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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 331 KB, 1280x720, at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17960105 No.17960105 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17928210

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What have you finished? What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? You know the drill.

>> No.17960272

I feel like this is a refference to a some tsundere.

>> No.17960410
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, yurauka_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah. Playing this month's "crazy girls" game.

First route wasn't my thing. Girl was too much of a bitch to just end things without ever making that a big deal. I like bitches and crazies. I really do. But this didn't work.

Other than that, the game's nice so far. It's definitely a bit shaky, as far as writing goes, but there's worse. Hope there's hatesex later on. Pic related seems to want that badly.

>> No.17960437

Picked up. Always stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.17961049
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, mekuiro_2017-11-26_22-30-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the trial before and it ended right around your screenshot. Will do that next once I'm done with this. That scene where she chokes the MC was kinda hot. Did you do Sumire's first? I was kinda under the impression she's the main girl in the VN due to the know-it-all attitude she's huffing so it might be good to save for last.

>> No.17961110


Nah, if I did her route first, that'd make me know if she had hatesex. It's a staircase route system, where you get choices of the "do you want to enter route x now?" kind. Imouto is first. So her's is the only choice I had yet.
That scene is pretty much the end of "common" I guess you could say. The first route possibility comes pretty fast after that.

>> No.17961730

Share's search doesn't work like PD, IIRC it only shows files shared by the nodes you are connected to at the moment.

You need to use its trigger system where you define rules under which downloads are added to your queue as soon as they are encountered and just leave it be. I don't remember what the option was called but you need to check something so the trigger doesn't get deleted after encountering the first download. Don;t use generic keywords like 18禁ゲーム because it will shit up your queue by adding everything with that keyword. You can also search in keydb.telegrip.info which crawls and saves everything so it's pretty much the largest database of files on Share.

>> No.17961749

Okay, I just remembered - if you want to just store the results you need to define the trigger and check "Add to DB only" and when in search click the green DB button on the upper left to show the keys. You still need to define a really generic non-empty trigger (for example just zip/rar keyword), don't think it's possible to make the thing store everything. Keep in mind storing everything is probably going to slow it down to shit.

>> No.17961917

Are there any good PSP exclusive VNs? Or at least ones that aren't also on PC. Looking to finally put my PSP to use but Second Novel is really the only one on my radar.

>> No.17961950

Fate Extra + sequel & Amagami. PSP emulation is better than actually playing on a PSP at this point (especially for Extra since playing it without speedup/hacks is a pain) so I wouldn't bother unless you don't have access to a PC for a period.

>> No.17961972

Oh, also Tokimemo 2.

>> No.17961988

>recommending vanilla extra

>> No.17961999

You have to read it before CCC, yes.

>> No.17962003

it's trash and so is its gameplay, not worth the time at all

>> No.17962014

It's average with bad gameplay (hence it's better to play emulated). That doesn't change the fact that you have to read it before CCC, which is very good.

>> No.17962031

average in this case meaning that it's so thoroughly mediocre that it actually transcends itself to become worse than it actually is - i would much rather read a extremely shitty visual novel than suffer through Extra's bland everything again. i would go as far to say that CCC isn't worth that slog, and CCC is a slog in and of itself, albeit with a payoff in its above-average story telling.

i mean, sure, you can just emulate and speed up the terrible gameplay, but that's a point after the fact. i remember suffering through that shit on my PSP and i'm still butthurt over it.

>> No.17962074

Memories Off 6 if that counts. It's on multiple consoles but not on PC.

>> No.17962202

Shin Hayarigami?

>> No.17962223

Shinigami to Shoujo

>> No.17962405
File: 5 KB, 380x146, 2017-11-28 21_55_33-MakingLovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens when I try to start the new Smee game. I'm in Japanese locals of course and also tried to set the time zone, set location to Japan and no region loader but to no avail.

>> No.17962411

Move to Japan and buy Japanese Windows.

>> No.17962496

date and time formats in japanese?

>> No.17962501

Do I need to whip out the guide and start over to get the true ending for Isaku? I just got the bad ending where Akemi burns down the building

>> No.17962502

Read last thread.

>> No.17962561
File: 1.35 MB, 1360x765, 2017-11-28 22_54_01-【プロローグ01】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ntleas, huh. That was never necessary. Anyway, it works. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.17962948

十三支演義 1 and 2. Also available on the Vita, but
>owning a Vita

>> No.17963222

seems like a lot of these otome games are console exclusive...

>> No.17963249

Yeah I had the same problem, thankfully ntlea is easy. hcode /HS8:20@3B7E0:MakingLovers.exe

>> No.17963846

Is there a way to take screenshots of Tsui no Sora? Sharex doesn't work, can't run it windowed either.

>> No.17963873

whats wrong with print screen

>> No.17963880

I'm guessing it probably just captures a black screen. Usually what you do when that happens is you switch to windowed and make it the "inactive" window, and crop it from there.

>> No.17963893

If all else fails, you could always run it in a VM and screenshot that.

>> No.17964021

Why not just change the hotkey?

>> No.17964158

The hotkey has nothing to do with it, it just doesn't capture the image. Pure black or nothing at all.

VM sounds like my best bet but last time I tried it said it didn't run on my version of Windows (7) even though it should. I'll work on that I guess. I'll need it for another game I've been trying to play anyway.

>> No.17964235
File: 110 KB, 1232x571, 1511841207823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17964368
File: 47 KB, 640x400, d6381a324d875e262f517b9785fdad681c1a8f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We worked hard stealing this game! Don't steal it from us.

>> No.17964798
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-28_20-30-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best grill

>> No.17964820
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-28_21-47-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd place is a lot harder to call. either Reina or Ako, depending on how often the latter goes into her yandere mode. Normal Ako is just a boring moeblob imouto from whom I expect to hear 'onii-sama' at any time.

As much as I like Saki's seiyuu her route is just meh and happened way too abruptly. Haven't even touched Mashiro, chuuni girls don't interest me at all.

>> No.17965022

The way her voice sounds and her tsundere attitude are very similar to Louise. Plus she has petite breasts when every other heroine is sporting the usual cowtits.

I really want to know what the artist for Ako was thinking though. Her first h-scene features what looks like double nipples on each of her tits. It is really disturbing in an otherwise fluffy eroge. Plus they look fine in the foreplay scene before the H and every other H scene, idk how they let this error slip by. You can see what I mean here : exhentai.org/s/212fbff6b0/1146573-28

>> No.17965099
File: 890 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-29_06-14-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool how you can choose where to go for date+dinner, even if there's not very many choices. I'm not sure picking the love hotel for your first date is the smartest idea though.

>> No.17965169
File: 1.64 MB, 1366x768, 1497738008685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17965258
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-29_07-18-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17965277


>> No.17965291
File: 267 KB, 1280x720, konyadake_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how literally nothing came out of it, and it ended up being just a h-scene collection which doesn't even bother given the characters much of a.. well, character. Even though all the following did happen:

-During Miku's "first time" it was too dark to see any blood" and she decided the place and whatnot. She even asked if protag sees blood which lead him just to believe there's probably some. Made me feel this wasn't her first time, especially because she also had quite a bit of fun and absolutely 0 reserve for it to happen. (unlike her friend)
-Talked her friend pretty much into it.
-Accepted the money without hesitation, again unlike her friend.
-When asked about her friend not being with her later on, she acts fairly indifferently. She doesn't know. Different schools and all.
-She acts insanely "fake" in ero scenes. As in, typical ero dialogue, just overacted. Quite a contrast to the other girl as well. She in general is rather seductive in her way of speaking and "inviting".

And I'm supposed to believe, she just did all that to have some fun, had never sex before or in general with someone else than the protag and so on and so forth? Uh. Yeah. Hard. Maybe less signs for the opposite would be nice. Weird thing. I didn't really expect anything, but when those signs came on early on, I couldn't help but expect a little more than what this ended up being. Oh well.

>> No.17965455

Kinda ironic that the one voiced by a newbie seiyuu is a slut and the one voiced by a veteran seiyuu is pure.

After looking at the cgs Ithink you are right, I don't see a speck of blood on brown hair and she doesn't look in pain at all. Whereas black hair's was quite obvious she was deflowered.

If what you say is true about how she acts, then she's definitely a slut. She probably takes bc pills secretly.

>> No.17965559


Maybe it was scrapped. Or maybe there's some bad stuff after the final scene or something. You seem to get something if you beat both routes. Aka, if you aren't going for both, you are allowed to be happy even if it's an illusion. I'd actually find that funny.

>> No.17965605
File: 1.27 MB, 1276x720, 美少女万華鏡2_2017-11-29_21-37-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this was vanilla nukige for the most part but it got a bit darker near the end. then it kept raining plot twists before it ultimately got a happy ending
it's obvious from the start that Shizuku was imaginary.
but then even MC's friends were also imaginary,
and then MC's "true" friends told that Shizuku was killed by some maniac,
but then MC remembered (via imaginary doctor) that he's the maniac who raped Shizuku,
but then ghost Shizuku told MC that he didn't kill her,
but then MC remembered that after he raped Shizuku, it was ok for her anyway because she loved him but he felt guilt and tried to commit suicide
but then Shizuku told MC that he created the imaginary world to serve as his penance and after he forgave himself and it looked as if his soul gets reunited with Shizuku's soul and they disappeared together
so then it transitioned to recurring occult otaku author who's the guy dreaming with the kaleidoscope and ED credits played
but then after credits, it was shown that MC awakened from coma and Shizuku is alive waiting for him

so this is vastly different from the first volume but they both carry with them psychologically screwed protagonists and dark occultic themes that ultimately end in a good way. are the next ones like that too (not that i'd expect to read or finish them anytime soon)

>> No.17965610

The robot one less so, most entertaining MC though.
Twins is the most fucked up by some margin.

>> No.17965617

is there progression happening with the recurring occult otaku author in the inn?

>> No.17965623

Just Renge showing him stuff.

>> No.17965629

any point in reading 2.5?

>> No.17965755
File: 295 KB, 1278x719, mekuiro_2017-11-30_00-01-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going for route order based on which girls I like but the true route is like the 2nd one I like best. I just finished Shion's and I gotta say the story or plot isn't anything special but damn the fight scenes are good. Last fight for Shion's route got me pumped up with that corny shonen-like cliched setting. Gonna go with the gaijin route next.

I take the imouto route wasn't good? I never did like her in the trial seems she's the clingy brocon type.

>> No.17965946

It's incredibly short and has some brief good Renge stuff but not much else. Might as well read it at that length though.

I'm still stalled at the start of the third one because the first robot is insufferable. I assume she gets more tolerable later but it's hard to deal with now.

>> No.17965975

Damn, I played this but drop it on early part because the interval between h-scene was to fast for me (it is good though) and ruin my motivation to read through the story. Looks like i need to play it again...

>> No.17966131

I've read up until Dorothy's first scene and Alice is still acting like that. I don't think she'll change that much since it seems they're supposed to be the complete opposite in their behavior. Dorothy is really fun though. She's like Dorothy from Big O, but holding in all the sarcastic remarks. At least for now.

>> No.17966210

Alice does get more dere later on but Dorothy is still the best. Her scenes + voice make me diamonds.

>> No.17966963


>> No.17967129

Anyone know on what day the common route ends in White Album 2?

>> No.17967162

Ends on christmas, i'm pretty sure

>> No.17967516

こんな娘がいたら僕はもう…!! クオリティパッケージ was uploaded.

It's Konboku except officially supporting new OSes. Might be worth grabbing for backlogging.

>> No.17967532

Is it still safe to download from mikocon?
And the comedy in this game is quite good, if anyone is looking for something funny to read they should pick it up.

>> No.17967536

There's a girlcelly upload too. I grabbed the 2DGF one and there was nothing weird about it.

>> No.17967565
File: 237 KB, 980x745, masterup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this game ever cracked?

>> No.17967608

Do you ever feel guilty about having to pick one character over another?

>> No.17967611

Only in Daitoshokan's Senri route.

>> No.17967628 [SPOILER] 
File: 705 KB, 800x600, 1511996174420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only time it ever happened where it physically hurt in my chest. Not a "pick" in a player choice kind of way though, just the protag choosing someone else.

>> No.17967678

I almost always do. I'm too soft.

>> No.17967708

Is Isaku Renewal alright or should I seek out the original? Renewal seems easier to find.

Not picking Kobato in Oretsuba hurt me, even though the game doesn't let you until last. It still presents you with the choice just to taunt you. Actually I felt a little guilty about all of them (even Ai. I wish I could find R) but mostly her.

>> No.17967717


Seems to have working Katfile links for OretsubaR.

>> No.17967799

You are my new favorite anon.
I don't know how I missed this when I was looking for it a while back.

>> No.17967810

It was likely updated only recently. Previously it probably had dead links to like Freakshare or Bitshare.

>> No.17967839

you can download ps98 from here
iirc E archive

>> No.17967864

This should be easier to sort though and should have everything.


>> No.17968412
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x960, BGI 2017-11-27 19-42-03-80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17968429

Yurauka is my first pirated eroge, how do I get it to run? I keep getting this InstallShield popup. I copied the files from the ISO to a folder in Program Files and copied the patch in as well.

>> No.17968449

Nailed it.

>> No.17968498

Are you in Japanese locale?

>> No.17968508

Yep, and never mind it works now. I tried one of the other random exes in there and it works. no idea what the patch exe is for

>> No.17968539

Just 兄 can be good too, like with in Satsukoi.

>> No.17968596
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-29_22-12-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl A was hilarious in this scene.

>> No.17968618

Kind of loses the humor without context though.

>> No.17968628

At probably halfway done with the route and I'm starting to wonder when MC will ever visit home again. Ako meeting the girl that NTR'd her would be sweet to see.

Is this going to be a reoccuring trend? Where once you lock into a route you other girls basically vanish?

>> No.17968656

Girl A kept repeating things the heroine said to the MC with Girl A doing a pretty good job imitating her voice. Then when she would repeat it she would make it sound even more exaggerated each time.

She only did it a couple times total but I imagine it would get old quick.

>> No.17968854

兄者> all.

>> No.17968941
File: 200 KB, 640x480, syuusaku_2017-11-29_19-53-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm having a hard time with shuusaku, but i don't really want to use a guide. I've gone through the game like five times now and the closest i've gotten to actually getting a girl was when i got the picture of moeko getting her pussy eaten out in the woods I figured that was enough to blackmail her but she was always in her room so i couldn't do it

Takabe seems like she'd be the most tricky to get, from what i've been playing. It's almost like the game doesn't even want you to get her, the girl barely lets up.
One thing I do like about the game is that it has an in-game schedule that doesn't reset with each playthrough, which is nice.

>> No.17969395

That game looks pretty interesting. We don't get enough villain MCs nowadays.
>girl with biggest tits has 86cm bust, average bust is low 80s
Times sure have changed.

>> No.17969474
File: 124 KB, 640x480, shuusaku_pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just need someone to insert a picture of a chan board and the circle will be complete!

>> No.17969605
File: 204 KB, 640x480, low effort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17969611


>> No.17969646
File: 136 KB, 640x960, tfw elf is ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind this fits the current situation better.

>> No.17969913
File: 63 KB, 722x719, firefox_2017-11-30_05-48-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akari's tits in Aoi Tori are too big. It is especially noticeable in some CGs, like pic related. I'm sad to see purplesoft jump on the kyonyuu bandwagon. RIP Hotaru, your petite well-shaped breasts will be missed.

I know I know, big boobs sell so that's why they do it. But still! It looks horrible to me and I really hope this fad passes eventually. Seeing such large cowtits on petite beauties is, imo, approaching the uncanny valley: Akari is only 151cm tall yet has a 95cm bust, weighing in at a mere 47kg. It's just ridiculous.

>> No.17969915

I love shortstacks.

>> No.17969922

it's been a "fad" for decades now, it isn't going away

>> No.17969925

While I overall agree and prefer smaller breast sizes, I rather have big tits on a small waist like that instead of big tits on larger girls. The gap makes it moe.

>> No.17969938
File: 25 KB, 402x454, firefox_2017-11-30_06-09-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to point out that if you look at the full CG it does not look like Akari weighs barely more than 100 lbs. There's simply no way, even if she was flat, she's simply too thick. Just look at her thighs ffs! How am I supposed to believe Akari is only 20 lbs more heavier than Mary?

>> No.17969951

official measurements practically never actually line up with the artwork.

>> No.17969972

I wish vndb had a tag for this. After Baldr Heart and that imouto training sim I got a fetish for girls who call the protag aniki

>> No.17970047

I think you got the less than and greater than mixed up.

>> No.17970055

お兄ちゃん is absolutely shit tier, 兄ちゃん is literally the same but better.

>> No.17970096

Thanks anon, really appreciate it

>> No.17970133

Awaiting your review of the game in a week.

>> No.17970150
File: 871 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_04082017_100608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo I think the worst one of all is お兄さん, it feels very un-familiar. Like something a girl would say to someone slightly older than them in lieu of their name. For example, Yuuna from onii-chan daisuki uses it heavily.

>> No.17970153

done all but ako, yeah they all vanish except for some of the side characters (bartender chick is in 3 routes so far.).

They all have a part where the heroine will meet mcs parents except mashiro, instead you meet her parents, ako isnt home when Karen meets mcs parents though.

>> No.17970276

Do you guys like Netorare or Netori?
If you like the later would you still enjoy it if you see the person being cheated on crying and was a decent person.

>> No.17970364

I thought it was fine in 妻の肉穴にホームステイするマッチョ留学生 and some other games like it where the heroine is the protagonist, but mainly because that game is sloooooooooowwwwww. Lots of H, lots of buildup

>> No.17970455

Reina does meet Ako in the former's route.

>> No.17970463

i'm fine with both, NTR in general has a tendency to be one of the more literary fetishes in my mind (right up there with hypnosis and S/M)

read boku no kanojo wa gatenkei if you disagree

>> No.17970491
File: 486 KB, 1280x720, ゆらめく心に満ちた世界で、君の夢と欲望は叶うか-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17970512

Netori by far. I also like reverse NTR like vndb.org/v13249
> would you still enjoy it if you see the person being cheated on crying and was a decent person
Probably not, that's why most netori involves a "bad" husband/bf of some sort, so the reader doesn't sympathize with the guy getting ntr'd. ままはは completely failed in this regard, I actually felt really really bad for the guy and completely regretted banging his old lady.

How did you like it? Was it too slow, or had bad pacing? I really like some of the hcg's I've seen, although I wish the loli had more scenes.

>> No.17970524

What's up with black hair's blouse? It looks like it should be falling down on one side.

>> No.17970544
File: 473 KB, 1280x720, ゆらめく心に満ちた世界で、君の夢と欲望は叶うか-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of them are defying gravity

>> No.17970548

That's one smug looking girl.

>> No.17970599

Really? That sounds like it would be fun, definitely doing Reina next.

I wish Ako wasn't so cliche as I really liked her design. NBR doesn't really help either, I really hate step-sisters who act overly familiar. It reminds me of Yuzuki from Ginharu, who I absolutely loathed. They even have the same style of speaking, that overly soft, moe-tryhard imouto voice.

>> No.17970733

How do you guys still find the time for eroge? I have like 3 hours of free time tops after work. Takes me a month or two to finish one thing.

>> No.17970738

you need to sleep less

>> No.17970739

I have a 9-5 and go to sleep at around 2-3 am

>> No.17970761

Now that's a title.

>> No.17970768

Average VN is like 30 hours long, shorter if you don't read every route in a moege for example. 3 x 30 = 90 hours. Naturally if you only read for one hour a day, things the size of VNs will take awhile to get through. I recommend LNs if you're having trouble with time management. It's easy to finish a LNs quickly even when reading only 1-2 hours a day.

>> No.17970769

It's a godsend considering the doujin series with the exact same plot will never be finished.

>> No.17971120
File: 1.43 MB, 1283x750, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on just a goddamn second. Is this a motherfucking...

>> No.17971651

30 hour VNs are not average at all, that's approaching very long levels. Most games are around 10-20 hours.

>> No.17971661

Even better.

>> No.17971727

>10-20 hours.

But that's easily 30 hours with 4chan included.

>> No.17971754
File: 1.51 MB, 1024x768, Rance01_2017-11-30_22-00-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do japs usually rate women on a scale of 100? I'm curious whether you guys have seen anything like this or if it's just an anomaly here (I wouldn't know since I haven't read much yet).

>> No.17971763

My dear anon, are you retarded?

>> No.17971765

In Japanese they default to a 100 point scale in general. Like they'll eat a good burger and give it 75 points or something. It's just a casual difference in languages.

>> No.17971790

Maris got a score?

>> No.17971812
File: 166 KB, 640x480, syuusaku_2017-11-30_16-03-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so damn weird. If you pick the second option the h-scene text transitions to first person, I can only assume that the first option makes the text third person.

>> No.17971925

are you liking it more or less than isaku?

>> No.17971959

the games aren't really comparable, isaku is more of a locked in a building mystery/horror room escape type of game where as shuusaku is a rape simulator. i'm enjoying it so far, it's fun enough to try to optimize your schedule to sneak in cameras and shit. I will say that shuusaku does some pretty interesting stuff in that the game is pretty meta, i suppose. shuusaku will often break the fourth wall and talk directly to the reader. shuusaku will often ignore what schedule you try to give him and do what he wants instead. then you have shit like the h-scenes where you can switch between you the player being in the h-scene vs shuusaku being in the h-scene.

I also think the game's sprites add to that meta vibe because all of shuusaku's sprites are him peering towards the screen as if he's talking to you, i will say that shuusaku can be a pretty funny guy sometimes even though he rapes people and shit

>> No.17971968
File: 233 KB, 1280x720, yurauka_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with yurauka. In short: Play Tojita Sekai no Tori Colony instead.

This was disappointing. Common is still quite alright, but the routes are more or less a complete failure. They are written as if the game would be a simple moege. The story ends up being extremely simple, any kind of necessary character development happens within 2 minutes and nothing really works. For example you just get things told that happen, but not really shown, or the character defining big problem being apparently not so big after all... if all the girl needed is a freakin' hug and a few nice words. In a moege you can do that. This didn't want to be one. Or did it? They should definitely decide next time.

So yeah. I'd say stay away. Not worth it. Not even worth for Sumire. It's insane how they deal with her crazy side. I mean you can probably guess from what I wrote. It's just randomly fixed/removed... because why not? This... REALLY needed WAY more loops. And generally the writers caring about the characters' issues.

>> No.17971997

So on a scale from dead to really dead, how dead is Makki Shoujobyou? I'm running out of denpa.

>> No.17972004

As much as your average childhood friend/brother that totally exists.

>> No.17972029
File: 1.38 MB, 320x240, pining for the fjords.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17972118

>Common is still quite alright, but the routes are more or less a complete failure.
I hate it when this happens.

>> No.17972131

Which is sadly most of the time, I wish budget constraints weren't so terrible so everyone but the heroine didn't disappear almost the whole route in most games.

>> No.17972219


More the multiple writers issue, usually. Different girls are mainly written by different writers. This is also why a character can change quite a bit, once you enter a route, if he/she was written by someone else before. Or why a heroine can be better in a route that's not hers.

But yeah, it happens a good amount. Usually because ending a story, the climax and such are the hardest to get right.

>> No.17972428

Kazoku Keikaku fucks up my resolution and doesn't even start up properly. Immediately stops responding. I think it's the original version. Is there a way to fix this? Or are other versions of the game better? I know the remake is apparently no good but maybe the others?

>> No.17972562

I always think they want to make a good common route so they have enough material to show off for the demo but I'm a distrustful cunt so maybe it's really just a multiple writer thing.

>> No.17972580

>building mystery/horror room escape type of game
that sounds kinda cool actually... elf sure made some interesting games

>> No.17972642
File: 62 KB, 500x379, 1507669120313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about that game.

No one but me.

>> No.17973174
File: 809 KB, 800x600, ORETUBAR_2017-11-30_19-22-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Jackson write the stuff that replaced the sex scenes? I know he didn't do Ai's route but I don't know about this.

>> No.17973349

can somone help me? why is my vn text get fucked up and its back to normal when i close the text box

>> No.17973365


>> No.17973387
File: 1.37 MB, 1366x768, before.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the original

>> No.17973392
File: 1.37 MB, 1366x768, after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here after i reopen the text box

>> No.17973632

Thoughts on Aoi Tori? Is it better than Amatsutsumi?

>> No.17973637

Depends on the person, I thought Akari's route>Hotarun's, even if I like the later better, but it was just more interesting overall.

>> No.17973672
File: 425 KB, 1298x790, chiaki4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, she's such a fun character. I just wish I didn't feel like shit for picking her

>> No.17973674

There'll be other reasons to feel like shit for pìcking her relatively soon.

>> No.17973680
File: 147 KB, 960x720, 1380856886590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Though even with all the drama, this is an incredibly addicting VN. Aside from Koharu, I'm really enjoying all the characters.

>> No.17973681

Koharu has the best ending for side routes and you can actually feel the differences between a hich schooler and a university student in it.

>> No.17973688

That's reassuring. I just haven't warmed up to her character at all. Just comes off annoying as hell even during her good moments. I'll probably do her or Mari's route last.

>> No.17973695

>Just comes off annoying as hell even during her good moments
Because she's literally a female version of Haruki.

>> No.17973710

So no one know how to fix this?

>> No.17973786

not really since she never cheated on Haruki with anyone else, the fact that none of the heroines cheated on Haruki in WA2 really bugged me, it cheapened the drama and really made it unrealistic, but it's an eroge so you've gotta lower your expectations I suppose

>> No.17973790

>the fact that none of the heroines cheated on Haruki in WA2 really bugged me
The drama concerning the girls would feel extremely hypocritical if Haruki wondered whether to go to another girl if they were cheating on him.

>> No.17973795

I wouldn't expect all girls to cheat I'd expect Setsuna too though. All the characters are massive hypocrites anyway so it doesn't change much.

>> No.17973797

>I'd expect Setsuna too though
Setsuna is literally the last person who would cheat on Haruki, I'd buy Kazusa doing it because Setsuna sees him every now and then at least.

>> No.17973834

I thought it's one post getting incorrectly posted thrice but nope, it's actually 3 people who somehow managed to synchronize their post length.

>> No.17973858
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-12-01_03-33-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for this.. seeing the brocon step-sister getting NTR'd.

>> No.17973922

Seems like the consensus is that Aoi Tori has a lot more filler than Amatsutsumi while not having anything on the level of Hotaru or her chapter.

>> No.17974004

Try locate emulator, it fixes that text problem.
I know because I had the same problem with recent tinkerbell vns.

>> No.17974032


>> No.17974072

What locale emulator do you use?
I tried some but its not working

>> No.17974080

Nevermind it work with language pack

>> No.17974087

I hate how the official website blocks gaijin IPs, I just wanted to see the character bios.

>> No.17974089

I wish it wasn't a nukige just like the original.

>> No.17974119
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x675, 1499213393388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice Soft sure is going interesting places

>> No.17974124

Can't be helped, a healthy adult relationships is all about sex and alcohol. or at least that what people taught me.

>> No.17974144

thanks, i didn't realize triggers could just add to DB instead of downloading, that's basically all i needed

>> No.17974156

the rapeplay incident still affects us to this day. thank the media for burning that bridge!

>> No.17974171
File: 417 KB, 1280x720, paschime3_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next step after Pastel Chime 3. That was already pretty Persona. Now with some added drugs then I guess?

>> No.17974458


Im curious to see how the new game from hibiki works will hold up since they arent making xCation games for the present. I wont get my hopes up though.

>> No.17974463

Cutthroat, I have hopes for it.

>> No.17974465

Unironically the worst month of the year. I sure hope that's actually the final fandisk of Turiotu and they make something new now.

>> No.17974510
File: 313 KB, 280x445, yodobashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will read Apeiria fandisc since I did find the original interesting. Was looking forward to pic related but got delayed to next year. Still not sold on Saga Plantet's new game but I might try the trial since I did find Floral Flowlove quite a surprise as I was expecting nothing.

>> No.17974723
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, ニュートンと林檎の樹.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make the font scaling not look like shit?

>> No.17974740


Playing at 720p. Anything not scaled by your screen (720p fullscreen) or bicubic by the VN shouldn't be scaled at all. Unless maybe 900p->1080p. 720p->1080p is a bad idea.

So, if you want to play at fullscreen, change your screen's resolution to 720p before playing the game, if the game doesn't support exclusive fullscreen itself. If this already is bicubic filtering, then you are probably completely out of luck and this is just how it looks like. I remember having played this in 720p myself though, so I doubt that.

>> No.17975029

>Setsuna cheating on Haruki
Why would she ever do that? She's literally the last person who would ever think about doing that.

>> No.17975056

That art is nice.

>> No.17975170
File: 211 KB, 1286x768, #yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Tojita Sekai no Tori Colony instead
Is it even like a bargain bin Tojita Sekai? The stuff you wrote isn't exactly encouraging but I'm dying for something else with the same feeling.

>> No.17975213
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, tojitasekai_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There should be much better games with a similar-ish concept. Tried the kuru games? Harukuru may give a somewhat similar feeling. At least as long as you don't absolutely need the "joke endings" and whatnot. They obviously have their differences aside of that as well though.
Tokihate from Kure (Moonstone) may also work, I at least had a good amount of fun with it, especially the final hour or so.
Then there's Hapymaher, which is again quite a different beast on first glance... but maybe not so much at the end. At least the harem aspect is also looked at a little differently than normally.
None of these are perfect, of course, but I'd probably recommend those over Yurauka for something somewhat similar to Tojita Sekai's plot. As for the many branching possibilities... I don't really know of a similar experience in that regard. Unfortunately. Joke endings are rare already, so finding even more is going to be hard.

Yurauka probably wanted to be something like those games as well, to an extend. It has an interesting enough cast, raises enough questionmarks in the common route, some signs of crazy her and there. It's interesting. But it shortcuts way too much.
The reason why I drew the comparison is that if it had been like Tojita Sekai with its loops, at least the main plot may have worked better, even with it being as "simple" as it was. Instead you just get told, that "progress happened". It generally doesn't like to deal much with anything that's interesting, let alone the necessary drama. Even if it defines the character heavily, a few nice words and a hug will be enough. Which, again, is rather different with Tojita Sekai.
If you want to read it, go at it with the assumption it's a moege. The routes are pretty much written like that, even if some themes may not fit very well with moege. All the issues however get put on the bus, asspulled away or something similar.

>> No.17975239

Backlog month. I guess there's Tsurioto but I still haven't read the second one. Nothing else looks good to me.

>> No.17975246

Read all of those except for Tokihate sadly, but thanks for the advice. Maybe if I just lower my expectations to rock bottom it'll be fun.

>> No.17975573

Amatsutsumi confirmed good.

>> No.17975576

It had good porn and that's about all the good things I can say about it.

>> No.17975604

Amatsutsumi is good except one critical point, the characters. They are all really horrible archetype except for Hotaru. Aoitori seems to be better in that regard, the characters are still an archetype but they are kinda refreshing: the genki vampire, teacher, genius classmate and cool twin sister. Of course there is the main heroine and the star of the game, Akari.

>> No.17975633

Is it necessary to play Amatsutsumi before Aoitori? VNDB only says they have the same setting.

>> No.17975665
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, makinglovers_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just happened to click on the character while the textbox was removed, and you can get some lines based on where you click. Haven't seen that in a while. Or maybe it's not that uncommon and I just never did it before? Kinda reminds me of Kat tickling in Gravity Rush.

Other than that... what a short common route. Didn't even really meet half of the heroines. The OST is also unfitting and yet fitting. Something else when the protag checks his tasks for the job, including when the trash gets collected, while some "military briefing" style epic music plays..

>> No.17975682

Hotaru's A route was fucking awful, 90% fluff when all I wanted was to see more of original Hotaru. B route should have been a choice from the start.

>> No.17975720

It's the better game anyways.

>> No.17975727

I liked A route's actual ending more especially with the Amatsutumi title drop, B route's ending was too convenient bullshit. I personally would have preferred if they had combined the two routes into one: B route's stuff with Makoto getting somewhat along with real Hotaru and yet sacrificing her and himself for the fake Hotaru like in A route.

If you want a very similar heroine who you can enjoy through most of the game instead of just the last chapter I'd suggest playing Bansenjin, though you have to play through the prequel that doesn't have her beforehand.

>> No.17975823

>I just happened to click on the character while the textbox was removed, and you can get some lines based on where you click.
Holy shit, this is the first time I'm seeing this.
>The OST is also unfitting and yet fitting. Something else when the protag checks his tasks for the job, including when the trash gets collected, while some "military briefing" style epic music plays..
From what I've played it seems to be Smee games' trademark, playing battle-like music in several comedy scenes. Fureraba for example

>> No.17975832

>I just happened to click on the character while the textbox was removed, and you can get some lines based on where you click.
Ooh, nice find!

>> No.17975836

I think purexconnect had this too.

>> No.17975850

What is the worth of this game if I want to approach it as a comedy and don't care about the icharabu much?

>> No.17975869

Some routes are definitely more funny than others. Thus far I think Reina has the most humor in her route, due to having a ton of side character present. I suppose Mashiro could be funny if you like chuuni girls.

Overall though the comedy is probably one of the better things about this eroge. If you like seeing tsundere girls getting ribbed hard by their friends, this is the game for you. I haven't played the other 3 yet, although Ako is usually pretty funny when she's not in her usual moeblob imouto form. Seeing the step-sister get BTFO by a girl her own age was so satisfying considering she's a mega-jealous brocon. It might not be humor to everyone but I enjoy seeing the 'winning' heroine lording it over the other girls, especially any childhood friends and imoutos. It's a shame that only Reina seems to confront Ako though, from what others have said about the game.

>> No.17975895

It also has a ton of dirty and lewd jokes, so if you don't like that stuff, you've been warned.

>> No.17975898
File: 696 KB, 1280x2160, capture_005_28112017_145055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only played two routes so far, but at this point Fureraba made me laugh more than Making Lovers. Can't beat the hamster scene and homo fish. Both though have pretty similar crass humor style with silly protagonist so it's mostly dependent on how much you like that sort of stuff, and it's prevalent in heroine routes as well.

>> No.17975908

By the way, the girls say different things depending on how far into the relationship you are. It looks like it changes after the first H scene with the heroine, but it could be when the game moves from the 'development' chapters to the 'love' chapters, which don't always correspond to having H.

>> No.17975915

Thanks. Those two heroines you mentioned actually seemed like the most interesting anyways so that's good.
I really don't like the Fureraba art, it looks so childish. The heroines also don't look as appealing on a first glance. Maybe if I like ML I'll check it out.

By the way some dude on vndb said the game took him 47h and put it into the Long category. Is it really that long or do we have an especially slow reader here?

>> No.17975993
File: 432 KB, 1024x576, capture_048_21102015_190508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a slow reader, though it's not like I've taken time how much about how much I've spent on the routes so far, but they don't feel very long at all.

Also for points towards Fureraba so far I think it does the proactive protagonist thing much better. I posted about the same issue before but I feel a bit cheated with Making Lovers since the premise on the website was advertising similar "love doesn't come to those who wait" thing but so far luck is exactly how the protagonist seems end up with girls in Making Lovers' routes. Hell, in Reina's route the protagonist outright says that maybe love is just dependent on luck.

Both though are similar with the games having zero harem stuff and focusing on one heroine almost from the word go: Making Lovers has extremely short common route whereas Fureraba has a common route whose length depends on how well you handle the conversation options during the free time parts, and during those you only focus on the heroine of your choosing. Latter is also much more interactive for that reason since you have to choose right topics and answers more often (and it actually has a fail state if you keep fucking up), whereas Making Lovers seems to have you choosing date spots only three times per route. On the other hand Making Lovers isn't 学園もの and has an adult protagonist, with the main thing being completely different apartments and workplaces per route so that's a plus in its favor.

>> No.17976022

If you look carefully during H scenes, you'll also see the heroine's nipples become bigger sometime in the middle. For some girls it is obviously engorged, for example Saki since her entire areola seems to swell, but for the most part is it quite easy to miss on the other heroines as it only affects the nipple itself.

>> No.17976068

Hold on. Even though the premise says that about love not coming to those who wait, the MC is still very much a diehard romantic. He specifically wants to have that cliched "fated meeting" followed up by more chance encounters before confessing/going out with the girl.

Lucky for our eroge protagonist, he has a ton of fated meetings and coincidentally encounters them not long afterwards.

>> No.17976091

And ironically, even if you force the MC to wait on love by ignoring every branch choice, he still ends up banging a bishoujo and falling in love! So much for 'love doesn't come to those who wait', huh?

>> No.17976098
File: 569 KB, 763x1440, premise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but the first description had me expecting the protagonist overcoming his own cliche expectations and aggressively pursuing romance of his own accord.

I just started Mashiro route and I'm actually liking her asking the protagonist to be his boyfriend despite not knowing him well at the start of her route, even if it's the opposite.

>> No.17976347

lol nice

>> No.17976545 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 640x480, 1512178466332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into the game expecting a rape simulator
>end up getting totono
What a game

(shuusaku spoilers)

>> No.17976682


>> No.17976692

What game?

>> No.17976725

>Using Yotsuba theme

>> No.17976822
File: 272 KB, 1871x859, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone cares.

>> No.17976834

Looks like an urban crimefighter premise. Could be the spiritual successor to Dracu-Riot.

>> No.17976855
File: 1.18 MB, 640x360, r_teaser_640.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems likely to me.
There's also a shot of an R at the end.

>> No.17976905

Oh, that would be great. I really enjoyed Dracu-Riot.

>> No.17977133

fair warning: it gets a bit excessively moralfaggy from this point on. you should still pull through to the end... and when the time comes to reach out your hand, DO IT

>> No.17977144
File: 188 KB, 640x480, syuusaku_2017-12-01_22-20-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too bad, dude. Eri is really cute at least.

>> No.17977150

eri is god tier yes, but thats to be expected of elf main heroines. and you havent seen the best of her yet

>> No.17977636

Our guy Katan destroyed every game overhyped in this thread.


>> No.17977654

What are those black squares?

>> No.17977688

Muramasa, and WA2 D's, DI C-
And then, http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-3064.html
Really opened my eyes to the truth.

>> No.17977932


the man has been in the game since the early 90s, and mentioned in a review of one western game how he is always looking for new experiences, and not just in terms of scenarios. sure enough there are some games I like he doesnt rate, but its should be understandable where he comes from. would someone who saw all the epick twists, and time loops and all in the 90s really be impressed by titles that did the same thing in the 00s? (not that the games you mentioned necessarily contained these things) as the title of the site clues you in, he wants adventure games, and those mean more to him than talking boxes placed under tachie.

>> No.17977937

>he wants adventure games, and those mean more to him than talking boxes placed under tachie.
Then he should probably stay away from 4mb big scenarioge. He's an idiot, that's all.

>> No.17977996

How feasable it is to read Monobeno with MTL assistance? I have a tenuous grip on grammar and kanji.

>> No.17978008

Possible if you're some Fuwa/A-S tard that doesn't actually care about enjoying the works he wants to enjoy.

If you really want to enjoy something, why wouldn't you make sure you actually can? Monobeno is not going anywhere and it's not a new game, so honestly you're not gonna win any prizes for having played it now instead of a year or two later when you get good at Japanese.

>> No.17978112

this song so fits amatsutsumi

>> No.17979342

Is that where all of us will end up? So jaded that the majority of the 90+ medians on EGS aren't worth more than a B- (yet somehow まいてつ of all things was an A), but we're still willing to plow through easily 1k+ hours of these games a year?

>> No.17979347


>> No.17979368

Now I must play this.
link please (´・ω・`)

>> No.17979459

Hopefully you'll end up with more respect towards your time and just drop games you don't like or never pick them up at all.

>> No.17979512


People who write reviews like that don't read VNs just to enjoy them. They analyze, compare, look where they stand in the industry, how they compare to possible previous works of the author(s), look at other impressions and discuss those and so on and so forth. All of that is part of the enjoyment.
It's a very different thing compared to not writing reviews as well as not having a major interest in the general industry, fanbase/customerbase and so on, and still randomly give all those games abysmal ratings while still completing them.

>> No.17979567

Wouldn't that mean that people who write reviews aren't qualified to write reviews?

>> No.17979773


Of course they are "qualified". There's not even anything you really need.
A reviewer is ultimately just another person anyway. And if you are good, you leave out your personal view/enjoyment to a certain point. Otherwise it'd not be a review, but an impression/opinion. A review is supposed to list and talk about pros and cons and give the reader an idea of how the work is, rather than how much one person liked or hated it. This may seem overly negative for some, for example talking about points you don't think of as problematic at all, but that's kinda the point. You will never reach everyone with your personal opinion anyway, as newer readers put importance on very different things than longtime fans.

That said, scores are generally awful. I honestly prefer reviews without them, but I can understand when big reviewers have them. In my little posts I tend to write here I leave my rating out for good reason though. Aside of that I don't really do full reviews and tend to mix it with a healthy amount of personal opinion anyway, perhaps more than what would be healthy for a review. Leaving out your opinion completely is obviously impossible and that's good. That way finding a reviewer that shares your general values is going to be quite successful.

>> No.17979802

This is everything I don't want out of reviews. Highly opinionated, personal writing is where it's at.

>> No.17980134


What does that do for you? That is good for a discussion, but wouldn't really help in any other way. Except if you have the exact same taste maybe.

>> No.17980180
File: 16 KB, 378x27, sale of the century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-What a deal for a 14 year old game. Anyone here play it? It looks interesting.

>> No.17980192

If the writer is good you can generally get a sense for what the game is like, what made it work for them, and judge from there. Even if your tastes aren't the same you should be able to get a general idea.

I go to reviews for more than just "will I like this" checks too. Deliberately reading people with drastically different points of views can be enlightening. And passion can be infectious. If they really like a thing in a way you typically don't, it can encourage a different type of reading than you'd likely have gotten otherwise. My tastes have been expanded countless times by stuff like this.

Drier, more historically-minded posts have their place and can be good too, they're just not what I usually go to reviews for. (I don't really like the writer in question though)

>> No.17980206

Did something happen to girlcelly? Getting "Only Blog author can read this blog."

>> No.17980210
File: 574 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koi ni, Kanmi o Soete
seems like gochuu usa, and it's really cute

Zutto Mae Kara Joshi Deshita
Cause of FENG

Koneko Neko Neko
cats and it looks cute

seems unique if it's a tv show, plus i like the art.

>> No.17980214

Stop posting.

>> No.17980231


>> No.17980239

So this game doesn't have any ero-CGs in the gallery. Does that mean we can expect an actual moege with proper routes instead of it just being an onslaught of ero-scenes?

>> No.17980257

He has a new one now.

>> No.17980284

>Needs a proxy
What happened?

>> No.17980331


Alright. I tend to look more technically at things, as I feel that emotions are pretty hard to "plan" anyway. Either those work, or not. And it helps if my brain isn't constantly complaining about nothing making sense, shitty writing and so on.
But I guess real passion can be interesting as well. Just.. that can easily be trolling or some weird shit as well. Gotta choose carefully there.

>> No.17980393

Anybody happen to have the DL version of ヤミと帽子と本の旅人 (https://vndb.org/v242)) lying around? I can't find it anywhere and the original disc version is giving me trouble.

>> No.17980873

how are the routes in ゆらめく心に満ちた世界で、君の夢と欲望は叶うか ? just ichaicha filler like eustia and amatsutsumi?

>> No.17980933
File: 57 KB, 600x400, 105626_37608305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you have played Biman 4?

While some of the sex scenes were hot what stood to me was the mc. It's very rare I can say that the mc was the most interesting or best character like in a VN now.

Anybody else oddly surprised by him or like him?

>> No.17980989

worst biman yet imo

>> No.17981008

I'd more or less agree with you on the sex and most of the characters in it, I personally find that the first game had the best ero.
But I was mainly addressing the MC and if people found him interesting. I mean it's not something I can say often now.

>> No.17981153

PLAY IT. its one of the wildest rides I experienced in the world of eroge, and the only game that made me stay up to 7h in the morning to keep playing it. and while there is no plot connection whatever to the first game, your experience of the sequel will be enhanced if you played it, since the game noticeably plays with the expectations of those who know the first title.

>> No.17981237 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 640x480, 1512267988441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Shuusaku's true ending
holy fuck that entire end part was crazy, and to think that this game came out in 1998, jesus christ
why did elf have to die

>> No.17981260

the phrase "elf is god" is not a meme, its the fucking truth

>> No.17981283

see: >>17969605 and >>17969646

>> No.17981339

is the first uploaded anywhere? mostly finding the sequel and a few dead links for the first.

>> No.17981755

河原崎家の一族 PC98 ver

>> No.17981812

also, you DID put your hand on your monitor... right?

>> No.17981841

literally nothing wrong with trolling renaifags hard, business be damned... THE GODS MADE HEAVY EROGE, AND THEYRE NEVER GONNA DIEEEEEE

>> No.17981864

of course

>> No.17981865

OP is out

>> No.17982064
File: 332 KB, 1286x752, 4987e8474a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like Ako's route is so fucked that it feels almost surreal?

>MC has a childhood flashback
>wakes up
>imouto is kissing him
>"what are you doing?!"
>nvm let's fuck

like what the fuck was this scene?

>> No.17982097

>nvm let's fuck
I hate it when this happens.

>> No.17982113
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-12-01_04-07-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred seeing Ako get BTFO.

>> No.17982119
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-12-02_23-30-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what kind of mom would tell her daughter to have a 3P with her step-son and gf? Might as well make it a 4P.

>> No.17982123

Wait a minute, that is during Saki's route.

>> No.17982132

Also that mom was absolutely savage on Ako. It was like she was trying her hardest to crush Ako's brocon attitude, flat out telling her she was garbage/shit compared to Reina. But then she suggested the 3P? I don't really get that mother.

>> No.17982148

thanks for this. never tried pc98 emulation before but i guess its probably no harder than trying to run something from windows 95 on a modern system

>> No.17982155

Probably a lot easier than that.

>> No.17982164


Ako is the true heroine.

Fuck off you goon

>> No.17982179

Only good thing about Ako was her random weird moments, like when she mimics sounds from Dark Souls. Otherwise she was just your bog standard perfect-housewife-imouto dripping wet for onii-chan.

>> No.17982289

wish it happened, would have made a nice h scene

>> No.17982319

Yeah it would've been nice, Ako is definitely thirsty enough to agree. Some of the side charas were cute too. I guess that would've broken the pure love schtick though.

>> No.17982480


Anon. I have to tell you a shocking truth.
Not everything is supposed to be serious. It's a comedy game.

>> No.17982487

This post is actually a prime example of someone being legitimately autistic without noticing it.

>> No.17982494

How hard is it to crack a DMM game?

>> No.17982616


These 3 games are by the same artists and look so similar I can't tell the difference. What are the main differing points and which is the best one?

>> No.17982664

I'm not a cracker myself, but from what I understand it varies an extraordinary amount based on what DRM they use.
DMM games are actually in many cases harder to crack than a big company's VN because the companies will all group around whatever has the "best protection" so consistently that slapping AlphaRomDie on a VN will remove it's DRM 75% of the time. Doujin circles have different budgets for their DRM and so they will use weird obscure programs that don't have widely publicized weaknesses.
Cracking in a broad sense means tricking the DRM to think that you're a legitimate user when you aren't or stripping the DRM away from the game itself. If the former is possible, all you need to do is find and input the "password". The latter is phenomenally difficult in some circumstances.

In short, the only way to know how hard it is to crack something as unique as a DMM game is to try and see.

>> No.17982685

There's a generic unpack tool for it but I'm not sure if DMM games still use SoftDenchi for DRM.

If you're curious, search for DenchiUnwrap.zip. The archive includes the C# source code.

>> No.17982688

He probably means games with DMM Game Player.

>> No.17982758

Like, every time.
The worst part is when you fall in love with a heroine during the common route, pick her first, fall even deeper in love with her during her route, swear to be with her forever, and then you have to turn her down in favor of another girl four times in a row.
Your goal is to make everyone happy, but to do it you have to make everyone sad first.

>> No.17982766

Should I check out that route anyway if I'm a Kanafag?

>> No.17982774

Yeah, but it'll be bitter.

>> No.17982822


Nobody forcing you to play all routes. Uninstall and come back after a year or two.

>> No.17982840

Has Eushully announced their next game yet?

>> No.17982931

no. maybe their last game finally killed them? havent played it, how was it compared to its two predecessors anyway

>> No.17982981

Amayui was pretty fun. It only has one main heroine though, and there's only real two main endings (although there are a couple of very minor variations): good ending, and bad ending. The story is a lot more linear than Kamidori is.

I know they've released several appends thus and they could still be working on some. Between that and their gacha game they probably won't announce their next title for a while. I am curious if they plan to do another Meister or 'original' game.

>> No.17983071

Is it just me or is the Making Lovers engine not that smooth? The 演出 and text advancing feel a bit sluggish. It's a laptop but other games are fine so I dunno what's up. Could NTLEA be the reason?

>> No.17983110

No, it is definitely the engine causing that weird lag between text changing. It might have something to do with the way the game uses sound effects, they seem to all be triggered during that 'stutter' that occurs in between text. I think the engine tries to check, each line, if it should be playing a sound effect or not - which produces that stuttering. Or maybe the engine is just an unoptimized piece of shit.

I'm playing on an SSD so the stutter is really short but still noticeable compared to other games that have silky-smooth transitions.

>> No.17983176

>The story is a lot more linear than Kamidori is.
For the best, it as generic as fuck, but it was the entertaining kind of generic, not the I want to kill myself that kamidori was.

>> No.17983305

Never mind the OP, when the マスターアップ at?

>> No.17984009

Man I hope so. I'd actually be really excited for something like that, since I can't really do more than 2, maybe 3 H scenes per decently sized route, and most stuff seems to have like 5-8+ per route now.

>> No.17984011

Give 5 examples of the last 2 months that aren't nukige.

>> No.17984027

Are you implying you could list 5 examples of good moege in the past 2 months that only have 2, maybe 3 H scenes top per route and still have decently sized routes? Because if so I've just been unlucky with my choice in VNs and don't know how to reliably quantify H scenes before reading without looking at CG galleries.

>> No.17984106

I don't see even one title here. You said "most" so it should be pretty easy to pull out a few titles.

>> No.17984182

I didn't say "most moege coming out statistically and factually have 5-8+ H scenes per route and if you disagree with me you're an idiot", I just said it feels that way based on most of the moege past 2010 I've read having way too much H in them for my tastes and most of the non-nukige CG sets I see having most certainly more than 3 scenes per character (unless you count moege with lots of H as a nukige, in which case that renders this entire discussion pointless).

If my perspective is incorrect and moege with lots of H are in the minority, then that's good to know and I need to figure out a better way to know that shit before going into a VN. If my perspective isn't wrong and you're just picking fights, then fuck off.

>> No.17984279

That's some A-class mincing words defense. So in short, you can't list any titles and just make random exaggerated statements with no basis, got it.

>> No.17984477

Eroge has definitely become more bloated with H over time. There's also far more CGs as well per scene, causing even more bloat with every CG having multiple extras for additional facial expressions.

Golden Hour and Mashimaro are examples of too much H. Golden Hour even had to give the main heroine less H (25% less compared to the others, 9 scenes vs 12) in order to squeeze in the necessary plot!

>> No.17984562
File: 100 KB, 1278x720, db53ac1bf1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, here is the official Making Lovers best girl ranking:

OL > poverty > future AV actress > neighbor > MC's friend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ako

>> No.17984577

i-i liked ako.... Karen best though

>> No.17984594

Fuck you, Ako is cute and her route was fun.
Karen > Saki = Ako > Reina >>>>>>>>>>>> Mashiro

>> No.17984598

>Ako is cute and her route was fun.
She's boring and her route was just like her.

>> No.17984768

So is Making Lovers worth reading?

>> No.17984776


>> No.17984967
File: 49 KB, 690x579, animereaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all onee-san & otouto games are just mindless nukige

>> No.17985032

How about https://vndb.org/v660 ?
I haven't read it yet though.

>> No.17985120

Thanks! I'll check it out.

>> No.17985320 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x1436, 1512344825427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, how am I supposed to betray her two more times.

The route was okay though, I really liked that in the end they talked openly everything with her and feel really bad for what they are doing.
Also don't know what to think about Setsuna being hurt so much in middle school to the point of getting between Kazusa and Haruki to stay together and fucking over everything in the process only to find out that noone else cared about what happened and they were still friends.

I get the feeling that the other routes might not be handled as cutely as this one though.

>> No.17985514

It depends on your kinks I guess. In my case 4 is my favorite biman to date.

>> No.17985591


I don't see any issues. If there's no image change, the text can be scrolled through super fast. If there's an image change, the text doesn't appear until the transition is done, but that's not feeling laggy or anything.
That said, I do use fastest text speed, so if the "character by character" appearance feels laggy, it's too fast for me to notice.

>> No.17985719

what the fuck went wrong with horibe hiderou's art in this game anyway? maybe his shame of it caused him to die? the mid-00's were truly the rock bottom of eroge art, only the late 90s with their tendency to use computerised colourations come close in sheer awfulness.

>> No.17985727

I haven't read your spoiler text but which route in WA2 is this? I'm currently reading Setsuna's route and even that makes me feel like shit so I don't know how I'm supposed to do the other routes without feeling like garbage for hurting Setsuna even more.

>> No.17985973

I feel like the game naturally led me to Koharu's route.

>> No.17986369

I felt the opposite. The more the MC interacted with Koharu, the more I hated her. I know she's supposed to be a female version of Haruki but she just came off as so annoying with her meddling. I swear that any normal person would've just told her to fuck off after the 2nd time meeting her.

>> No.17986443

Any Japanese-language equivalent to Omochikaeri that follows and talks about all the periodic VN releases? I don't want to just rely on a single blog for my news.

>> No.17986796

>I'm supposed to do the other routes without feeling like garbage for hurting Setsuna even more.
Chiaki is worth reading because it's the best side route, so engaging. And feeling like shit for Setsuna is part of the game, the side routes exist for that sole reason os when youi do Setsuna's route feel happy and stuff.

>> No.17987078
File: 1.62 MB, 1290x759, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love slightly lewd girls

>> No.17987129

Just write the VN name you're curious about + 感想 in google and you'll find a bunch of personal blogs.

>> No.17987149

Post-release >>17987129 this works best.

Pre-release just use EGS. You can easily check any game's "before" page and see pre-release and trial impressions there.

Aoitori before release:

Plus here's the current prerelease list.

>> No.17987202
File: 1.19 MB, 1290x759, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I didn't expect a sex scene with her, I tbought she was gonna be one of those girls tht I wanted to have a sex scene atthe end
I love how they're so chummy and friendly about it too.
I wish I knew more vns with a dynamic like that.

>> No.17987208


>> No.17987212

She has a threesome or two with her sister.

>> No.17987219

Even better

>> No.17987227

This makes me wonder if Kazuki Fumi's anege is any good.

>> No.17987256
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it bothers me sometimes that some releases still have such low res sprites, I mean its almost 2018.

>> No.17987258

They're not meant to be played in full screen.

>> No.17987262

meanwhile mobage are oversized they run like shit despite simple gameplay

>> No.17987281

Gotta use a 1366x768 laptop like a real Japanese person.

>> No.17987291

It annoys me that putting it in windowed mode then dragging the window against the edge of the screen to make it basically border less full screen looks fine, whilst the in game full screen blurs sprites......... But i dont know why im expecting anything better from vn devs at this point....

>> No.17987298

How many save files do you normally like?
Depending on the game I can use most up.

>> No.17987340

Saki is best for you? You crazy. Although I do agree with Ako being dead last, no way is Saki #1 best grill. That would be poverty or imouto B.

>> No.17987344

Most games I end up filling up all the save slots and having to write over some of my earlier ones. Lately though there are more and more games offering a decent amount of save slots, like Amayui that has thousands.

>> No.17987363

When you scroll fast the problem isn't present, it only happens when scrolling slowly, as if on automode. As for text speed, all of us probably use the fastest setting so that hardly matters.

>> No.17987434 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 581x201, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoruboku confirmed good by Moogy.

>> No.17987447

Nobody cares about EOP e-celebs here.

>> No.17987463


The vocals in this doujin game OP are pretty nice. 世界滅亡共有幻想ADV makes it sound interesting but I don't know about the all male cast. I wonder if it's just a cool story or some BL shit with romance.

>> No.17987501

Anything with oyakodon must be high class, right?

>> No.17987516
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, illkeelyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17987520

>angry tsundere delinquent(?) Ushio
picked the fuck up

>> No.17987552

Yoruboku looks like YMK 2.0 with all the bad shit that happens to the heroines. That one bullying scene in particular was seriously WTF.

>> No.17987628
File: 1.79 MB, 1296x5316, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this game's sex scenes with how they're written, the dialogue and how they're planned out.
Are the other games this well done?
I might try them if they are.

>> No.17987650

If there's one thing purplesoft is good at doing, it is H scenes.

>> No.17987742

The game's worth for Kina's route alone.

>> No.17987756

Doujins bordering on BL but not really are the best ones, just high doses of friendship and no females being annoying.

>> No.17987767

Honestly I think they missed an important possible message with Kina. A virgin who lost her hymen to forces outside her control, like say bullying. But no, we're supposed to believe that after THAT scene she still has her hymen unbroken? Give me a break.

>> No.17987792

It would've been nice to see imo, as a way to mock purityfags that deflowering blood isn't everything, that girls could, gasp, actually lose it without having sex.

Still miffed about that.

>> No.17987924

Which one should I play for my first timer reading in japs?

>> No.17987936

One is a sequel, and one is bad. Two choices left, of which one has a lot of typos which could confuse you. So Unmei Yohou, I guess.

>> No.17987944

umneiuhou or akasaka, you will miss lot of jokes if you read kinugasa with shitty jp.

>> No.17987953


>> No.17987981

Then I'll read Unmei Yohou, thanks.

Not enough cute waifus.

>> No.17987984

>Which one should I play for my first timer reading in japs?
For your first time I suggest reading a shorter nukige or moege. Something like:

>https://vndb.org/v17427 (anything from ANIM really)

Playing a longer, more interesting story might sound like a good idea but being bogged down in a long eroge can be frustrating to say the least.

>> No.17987990

Good job not falling into the Mashimaro shill trap.

>> No.17987995
File: 210 KB, 1296x759, cmvs32_2017-12-04_21-17-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17988003

Don't worry, we'll suggest Mashimaro once he's got a few under his belt.

>> No.17988016

Playing a bad, boring game is more frustrating. You can just stop if you get tired, whereas in a game you're not interested in you will be tired from the first second.
Also the games he listed aren't even long unless you wanna pull the "for a beginner everything is long!" card in which case he wouldn't be able to play any game. It's best to just do what you want to do.

>> No.17988045 [DELETED] 

I choose kinugasa's eroge because I like youjitsu so far (it's currently translated on /a/). The other two were chosen because those have imouto routes.

>> No.17988050

>popular thing I don't like is automatically trash meme

>> No.17988051

I choose kinugasa's eroge because I like youjitsu so far (it's currently translated on /a/). The other two are chosen because those have imouto routes.

>> No.17988053

It's most certainly not a good game by any standard unless you are starved for porn.

>> No.17988064

>Not enough cute waifus.

The hell? Kana, Senri, Maho, Sayumi aren't enough for you?

>> No.17988068

>It's best to just do what you want to do.
I agree with you, having an enjoyable time reading what interests you is important. Knowing your skill level is also important though, so I'm glad to see that one anon pick eroge that are appropriate. Seeing a newbie try to read some 50hr+ behemoth usually doesn't end well.

>> No.17988070

>it's currently translated on /a/


>> No.17988074

Almost got a (You)

I think he was joking. it's got more heroines than typical eroge.

>> No.17988081 [DELETED] 

>someone actually dislikes Ushio
what is this heresy?

>> No.17988095

Is this a spoiler?

>> No.17988115

How is a kiss a spoiler when you know they all will get fucked?

>> No.17988119

Fuck nevermind
Re-checked it and saw the word

>> No.17988142
File: 1.81 MB, 1366x768, company site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks the same as the protagonist come on anon it's not too hard.

>> No.17988467

People actually like it? I didn't like his LN.
I enjoyed Kinugasa's VN for their comedic banter. Youjitsu has none.

>> No.17988507

Well yeah, if you want a comedy you shouldn't read something that never advertised itself as one. Youjitsu is a school caste drama with lots of interesting mysteries and backstories to keep you on your toes. Main appeal is Protagman and how he intervenes with the happenings around him. Only really gets good in the volumes past the ones the anime covered though.

>> No.17988751

Can someone spoonfeed me on how to work with .disc1 files? I can burn to a disk if I had a .iso but Im not entirely sure what to do with the file as it stands now

>> No.17988754

Never saw that. Are you sure that's really the file extension?

>> No.17988757
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, sono_yuusha_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Softhouse Chara games can be so weird. They are kinda shitty in some way, but still succeed to hook me.

This here needs a LOT of grind, and placing your characters on your areas is a hassle, as is changing equipment and skills. Still, grind is fast, as generally everything in the game, which is rather typical for the dev and works quite well.
Seems to me like this is a bit more focused on lewd, though it's not like I expected much of a story anyway. Characters are fine. Brown flatty is best girl. Pic related has a very weird voice. Especially during lewds. A bit of a shame.

>> No.17988788

Sometimes it shows .disc1 and others its .disc1.img but if I try to run it, then it just says the files are corrupted despite obtaining it less than an hour ago.

For context, the VN in question was the one from >>17966963

>> No.17988799

Yeah, I like their games too. They can be pretty terrible, but they often do things with characters / tone that other companies don't. I really enjoy BB's cast for some reason, and it feels comfy

>> No.17988813

Make sure you have hiding extensions to off. One of those files should be a CCD or CUE, that's what you should mount.

Sometimes (with older games) those can't be mounted by WinCDEmu. Then you should Deamon Tools (preferably an old, non-fucked version).

>> No.17988853

Oh okay, that was why it wasnt showing. But yeah, it has both a .cue and .cdd files. Which of those is better to mount?

>> No.17988859

Actually, both the files dont give me an option to mount unlike the .img. Does that mean I need to fish for DT?

>> No.17988860

I dunno, which ever works.

>> No.17988867

Probably. Personally I have DT ready in my WinXP virtual machine for older games.

I use this old version

>> No.17988878

Are virtual machines resource intensive?

>> No.17988881

Depends on your PC and what specs you select for the virtual one.

>> No.17988908

Appreciate the help anon. Have a few more (You)s

>> No.17988945

crescendo has a very nice onee-san route.

>> No.17989046
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 0392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown flatty is best girl.
My brother. Ekuri best girl!

And yeah, yuusha ho ari is a very grindy game imo. It took me somewhere between 5-10 restarts before my units were strong enough to beat some of the harder bosses. The whole 'design your dungeon thing' is fun though, with all the various shapes and such you have available. Some of those "class bonus" you get for sticking certain combinations in a single room really help.

>> No.17989066

As for Tina, yeah her voice is very high-pitched for a succubus but I think they were going for that 'innocent succubus' vibe with her?

>> No.17989200
File: 509 KB, 1280x720, sono_yuusha_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they were going for that 'innocent succubus' vibe with her?

That's fine with me, but she screams like hell during sex.

With the gameplay, I'm essentially just after recruiting the last main girl, a stage or so further in. So I don't have much combinations yet.... I think. I should probably check my skills. My first units did hit l30 by now though and color changed. Funny stuff. Probably means I have skills I could swap around as well. Not really needed though, as bunny maids are OP. Seems like you can't have more than 4 though. Prinnies are good too.

>> No.17989341
File: 1.13 MB, 1293x757, sono-yuusha-choices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's fine with me, but she screams like hell during sex.
I keep my sound at like 30% during VNs precisely because of how loud they can get. I'd like to keep my hearing thanks.

Actually, YuushaHou was the very first game I ever read untranslated after switching from being an EOP, so I was really shitty at it. Still, it has a weird bit of meaning to me. Maybe it is time to give it a replay and see how I've improved.

>> No.17989694

What VM do you use? I have a few older games that refuse to run for me.

>> No.17989700

Windows XP Mode in Windows Virtual PC.

>> No.17989712

Damn, couldn't get this one to work. Apparently doesn't run in my version of Windows 7.

>> No.17989714

Yeah, you need Pro.

>> No.17989865

What do you recommend I do if all the text comes out jibberish after a d/l? I tried mounting the .iso and .mds and also tried burning the .iso, but they both have the same result

>> No.17990097
File: 1.38 MB, 1366x768, pxc-main-page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing PrettyxCation atm and I set my name & the sound for it but the sound isn't playing when the chars say my name. I also set nicknames for the girls but those aren't appearing either. I can't find any settings to turn this on, does it just not happen until later in the game?

>> No.17990099

Doesn't happen until you start dating one of the girls.

>> No.17990107

Ah cool, thanks.

>> No.17990126

change locale
change date format to Japan. Hell, you can even configure it afterwards so it says 4:25 午後 instead of 18:25, that way you don't even have to convert it in your head afterwards if you're not used to that.

>> No.17990127

It already has been. Was the first thing I did

>> No.17990151

You just need a fair amount of RAM. Other than that it's nowhere close to AAA games in that regard.

>> No.17990187

Well I don't know then, probably can't help you. Maybe give an image of what the text looks like?

>> No.17991110


This was the best bit of poetry I've read this year.

>> No.17991114


>> No.17991131
File: 238 KB, 1300x782, 近親交際倶楽部_2017-05-28_11-43-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it was from 近親交際倶楽部 or パパもうやめて.
Probably the first one. That reverse incest was really something.

>> No.17991192

>reverse incest

>> No.17991297

>He tries to forget about his desire by having sex with his wife but she's cold and doesn't let him have sex with her anymore.

>> No.17991769 [DELETED] 

She was great, I love seeing heroines like her that have unusual personalities.

The only thing I disliked about it was the shoddy work they did on art, that looked like it was made a decade ago and not one year ago, particularly the H scenes, but it was mostly minor details. There's several scenes for example where they fuck up the mole, giving it to Yuriko at times when only Reika has it.

>> No.17991950

Does anyone know where I can find the Windows 95 or the 野々村病院の人々 bundled version? I'd prefer to read it with voice acting.

>> No.17991952

I should have mentioned all anime-sharing links are dead.

>> No.17991957

find a torrent and let it sit while praying for seeders. Torrent should finish sometime between now and never.

>> No.17991996

Talking about torrents that never finish. Anyone here happen to have Memories Off History? (as in the collection of most games pre 6 for PC, a lot of them released the first time for PC with that) All ages is hard, though there is something on Nyaa. Something that will probably not finish.
Someday I really have to get into the deeper things myself. Baidu, AS and nyaa are... limiting.

>> No.17992006

There are no torrents, I wouldn't ask here if there was

>> No.17992072

that nyaa torrent isn't even the collection you're asking for what the heck have you been doing since you last asked months ago? that collection is fucking 17gb and is on clubbox which would only take forever to grab but i'm sure it's also on share/PD/winny which may or may not be faster

be sure to share it here when you're done

>> No.17992101


It is the collection. The size is correct as well. It just seems to have a bunch of chinese patches added, but it's not like you gotta use them.
I only tried to find it the other day. Not like it really matters when you try to find it at this point. To be honest, I didn't even think Nyaa would have anything, otherwise I would've added it a long time ago. Go figure.

>> No.17992113

pan.baidu.com/s/1xPmzS 密码: 98e2

>> No.17992119

how come there is someone asking to get spoonfed on some rare games here every single day but there's never followup on them actually playing the game or posting any sort of thoughts here
my current theory is that it's just some obsessive hoarder who doesn't actually play eroge

>> No.17992138


It's most likely multiple people. I've asked in this thread maybe 3 times.

>> No.17992158

oops i was looking on sukebei and still found a result, but if you just tried the torrent and didn't even wait a few months before asking then i don't know what to tell you

it's definitely multiple people. i also asked once a while back and i remember maybe twice someone asked for a game here, i looked it up on vndb, and noticed an english patch came out that very day for the game which i'm sure was just a coincidence

>> No.17992160
File: 232 KB, 1366x768, SiglusEngine_2017-10-09_12-13-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people discuss eroge in other communities but will pop over here if there's a game they're looking for on the off-chance someone has it

>> No.17992534

Is it possible to make Phantom Integration run on W8/10 without a VM? When I click the exe nothing happens

>> No.17992542
File: 300 KB, 1278x719, mekuiro_2017-12-03_16-10-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got busy with real life stuff and finally found the time to finish this.

Well, the plot/story plays out like a bad LN school competition genre which I have a guilty pleasure with. So there's four heroines in total with the main girl, Saya, being the true route hence you need to go through the three other first. The routes were longer than I expected, maybe like 2-4 hours for each girl.

The common route is mostly just introductions of the main heroines and the sub-characters. You get hints and background of the main story from the common route and the other non-main routes. Shion's route is relevant because it gives you some info about a bit of history and more insight to the MC. Her route's good but found her quite boring. Freesia's route can be skipped since it almost has no relevance to the main story. Boy did her route dragged on but I endured reading it all because I just like her looks. Tsubaki's route has relevance since it gives you more background about their family. I felt like she has the most "character" out of all the heroines. The perfect fighter without flaws but she's not what she looks like. Now the true route itself is where everything is resolved from the bits of points of interest that was in the other routes. It's not executed well (like all VNs, doho) but it was fun seeing all pieces finally fall into place. Most the other characters disappear or have little appearance once you get to a heroine's respective route.

This VN was advertised as having music from a well-known doujin circle and fight scenes. Both did not disappoint. I mostly listen to doujin music and Alvine delivered. The fight scenes are good too. They narrate what they do during those scenes and the changing perspective is really a plus. I really looked forward to the fights (since I like my sports kind of scenes in my VNs like, say, Aokana's Flying Circus). But the fight scenes might get boring because it's pretty much the same characters fighting with each other in each route. Also, I think the music helped during those scenes.

tldr; It's a good dumb moege. Tsubaki best girl. Sensei, Ayase, and maid route where? Sensei's secret and reveal at the end just makes her cuter.

>> No.17992579

>It's not executed well (like all VNs, doho)
If all you play is bad moege with a million writers like this then that's on you.

>> No.17992593

I wish they just cut out the tournament arc. Literally the thing i hate most in LNs that are similar to this.

>> No.17992616

Yeah. Get Nitro the Best version.

>> No.17992625

From a scale of Kamikaze Explorer to Fortissimo, how good are the fights?
Is this game chuuni?

>> No.17992632

https://vndb.org/r7219 Haven't heard of it before, is it the same? Why does it say Vol. 1?

>> No.17992641

Because other Nitro the Best rereleases follow. Say no Uta is Vol 2, Demonbane Vol 3, Chaos Head Vol 4 etc., I believe.

It's the same, except working on Win 7 (presumably 8/10 too). Saya and Demonbane are also ported to Nitro's new engine.

>> No.17992685

Oh I see, thanks. Found a link for it on A-S if anyone else is curious.

>> No.17992693

Mhm, that's where I found links for it too. Useful for Phantom Integration especially, cause as you said, the original release doesn't work on modern systems.

>> No.17992710
File: 263 KB, 1278x719, mekuiro_2017-12-03_20-20-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, half this VN are tournaments and that's what made the VN longer. Problem with tournament arcs is that it's a cheap way to make an author's story longer. And this VN did have some fight scenes that dragged on.

I only read Fortissimo and I don't think I can directly compare the fight scenes with that since this isn't really as chuuni. You'd probably get spirits and power levels powering the characters at most but that's it. But I'd say I'm more entertained in Fortissimo's fights.

>> No.17992751

>from a scale of bad to bad

>> No.17992866

Well I have low expectations in the first place.
And fortissimo's fights aren't that bad, they're pretty enjoyable even if they're not consistent.
Kadenz is another matter.

>> No.17993266

As someone who uploads these obscure old games here, I don't care. Would be cool if people reposted them to places with more exposure like A-S or nyaa.

Maybe these games are just cursed, nobody wanted do touch them so they became hard to obtain and even after someone uploads a copy it's still doomed forever to never get picked up by anybody.

>> No.17993389

where does it say that the win95 release has VO? are you sure that's not referring to the 野々村病院の人々 part?

>> No.17993502

what a hoard. though there is nothing more annoying than going to a baidu link only to find a haha fuck you for being late to the party. seriously why do they use this shit

>> No.17993506

scratch that, its obvious from the file size differences that there is.

>> No.17993533

Next time there is this wonderful tool called wikipedia that you can also make use of.

>> No.17993663
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 夜巡る、ボクらの迷子教室_2017-12-05_15-11-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find the lip sync in Yoruboku to be weird? It's like the mouth just flaps open and shut with barely any frames at all so it looks choppy. My picture doesn't really do it justice.

>> No.17993675

Her tits look really weird too, what the fuck.

>> No.17993693
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, 夜巡る、ボクらの迷子教室_2017-12-05_15-16-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? I'm kinda digging the other two heroines more at the moment. Dunno if I wanna do Hayate first (see pic) or the loli Riko.

>> No.17993700

Recommended order is Hayate -> Riko > Kina if you want to go in terms of quality. Hayate is a lot worse than the other two apparently.

>> No.17993736
File: 56 KB, 798x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17993776

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.17993871

The engine they used seems kind of shitty to be honest.
I've had multiple random crashes in the game, the config settings reset to default every time the game closes, and the skip function will just stop working for no reason, which combined with the random crashes has honestly made me drop the game for the time being.

>> No.17994039

>all that english in the bottom right is correct
>except for voloce
yeah that's the kind of "quality" i expect to see from their sister brand softhouse-seal

>> No.17994710


You make me not want to play this anymore. I very much doubt I'd play the loli route, and blue is probably more to my liking than the other girl.

Then again, I kinda expected 100% shit anyway...

>> No.17994753

