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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 97 KB, 463x645, morningshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1835240 No.1835240 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with all the Morning Musume faggotry? Morning Musume sucks ass just like fucking Britney Spears or whatever sucks ass. Fuckinh hell, I don't even think anyone here really likes them. Just trolling.


>> No.1835243

It's shit, right?

But this thread is the same, too.

>> No.1835242

your dumb

>> No.1835250

Stop replying to troll threads. It's not difficult.

>> No.1835251

I believe it's "you're dumb," sir.


>> No.1835247

This would be true about the Aya fag, but I'm pretty sure those idolfags actually like that horrible shit. God knows why, but they really seem like they do.

PS: Don't start a new thread just to troll them, do it in their threads. Reported.

>> No.1835248

I hate because I don't care.
I fail because I don't know.

>> No.1835255
File: 151 KB, 630x730, 1230518191942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what this thread is about so I'll just post a Kudo.

>> No.1835252

It does suck.

>> No.1835253

Troll thread:

Tread made for the sole purpose to provoke anger and disagreement.

>> No.1835258

Right. So why would he post something that everyone agrees with apart from 5 people?

>> No.1835257

Seriously there are so many trolls tonight. Someone go check if /b/ is invading us... I'm actually curious now.

>> No.1835260

But if idol threads provoke my anger, don't they count as troll threads?

>> No.1835265


>provoke anger

>> No.1835271


No they are not made for that purpose, and i can hardly believe they annoy you that much.

>> No.1835276

Actually I love JunJun and think Eri would be the perfect (japanese) girl next door to hang out with.
However, since Haromoni started (and got shoved off TV) MM really hasn't been what they used to be.

They (as in "H!P in general") changed from having unique characters (aibon, mari, yasuda etc.) to being generic idols (with only one exception... JunJun).

I can understand why somebody NOWADAYS says MM are nothing special.
But most MM fans just love to remember how they once was and live in remeniscence.

>> No.1835277


So when should we be expecting a Little Busters translation?

>> No.1835279


No it's probably just two people, /jp/ is a slow board.

/b/ would be more spam and LOL RANDUM XD

>> No.1835281

/a/ fags have been invading this board since many months, can't get any worse, fuckhole.

>> No.1835284

It annoys me how people think that shitty music like this is good. I mean, OK if it's a 14 year old girl who doesn't konw better, but anyone respectable over the age of 17 should NOT like this. I enrages me.

>> No.1835283

>>provoke my anger
lol we trol u

Seriously, though. You have a serious problem if you are getting angry at a few people talking about what they like about Japanese culture.

>> No.1835285


If the two idol threads on the front page annoys you so much just get a plugin and hide them..

>> No.1835286

When the Air translation gets released.

>> No.1835288


I report every single one of them for off-topic and trolling, but the mods will never do anything about it.

>> No.1835291
File: 117 KB, 549x750, 1230518641730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your way of thinking, and will leave this image here.

People actually like Britney Spears. That doesn't invalidate your point, but yes, clearly some people here enjoy Morning Musume. I wish they'd keep their discussion in regular forums.

>> No.1835292

I don't understand why people complain about the idol threads.. Troll threads like this is MUCH worse.

It's not like the idolfags come spam the touhou or VN threads..

>> No.1835293
File: 381 KB, 1000x800, 1230518680771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have the right idea.

Since the janitors seem to be on a break and some people are going to continue bumping this thread, I say that this thread is now a Little Busters thread. Any objections?

>> No.1835294

The idol threads are just one troll talking to himself. That's why they have a trip, make it seem like they are different people.

>> No.1835299
File: 97 KB, 400x1162, 1230518749691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1835296

I wish failfags like you'd post Anime & Manga only in /a/

>> No.1835300

Even if I can't see them, they are already there. I want them to BEGONE!

I think of them as conservatives, hell even liberals, who hate socialism. I want them wiped out, cleared from the face of the earth. Only then will we be able to live in true piece.

>> No.1835309


They spam /jp/ with horrible pictures of disgusting whales, shit is worst than /b/.

>> No.1835313
File: 18 KB, 176x144, 1230518861322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol trolls

>> No.1835311


Terrible analogy. Lay off the politics and just equate them with Jews or Coreans next time.

>> No.1835314

As much as I don't give a shit about idol-threads.
tohowhatever threads deserve to be insta-locked.

>> No.1835316


None at all. I heard somebody was working on translating LB. Is this true?

>> No.1835318
File: 708 KB, 1200x1671, 1230518919873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not reply to >>1835296, you 'tards.

I can see you doing it right now. Stop it.

>> No.1835320
File: 151 KB, 690x900, 1230518932633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any reason why kudo?

>> No.1835325

I agree with you about:
Haromoni times turned bad

so isnt that just about everything? Well said
