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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1809228 No.1809228 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you are actually like this now?

>> No.1809230

I still use a chair and desk.

>> No.1809232

Well, I'm like that but with a laptop, I don't find these guys' positions to be comfortable.

>> No.1809234

not me

>> No.1809235


>> No.1809239

me on the bottom right


>> No.1809241
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Why would I be in bed this early?

>> No.1809243

Yes, for the past 4 years!

>> No.1809244

My computer desk is near my bed, so I can tilt my monitor to play VNs before I go to sleep :3

>> No.1809246

Sort of like the top two, except with a proper huge bed rather than a tiny Japanese one. And two TVs. Sadly my CRT broke. All I want for Christmas is a brand new Trinitron. Goddamn proliferation of far inferior technology.

>> No.1809247

I spend all of my time on my bed with my laptop, but not in the positions in your picture. I tried the bottom left position while reading manga but I didn't like it.

>> No.1809250

Desk in office chair only.

Always fully clothed.

Only social rejects would sit like that. Also: Look at those disgusting rooms.

>> No.1809254

And by bottom left I guess I mean bottom right, but with a laptop.

>> No.1809256

that upper right looks really uncomfortable.
Head laying on keyboard..How he is typing when he is like that?

>> No.1809258
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I seem to remember this same thread getting delete on /a/ about 10 minutes ago. Upper left is living the life though, pic related.

>> No.1809261

My room may be disgusting, but at least I have the decency to sit in an office chair at a desk!

>> No.1809262

If I'm not behind my desktop I'm lower left. So basically half the day I stay in bed, and then I get sick of it and go sit behind my desktop. And then I get sick of that and get back into bed again using my laptop before I go to sleep. ;_;

>> No.1809263

Aperture grille, fuck yeah! CRTs, still the best display technology.

>> No.1809266


Bed only.
No clothes.
Final Destination.

>> No.1809268

what is so good about CRT:s? I always see people saying they are superior etc, but i have no clue WHY they are better.

>> No.1809269

sage for ugly male feet.

>> No.1809271

I'm jealous of your Yuno dakimakura every time you post it.

>> No.1809273

I am lying partially on a chair and partially on my bed. 2 duvets for warmth and 4 pillows for comfort.

>> No.1809276

I used to know this guy who'd spend his day in bed gaming. He would spend entire days playing Diablo II, only stopping for a piss or food. I wonder what happened to him

>> No.1809279

Only the bottom row looks even fairly comfortable..
And no, im not like any of those. I sit on my chair.

>> No.1809286

Faster refresh rate, faster response time, zero latency, usually higher DPI, higher contrast ratio, no sample and hold blurring, lower black level, wider viewing angle, wider color gamut, higher color accuracy, switchable resolution without ugly scaling artifacts.

Also slightly lower sharpness, which is actually a benefit, because I mostly view text and photos, not pixel art (eg. disgusting hinted fonts like Windows forces on you). For everything except pixel art, visible pixels are an artifact.

Only visual advantage of LCDs is the superior geometry linearity.

>> No.1809291

Also note that when CRTfags say "CRT", we actually mean "expensive CRT". A bad CRT is worse than an LCD.

>> No.1809295

But I can't afford an expensive CRT, so why should I care which is better?

>> No.1809298

As CRTs are only available used, even expensive CRTs are now cheap.

>> No.1809306


>> No.1809320

I hope south-west-kun doesn't have a disk in his drive. That could be really bad fro it.

>> No.1809351

What does your sister think of the dakimakura.

>> No.1809371

She doesn't know it exists.

>> No.1809374

You hide it from her? What the fuck?

What would she think anyway?

>> No.1809384

I hide it from my entire family, it's not exactly the best thing to go advertising. I have a feeling she would see it as more of a novelty item than anything. She already knows I'm pretty pathetic.

>> No.1809393

So how did you get it delivered? And there should be no secrets between siblings.

>> No.1809417

I'm home all day, and my parents aren't the type to open boxes addressed to me.
>And there should be no secrets between siblings.
There's plenty of things that should be kept secret between siblings. I'm not going to tell her I'm a lolicon who has incest fantasies, and loves futa. Admittedly a pillow is a bit less embarrassing than that, but still. And it's not as though I actively hide it, it's just I've never gone up and shown her.

Anyway, if we're going to have a one on one conversation, do you mind saging? I'd rather not shit up the front page.

>> No.1809454

That's pretty nifty that they don't open things addressed to you.

I just thought she'd have gone into your room pretty regularly so she would have seen it sooner or later.

>> No.1809510

Well, she spends the majority of the year away at college, and I keep it in my loft.

>> No.1809626
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>> No.1809630
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