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1852680 No.1852680 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you cried /jp/?

>> No.1852690
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christmas night

>> No.1852688

I don't remember.

>> No.1852691

two years ago

>> No.1852693

When I saw Code Geass.

>> No.1852698

A few days ago, when I watched the end of the Makoto arc of Clannad.

>> No.1852702

Since the last time I watched the Green Mile. So about 10 months ago.

>> No.1852705

This morning when I finished Planetarian for the first time. Shit was so splash. First time I've cried for years, and it wasn't even that sad. Maybe it's just because it was really early in the morning.

>> No.1852708

When Toonami ended.
A single tear.

Don't you mean Kanon?

>> No.1852709

Playing Chrono Trigger on DS

Frog is so GAR

>> No.1852712

Today when I saw the Alice RP threads erected.

>> No.1852717 [SPOILER] 
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A few months ago to this scene in YMK.

It was only a couple tears, though.

The last time I've actively cried/sobbed?
Over a decade ago. Almost a decade and a half, actually.

>> No.1852722


Yes, I do. I watched Clannad first so I guess I get them confused?

>> No.1852731

Residential treatment.

>> No.1852732
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>> No.1852758

Most recent episode of Clannad AS. So a week or two ago

>> No.1852789
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>> No.1852839
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When I finished LoGH on Sunday.

This scene in particular. It was simply uncontrollable, right when the song started.

>> No.1852905


>> No.1852913


>> No.1852925


>> No.1852940

I can't cry, my tear ducts don't work :(

>> No.1852946

You're strong, Berserker.

>> No.1852950

I never cried, not even when I was born, because I'm still inside my mom's womb.

>> No.1852985

After playing Clannad After story

>> No.1853154


>> No.1853175

I cried at 12:00 when I realized that I was spending new years alone at home on new years browsing 4chan.

>> No.1853183
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>I can't cry, my tear ducts don't work :(

>> No.1853192

I cried at 12:00 when I realized that I was spending new years alone browsing 4chan.

>> No.1853211

Umineko Ep 4's Tea party

>> No.1853219

I don't know. I really don't.

>> No.1853290
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When I saw this:


for some reason.

>> No.1853301

I felt a sudden rush of euphoria for the same reason.

>> No.1853312

When I watched saving private ryan a couple weeks ago again.

>> No.1853335

When I last saw a Clannad Afterstory episode, I think. One month ago.

>> No.1853411


. . .okay, really, I'm going to bed now. G'night.

>> No.1853420
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A long time ago.

>> No.1853448

About a month ago, at Saber's ending.

>> No.1853460

Emotional crying? Hell if I know.

Crying from pain? Got knocked off my friend's porch one day a few months back, and for the next two days, when ever I tried to get up and walk under my own power, it just hurt so much. I'm just thankful for my mother and sister bringing me food and taking care of me.

>> No.1853476


I go into that scene expecting some awesome Gil vs Berzerker action, and I finish it feeling like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. ;_;

>> No.1854387
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Last week, Ga-Rei Zero.

Yomi ;_;

>> No.1854392

I haven't had a full stream of tears for a while. I get teary eyed at the end of anime usually. Also when I see something really amazing.

>> No.1854434

yeah, getting to a somewhat sad part late at night always seems to magnify it... just about every instance I can recall seriously tearing up was way into the night while sleep deprived.

I think I teared up a little when I played Utawarerumono over the summer, along with when I watched the anime a year before that (goodbyes always end up making me more sad than character deaths for whatever reason), I know I teared up at the end of Xenosaga 3 almost a year ago.

I haven't outright BAWWWWWW'ed out loud over anything since I was a kid

>> No.1854436


>> No.1854455
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Nah just fucking with you

>> No.1854453

Last night when I watched 5cm Per Second. Not much anime can get me to cry, but most visual novels can, especially Key games.

>> No.1854459


>> No.1854464

Ef-a tale of melodies. Yuuko ;_;

>> No.1854468


I read that as Ef-a tale of molecules. No one wants to play with Xenon-tan ;_;

>> No.1854473

Two months ago watching the fuko arc of clannad.

>> No.1854851

I've cried quite a lot watching some sad anime or reading VNs a few years ago. I liked this feeling of sadness. But as the time passed I found myself more and more emotionless. I haven't cried or felt anything in the last year or two. Nothing can really move me. I'm just an soulless husk.

>> No.1854884

When I met my father.

>> No.1854885

I raged at the conclusion.
Kagura should have gone "lol humanity? I want my Yomi." in my opinion.
Fucking faggots.

>> No.1854896

I have a hard time crying. It's kind of like when you need to sneeze but it's not coming out and you're like trying to will the sneeze and either you get it or it just kind of goes away and leaves you unsatisfied.

If it's really sad and I try really hard I can get a little misty and sometimes even manage a single tear, but that's about it. I want to be more emotional.

>> No.1854909
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>> No.1854916

Clannad, Fuko, ect

>> No.1854920

Clannad, Tomoyo and Kyou route. ;_;

>> No.1854929

couple weeks ago was the first time in a year or so. i was reading http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=1730695 and things just went down.

>> No.1854934
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Hmm... That's sad, I don't remember.

Was there anything sad in C;H? I think I cried a little bit to that... I'm not sure.

>> No.1854949

no wait retract my previous answer

just now.

