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File: 291 KB, 869x1222, duty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18343238 No.18343238 [Reply] [Original]

If Yukari's is maintaining the barrier while Okina is probably maintaining the balance, what Kasen's job?
Is it something similar to pic related?

>> No.18343289

shes the sage of cum

>> No.18343381

She’s the diversity hire

>> No.18343385

A theory I've read is that Kasen was the one responsible for making contact with the Dragon God, and thus pledged eternal peace with it. Given her affinity with animals - including a dragon - I'm inclined to believe it's real.
Though that pretty much means she's jobless right now unless someone decides to fuck with the DG.

>> No.18343411

Yep, a useless hobo who’s only good for her nonexistent sex appeal

>> No.18343424
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being my girlfriend

>> No.18343425

She's the park ranger

>> No.18343467

Being Reimu's mom.

>> No.18343499

Yukari is Reimu’s mum, not the opportunistic oni bitch

>> No.18343537
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I'm getting a deja vu here. Piss off you nasty hag.

>> No.18343551

She's my paizuri slave

>> No.18343580
File: 1.94 MB, 1218x2072, 6EFFCECC-3DDC-4DFC-BD0D-4C80153BB14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We both know that Kasen is the most useless and worthless of the sages. Lewd pink is only good as a cumdump

>> No.18343618

shes my wife, sister and mom

>> No.18343802


>> No.18343866

Finally, some else who can agree that Lewd Pink is a shit

>> No.18344333
File: 336 KB, 869x1264, 1493591712605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's rich coming from someone that sleeps all the time and needs a whole phantasm stage to move her fat ass and actually get her shit done.

>> No.18344344

>shit gets done
Meanwhile, “wishing you luck!”. Not much gets done by our oni.

>> No.18344452

The initial post was about Kasen being Reimu's mom which you goalposted into her being useless lewd oni. And if you're really concerned about her deeds there's always ULiL and WaHH for you.

>> No.18344559

>what Kasen's job?
>initial post was about Kasen been Reimu’s mum


>> No.18344576

I got the impression she was the one who brought about and designed the concept of Gensokyo from the way she talked about it with Yukari. It sounded like she left things in Yukari's hands as the caretaker and was less than impressed with the job she had done.

Okina is basically the administrator/muscle of the sages.

>> No.18344583

So she’s basically the envoy of the dragon god; an interpreter

>> No.18344591
File: 128 KB, 620x785, 45774371_big_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sage doesn't necessarily mean someone who manages Gensokyo, you know. Just because you had a hand in it's creation doesn't mean you need to maintain it.

>> No.18344597

Is that so? Does WaHH explicitly or implicitly state that?

>> No.18344602

good. I thought I would have to post this one.
let's be serious here, it's obvious this Sage Union is composed by a supernatural being of every type, and they needed a... "Hermit" to represent all "Hermits", yeah. those who DON'T live underground, ok?

>> No.18344607

I told you already, Kasen was hired for ethnic diversity to prevent a race war from emerging

>> No.18344617
File: 1.88 MB, 1205x1703, EFBDC139-6C6E-4DF7-8F84-A875EB21DE34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, her job is to be a cock sleeve

>> No.18344626

Does WaHH or anything else implicitly state that sages maintain Gensokyo?

>> No.18344627


>> No.18344632

This man knows what he’s talking about

>> No.18344639
File: 455 KB, 570x917, 48230699_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen's job is and was too handle the lust of Gensokyos men too keep them from messing with Yukari's precious youkai girls. How dare she flee from such an important task!

>> No.18350635

That isn't Kasen's job.
She helps people need be - if they arent lewd of course.
You are free to fuck any youkai in Gensokyo that your dick will permit.
Except Medicine.
Fuck Medicine. Not literally. If anything, you're better off licking Eirins cunny than going anywhere near that hell spawn of a doll.

>> No.18351128

She demonstrably has none. The sage's HAD a job and did it like a century or two ago. Yukari and Okina do more but it's not related to their classifications.

Kasen doesn't even fucking know how Gensokyo works.

>> No.18351149


he's got many years of experience as a cock sleeve. great expertise.

>> No.18351262

This is a good theory.

>> No.18351339

Would Kasen be an extra boss if she appeared as an enemy in the main games?

>> No.18351744

Depends on what ZUN has planned for her.

>> No.18358070

She has insane reserves of magical energy, knows how to create a Senkai, and doesn't understand the Hakurei Barrier that well but still has some kind of authority over it.

So she probably helped power the ritual that created the barrier.

>> No.18358094

So as of present, she’s basically useless.

>> No.18358095

Also she probably did PR and diplomacy work, helping sell the idea of the barrier to humans and youkai while it was still controversial.

>> No.18358131
File: 1.16 MB, 960x1280, 6d9cf3af3416ab282d7794dafd7ef11b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Medicine


>> No.18358236


>> No.18358251

He is a faggot after all.
All that experience must mean he has constant leakage.
Man. What a huge faggot he is.

>> No.18358383

I somehow doubt this. I don't know if it's been "suggested" exactly, but I know there are implications that Kasen is hiding her true nature and wasn't always like this. If she used to be a proper oni, brokering deals with humans isn't really their thing. They trust one another, but it's a violent and fight-fueled trust; one expecting kidnapping and extermination.

>> No.18359195

I want to be poisoned for this doll.

>> No.18359899

Kasen isn't an oni. It's too obvious therefore the truth must be somewhat different.

>> No.18360013

I always thought that her being an oni was made too obvious so the reveal that she's a sage would be more surprising.
I mean, there aren't a lot of youkai afraid of beans and sardines, are there?

>> No.18361357
File: 2.69 MB, 1200x1455, 21568756_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a sage supposed to be hidden on 4chan?

>> No.18361370

She's fulfilling her duties as a sage by raping a teenage girl in her meetings with Sumireko. Just like Okina with Marisa and Yukari with Reimu

Unfortunately she's stepping into Yukari's territory with Reimu too. Greedy, Kasen.

>> No.18361386

>She's fulfilling her duties as a sage by raping a teenage girl in her meetings with Sumireko.
Rinnosuke should do something about that, it can't be good for business.

>> No.18361405


no, but some retard changed the setting

>> No.18361490

Kasen wished Reimu luck so that Reimu would stress out and lose. I haven't read WaHH in a while so I can't remember if Kasen betted money on Reimu losing or not, pretty sure she did though.

>> No.18361696
File: 77 KB, 1022x876, IMG_20171207_165837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"K-Kasen isn't completely useless! I swear!!"
The absolute state of onifags.

>> No.18361754

I keep telling you that she's not an oni, why won't you believe me?

>> No.18362633

She did, yes. Getting Reimu stressed so she ended up losing was the point of Kasen cheering her on. To quote that one movie about dinosaurs:
>Clever girl.

>> No.18362655

I agree that she cheered Reimu on to make her lose, but it did also feel like a genuine encouragement from Kasen.
