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18469231 No.18469231 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? Are you going to buy it?

>> No.18469462

unnecessary, no. I'll probably watch someone else play it.

>> No.18469584
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God, I hope it's good. I really hope it's good. But I have this bad feeling that even if it's good, it'll take away from what Yume Nikki is now.

>> No.18469631
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its not very good

>> No.18470420
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So far i'm not liking it off to bed.

>> No.18470464

I'll play it but meh

>> No.18470490
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I can relate. I think it is going to be good enough to justify buying it but in no way i can imagine it recreating the atmosphere of the original game.

>> No.18470585

I've just started playing the original and I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but I have to say, this new one looks like the devs just shat something out in Unity and called it Yume Nikki.

I think I'll pass.

>> No.18470635


>> No.18470835
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OP here. I think it is not THAT bad. I mean running animation is shitty and exploration bassd gameplay is lost but soundtrack and surroundings seem well made. Based on available gameplays ofc. It will not match the atmosphere of the original, but it is not unplayable imo.

>> No.18471175

Well, I'm just watching it on youtube and it's not really bad, but surely it isn't Yume Nikki. It feels like a completely different game.

>> No.18471284

Its nice to see people enjoy low standards.

>> No.18471319

>exploration bassd gameplay is lost
So it's absolutely nothing like the original, as expected. Hahaha oh wow.
Why the fuck did they see a need to slap the Yume Nikki name on this?

>> No.18471504
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>the "official" fan-game is the one that fails to capture the spirit of the original the most

>> No.18471509

I can't believe yume nikki is now dead

>> No.18471589


I have never said that i enjoy the game, i have just said that it is not as horribly bad as it was expected from the first trailer (assuming you have watched it).


Of course it is nothing like the original, hence the subtitle "reimagine". It looks more like a fangame...

>> No.18471594


>> No.18471833
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A literally piece of shit, desu.

>> No.18471866

They ruined uboa so its shit.
(also gameplay doesnt look worth it at all)

>> No.18471904

I'm one of the few fans who are actually excited to play this. I don't really see it as a "remake", more like an interpretation of the original with its own stuff going on.
Kind of like that Yume Nikki 3D game someone made.
Though I wish the game was $15.

>> No.18471917

Will Kikiyama even get a cent from sales of this game?

>> No.18472020

Here's a question
When's the original game gonna get a new update???

>> No.18472544

Never, kikiyama is dead

>> No.18472553

let's just collectively ignore that it exists

>> No.18472616

After reading through a few /v/ threads I'm not even sure I want to pirate it

>> No.18472762

I at least want to play some of it to see how bad it is but I don't think I can see myself ever finishing it

>> No.18473034

But they used kikiyama's corpse to make this new game.

>> No.18473072

The gameplay is awful and this missed the entire point of what Yume Nikki was. It has none of what I enjoyed about the original at all.

Madotsuki should have been allowed to rest in peace.

>> No.18473531

>the entire point of what Yume Nikki was
Walking in circles and being bored?

>> No.18473575

No, more like exploring beautifully designed dreamscapes. You can still do that in YN DD, but on limited scale.

>> No.18473740

>beautifully designed dreamscapes
Like the all black top worlds or the all reddish underworld or the monochrome scribble world

>> No.18473788

>I need to have many different colours and sparkles in order to enjoy my atmosphere!

>> No.18473909
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I'll probably forget that this exists and end up playing it five years from now.

>> No.18473980

The exploration part is dead. Game is significantly more linear.

But the soundtrack is worth buying separately if possible
And it has a more JRPG horror spooky atmosphere compared to the ambiant atmosphere of the original.

All in all, I'd call it a high quality fan game rather than a re-vamped original Yume nikki.

Not worth 30$, i'd get it on sale or torrented, but it still worth checking out.

>> No.18474074

just stream it for /jp/

>> No.18474323
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>14 years for this

>> No.18474623

So if there's not much exploration, what does the game even play like? Are there puzzles or something?

>> No.18475172

Where's the pirated version?

I'm not paying for this.

>> No.18475545
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As a fan from the very beginning, it was disappointing, but it could have been worse. I can say nice things about it, like the music arranges actually being perfect and spot on, and seeing some (not all) of the old characters and places in 3D was kinda cool. But yeah, it sucks. Does not encourage (and sometimes discourages) exploration, they want you to do things a certain way. The puzzles all suck, they're neither fun or thrilling. Ao Oni is a shit game and I wish it didn't taint YN, but at least the cameo was minimal. The real killer is the cutscenes and adding backstory to characters like Monoe, emotional reactions fron Madotsuki etc. Thankfully they weren't stupid enough to put any dialogue in or anything terrible like that, but its still pretty awful. None of the attempts to be scary work at all, although they thankfully don't go overboard.

"Official fangame" is definitely the most apt term to describe it. I have no doubt that the people responsible for it do really love YN, it does show. But someone somewhere had a very bad idea for this fangame and ran with it. We could have had something so much greater.

>> No.18475616
File: 867 KB, 900x506, >uboa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me.

>> No.18475631

here >>18470420

>> No.18475633

That entire section, and everything leading up to it was the worst part of the game for me.

>> No.18475652

Curious to know what happens if you go back there with the lantern. I'd try it but the idea of replaying everything that leads up to it makes me sick.

>> No.18475720

I'm already downloading one but in case that doesn't work I'll try this one.

>> No.18476981

Why did they make it 3d? The 2d art was one of the best parts but now everything just looks shit. Fucking 3d ruining everything.

>> No.18477367

I never said you enjoyed the game you tard, you have low standards because you think its not that bad when it clearly is a piece of shit.

>> No.18477639
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>Trying to be objective about what they have done right and wrong with this game
>"But it is absolute shit! If the game doesn't meet my expectations than nothing about it can be done correctly! Enjoying anything about new game is an obvious sign of shit taste!"

>> No.18477656
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>> No.18477767

Kiddo who are you even quoting? A piece of shit in golden tin foil is still a piece of shit.

>> No.18477888

The first paragraph was not supposed to be a quote, my bad. The point still stands.

>> No.18477913

You mean your point how you have shit taste? Yes we can all agree on that.

>> No.18478024

No, more like a point of you being unable to back your opinions and forcing them on everyone.

>> No.18478055

The only surprising thing about that segment was to see just how much taller Poniko is compared to Mado.

>> No.18478093

Youre the only person who said "its not that bad" and you havent even backed that up at all. What opinion was I trying to force on everyone? Even ignoring my posts, there are plenty of other people calling the game shit. The fact that you obviously have low standards isnt wrong either

>> No.18478341

but he backed up his opinion, it's you that went on the "it's shit because i say so and so are you for disagreeing with me" rhetoric.

>> No.18478632
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you dont need to sockpoppet yourself

>> No.18479461
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It was not me though.

>> No.18480215
File: 19 KB, 120x120, mado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't look worth $20. I might torrent it, but honestly I will probably just watch a playthrough on Youtube.

>> No.18480248

A lot of the criticism comes from people being upset it's not a remake or "it's not what they were expecting. Which is stupid.

I would have preferred if it were five dollars cheaper given there's really no replayability seeing as how it's a straight forward adventure game. It's also a buggy mess.

That being said I did enjoy the experience. The puzzles were good, I personally love the art, the music was decent to great, and whoever designed it clearly loved the original game.

Good game, don't regret my purchase. I do hope they fix it up though.

>> No.18480537

Considering they planned to make what was essentially an official fangame with a modern indie design, I can at least say they succeeded. But its only natural its going to be compared to the original, and the original format is just way more enjoyable.

>> No.18480879

Absolutely agree.

Though people don't seem to be doing that so much as either "it's not just a remake so it's" or "this is not what I was expecting". Which is fair, but the backlash has been kind of nuts and people aren't judging the game on its own merits.

If it were the same game with no references to yume nikki it would probably be a solid 6 for me but I'll be the first to admit the aesthetic is the biggest draw. I feel like whoever designed it really loved Yume Nikki.

>> No.18480891

>I feel like whoever designed it really loved Yume Nikki.
They did, there's absolutely no doubt about that. They just chose the worst possible direction for this game because they wanted to appeal to western modern indie sensibilities. That's why calling it an official fangame is easily the most accurate term for it.

>> No.18480911
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Yeah. I guess I just assumed there weren't a bunch of idiots going around how it's the new yume nikki and GOTY.

I'm all for the change of gameplay but as someone who's not a fan of Limbo style games I do wish they had gone another direction. Still found it more enjoyable than Limbo or inside though.

Been telling people to keep in mind that it's not a remake and to wait for a sale while they work out the bugs.

>> No.18480949
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>Uboa is literally just a shitty jumpscare
>You cannot interact with it, so the area Uboa leads to if you touch it in the original is probably gone
What else did they screw up?

>> No.18481270

There are only 5 effects total

>> No.18481318

>Been telling people to keep in mind that it's not a remake

But this is what the new game is supposed to be. Its definitely not a sequel, prequel, or anything original.

>> No.18481330

They've stated in a few places now that its supposed to be a game that's just a homage to the original. Its an official fangame.

>> No.18481453

Official steam page says its a "reimagining". Aka a remake.

>> No.18481519

Read the interview.

>> No.18481532

There are also lots of elements from the old game. Its a remake, no matter how you would like to label it.

>> No.18481539

I didn't label it, the devs did.

>> No.18481552
File: 30 KB, 631x224, imaginingaremake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, they labeled it as a remake. Or are you going to tell me that some average joe typed this up?

>> No.18481565

All I'm telling you is that everything the devs said in the interview contradicts the idea of it being a remake.

>> No.18481581

I hope kikiyama shows up and states they had a primary hand in creating this game.

>> No.18481585

And all the actual elements ingame contradict what the devs say.

>> No.18481596

That's really bizarre then, because if its a remake of the original, it not only left out a good 80% of the original's content, but it also added a bunch of new content too.

>> No.18481616

They took the reimagining part quite seriously. Its as if they imagined what things would be if they took out alot of things that made the original unique.

>> No.18482179

That's probably for the best. If it was a one to one 3D remake, you'd probably have a better idea what you're looking at most of the time, which might not work as well for the creepyness or weirdness.

>> No.18482567

That says "reimagining", anon. As in, an interpretation of someone's product presented in a different context.

Funny Games released in 2007 is a shot for shot remake of Funny Games made in 1997.

O Brother Where Art Thou is a reimagining of Homer's Odyssey.

They are very different artistic directions with very different purposes.

Shadow of the Colossus Remastered is a remake of Shadow of the Colossus with better textures.

Salt and Sanctuary is a reimagining of Dark Souls but in the context of being 2D, mechanical changes, and design philosophy.

>> No.18482679

If they didn't want people to compare this game to the original Yume Nikki, they shouldn't have based it on Yume Nikki in first place. Or if they didn't want people to be complaining this much, they should have kept what made YN so memorable - how open it was, in many aspects.
This is just a horror-thing puzzle platformer with awful Unity graphics, wearing a cheap Yume Nikki skin. It fails at being a homage because it barely resembles the game it's supposed to be a homage to.

>> No.18482734

``People'' (/v/tards) would complain about it no matter what. What's all the fuss anyway? The other fangames are shitty too. One of them has the nerve to name itself like a sequel.

>> No.18483542

You are now manually realizing that it's called Yume2kki not because it's supposed to be Yume Nikki 2, but because it's made by 2chan and 2 can be read as "ni".
And at least those other shitty fangames work like Yume Nikki for the most part. Even the two biggest fangames that use a different genre I know of, Houchou Shoujo Gensoukyoku and Memories of Replica, still feel like Yume Nikki due to being Metroidvanias where you're getting lost while exploring places looking for interesting things.
Also, hell, I don't get your point. Do you mean that people shouldn't complain about a bad game being bad because there are other bad games in the world, or that only /v/irgins would ever complain about bad games (by the way you're sounding an awful lot like the average /v/ used by calling all other fangames shit)? You do know that if this game was done in a different way and turned out to be good, most of the opinions about it on the internet would be positive, right? Such a thing is in fact positive.

>> No.18484144

Youd be right if this new game didnt try to ape the old game right down to the title. Nice try though.

>> No.18484708

>people shouldn't complain about a bad game being bad
And then still play it or continue to encourage others to play it or watch people play it, and make threads about how bad it is, and argue against anyone who says "it's not THAT bad", and complain about it somehow ruining the original game while other shitty games somehow did not.

With some of the shit people enjoyed back when the fad was going in their looking for other "creepy" and weird games, they probably would have liked this game had it come out back then.

>if this game was done in a different way and turned out to be good
Literally impossible to you people. You would hate it just for it being sold and make comments about how it's probably going to have DLC or the maker is a "jew" or something.

>> No.18485282

Except that other fangames arent the point of this discussion, you are just trying to deflect at this point.

>> No.18496737


>> No.18498862

bought and refund

>> No.18499484

Because everyone's acting like people stole his game and corrupted it when this is probably the kind of game he'd make if YN came out for the first time today.

>> No.18499518

Kikiyama doesn't give a shit about YN anymore at all, anon. He hasn't for the past 14 years. He couldn't care less about what kind of abomination a group of Mexicans made up in Unity after a few hours of modifying stock assets, and hell he's getting paid to just let them use his name. All the people treating him as some sort of god of creation whose work was defiled are stupid, regardless of how awful YNDD is compared to YN.
And given how YN is an exploration-based game while YNDD is some sort of horror puzzle platformer, no, I doubt this is what YN would have looked like if it was created today.

>> No.18503110

All of my experiences with nip Unity games (ala Corpse Party: Blood Drive) tells me that it's going to:
a) run like absolute dogshit
b) be a shitty version of the original game
c) disappoint me on levels that I did not know were possible

>> No.18506060
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>collected 3 effects so far
>the main screen says I am at 60%
Excuse me, what? What's the point of "reimagine" the game if you are going to cut out a lot of content?

>> No.18512968
File: 59 KB, 1014x788, akumu__yume_nikki__by_jcm2-d6r17i2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no akumu

>> No.18522311

So this game is out and I can watch people play it right? How long is it?

>> No.18522328

that fucking bucket in the mall was tilting

>> No.18525833

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18537231

Why are people so butthurt about uboa when the only reason they care was because it was so-scary scene in an otherwise non scary game that was hyped to hell? How was the original not a "jumpscare" other than not being scary? Was the superfast bird girl not a jumpscare too? What did they want it to be exactly? A chase scene all around the game or something? For it to burst through walls randomly like Nemesis? For it to be a doll on poniko's bed or something with a highlight on it so they can go "hey guys remember uboa"?

>> No.18537501

For it to be the same thing in 3D?

I think what works about Uboa is 1) not knowing exactly what it is and 2) knowing it's something nonetheless. Its low chance, the repetitive tick tock music, and the dull nature of going back and forth back and forth lulls you, and then Uboa appears not like an ordinary BOO scary monster, but this weird unholy fucker that seems to be making a very unsettling noise.

Plays with anticipation more than your ordinary haunted house, I guess.

>> No.18538029

But every one knows and expects it even before they play, or go back to specifically look for it because not everyone is autistic enough to flip a light switch 2600 times in a normal play through. What would putting it in 3D offer that people wouldnt go "shitty jump scare" or "it's ruined and not spooky anymore"? It couldn't even be the same thing in a true 3D game because you'd be able to run around it.

>> No.18538782

It fails to capture the spirit of the original to a hilarious extent.
The manga has already proved this 'franchise' really doesn't need any more content. Its obtuseness is a major part of the charm - retreading old ground and explaining everything in a generic boring format is not only bad in and of itself, it retrospectively ruins the original game.
If I really wanted more Yume Nikki (and I don't because like all sensible people I was very much fed up with it like half a decade ago), I'd play some of the fan games.

>> No.18539135

Listen bud I didn't want the game at all, you asked what might be at least half satisfying and I offered an answer. Did anyone REALLY want this game?

>> No.18539373

Maybe because Uboa is one of the biggest fan favorite parts of the game? It's not important at all (just like everything else actually), but everyone who played through the original should at least know about that scene, regardless of how much they liked it. So why does a reimagination homage that was hyped for months just completely ruin everything about it? And why are you expecting the fans of the original game to not be bummed out about it?

>> No.18543813

Is the steam version of the original worth playing?

>> No.18543946

Why do you think it would be? Wouldn't it just be the game you can get without DRM elsewhere (remember, steam is DRM)?

>> No.18544005

I have no problem with steam, I just know it has a different translation and its own issues but haven't heard a definitive on fan translation vs official yet.

>> No.18544013

Eh, really?

Well, it's not as though Yume Nikki even needs a translation. There's no dialogue, only the starting tutorial and the menus have text.

>> No.18544016

I've never played the steam version but the game has zero dialogue so they'd really have to go out of their way for their translation to be inferior. Maybe giving the effects stupid names or something.

>> No.18544051

I played it for a few minutes and it's just the original game. However, I read some of the comments in the update posts and forum and it looks like there may be new bugs that cause a small number of minor things from the original game to not work properly. From the Steam forums, though, it looks like they're trying to get everything fixed and they're still updating it (last update was a little over a week ago)

>> No.18547816

How does a game gain issues just by putting it on steam? Shouldn't it just be the same rpg maker file?

>> No.18548819

There are a lot of bugs (npcs not running away when you use the knife, not able to trigger the FACE event)
