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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18392732 No.18392732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you happy browsing /jp/?

>> No.18392744

Not with all these shitposts around. I wish people would learn /jp/ is not about Japan and also does not care about memes from other shitty boards nor their wars with offboard sites. Also I'm sick of these shitty captchas.

>> No.18392747

Koisheep and fumos make me happy

>> No.18392772

Mostly yes.

>> No.18392784


>> No.18392829

>I wish people would learn /jp/ is not about Japan and also does not care about memes from other shitty boards nor their wars with offboard sites.

I rarely see these in /jp/, then again I may not go to the same threads as you go to.

>> No.18392949

Some of you anons are so cute it keeps me from killing myself.

I will be here forever.

>> No.18392998

What is a /jp/?

>> No.18393030

A miserable pile of generals.

>> No.18393454

/jp/ is escapism at best

>> No.18393502

No, but happier here than on most other boards.

>> No.18393987


>> No.18394019

Fren is short for oligophrenia.

>> No.18394028
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>> No.18394149

This. /jp/ is about spamming 2hus.

>> No.18394164


>> No.18394165


Garbage non /jp/ reaction images have been steadily on the rise here for a while now. (not sure where the fuck they come from). Ever since a change in moderation on the board.

>> No.18394191


>> No.18394906

Mostly happy, but I wish that the Rika Nipah guy would show up more often.

>> No.18394912

how do I reply to posts

>> No.18395155


>> No.18395263

I haven't been on /jp/ in months and there's so little non-general content here that I don't see any reason to come back.
The board is just mittel-/a/ at this point. The content of a community is entirely dependent on its audience, and the people I enjoyed arguing and posting with in 2010 and 2011 are mostly gone. Replaced with people who are mentally normal and see nothing wrong with the corporate takeover of their interests. Hell ZUN's latest characters are an obvious attack on the shallowness of his own fans and the remnants of the Touhou community here wound up liking the shitty hoodie 2hu because poverty moe makes their chinchins go kyun.

This thread is a grave marker for /jp/; I've come to light some incense and place an offering. Be glad that the minority spirit lives on in our hearts.

>> No.18395300

As someone who used to make this mistake, it triggers me.

>> No.18395356

Not really. /jp/ is full of boring fucking people.

>> No.18395371

You're Mayor Boredom of the City of Yawnsville

>> No.18395433

Yeah. It's slow, it's comfy, I'd much prefer to talk about Touhou with the small community that's remained here than try to talk about it on a faster board with a constant influx of newfags, and I always hated the wall-to-wall spam, NEET blogging, or attention-whoring tripfags. I don't like the 3D or idol threads but unfortunately they won't go away so I just ignore them and focus on the small number of threads I like.

>> No.18395463

No, it full of JAV and 2hu waifu wars +shitposts

>> No.18395481

I don't even know what happiness is.

>> No.18395497

even /vg/ now has better touhou related content

>> No.18395647

This is similar to how I feel. I really like discussing Touhou with people and this is a comfy place to do so. Sure there are some pessimists like >>18395263 but id say mostly everyone here is pretty fun too chill with. I know that sounds super gay but oh well. It also helps that if im going to argue with someone over Touhou related stuff its a least someone who knows their shit.

>> No.18395953
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Thank you. But what happy day? There aren't many happy days i remember at all.

>> No.18396138

The truth. The 3D girls and idols posts dominate the front page always.

>> No.18396200

Come to /ota/ with us

>> No.18396582

Despite this, /jp/ is still essentially the last bastion of what old 4chan was like. I miss the days of no /pol/shit, no normal people, no corporate social media controlling the internet, no reddit. The internet back then was filled with mystery and wonder. Now it's just a bleak corporate landscape filled with advertising and data mining. Now it's for normal people only, with no space allowed for us non-normals.

/jp/ used to be our little Gensokyo. A place for those who lack common sense to gather and discuss wonderful things. But it's faded away like a happy little dream, and now the time has come for us to wake up and face the real world. There's no place left on the internet to go. No place left on earth for us to go, either. We've woken up, and now we will never dream again.

>> No.18396689

Regarding the captchas, I really don't get why people don't just buy a pass. It comes down to less than 6 cents a day

>> No.18396697

No, you're the problem with /jp/, constantly obsessing over inane outside factors like the "corporate takeover" of this and that. That shit is spam, it does not belong on /jp/.

>> No.18396713

remember when /jp/ was 25% sage?

>> No.18396758

Now it's 100% Professors.

>> No.18397187

>I really don't get why people don't just buy a pass.
It comes down to not paying the japanese jew.
This place has really fallen apart, it had started already before moot sold out but since hiroshimoot took over it has been disaster after disaster.
Not paying for that.

>> No.18397200

Did moot ever mention why sage became invisible?

>> No.18397243

I don't fund sites with literal malware.
People started using it as an attempted method of "downvoting" and I guess he didn't like that very much.

>> No.18397268


>> No.18397346

why doesnt someone make a thread on /qa/ about this? theres still a chance for a celeb board which is half of what the generals here are about.
things like japanese music/tv have their own boards already and im not sure why theyre even here.

>> No.18397416

I don't know what it means to be happy.

>> No.18397437

An idolfag did recently, I'd link you to it but desuarchivecia down. It was an interesting discussion but you can't really do much by making a thread on /qa/ unless it's for something like a technical issue.

>> No.18397504

from what ive heard from someone /v/ complained in /qa/ cause mods deleted neogaf threads cause they were too political and the result was they were allowed to have one thread at a time.
im sure there are better examples but i cant recall any.
in the end it beats sitting here having these threads every second week complaining about it amongst ourselves, we should atleast give it a shot and if enough of us participate it might get noticed.

>> No.18397580

I recommend learning japanese. The japanese internet is still fairly good if you avoid the obvious places.

>> No.18398385

Yeah, I'm busy with going to engineering school so I can leave this dumpster fire of a country, but I'm seriously considering learning Japanese just so I can have access to a usable internet again. I don't know how Japan did it, but they managed to skip the horrific phase that the english internet has gotten trapped in. I'm guessing it had something to do with how most normal people over there just use mobile phones. Maybe the english net will also improve once mobile phones and social media trap the normals in containment and leave the rest of the PC net for intellectuals and hobbyists again.

>> No.18398599 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18398640

You could just not go to social media sites and 4chan.

>> No.18398860

There are plenty of /jp/ offshots. What are you knobs going on about.

>> No.18398861

As long as I don't see those boobhu threads or pessimists like >>18395263, I am happy.

>> No.18399031

The thing is, /tv/ and /mu/ are western-oriented. They're too fast and large of boards to sustain these threads we have here once in a while for television and dramas, or music by Japanese people.
They are, by definition in the context of this board "diverse niche Japanese interests" as per the rules.

>> No.18399321

your problem is that you want a thread that is "sustained" instead of just making it over.

>> No.18399461

Those boards are populated entirely by one or more of the following.
-Spammers who want complete anarchy so they can post whatever inane shit they want.
-Shitposters who really just want to rebel against moderation but claim to want a low to non moderated board and just post dumb shitposts all day anyway.
-Blogposters who whine about their life and how much of a suicidal hikki neet they are
-Literal faggots who crossdress and write erp stories
-Tripfag/namefag orbiters and general circlejerkers
-People who want to post /a/ but don't want to post in /a/

>> No.18403544

>The thing is, /tv/ and /mu/ are western-oriented
>They're too fast and large of boards to sustain these threads we have here once in a while for television and dramas, or music by Japanese people.
Maybe, but they don't belong here.
Im sure if generals move over to their actual board they'll catch the attention of a few regs on that board.
>They are, by definition in the context of this board "diverse niche Japanese interests" as per the rules.
It's not /jp/ no matter how much you try push it, as this >>18392744 anon said, /jp/ is not about Japan, generals are the cancer of /jp/ and countless of other boards, make a discord and circlejerk there.

>> No.18403954

It's not hard to move an entire fucking general to a new board.

How hard is it to understand that it will benefit other boards and get their shit straight out of all of the god damn wocucks and fagphibians plaguing every board on this fucking site.

I know "he" has morethan enough time to have a mod make the change if he has time to sell out 4chan every other month. Come on. If you WANT this place to survive, put the fucking effort in making sure it does so you dont have to rely on spamming newfags and normalfags who shouldn't even be here in the first place.
I believe I saw JAV doing fairly well on another board, so why is it here? Honestly? This is a blue board hosting a porn medium. Come on.

>> No.18404482
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It's the best board on 4chan and the only one I still go to on a daily basis. It's my happy place where I can discuss my 2hus in peace.

Thanks /jp/ !

>> No.18404559


No, because of shit like >>18395263

>> No.18404568

Lately I'm spending a lot of past few months reading Eroge and a few manga (in moon of course).. And I've come to want to go to school, to have relationships/friends, study with girls a bit. Though I remember that pretty much everyone I knew was superficial as shit besides few people. Or maybe that's just me or things change in late high school(when I dropped out) and college

>> No.18404579

How does one post ruin your browsing experience? As he said himself he rarely comes here so what's the problem?

>> No.18404594
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Everyone be chu chu~

>> No.18404695

no. too many 3DPD fags and generals. hoping chinkmoot created /celeb/ soo all can fuck off.

>> No.18409894
File: 898 KB, 1000x1500, >mfw browsing /jp/.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still am. It's one of the few boards left on 4chan not constantly flooded with weak, race-baiting, /pol/ threads, so it has that going or it. While the content is largely static (and has been for years) and my interest in Japanese things is coming to an end, there's a certain undeniable charm to this board that keeps me coming back after all these years.

This guy has the right idea.

>> No.18409977

I just come here for 2hus.

>> No.18414021

Non-lewd ones, I hope

>> No.18414133

I feel more happy here than on other boards. At least I don’t have to fight through political garbage or people claiming x is reddit and it’s a “bad” thing to like.

4chan needs to get rid of frogs completely, and make a ban for those using them at all. Would improve the quality of every board regardless

>> No.18414172

You don't know shit about the Japanese internet boyo. Nijiura with the exception of the occasional funny thread is 90% /pol/ tier content and /r9k/ shit. 2chan is literally r*ddit, as in you might find the content on there amusing when you're still learning Japanese because everything is so new but once the initial wow phase wears off, it's exactly as unfunny and unoriginal as the tired old memes that r*ddit posts. Grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.18414214

In fact the only reason the learn Japanese atm beside reading cool books and watching anime is to watch virtual Youtuber broadcasts which are still relatively fresh and funny. Japanese social media and BBS is as devoid of originality and fun as any other

>> No.18414565

getting rid of touhou spam on /jp/ makes more sense.

>> No.18414788

Go away generalfag.

>> No.18415294

Posters who weren't on /jp/ from the start should restrain themselves from saying anything about /jp/'s meta. Stop roleplaying. New posters on /jp/ that make an effort to lurk might come to wrong conclusions about what /jp/ is, was and what it should be just from reading your posts.
