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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1825381 No.1825381 [Reply] [Original]

I tried prostate stimulation today.

It felt good, but I'll never do it again. I felt horrible afterwards.

>> No.1825382

/b/ - Homosexuality/General

>> No.1825385

You stuck your fingers in your ass?

>> No.1825386

Enjoy getting a fist shoved there if don't kill yourself before you hit the 40's.

>> No.1825387

no, just no

>> No.1825392

It's pretty awesome tbqh.

>> No.1825400


Since when prostate stimulation is gay?
Enjoy fapping for twice as long only to have a half as intense orgasm.

>> No.1825397

That's what I said.

At first.

>> No.1825403

Since when has sticking stuff up your ass not been gay? Faggot.

>> No.1825406


Since said thing is not somebody else's cock.

>> No.1825410

... OH.

I thought you said "PROSTITUTE" stimulation.

That makes a LOT more sense. Nevermind~!

>> No.1825413

the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.1825414



Just wow

>> No.1825420

Anon is pansexual.

If you're not, go back to /r9k/

>> No.1825427


>> No.1825429
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Oh, you.

>> No.1825430

No. This is a holdover from g/a/y, isn't it? Fuck off to /y/, /b/, or /r9k/.

>> No.1825439

/jp/ is pretty gay. You haven't noticed?

>> No.1825436

I tried it before, it IS better, but not by that much, and the clean up afterwards is a bitch.

On the other hand, Aneros with a viberator in it would be pretty fucking awesome I imagine. It would force you to cum like a firehose even if you didn't want to, better have the best pages of that doujin ready to go before turning it on.

>> No.1825437

No, just fact from this Anon.

>> No.1825443

I stick my finger in my ass but not when I masturbate.
Does it really feel good?

>> No.1825452

I tried it once but didn't feel that good.

>> No.1825456

>Anon is asexual.
If you're not, go back to /r9k/

Fixed. Get out if you aren't a virgin.

>> No.1825458

Haven't you noticed that we're just a huge circlejerk not limited to the tripfriends? Seriously, we don't even have to "pretend".

>> No.1825459

>Anon is asexual.

>If you're not, go back to /r9k/

Fixed. Get out if you aren't a virgin.

>> No.1825467

/jp/ is not so much gay, but more like "if it feels good do it".

If everyone was like /jp/, we would have world peace, and disputes between people would be decided in a duel where you win if

>> No.1825470

Prostate stimulation is a lie.
If you really enjoy this... I have some bad news for you...

>> No.1825495


wait...why would you even bother then?

>> No.1825501

Trail by combat should be used for all job interviews.

>> No.1825502

Don't stick it in your pooper!

>> No.1825504

Screw you, buddy.

>> No.1825510
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>> No.1825514

How do I do that stimulation and what happens if I do?

>> No.1825534

/jp/ is not so much gay, but more like "if it feels good do it".

If everyone was like /jp/, we would have world peace, and disputes between people would be decided in a duel where you win if you make the other person cum first

>> No.1825539


You stick something in your ass. If you like it, you're gay. If you don't like it, well, too bad, you stuck something in your ass so you're still gay.

>> No.1825541

/jp/ is not so much gay, but more like "if it feels good do it".

If everyone was like /jp/, we would have world peace, and disputes between people would be decided in a duel where you win if you make the other person cum first

>> No.1825555


Amazing, the south-east (otherwise known as the ass end of America) now has internet access.

>> No.1825570

Next time, just fucking google it.


"With exception of medical settings, no more pressure should be used than for rubbing an eyeball. The procedure is initially undertaken gently using the index finger and a latex glove by massaging the lobes on either side of the prostate, taking care not to rub vigorously on the nerves in the middle."
"Prostate massage, in the sexual context, can refer firstly to the stimulation of the prostate as part of conventional sexual activity - for example, as part of autoeroticism/masturbation, or as performed by a sexual partner on a male as part of normal, non-fetishistic sexual intercourse, in which case the purpose is predominantly the enhancement of sexual pleasure in the male - stimulation of the prostate and anus in itself, tends to increase the intensity of male ejaculation and orgasm; additionally, massaging the prostate tends to increase the volume of fluid that is accumulated in the prostate prior to ejaculation, thus increasing the volume of ejaculation and the pleasure that is associated with ejaculation."

>> No.1825626

I'm willing to try this out, even if it means I'm gay if I enjoy it. Everyone's at least a little gay anyway, from what I hear.

>> No.1825648

if you're still embarrassed/disguisted about this kind of crap then you need to spend moar time in /b/ until you're comfortable with your sexuality. doing it doesn't make you any more or less gay than you were before

>> No.1825675


>spend moar time in /b/

Oh wow. I really hate breaks.

>> No.1825722

bah humbug,
spending time in /b/ is part of becoming a man

>> No.1825741


I love it when faggots on 4chan think that they are better than other faggots on 4chan because they post on a different board.

>> No.1825742

I wish I had a squint.png.

>> No.1825753

Prostate stimulation is a lie. I already tried it once, and it felt horrible.

And later I felt bad about myself.

>> No.1825756

Do those specially designed prostrate stimulators really do a better job than just an ordinary dildo or butt plug, people? Because I've been thinking about trying it, but it seems a steep price tag when I've been satisfied by my current equipment.

>> No.1825759
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Is this OK?

>> No.1825808

We are better, faggot. gb2/b/.

>> No.1825867


I'm not from /b/. One does not have to be from /b/ to make that observation.

>> No.1825889

Holy fuck what is going on here?

>> No.1825898

>comfortable with your sexuality

Holy shit would I turn gay if I go to /b/? I'm staying outta there.

>> No.1825901

What the fuck has this to do with /jp/? Reported. Oh and my sage.

>> No.1825906


>> No.1825949

Oh sage, its actual function is so shrouded in mystery.
