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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1852601 No.1852601 [Reply] [Original]

You bros wanna come to /jp/ steam chat?

I'm in Team Weeaboo now and holy fuck it's annoying. Full of girls and shit.

>> No.1852604

I don't have steam.

>> No.1852605

No, I'm going to play L4D.

>> No.1852608
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>> No.1852612

>>Full of girls
Perhaps you might find your future wife among them.

>> No.1852613

>Full of girls and shit.

I bet it is!

>> No.1852623

TEAM WEEABOO announces Kaguya is a slut who takes NEET cocks (from other NEETs)

>> No.1852616
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"Don't hit on me guyz"

>> No.1852619

bros b4 hos, man

>> No.1852621


>> No.1852625

>Playing time:0 hrs past 2 weeks
>View all 32 games
You god damn bastard.

>> No.1852628


>> No.1852632

Well she was a zombie

>> No.1852629


>> No.1852630


>> No.1852639

Lo and behold, athens before server midnight.

>> No.1852644

athens, I'm already regretting entering this stupid chat.

>> No.1852645

Every time I run into one of you fuckers in a Steam game I expect some retarded behavior in under 10 minutes.

I'm never wrong!

>> No.1852653


Senjou no Valkyria?

>> No.1852662

but i only have half life 2 in my steam

no not even team fortress 2

>> No.1852657

I'm never retarded on TF2.

Using nothing but the bat with a scout is considered an effective assault tactic.

>> No.1852666

Steam is for normalfags.

>> No.1852675

Why is everyone on the channel a moron?

>> No.1852684



>> No.1852730

In related news, the "team weeaboo" aka the /a/ chat is fucking terrible.

>> No.1852740

They make me rage.

>Cactu ☆~: Chen what a bro
>Hellfyre: they're fagging up chat.
>Hellfyre: You too are a newfag.

>> No.1852741

If any Team Weeaboo faggots are reading this.

- You suck up to admins.
- You have self-admitted femanon attention whores on your chat.
- You post wiki entries about yourselves.

Don't you fucking dare call anyone else cancer you fucksticks.

>> No.1852748

Oh sup.

>> No.1852751
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>> No.1852753
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Guess they don't like Crysis.

>> No.1852760

Wow, I was banned for saying "dawgs".

>> No.1852755

That's athens.

>> No.1852761



>> No.1852763
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>this thread

>> No.1852768

/a/ banned like 6 of us from their steam chat because we were guests and they thought it was a "/jp/ raid"

PS the chat admin was named "Chen." Cool bro.

>> No.1852766

admins are there to have cocks sucked.
femanon? No just guuuuurlgamerz
wikientries? More like some random usermade wiki where you can post photos and it's the most convenient place to post a yearbook.

cool coming into chat and judging on 4 minutes.

>> No.1852771

Why was I banned? I wanted to talk to athens.

>> No.1852769

No you were banned for being a faggot.

>> No.1852772

No, it's very rare I agree with athens. But in this case he's 100% right, you really are such utter faggots I actually facepalmed.

>> No.1852773

Wow you guys need to get serious. We didn't ban you because we thought 'epic raid xD'

we banned you because you were faggots.

>> No.1852774

so a steam group that was made off /jp/
is now being 'raided'

lol what

it looks like somone got banned for being a faggot and then made a butthurt thread

>> No.1852779


Cactu ☆~: jp
Chen: /jp/
Cactu ☆~: are who are fucking us up with stupidty?
Chen: raiding a steam group
Chen: lololo
Cactu ☆~: WE ARE THEM

"Chen" being the admin or whatever who banned us.

>> No.1852780
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We don't have any actual girls. We had two (2), but they left.

I haven't been paying attention to the chat lately; either you're jaw-droppingly stupid or you got trolled with some kind of new, advanced form of meta-trolling.

>> No.1852781

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1852783

If you can't see past your faggotry then that's no our problems.

>> No.1852784

Does Chen's butt taste good? Regardless of the taste I'm sure he'll give you a reacharound at the next con you both go to.

>> No.1852786

>two (2)
Thanks for clarifying that

>> No.1852787

>We had two (2), but they left.

The fact you know who is who so precisely is just cancerous in itself.

>> No.1852791

So very butthurt.

You can't talk about reacharounds when you're ass is gaping so wide and so sore you need to make a thread about it.

>> No.1852793

You did this on purpose. Now I feel like I got picked last for kickball again.

>> No.1852794

So not only you shit the board but also you bring here /a/ rejects?
May a nigger rape and kill you in a dark alley next year, athens.

>> No.1852796

>>Getting to know people

What is this I don't even.

>> No.1852798

/a/ is full of faggots.

/jp/ is the only cool place

>> No.1852805

Not really.

>> No.1852803

I made this thread before I got banned though. I was lurking for the first 30 minutes, just astounded that you could actually consider your regular 'members' like those clanfags and Cactu who were spamming shit to be any less cancerous than us, who were just amused at your faggotry more than anything else.

>> No.1852813

I'm out of this thread before it reaches 200+ posts. You were right athens.

>> No.1852807
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Wait.. Was I trolled by going there? I don't get it.

>> No.1852810

You guys fell for athens trolling AGAIN? Shame on you all.

>> No.1852814

I'm pretty sure there are, at most, 2 people in this thread who actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.1852817

>The fact you know who is who so precisely is just cancerous in itself.
I'm not defending these idiots (I don't have Steam and I don't care), but if you believe the only valid form of communication on the Internet is 100% anonymous communication, you must be a very messed up person, even by /jp/ standards.

>> No.1852819


Just proves they're attention whores I'm afraid. And that their schtick works if you actually remember them.

>> No.1852822

So very butthurt.

You can't talk about reacharounds when you're ass is gaping so wide and so sore you need to make a thread about it.

>> No.1852825

/jp/ is the only cool place in 4chon.

>> No.1852828


No, I believe asslicking of admins, feting the attention whoring girls and having interwebz hierarchy is cancer. Nothing more than that.

>> No.1852835

The following words need to be autoban in all of 4chan:
- lulz
- butthurt
- moar
- epic
- *fag, where * is any alphanumeric sequence of characters, except for tripfag, namefag and modfag.

>> No.1852837
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Well shit. Here I was just there to kill time while I transfered my animu and music to my new 640gb. And I get drive-by trolled.

>> No.1852843

That and "casual", "scrub" and many, many assorted smilies.

>> No.1852850

So very butthurt.

You can't talk about reacharounds when you're ass is gaping so wide and so sore you need to make a thread about it.

>> No.1852851


>> No.1852856
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>>4chan should be a place for intelligent, cultured discussion.

>> No.1852857

All I'm saying is that people usually know stuff like age, gender, job, location and sometimes real name when they're regulars on places like close-knit IRC channels, bro. I don't know about Team Weeaboo and I couldn't care less, but it's pretty common to know that sort of stuff when you talk to people on the Internet, don't get so upset.

>> No.1852862

Jesus Christ that "Team Weeaboo" /a/ steam chat was seriously the most falsely elitist place I've ever seen. What a shit hole, but then again it's /a/ so who is surprised?

>> No.1852884
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>> No.1852894

This is Why I never go on /jp/

>> No.1852895
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If 4chan was down for a few months things would be great.

I don't understand why those words are what people hate so much. They've been here a while and are not annoying when they are used in moderation.
It's like the new /b/tards saying that desu is less funny than Chuck Norris jokes.

>> No.1852898
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>this thread
oh wow

>> No.1852901
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>> No.1852911
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Hey guys, am I late for the party?

>> No.1852917


Give me your lunch money nerds.

>> No.1852918
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Oh come on now guys, it's new years!
Can't you be civil for o-

Oh nevermind.

>> No.1852926
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>> No.1852928
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>Team weeaboo /a/ steam chat
>Team weeaboo /a/

>> No.1852935
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>> No.1852944
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>> No.1852954

Well yes, I would come to such chat, if i did not know that such chat is to be uphold by to get my IP.

Nice try.

>> No.1852960
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This thread....

>> No.1852958

what is this i dont even

>> No.1852961
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>> No.1852968
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>> No.1852972
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>> No.1852973


>> No.1852977
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Oh you guys, stop flattering me~

>> No.1852987
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Even I am amazed at the awesomeness of this thread.

>> No.1853002


did the rainbow girl thing ever get shot down?

>> No.1853259

Steam is normalbro shit, WHAT THE HELL ATHENS?!

>> No.1853289

Steam is normalbro shit, WHAT THE HELL ATHENS?!

>> No.1853300

i never did find out what the original rainbow girl was

>> No.1853360


Furries are on Steam. Faggots are on steam.

It's like the anti-normalbrah.

>> No.1853378

>Furries are on Steam. Faggots are on steam.
Two failures never make a right. Kill yourself, Arc.

>> No.1853419


I already did. Or rather, someone did.

>> No.1853513

I don't remember anything about that.

>> No.1853513,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bumping so Croatia can read this shit.
