> No.18567940

3dpd with mostly the stage show actors,I believe.

>> No.18568082
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>> No.18568316

Why does every idolshit always have at least one token trap/feminine guy? Do people even actually like those type of characters? They're always the least popular ones with very very VERY niche fans that most of the time aren't even girls. It doesn't help that they're boring as fuck too.

>> No.18568503

Which idol series has one besides Utapri, Aichuu, and SideM?

>> No.18569151


>> No.18569163

Enstars has a couple that could qualify, particularly Tori

>> No.18569183
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Would you date Squall/Sora, /blog/?

>> No.18569391

Yes, I do. I’ve always loved traps, tomboys, cross dressers, etc.

>> No.18569579

Does luckydog1 live up to its hype?

>> No.18569668
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>> No.18569682

I liked it a lot when I played it, though I think the first part where they break out is the best one.

>> No.18569890

Aichuu's trap actually won 1st place if the first popularity poll.

>> No.18571258

I enjoyed it but I felt it would've actually benefited from not being a yaoi title. The jailbreak and general mafia stuff was fun. When it starts getting into the routes/romance it drops. It doesn't become terrible but just not as good as it was.

It has Yura artwork too which goes back and forth from good to painful.

>> No.18571268

>would've actually benefited from not being a yaoi title
Or just handled romance better? Sounds like a writing problem.

>> No.18571308

Possibly. I thought the interactions between the characters were a lot better during the jailbreak and road trip when it's mafia bros being bros. But when the romances begin the dynamics change too much.

A writing problem would make sense. Apparently LuckyDog1+Bad Egg started as an expansion that turned into a remake with the script being 3x the size of the original. They need someone to reel them in and tighten things up.

>> No.18574183

aren't there three of them? How did the other two place?

do you just mean twinky or actually feminine looking? Because Tori wouldn't be the first one that comes to mind for "trap".

>> No.18574219

Tori is just the one I have the most trouble seeing as a boy.

>> No.18574633

tier list where

>> No.18576730

Yeah, the other 2 were introduced a bit later. Both didn't make it to the top 15.

>> No.18577982
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>Play one guy's route
>He's miserable and alone without you
>Play next guy's route
>He's even more miserable and alone without you

>> No.18579691

What game?

>> No.18584267
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>> No.18584558

They fucked up by not separating console games from mobage https://uguucageoflove.wordpress.com/2018/03/10/dengeki-girls-style-girls-game-award-2017-get-bent/

>> No.18584645

Even those console games are some basic ass taste.

>> No.18584875
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Danzai no Maria.

Kirito: Hi, I have been attacked by demons ever since my dad killed my mom then killed himself. I feel uncomfortable around fire because it reminds me of the time he almost burned me alive. I am only allowed on the exorcist team so that they can protect me because I don't have any way to protect myself. I try to act cheerful but I am scared for my life, please help

Hiyori: Hi, I am the strongest exorcist here, but the only way to use my powers is be stabbed repeatedly and bleed all over the place. I am in constant pain. My clothes and room are always bloody. Using my powers is robbing me of my eyesight and willpower and I will eventually become a blind mindless vegetable who will be locked away in a basement hospital never to be seen again. I try to act tough but I am scared for my life, please help

>> No.18584953

Guess they got tired of shilling Otomate console ports every year

>> No.18586607

How shit was that zombie game that came out recently? Chouchou Jiken? Hear it was pretty bad.

>> No.18587945

I haven't played it myself but I remember seeing it's 50% off or more right now. It's still fairly new and games that are that cheap right now are usually shit so yeah. I did read one review though which says that while the story is actually okay and you can see that they've made an effort on it, the romanceable guys except one are all garbage.

>> No.18590700

> make a game
> Only the trap is a decent husbando.
> People dislike it to the point you have low demand and have to cut the price in half.

>> No.18591155
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Have fun /blog/

>> No.18593760

> One boy is so shit, he gets no dots.

>> No.18595521
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>> No.18596700

Someone has been selling bootleg copies of DMMD’s English translation on eBay, is there any way to contact Nitro+Chiral about it or would they not care about this type of overseas piracy?

>> No.18597205

I've reported the 2 I found to eBay. (Select 'Report Item' on the listing). If enough people do it then they'll probably take action.

Report Category: Copyright and trademark
Reason: Counterfeit
Detailed: Counterfeit
Then insert further details.

>> No.18597332

I reported the same seller a long time ago because they constantly list bootleg blu-rays but I’ll do that the next time they have the games up.

>> No.18601145 [DELETED] 

Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi – Aratanaru Deai (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>> No.18601160

Dance with Devils: My Carol (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
Ikemen Sengoku: Toki o Kakeru Koi – Aratanaru Deai (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>> No.18602586

my feed sure got flooded today.

>> No.18602732

Yeah, didn't see that.

>> No.18602839

These sudden lewd cards surprised me.

>> No.18602858

And I thought Craiglist was the worst in regard of requests, I stood uncorrect until today.

>> No.18603107
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Reminds me of the pool scout way back when. Wet shirts are the best.

>> No.18603532

i'm getting frustrated with the sameface. Those two have virtually the same 'sexy' expression.

>> No.18605144
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Happy White Day

>> No.18605237

I fucking hate that shitface Sanan. Is Sakamoto just as bad?

>> No.18608308

>that 'manly' tetora
there goes my feed pt. 2.

>> No.18608743
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This shit's out now


>3.0 rating


>> No.18609456

I'm only after the tutorial. My first impression is fun guys stuck in a shit game, Asmodeus is best boy for now. The menus lag as hell and the game does not fit the full screen, there's a big black bar.
One good thing, it's possible to reroll the tutorial gacha, the devs know their shit.

>> No.18610011

Oh and after doing risemara too many times it just won't progress futher after the tutorial gacha. Neat game I must say, I don't have enough patience to deal with this shit

>> No.18611118

Ikemen Bang Dream


>> No.18611225
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Will this flop harder than Hiragana Danshi?

>> No.18612161

>implying that's not banyaro

>> No.18613363
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>nips in charge of names

>> No.18613381


>> No.18614994
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>> No.18615473

If it's as bland as swords probably

>> No.18616972

It's like they were trying to advertise their token bottom.

>> No.18617734

Surprised /jp/ hasn't been hit with the longest game of freeze tag. Like other sections of this site.

>> No.18617879

I have some hope for it.

>> No.18617977

Best Kaji Yuki character ever.

>> No.18619064

I finished Lamento recently and really enjoyed it. Easily my favorite N+C title by a mile. I bought into the setting hard and that combined with the fantastic OST made for an atmosphere I couldn't get enough of. They leaned into the catboy thing just enough that I didn't feel like it was pointless, but not enough to be irritating except for going into heat, but I'm not a fan of that in any setting really, even nukige. I can excuse it for the narrative convenience to jump start their relationships because they'd take eons to make a move otherwise. Every boy was best boy, though if I had to pick I'd probably go with Bardo because I found his finale and epilogue the most satisfying. The story had its low points the biggest one for me being Leaks motivations and the final battle falling a little flat, especially in Rai's route but the good greatly outweighed the bad.

>> No.18619086
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just dumping this here.

>> No.18619097

Yeah, the motivation and ending battle in general was retarded.

>> No.18619312

holy shit, thank you

>> No.18619478
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I'll also dump this here, 5h

>> No.18620407
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>> No.18621001
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>enter poundbag

>> No.18621162

How is that Chiral rhythm game?

>> No.18621179

either it was deleted or that link is wrong

>> No.18621183


>> No.18621198

>4h and 51 minutes ago

>> No.18621781
File: 234 KB, 1200x628, DYZuQvUVoAA0lp7.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stripper game is alive again

>> No.18623777

>actually sexy crop tops
Why do the nice things always get shitty art?

>> No.18630027

That’s a lot of sameface.

>> No.18630064

There are a couple drama CDs that go more into the backgrounds of Leaks and the devils, but I agree about his role in the game.

>> No.18631161

Did the shitty Dynamic Chord anime kill the fanbase in any way? Sometimes that happens.

>> No.18632353


Is this accurate?

>> No.18632373

looks pretty much the same as cool-b's.

>> No.18635517

I can't wait to finish the other games on my list so I can play this and Danzai no Maria.

>> No.18635565

Not like it had much of a fanbase to begin with, other than those diehard nips

>> No.18637567
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no homo

>> No.18638053
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Why is the anime so shitty?

>> No.18639294

Lacking Badtz-Maru and Keroppi.

>> No.18639407

Anyone here played zettai kaikyuu gakuen? How is it?

>> No.18639598
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I thought it was pretty good. There's some cliches but the writing was solid and the mystery interesting but due to the way it works there's some inevitable repetition once you start going through true routes. Bad ends are really bad. MC is literally too dumb to live but the rest of the cast is great. Haru is best boy.

>> No.18639727
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I played it for the story, but I stayed for the neat bad endings, memorable music, character interactions, and nice art.

It gets repetitive during the pursuit for the true endings. Weakest part of it would be the dang plot itself which is a headache of pysduck proportions itself.

On the other end of the spectrum, the character interactions were golden.
Rei has massive ties to the story so you should probably stay away, and chat up the other plebs first.

I went through the first playthrough going after Riku first because I didn't think Riku would grow on me before I did Haru's. I did Rei's for the bad endings followed by Touya, and Ichiha.

>tfw 薔薇の香り starts playing and you know you've done goofed

I had high hopes for Touya's route, but his rebellion plan was like the mysterious step 3: ???.

>> No.18641258

Thanks, I'll get the vita version then because it might have new CGs. As long as it has a decent story and good character interactions that's enough to get make me interested. Also If Rei has the most ties in the story, does that make him the true end boy then? Since that's what hey usually do in VNs and thanks for the tip, I'll save his true route for last.

>> No.18641271

The Vita version was actually slightly censored,, not sure of the details though.

>> No.18644201

>true route
Have fun.

Aside from the cg gallery, there's a music gallery you can use as well. The game also lets you hear a different guy greeting you or berating you for playing so late when you start the game that reminds me of Tokimemo GS3.

>> No.18644288

What's up with Amazonjp's stock? I was used to the majority of otoge being available and sold directly by Amazon. Now most games I have my eye on seem to have only a couple copies left in stock, and from third party sellers. Back in December I thought it was just temporary shortage from the holiday rush.

>> No.18644711
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Fuck you

>> No.18645846

Is the joke that she has no eyes?

>> No.18645847

What games would do really well if they were translated?

>> No.18645963

anything obnoxiously bright and colorful.

>> No.18646840

Utapri, Ninkoi, KBO

>> No.18646943
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>> No.18647237
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>His fragrance was sweet and filled with sorrow, like a butterfly flying away
>I couldn't help but feel the loneliness in his fragrance. It was all-seeing, all-encompassing. His sweet, sorrowful, olive fragrance.

Good lord the writing in this

>> No.18647984

>feel the loneliness in his fragrance
何? My sides.

>> No.18648016
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Looking at images of this game is making me wish there was a 女向け Valkyria Chronicles
>male version of Selvaria never

>> No.18648198

Enkan no Memoria: Kakera Tomoshi (PS Vita) – 7/7/7/8 [29/40]
Galtia V Edition (PS Vita) – 8/7/7/7 [29/40]
The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya (Switch) – 7/7/7/6 [27/40]

>> No.18648482

I wish it had better art.

>> No.18649309
File: 275 KB, 810x972, 5a94bfed-3fbd-4227-a871-0e7f9f329644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe this shit.

>> No.18649357

If that currency from the image above means what I think it means, I don't feel like I would want to roll for the playable guns knowing these exist.

>> No.18649394

Me neither, what were they thinking. Option to betray the normal guns for abyssal gas masks when.

>> No.18649426


>> No.18649608

Gacha crystals/whatever probably.

>> No.18650439

>Making the enemies better drawn and better voiced than the playable characters
why would you do this
In retrospect, now I understand people that like the fact that TKRB enemies are some random monsters instead of ikemen.

>> No.18650441

God, I miss this Cinnamoroll. They should have just made the anime shorts.

>> No.18655191

Who the fuck actually reads h-scene text?

>> No.18655197

That isn't from an H scene

>> No.18655239

Scratch that, who the fuck is the monologue writer?

>> No.18655625

Any German speakers can tell me what he says at the end of the sample track?

>> No.18656162

In wine there is truth.

>> No.18657995

Why do mobile otome companies insist on making the heroine have no eyes. It's creepy as fuck and serves no purpose. I never play any game if the heroine doesn't have eyes

>> No.18658678

I didn't notice at all, guess I'm the target audience.

>> No.18658755

Thank you.

>> No.18659138

eyes are the window to the soul. The heroine doesnt have a soul because she is just a vessel by which YOU romance dudes. If she had eyes, she'd be as dimensional as the dudes you're going after and that's too much like another girl romancing your man.

>> No.18660000

That's kinda pathetic. But who am I to judge if someone wants to play as slender man. At least have an option for eyes or not

>> No.18663852
File: 121 KB, 600x337, PS-Vita-Otome-Aksys_03-21-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can only choose one

>> No.18663895

Thankfully they aren't releasing Hawk before Butterfly. Not that playing one or the other first would be a major problem, but there's just enough references for it to matter a little. I want to still make it to 7'sCarlet before the English release, though I'm not sure that'll happen.

>> No.18664186

I never understood why some games don't have eyes for the heroine. Guess is so people can self-insert more? But i feel more of a disconnect when i can't see their eyes.

>> No.18664650

>Anime adaptation already announced
I wonder if the game will already kill before the anime will be happening like what happened with Hiragana Danshi.

>> No.18664659


it's a jap thing

>> No.18665126

We need more reverse trap heroines. Speaking of which has spike chusnoft had there online stream yet? They were gonna announce new localized titles and KBO might be one of them

>> No.18665201

I believe that's on the 23rd. I definitely do expect KBO to be one of their announcements.

>> No.18667758
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>> No.18668070
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>> No.18669167

Do you need a jap VPN for that?
I keep getting some kind of communication error

>> No.18670800
File: 168 KB, 1080x1248, DY9ouT9UQAAAaG1.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanae pls

>> No.18673166

So KBO wasn't one of Spike Chunsoft's announcements today afterall. Little surprised.

>> No.18674313

Working my way through the Collar x Malice routes and I'm loving the detective/police elements of the story. Never would have guessed it, but Takeru is easily my favorite so far.

Can I get some recs for similar titles with this type of problem solving/realistic setting? Doesn't need to be translated.

>> No.18674507

ugly anime designs

>> No.18675830
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>> No.18676857
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>> No.18677042

Five prominent Holicworks employees mostly related to Tyrant just left the company. Wouldn't be surprised if Heimskringla never comes out or they go under or something.

>> No.18677101

heavens are getting plushies now

>> No.18677219

What's the point Spike including KBO in the polls if they have no interest in localizing that game at all?

>> No.18677822

Well, it SHOULD survive until July. Pretty ballsy of them though.

>> No.18677846

Maybe it will. I find the game really plain and nothing alike TKRB. Was expecting at least gun drops but it's all gacha based. Closer to Enstars with all the character events but with worse art.

>> No.18678538

It's more like Sengoku Night Blood with guns. Both anime are produced by Marvelous as well.

>> No.18678604
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>> No.18679133

>discount hitofuri on the right
I'd only be watching for him. He's easily the cutest of the boys.

>> No.18680318


>> No.18681716

Because they're assholes who didn't think it'd get that many votes, nevermind win the poll.

Still a chance they may announce it further in the year, but they haven't acknowledged it since and seem to be moving away from Vita releases entirely so I have no hope.

>> No.18681996

I'm thinking maybe because it's Vita exclusive. That along with it being such a niche could make it considered a big risk.

>> No.18685090

I'm a little interested in how well these games sell. Let alone the demographics.

>> No.18685875


I hope HEAVENS keeps being an anime filler, Utapri doesn't need more characters and they're just copypasta Starish anyway.

>> No.18687192

I have a feeling they included KBO as a joke option and got taken completely off guard when it won, so now they're trying hard to pretend that poll never exist. It's still weird for them to promote KBO merch on their Twitter though.

>> No.18687206

They will be in Dolce Vita.

>> No.18688301

There's a confirmation already? fuck
google gives me no news

>> No.18688631

Well otome games in the west should sell really well if they keep announcing localizations of them

>> No.18688635
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Yeah, they are listed in the cast: http://www.utapri.com/game/dolcevita/

There used to be a link to the site on the main portal site, but it looks like they silently removed it. Welp

>> No.18688684

Eikoku Tantei Mysteria is a mystery set in 19th Century England. Supposedly Xseed is going to announce the localization soon. Kangoku Shounen isn't otome but is an escape/investigation game for girls about solving a murder in the Taisho era. I think SideKicks is also about a police force? TinyxMachinegun too, though that is more sci-fi.

>> No.18689582

So how long have the people here studied Japanese?

>> No.18690022

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, /djt/'s two blocks down.

>> No.18690959

Sounded like they didn't want to go.
Assuming they're having financial trouble and you were thinking of buying one of their games, now would be a good time I guess. Could've just been fired though who knows.

>> No.18692886

God dammit. I hope they have decent routes at least, otherwise when they show up in Shining Live I'll officially drop that game.

>> No.18694099

Probably just cameos. Can't really imagine them getting full routes.

>> No.18696208
File: 301 KB, 750x913, v2_c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, even the nips agree that the enemies are superior.

But some of the character songs are very good. I especially like Ieyasu's.

>> No.18697573

Noiz looks like he smells like crapped diapers.

>> No.18700390

They all do

>> No.18703884


I doubt Diabolik Lovers and Ken ga Kimi would happen considering Rejet is pretty much like Broccoli where both are avoiding the western fanbase like a plague so I'm hoping that Yoshiwara Higanbana gets it. That one is genuinely a great game too so it'd be nice if it gets localized.

>> No.18703925

Are the people who vote for DMMd just too stupid to get the patch working or something? I don't know what's stopping them from buying the Jap version if they just want to support it.

>> No.18704015

It's just retards who literally only care about DMMD as the one true saviour of BL and nothing else.
Plus, patching counts as pirating and pirating is baaaaad

>> No.18704188

I'm actually under the impression most either aren't even aware of the issue with downloading games for free, or come up with ways to justify it.

>> No.18704234

Going by the hints there will be new otome and possibly luckydog1.

>> No.18704444

CharadeManiacs OP. Looks good.

>> No.18704681

How come I never see Taishou Mebiusline get voted?

>> No.18704700

why would it?

>> No.18704707

Not mainstream enough, not flashy enough, plot too complicated and too japanesy for the average western fujo

>> No.18704809

Just because a couple people on /blog/ like something doesn't mean it's in any way relevant with EOPs.
It's for the better anyway.

>> No.18704843

Love that song, I'll probably be looping it. Really looking forward to this game.

>> No.18705147
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>> No.18705303

>Are the people who vote for DMMd just too stupid to get the patch working or something?

Most of them are probably tumblr/twitter casuals who don't know other BL titles even exist. The same audience that goes mental over Junjou Romantica as the one true BL series.

>> No.18705321

>The same audience that goes mental over Junjou Romantica as the one true BL series

Gross. Makes me miss the days where if you wanted BL, you had to browse through AarinFantasy and I fucking hated that site

>> No.18705413

>too japanesy
Honestly this. I don't think a Teito Monogatari influenced BL title has much of an audience in the West.
I remember the initial English reaction to it being confusion, even here. Some dumb shit was said.

I think Luckydog1 has a chance. If it doesn't pick up a notable fanbase then it confirms that western fujos just don't care and will never care about anything that isn't DMMd, period.

>> No.18705457

A lot of aarin hates tumblrinas. It's kind of funny to see the site redeem itself in a way.

>> No.18705656

>Yoshiwara Higanbana
How'd that suddenly shoot up anyway? Was some popular otome blogger promoting it?

>> No.18705750

Maybe. There are a lot of otome bloggers/twitters out there. I think EOP otome fans might be a little more in touch than BL fans, which come to think of it may have something to do with this. I don't think there's a single active blog that regularly reviews a variety of untranslated BLge.

>> No.18705783

>blog that regularly reviews a variety of untranslated BLge.
chem-is-amani comes to mind, but she's really hard to read.

>> No.18705811

That seems to be mostly walkthroughs.

>> No.18705830

You're right. She tends to go off rambling which is probably why I thought of her. Nevermind.

>> No.18706179

There are still people in 2018 voting for Fate/stay night, it's best not to think about it

>> No.18706544

Will be buying this, no matter if the story is good or not. Boys are really damn cute.
But not at release, my backlog is long enough so I can wait until the price drops.

>> No.18706945
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>> No.18709986
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Aoba's uncontrollable giggling really makes this scene. Even the censored version is good.

>> No.18710061
File: 120 KB, 869x784, DZBWm5iVAAAH2bZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New BL brand

>> No.18710358


>Aside from the Mages titles, what other visual novels would you like to localize?

>Mitsutoshi Sakurai: Aksys published otome games and I’m assessing how they and Idea Factory are doing when publishing those titles because we have Kenka Bancho Otome. If it seems like it would do well, it would be interesting to do that as well.

They've been "assessing" for a long-ass time when Aksys has been pretty open about otome doing well for them. I'm convinced the next time they get asked about it the answer will be that Vita is no longer a viable console, even for VNs, and they don't want to port it.

>> No.18711604

For those that haven't noticed, they put numerous words in italics as hints

>Sorcery Jokers

Lucky is most likely Luckydog1
Not sure about Otome, but I'd guess at another title from the Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome developer.

>> No.18712233

To be honest, I doubt they're gonna kill off the vita that easily. Vita is still option as long as people decide among a switch, ps4 or said port. Why cast away more ports when they are still viable? You limit your versatile profit margin and it's unlikely you will deal with overstock and less demand if you decide digital only.

>> No.18712348

It's pretty dead in the west already, but I wonder when Japan will move on. If they'll do PC or move to PS4/Switch. Otomate did cancel two PS4 releases they were going to do.

>> No.18712659

Yeah, I'm really curious.
Pc seems most likely, but I'm not sure if Otome fans in Japan would be happy with that since it's not mobile.
Switch is probably hard to do since Nintendo wants more physical game copies released, and there's no other handheld on the markt. Totally switching to phone also seems unlikely since you can't deliver the same quality due to system restrictions.
So hopefully they'll just stay with Vita for a few more years.

>> No.18712675
File: 64 KB, 365x352, tr710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 10

>> No.18713062

Some guy on /vn/ translated the first 500 lines of vndb.org/v14393 and is asking for feedback. /vn/ being the moebutas that they are, shooed him away.

>> No.18713095

why'd they even post that there instead of here

>> No.18713134

Man, I'd forgotten how horny that place is. That vn's kinda boring too.

>> No.18713147

It's not that hard to imagine that there are people who don't know about this thread.

>> No.18713207

That looks cute.

>> No.18713254

The file can't be downloaded, maybe he should try reuploading the file to mega instead.

>> No.18713258

He (or some other anon IDK) did.


>> No.18713564
File: 108 KB, 402x198, snowwhite2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from a few minor spelling and grammatical mistakes, I think it's a good patch. I can't wait for the full translation.

>> No.18713789

3 otomes were in top top 10 digital vita sales for NA. What more do they want

>> No.18713919

They moved on to smartphones already.

>> No.18714859
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The absolute madmen

>> No.18714902

It's not dead in the west, it's just a platform that games aren't churning out as much. That's not being dead, it's a bare life support.

>> No.18715949

Anyone else kinda bummed Hinano doesn't review R18 games anymore? Watching her tear them apart was always hilarious, especially when the fans of shitty games came to get mad at her.

>> No.18715991

I could be wrong, but I think she's been showing interest in Kalmia8's new game, Himetai.

>> No.18716159


I had to have the straight vn thread on /vg/ redirect me here. Ive never spent any time on /jp/ until now and never would have thought to check here for a fujoshit thread

>> No.18717502

She's the furthest thing from funny. Her blog is pure cancer.

>> No.18717536

About to start 7'sCarlet. Is there a recommended route order I should keep in mind?

>> No.18717549

I'd hardly call her hilarious. The last time I checked her blog, she was complaining about so many games that I wondered why she even kept playing them.

>> No.18717659


Damn I thought I was the only one who didn't like her stuff. She seems so popular and well-regarded, but she's just...obnoxious to me.

But I'm a Dialoversfag so it might be my problem.

>> No.18717696

If you want to see someone even more cancerous and unfunny, look up 4shiki. The epitome of trying too hard. To make things worse, her "reviews" are the first ones that come up in google for several games.

>> No.18717738

I think I recall them admitting they fall back on machine translation in at least one review.

>> No.18717926

Probably a hit among the spastic meme loving crowd.

>> No.18718027

Pretty much. Because her reviews are so "amazin and funneh xD" they're regularly linked as the definitive way of explaining a game, nevermind that she embellishes and twists them greatly.
I suspect they're a big part of why sweet pool is treated the way it is by English speakers.

>> No.18718342

At least they haven't posted since 2015.

>> No.18718572

Her husband was more humorous and funny. I liked his review of Amnesia and Norn games.

>> No.18718582

I'm amazed that womanchild is married.

>> No.18718594

I'm surprised her husband, Tekidesu, has more common sense.

>> No.18718926
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These are up now.

>> No.18719997
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>> No.18720035
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>> No.18720128
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Oh boy I wonder why it flopped

>> No.18720444

But I loved that pissed off face. He was a rare pierced beauty who also loved having his dick crunched on. I miss him so.

>> No.18720469

Held out for 8 months, pretty good when it shouldn't have lasted more than a week

>> No.18720540

So another GH? No thanks.

>> No.18720558

I wonder how well Heavens will do. I was kinda surprised.

>> No.18720562

Pretty sure it wouldn't have even lasted this long if it wasn't for Square Enix.

>> No.18720678

I’m curious with mobage folding this quickly, was it a reflection of popularity alone or internal issues. I always get a little concerned since a few of my favorites aren’t at the top of the ranks and the tops are hugely favored.

>> No.18720775

No, it's just typical Square Enix, they release a hell lot of mobage every year and close down just as many.

>> No.18721566
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>> No.18721767

I still call this "Keisuke syndrome"

>> No.18721807

Holy shit, that didn't take long at all

>> No.18722537

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who didn't like 4shiki. And people seem to take these types' opinions to heart too.

If a review starts with "omg i was like, DRUNK and HIGH and didnt pay attention i just played this STUPID RAEP GAME XDDD for my followers to watch me rant" that's a good sign to not trust someone's opinion.

>> No.18722552


I know this sounds stupid and kinda faggy but I wish shiki hadn't touched sweet pool because it brought us this. I get that BL and otome are incredibly hard to take seriously by default, it's part of their charm desu, but at least get new fucking material.

>> No.18722562

I wonder if they even have sex. She doesn't seem to like that sort of thing unless it's like, I dunno, hardcore cfnm femdom.

Anyone have that article she took down about why she hates r18 games that just amounted to "this isn't my fetish"? I need a reason to drink tonight.

>> No.18722584

Always amazing that you guys only start getting active when you can bitch about people.
Yes, I'm not better. I'm sorry.

>> No.18722613
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Isn't that just most BL/Otome but mostly BL fans in general? No matter where you go, being lolsorandumb like that is the norm. It gets worse when it comes to N+C stuff though. Most specifically like >>18722552 said, 90% of the talk regarding SP you'll see people say le shitting meat boy at least once. The game's subject matter is already weird enough that's true, it can't be denied but it's actually well done. People just won't give it a chance because of that though.

Because sadly this hobby is filled with idiots that can't enjoy something unless it's ironically or for internet popularity points.

>> No.18722683

>It's still March

Gotta meme fast


>> No.18722825

On the topic of sweet pool, I played it a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to see that even considering its premise I found it to be the least edgy N+C VN. Things get kind of fucked, but it's the most straightforward about presenting its fucked up stuff, if that makes sense. Anybody else feel the same?

>> No.18722992

Yeah I think I understand what you mean. It's actually not very edgy and gory as one would expect which disappointed me a little.
Even the goriest end possible (Makoto) isn't very explicit, you get the implication that he ate all of youji but you don't really see it. I think dmmd probably had the most "violent" CGs second to TnC despite being a more tamer game.

>> No.18723217

Beyond all the reviewer madness in this thread, what about the perspective of males reviewing otoge? Alot of issues seem to come from fangirls but what of males less likely to gush over something that is not designated for them?

>> No.18723291

>males reviewing otoge
A rarity by itself, and regardless of quality they may end up mocking the games rather than properly reviewing them. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

>> No.18723347

>Even the goriest end possible (Makoto) isn't very explicit, you get the implication that he ate all of youji but you don't really see it.
That's one of the main scenes that stuck out to me. Compared to Aoba and Konoe's cannibalization endings, it focused more on how miserable Makoto has become in the aftermath rather than going the guro fetish route and experiencing the MC being chomped to death.

And yeah, they really went for it with DMMd's bad ends.

>> No.18723498

Blessed are my eyes for beholding such beautiful ladies.

>> No.18723503

There's something really sad about the unspoken insistence of like, "irony" and tongue-in-cheek snarkiness in order to be seen as a good, non-stupid fan in this genre.

>> No.18723510

So, is Steam Prison good?


>> No.18723525

Wait, what? I didn't even realize MG was announcing anything soon.

>> No.18723538

Same writer as Ozmafia, take that as you will.

>> No.18723834

Heroine doesn't look like she's dumb as toast this time, at least.

>> No.18724015

What game is this?

>> No.18724364

Watching nip and english fans discuss games is like night and day. Nip fans do joke around but they know when to stop. English fans also have a bad habit of latching onto one aspect of a character's personality and reducing them to it, and they can't comprehend a villainous character being anything more than a piece of shit.

>> No.18724549


>> No.18724598

On the other hand, nips chimp out over other autistic shit like reverse pairings.

>> No.18724621

True, but I think English fans make too much of a fuss over that themselves, to the extent that a game not having switching is a deal breaker for some of them and I seriously don't get it.

>> No.18724649

>reverse pairings
It seems to depend on the couple.
I see it regularly for certain characters, and based off of which characters are okay and which aren't it's probably all Japanese social hierarchy autism.

>> No.18724979

I can never understand why nip fans go insane over their hate for reverse pairings, it's fucking retarded.

>> No.18725075

They're obsessed with the idea of a "realistic" depiction of homosexuality.

>> No.18725095

I remember someone pointing out that Rai from Lamento had some back in the day.

>> No.18725152

I've seen a few doujins of it.

>> No.18725288

I've seen リバ shit of Senge and Shigure from Mebiusline. There was a big circlejerk over the former on my twitter feed not long ago.
It's easy to see why with these ones though.

>> No.18725295


>> No.18725317
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I don't know if I would be able to keep a straight face asking them to give me the Poundbag experience.

>> No.18725638
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>> No.18725659
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That's one awful looking key visual.

But if they follow the main story, best boys aren't going to show up, anyways, so whatever.

>> No.18725678

Key visual isn't too bad if you ask me.
But I guess my standards are really low when it comes to Otome stuff. Shit like the Norn9 anime made me used to worse.

>> No.18725680

Yeah, SP is just melancholic and depressing. DMMD and TnC are the actual edgefests of N+C.

>> No.18725741
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New main story teaser.

Maybe I'm just too attached/used to the game art, but Avi looks like a completely different person. Yume100 is the only moba I've been playing every day since release.

>> No.18726351
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>> No.18726357
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>> No.18726490
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>it's an April Fool's that you wish were real episode

>> No.18726551
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>> No.18726940


>> No.18726974


>> No.18726979
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>> No.18727051
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>> No.18727199
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>> No.18727360
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>> No.18727392
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Still ass blasted about those oyaji character CDs.
Read the host menu. Also, sweet side yankee get. The only sub I save.

>> No.18728479
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>> No.18728932
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I was really excited about Amuse Craft announcing what looks like an otome until I remembered April Fool's Day.

>> No.18728947
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The day of the year /blog/ is the most active at is the day where everything is a joke.

>> No.18728988

>One of

Let’s not keep bitching with exaggerations. We’ve been going for years now.

>> No.18728998
File: 238 KB, 1000x668, chara_main[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some more


>> No.18729044

Riot has the best voices.

>> No.18729742

I just played the code realize FD and really enjoyed finis's route. Is there a sequel for it in the second FD? Might pick It up.

>> No.18729917
File: 183 KB, 500x1200, 65055720_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spring Troupe pretending to be Citron
>Summer Troupe pretending to be Kazunari

These voice clips always tickle the funny bone

>> No.18730620
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>> No.18732182

