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1809274 No.1809274 [Reply] [Original]

Time to get serious /jp/.

Who here has actually been to Japan?

Of those, whose of you stayed for longer than 2 weeks?

To make a start:

Have been, for six months.

>> No.1809277

That picture...

>> No.1809284


>> No.1809289


>> No.1809290


no thanks, I prefer it here.

>> No.1809293

not I

>> No.1809303

I wouldn't even dream of it.

>> No.1809308

Some sort of e-penis measuring thread...

>> No.1809312

And that is why you fail.

>> No.1809315

God, that picture, the memories...

>> No.1809316

why would anyone want to go to japan?

>> No.1809322



>> No.1809932

i was there for 18 months from may '07 through to nov '08
i was there when Nova collapsed, i was there when the huge earthquake cracked the nuclear power station and i was there actually in Akihabara when that dude stabbed all those people in the street.

>> No.1809937

Cool story, bro.

>> No.1809947

was there for six months as well, most of the hotspots in honshuu

spent the time building up my power level (but in secret, of course)

>> No.1809977


I remember that sunday. I actually wanted to go to Akihabara first, but then spend the day in Shibuya and Yoyogi koen. Still I love how they went batshit for 3 days over it and then that was it.

>> No.1810002

Hey, I was on /jp/ when that dude stabbed all those people in the street. Saw it on NHK and everything.

>> No.1810117

I hoped to never see that again.
While you are at it,post the shopped version.

>> No.1810165

I lived there for six months, for study abroad, in Osaka. (Visited Kyoto, Nara, Tokyo, Hiroshima.. I think that's it.)

I was in Tokyo when the Akihabara stabbing occurred, on the same platform (at the same time, lulz) as the woman slashing ladie's arms/back.. all that.

I was there from January to July this year. Planning on returning to Osaka after I graduate in May.

>> No.1810283

What University were you at in Osaka?

>> No.1810334

have lived in Osaka for 2.5 years
