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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1837834 No.1837834 [Reply] [Original]

Where do otaku socialise?

Other than cons and cartoon forums?

>> No.1837836


>> No.1837838


>> No.1837839

Usually in very tight nit groups of 3 or 4. They're more likely to stay at one another's homes than go somewhere.

>> No.1837841

Haha, socialization.

>> No.1837844

In Japan it pretty common for otaku to date and be all around sociable in terms of their hobby.

>> No.1837848
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Men let their fists do their talking.

>> No.1837945
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>> No.1837949

Only non 2D otaku.

>> No.1837956

Saved as typical jp poster.jpg

>> No.1837976

Is there an otaku dating site or something in Japan? I must know.

>> No.1837988

You wanna socialise with weeaboos? Why would you wanna socialise with weeaboos?

>> No.1838013


>> No.1838053


I do, because I have only one person to socialize with, and I can't do it that much. I don't care if they are weeaboo, as long as they aren't asses.

>> No.1838635

tl;dr, get a girlfriend who is otaku, and treat her right. It's hard; half of the so-called otaku girls aren't (so make sure she's cool in other ways too,) and the market favors women (they can get a dumb jock, if they want one, and he'll just think her hobbies are 'cute'.)

I've been with my Otaku GF for eight years now. We have eleven bookshelves in our house, five of which are crammed with Manga (we get rid of most of our manga after reading it, just for space reasons.)

Her taste in stuff is awesome (though she avoids ecchi, fanservice, and shonen) and this means I always have someone to talk to about things that matter to me (she also reads good fantasy and sci fi.

None of my other friends even vaguely qualify as otaku, so when I find something I like that she doesn't, I'm out of luck. Fortunately, this is rare (she didn't like Lucky Star and didn't care about the OAV, but she at least liked the broadcast order Haruhi.)

Arm candy girl-otaku don't exist (the two states are incompat, and one will diminish), but bright ones do.

>> No.1838654

>I've been with my Otaku GF for eight years now
Alright, time for you to leave /jp/ and never come back.

>> No.1838655

This, pretty much.

Sometimes you'll get a geeky group that meets up on a regular basis. Look for anime clubs at colleges, those are fairly common.

>> No.1838683



>> No.1838692

Not many in my area even know what anime is. There was a convention a while ago in a less secluded town though, my suggestion is to attend those and stick around the gaming crowds, eh are usually cool guys and some of them might not afraid of anime

>> No.1838701

Haha, outside.

>> No.1838711

>Where do otaku socialise


>> No.1838726
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I've been to a few cons, but I can do my shopping just as well online.

When I get lonely, I think that a con would be nice. ...I'm just as lonely at a con, though, and it only gets worse as I get older while the kids at the cons stay the same age.

I don't socialize with otaku offline. I keep it in the closet, because people are dicks. I also keep my atheism, my taste in trashy genre fiction, my taste in porn, and my disdain for team sports and those who watch them a secret.

I wish darkness upon the world.

>> No.1838734

it's difficult to even get otaku together.
not being a complete weaboo, but still a fan, I started an anime club at my college.
Once one dude saw what we were watching, he and his entire group left.

There tend to be factions amongst otaku, and in addition, lots think they're better than everyone in their tastes. Which means no one gets along. At least that's been my experience with 'hardcore' fans.

>> No.1838777


Geek-on-geek hate saddens me.

...but I'm part of the problem, and have used the word 'narutards' without irony.

Geeks are (I think) the best people, and I'm prejudiced in favor of fellow geeks because they're usually smarter and kinder than mundanes.

...but my theory gets shot to hell when I hear geeks calling other geeks 'weeaboo', 'furfags', or whatnot.

And I shouldn't mock people for liking DBZ, Pokemans, or Naruto. Shit, I still own some Ranma, somewhere, and I once even liked the Hokuto no Ken manga.

Otaku don't get to socialize, because the larval ones who start to grow up are treated like shit by normalfags and then again by elitist geeks.

>> No.1838778

On the internet, that includes MMOs, image boards and the likes.

>> No.1838781

I feel an 'otaku' even when I'm with my otaku friends.
They play jrpgs and watch the occasional interesting anime, and I play visual novels that they probably won't ever play. I am a social retard amongst social retards.

>> No.1838803

Sup' gais, do you want to summon athens?

>> No.1838810

I leave my front door open at all times, I'm grateful if somebody slips in to talk, anybody

>> No.1838828

yes, sub-divisions in a sub-culture are silly. it's no fun when no one wants to get along and just be glad for some company.

>> No.1838840

I leave my door closed at all times, because I'm scared of someone walking in on me, even though I live alone.

>> No.1838853
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You seem to think that it's a progressive thing and all of us go through a narutard stage.

The truth is, it's not. Not all of us were born in the 90s. I grew up in a time where anime and manga were both unheard of. I went headfirst into visual novels and doujinsoft. I read manga but hardly ever watch anime. I've always been what you label an "elitist nerd".

And fuck you, there is nothing wrong with Hokuto no Ken. How dare you rank it up there with Naruto and Ranma.

In any case, I don't "hate" teenage fans of Naruto and the like, I just don't see any reason to socialise with them.

>> No.1838867

example of sub-division.

why can't everyone just accept that it takes all kinds...

>> No.1838876

The fact that you like something from the same country as some shit that I like does not make you the same as me.

>> No.1838893


I would say more than interests, just general personality is more important. My best friend IRL doesn't give a FUCK about anime or japanese games in general. But him and I get along great, and play games we both still enjoy.

On the other hand, I'd love more otaku friends to hang out with. Still, personality > interests.

>> No.1838900


>> No.1838925

Other than the internet, it's quite hard to stumble upon anyone.

I'm usually the most bookish person around which seems to strangely off-put some people, even though I'm not too hideous. Perhaps they fear my "intellect". If that's not the case, people tend to be more of shy and reversed than actually sharing anything that I'm into. I wouldn't date a douche just because we get lumped in same social category by some irrelevant factor.

>> No.1838930

people often seem to mistake hating everyone who watches shows like naruto/whatever with hating the retards.
I think of myself as an elitist, but until some time ago I talked regularly about Bleach with a friend. He is a pretty cool and smart guy, nothing wrong with that.
Now, just because we watch the same show, you're telling me I should be all happy friends with the retard who can't go ten minutes without starting powerlevel discussion shit or whatever?
You aren't obliged to don't hate something if you watch the same show, and some shows attract more retards than other.

>> No.1838932


But to answer seriously I would say anime clubs.
Citywide anime clubs: shonentards.
University anime clubs: arrogant elitist dicks.
Your choice.

Oh, and I know a pretty lame otaku dating service, but it's just like another forum.

>> No.1838962

>Arm candy girl-otaku don't exist
so you're saying there's no cute/hot/pretty girl otaku?

>> No.1838969
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>Perhaps they fear my "intellect"

>> No.1838972

They dont.
Sometimes they have a few normal friends they hang out with at each others houses.

>> No.1838977
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>> No.1838984

Maybe not. But you see what I mean, yes?

>> No.1838986

>Where do otaku socialise?
They don't.

Even the one female otaku I've met doesn't like to talk much.

>> No.1838990

This thing is disgusting, are you trying to prove there are none ? Because I already know that, bro.

>> No.1839003

Fuck you take that back I'll fucking kill you

>> No.1839004


As a reader, I've been accused of being haughty and standoffish for most of my formative years (I'm accused of it now, but now I actually am. Back then it was an accident and I didn't know what I was doing that got me the accusations.) I think this is standard for geeks.

When I am in the mood to spark up conversations, I either ask someone what their hobbies are (because if they only read Sports Illustrated and only play sports games, I'm not going to admit to liking dojin and dating sims) or, I keep a hint around. Right now, I have some plastic go stones on a chain on my backpack ('cos I'm allus up for a game) and I keep a plastic Choco Coronet on another backpack chain. This is as overt as I care to get, but any outgoing otaku in my workspace or class will have at least a clue that we might be potential friends.

Honestly, it's never worked. My longest-term (and only) otaku friend was wearing Anime T-shirts when I met her. Now she's 30, and she won't wear anything that obvious.

Am picky about new friends because I enjoy my own company...but it's nice to be able to talk about something I care about, and my other option is to start watching TV.

>> No.1839016

I won't.

>> No.1839018

I socialize in the shared kitchen next to my dorm apartment.
So far I enjoy talking to most of them, but I haven't gone in detail with my hobbies and only one of them has seen my room.
I don't have naked lolis on my wall, but she commented on my Japanese Amélie poster and my "two computers" which is just one computer with two monitors.

>> No.1839026

The only weeabos I think I'd enjoy socializing with are you guys, and you're probably all huge douchebags when you're no longer anonymous.

But I still want to believe that if I got to meet some of you people, I'd finally get to know how it's like to have a good friend ;_;

>> No.1839044

I think the chances of meeting someone nice from /jp/ are higher than if you go out to check up on your local weeaboo tree house clubs.

>> No.1839051

/jp/ is a nice guy with a hidden perverted side and serious social anxiety problems.

>> No.1839061

If any other Anons are like me (which I doubt), you'll never find them around to socialize with. I'm either in my room, sitting in a corner at the library, or taking walks at 02:00.

>> No.1839069

Not everyone here is afraid of talking to people.
I just like it better when there's just me and the person I'm talking to.

>> No.1839065

I'm surprised by the fact that you consider us not to be douchebags when we're anonymous, not the friendliest lot posts here.
But as a matter of fact, we're probably nice people.
But I wouldn't recommend you to meet anyone, imagining the geek behind his screen and meeting him are worlds apart.

>> No.1839093

Amusingly, people think I'm some kind of saint, never talking about sex, drinking, smoking and such.
I'm quite happy they can't read my thoughts, or simply see my hard drive.

>> No.1839125

It a bit difficult to share a hobby with someone like that. I mean, as in books or whatnot movies I watch I have such strong opinions that any discussion turns into an argument. People don't understand that they're wrong or have all kinds of misguided ideas. Then again, I feel off-put if someone does not pay as much interest in something as I do. I guess I'm pretty annoying. Doesn't really bother me, though.

As for appearance, I try to dress conservatively with old style-edge but other than that there is not much into it. Looks can't genuinely attract similarly interested people. Well, perhaps Goths or those other streetstyle culture things. One should probably patrol some place like a shop that attracts people with specific interests.

Such sad vision, but usually when I've dated it's some friends friend who just happened to randomly came along. Yep...

>> No.1839127

That's not a date, that's just walking along with people.

>> No.1839167
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>You seem to think that it's a progressive thing and all of us go through a narutard stage.

I'll go with "most", but yes, I do. I'm willing to entertain the idea that you're the exception that tests the rule.

People's tastes mature as they mature, and people get tired of tropes that they once didn't recognize as such.

> I grew up in a time where anime and manga were both
> unheard of. I went headfirst into visual novels and

Seriously, not trolling and genuinely curious: How did you do it? Just getting raw tapes and fansubs involved long distance tape trading (on a meagre budget) on Fidonet for me. You're probably older than me and had a better job in the 80's (I had friends who used VHS tapes as furniture and had more LDs than god) but it still must have been challenging unless you were very well off or traveled there a lot and spoke the language.

> Hokuto no Ken. How dare you rank it up there with Naruto and Ranma

I'm being hypocritical when I criticize HnK for not (at least in the dozenth volume) appearing to be heading to a conclusion and for not having character development, because I still read Golgo13 all the time. It's possible I missed some nuances in HnK; maybe I'll give it another try.

>> No.1839173

Yeah, you sound like a douchebag. Like one should expect that every moment with you, more and more judgment is passed because of idiotic matters. That expectation would ruin any chance of anyone starting to like you.

But it is possible to change, if you have any desire for that at all.

>> No.1839207

Regarding your last point, I'm very open to the idea of not hating people for no reason, though I had a little problem saying truthfully that I don't have anything against narutards. But I have come to a few conclusions:
-Elitism among geeks will usually just seem, and rightfully so, like a desperate attempt at feeling a little worthy by pushing others down for no reason.
-The stereotypical narutard would probably still be annoying without watching Naruto.
-We can still hate normalfags who watch animu, and they are usually worst.

>> No.1839265

I'm 18 years old and have been into games and anime for as long as I can remember. I grew up on CCS, DBZ, Digimon, and Pokemon. I still appreciate all of these for nostalgia value (well CCS is still just fucking awesome), and I don't think it's really fair to mark people down on that kind of thing.

I hate narutards too. Really, they're just fucking annoying. But then I think; that might just be their CCS. It's a really gay thing to grow up on, but it's what this upcoming generation of anime fans has got.

Also; accessiblity varies from person to person. A lot of people just don't know what else is out there. It's after they start calling Kaiji gay compared to Bleach that you punch them in the face.

I don't really know what point I was making (durrr) but in the end maybe our hate is less justified than we think.

>> No.1839275

wise anon.

sometimes i miss the days when anime was a new world waiting to be explored and anything from japan was neat. sometimes i think 'high-level' otaku are just jealous of the starry-eyed wonder that's patently narutard, because at one point they felt it too.

>> No.1839280

Hatred needs no reason.

>> No.1839294

>Seriously, not trolling and genuinely curious: How did you do it?

Do what? I was never a part of any pre-mainstream anime fanbase.

I studied Japanese when I was younger, and got into visual novels in the late 90s. Basically, I know how it feels to spend a week downloading a caveman rape game from Kazaa.

My point was that I was too old for Naruto and all that jazz by the time it all went mainstream. I don't see how not socialising with people who can't get past that stage makes me "elitist".

Hell, I barely socialise at all.

>> No.1839314

Asceai detected

>> No.1839344

People seem to put up with just about anything. Usually the more emotionally obnoxiously you act the more you can get away with. Especially if you are a girl. People just go "oh, but this person has always been like that". Not understanding that such behaviour is more compulsive than normal character trait. Relationships tend to end pretty fastly once the realisation comes along.

>> No.1839375

People are such masochists sometimes. I really don't get it. Do they expect that people who are hard to get along with are really awesome when you do get along with them?

>> No.1839376

Asceai, get your ass out here and start talking about the G-Senjou translation and how you're starting to edit and are going to release a first patch any day now.

>> No.1839454

Well, I have no real friends.

>> No.1840592


>> No.1840609

Can I be your friend?

>> No.1840612

It's true to a certain extent.

Girls can really get away with being socially anxious and having really nerdy hobbies. And I've noticed it's not jocks nerdy girls go for, but scenefaggots and 'ironic' hipsters who think taste in music is all there is to a person.

>> No.1840614

Sure, add me on myspace.

>> No.1840702

Well, I knew you'd jump on my post like that but the point merely was that most guys tend act overly polite for girl while they really shouldn't.

>> No.1840730

They shouldn't. I never disagreed with that.

>> No.1840891

Closet otaku socialize with each other every day. They just don't realize it.

>> No.1841000

It's almost impossible to find otaku friends without a ridiculous amount of luck.
Like going to your first day of your new Latin class, looking back and noticing girl behind you discussing Lancer x Archer yaoi possibilities to her friend, realizing she's pretty good looking, then hugging her WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT.

>> No.1841008

this is pretty much the worst post I've seen all day on /jp/, good job.
I recommend you to take " the guy who made the shittiest post on /jp/ today" as a name, you deserve it.

>> No.1841024

I agree with you, and "worst on /jp/ all day" is a pretty big feat considering how many shitty posts we've had today.

>> No.1841733
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>Where do otaku socialise?
>do otaku socialise?
>do otaku

Is it just me or does 'weeaboo' seem to have replaced 'otaku' as the description/insult of what we are?

Anyway, to answer the question I'd say the best place would be in University clubs since they're usually made in order to ATTRACT our kind into one space.
This though has various levels of success/failure since if a school lacks a sufficiently large student body, well, the probability of having them also goes down.
Hell, the school I go to has a membership of 22,000 students and we only have about 30 regular members.

Another problem though is what I think causes the factions. Not powerlevels but rather differing interests and space conflicts.
What I mean by 'space conflicts' literaly 'space'.
Board games take space and time. As do card games.

>> No.1841746

weeaboo specificaly refers to the anime humping jpop nagging immature group of idiots, while otaku are just people who are autistic. Savants of sorts.

>> No.1841748

I don't want to live in a world where this thread exists.

>> No.1841749

>Is it just me or does 'weeaboo' seem to have replaced 'otaku' as the description/insult of what we are?
Newfags believe that "weeaboo" and "otaku" are the same thing.

>> No.1841774

If there is a difference please go into detail.

>> No.1841783

Hello newfriend, I'm going to honor your shit troll and say that weeaboo=dead worldfilter for wapanese. And wapanese is not the same as otaku, no matter what you say.

>> No.1841784


>> No.1841792

Weeaboo: Someone who idolizes Japan as a whole and wants to be japanese.

Otaku: Fan of anime/manga/ visual novels, etc.

>> No.1841798
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>weeaboo specificaly refers to the anime humping jpop nagging immature group of idiots

Well, I'm not an idiot and I tend to lean towards jrock although Touhou seems to dominate these days.
Both mostly considered shit, but theres another thread about that already
I'd also like to think myself as a bit more grown up and wiser than when I was in highschool.
At least, I read the FAQ and use sage responsibly
>while otaku are just people who are autistic. Savants of sorts.
Definitely not autistic.
Lazily smart, yes.
Autistic... no hugbox here.

Right time to get used to it then.

>> No.1841800

So they're basically the same?

>> No.1841803

>Is it just me or does 'weeaboo' seem to have replaced 'otaku' as the description/insult of what we are?
It's just another example of lowlevel narutards misusing terms to make them feel like they're really Japanese.

>> No.1841813


>> No.1841819

This thread is the most depressing thing I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.1841822

otaku should be shot before they rape and kill more children.

>> No.1841828

What I'd like to know is how did it mutate from PBF.

>> No.1841860
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Agreeing. I think a lot of the Oldsters are getting on in age and resent their once sacred culture and fandom subverted and democratized by the internet. Any kid who has a passing fancy can become an "expert" by downloading a few torrents.
I think what's worse, and I might fall into this bracket too... These newschool anime fans pay no respect to the oldsters who were basically responsible for propelling the fandom to its lofty heights. In the light of this explosion of sugar-fueled exuberant youth, the pioneers are shunned.
The facets of the fandom do seem to still be very insular. At the anime club I attend, the different lil' cliques don't seem to interact much... we just go and watch and go our separate ways. I need to start bringing a flask of whiskey so I can gain the courage to approach some of the actual cute girls who attend.

Who has the mspaint pic of the generic nerdy dude turning down the cute anime fangirl because her tastes were "poor"?

Oh yeah, has anyone mentioned "Otakubooty" yet? Does that site still even exist? I suppose that's ONE way anime fans could get together.

>> No.1841869

Wordfilter for wapanese.

>> No.1841879

I guess you've never looked into a mirror before, fatboy?

>> No.1841917

People treat others the way they were treated, so it's only natural that geeks treat everyone, including other geeks, with cruelty.

>> No.1842002
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>I think a lot of the Oldsters are getting on in age and resent their once sacred culture and fandom subverted and democratized by the internet.

I disagree with you on that point.
Info wants to be free and sharing information about a series is kind of the point of a fandom.

>Any kid who has a passing fancy can become an "expert" by downloading a few torrents.

I agree with you on this one though. That's why I've kept /a/'s list of 'Watch this first' just for those occasions.
Sure, their list vary by taste but it's a step in the right direction.

>Oh yeah, has anyone mentioned "Otakubooty" yet? Does that site still even exist? I suppose that's ONE way anime fans could get together.

That site always struck me as a niche dating site.
According to their site, BootyCon 2009 is in its planning stages.

>> No.1842043

Just for balance:

Parts of this thread make me think that you're not all irredeemable jerks and that maybe there's hope for humanity (and in particular, geekdom) after all.

>> No.1842060


You, and the rest of this thread, have utterly destroyed whatever faint hope I had left for /jp/.

At this point I'm just sticking around to watch everything burn through a haze of tears.

At least I have my memories.

>> No.1842124
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>> No.1842136

>At least I have my memories.
Actually, you don't.

>> No.1842165
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Baawww for you then. /jp/ was never the playpen for your otaku meme wank.

Does anyone really believe that none of the poster here do not have any social life. By far not many in /jp/ are NEET or virgins or whatever stupid memes you like to uphold.

For forced memes go to /b/.

>> No.1842179


>> No.1842186

I only pretend I'm a NEET because it helps me fit in on /jp/

oh the irony

>> No.1842194

Hey gais I sometimes go to this place in my town called "Arenales", it's allways full of weeaboos and such.

>> No.1842205 [SPOILER] 
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I have shut-in tendencies since I'm an only child.

I grew up with the idea that it didn't matter if people liked what I was interested or not. I went home alone at the end of the day.

Oh, and ib4 play with yourself
So, pic related?

>> No.1842217

Wow, perfect example of normalfag who just felt like dropping in because it's winter break. Get back to /r9k/ with your girlfriends, clubs, and parties, faggot.

>> No.1842209

You're only pleasing about 2 or 3 dimwitted metatrolls by doing that.

>> No.1842215
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>> No.1842225


He's right, though. This is the new /jp/. I mean, look at this entire fucking thread.

It happened to /b/ and /a/ and everywhere else. I don't think any of us thought we'd be immune, but... did it have to be so quick?

>> No.1842229

Saw a whole slew at a figure shop in west Sydney today.

>> No.1842235

visit lesser known chans with a small user base.

>> No.1842239


That said I was actively participating in their discussion.

>> No.1842250

It's not like they're trying to steal your little corner of the internet.

As long as you don't ask and don't tell, the difference between a troll and and an honest poster has nothing to do with personal life.

That's the beauty of anonymous posting, you don't have to know anything about anyone else on the board, and if you offer that information or ask for it, you're inviting a shitstorm.

>> No.1842266


Moot shall mongle your cock.

>> No.1842282
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Meh, meta threads are the new cancer killing the board-of-the-week.

I don't mind it much but these days they seem to be popping up withing days of each other.

Sure, they do cause some discussion with an odd bit of wisdom and/or self-reflection followed by the "trolls" and tripfag but ultimately they accomplish nothing.

/r9k/ frowns at this topic since from their point of view it's "Go outside. Get an outdoor hobby. Meet girls. Don't scare them. Don't show your powerlevel" to any kind of interpersonal relationship.

Hell, that's why I moved to /jp/. Less 'Go outside' more BroFist

>That's the beauty of anonymous posting, you don't have to know anything about anyone else on the board
Plus, not having to use a Photobucket account or such in order to respond with an image.

>> No.1842289

Although /jp/ certainly isn't immune to normalfags, it's the most normalfag resistant board on 4chan. The only threads I can see normalfags posting in are /trv/ and /lang/ related ones, I don't think they'd be posting about visual novels and Touhou.

>> No.1842299
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I love the squik soud they make when they see a Dinner With Mai Waifu thread.

>> No.1842308


I think /tg/ is the most immune. They're more insular, even from people like me. Their shit involves socializing and all sorts of obscure arcana I know nothing about. I figure if they can keep me out they can keep /b/ out.

If this passes as normalfag resistant, god, I'd hate to see neo-/a/.

>> No.1842329
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You know, by that argument, so is /d/

>> No.1842348

i don't think /a/'s problem is normalfags, it's underage kids who think the wrong shit is cool, like giving Bleach a chance, or spamming porn/scat/gore in a thread they don't like.

>> No.1842395

You might be right, but I think that the weeaboos on /jp/ are more removed from normalfags than fa/tg/uys are, because like you said they need to socialize and have friends for most of their hobbies.

I would say that /a/'s problem isn't exactly normalfags, but the influx of more "normal" anime fans like the type you would find at ann or animesuki. I also agree with what you posted though. Never has thread highjacking been more prevelant, and it's incredibly immature and annoying.

>> No.1842404

/a/ improves a bit during the very late night/early morning (for my timezone, PST) but you're right. It used to be I could at least find a few interesting threads a day, during normal hours. Lurked all day today and found nothing worth posting in besides the daily Aria thread. I think I'm about to jump ship and move to /jp/ permanently.

Sage for offtopic shit.

>> No.1842416

/jp/ - Japan/Refuge

>> No.1842435

I use /a/ in the same capacity that I use /v/. Sometimes they are talking about a series (or game, respectively) that I have not yet heard about, so I go look it up.

If I make no effort to join into their communities it's so much easier on my mental health.

That said, /jp/ also alerts me to new downloads and whatnot when it comes to weeaboo music, and I like to play the meltan when that comes around.

>> No.1842436

In my mind, /a/s main problem is the high volume of new people, and people who spam the same popular show of the season threads. The new people who come to /a/ see bad behavior, and think it's the norm so they emulate it to fit in. The people who spam the same threads push aside any sort of hope for lesser known shows, and generate hype for the show in question. This creates more trolls and more spam. The amount of /a/ posters (especially in compairision to /jp/) doesn't help either.

Agreed, those daily Aria threads are the only reason I keep going. That and hope a troll free Eva thread or something pops up...

>> No.1842442

I'm PST and the only time I can tolerate browsing /a/ is between midnight and 4 am. I tend to notice a sharp increase in shitty posts around 5 or 6 am, but luckily I'm very rarely up that late.

>> No.1842461


touhou hijack lol

>> No.1842462


Well, there is a gulf between us and them. They are more removed from /b/ to be sure, but they're probably closer to normality due to the socialization and shit that their hobbies require. I really just wish our board could be as impenetrable to outsiders as theirs. I click over to /tg/ once in a while and I'm never struck by a thought like "Wow, this place really went to shit" or "Things were so much better x months ago", the front page always seems to have a variety of legitimate threads. Lots of text, lots of variety, very little apparent trolling. Then I come back to /jp/ and see nine hidden threads and I start wondering how long it would take to learn about D&D or Warhammer.

>> No.1842464

I don't see what you guys are whining about. This thread hasn't revealed anything new and surprising about /jp/ as a whole at all.

>> No.1842466

Um, I'm quite since when I was young, my parents quit talking. But I love talking, so does that make me socially anxious?

P.S. My friends hate me :(

>> No.1842503

Uh, when I was young, my parents never stopped talking so I'm ~*really quiet*~ now. But I love talking and anime and the like, so does that make me socially anxious?

P.S. My 'friends' hate me :(

>> No.1842510

Since your friends all hate you anyway, just abandon them. If you want to talk about anime, get a mirror.

>> No.1842524



>> No.1842528

I wish I still remembered shit about D&D and Warhammer just so I could hang out in /tg/. I played both in high school, back when I had friends.

But really I don't think VN and Touhou threads are very accessable to outsiders. Hell, I still don't get Touhou threads even after playing the games for months, there's just so much fan shit to absorb. The problem with /jp/ is the offtopic shit like Japanese girlfriend threads, Japanese language threads, where to get laid in Japan thread, ronery/misogyny threads, etc. Even if we got rid of that there would still be trolling and shitposting, but I think /jp/ would be better overall.

>> No.1842534


But I never talk about anime. They just talk about *SOCCER AND FOOTBALL :D*

>> No.1842537

"socially anxious" is not a unique condition.

clearly you are worried about social skillsand lack the self-knowledge to diagnose what you're missing, like the rest of us.

>> No.1842547



>> No.1842552

Don't forget the idol threads. Those handful of guys flood the board with their shit when almost everyone hides all their threads and tries their best to ignore them.

>> No.1842555


They come here regardless, and you can find them in Touhou and VN threads. Obviously it's all the non-/jp/ shit that's really problematic, but still.

>> No.1842578
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Honestly, that's what it's turned into.
I never thought /b/ would go down in flames like it did.
/r9k/ was a neat idea but the post that it attracted weren't all that great. Hell,I tried starting a thread about the ramifications of VNs and the like in a social context and was met with 'Go Outside', 'Enjoy your hand' and '/jp/ is that way'.

I mean, even the trolls have gotten lazy. These days it's a quick one-liner.
It doesn't make me rage due to the content like it should.
Hell, Athens MIGHT be the only one who's entertaining but even then that's debatable since she only comments on gender issues and I'm rather tired and jaded to those since I came from /r9k/.

Guess what I'm trying to say is I like this form of socialization. I can read, share and learn about this hobby that I've become involved in without the judgment of my peers. That is unless I jump into a TM or Touhou thread.

Oh, and on a side note I need Hyakko doujins from C75, so someone point me in the direction of it as long as it's not /a/.


>> No.1842595

They come here for the offtopic threads, then shit up the VN and Touhou threads with their normalfag remarks. If they knew what the board was for they would likely never come here, but unfortunately that's never going to happen thanks to "All things Japanese welcome!"

>> No.1842601
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Similar boat with mother who never shuts up.
I enjoy silence but I also enjoy loud music.
I grew up on the whole "There's a time for everything" concept of doing things so you may want to learn about that and shut up about anime from time to time.
No, really. There's other things you can talk to your 'friends' about.

>The problem with /jp/ is the offtopic shit

I can agree with you on the girlfriend, misogyny and 'where to get laid' threads since they're not particularly helpful or applicable to the person.
I don't care for them either but the idol threads are harmless and they belong here anyway.

>> No.1842614


Well, yeah. But it's not like no normalfag would ever have anything to do with VNs. Those "torrent now" threads in particular are filled with normalfags.

Stilll, so much of it could be remedied if only moot cared to make a small change or two.

>> No.1842616

Okay, I'm irked.

Just what would you constitute as '/jp/ worthy'?

>> No.1842622


>I don't care for them either but the idol threads are harmless and they belong here anyway.

Wrong. Neither they nor you belong here.

>> No.1842629


get back to /r9k/ with your clubs, girlfriends, and parties, faggot. You're not one of us.

>> No.1842637

I think it's time you guys did something more interesting than looking for a pure weeabo community. Go out and try to change the world or something.

>> No.1842645

I checked out /tg/ because of this thread, and my mind was totally blown.
Capitalization, punctuation, grammar, actual discussions, all the way down the page. That board has got to be the best board on 4ch.

>> No.1842649
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>change the world

>> No.1842652


Thanks but no thanks for your advice, /r9k/. I'm quite happy with the path I've chosen. My only complaints are about the foreign barbarians that intrude on it.

>> No.1842655

the thing about the idol threads is that it's just an image dump that happens daily, and just one more thread to minimize.

really, fawning over a celebrity is pretty faggy, no matter what nationality, but you really deny that the threads belong anywhere but /jp/.

you people need to learn that ignoring half of a board's content is going to happen all the goddamn time, and is generally more productive than whining about it within that thread or in a new thread.

>> No.1842658

< /R9K/ is that way

>> No.1842664



Hey, you probably don't realize it, but this thread is about you. I bet that makes you feel pretty good about yourself.

>> No.1842665

As moot stated in the first post on /jp/, it's for the non-anime/manga shit that people had been posting in /a/. That includes Touhou, visual novels, figs, and other otaku shit. It's basically a board of rejected Japanese topics that have nowhere else to be posted. That's why /lang/ and /trv/ related threads don't belong here, they already have boards.

>> No.1842684

complaining about capitalization is nearly as bad as flaming someone for misspelling a word in a sentence.

in fact, it almost encourages me to continue leaving out capitalization.

complaining about people talkin lik dis is a completely different matter.

>> No.1842685
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I was only there for the reading.
Like I said, I moved over here because I didn't fit in over there. Plus, I'm an only child and grew up rather secluded in my hobbies.

And I'm only posting Hyakko to see if anyone would point out that it shouldn't be posted here yet no one's said anything.

It's essentially an image dump, leave them be since at least they don't shitpost their idols in other threads.

>> No.1842696

The idol threads were bearable when it was only one thread at a time, that was easy to ignore. Now, however, it's not uncommon to see three "[moonspeak] part X" threads on the front page in addition to assorted threads dedicated to specific idols. I just wish the idolfags would be more considerate before deciding that some obscure Japanese whore needs a whole new thread devoted to her.

>> No.1842705

you'll notice that certain content, while technically off-topic, is acceptable if no one particularly dislikes it.

see the semi-regular Hidamari Sketch threads.

>> No.1842713

What's with all the complaining about "normalfags"? Generally such a term should be used when the subject of dating comes up, or when the neighborhood NEETs are insulted, or when someone asks us about picking up Japanese women. I see almost none of that in this thread, yet you fags complain because apparently, socializing with other otaku is too much.

>> No.1842717


>The idol threads were bearable when it was only one thread at a time

/s/ threads are never bearable. The difference between one and a hundred of them is merely a matter of degree.

>> No.1842723

Do otakus have sex? (the hand doesn't count as sex)

>> No.1842729

you don't wanna be there when they do.

>> No.1842732
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>> No.1842739

I could understand if people tried to prevent you from playing VNs and Touhou, but are you not at some point going to give up on being a part of an elite secret internet club? Sure, pretending to be the Illuminati of the internet is fun for a couple of days, but are you really going to continue to long for the days you used to have a little fun? Are you still not getting the hint that those days are over and unlikely to ever happen again?

>> No.1842744

This has become tonight's "bitch about the current state of /jp/" thread, so we're just talking about normalfags in general, not necessarily ones in this thread.

>> No.1842746


>tl;dr /b/ bullshit that comes up every time in these kinds of threads


I don't care what you think of it so long as you and your ilk leave.

>> No.1842751
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The dream will never die.

>> No.1842759

It has basically turned into an e-penis competition of getting most thread continues. "ah, part 50, my hard work dumping the same pictures 50 times is starting to pay off".

>> No.1842760


>> No.1842771

Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.1842772
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>> No.1842774


>> No.1842775
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That... had not occurred to me.
Thanks for pointing it out.

Normalfags, for this thread, are being defined as any and all outsiders of this board. This includes /r9k/, /a/ and the occasional lost idiot from /trav/.
Example: see (>>1842723)

>> No.1842777


It's pretty obvious unless you're only posting pictures. And sometimes even then.

>> No.1842800

Sure, you can tell a /b/-tard post from the forced lulz, but can you wrap your head around a /b/-tard posting like a normal /jp/-goer?
