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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1834905 No.1834905 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck!? Something interesting finally appears on /jp/ and it get deleted?

Seriously what the fuck.

>> No.1834908

Chances are that the OP deleted it. It happens from time to time. Complain less.

>> No.1834910

Do you mean the panel thread?

It sucked.

>> No.1834917

I sure hope you're not talking about that random tripfag's master plan to destroy /jp/ thread. That wasn't interesting at all.

>> No.1834915

Why would anyone on /jp/ care anyway? Whenever cons are brought up everyone just calls everyone who attends a retard (usually rightly so) so I'm not sure how well a touhou panel at a con would even turn out. I can just imagine it would be filled with "western touhou fans" of the most stereotypical fashion.

>> No.1834913

Wasn't me.

>> No.1834918
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>> No.1834924

What could be more interesting than Remi eating a Power item?

>> No.1834921

Anyone have the link to archive of it?

>> No.1834922

Better that way. The OP must gets the idea that we don't want that shit to happen or we are not whiling to help.

>> No.1834929

archive this shit xDDDDDDDD

>> No.1834932
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Today, on Attack of the Show, Kevin and I go to Sakura-con to check out the Too-hoe series of games.








>> No.1834940

I meant to add a "the" in it.
Anyone have the archive link of the thread? I'm afraid I missed this.

>> No.1834947

I will only allow your little panel thing if you begin by showing examples of STGs.

Perhaps your audience doesn't know what a STG is, Bastille. Or perhaps you don't either. Regardless, showing some common examples will appeal to your audience more.

I'm sure that Japanese ZUN would want the same thing.

>> No.1834950


>> No.1834952

I'll be doing it regardless of what the imageboards think. I'm just trying my best to make it not fail.

>> No.1834957

Seriously I don't get mad easily but...


>> No.1834954
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Don't act so surprised.
Anyone whose been here long enough knows we have shit for janitors.

>> No.1834962

I'd rather watch the Sessler

>> No.1834966

It will fail no matter how hard you try.

>> No.1834967
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>> No.1834977

Sometimes, but I'll have to side with the janitor here, there were a fucking lot of shitty threads, they got deleted, it's normal.

>> No.1834979


Hear hear.

>> No.1834983



>> No.1834986



>> No.1834989

Story of my life.

>> No.1834997

That's a terrible guide and whoever follows it should be shot, then banned.

>> No.1834999

Good luck!

>> No.1835005

I agree that there should be more emphasis on the games. This is going to take more than just a panel; there should be computers available in the gaming area where people can actually play Touhou games throughout the con. Do you have the ability or inclination to try organizing tournaments in PoFV, IaMP or SWR? If so, you'll need to talk directly to the Programming staff. Bastille, do you live in the Seattle area? Would you be able to make it to the Sakura-Con staff meeting at the convention center on Januray 18th?

>> No.1835006



Can you believe that such a simple little troll can make you rage this much?

>> No.1835008
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>Bastille !0WpC24Lkxw
>I'm just trying my best to make it not fail.

>> No.1835009

Huh, aside from the scorn regarding trips and such, it's fine, sage and spoiler tags are polite.

>> No.1835013


>> No.1835020


>> No.1835022


>> No.1835034

2. Bumping sages
4. Password tip is probably the only sane thing in there
5. Hiding tip is also sane, but...
6. ...cool frivolous reports, bro. No wonder janitors/mods hate /jp/.

>> No.1835039

Only reason I tripfag'd myself was so it was easier to identify posts by me. I'd have gladly gone as an anon if anon could be trusted well enough in that regard as to not act as me when I was posting.

>> No.1835051



what are you even

what the fuck just go back to /b/ you stupid fuck

>> No.1835054


You forgot your tripcode. But thanks for your quality post.

>> No.1835061


But did you SERIOUSLY think that ANYBODY here would like more people of lower powerlevels to be interested in our hobby?

No you don't have to respond, just leave. Thank you.

>> No.1835062

He's merely pointing out what's wrong with the guide in an obnoxious manner.

>> No.1835063

1. No.
2. No bumping sages here, as long as the word "sage" is in the field, the post will not bump the thread
3. Obviously this is a SFW board, if I were in public, I'd like those NSWF images to be less than visible.
4. Password tip is probably the only sane thing in there
5. Hiding tip is also sane, but...
6.You want to have less shit threads with trolling ? They aren't going to delete themselves alone
7. Yes, it's useless, but it's also harmless.

>> No.1835069

I agree that there should be more emphasis on the games. This is going to take more than just a panel; ideally, there should be computers available in the gaming area where people can actually play Touhou games throughout the con. Do you have the ability or inclination to try organizing tournaments in PoFV, IaMP or SWR? If so, you'll need to talk directly to the Programming staff. Do you live in the Seattle area? Would you be able to make it to the Sakura-Con staff meeting at the convention center on January 18th?

>> No.1835087

I live in Surrey, BC so I can attend them if need be with some free time on my hands.

And yes, the games were designed to be the primary focus of the entire presentation. Afterwards, we were planning on allowing as many opportunities for people to play the games as space would allow and then possibly a tournament at a later time if the panel was hosted on Friday, or Saturday if there was enough time to do it.

>> No.1835088

If you use spoilers for NSFW images, you're a retard. Spoilers aren't for that, moot agreed.

And reporting everything you dislike is equally retarded, enjoy being the sort of users that makes 4chan staff hate their own site. I bet you're also the same faggots who start whining and moaning when janitors get fed up with your reporting and start deleting threads you like, aren't you?

>> No.1835109

The point is not what moot wants, the point is civility on the board, which this picture accurately portrays.
I don't whine, because the type of thread I like doesn't get deleted.
And I don't care much for the mods liking what they do, nobody forced them to become mods or janitors, if I see a troll thread, that's against the rules, I'm legitimate in my report.

>> No.1835123

Becuase athens threads are totally awesome and moot & team4chan has never hated the userbase since day one, mirite? I agree on the NSFW spoilers point though.

>> No.1835134

There's a difference between a thread that you dislike and a thread that's against the rules. Reporting a shitty thread just adds more work to the janitor/moderator. However, reporting threads that are against the rules is fine since that's what the report function is for.

>> No.1835133

The only time I really was upset was when a RO thread was nuked in 3 minutes and schoolgirl in concrete stayed in another thread for an hour.

>> No.1835148

The best way for people to play the games wouldn't be in a panel room, it would need to have hardware set up for them in the Wired on Thursday. This is something you should contact gaming staffers about.

I'm a member of Sakura-Con's video programming staff, and the decision I'm trying to make is, if the Maikaze anime turns out not to suck, and a subbed version becomes available before the con, should I show it in the Fansub Theater?

>> No.1835154

"Sup' gais women are sluts and I'm a fucktard olololol" posts and threads are not "All things Japanese welcome!", therefore they are against the rules and should be reported. Stop defending athens and the usual suspects, fucktard.

>> No.1835158


Trolling is against the rules.


For the love of god, no.

>> No.1835160

Of course, I never said to report the stereotypical shit thread if it's an earnest attempt at making a topic that's /jp/ related, however uninteresting to most, I just believe that everything that's against the rules, notably trolling, can be reported if it's a nuisance.

>> No.1835162

What's going on, what does Bastille wish to present?

>> No.1835163


>"All things Japanese welcome!

Oldest troll on /jp/.

Trolling is against the rules.

Reported for trolling.

>> No.1835170


>> No.1835172

1. gb2/b/
2. Any email with sage at the beginning will not bump
3. If you HAVE to post a NSFW image for any reason, spoilering it the most sensible thing. And then saying so in your post obviously.
4. Cool bro
5. Cool bro
6. Reporting a shitty thread is not frivolous. Shitty usually means trolling or off topic.
7. Oh god I can't believe I actually responded to this post. Go back to /b/

>> No.1835173

If it's against the rules, then it's fine to report it, but the guide tells you to report shitty threads. Shitty threads, like it or not, can be /jp/-related. I suggest you reread the guide and the other Anon's post carefully so you can see what it's actually saying.

>>1834918 guide
>>1835088 other post

>> No.1835174



>> No.1835177


True /jp/ Anikis post with sage.

>> No.1835176

What's with all the reporting fags lately too? Is it because of winter vacation?

>> No.1835184
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>> No.1835182

And I agree with that.

>>1835088 says the same thing too.

>> No.1835183

Yes, people who attend likely have much more interest in anime than anything else, so it's a good way to grab attention.

>> No.1835185

The steady decline of 4chan as a whole.

>> No.1835188

More like Hyper Quality control for extra shitty times.
Then again, the report function is used quite often here too, much like the sage function.

>> No.1835191


>> No.1835192

The ``reporting fags'' are being ``reporting fags'' because of winter vacation, I guess. So much shit on this board right now.

>> No.1835198

Reported for Hyper Quality Control

>> No.1835195

It wasn't a shitty thread, though; the thread was deleted entirely because the subject was too controversial.

>> No.1835210


True, but don't forget that the wast majority on this board is against what op is trying to do: Spread our hobbies to young kids that dress like naruto.

>> No.1835221

Actually the thread got deleted because janitors and mods are humans with their own views instead of LOL BAN/DELETIONS MACHINES and probably the janitor who saw that one found it deletion worthy. And no, I'm not defending or praising because at the end of the day MODS AND JANITORS=STILL FAGS.

>> No.1835222

To be fair, please don't use sage if you have something to add to the discussion.

Using sage to make dumb one-liners, reply to threads that shouldn't be bumped at all, replying to a specific question that someone asked (whoever asked the question is expected to monitor the thread), to continue "private" conversations or to post in threads which aren't interesting to anyone other than the people who are already posting it in anymore is all good, but don't use it as the default reply method. This isn't 2channel, people in here usually check for new replies by refreshing the index page.

>> No.1835223

Oh, I'm not talking about that touhou con thread (that thread was fine even though it was stupid). I'm talking about threads in general and how the quality of that 4chan guide is less than desirable.

>> No.1835227

I live in Surrey, BC so I can attend them if need be with some free time on my hands.

And yes, the games were designed to be the primary focus of the entire presentation. Afterwards, we were planning on allowing as many opportunities for people to play the games as space would allow and then possibly a tournament at a later time if the panel was hosted on Friday, or Saturday if there was enough time to do it.

>> No.1835273

I've been to a laughably bad Touhou panel: retarded doujin videos (Overdrive and the yukkuri version, both in their entirety), long replays of MoF and IaMP, fixing their fucking laptop, and Q&A but without the answers. No context, no definitions or explanations, no history, no logical flow, no preparation, no actual information, etc. 9 out of 10 people there were probably Touhou fans to begin with, so I could forgive glossing over some of the finer details, but the prospect is embarassing enough on principle alone that subjecting everyone to that level of ineptitude compounds the problem. You have to do something that at least borders on legitimate and professional to justify the time and effort being put, both by the audience and the panelists. I don't doubt that a well executed panel could be well done, but you'd have to keep in mind the differences in Touhou exposure present, the complexity of the system (outside of don't get hit and die), and an unintuitive mass-obsession with poorly drawn little magical girls that speak in tongues.

...and don't cosplay as a Touhou. Especially if you're a dude. I shouldn't have to say that, but they had 2.

>> No.1835306

Was this the Otakon panel, or did somebody else try doing one?

>> No.1835312

>subject was too controversial.
And athens threads are not deleted. Your point is immediately invalidated.

>> No.1835315

Remember Otakon...

>> No.1835324

Fuck, alright, I admit that my argument held a fatal flaw.

>> No.1835331


There is no point in deleting his threads anymore. He and the mysogyny police will shit any threads he feel like lately.

As for the topic at hand... Would you attend a 4chan panel that had nothing to do with moot or any of the 4chan staff at all? That's the same principle.

>> No.1835336

Athens threads are deleted, do you see any right now ? None ? That's right.
The thread wasn't arbitrarily deleted, it was part of a crackdown on shitty threads caused by the influx of SHIT, the one who deleted them just decided to delete everything shitty he saw.
If it were at another time, the thread would still be alive.
Do you understand that point ?

>> No.1835345

Very few guys can get away with cosplaying Touhou characters. The guitairist of Sekken-ya comes to mind in that regard.

As for the other points you mentioned, those are things we're going to try to avoid pretty much. Our focus is going to be on the games, not the fandom. Instead of showing long replays, we're going to have videos that showcase the points we're trying to make as well as are just cool looking in general due to highlighting some of the hardest spellcards out there on lunatic and such. I had already posted the general flow of the panel earlier on and as it stands, I do have definitions prepared for several common things in the series that people outside it wouldn't know like bombing and grazing, and again I would probably turn to a video to help explain things better. This is also why I'm turning to several people to review it at points in time including outsiders such as my communications teacher in university. I want this panel to be something that someone who has no idea about Touhou can walk out of informed.

>> No.1835347


>Would you attend a 4chan panel that had nothing to do with moot or any of the 4chan staff at all?

I wouldn't attend a 4chan panel even if moot & co. were actually there.

I bet you would, though. Faggot.

>> No.1835348

only people who dislike athens are women anyway, and that's not trolling. There were a lot of annoying women in that thread the other night and it's not just athens who was pissed off, girls complaining that they hadn't lost their virginity when they were only 18, other girls talking about their boyfriends.

That would be enough to drive anyone insane.

>> No.1835361

I wouldn't attend a 4chan panel with Moot or any of the staff. Fuck them.

I wouldn't mind a panel composed of a few reasonable people that just happen post to 4chan on occasion.

>> No.1835360


I certainly would if given the chance. Who knows if among the band of cancers and newfags I wouldn't be able to meet someone who's not a retarded. I know they're there.

>> No.1835363

Since there's sort of a discussion about cons in this worthless thread, has a touhou panel for sakuracon already been made yet? Or is it still in the process?

>> No.1835370

You can't hate athens once you realize that he is legit. Only pity him.

>> No.1835369


I don't like athens and I'm a man. He's probably going to pop up and say otherwise though. Once he went on and on about me being a girl for not agreeing with him.

>> No.1835374

I've attended a 4chan panel where the closest thing to any official representation was a janitor was there. It was fun. Memes were avoided for the most part, it focused primarily on discussing the history of 4chan as well as some of the most important events during its time (Though to be far the guy who was hosting it was also a critical person in the Hal Turner incident and was responsible for obtaining a lot of information on the guy which made it quite interesting), and the videos that were shown made people laugh or cheer afterwards. People left it happy and satisfied.

>> No.1835377

Fuck don't talk about it like it's something that will really happen, you'll cause the whole board to get deleted!

>> No.1835381

Pity him... wut?

Pity him and you might as well pity the whole of the damn board. He's right and dead on 95% of the time, I'm sick of women on here having boyfriends when we're terminally single.

>> No.1835383

Well, Christopher Poole in person doesn't seem too bad. Actually, it's probably the case with many who just get possessed by their online egos to act darker and edgier.

>> No.1835394

Well, you probably can't avoid the fandom entirely, especially if you want to address the unbelievable popularity of the series. The games are great and all, but the spectacular amount of doujin works deserve some mention. That's probably a discussion that lends itself to a closing point though, either for a topic (like the music) or for the talky part of the panel (I assume there's a Q&A at the end).

>> No.1835404
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His "are you a woman" stick get tiresome after a while.
