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18040248 No.18040248 [Reply] [Original]

I think it would be interesting if there were an alternate timeline in Gensokyo where every character is somewhat the opposite of what they are usually like.
I think a darker undertone for the universe would be a very interesting turn of events if everything was a bit turned around.

-Chen would run away from Ran, who's left with a shut-in master.
-The scarlet family is more focused outward than inward and expands their reach.
-Reimu is anxious of failing and has anger issues.

I think this'd make for a cool story. Thoughts?

>> No.18040344

Can marisa become an emotional wreck that tries to motivate reimu but only ends up hurting herself?

>> No.18040349

the entire point of gensokyo is that you can interpret the characters however you want.

>> No.18040383

So, the edgy version. Could just say that OP, no need for more.

>> No.18040389

edgy = cool though.
I don't think the characters are interpreted in a dark undertone very often.

>> No.18040406

I like the thought of chen being more of a stray cat the more she grows up

>> No.18041586

>where every character is somewhat the opposite of what they are usually like.
So they're all sweet and nice instead of huge assholes and trolls?

>> No.18041610
File: 22 KB, 228x278, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy = cool though.
Go fuck yourself.
I've lost count of the amount of times I've been cut by cool edges.
This stops now.

>> No.18041618
File: 16 KB, 120x234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliquent Ran?

>> No.18041905

You need to have them hot. It'd sterilize the wound and make it hurt less.
Or are you one of those not cool people, who are not into that totally hot self-mutilation buzz?

>> No.18041949

ran "9 tails but i sold 2 for food" yakumo will become the street's most renowned delinquent

>> No.18041986

so basically you want a more realistic vision of the touhou world?

>> No.18042525
File: 1.59 MB, 800x600, 1446524693536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edgy = cool

Touhou isn't meant to be edgy, it's meant to be a happy world.

>> No.18042554

Shut the fuck up, nigger tewi

>> No.18043474


>> No.18043517

>it's meant to be a happy world
Not for the human villagers it's not.

>> No.18043828
File: 566 KB, 671x1029, aya messes up her line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the wonderful shrine maiden of paradise, Reimu has a lot of responsibilities: to ensure the stability of the border (more of a Ran/Yukari thing), to protect humans from youkai, and to maintain her shrine. It's a stressful job, because if she fails in any of her duties, it could carry terrible consequences. We will focus more on the second item in that list.

Gensokyo may be a harsh place with powerful youkai causing incidents for their own gain, but Reimu is said to challenge then a lot until she wins and makes them stop the incident. This gives us the impression that no matter what, incidents will always be resolved because she is guaranteed to defeat the perpetrator. Eventually, at least. There are consequences for Reimu taking too long to resolve an incident.

Until mountain of faith, the plot of the first Windows games revolved around an incident that threatened the lives of humans. The scarlet mist incident and the imperishable night incident threatened to plunge gensokyo into an eternal night. The spring snow incident would have eventually lead to major extinction. The shrine maiden can try and try again as much as she needs, but the perpetrators are giving her a time limit. It is this time limit that will give Reimu the most mental stress during an incident.

Thankfully, in the print works, especially in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, we learn that most of the incidents were resolved in no time and with few consequences. But what if there were no print works, but only the games? By this I mean: what if the time it took to resolve the incidents was based on how long it took you, the player, to clear the game?

I'm pretty bad at danmaku. In Imperishable Night I would lose all my lives to Keine, and then I would lose all my continues at Marisa. I like to imagine that me and the shrine maiden are sharing the same frustrations at this point, but slightly different. I am frustrated that every time I fail, I take longer to clear the game. Reimu is frustrated that every time she fails, she takes longer to resolve the incident, and the time of youkai will continue.

Basically the point of this whole post was to show that it makes some sense for Reimu to be secretly anxious (since she seems so carefree in the manga and the games) and to just blow up at someone who tries to get in her way, since she has a very important job to do.

>> No.18043934

touhou is already pretty dark though
why didnt you know
are you a secondary

>> No.18054048

It’s dark is it is, though there’s several alternative “timelines” that would be interesting. For example, what if a particularly powerful and charismatic human/youkai managed to organize much of gensokyo? Or what if all the youkai ended up accidentally in the human world? I dunno.

>> No.18054065

>aya messes up her line.png
Would of been funny meme if she said "eggs".
