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File: 195 KB, 640x720, 13c30f802397b3972af229e8ebacd296.jpg?e=1516046377&m=x6PCBUAyeuhK237VpoRlPg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18220884 No.18220884 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>18183260

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
It was cleaned up and updated.

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

>> No.18220941
File: 45 KB, 622x616, 174-0364A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought an onahole called "The Meiki Bella", I can't find any information on it. This is my first onahole. I want to clean this thing before using it, how can I do that? Is using dishwashing liquid safe with these things?

I bought it cus I thought it was those Meiki ones but I don't think its the same thing.

>> No.18220950

Dishwashing liquid isn't really ideal. A simple bar of soap and water is best, but I suppose dishwashing liquid could work, just make sure it isn't highly concentrated and give it a thorough wash out after.

>> No.18220966

Ok. I'm second guessing this purchase, this seems like some random no name onahole. I can't find a company or anything. Should I still use it?

>> No.18220987

I was able to find a review for the Flex, but from the looks of it, its the standard Tenga quality: not bad, but not amazing either.

>> No.18220988

If you're worried about sharp edges, just put your index finger through it first or something to check. As for fungal issues or anything like that, I suppose you won't be able to find out any risk like that until it has been used.
Other than that, what issues do you think you could run into? The only other things that come to mind for me would be its durability, but nothing to throw it away over or anything drastic like that.

>> No.18220989

Anyone have experience with the new meiki plush DX?
Never had a plush before so don't know if it's worth it, should I try the hip first or are there better options?

>> No.18220997

>Other than that, what issues do you think you could run into?
Just worried about the materials, whether or not its safe to use. The package was sealed, but yeah I'll check the inside with my finger first

>> No.18221000
File: 214 KB, 800x1200, 08_DF34BC27_D25E_4690_A5E9_2127E51BE7E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that some people don't like TPE? I been trying to find official info and obviously most sellers just say it feels about the same. Is it the maintenance the problem? like TPE needs some different stuff? or it doesn't feel as good? the pastebin just says silicone is harder, so I'm guessing TPE feelsmore lifelike?

Also I'm reading the pastebin thoroughly, but my biggest concern right now is finding a reliable seller with the lowest price for that retardedly hot WM 163 Hcup doll. It's a ton of money to just throw at one thing, so I want to be extra careful and maybe score a good deal if any is available..

>> No.18221022

It should be fine. Good luck anon.

>> No.18221049

How the FUCK do you guys clean your onaholes? This shit seems impossible
How is my jizz not going to get stuck in those little crevices forever?

>> No.18221068

Flush it out with lots of water?

>> No.18221075

Scrub with your finger with some soap and rinse liberally, silly. Sure there might be some trace remnants but not in amounts that is going to create problems. Just remember to dry inside afterwards to make sure you don't enable bacterial/fungal growth.

>> No.18221114

>dual layer
Rinse it out under the tap, this is just to wash out of most of your chunky smelly neet cum. Pump a little liquid soap/dish detergent into the hole, agitate with two fingers like you're finger banging your own asshole. Rinse with water and keep fingering the doll until it doesn't feel soapy anymore. Dry

>single layer
Do as above or just quickly flip it inside out, rinse, lather, rinse and flip back in.

>> No.18221184

I don't have one but the general impression I got in past threads was that people who got the old meiki plush really liked it, the new one has a head and arms so I would think that's an improvement. Don't think most people who got the old plush would be in a hurry to upgrade to the new one since a plush should last a long time. I would say go for it, and if you are able to wait that long get one during the black friday sale.

>> No.18221253

Thankfully money isn't too much of an issue but don't like to spend 200+ unless I know the product is good. I'll probably wait a few weeks and ask around a bit more, thank you for the input my friend. May your orgasms be long and intense!

>> No.18221351

>Why is that some people don't like TPE?
Lint, dust, and gunk easily gets attracted to TPE and becomes very difficult to completely remove from the material. You will probably never see the doll's skin as clear as the photoshoot images after you go at it twice.

Shame because it's stunning...

>> No.18221385

From what I've read everywhere it seems TPE is cheaper, less durable, softer with a more skin like texture compared to silicone. I believe the cost aspect of TPE is why majority of the chinese manufacturers are using it instead of silicone, cheaper to mass produce and such.

But if you've been searching around about dolls I think you already know that.

I always thought most preferred TPE cause of the supposed more skin like texture and it being cheaper. In such case maybe the people who don't like it are ones where cost isn't an issue to them and would want their dolls to be more durable. From what I've been seeing a lot of vendors hold WM dolls and it seems to be one of the most popular doll maker. The subforum sections for them at dollforum and uklovedoll have pretty high counts compared to the other china manufacturers.

And there's that too, maintenance guides say that regular usage of baby oil and Vaseline helps?

>> No.18221526
File: 328 KB, 480x476, bdhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what the pastebin says about Bad Dragon holes, but has anyone here actually used one?Really considering getting one.

>> No.18222255

Never do Nofap
I almost bought a $400 chinese doll until I fapped after 1 week

>> No.18222292

I bought a horse pussy and if they're anything like the one I bought, prepared to be disappointed.
The good thing is that they are sturdy and won't rip easily
The bad thing is that its so strong that you're basically putting your dick through a bunch of twisted rubber bands, and it gets worse after you cum that it just strangles your dick and you feel like you're getting crushed in someone's fist. That being said, if thats what you're into go right ahead.
Also they took FOREVER to make/ship. More than ordering something from Japan. I don't know what the process is like but they are made to order so theres that.

Tl;dr Hard and firm, not soft like most other onaholes, takes long to get to your doorstep.

>> No.18222728

That's what I do before all my hornball impulse purchases. Imagine the money i've saved.

>> No.18222763

I been fapping like 3-4 times a day, and I still can't get that stupid sex doll out of my head.

>> No.18223104
File: 187 KB, 1200x800, Thunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18223114

Here we go again.

>> No.18223204

Let's me ask for som advice. Recently my dick feels itchy and has some burn with Ona Tsuyu if I edge for a ling time. But it's ok if I finish the session and wash the lube before I feel itchy.
Does this mean I have to abandon edging and have multiple session instead? Or maybe I need to change the lube?

>> No.18223225

Yep, I been air fucking her in my mind, and coming up with ways to convince my mom of letting me having her, browsing outfits to buy for her and lurking for every single discount coupon possible to see if I can get a cheaper deal.

>> No.18223639

jesus, dolls like this actually make me consider getting one of these.

>> No.18223802

It's best left as a fantasy, to be completely honest.

>> No.18223817


I want one of these dolls, but what do you do when someone comes over? throw her out the window? bury her in the backyard?

>> No.18223862

yeah I figured as much, thanks for the gallery.

>> No.18223865

well obviously depends if you have storage space or something, they can be hanged, you remove the head and both the body and the head hang like clothes and covered with a special bag, or you can store them horizontally in some wardrobe with enough space inside a microfiber blanket.

Or you can just hide it beneath the sheats of your bed, it's not like guests are supposed to mess up your bed or something. Does everyone need to have access to every part of your house when they come over?

Otherwise be alpha as fuck, and just tell them, yeah I have a sex doll, everyone masturbates, I just use a expensive toy for it.

Oh they also sell a few interesting boxes, a bit overpriced, but I saw a sort of couch/chest without a back that you can probably lock from behind and no one would open it or bother you to show them, it's quite elegant and rather expensive.

>> No.18223889
File: 61 KB, 756x756, Sex-doll-love-doll-fuck-doll-furniture-couch-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of this two works, there's probably cheaper solutions but the same concept.



>> No.18223890

>be alpha as fuck, and just tell them

that's a good idea on paper, but people talk, and eventually you're that guy who fucks a silicone doll and kind of seal your chances at the real deal

I like the idea of storing it in a couch. pretty much anywhere that wouldn't be noticeable

>> No.18224099

Guys, built in vagina or removable for a doll?

I can't fucking choose, I don't want to use condoms, and I don't want to pull out... but I'm afraid the fuckable canal is just going to feel like a shitty fleshlight, and taking out constantly for cleaning will widen the insertion hole and hurt the insides or something... but I guess cleaning the built in version is going to be a nightmare.

Please I need advice I don't want to fuck up.

>> No.18224108

just use removable
makes cleaning easier and you can put whatever hole in there you want, switch it up every now and then

>> No.18224126

The only thing BD holes have going for them is the "fantasy" aspect and ease of cleaning.

Personally speaking, I'd say it feels like fucking a brick. But hey, it's an animal pussy shaped brick so if you're into that, get one on sale.

>> No.18224889

Wasn't there another dollfag whose doll's pussy ripped a couple of weeks ago? I remember him saying it lasted 3 years, can he talk about his experience? What type of doll did he get, how often did he fuck it and what sort of maintenance routine was adopted.

>> No.18224956

Please this, I really need to know as well

Also I want to know if he feels the investment was worth it.

>> No.18225002
File: 215 KB, 305x331, 1433889471985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually have the money to buy this doll
>Still living under someone elses roof because of living costs would drain me in a year.

>> No.18225017

Will I be losing out much if I buy the original lolinco instead of virgo? I'm kinda on a budget now and deciding between original lolinco and 17 bordeaux.

>> No.18225036

I wonder how many anons 17 bordeaux became prolapsed pieces of whore rubber.

>> No.18225273

Which model is that?

>> No.18225332


I suppose I can probably attest to this. Bought mine(original) a couple months ago, only used it a handful of times(pun intended).
It's a little loose. All it is now is jerking myself with a bit of slippery rubber. I'm considering picking up another one at some point. Likely the La Boca Della Verita, cuz I've heard that's the other high-quality intro onas. That being said, the bumps and lumps in the slippery bit of rubber are still quite nice.
Been looking at torsos or even a doll if I go full on down the super ultra neet arcade edition route, but I can't even justify to myself spending 500 bucks on a torso, let alone 6k on a doll...

>> No.18225523
File: 124 KB, 700x933, 1511453700924-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the absolute tightest, most harsh dick bully you guys have come across? Currently using Sujiman Kupa Roa Hard, looking for something tighter and harder.

>> No.18225646

i watched these threads some time ago.

whats the current opinion on seducing witch? is there a better version of it already or are there others that feel better.

i bought a lolinco (big version) and it broke after 2-3 uses so i got a free replacement from the company that i managed to not break in 3-4 weeks.
kinda looking for something thats great like that one but wont fucking break so fast.

>> No.18226158

my parcel of onas is still in customs
they haven't contacted me
package has been there since the 12th
do i contact them yet?

>> No.18226355

Welp, I broke the piggybank, and I had almost exactly enough to get the sex doll I want, even some spare cash for a pair of lingerie outfits or maybe some cleaning products.

Am I making a mistake? I think needing money to buy her clothes and wigs will keep me motivated to earn more money and be a socially functioning person, instead of thinking nothing is worth doing because everything sucks.

>> No.18226418

Virgin Age Admission in hard.

>> No.18226426

No, they probably only started processing it today, and sent a (physical) mail, which takes another 2 days to get to you.

>> No.18226481

customs doesnt work on the weekend, give it at least 7 business days.

>> No.18226488

Daisyuki hold and student council president are pretty rough on the dong.

>> No.18226568

I know you're a neet but your parcel man needs his weekends to thoroughly check your ona for defects before actually delivering to you on the weekdays.

>> No.18226761

ok thanks anons
so they'll send an actual letter to my address?

>> No.18226817

a letter or they'll call you.

>> No.18226942

>Am I making a mistake?
Only you know the answer to that question.

>> No.18227087

Almost bought a big ass torso. Though I wasn't on nofap.

Just imagining what it be like but then I busted a nut and wew think I dodged a bullet.

>> No.18227115

TPE doll 152cm Curvy

>> No.18227155

The alpha and omega.

>> No.18227477
File: 103 KB, 567x886, a4039aba80f4ad1072b0468e8015fba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn. She would make a great Motoko.

>> No.18227572

Too fat
Nah man, brand and model in gallery name

>> No.18227599

>fat bootied Motoko

Good enough for me

>> No.18227604

THIS. Lolinco is a lot nicer(lesd of a bully) than this. VA:A Hard is only a fraction of Lolinco's weight, but it'll bully your dick so hard you might actually hurt.

>> No.18227637

So I often see real dolls get sold with extra heads. How does one swap them?
Do they have seams I'm not seeing?

>> No.18227650

I think it's the rightest choice I've made in a long time, but I may be thinking with my dick, it's keeping me distracted too much, I honestly wish I hadn't seen her, now I'll feel empty until I own her.

It's been more than 10 years since I felt this way for any material thing.

>> No.18227702

There's screws and bolts that allow you to screw the head on.

>> No.18227712

Good luck and post pictures when you get her.

>> No.18227862

Do doll heads usually have close-able eyelids or not? Thats not a deal breaker but id like to close their eyes once in a while

>> No.18227916
File: 478 KB, 1920x1200, 1357118205794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody wanna help put together a Girls und Panzer onahole list? I've only used a few onaholes so I can't make it on my own.

I think the Venus Real would be a good fit for Saori, and the VAA would be good for Mako or Katyusha.

>> No.18227965

Every time someone mentions 17 Bordeaux, I feel obliged to warn that it has a tendency to come with layers that separate really easily.

>> No.18227987

Masturbate before buying expensive sex toys.

>> No.18228025

also on the subject of heads, I have 2 questions

Is there a market for heads of fictional characters? That seems like a no brainer for dolls

How plausible do you think pose-able mouths could be? maybe a metal jaw wit basic hinges to just make smiles and other simple expressions?

>> No.18228054

A friend is convincing me of making an unboxing video actually, he wants to touch the tits before I suck them and get them dirty he says.

Althought seeing a ronery neckbeard opening a doll crate might be off putting.

>> No.18228084 [DELETED] 

I think they only come in open or closed, just looking at the heads it would seem that moveable eyelids would interfere with eyeballs since those can actually move.

There should but then everyone would want their own special snowflake anime waifu head and that means more molds and more hassle for mass production. At the end of the day, all the chinks care about is rubber stamping out cheap dolls as fast as possible to sell to old men and lonely virgins. I would think custom made heads are available as an option but expect to cost a bomb.

There are already a much on youtube anyway.

>> No.18228099

I think they only come in open or closed, just looking at the heads it would seem that moveable eyelids would interfere with eyeballs since those can actually move.

There should but then everyone would want their own special snowflake anime waifu head and that means more molds and more hassle for mass production. At the end of the day, all the chinks care about is rubber stamping out cheap dolls as fast as possible to sell to old men and lonely virgins. I would think custom made heads are available as an option but expect to cost a bomb.

There are already a bunch on youtube anyway, one more won't hurt.

>> No.18228118

Is there any product to make things smell like a real woman? I mean, not perfume, the actual swat smell girls leave on their dirty clothes if you know what I mean.

>> No.18228218

Thats a shame, but they could just refuse custom orders and just make what they want, or hold votes on what characters to do.
Vidya characters seem like they would be the easiest, since they can directly reference the 3d models

>> No.18228290

i am currently undecided between the following:

Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro
SUJIMAN Ikappara Girl
Puni ana DX Hard

any reccomendations?

>> No.18229076

how do they know my number though?

>> No.18229344
File: 440 KB, 1072x1500, 91DD4VN94DL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the ever loving fuck does pic related have even a single positive review? Honestly, I've never fucking used a toy that is just painful. Ive had bad toys in the past, but holy shit this was an absolute fucking waste of money. Who the fuck thought to put teeth in an Onahole? Every reviewer says that it's somehow "tantalizing" or its a "tease". If your dick is literally larger than 2.5 inches, that shit just hurts. The fucking "tongue" doesn't do shit, and the throats texture is the worst I've ever used. Fuck this goddamn toy.

>> No.18229473

So it doesn't feel like the real mouthfuck at all?

>> No.18229496

>Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro
A soft pussy you can bounce on your cock while it squeezes and stretches. Not huge but still more stimulating than a normal size onahole so it's a good size for easy cleaning for hiding.
If you like the idea of a "fluffy" pussy sucking you dry then you'll like this.

>SUJIMAN Ikappara Girl
Made from a single rather firm but soft to the touch layer, which gets a bit boring after a while. The way the "legs" end in flat surfaces allow it to stand up on its own but get in the way when fucking.
The big appeal is in how the outside is sculpted to look actually look like a girl's hips, belly, ass etc. and feel great to caress, grab, slap...

Dual layer with a skeleton which really adds to the sensation, but also the defect rate. The weight and size allow for some nice grabbing and lots of positions with really realistic results. The holes are less tight than you'd think but it's probably as close as you can get to a loli without buying a whole doll so I wouldn't say it lacks in sensations.
The cleanup is a pain and you'll probably have to use your shower to flush everything out and then spend lots of time getting all the water out. Oh and good fucking luck hiding it or explaining if someone finds it.

>Puni ana DX Hard
It's the SPDX but only the hip portion, without a skeleton and in a harder material which adds stimulation and tightness. It's a lot easier to clean but you'll also have to deal with the fact that it has an exit hole which decreases suction and can lead to things leaking out unless you plug it.
It might not quite match the greatness of its bigger sister but it's still a better value when it comes to money and time spent maintaining it.

>> No.18229525

Have you tried manipulating the tongue by pushing under the chin with your fingers, as other anons have suggested? You should at least practice doing that a few times before throwing it away.

>> No.18229549
File: 194 KB, 750x910, 1515927796045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is not okay to import to the US? Are loli holes illegal?

>> No.18229562

wtf mississippi

>> No.18229565

Which loli hole is the most "realistic?"

>> No.18229574

Take this map with a grain of salt btw.

>> No.18229588

how could someone know if the sensation is "accurate"?

>> No.18229613

Better than UK. Even I know that Scottland has different policy, getting them pass the Heathrow custom always makes me worried.

>> No.18229641

since i live alone i do not care about someone finding it. i guess i go for the puni ana dx hard.

thanks for the guidance!

>> No.18229712

Also just so we are ALL AWARE, loli is illegal to import across all states. So if someone at customs picks your box, you're fucked.

>> No.18229717
File: 305 KB, 739x613, ops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My onahole is really heavy and requires a stupid amount of lube. Like at this rate I'll run out of lube in 10 uses what am I doin wrong

>> No.18229739


>> No.18229745

What hole, what lube.

>> No.18229770

I mean, I just guess I've never had a "bad" blowjob before, but I'm not sure anyone who has ever used their mouth to eat anything even vaguely penis shaped could be that bad. It's not even me trying to say I've got some massive dick, I don't, but I feel like it would genuinely take having a micropenis for this thing to feel decent. For reference, my favorite hole is the ZXY.

>> No.18229780

If the tongue were the only problem I'd probably be ok with it, especially as it breaks in. The main issues are the plastic teeth and the throat texture. I'll give it a few more goes before it ends up in the trash, and worst comes to worst I'll try cutting the teeth out before sentencing it to the bin.

>> No.18229793

this hole:>>18220941

and some kinda thicc water based trojan lube

>> No.18229828

Also one of the reasons I got an onahole was because I wanted the whole hands free thing, but I need so much lube that it creates a massive mess and its not practical to hands free it at all. I need a proper fapping environment but idunno how to set it up

>> No.18229899

Makes me wonder, is it possible to import a big size onahole like Puni ana SPDX to the UK?

>> No.18229920

stores in the EU like motsutoys will ship to you without any issues. as long as you are in the EU, use it.

>> No.18229940

I wish leaf amazon stocked more than meme eyes products with prime. Nobody is selling lilith stuff or anything else and they don't remove packaging either

>> No.18229973

I don't have to tell them to remove package, right?

>> No.18230025

Do you need to worry about the package? I mean, they can't arrest you for something that is already being sold openly in canadian stores right?

>> No.18230101
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, 71pJEXsoe0L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got her in the mail today. I was scared I was too big for her, but she fit nicely, and damn good. The package smelled like cinnamon. Not bad for my first hole. I think it was a minute before I came.

I had considered buying this same one back in 2016 and finally buckled down.

>> No.18230106

not exactly sold openly in a store

>> No.18230188

Well if you gave your number to the shop you bought it from they put that phone number on the shipping documents

>> No.18230208

There's heaps, infernal monkey has done a bunch of reviews on them, the guy is funny and informative.

>> No.18230341

accurate canal shape =/= accurate sensation
besides, if that were the case, the anon wouldn't need to ask this thread, he can just google biology illustrations and compare them to onaholes

>> No.18230350

should've gone for a hip or a bigger ona if you wanted the hands-free experience
you could try the pillow trick, check the pastebin for instructions

>> No.18230363

okay thanks

>> No.18230675

Rip the teeth out you fucking retard

>> No.18230732

Got this, used it a few times. It's okay. The material is pretty soft, so it's not as much stimulation as I thought it would be. I personally can't feel the textures and bumps very much.

>> No.18231111

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvCGqhShNnk when
unless there is another way to ona while holding both VR controllers

>> No.18231190

Just ignore the fbi next time

>> No.18232106

This. You can literally rip and cut them out.

I thought the Mouth of Truth was absolutely incredible, and felt just crazy when I was high. I’m big too so idk what you’re going on about

>> No.18232161

How true is this? Are the blue states really 100% legal?

>> No.18232183

Reminder that the picture is outdated. Some state might've gone full anti-loli already.

>> No.18232255

Can the ZXY get damaged with hot water? The sink in my bathroom has two handles so if I'm careless, it can get hot. I've felt some sticky plastic bits come off while drying it and was wondering if it's due to that or maybe the hand soap.

>> No.18232268

Is there an updated one?
IIRC it’s illegal across the board to import in general that stuff.

>> No.18232468

I don't know about that Meiki, but I have a different toy that has a weird sticky material, and it stays a bit too sticky even with a lot of lube. So there might be that.
Also, thick lubes tend to have issues in my experience - feels like they evaporate fast without providing much lubrication.

Maybe try one of the recommended lubes - Onatsuyu, Insomnia, Silky all provide nice slippery experience even when just a little bit is applied.

>> No.18232477

With an onahole you can try wrapping it in towel and a blanket, then fastening it all with a belt or a rope. Provides a nice soft volume to hold on to, and it's easier to wedge it somewhere for hands-free experience.
You can also place an onahole between sofa cushion and the hard base.

>> No.18233070

I've owned 2 originals and 4 virgos.
They are so fucking fragile, but feel so good so I keep buying them.
The Virgo is far superior to the original, but the original is still good.
Haven't tried the bordeaux.

>> No.18233568

Its been 5 days since I placed my order on Otona, but I still haven't gotten a tracking number email from them.
This is the third time i've ordered from them, but I believe this is the first time this has happened. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.18233726

Bumping for updated map.

>> No.18234008

Why not just call your local government and ask them if they'll lock your ass up when you import loli rubber vaginas.

>> No.18234305
File: 32 KB, 540x540, room-fragrance-schoolgirl-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this like? How long does the smell last?

>> No.18234370

yeah they're falling behind since it's the new years and they must have a lot of staff going on holiday or something, just have patience

>> No.18234378

Ah, okay that's fair enough.
I wasn't sure if something with horribly wrong without my knowledge, or if I might unexpectedly get the package without ever getting the notice that its been shipped.

>> No.18234434

To be honest it took them about 5 days to actually ship mine which made me very anxious because I wasnt at home at the time and didnt want it to get there when I couldnt sign for it, but eventually it all turned out for the best.

>> No.18234725

I would also like to know

>> No.18235025

If I haven't used one of my onaholes in a few months, but had cleaned it prior to sealing it and keeping it in storage, would it still be okay to use after I clean it again now, or should I just throw it out and buy a new one?

>> No.18235121

What happened to the Gyaru-Doll Anon?
Did he die from dehydration?

>> No.18235136

I have holes that I have stored for almost two years and took them out to use again. I still got my cock and it doesn't itch or anything, give it a good wash before using and try to check the canal if possible. If funky shit comes out during the wash toss it out otherwise I think you should be good.

>> No.18235616

I know that leaving it under running hot water will fuck it up royally, which I learned the hard way with one of my previous holes.
Just use lukewarm water, something you'd safely wash a pet with.

Unless where you store it is dirty itself, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.18235719

Ah, I figured it was that. I have to leave the water running a bit so heats up but I'll just be more patient. Thanks, the Magic Eyes and Tomax holes didn't have any issues so far.

>> No.18235963
File: 145 KB, 900x900, 161cm-E-cup-Premium-6Ye-N24-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have been seriously considering and wanting a companion doll for about a week now, never thought about it beforehand, but dead set on the idea now
>In this timeframe, find a particular doll I like (https://www.sexysexdoll.com/french-big-booty-sex-doll-6ye-premium-161cm-e-cup)) and have looked through the other manufacturers pros and cons, decided I definitely want 6YE because of 360 joints, and definitely want this face 100%
>Suddenly my ex decides that she wants to try and patch things up, or so she says
>Tell her to make an effort and we'll see
>Three days go by with her making 0 effort to even send a message on Facebook, no text, no call
>Now left considering whether I even bother with her or just go for the doll and tell her to shove off
>Pretty sure I'll choose the latter

I want my god damned doll.

>> No.18236039

You can literally buy virgin age admission from amazon.

>> No.18236304

just buy yourself some female perfume

>> No.18236419

Check the website directly. I didn't receive an email but mine was sent las friday.

>> No.18236446

>dealing with women in any capacity ever

Get the doll. You aren’t Chad stop acting like you can fuck around with women and get off scott free. There’s always a price to be pay when you aren’t a 8+/10.

>> No.18236602

I've seen loli onahole (the one with the hip) on amazon

problem is you can't erase your purchase history from amazon.

>> No.18236701

moe body or love style 48?

>> No.18236805

Just archive it, no one will find that easily if they do not intently search for it. Otherwise, just create a different account.

>> No.18236817
File: 88 KB, 960x1360, 1499020193647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone's intrested in tenga stuff but here's a quickie review since I recently got a spiral. I own two other holes but it's quickly become my favorite, I was a bit worried about it at first since out of the package (which is tastefully done it comes on a little display stand/drying thing) the material felt a bit thin and cheap and it had that distinctive cheap plasticy/rubbery smell to it, also on first use it was a bit too much the ridges of the spiral felt way too rough and almost sharp on my head, I'm chalking that up too being too cold though as the first time I used it it was still pretty cool from being outside all day after delivery even though I had given it time to set inside. On second use though things went much better, I used my onahole warmer on it before use and it made the ridges feel much better and the whole experience became much more pleasurable than my other holes, (although also much louder), it also has the advantage of being the easiest to clean since it's so easy to flip inside out and comes with the little stand to sit on.

>> No.18236833
File: 55 KB, 540x540, 573C64F7-1283-4BEA-B14B-7420DAC267E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tenga flip hole broke, so im finally going to order a new onahole. i’ve landed on the six uteruses Lilith as it really intrigued me, has anyone else had experience with it?

>> No.18236925
File: 281 KB, 638x480, 1470285982247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a butt onahole that I can spoon with at night. I have busty ai chan white but theyre not very good for cuddling because of the tpe odor and oil. I've been looking around but none look good enough that you could even stick your dick between or hotdog the cheeks except maybe the midnightcandy series but theyre hefty and take 7 weeks to ship. I was looking at some doll legs but eh I was hoping there'd be a model located within moonrunes that'd suits my needs

>> No.18236952

My Puni Ana SPDX was in customs for an hour, is that a good or bad time for a Leaf?

>> No.18237005

I've actually just got it, It's kind of a budget dolphin but it is smaller than the dolphin and of course its material isn't as durable as Tomax's, though it is easier to clean than the dolphin and feels alright.

>> No.18237026

I am looking for Alternatives to the spiral. this has been one of my favorites due to ease of use and ease of cleaning and storing.

I kinda am looking for a transparent version of this that has the same qualities as the 3d. nondescript, lightweight, and easy to clean. anyone knows any good toys i should check out before i buy another 3d again to replace my old one?

>> No.18237166

what are your other holes?

>> No.18237194

Will it be good for a dicklet like me?

>> No.18237419

Any UK anon here? Please help this newbie. I want to try loli onaholes but doesn't know where to start.

>> No.18237446

yes. as an average but slightly thicker dicker my original Lolinco at first squeezed itsself off my dick the first two times then after that was just tight and good but it actually started splitting the opening. they're more durable if you're smaller i'm sure though youll have to grip it in a certain way to stop it from flopping around with a shorter dick. ideally you'd be a pencil dick but longer than average to take full advantage of the hole.

>> No.18237506

Yeah, that might be a problem. My average asian length fatboy always destroy lolinco in 2-3 uses. But might give it a try anyway.

>> No.18237722

Been looking at that doll body as well, what options are you planning to get for it? I'm still thinking if I should get hollow breasts for softer tits but am afraid of them deflating.

>> No.18238140

What are the other reasons people find dolls not worth, or a hassle? I'm strong enough to lug them around, and I have room to just stash them under my bed or in the closet or something. Skin cleanliness might be a problem, judging by the lint and stuff my holes collect.

>> No.18238397

A magic eyes maiden, which is good but the hole is oddly placed/angled which makes entry a bit of a pain and is also a chore to clean, and a puni virgin

>> No.18238467

Sounds pretty good, normally if there's a problem at the postal center they'll keep it much longer, if it was in customs then moved on after an hour you should be fine

>> No.18238576

TL;DR - you are completely right, but I pity the bitch...

I'll have to admit something here; compared to her, I might as well be Chad, as I'm the best she'll ever have the chance to get again. That's not me saying I'm a 6+, as I don't think I am. If I'm honest about myself, I'm probably a mid 4 to high 4. A couple of redeeming features for me are that I'm over 6ft, decently strong, somewhat intelligent, good with money and I've got a very thick if only average length dick.
Thing is, she's 28 years older than I am and weighs a fuck load. She's got one of the sweeter personalities I've ever known, but she's also got a LOT of baggage and that's causing massive trouble right now.

So, I pity her. That's why. Its hard to overcome that, because even though most of my feelings are gone for her (it was almost a year ago we broke up) I still have compassion and I pity her.

I'm left debating between the care + hanging kit or a free head, but I can't really choose which head if a free head. The heads cost more, but it almost seems pointless with that wonderful face.
The vagina is really tough to decide on too. Like another anon who keeps wondering this; I'm wondering if the longevity of insert vaginas is better than having the fixed one. Trouble is I don't know if pulling them out and pushing them in will damage or loosen the hole over time, but also on top of that, if you go for fixed - once/if that breaks, the whole body is essentially broken then. There's also no indication of what its like on the inside, so for all I know, its a straight line with no hidden textures (but probably not). Not sure with that part.
The standing feet is something I've seen another anon mention as something they wish they'd have gotten, so I'll add them. It may restrict the foot movement slightly, and be a little unsightly, but a pair of socks should fix that.
Normal joints so she can hold a pose without being a nightmare to pose.
I'm thinking hollow breasts too, like you say, softer but also lighter. I know it sounds silly, but I'm figuring every little aspect counts towards the weight. I don't think they should deflate, but then I don't know if they're just packed with air or if they've just been moulded to that shape. Still, it'd be nicer with the softness.
And just as a bonus; I'll definitely be choosing the "waitress" (more like French maid) outfit and black dress. Along with dresses I buy from normal shops and such.

Oh the fun will never stop. I've been looking in shop windows non stop for things to put on her.

>> No.18238591

>she's 28 years older than I am and weighs a fuck load

jesus christ dude

a doll is literally more respectable

>> No.18238641

I know. I know. It is bad.

>> No.18238719

Maintenance, people at the doll forums seem to have a even greater fear of mold than the average neet anon that waits a couple of days before washing his stinky cum out of his onahole. They recommend washing it immediately after use, and you might be strong enough to lug them around, but doing it every time after you nut inside one and I'm gonna guess it gets old quick.

You mention you have room to stash them but do you have you own private bathroom to wash them in? If you live alone then this isn't a problem but since you say that you can stash them hidden I'm assuming you don't. You also have to oil the body every couple of months and watch out for tears at the usual weak spots.

>> No.18238722

Even if you were to be 18 that means she's 46y old and she seems overweight. There's no future with her anon.
The moment she'll have and feel your attention she'll be back being distant and not making efforts. Women, or even people, are like that. They want what they don't have and feel lonely and insecure when the other is out of reach. Once he is tables turn. Don't bother and respect yourself.

>> No.18238730

>black dress
watch out for dying anon, black fabrics are generally not recommended for dolls since very often they bleed into the skin. It'll go away with time but you're left with black marks on the doll until it wears off.

>> No.18238735

>>she's 28 years older than I am and weighs a fuck load
So you would rather fuck a crusty old pussy that weighs like a truck than a rubber vagina?

>> No.18238741

I'm 26, she's 54. I know there's not really a future, but I had myself in a fantasy world for so long.
Even the ones sold by the doll website? Granted I'd wash any clothing about three/four times prior before putting anything on her, but I figured they'd sell safe clothes.
Fucking good point. The only benefit of a real woman is having interactive cuddles/headscratches

>> No.18238762

>she's 54
Jesus you might as well be fucking your granny, plus you get cookies.

>> No.18238770

Ha. I know. That's why even though a part of me still cares about her as a person, I want my fucking doll.

>> No.18238908

TPE doll
fucked lots in the beginning, down to 3-4 times a week in the end
maintenance was:
once a month full body wipe down, pat dry, baby powder
and after use, dried insides with a stick and microfiber cloth
if finished outside, wipe down areas, pat dry, powder
ripping happened from a terrible mating press accident. attempting a different approach to repairing it soon as a new onahole comes in the mail. I plan to slice the new ona into chunks, melt it somehow and see if i can somehow pour it into the ripped area

>> No.18238932

When you say "mating press", what exactly do you mean? Normal yet rigorous sex or some particular position outside of missionary/doggy/pronebone?
Also, do you have a 6yE doll providing 360* joints or a different manufacturer, providing standard flip joints?

>> No.18238936

Just googled it. I'll change my question to this;
Legs up in the air or right back against her chest?

>> No.18239008

I'm curious now, there's actually a notable amount of people that don't wash immediately? I get tired of that shit too, but I feel like it's one of those things you just do so your future self doesn't want to kill your present self.

You don't still have to lug the whole thing to clean it if you have the removable vagina ones do you?

>> No.18239056

The issue I see with inserts is unlike the meiki plush or other plush dolls, it looks rather hard to put the insert inside, rubber doesn't slide well against rubber unlubed. There's a video of someone stuffing the insert in a dsdoll but those are silicone so it might not tear as easily. With inserts you're almost fisting the doll. If you plan to use lube to get the actual insert in then you'll still have to do some clean up of the internal canal if you use water based ones vs oil ones like baby oil or Vaseline.

>> No.18239155
File: 52 KB, 280x314, 1498337101901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Omocha Dreams ship discrete or do you have to tell them?

>> No.18239233

But doesn't oil eat the rubber away, albeit slowly?

>> No.18239280

Good point, that sounds more obnoxious than dragging it to the tub to clean.

>> No.18239345

Do you think they ship in a bright pink with "ADULT SEX TOYS" written in large letters on it?

Of course not. Sex shops know their clients. The packages I received so far were just plain boxes with address on them. I don't think they even used the store name on the label, but rather something non-descriptive.

>> No.18239347
File: 17 KB, 681x87, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean?

>> No.18239379

On the doll forums they actually recommend using oil on tpe dolls monthly.

>> No.18239388

Huh, fair enough. I've not looked fully into the care process yet but plan to do so if I decide I'll bite the bullet for sure.

>> No.18239847

that doesnt look great.

>> No.18239893

It was nice knowing you anon

>> No.18240035

Some people opt to powder their inserts instead

>> No.18240285

I was very conflicted about breakign my piggybank for a super sized mastubator, but after reading some story of a guy who fucks her doll every chance he gets, I got convinced I needed to get one.

I've had an ona for some time, and it's nice, but even just cleaning after every use was annoying, that's pretty much the only thing making me worried about the doll, well maybe clothing stains and tearing. I want to dress my doll with french maid outfits and bsdm stuff, but those are always black, and the FAQ from the site says to never use black... that's a bit discouraging. I've seen quite a few dolls featuring black clothes, so I don't know what hell anymore.

Id say as long as you are comfortable with the cleaning routine and any other little annoyance that comes along with it. The dolls seem to be in a really good spot regarding how much their development has perfected their quality, I see user pictures of newer dolls in the doll forums and they're pretty close to the promo pictures, which usually are over doctored and not exactly accurate of the final product.

I hope my doll ends up fullfilling at least 50% of my expectations, and even then it would be worth the dosh. My other fear was degradation of the skin etc, but seeing the used dolls pictures that are up for sale it's probably not that bad. Still concerned about the removable vago tho, I might make a topic on the doll forums and see if someone replies before I make the order to pick the best option.

Hope you get to choose whatever suits you best, I understand the doll itch very well.

>> No.18240373

try sewing some padding onto the insides of your outfits
a couple layers of white cloth or half a centimeter of actual padding
just to keep the blacks from making contact with the skin
maybe? it's just a thought i had

>> No.18240543

I think I'm gonna go for fixed vag, after some consideration. Insertion ones require you to pretty much fist the damn thing as someone else said, and so long as I'm not being stupid, I don't think it should tear... so fixed it'll be. I just wish the labia wasn't so... beefy.

>> No.18240559

Which country and which onaholes?

If it's a loli onahole with package intact going to UK and AUS customs, just run for your life.

>> No.18240595

This is a good idea. Another good idea is underwear (bra/knickers).
I've also heard that olive oil is good for removing stains.

>> No.18240661

Report back on your doll make and vendor after purchase, looking forward to your unboxing and fuck reviews after. Good luck dollfags.

>> No.18240679

I'm >>18235963
Body is in the filename, 6Ye for manufacturer. N24 head. SSD will be the vendor.
But absolutely - I will be reporting back as and when.

Right now I'm undecided on when to buy; because a bicycle to replace my old broken one should ideally be my first priority, but it isn't essential. Other than that, its just that I'd like to ideally have more cash spare, as it'd take all of my money for right now, but I get paid in two days anyway.

>> No.18241285

After the disappointment of the SPDX with a manufacturing defect, I decided to get the Ikappara Girl. That thing is absolutely worth the price, and a lot easier to clean as well.

>> No.18241561

>SPDX with a manufacturing defect

what was the defect? did you get your money back?

>> No.18241568

niiiiice dude

>> No.18241589
File: 505 KB, 610x782, reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's say I order this big girl, how much difference can I expect from the "BUY ME NOW WITH YOUR COCK" pictures, to the real product I will receive?

I mean I know it's basic marketing strat to make pictures look amazing as possible, specially in clothing. But when it comes to dolls, I don't know how big is the gap from the website stuff to the real deal. Anyone have any input on that?

>> No.18241608

give the name of the doll?

>> No.18241636

I think you found a gap in the market, there should be products made specifically for spooning with at night at a reasonable price.

I'd love to buy one, I just spoon with a long plush I have, and put some really soft and tight gym shorts in the lower part and stick my junk against it, it's not the best, but it's what I had at hand.

>> No.18241639

I really like gimmicky holes, anyone have any favorite gimmicks?

>> No.18241683

Man I have to thank you so much for this video, this has helped me decide on insert instead.

The other video I saw must have been made by a neardenthal, it was so fucking tight and awkward, I could imagine myself doing that to the poor thing every time I want to fuck it.

But still...the anus remains built in, so I will have to deal with the awkward cleaning process in that hole somewhat, the mouth as well, but carrying a head to the bathroom shouldn't be as hard.

Again thanks

>> No.18241919

How legit is this map? If I live in New York and I import a loli onahole, customs opens it to impect. What happens.

>> No.18241936

I feel like the image is a mockery. I live in Atlanta and all my shit from Japan goes through customs in JFK. It literally doesn't matter what state you live in as the JFK customs agent is not going to consult a state chart, compare the address, and go "Yep, that's (il)legal." That being said, I've bought loliholes with no trouble.

>> No.18241961

1. How do you know it comes through JFK?

2. Have you ever had them open a package?

3. Can I then buy loli doujins like 10 at a time and not get in trouble?

What makes New York so special?

>> No.18242032

My mail from Japan always goes through the New York ISC before getting sent to a regional distribution center in Jamaica, NY. That's right between JFK and LGA, though somewhat closer to JFK. I may be wrong that it's going in to JFK specifically, but it most definitely does enter the country in NYC. They've never opened one of my onahole packages, though I'm pretty sure I've had some scale figures inspected.

>> No.18242193

That's exactly what I was thinking.

>> No.18242224

imagine if someone lifted the seat only to found a headless body

>> No.18242260

So if they open one of my packages and it all loli I’m fucked?

>> No.18242285

So many people in /buyfag/ and here have bought loli doujins, loli figures, onaholes with loli box art, and so on that you're almost definitely fine.

>> No.18242328

Ask yourself this, is that really worth going to jail for and ruining your life?
We don't know if they have been opened or not through customs AND we dont know what happened to them afterwards.

>> No.18242406

If it was happening often enough to worry, I think we all would have heard about it. The danger is not getting it past customs. The danger is somebody reporting you for it when state laws disagree with federal like what happened to Christian Bee in Missouri.

>> No.18242491

tl;dr you are right, professional makeup, neat as fuck wig probably from stylist, form fitting clothing probably custom made, right lighting, and phototogoshop
wigs and eyes are generally sent at random
clothing is always a cheap piece of clothing, sometimes a bikini, sometimes a piece of lingerie or a weird stretchy laced body suit thing
makeup is never as shown, comes with basic makeup like some pink lips and eye shadow

if random online retailer like amazon, customization is limited and random
if direct from a manufacterer you can pick your own nails, pubes, etc

>> No.18242499

How are you not worried about customs? I'm being serious, they can open things and report you right away.

>> No.18242556

Ok, so I'm completely new to this kind of stuff.

I've only ever done a makeshift onahole out of a small glass, a sponge cut in half and a latex glove twice. First time was amazing and I came buckets, whereas second time my whole ding dong didn't fit and would bit the top of the glass, despite me using the exact same glass and this is maybe less than a year apart.

I'm considering getting one of these in the future because holy fuck what I did in the past felt good.

So,lets say I want to make my first purchase, what exactly am Iooking for, where do I get it, what type and any accesorries or misc stuff to get as well?

>> No.18242557

I feel like this is a stupid post to make, but I have a serious fetish for Oni Girls, you know the classical trope of red skinned, goat horned, demon women. I've noticed looking around that a lot of the Onaholes have themes based around certain characters and such. Is there perhaps an Oni themed Onahole, could someone well versed in Japanese search for me perhaps? I have a heavy feeling there isn't anything, but I've been looking to no avail and I feel that asking here is at least worth the ditch effort.

>> No.18242572

Black clothing left on for long periods of time, say 6+ hours is bad. but for a fap session its not bad

>> No.18242734

There is literally a detailed guide on all this linked in the OP.

Quick things to keep in mind since you asked nicely.
Don't get a Fleshlight, don't bother with Tenga, and don't waste money on Bad Dragon.
There are a lot of different types of onaholes that people like. Some like soft and low-stimulating holes, some like tight and hard. You can't really know what you'll like unless you try.
What you may like also depends on your penis size. There is no point in getting a loli-themed hole if you pack a huge dong, or a hole with a very long tunnel if you have a small one. There is a spreadsheet with sizes of various holes linked in the guilde.
There are some consistent favorites mentioned in pretty much every thread, like Venus Real, Lolinco, Vacuum Witch, Meiki ZXY, etc. Read their descriptions, see if you like any of them and if they are within your budget. Always do your own research.
Read about cleaning and maintenance. Never turn your holes inside-out, always wash/wipe/dry thoroughly.

>> No.18242788

>don't bother with Tenga
I have no idea why this general has such a hate boner for Tenga, it is fine and probably the best beginner hole you can get. Unlike every other manufacturer they give a shit about usability and cleanliness. They are also easily available (i've seen them at most adult shops) so you don't have to deal with weird shipping / customs / getting vanned bullshit

The only thing that's odd about Tenga is it doesn't resemble any kind of anatomy usually its just an oddly artistic fucktoy

>> No.18242819

The thing is, I have a hip ona, and I use panties on it, and even as little as 30 mins can get it stained sometimes, from pretty much any color not really black specifically, it comes down more to the material being tintured or not.

But I'm not a textiles expert. Like I have a black "thing" that I can use to cover it, I don't even know what it's called, made from the average material used for playtex panties, and I can keep it hours on it and it has never stained it.

I don't know exactly how similar TPE is to the material of my ona, but I don't want to risk damaging it, I could probabyl cry a bit and scrub it with the cream and burn all the slutty clothing or something in rage.

>> No.18242831

Some people use an aquarium pump to help in drying out the insides of a built-in doll. Not entirely sure how they wash it out easily, though

>> No.18243011 [DELETED] 

Loli is illegal.

>> No.18243049

Loli is illegal in US.

>> No.18243076

Leafs please go.

>> No.18243151

Seconded this pls share for other anon.

>> No.18243187
File: 240 KB, 480x270, 1511228383589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready your anus

>> No.18243198

You chose the best image possible for this thread, anon. Props.

>> No.18243341

Oh, it's you again, you faggot.

>> No.18243393

The odds of customs opening your packages is slim, and even then it's not certain anything will happen. Just tell the store to remove the packaging and anything else that might be "offensive" if you're that paranoid.

>> No.18243581
File: 228 KB, 800x1200, C57F0472_EBF0_46AE_AC71_7D9B273CCA22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPE is also not compleatly "sterylisable"(i know bad grammar not native)

So basically is better to get a silicon one for durability and maintenance

BUT... get it with interchangable pussy, so you can stick your favorite onaholes, even the TPE ones like double layer YXZ so you get the "more realistic feel" where it matters

Unfortunately WM is just orking with TPE but if you gant this_lady.Picrelatedjpg go for it
Im gonna buy her someday, and get a silicon loli so i get the best of both worlds

>> No.18243675

>even theTPE ones like double layer YXZ

I'm sorry I'm sort of new to this threads, which ones are the double layer XYZ?

>> No.18243724

He probably means the meiki ZXY

>> No.18243793

It's much greater than slim to none.

>> No.18243845

Looks like we're getting the same doll. I'm opting for an extra head though, do you plan on getting shrugging shoulders?

>> No.18243847

Had the weirdest thing happen. In the middle of putting my onahole back, it made contact with one of the posters on my wall, then it got stuck. I put as much force into it as possible, and the thing would not give. Eventually had to rip it off, destroying both my poster and damaging my exterior of my hole. I don't know what kind of witchcraft chemical reaction occurred as soon as they made contact, but fuck that shit.

>> No.18243966

Hey bby

>> No.18243983

The word you're looking for is sterilizable. I just looked up that doll and she weighs close to 50kg. That's FUCKING heavy.

>> No.18243993
File: 262 KB, 1000x762, 4E08F894-06AD-40F7-9212-671C5AE5EA7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli is ill-

>> No.18244008

It is sadly, that chart is very out of date as the entirety of Canada should be red and California should be Yellow.

>> No.18244010

What is the updated chart then? What Blue states changed?

>> No.18244044

Honestly I can't tell you as I don't know much of how things are going outside my state, though Canada is red as our resident Toucan is an example as such.

Though in my opinion the entire US should now be yellow as being an anime fan has become the new "hip thing to be." so normal fags have brought attention to the genre and have turned to associating lolicon with being a kiddie diddler. And they also turned my favorite fetish into a joke.

>> No.18244057

Am I safe in a blue state ordering loli stuff?

>> No.18244065

Did Toucan get arrested for loli? What's your favorite fetish?

>> No.18244102

I can't tell you anon; it's really up to you knowing about your state enough; then again as long as customs doesn't search you "should be" fine.

Not gonna clog the thread with a page long wall of text so search "2f. The Canadian Section" in op's pastebin.
YandereI know its it was already a vanilla enough thing, but nothing like going to eat at a fast food place only to hear a bunch of kids talking about their favorite youtubers playing yandere sim like they're talking about the latest kids show on TV

>> No.18244104

And if blue state customs open a package?

>> No.18244115

Depends on the customs officer I guess. Either the customs officer doesn't give a shit and goes on with his day, or you get the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" officer who could fuck your life up.

>> No.18244126

fuck I'm nervous now.

>> No.18244157

Feels good that I live in Michigan.

>> No.18244191


>> No.18244225

It’s all illegal the map is a lie. What’s not to understand.

>> No.18244286

try it again with the ass end for science

>> No.18244319

do it again

>> No.18244327

Legs against the chest is a different position.

>> No.18244469

What is with all the loli talk? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.18244489

Not the person you quoted, and I'm still torn on whether I should go for fixed or not.
Mostly since I've read that inserts tend to not look as good / realistic as fixed ones, and are also prone to moving inside the canal. Might depend on which brand of doll you get, though.

>> No.18244593

People don't like tenga because they are expensive for mediocre experience. If you like them - go ahead, but generally it is possible to get cheaper onaholes that will feel better.

>> No.18244782

Tenga eggs are literally$20 at my local sex shop, I stopped buying anything from them since then.

>> No.18244796

you're in a thread dedicated to having sex with disembodied rubber vaginas
what are you getting at exactly?

>> No.18244819

Why do people keep saying loli is legal?

>> No.18244993

Well for me the thing is that this is goign to be a huge investment, I really won't be able to spend so much on a single thing or any entertainment for a looong while, also plan to buy a good amount of clothes. So my priority is longevity, and from my ona experience I know the damn thing is going to get injured or whatever at some point with the kind of use I plan to give it, so being able to get a new hole is probably the best, also I may not be the cleanest fucker around, so in chase I fuck up and shit grows mold I can also replace it.

If I had the dosh to buy a doll every 6 months or something like that, yeah I might go for built in. But anyways the anus is not going to be detachable, so I expect that to be sort of the same as the pussy experience just without the feeling of the labia and it won't move etc. And I live with more people, I don't have a tub or shower in my room only half a bathroom, so I can't haul her to the main bathroom all the time, taking away the vago canal will be more practical.

Also had the weird thought that I might be able to fit some sort of vibrator in the pussy after removing the canal, and have a stimulating buzz when I fuck the anus, probably very awkward, but I don't see why not try at least once may be cool.

Maybe we each should try a different one and post results? sadly I won't have much of a comparisson point, but I'll be as objective as posible and not mislead anyone into buying the wrong product.

>> No.18245419

Final question before i start to buy stuff again after NLS international died, so if i order from Motsu, can i have them deliver the package to automatic package / automated parcel, thingie that we have here in certain country, because if i could do that that would be 10/10 also is Puni Ana DX Fuwatoro good?

>> No.18245449

Like 20 dollars each or 20 dollars for a pack.

>> No.18245468

What is this certain country? If you don't wanna specify then you could contact your the postal service and Motsu and all them.

>> No.18245479

Sorry, I have no other place to ask this: Can somebody recommend some decent prostate toys besides Aneros?

>> No.18245500

Debatable. It can be, but there's no legal precedent. You can be the first, though.

>> No.18245513

Are you willing to take that chance?

>> No.18245523
File: 3.09 MB, 2704x4056, IMG_20180118_1806345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you accidently bought the same onahole twice
at least they were friendly enough to include some candy

>> No.18245524

Read the guide, and check the option to remove the packaging.

>> No.18245530

forgot to ask, what does the handwritten note say?

>> No.18245641

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.18245889

TomodachiJP is OtonaJP’s sister site for Japanese toys and candy and stuff, essentially just saying to check it out

>> No.18245948

yep that one the inner layer is TPE so it sticks to you, and outside is silicone if i remember

>> No.18245967

>50kg of ass and tits
a woman that thicc would probably be around 70kg so it'll be the same has a thin girl, don't be scared anon you can lift her around with ease not like you're gonna carry her around the block

>> No.18245990

ah didn't knew that thanks

>> No.18246005

Bump for this. Blue states safe to order loli?

>> No.18246035
File: 9 KB, 263x480, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened? Did customs just make some copies?

>> No.18246054

Looks like they recorded other stops along the way with the same text.

>> No.18246055

I think there's a difference between carrying a 70kg person and 50kg of pure dead weight.

>> No.18246057

Start packing now.

>> No.18246098 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 900x1350, 1516306128571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you buy a tranny doll?

>> No.18246125

Add the actual tranny dick and you have the most horrifying thing ever.
I mean, hell, with the right face and body the tranny dick is an idea that could work for people so inclined, but that face...

>> No.18246135

Cute legs and feet.

>> No.18246159

Probably not, what I'd buy is a Draenei doll with a massive horse dick.

>> No.18246163


Pls get out and stay out

>> No.18246309
File: 328 KB, 840x1000, 1515701678720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you just impregnate the dolls clothes so they won't stain? It should prevent the oils from the TPE to react with the clothing colours and therefore prevent staining, right? Someone test this on an ona!

Just mod it like this Anon:


>> No.18246355

Oh fuck... are those red marks the stains people talk about from tinted clothing?

shit... I'm so afraid of buying panties for mine now, I don't want the damn thing to be ruined

>> No.18246384

Are the dolls from siliconesexdollcity originals or knockoffs?

>> No.18246403

I can tell you who produces most dolls if you provide some screenshots. Most of the dolls on their site seem to be commonly available models. No originals.

>> No.18246418

But he just wants to fuck Alliance ""women""". Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.18246429

Not in my experience. I've had hundreds of packages shipped from Japan with everything from books to sex toys and lube. Number that have opened by customs? Zero.

>> No.18246474
File: 522 KB, 800x912, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these darker spots in my onahole mold or coloring imperfections? I've only used this hole a couple times and don't know if they were there when it was new. They seem like they're under the material I can touch and they stretch with the hole, should I be concerned?

>> No.18246501

What’s the most you’ve had shipped to you in one package?

Where do you live?

>> No.18246529

I got a hello kitty marshmallow with chocolate in it and a piece of peach flavoured kirby gum.

not bad but for how much money I spent and how long I had to wait they coulda given me more than 2 measily things

>> No.18246825

Do you only order loli? What are you so afraid of?

>> No.18246879

I want a loli onahole.

>> No.18247018

Honeypot pls go

>> No.18247083

Would it be possible to numb your dick and masturbate like that? The opposite of numbing your hand and masturbating.

>> No.18247100
File: 11 KB, 270x200, Serious 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda defeats the purpose there.

>> No.18247106

It would be a fun and interesting experience. Its not like all the pleasure is in your dick when you ejaculate.

>> No.18247114

You could to an extent. They have lubes for that and certain pain relief creams would probably work too.

>> No.18247217

Dw I had a customs inspection at Turkey (Idk why ToyDemon sends them there) and nothing except the box was broken. Looks like they wanted a look inside for some reason.

>> No.18247338


>> No.18247510

wut i did tp ur mums arse after I got done wit her

>> No.18247798

did it say the same thing? "Customs information?"
how long was it in customs?

>> No.18247815

I wouldn't worry unless you noticed the stuff move or grow. Just apply soap and warm water before and after.

>> No.18248122
File: 20 KB, 169x390, Waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had lolis and small hips like the lolinco and puni hole but I want to use torsos next. What torsos are at realistic size and good for hugging? I want to sleep with it like a hug pillow and fuck it hard.

>> No.18248467

Say I live in wisconsin. If I got a po box in the upper peninsula would that make it through customs a-okay despite being a wisconsin citizen?

>> No.18248480

A 70kg person has around 60-70% they live weight so around 45kg
Even being 50kg for the doll it would be distributeddistributed if you can lift a 20litter (or 5 galón) water jug you can move a thicc doll as you please

>> No.18248481

>that semi-doll thread on /gif/
why cant i stop giggling

>> No.18248502

Why does everyone want to carry the doll in the air to fuck it?

You just place it bending down next to your bed or on your bed, and you thrust it like you would a cheap whore. Just avoid the mating press position or pile driver maneuver as some anon said or you might tear some skin.

I mean, worst chase scenario you'll get buff lifting your tpe waifu, and become a better person while having adult fun.

>> No.18248548

How the fuck am I supposed to dry my entire Puni Ana SPDX?

>> No.18248784

Where do I get this doll?

>> No.18248882

I was thinking more for moving the doll to change clothing, posing, carrying the doll to the bathroom for cleaning and the likes.

>> No.18248907

WM Dolls 163cm H-cup
WM Head #198
White skin
Amber eyes
Short wig

>> No.18249009

How safe would it be to order loli onahole living in NY and doujin from Japan?

>> No.18249260


>> No.18249270

Just buy pure white ones

>> No.18249272

paper towels

>> No.18249277

What the fuck? That's highway robbery. I've never set foot in a sexshop because
>PAYING for porn
but is all their shit overpriced like that? Like fuck, you can get them for like 5-7 dollars each and a 6 pack for 30 dollars on amazon.

>> No.18249279

but the hole is pretty deep and connects way at the top, do I need marfan syndrome or something?

>> No.18249287

use a stick

>> No.18249352

Australia is like that, I read a thing where they locked up a sex shop owner for 2 weeks for no reason in Sydney, it's technically illegal to import or produce pornography here but it's not enforced for obvious reasons

>> No.18249547

I believe it's light tan skin and green eyes, at least that's what the webstore guy told me

>> No.18249550

It's name is Shakira from Realdolls.

>> No.18249712

Well first not all clothes have pure white option, and also kinda get turned on by different colors and patterns.

But yeah, I been removing most dark clothes for my list and going for white/grey mostly, but fuck I want so much slutty stuff that's black/dark.

>> No.18249793

How often does US Customs open packages.

>> No.18249917

Went out and bought 極彩 MONSTER and 真実の口 アマガミ tonight.

A butplug and a silicon sounding rod too

>> No.18249960

>sounding rod
Post vids?

>> No.18250045

What are some trustworthy sites to buy dolls from? Considering the price, I kinda want to make sure I'm not getting scammed.

>> No.18250226


You can try looking through here to start. See where some of the shops are located, where they can ship, check out some customer feedback, etc.

>> No.18250489

I think I made a bad mistake. Like roughly 2 weeks ago I came in my ona and due to certain circumstances I couldn't immediately go and clean it out and I completely forgot about it until now. Is my ona fucked? What's the best way to clean it out? There's a bunch of yellow liquid and I already cleaned it out with really hot water but is there anything else I should do to make sure it's as clean as possible? Is it safe to put my dick in?

>> No.18250522

The only way to find out if it's safe to put your dick in, is to put your dick in.

>> No.18250556

Humans have been putting their dicks in all kinds of things for all of our history, and lived to tell the tale. I'd recommend to clean it and you already have, but you won't die from the experience if there's a few growths in some recessed corner.

>> No.18250614

maybe because the dude who looks like Kylo Ren is fucking a fat blowup doll

>> No.18250687

fuck, siliconesexdollcity isn't among those, and they have slightly better prices

should I be worried? on the internet It says they been running for 4 years, and they're in Australia, I emailed a few times the the staff and they have poor grammar, so I assume they're chineese living in AU, the site does have a few typos as well.

>> No.18250691

pretty ny is safe, I know those charts are out of date but ny is usually cool about those sorts of things

>> No.18250724

Yeah it's a real shame

>> No.18250786

if i use toy cleaner I don't need soap right?

>> No.18250803

You should probably still use soap all the same

>> No.18250821

Search for them on dollforum, doesn't seem that great.

>> No.18250903

I cant fit a towel in my onahole

>> No.18250922
File: 109 KB, 1242x2208, lycjduhztta01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that what i think it is

>> No.18250946

Oh boy, is thiccdoll becoming a meme?

>> No.18250971

yeah, its being posted all the fucking time on /b/ and /pol/, as well as /bantz/

>> No.18250983

and /v/

>> No.18251660

I got into fucking onaholes this past summer and bought another one since. Unfortunately after 7 months of continuous use they have become torn/ripped/broken. I think it is time for a new onahole. What is the go to onahole these days? I currently have the Julia+ and Virgin Age Graduation.

>> No.18251739

Dolphin came in and I used it.
Now I'm bored

>> No.18251799

dick measurements?

>> No.18252352

How do I give my onahole a proper funeral?

>> No.18252368

cum on it

>> No.18252429

You fuck it one last time till it rips, then you throw it in the trash without washing it

>> No.18252535

But it's already ripped. The insides literally ripped off and went inverted. I have like 5 dead onaholes either ripped and unusable or the one where I accidentally put in the laundry. They're just in my sock drawer keeping each other company. I feel bad for them but I will never throw them in the trash.

>> No.18252545
File: 19 KB, 530x130, Tracking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. I hope they can get it back, fuck.

>> No.18252571

Is there anywhere in Europe that sells the meiki plush and has it in stock?
Omochadreams and some dutch site are the places I can find that offer it, but it's the discontinued version and always out of stock.

>> No.18252581

It hasn't been sent yet calm down

>> No.18252605

Oh fuck...

>> No.18252779

>it's technically illegal to import or produce pornography here
Citation required

You don't need either.

Use it again?

Make soup. >>/jp/thread/S17360472#p17368613

>> No.18252811
File: 100 KB, 900x900, 6ye-Premium-165cm-N-cup-goddess-face-N27-110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any drawback to ordering hollow tits for a 6YE premium doll?

Like they can be damaged/deformed if I squeeze them too hard or leave her lying on her chest too long or something?

Because if I end up ordering from 6YE instead of WM I'm gonna order the one with the fucking monster tits (111cms) as that's the most similar to the meme doll from WM.

I'm was almost ready to order the doll everyone has been fapping about, but it seems 6YE has more durable skin, better skeleton, less odor and no seamlines, the body is kinda similar, the base model is dark skin but I'm not picking that skin color, only the face won't be that great I think but seems worth it, and the price is almost the same.

>> No.18253565

takes 24-48 hours for it to appear in the database, according to otonaJP

>> No.18253582

well at least I found this very information video


>> No.18253675

My order was like that for at least two days, but the shipping info updated eventually

>> No.18253923

Hmm I may have been mistaken, I do know that heavy BDSM and rough sex aren't really allowed because of the depiction of sexual violence is illegal, the whole law thing is a bit confusing to me honestly, I just wanna be able to fuck my rubber vaginas in peace.

>> No.18254447

I've read posts of hollow breasts deflating.

>> No.18254697

>the one where I accidentally put in the laundry
Now I'm curious, how did that happen?

>> No.18254737

This is the meme one? Its h-cup


>> No.18254758

package from okona showed up
they left a note with some candy

>> No.18254764
File: 166 KB, 1347x900, New face 6Ye doll global premium Asia Adult Expo 2017-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but no other doll from 6YE has hips larger than 90cm, at least for now.

So this one has much larger tits, which I don't dislike, but it's gonna make finding clothes a nightmare. From all I been researching it seems this brand is much better all around, but the WM body is going out of control because their photosets are top notch.

I think I can be happy with either of them, but I'm gonna have slight regrets no matter which one I pick.

>> No.18254829

The face looks disgusting desu.

>> No.18254921

it's a western thing

>> No.18255800

Planning to get either a venus real (hard) or save up for a Puni Ana DX. How good of a transition is it to switch from regular onas to a hip? The closest I got to use a hip was when I used a pillow.

>> No.18256244

I couldn't get into hips, I prefer to get a good ona and a meiki plush or that inflatable butt mat for hands free. Personal opinions though.

>> No.18256420

>heavy BDSM and rough sex aren't really allowed because of the depiction of sexual violence is illegal
Now that doesn't surprise me at all - we live in a nanny country and the state and federal governments are here to protect our morals.
Ask for packaging and any loli inclusions to be removed from imported purchases and you should be fine.

>> No.18256952

Is the lolinco virgo's inner layer tearing all the way in on its first use a feature? Because that was my experience when trying it out for the first time. I do admit though that i was high on weed and did not porperely spread the lube before jamming it in probably. Big Rina was perfectly fine with the same treatment though. Also I underestimated how viscous golden lotion is, that could have contributed to the tearing. Now I'm just disappointed in myself for not handling the lolinco virgo with greater care, although other anons mentioned its fragility.

>> No.18257024
File: 90 KB, 453x679, 81cwollonLL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered one of these. How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.18257382
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x1584, 20170104_190529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a WMdoll last thursday
Her asshole is already split open a bit towards the crack, she came with a wire poking out, and the insert is torn open on the opening.
I've also noticed some pitting, dimples here and there, and a scratch or two.
Mind you I couldn't even cut the TPE sample they gave me with a fucking exacto blade
I'm kinda having some doubts about ever getting another one once this one wears out.

>> No.18257398

You wanna share who the vendor was so other anons can watch out for them? You mention wires, was it the fingers?

>> No.18257402

Also was it the memedoll?

>> No.18257423

I'm gonna assume you ordered a cheap doll from aliexpress?.
The reason why prices from importers is so much higher than Aliexpress is QC and customer service.
Pretty much all the TPE dolls on the market are made by a small handful of OEM factories for various doll designers and retailers (WMdolls is a brand, not a manufacturer, they farm out the production of their designs) so the cheap dolls tend to be intended for the local Chinese market, or are factory seconds.

Due to this, Aliexpress doll sellers tend to not have the ability or budget to handle returns or replacements as they usually operate on razor thin margins.

TLDR: if you want to have a doll that you can be sure will last and can't afford to roll the dice, don't buy from the cheap aliexpress sellers, buy from well known established doll importers, you'll likely end up saving money in the long run.

>> No.18257429

>Asking this question after you order a thing instead of before
Pointless. Also, a little. I have one and it's far from my favorite hole. I'm on the verge of tossing it because of how annoying it is to lube.

>> No.18257449

Nope, toe.
And I am still waiting for them to get back to me.
I am hoping it happened in transit to me, because they supposedly inspected her and sent her out the door.
No, I ordered from a well established vendor.

>> No.18257459
File: 1.08 MB, 3640x2946, IMG_20180120_110846208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to destroy my first hole, a Seventeen Bordeaux in about half a year of very light use. I was aware of the durability reputation before I purchased it. Now that I've got my feet wet, I'm gonna try an assortment to find my proper match.

I ordered all of this from a red state in burgerland, and didn't get v& for the VAA yet.

>> No.18257488

Shame, transit is a nightmare for dolls. Hopefully they'll compensate you or you're gonna have to try and do some self repairs, maybe have to cannibalize a couple of old tpe onaholes.

>> No.18257690

I've wanted one of these to replace my torn up lolicono for a while so no biggie. So how does this compare if you have it.

>> No.18257747

Hallow tits are ok. but if a tear happens anywhere on the chest they have the possibility to deflate, but you can re-inflate them as the TPE as a.. ugh fuck I cant think of the word to describe this. once it sets, it can go back to how it was?

fuck why cant I think of this word.

Anyways, when my old 4ft tall F cup doll got worn out after 2 years of use I experimented it on like a psychopath. a small hole appeared in the armpit, I opened it more and the tit on the side the armpit hole was on and the breast would de-flate but as long as the armpit hole was open it would go back to the breasts original size. and resealing the hole with gorilla glue gel caused the breast to be squeezeable again

Also I dunno what you mean by squeezing hard, but they never once popped for me when squeezing during climax

>> No.18257798
File: 63 KB, 774x735, onahole-ritopuri-little-princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions about this hip ?


I was thinking recently about getting a new hip, and this one looks interesting (also money wise)

>> No.18257825

please take pictures of it?

I would be very interested in seeing the details you mentioned and the overall quality, video would be even better but I doubt you'd be willing to go through that much trouble.

>> No.18257864

>squeezing hard
Well you know, a normal handle would be me sucking and toying around with the niples and rubbing my face between the gigantic breasts. But actually putting my penis between them and making it like a fake onahole out of tits, would stress the damn thing a lot more because I need pressure to cum and not just a light fuzzy caress.

I think I'm going with hollow, solid seems too much like fake tits, I just won't stress them too much and won't let her lie on her front without the arms supporting the position or something.

Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it.

>> No.18257881

You better have not used it yet and made some pictures or the defects. Just contact your vendor if you bought it from a respectable company they will compensate you.

>> No.18258063

gyarufag hasn't posted in a while, did the doll take him?

>> No.18258273

I use this one every once in a while to contrast with my regular toys that are soft. How much I enjoy it really depends - sometimes it's pretty cool, sometimes so so.
But overall it's not a bad hole, it's not wasted money.

>> No.18258309

Yeah it's almost like the toe didn't have enough material. I'm not sure which method to use to fix it.
I don't really feel comfortable posting any "intimate" pics of her on here, sorry.
You bet I used her. Sadly I didn't notice the toe till later. I was mostly checking to make sure she didn't have any finger pokes or obvious damage from shipping

>> No.18258323

my hole feels good but i can't cum in it. It feels like i'm just riding the middle wave instead of bouncing between nearly cumming and slowing down like when I use my hand. Are they supposed to do this?

>> No.18258349

Is it your first hole and first time using it? I had an issue with my first feeling too soft. I did finish eventually, but I didn't feel like there was enough stimulation, so the whole experience felt lackluster.
I got used to it after a week or two though, and it feels great ever since. Using my hand feels a bit too rough now.

>> No.18258352
File: 219 KB, 560x840, satomi_08_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip. Thank god it is still fuckable. Which model did you get? Drop your specs!

>> No.18258366

Not that Anon, but I am facing the same challenges. So it is normal that you won't cum from onas when getting used to them at first?

The frustration will pass once I get used to not using my hand, right?

>> No.18258393

Well, I'm not you, so I can't know exactly what you are feeling. If the reason you can't cum is because of the lack of stimulation, it might mean that you are too desensitized from using your hand, or the hole is too soft. Not using your hand for a while might help raising the sensitivity. Spending a few days without ejaculating or watching porn might help with arousal as well.

If it's something else, well, hard to say. Different people prefer different types of stimulation. Some like soft toys, some like hard and tight.

>> No.18258423

>Spending a few days without ejaculating or watching porn might help with arousal as well.
Do you have another solution?

>> No.18258448

Yep, as I described - stop using your hand, let your dick become accustomed to the new toy.

Also, if you jerk off to porn multiple times a day, the quality of orgasms and overall arousal levels will decrease. So keep that in mind if that's the case.

>> No.18258516

Imperfections, don't worry about these.
My new, sealed virgo had these. I believe they're related to ag+ they add.

>> No.18258611

Are you guys cut or do you roughly masturbate often? I'm uncut and have had the opposite problem since day 1, having to really pace myself in order to last more than two minutes. Makes me sad since I really like to take my time when jerking it.

>> No.18258628

I'm uncut. I don't really have issues with onaholes, just that they felt a bit lackluster at the beginning.

I rarely can finish at all when having sex with a condom though. It feels like nothing.

>> No.18258636

I am probably just old.

>> No.18258694

How many times did you use her for her to develop a tear in her ass?

>> No.18258708

I've never felt they've been lackluster to start with, but they've definitely grown on me through uses. I must just be a bit above average in sensitivity then.

Huh, didn't know age was a factor in sensitivity. Hope you'll adjust to your hole friend.

>> No.18258751

I always do, even with the boxes like the yandere ona I got them to remove it even though it was just a cute girl on it.
Makes me a little sad though

>> No.18258762

I loved mine, unfortunately I somehow cut a cube out of it with my fingers

>> No.18258830

I do have some that work as intended. Still take quite some time to work their magic. It may also be a mental thing because I do not have these issues during actual intercourse.

The holes still feel great. They just don't finish their task. I guess I will just wait a while and try to get used to them slowly.

>> No.18259120

It was in a towel. I through said towel into the washing machine and dryer without noticing.

>> No.18259225
File: 225 KB, 1200x1700, B001R0AYHG_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

170CM H cup with the YL dolls(?) Succubus/vampire head.
She's modeled after my waifu

>> No.18259234

Can you name the vendor?

>> No.18259250

i'd rather not

>> No.18259258

And why not?
It would actually be helpful to anons so they can avoid them in the future.

>> No.18259259

Not the other anons; but why are you so insistent on not naming the brand or vendor? Its not to say that we'd believe every doll is going to have the same issues - but its a good thing to share this info so people are at least aware of the risks.

>> No.18259260

fucking autist what's your problem, honestly?

>> No.18259329

Maybe the anon is afraid that the vendor browses these threads and if he names them he'll get fucked over for compensation? I would still like to know the vendor but maybe that's the anon's concern.

>> No.18259416

or maybe hes a faggot who is pretending because the big meme now are thick dolls. we talk about vendors and onaholes all the time and this is the first faggot who never talked about it other than having it

>> No.18259426

I think YL's 170 models only come in D cup, which I think suits her just fine.

>> No.18259426,1 [INTERNAL] 

Feel not bad to fuck a sexy sex doll
Fantastic experience to start buying from www.usexdoll.com
