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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1840900 No.1840900 [Reply] [Original]

Is this awesome? Y/N

>> No.1840906

I had to disable the comments. They're making me die a little inside.

>> No.1840913

No,because you are a streamfag.

>> No.1840917


>> No.1840918
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>Mozilla Firefox

>> No.1840928

Try Again.

>> No.1840930


only niggers and jews use opera, and chrome is just shit.

>> No.1840945

What's that? Opera is faster than Firefox?

And you can't use Opera due to the lack of a silly, newbro-ish "hide thread" add-on? Dont be silly!

>> No.1840959


Oh god ``toolz'' and ``lulz''. We have a /b/tard on our hands, friends.

But Opera isn't faster than FF3. It's also incompatible with many websites. You'd have a point if you said Chrome, but it'd still be a bad point until Chrome gets decent addons.

>> No.1840951
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>> No.1840952
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Marisa: JAM!?

>> No.1840956

Hi guys. Currently using Chrome.

>> No.1840962

>>Opera is faster than Firefox

ohoh, good one.

>> No.1840971

Shut the fuck up, tripfag.
Don't make an even bigger retard out of yourself.

>> No.1840972

Enjoy using a shitty browser made by google with a pretentious name.

>> No.1840977

He clearly has 512MB of RAM.

>> No.1840986


It's true that Opera is faster than firefox.

Google it, retard.

>> No.1840984


But we already decided that Opera was faster than FF3 on the last /jp/ internet browser argument thread.

>> No.1840990

Yo bros, I got a question.
What the fuck is going on? Browser wars? Are you serious?
What the fuck is happening to /jp/? We've got tripfags up the wazoo, a bunch of useless shit threads like this one, I just read someone say "Hurrdurr the graphix in fsn are orsm so play it nao, it r ownz umineko", upon piles of other shit.
And for a board that hates /a/ so much, sure do talk about them a lot. It really wasn't always like this. It wasn't. I mean sure, there were plenty of threads to ignore in the past, but this is just getting ridiculous.

The fuck, bros?

>> No.1840991

That's why you fail, I use FF2.2

>> No.1840997

Chrome is superior

>> No.1841003

Generalised trolling, as a TM fag, I cannot seriously read that "which vn should I read first" and take it seriously, it's got to be trolling.
Disregard it, people are just bored, also, touhou anime.

>> No.1841006
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I'm trying to make this as clear as possible.

>> No.1841009

I actually use Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. It all depends on my mood really.

>> No.1841011

yeah I really figured it was just trolling, but even so, that's pretty gay.
Oh well it'll die down soon enough.

>> No.1841017

You're wrong. Opera loads Javascript slower than FF3, and it's the only difference in speed between browsers. The difference isn't that big, but it's not worth losing addons and compatibility with certain websites.

I'm done here, this is /g/ territory.

>> No.1841022

I still don't get it. Maybe it was your use of "shotted" but you appear to be clowning.

>> No.1841031

You're putting subs on a nico video? Cool for you, bro.

>> No.1841086

it was better than the browser war thread that happened.

>> No.1841114

who the fuck needs subs? anyone who can't understand the moonspeak is a scrub who needs to gtfo

>> No.1841174


"English is not allow in this site!!"

>> No.1841181


And it comes with subs to begin with, why would you do that?

>> No.1841294


>> No.1841331
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This is now an OPERA IS SUPERIOR thread.

Opera-tan is beautiful

>> No.1841338
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>> No.1841340

FF addons: pretty useless afterall.

>> No.1841348
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>> No.1841349
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>> No.1841352

Too bad I only care about my opinion, which just so happens I like to use Firefox, If I am using something slower or crappier, then oh well.

>> No.1841360

they're pretty useful actually, I can use them to filter out your shitty posts for example

>> No.1841357
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>> No.1841362
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>> No.1841366

>I can use them to censor my own internet


>> No.1841383
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>> No.1841386
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>> No.1841388
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>> No.1841401

Opera =tan = Love
FIrefox-tan = Furry

>> No.1841402

Need porns of Opera-tan.

>> No.1841405

It's like I'm really on /g/!

>> No.1841416
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>> No.1841415

I, too, choose the software I use based on their fan-made personificated characters

>> No.1841426
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>> No.1841427
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>> No.1841432
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opera-tan with opera bro

>> No.1841439
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>> No.1841448
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>> No.1841452
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>> No.1841462
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>> No.1841472

She truly is superior.

>> No.1841474
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>> No.1841486
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>> No.1841493
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You're doing it wrong.

>> No.1841524

this is why I love nicovideo.

>> No.1841536
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>> No.1841545
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>> No.1841563
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>> No.1841581

Finish the subtitles, bitch!

>> No.1841586


Fuck yeah Opera magic wand!

>> No.1841588

Having to enable comments to see the subtitles is stupid. Fuck nicovideo.

>> No.1841620

7/10, invoked rage in me for a couple seconds

>> No.1841638


>> No.1841643

the english comments are 8999 times better than that episode.
srsly.(especially the ones at the ending)

>> No.1841671

Any good torrents up yet?
the one on TT has 1 seed that I cant connect to

>> No.1841694


>> No.1841695

