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File: 231 KB, 850x839, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_kazetto__sample-564f7291f62b46664a441e2c6ed51660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18337004 No.18337004 [Reply] [Original]

Chaotic evil?

>> No.18337057
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Seija is closer to neutral if only because she does nothing inherently "evil". In folklore, amanojaku are INCREDIBLY fucked up, but she's basically just a high tier smug prankster with lofty ambitions. At any rate, no, she's not.

My vote probably goes to Tewi for the enslavement, abandonment, starvation, killing and enslavement again of her own race in a completely unnecessary youkai mill. 100% pure self serving. Absolutely evil

After that, Seiga, I guess.

>> No.18337161
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>> No.18337214
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Tenshi post-AoCF, maybe.

>> No.18337235

Seiga is the obvious answer.

>> No.18337352

Have you forgotten Seiga?

>> No.18337464


>> No.18337557

You mispelled Seiga.

>> No.18337694

The most evil of all is a tree.

>> No.18337749

Seija is the ultimate life form

>> No.18337776

More Seija is what Touhou needs. Doesn't give a fuck about the rules and does what she wants.

>> No.18338143

No, a fucking tree is.

>> No.18338189


DnD alignments presuppose literal, tangible Evil, Law etc that can be detected and measured scientifically, and certain actions like using poison, certain kinds of magic or just being a member of a certain species make you Evil often regardless of intent or outcome.

Touhou has a different system of objective morality that, if Eiki's comments are to be believed, in part involves natural functions and being true to one's inherent nature, making Seija malevolent, but not "Evil".

If you were to use DnD's system, then - the vast majority of Gensokyo would be judged evil under that system.Any human-eating youkai would be Evil, as would those who affiliate themselves with them. But yeah, the Tree's the worst.

>> No.18338390
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Seija's extremely weird morally. If we only consider morality within amanojakus and disregard all others, Seija would be lawful good if only because amanojaku beliefs and morals are the complete opposite of a human's where killing, stealing, insulting others and everything else like that is good or is encouraged.

As >>18338189 said concerning Eiki's comments on morality, it involves the nature of that thing being judged and the adherence to one's nature. Seija is very much in-tune to her nature as an Amanojaku and thus is very much on the straight and narrow as far as amanojaku morality is concerned. To the rest of Gensokyo though, they'd be much more happy if she disappeared for good.

>> No.18338828

Eiki doesn't judge good and evil, she judges "right and wrong". This is why the things she complains about are people and youkai not fitting their roles correctly. Youkai in general are still mostly evil beings because they attack humans.

>> No.18338878

That reminds me, the organization Eiki works for is the Ministry of Right and Wrong. Seija's name also means Right and Wrong, although it's with different kanji. The Ministry;s name, I think, is more literally translated as "the agency of correctness by all means (again not good or evil)". Seija's name supposedly is right and wrong, though separated it's more "positive" and "evil".

Just a tidbit. But yeah Eiki doesn't judge on a moral level at all, and considering there's at least one "evil" Touhou character (Seiga, it's stated) it's not that Gensokyo has no morality, or bases morality on fulfilling your nature.

>> No.18338893

Does the Saigyou Ayakashi have a will? I think unless it's conscious, it can't be called evil for just doing what it does,

>> No.18340605

Who is more likely to kill innocent people for the lulz? Seija, Seiga, or Tewi?

>> No.18340702

Cylinder’s empty.

>> No.18341057
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Like any other amanojaku, Seija's weak enough to not be a direct threat to anyone, so she can't really just go on a killing spree for funsies. Seiga eats babies so there's no doubt she's killed a couple people at this point. Tewi's probably also gotten a bunch of people killed from her pranks, but murdering someone isn't really a prank, even if you say "It was just a prank bro" while stabbing them to death.

>> No.18341119

If you think of rabbit youkai as people she gets a bunch killed constantly. I actually doubt she's ever killed someone with a prank. Unlike fairies she has enough sense to not get people murdered through her jokes.

Seiga may have killed before. Seija is no murderer but
>One of the amanojaku's best known appearances is in the fairytale Urikohime (瓜子姫, "melon princess"), in which a girl miraculously born from a melon is doted upon by an elderly couple. They shelter her from the outside world, and she naively lets the amanojaku inside one day, where it kidnaps or devours her, and sometimes impersonates her by wearing her flayed skin.

>> No.18341188

*Sonic the Hedgehog [Classic] Theme Plays*

>> No.18341269

If someone's going to kill people for the lulz it's probably someone like Nue or Utsuho who just loves chaos in general.
Seija loves chaos but I don't peg her for someone that kills but rather just disrupt the balance.

Nue treads lightly upon Gensokyo's rules tho, and Utsuho probably has some common sense when she's not powertripped.

>> No.18341281

I didn't know about Tewi being evil as fuck, when was all of this stated/hinted at?

>> No.18341702
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WaHH chapter 31. Stated. I'll just dump the relevant section.

Well MOST of that evil is brought up here. The enslavement of rabbit *youkai* is stated elsewhere many times. Tewi controls and knows the location of all earth rabbits.

>> No.18341708
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>> No.18341711
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>> No.18341713
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>> No.18341715
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>> No.18341718
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>> No.18341719
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>> No.18341721
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>> No.18341881
File: 272 KB, 435x1095, Tewi gets bullied by an angry farmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tewi's earned a place close to my heart today, thank you anon.

>> No.18342325

Considering what type of youkai she is you may as well rule her lawful good cause while she does dick things from time to time, she's in it for chaos over unnecessary malice, versus all the absolutely fucking horrible Amanojaku's are folklorewise.
More asshole ones are shit like Seiga, Tewi, hell even fucking yukari, with her blatant enabling of human farms and forcing the fucked system known as gensokyo in the first god damn place. The worst one is the tree though.

>> No.18342372
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ISC2 when

>> No.18342396
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Gensokyo's eternal rebel is still running to this day.

Also holy crap does ISC have some good songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIpfrZVGtqk

>> No.18342491

At the very least Yukari (and well, the other sages too) did what they do allegedly out of necessity for survival of their species, which somewhat put her on the same bin as Seija since youkai are slaves to their own nature (all things considered Yukari should be Lawful Evil for her actions imo).

Outside of that damn tree, Junko, and maaaybe powertripping Utsuho, Seiga and Tewi are the ones that seemed to be have any sort of malice going on with them.

>> No.18342754

So basically Tewi is a mob boss and a slaver.
Great job, Tewi.

I can't read Inaba of the Moon the same way ever again.

>> No.18347321

Fuck I forgot how cute the rabbits were drawn in this..

>> No.18347355
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>her blatant enabling of human farms and forcing the fucked system known as gensokyo in the first god damn place

Oh, come on. "Human farms"? It's a village of people who believe in magic and monsters who have been shielded from the rest of the world to preserve their belief in magic and monsters. They're not being forcibly bred or slaughtered like actual livestock. They're not even being treated as badly as your average sweatshop worker. The only thing anyone requires of them is for them to live their lives, and continue believing in what they already believe.

Hell, they even benefit from this "fucked" system. Where else can you live in the world where a bunch of magical beings actively protect you and your family from natural disasters? Where else can you live where magic is real, and you could totally learn it if you put in the effort to do so?

Tldr; shit's not as bad as you want to make it sound. Sure, it's not perfect, and it's not all sunshine and tea parties, but neither is life anywhere else, and I can guarantee that none of those other places would give you the possibility of learning to shoot lasers from your dick.

>> No.18348757

Yukari is the most evil for using her powers to steal humans from the outside world and feed them to youkai.

>> No.18348768
File: 197 KB, 449x378, WaHH 14 Yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.18349108

She tends to pick death row sorts, felons, and suicidal people at least

>> No.18351699

You mean that one zounose manga?

>> No.18362072


"Sinful would be Tewi. Taking her across the Sanzu River seems like it'd be a real chore. I have no idea when that'll be, but I'm really looking forward to it."


>> No.18362110

Did Koma actually say this?

>> No.18362115

>Yukari is evil
Spotted the secondary.

>> No.18362151

Youkai are evil by default though.
You know. Fear and shit?

>> No.18362195


It's a quote from her "Award-Giving Review" in SCoOW, vol3.

>> No.18362204

not really evil at all, Tewi is just trying to get her rabbit underlings a better life even if shady means are needed.

>> No.18362250

You wouldn't pet your rabbit until it turned into a little girl...

>> No.18366005

Chang'e has it coming, you know.
