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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17925404 No.17925404 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a discussion about the worst genre.
The MMO genre!

>> No.17925559

Mabi is literally the only anime game worth playing.
WoW, DotA, Tera, BDO, and FF14 belong on /vg/.
Mobile games have replaced MMORPGs in Asia.
People's unwillingness to do anything anymore killed MMORPGs.
RO sucks.

>> No.17925710

What about Dragon Quest X?

>> No.17925848

I know and have heard literally nothing about it, but Square-Enix a shit and so are most Japanese MMOs. Is it somehow not a shitty game?

>> No.17925897

as far as i know even the japs don't like it and they eat DQ up usually so

>> No.17925924


>> No.17926019

just that i don't see much about it on nico or 2ch or anything

online game stuff is mostly monster hunter, final fantasy, online mobage, occasionally some PSO (though that's about as popular as DQX i think?)

dragon quest gets a lot of attention but mostly 11 and sometimes the classics, don't recall seeing much of 10 relatively speaking

i don't pay that much attention to dorakue in general though tbf, i may be wrong

still haven't finished 11 even

>> No.17926096 [DELETED] 

fishing lvl?

>> No.17926126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17926311 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926332 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926371 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926540 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926556 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926600 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926607 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926611 [DELETED] 


>> No.17926614 [DELETED] 


>> No.17927033 [DELETED] 


>> No.17927051 [DELETED] 


>> No.17927057 [DELETED] 

thanks /vg/ we can always count on your shitposts

>> No.17927068 [DELETED] 


>> No.17927555

MMO's suck, if you were cool like me you would just spend all your time playing Sven Coop with 2hu models.

>> No.17927735

I still want to play MMOs with /jp/ even after all these years.

>> No.17930207
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What /jp/ is there to play with? Most of the ones inclined to MMORPGs went to /vg/ and got tainted and everyone else around here just cares about ugly Jap whores, or furrie- pardon, perfectly-normal-human-girls-with-actual-animal-asses, or are just /v/tards making dumps and template threads. There's no real community to play with. Few people even really browse this board anymore besides the one thread they visit.

There's also nothing to play anyway. /jp/ really only ever played betas and then got bored and there aren't any new games coming out. I saw Pangya was getting relaunched but it's being relaunched as a mobile game.

>> No.17930251

MMOs are just another addictive craving to pursue, you will never find one that's worth wasting that much time with.
Just accept it and take up something constructive you can grind with like a language.

>> No.17930534
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Me too, even if >>17930207 is right that there isn't really much /jp/ left to play with. I'd like to play some pre-renewal RO but I assume most servers are 90% already maxed players, and what I enjoy the most is party leveling.

I still can't believe it's 2017 and there is no RO successor.

>> No.17930557

There can't be one, the game itself and any attempt at making a similar game would have your butt handed to the curb by gungho + gravity

Not only that, but I think it's one of the worst communities you could attempt to pander to, what's really stopping them from jumping back onto their thousands of private servers? What's stopping the people from jumping onto your game and making private servers and 1000 different types of bots?

>> No.17930573

>Just accept it and take up something constructive you can grind with like a language.
Anon, even when I become completely fluent I will still be a NEET.

>> No.17930608
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>There can't be one, the game itself and any attempt at making a similar game would have your butt handed to the curb by gungho + gravity
I don't think so. Many RO classes, skills and mechanics are heavily inspired by D&D, for example, and even the lore is mostly copyright free as it's just Norse mythology. Also, it's not like Blizzard sues anyone who makes a WoW clone.

>Not only that, but I think it's one of the worst communities you could attempt to pander to, what's really stopping them from jumping back onto their thousands of private servers? What's stopping the people from jumping onto your game and making private servers and 1000 different types of bots?
Well, if you make a new game I don't think people can just leave to another server, only yours exists unless you open-source it.

>> No.17930622

The only good MMO will be the one that panders to children and teenagers.

>> No.17930718

All of them?

>> No.17930737

Both Ragnarok Online and Maplestory had adverts in magazines that were read by the average teenager or children going to school, I don't think most modern MMOs try very hard to appeal to anyone below 18 at this point even.

Japan just panders to the otakus and Korea just panders to their form of whatever they call otakus.

>> No.17930780

Well, part of that in Japan is that there just aren't very many children.

Their consumer class for much of anything but "whatever old people need" is small and quickly shrinking.

I guess that's not news though...

>> No.17930784

Appealing to kids seems more of a western thing anyway, with all those chat and clothing censors that get put into western versions.

>> No.17930809

>and even the lore is mostly copyright free as it's just Norse mythology
Ragnarok is "based" on a comic, which is probably good enough to sue on.

>but I think it's one of the worst communities you could attempt to pander to
See: Tree of Savior

>I'd like to play some pre-renewal RO
Let it go.

>I still can't believe it's 2017 and there is no RO successor.
No one wants to mindlessly grind anymore. Remaking old RO would just be instant failure.
I do miss RO's cute enemies, and especially the naked ones. No game can do that anymore without being "so lewd adults only XXX mature game for mature gamers!" RO has pretty much had it though. MMOs need to experiment and do new things instead of copying old games if they want to not just die out.

Besides there's no reason to move on to a new version of the same game you play when all your stuff is still on the old game.

>> No.17930884

Not telling you to get a job, just find something else to waste thousands of hours on.
Its better than jumping from mmo to mmo or waiting for that one decisive great mmo wich will never come.

>> No.17930900

now that you think about it, yeah, MMOs seem to be on the decline. it probably only seems that way.

anyways, i have an account on FF14 but ive stopped playing recently.

>> No.17930903

>No one wants to mindlessly grind anymore. Remaking old RO would just be instant failure.
People say this but nobody has tried.

>> No.17930912

I'm spending a lot of my time today playing mediocre JRPGs in Japanese.

I have to pull out a dictionary every second or third line, but it's cool because it's pretty meta to be grinding (言語) while I'm grinding (体力).

>> No.17931072

See: ToS, as I said about pandering to RO types. Nothing but infinite complaints about slow leveling, limited instances, and too few quests until it became a quest factory instance simulator with events that put you to max level in a day.

>> No.17931115
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ToS had slow leveling issues because the correct way to level up was bizzare and nuts. You'd have to follow a single linear storyline, pick up every possible quest, hold onto your EXP cards until you reached a certain "threshold" or "peak" where you'd mass dump a certain amount of them to keep up with the leveling.
The issues and complaints about limited instances are completely fine, because instanced content being locked behind daily runs is fucking stupid (ET gets a ticket out of this because the thing had nearly every MVP in the game in it).
Grinding gave so little EXP that it wasn't a viable option, you'd do quests or you'd get 300 hours of playtime and no progress. Not to mention even if there was grind, it would've been awful as skills all had around 60 second cooldowns to them, so most of your time "grinding" would just be jump attacking.

oh yeah and also the game was a 100% complete trainwreck considering there was a 3 month "bug" that didn't let people play in parties.

>> No.17931316

>the correct way to level up
The correct way to level up was supposed to be field grinding, but people continuously whined about it.

>Grinding gave so little EXP that it wasn't a viable option
So you never played RO then?

>> No.17931362

>The correct way to level up was supposed to be field grinding, but people continuously whined about it.
Because it wasn't available after the closed beta closed, the game shifted towards questing.
>So you never played RO then?
Grinding in RO was a viable option, Grinding in ToS was not, thanks to horrid respawn timers, bad EXP gain (much worse than RO) and inane long cooldowns on spells.

The two games are nothing alike and I have no idea why you're trying to force this so hard.

>> No.17931365

I want to play a comfy game with /jp/.

What is a comfy game that /jp/ has played?

>> No.17931812

I guarantee you if anyone releases another grinding game, the same thing will happen.(It will turn to a quest driven game) People do not want to grind. They want to play on x50 RO private servers and level quickly or quest(or buy their way) to max level and do raids forever.

Just play RO for a week and get bored again.
I really think people should play Mabinogi since you can just cosplay Touhous all day and aren't really pressured to do anything, but it's always been such a weird game it can't really hold people's attention if they like other kinds of MMORPGs. (that is, it has basically no PVP, PVE is sort of unimportant, and the battle system is strange, and it's not based around quests or raiding or mindless grinding, [although it has a large focus on instance dungeons].)

>> No.17931916

A huge part of what enabled the private server scene was somebody leaking the server sourcecode onto the internet.
Once gravity started going after servers using their proprietary code, people revese engineered their own server software in open source and at that point everything was fair game.

>> No.17932056

>People do not want to grind.
First of all, grind is still the main core of every popular MMO right now, most of them are just put into daily or instanced routines.
Secondly, the funny part is that MMO players don't know what they want, and are probably the most masochistic players in any genre, to the point where they're required to be forced to party, forced to grind and forced to play with lacking quality of life features.

The same people who whine about the grind, the RNG, the lack of X or the overburden of Y are nearly always the same people who you can spot still grinding away 5 years later.

>> No.17932108

I never played any of these games you guys keep going on about

For me it was PristonTale, ROSE Online, Valkyrie Sky...

I'm not the only one who was here when /jp/ was playing Valkyrie Sky, right?

>> No.17932149

Valkyrie Sky was played on /jp/ because some Touhou fan music group did the music. It was fun for the actual STG parts, but they had no idea what they wanted to do with that game and so it was shit and failed. They should have released some offline game version of it, maybe still with user hosted netplay.

Also were you here for any of the other games? Mabinogi is a stretch for anyone, but how about Aika, Cosmic Break, Eden Eternal, Eco(Didn't actually play myself), SMT: Imagine, NOT Wizardry, World of Tanks(didn't play this either), hmm what else was there...

>> No.17932154

The stamina system killed Valkyrie Sky for me.
Putting in a mechanic or limit to how much I can play is the fastest way to get me to stop playing entirely. It's why I dropped DFO too despite how fun it was for a bit.

>> No.17932163

I played a bit of Imagine, but not with /jp/. There was another one I dropped in for for a bit, but I don't remember what it was called or if you just listed it...

Never played Mabinogi, though I remember seeing about a billion threads on it.

>> No.17932172

I've played every korean MMO anyone could probably ever name
I was also a GM on ROSE, which turned out to be really awkward and strange.

>> No.17932175

Yeah, at least early on if you did the fishing and cooking properly you could top out your stamina again really quickly, but I think they actually clamped down on that later on.

Sometimes it was like they wanted to kill the game.

>> No.17932265

Did you play Prius Online? The Aika-like game with a different kinda of Pran.

Did you play Granado Espada, GunZ 2, both RO2s, Exteel, and Maplestory 2?

>> No.17932276

would /jp/ play soulworker w/ me when it comes out

>> No.17932354

>RO sucks
delet. Ok, it sucks right now but it was good "back in the day"

>> No.17932355

Shit, those are names that take me back. I still remember Valkyrie Sky only by name and the fact that is was a sort of STG. I cannot remember anything else, not even a stage I played.

I didn't play a lot of MMOs with /jp/, but I was there for Cosmic Break, Eden Eternal and WoT. Remind me again, because memory is failing me - what was that game with the screenshot of basically someone from Hotglue shittalking the GM, claiming they're the most important guild or something?

>> No.17932374

can I be a cute girl? this is important

why are we using spookyboxes?

>> No.17932400

Every time /jp/ picks an MMO, they pick one that costs money and won't run on my chinkpad.

I'm tempted to try Mabinogi, but I'm doubtful there's many ways to cosplay Touhous without sinking mad dosh into it.

>> No.17932426

I just want to grind for hours while chatting on guild chat with /jp/

>> No.17932438

Wouldn't it be okay to just pick some shitty random RO private server, meet up there and start playing?

It doesn't look like anyone particularly cares what game they play with /jp/.

>> No.17932450

Probably Aika since that's when Kritzinger and some others started enforcing the idea that Hotglue was some epic pwnage guild and I Think it's around the time the autism macros were made from people being so butthurt over that game.

>> No.17932453

I agree, RO has always been there for me when I needed an mmo, in my opinion it is the comfiest of mmos. But playing alone gets boring, and I don't know if there would be enough people to enjoy the game as a group nowadays

>> No.17932458

I'd play with /jp/ on a shitty RO private server.

>> No.17932485

>I'm doubtful there's many ways to cosplay Touhous without sinking mad dosh into it.
You can buy everything from players even if it's not an item that you can get just from playing, and it's not that expensive. Dying things the right color would probably be the hardest part. That and maybe changing your hair which is about the only thing that'd cost actual money, although they rarely have events that give the money you can use to change appearance.

>> No.17932530

You guys will just get bored in a week anyway. You should pick something more substantial. Surely there's some shitty online indie game that you can mod touhous and other /jp/ things into or something.

>> No.17932670

Not him but the only one on that list I didn't play was Prius and Maplestory 2 because I didn't know 2 was out already... I'm still playing 1 on a private server.

>> No.17932675

No, no, no. Since we will grow bored in a week anyway, it should be something familiar, like RO so we can quickly get to the good bits without being bogged down by boring stuff like trying to find a good place tio grind.

>> No.17933056

I've never played anything with /jp/ so I'm kind of curious.

>> No.17933245

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.17933538
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So what will it be /JP/?
Mabinogi, RO or something else?

>> No.17933546

The only way I'd play RO with /jp/ was if it was a self made server made just for fun, sort of how /vg/ did their temporary hold-out server, high droprates and lowish-mediumish exp rate.

I miss the whole dweeb group (/a/, /v/, /jp/) playing Japanese Maplestory together though, I wish everything had gone down a better alternative timeline.

>> No.17933663

How about WoW Classic?

>> No.17933783

I wanted to replay Flyff, but the game changed so much that I gave up.

>> No.17933864

This should answer all your questions

>> No.17933892

Pre wow mmos only pls

Just choose RO, it's easier to make a guild(managing members requires money in Mabinogi, although I think there's a private server nowadays?) and it's easier to let go since the runner will probably just stop hosting the server eventually.

I wish there was a cute space game, like EVE, that let you skin your ships with cute decals.

>> No.17934051
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bad mmos to avoid when looking to play with jaypea's:

ragnarok - iro/private servers
tree of savior
dungeon fighter

>> No.17934663
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as long as it's not a renewal server I'll play RO with you guys

>> No.17934852
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So RO then?

>> No.17934875

The real ranking goes like this, shittiest on the left and least shittiest on the right:

MOBA -> MMORPG -> Mobile Rare Card Collecting Games -> Mobile Strategy Games -> Strategy Games

>> No.17934886

Why don't we make a shitty pserver with high drop rates (no idea about xp rates) and have fun just being us?
Not having publicity or anything would probably make it stay under the radar.

>> No.17934888

Mobile anything is automatically garbage.

>> No.17934893


>> No.17935056

Because it'll be a server populated by 10 people from around the world who don't play at the same time, so it'll be more like 2-3 people on at any given time. No shops, no random people to encounter, no nothing but killing enemies alone because the other 2 autists online don't really want to talk with you.

>> No.17935062

It would be a pain in the ass to get any item from late game mvps

>> No.17935208

>Pre wow mmos only pls
The only answer is osrs.

>> No.17935242

I'll never understand the butthurt for renewal.

>> No.17935276

>I'll never understand the butthurt for renewal.
People signed up to play x game, x game becomes y game, people are justifiably angry. That's all there is to it.

Games that "renew" themselves just ruin what people liked about them. Like with Mabinogi changing it's battle system from cast times to cooldowns and ToS ruining every skill with its system change and removing 0 cooldown skills. It's why people like old school or classic anything.

>> No.17935316

I thought we were more people.
Then i remembered the Defense of the Shrine days.
It was uncommon for us to be a 10man to 5v5.

>> No.17935326

I think renewal takes a dump on pretty much everything good about RO and makes the game about linear progression until you reach 3rd class and your overpowered character soloes all PvM. Also, instances a shit.

>> No.17935767

how about we play something else

>> No.17935831


>> No.17935886


>> No.17935910

How about just playing dress-up and calling it a day?

>> No.17936341

welp. M-Maybe I'll just stick to solo FFXIV...

>> No.17936947

personally I don't like scaling exp. I want to be able to abuse the system and kill mobs who will give me 50% exp on a level.

>> No.17937174

We should pick a private server then. So the oarameters we seem to want in general is:

- Pre-renewal
- low exp/ high drop

Anything else?

>> No.17937531

I-I've never played RO...

>> No.17937535

Old RO?

>> No.17937545

Yeah, old RO

That means it will be new for you!

>> No.17937551

Mabinogi so I can pretend to be in Gensokyo

>> No.17938279

You can come play Mabinogi anyway. Although, I will not play with you because I'm not remaking on Alexina(the most alive server)

>> No.17938370
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what mmo do i play if i want to look cute and also not talk to anyone or make friends

>> No.17938396

The one you posted, since no one talks during any content and you can solo everything but that shitty endgame tower.

>> No.17938428

I don't actually know what that is I just thought it was cute

>> No.17938465
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It's a Cryomancer female from Tree of Savior. https://tos.neet.tv/items/621102

>> No.17938516

oh but I heard it was bad do people even play it now? Although I guess that's irrelevant considering I don't want to talk to people but still

>> No.17938860

More people play it than the few dozen max who will play yet-another-/jp/-ro-server. It's about the level of any other KMMO though, meaning basically on life support. Also it is not in any way similar to RO(which is like 80% of the reason people think it is bad)

>> No.17939252
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Really wish nexon would either merge servers or make server transfers a thing for mabi somehow. Being too invested on mari killed my motivation to carry on and rerolling to alexina after all the time and money ive put in is just too painful to consider.

Not only that but I've heard about their recent efforts to stop any sort of modding to the game despite it being allowed for the longest time. Even basic stuff like graphical reducers which were near essential for decent frame rate in dragon raids, can now cause the client flip out due to all the new "anti hack" bloatware it runs. Now I just wish mabi 2 would happen so everyone can start together on the same server but even if it did nexon would ruin it so I think I'm done with mabi.

Now I'm just playing osrs and pso2, though osrs doesn't allow for cute with its potato graphics it satisfies my autism and pso2 is just dressup photoshoot in space simulator at this point.

>> No.17939305

>server transfers
What's the point? All this ship jumping is what kills MMOs even more. They should just balance signups for servers if they're all in the same region. People see one server with slightly more and then everyone wants to go there instead of the others.

>> No.17939312

>ship jumping
boi I don't think you understand how badly mabinogi needs to merge

ever since blackrobe incidents, most older servers are literal graveyards, with an upward average online population of 60 or less

>> No.17939335

>upward average online population of 60 or less
Total exaggeration except for maybe tarlach

>> No.17939992

It's bad, plaged with bots, timelocked instances and boss drops, no need of partying or socializing at all and the game itself is poorly optimized. Even with an SLI of 2 1080 ti you can get fps drops

>> No.17940055

>Pre wow mmos only pls
they've been discussed to death, and they're all dead/shitty now. what's the point of having this thread (again) if we won't talk about anything less than 15 years old?

i wish some better game would come along and kill wow, but it's been the only truly mmo rpg worth playing for a while (besides hanging out in f2p betas for a couple weeks until they get stale).

>> No.17940162

>they've been discussed to death, and they're all dead/shitty now
No, they're "dead"
Most post WoW('s popularity; I really mean games released after ~2005 when I say that) games are dead in the literal shut down sense. What's a relatively recent game that's even running and popular that isn't nearly brand new and is an actual MMORPG? FF14? Tera? What else is there? What is there that's /jp/ relevant? That is, is cute anime style or Japanese and cute anime style? What's in Beta? Fucking nothing that's what. There's just shitty dying newer games games and games that are chugging along after a decade.

>wow, but it's been the only truly mmo rpg worth playing for a while
Just because you like it doesn't mean it's worth playing. e.g. I think Mabinogi and Eve are the only MMORPGS worth playing.(coincidentally they're both from ~2003) This is because I like sandboxes and think raids are boring and pointless. You probably do not feel the same way.

Why even play WoW anyway? There are other old western MMOs that could be played. Play an Everquest or UO private server or something.

>Even with an SLI of 2 1080 ti you can get fps drops
You people always make me laugh.

>> No.17940174

Korea is releasing re:zero so I'm waiting for that.

>> No.17941184

which games are actually shut down? the only one i know of is warhammer. my point was that pre-wow mmo's discussed by /jp/ consist of only mabi and ragnarok. not much of a "mmo thread" to be had if those are the only games we'll ever talk about again.

>Why even play WoW anyway? There are other old western MMOs that could be played. Play an Everquest or UO private server or something.
an mmorpg with a miniscule community is just an rpg. also wow has a lot of new content. seems fairly obvious to me.

>> No.17941203

>an mmorpg with a miniscule community
We aren't going to interact with anyone outside of other /jp/sies anyway, the size of the preexisting community to me sounds a moot point.

>> No.17941272

you asked why play wow. i'm not playing it with /jp/. that doesn't make a difference in this context.

>> No.17941298

Because we were talking about finding a game to play with /jp/, how was I supposed to know that you were just blogging?

>> No.17941314

>my point was that pre-wow mmo's discussed by /jp/ consist of only mabi and ragnarok
That's because those are a few MMOs that are /jp/ related. WoW is not /jp/ related and thus not an option.

>which games are actually shut down?
Darkfall, SMT: Imagine, the first iteration of FF14 for examples of total death. Lots more are technically dead and shut down in the west only(although that's what matters) and still exist in Korean or Japan or wherever they're from.

>an mmorpg with a miniscule community
Is everyone compared to WoW. WoW is an exception to population.

>also wow has a lot of new content.
New content compared to what? Mabinogi still gets updated with new content too. I don't follow RO anymore but it's a reasonable assumption that it also does.

>> No.17941435

yeah if the decision was to go for WoW my interest would vanish faster than you can say "blizzard"

>> No.17941437


>> No.17941485

yep, too slow

>> No.17941588

you told me to "play an everquest or UO private server" instead. sounded like you were telling me specifically, and asking what its appeal was.

>That's because those are a few MMOs that are /jp/ related. WoW is not /jp/ related and thus not an option.
again, wow wasn't the point. there are a lot more than 2 post-2005 mmo's that are /jp/ related.

>New content compared to what?
EQ and UO. look at what i responded to.

>> No.17941706

The first guy you quoted isn't me, who you though you were responding to.

Suggest a live, not shitty, /jp/ related contemporary mmorpg to play then.

>there are a lot more than 2 post-2005 mmo's that are /jp/ related.
Did you mean pre-2005?
>what's the point of having this thread (again) if we won't talk about anything less than 15 years old?
>my point was that pre-wow mmo's discussed by /jp/ consist of only mabi and ragnarok
Are kind of contradictory. Suggest a still active older /jp/ mmo then.

>> No.17941713

I think he was trying to say "There are only two old crusty games and therefore you should look for newer ones, which conveniently happen to number more than two."

But what do I know, I can't even name any MMOs released in the past five years.

>> No.17941730

Peria Chronicles will make /jp/ play mmo together again!

>> No.17941738

I want to play an mmo that I can play with /jp/ while masturbating!

>> No.17941739

Pariah Chronicles?

Sounds perfect.

>> No.17941754

idk what you're talking about. i was saying this >>17941713 because someone else said this >>17933892
>Pre wow mmos only pls
that's a dumb request, is all.

>> No.17941780

Scarlet blade is dead.
Mabi looks like this https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag_full&word=happytimepack
Luna Online is dead I think
ToS's character's bodies are too weird when you stare at them too long

Maybe /jp/ should make a MUD or something, and fill it with /jp/ related content and contributed art. Or go on Mabi and make secret lewd VNs using their VN making system.

>> No.17941798

>Scarlet blade is dead.
Oh mai gah! And I was looking forward to synchronized cumming events too...

>> No.17941805

>/jp/ should make a MUD

>> No.17941812

Wasn't there supposed to be a second Cosmic Break? What happened to that?

>> No.17941834

Aside from being a shit and jewed out even worse than cb1, it didn't get anywhere as much attention as cb1 on release.

>> No.17941850

I just wanted to rub Lily White's (or whatever her name was) ample breasts in my mind one more time!

>> No.17941860

Just go play it then.

>> No.17941965

/jp/ should make an MMO.
What is there for FOSS in the MMO genre, Ryzom and PlaneShift?
We should make an MMO where you can dress up cute girls and take it easy.

>> No.17942251

I want to dress up as a qt3.14 girl and rest my head on the lap of another /jp/sie also dressed up as a qt3.14 girl while we compliment each other on how cute our dresses are!

>> No.17944848
File: 2.90 MB, 700x392, 3d921a7eaa528394b4308498d8dfb0a54eb095b7ff861f8d49c49bea8b2c07d3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's just that then isn't VRChat an option?

>> No.17948005


>> No.17949742

Is Aura Kingdom any good?

>> No.17949747

FPS's are worse desu

>> No.17949875

No. There was a private server or something for it though. But man, did people stop caring about that game fast.

>> No.17951093

It can't possibly be any better than any mobile "MMO" even if it's cross platformed to PC.

>> No.17951258

FFXIV is pretty close to Fruits De Mer in Net-juu No Susume. The anime is pretty comfy but very tame but the MMO gives a nice innocent side twist to it. It's very soapy series.
But I think many if not all MMORPGs have been ruined by WoW because that was so huge success. So in this sense every single one of them lack depth needed for rpg..

>> No.17951403

What about PSO2?

>> No.17951480

Does it have a crossover with FF14 like >>17930207 though where you can literally be the characters?

Falls under the first line

>> No.17953428

No, Fruits De Mer is an imaginary game...

>> No.17954672

But to add it would be nice move to have cross-over customization and outfits but that wont never happen of course. Not sure how popular Net-juu No Susume even is. It has only 8 episodes out now I think. Please check HorribleSubs for more information.

>> No.17954941
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/a/ started playing RO just now, on novaRO, a renewal server

we thought that maybe you would like to join, it's not like we really want to play with /jp/ or anything, we just thought it would be cool to play together, nothing else

>> No.17955259
File: 195 KB, 599x900, 1503773856968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to join us our guild name is [Cute not Lewd]
Well be in Izlude 27/11/2017 at 1pm, server time.

Pic for attention.

>> No.17955272

Renewal and 3d women, yuck.

>> No.17955411
File: 174 KB, 1024x1366, gmk_01_full-page-ipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Dofus on a new monoserver (i.e. no multiboxing) and it's alright. Turn based tactical fights are a nice change from mindless 123 skill rotation too.

>> No.17955542

Why Dofus and not wakfu? Why a french game?

>> No.17955593

Mainly because dofus got new server(s). Which prohibit multiboxing to boot, i'm not a big fan of it.
Not sure how many people multibox in wakfu though and if it really hinders gameplay at all, but now that i tried dofus first and then wafku i decided to stick with dofus, don't want to start over in a new game when i'm perfectly fine with dofus.
Also heard that dofus is more complex/polished/has more content etc. but i can't really tell whether any of it is true since i'm new to dofus and barely played wakfu.
>Why a french game?
Wasn't really choosing a game based on who made it, this time they happened to be french and that's it.
It's fully translated in english and there are english players too, though not much compared to french.

>> No.17956043

I know I'm 12 hours late but is anyone here?

>> No.17956262

shoo shoo worst server admin

>> No.17957923
File: 2.19 MB, 793x2475, renewal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you. If I wanted to play WoW, I'd play WoW.
Hell no! If for some reason I decide to play WoW, I won't play in a bugged server full of p2w stuff managed by incompetents.
Like, current /a/? I'll rather play WoW.

>> No.17957945

I don't get the last image, he's dealing like 5k~11k and receiving constant 759's?
what's wrong with that

>> No.17957948

the guy that made that image has no idea about the game, he's just trying to troll

>> No.17957985

I love this argument about "Renewal not being Ragnarok Online" despite that the original developers left near the beta releases of the game.

I wholeheartedly believe that Ragnarok stopped being good when Bard was released, as that gave every class such an inane boost just by sitting in the middle of a party, wizards went from really strong casters with a huge downside to really strong casters and pretty much every other class also benefited from it.

>> No.17957991

/vg/ please go away

>> No.17957997

I'm playing wow right now as a loner, can do heroic raids easily with pugs during the patch content (aotc achievements). I think its a pretty good killing time game for player who prefer to play alone.

>> No.17958006

I'm pretty sure I posted this same post a year ago

>> No.17958793

US or EU?

>> No.17958829

WoW isn't a cute dress up simulator so its worthless as a game.

>> No.17958862

US-Sargeras, I'm not giving you my bnet because I'm scared of unknown people whispering me

>> No.17958973

This is exactly why /jp/ guilds die in every game we try to play together

>> No.17959035


I play Tree of Savior. My honest opinion of the game is that it pretty much IS Ragnarok Online, almost two decades later. Kim Hakkyu created RO, and he's behind ToS as well. They're "spiritual successors" only for legal reasons. The game really is beautiful, and personally I find it enjoyable, if a bit easy. Leveling is really not that slow. For reference, I just created a Wizard about 2 or 3 days ago, and she's already a level 197 Sorc2.

The only thing to really gripe about (and I consider them major issues preventing this game from gaining a wider audience) is gacha, and all the god damned bugs. Cash shop items are kinda expensive, but the silver lining is that virtually none of it really impacts anything other than aesthetics. I suppose the enchant scrolls being behind a pay wall is pretty shitty, but they tend to give f2p players a fair amount of these for simply playing the game properly, and as presents during holidays.

All in all, it really isn't a bad game, but the poor choices they made in the game's infancy have really fucking fucked everything, boys.

>> No.17959043

Does it still have the abysmal trading and market restrictions that are meant to "keep out bots"?

>> No.17959062


Sadly, yes. If you're a "token" user you can sorta bypass the restrictions with 10 items up on the market and something like 30 trades (you won't actually be trading as much as you might think, anyway). But for the f2p players it's still 1 item per character and 0 trading. Tokens are pretty easy to get though. on Klaipeda server they go for around 3m. Some jackass is trying to control the token market right now, setting them at 5m, but most people will just wait it out for a price drop. For reference, 3m doesn't take long to earn if you're smart. You can also usually acquire 7 day tokens from events, and there's a returning player and new player event that runs constantly and resets every month.

The REAL problem is that IMC is fucking terribad at telling new and returning players how to acquire resources, where and how to level, etc.

>> No.17959098

>Let's have a discussion about the worst genre.
>The MMO genre!

That's not how you spell Visual Novels

>> No.17959186

>Leveling is really not that slow.
Did you read the last half of >>17931072
>until it became a quest factory instance simulator with events that put you to max level in a day.
Current game is nothing like beta/early release.

>(and I consider them major issues preventing this game from gaining a wider audience) is gacha
What's wrong with it other than being a gatcha? They just have shitty clothes retards will waste money on and other worthless shit you can get by actually playing the game. I've always been bothered that IMC seems like they don't want to make money. I'm not saying they should put super powered items in gatcha like some other games, but even the gatcha itself seems like they were just throwing a bone to people who wanted to spend money on the game.

>all the god damned bugs
Are there even any legit major bugs anymore? There's nothing like being trapped in maps, unable to make parties, crashing during quests and boss fights, being unable to move during party quests and the like that prevent you from playing the game, just small time shit like bugs on individual skills that people continue to complain about as if they're as game breaking as being able to instantly complete and repeat quests with a command.

>enchant scrolls being behind a pay wall
They aren't. They're just one of the more rare items to get. About the only real player tempting item to buy from the cash shop though.

>IMC is fucking terribad at telling new and returning players how to acquire resources, where and how to level, etc.
It has always been a "find out for yourself or by talking to others" game. I don't really see why they'd hold your hand through the leveling process either.

>> No.17959216


You don't go to max level in a day though. So that was kind of pointless to say.

As to major bugs? Yeah, there are three off the top of my head: the Channel 1 bug (still not fixed), client randomly losing connection to the server, so you're walking around a map for several minutes before you realize something is wrong. Requires that you close the client entirely. And last, but definitely not least is the weird horror show head bug for AMD processor users. If you don't know what it is, just google it. Absolutely game breaking, and it hasn't been fixed since the game was released.

>I don't really see why they'd hold your hand through the leveling process either.

It's not holding anybody's hand to explain to them properly what to actually DO.

>> No.17959221


Immersion breaking, not game breaking

>> No.17959300

>which games are actually shut down?

Trickster, Lunia, official RO servers for France and Philipines
That's just off the top of my head

>> No.17959338

>And last, but definitely not least is the weird horror show head bug for AMD processor users. If you don't know what it is, just google it.
I know what it is, I have AMD, and I don't get it while moving.(the NPCs heads sometimes mess up when they talk though) I think it's just a controller player thing. (and no better for them). That is like some minor level bug though.(a bug above that would be like glitches in skill actions, like how squire weapon buffing hasn't shown the weapon being buffed since beta.) Definitely the least in the game.

>Absolutely game breaking
Yeah no. Anyone who thinks that's a major bug must freak out if other 3d games fuck up character appearances in a glitch.

If they just had made the heads 3d with the rest of the bodies, it probably wouldn't happen though. I still don't get why they wanted to bother putting 2d heads on 3d bodies.

>client randomly losing connection to the server, so you're walking around a map for several minutes before you realize something is wrong.
That's a network issue. The only bug is the game not realizing it and booting you to the login screen. Why would it take several minutes to realize no enemies around? Although because you tend to stay connected to chat, it can be deceptive.

>Channel 1 bug
I don't know what this is

>> No.17959348

Just dropping by to warn everyone to NOT play Tree of Savior

Please, run while you can
There is still hope if you escape now

>> No.17959355


Going to chalk this up to a simple sentence: whatever you say, bud.

>> No.17959447

I tried to play it, reached level 102 and couldn't handle it anymore, like hell even the loot from bosses is time locked, you can do a small number of dungeons per day (It seems that you can't even repeat them) plus trading items is pretty much impossible for regular players unless you are premium. Also the game is poorly optimized and some frames freeze or the fps drop from time to time

It's just a garbage game and I can say that it was an unfinished/unpolished game when it was released. I don't know if they already patched all those issues or they just let it die, maybe the brazilian players can keep polluting those servers

>> No.17962207 [DELETED] 

So like a couple years ago I downloaded a few albums and started actually listening to vocaloid music. Its been a while, but I kinda revisited it, mostly listening to powapowa-P.

Holy shit this guy was good. I can just listen to his songs on repeat. Is there anyone else with a similar style you guys would recommend?

>> No.17962234

What's the fucking point of playing a MMO alone?

>> No.17963087

Well for story heavy games like FFXIV I don't see why it's unreasonable to treat it like any other single player JRPG.

>> No.17963095

Joining a guild is solely for the social aspect and I stay far away from random static raid groups.

>> No.17969223

Not exactly alone, but become friends with people that really needs you for progress. For example "x" guy that is a really good healer and you being and excellent tank can make groups together that always succeed instead of a bunch of randoms at the same guild that wipe on every single mechanic and then laugh saying lol so randum comments about balance instead of seeing that the problem is between their keyboards and the chair

>> No.17969231

Tryhards like you killed the MMO genre

>> No.17973225

>No one wants to mindlessly grind anymore. Remaking old RO would just be instant failure.
BDO is exactly like this

>> No.17973282

Why don't you guys just play monster hunter?
When the PC version come out we can just form our own 4man with fellow /jp/ers?
"Massive" online games is pretty much a dead genre. The only surviving games from these relics of the past are 4man online games like PSO2 & Monster Hunter. Hey at least the lobby is massive amirite?

>> No.17973311

I'm actually quite hyped for monster hunter

>> No.17973353

>Why don't you guys just play monster hunter?
I don't get the appeal of it. It looks like shit gameplay and a lot of pointless grinding.

>> No.17973430

This is irony, right? You're in an MMO thread complaining something else has shit gameplay and pointless grinding?

>> No.17973887

MMOs don't necessarily have either.

>> No.17974486

these days most of them have neither

>> No.17974582 [DELETED] 

Oh, it another "nintendrone can't comprehend not everyone enjoy the same thing he does" episode.

>> No.17975650

Most complaints like that are dishonest and made by people who want to get advantages in games by whining.

In ToS, the people demanding quests tended to be level racers who rushed to the cap immediately and then quit. They wanted fast leveling so they could be done racing earlier, and wanted scripted quests because grinding takes too much thought and teamwork, while quests can be done according to a guide. Normal people disliked how quests made it impossible to play with friends who would all be at different points in questlines. Nobody bothered reading quest text. The moment quests stopped being the most efficient way to level, everyone abandoned them entirely.

This modern formula kills every game that tries it. Most of them crash and burn shortly after the initial release population spike. Even WoW turned downhill around the time of ToC and went on such a downtrend that current players are terrified of classic servers stealing the show. Yet somehow people keep insisting that's the only way any game is allowed to be, desperate to force every new game to follow the failure formula, too.

>> No.17976258

Fucking this.
Does anyone remember Trickster here? It had the right formula for grinding. It forces people to group up to grind on the map since you get bonus xp by being in a group and in the same map.

>> No.17976314

It did that at the start, but later on shifted to solo grinding much harder
the same goes for FlyFF, amazing party incentitives (+50% droprate for a few minutes if a party of +3 play and slay mobs for more than 20 minutes? holy shit yes)

while on that topic, why don't we just play trickster?
it's cute
it's fun
it's simple to pick up but has a lot of cool mechanics in the back-end
it's got dressup
it's got house-dressup
it's got charming visuals, sound effects and it's free
not to mention the official servers are dead, so there's less grind on the biggest private server.

>> No.17976495

Because this probably
>It forces people to group up

>> No.17976501

it doesn't
not in the slightest

>> No.17976529

I played official solo for a while, rabbits are pretty simple. Partied when I could but not often.

I dunno, maybe. Private server sounds nicer than official.

>> No.17976550

I played solo as a rabbit when it first came out in the west. I quit after a little while though because it felt like it took to long to kill enemies. I don't know how it got later but I had more fun drilling than anything.

>> No.17976556

Might have had a bad build, I like that it gives you the option to make odd builds but if you're trying to solo you basically have to go 4114 as a rabbit. I think that was the stat grouping anyway its been many many years.

>> No.17976599

I had a typical build, it was just enemies seemed like they had way too much HP. Probably because you were supposed to party or something, but the fights bored me because they dragged on with nothing interesting happening.

>> No.17976714

It was a pure grindan game.
I played it long long ago when it came out. Back then the only way you can level is by using dragon 2shotting them with your magic arrow. Got myself up to lv200 by pure grindan. You can get like 1lvl per hour or so.

>> No.17978432

I'm fine with Trickster, any suggestions for a guild name?

>> No.17979426

more than that, post whatever server you're talking about

>> No.17979456

1. competing with/against a bunch of other people (without having to talk to them)
2. the "epic" experience of doing a large-scale pvp battle or boss encounter feels much more authentic when you're doing it with real people, even if you don't know them.

it gets old faster than it does with friends, but i like playing MMORPG's solo sometimes.

>> No.17979464

Playtrickster, I think it's the only alive trickster private server even

>> No.17979835

Other than wanting to be a cute girl these are pretty much the only reasons I played MMOs at all before /jp/, since I've always been too shy to make friends in games. It really is more fun than some people make it out to be.

>> No.17980298 [DELETED] 

MMO's turn people trans.

>> No.17980391

Don't push your bad life choices on MMOs.

>> No.17980530

I miss eden eternal.

>> No.17980712
File: 29 KB, 329x379, dead inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I try to come back to this genre but Im just incapable of maintaining even the shallowest of relationships with guild members. MMO is always a genre that requires socialization sooner or later and I cant stand that. Sorry for blogposting but Im sure other people have this issue as well.
Also, single player RPGs are superior. Specially the hardcore oldschool ones.

>> No.17980878

Wanting to be a cute girl and having an innocent young maiden's heart doesn't make me any less of a man.

>> No.17981129

I played AION alone for years, because it actually had world PvP and I really enjoyed walking on the enemy faction zone killing everyone I came across. You can't do that on a single player game or just a normal multiplayer game.

Weirdly enough, I accidentally started slowly accumulating a reputation and ended up forming a group of in-game murder-buddies. Can't do that on those other games too.

>> No.17981922

How do you guys feel about the rise of mobile MMOs?

>> No.17981929

Gacha cash grabs with no substance, that's why majority of them are all card-based because easy to put cute girls on them and no animation needed.

>> No.17981956

Literally cookie clickers.

>> No.17981973


Like almost everything else on mobile, a waste of time. I'd rather use the YJSNPI calculator than watch my battery evaporate from paywalled dicerolls loading in.

>> No.17982584

Cookie Clicker requires you to click at some point. Mobile MMORPGs just play themselves.

If it were possible to play a smartphone like a handheld console, it would be possible to make a good game, but as it is not, they can't be anything but shit. In theory a point and click style MMORPG should work. Ultimately though, they're just evolution of Facebook and browser style games. Boring busywork made to take money from people. However, like the kickstarter/patreon wave, I'm jealous that I'm not one of the companies putting those cash grabs out and reeling in the buck$. It's a small dream to make some cute waifu collecting game and have people essentially donate money to me for wasting their time.

>> No.17982619

Mabinogi might look fine at first. Unfortunately it's total p2w as it pushes you to mass reroll reforge stats. Before it was an unneeded moneysink, but with the new content, reforges are what separates shitters from whales. And new dresses come inside gachapon.
Just avoid it. The game is run by korean jews. Another fine game ruined by management.

>> No.17982625

Here we have someone who spends money on pixels and regrets it

>> No.17982638

It is really a shame though.
On paper a mobile MMO should actually be a perfect fit. You are always online no matter where you are so you would be logged onto the game 24/7. You can even send push notification for any urgent event. MOBA and FPS games are already ported to mobile now so it is definitely possible to make it work. I am kind of surprised nobody actually try to make a RO/WOW clone for android/IOS yet.

>> No.17982641

Classic Maplestory would've made for a fantastic mobile cross platform game.

>> No.17982749

I play MapleLegends which is a 2x v62 server, it's pretty fun but takes a shit ton of time to level if you want to do the cool end game content

>> No.17982753

Why don't /jp/ group up and play something like LaTale or Trickster?
Both are dead dressup games.

>> No.17982763

I would play

>> No.17982771

Jesus christ yeah, I play Royals which is like 3-8x. They have some weird variable exp thing which I don't quite understand and even that's painfully slow on the better days.

>> No.17982780

Some french faggot promised me leech til 90 in exchange for us trading capes where I had a m att 15 and he had a 14 but hes always ducking sessions longer than 1 hour.

>> No.17982786

Which one though

>> No.17982790


>> No.17982814

Which server though? I was thinking of playtrickster but I hear nothing of pay2win and afking members, and I'm a tad bit afraid of playing on a server that actually forces you to pay considering that breaking builds in Trickster is pretty easy.

>> No.17982848

I've never played, I can't really give any input

>> No.17982898
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>> No.17984132
File: 62 KB, 752x592, Co2m3_7UsAAIRd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well take the initiative here and give out a suggestion based on what I chose and why I chose it:
I chose pandaTO
+ no pay2win, cash shop doesn't exist
+ higer rates for taking it easier
+ everything in cash shop that was there in the official can be acquired by playing the game itself, bosses, mobs, quests or even trading items in
+ custom content is just fixes, NPC modifications that allow for said cash shop things, bosses running around in fields for the party experience and more exp in partying
= hosted in america
- some translations for later content are missing
- playerbase is lacking

which I chose over the other two because
playTrickster has the following:
+ high population, better translations
- bots, afkers and general inactivity
- horrible networking issues and a lacking server
- more pay2win than the actual officials
and lifeTO is in closed-beta and is getting wiped in an unknown time.

If anyone would like to play together or even form a guild, I'm named Meiling and I'm playing a Bunny.

>> No.17984352

My download is going to take a bit, what should we name the guild?
I think there'd be a lot more interest if we had a small active community in-game, and guilds are great at that.

>> No.17984621

are there any good MMOs I can bot in for most of the time?
i don't have the time to consciously grind anymore since i adopted an 18-hour daily sleep schedule

>> No.17984908

I'm interested too, but still downloading.
Never played Trickster.

>> No.17984911

ToS. Bots never get banned because no one goes on the maps they bot in anymore, since players can just rush to max by using dungeons.

>> No.17984977

Don't worry about being new, that's pretty much my experience level of trickster as well.
I haven't though of a guild name yet, but that isn't an issue yet because currently I seem to be the only one who is playing (unless I've missed someone whispering/friending me, in which case, my deepest sorries.)

>> No.17985017

Just go with Hotglue or TakeItEasyCo

>> No.17985183

TakeItEasyCo sounds like a good guild name

>> No.17985253

Oh, someone actually made a concrete suggestion. That was unexpected. I was sure this thread was destined to reach page 10 with all of us just whining about wanting to play with /jp/ but never actually doing so, like most other threads before.

>> No.17985729

Doesn't matter. Everybody who plays will lose interest and quit within a month anyways.

>> No.17985741

I might take a look.

>> No.17985744

>quit within a month
They'll drop it in 2 days

>> No.17985752

2 days?
I'll be surprised if anyone even shows up.

>> No.17985831

I hope not. I don't plan to join for a couple days.

>> No.17985854

This. Everyone will quit after a few days.
The thing about trickster is you definitely need a high population to progress in the game. Without people to play with, you will lose the motivation to grind due to to the lack of party bonus.If I remembered correctly, you need either 6boys/6girls/alltype for 2.5bonus no?

>> No.17986042

It's not even pixels, but a piece of equipment stats.

>> No.17986206

Basically, you mean to say, "bytes of data".

>> No.17986370

Hope the thread sticks around by the time I finish downloading then

>> No.17986400

I'll probably play tomorrow or something.

>> No.17987680

>everything in cash shop that was there in the official can be acquired by playing the game itself
Won't this bring out the spoonfeed effect where you're showered in goodies and the game becomes a joke?

>> No.17988725
File: 59 KB, 330x288, 2017-12-04_20-28-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I figured that either the whisper system is awful, people are too shy to personally whisper me or I'm just lonely and nobody is going to join me, so to create a fix for all of those (except for the last one) issues, I have made a chatroom!
You can even hide the regular chat and place this in where the regular chat usually sits, so you can talk to your fellow /jp/(s) uncomfortable babbling of other people who are talking about S>4M@BFU>FIER and other marketing gabble that I can't comprehend.

To join, simply press "H" and doubleclick on the chatroom called "TakeItEasyCO" and enter the password "card".

>> No.17989469 [DELETED] 

I'm actually too lazy to look the game up. Link me the site and post a spoonfeed on how to get set up. Also recommend a class and build.

>> No.17989520
File: 4 KB, 336x152, 2017-12-04_23-49-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since trickster is actually a semi-old game and sort of a knockoff of RO before battlemode was introduced, it does have a small issue considering keybinds.
I've made the following AHK script to counter that:
Here's the RAW source: https://pastebin.com/raw/LE5a1DbT
Here's the .ahk version if you're lazy: https://a.uguu.se/UUhrSXb3sCMD_Trickster.ahk

How it works:
Enter renames window title to PandaTO - Chat
L-, M-, RMouse buttons rename window title to PandaTO - Battle
While in PandaTO - Battle mode, 1~8 is the equivalent of pressing F1 ~ F8 on the first skillbar, and Q~I are the equivalent of pressing F1 ~ F8 on the second skillbar.
While in battlemode, the usual keys of Q to I are rebound to ALT + Q to ALT + I

Not sure why this was deleted, but the post about the server is here >>17984132
and the selection of class is completely up to you.
Females are more single target bursty/damage type dealers with a pinch of defense, while Males are generally more AoE type-d constant damage dealers with supportive skills in general.

Also, we have people now.

>> No.17989614

I deleted my post because I reread >>17984132 and noticed the link.


>> No.17989644

My terrible way of saying focused.

>> No.17989748

join Slimetales


>> No.17989752

MS2 or bust

>> No.17989820

I'll play later, maybe. Depends on my mood.

>> No.17990010

I'll join to play with jaypee if you guys are still playing this friday.

>> No.17990022

I just can't. Playing this game puts me to sleep. I don't think playing with others is gonna work either

>> No.17990034

>Playing this game puts me to sleep.
That sounds incredibly cozy.

>> No.17990120

It's not. Sleep isn't comfy. Sleep wastes time. Time I'll never get back. I need more time.

>> No.17990129

Learn to lucid dream.

>> No.17990463

server got patched

>> No.17991882

Should probably keep a pastebin that edits itself everytime there's a patch if everyone has to manually patch.

Why is there no automated patcher anyhow?

>> No.17992326

How dead would a 4chan ro server be?

>> No.17992349

If it was interesting, had custom things (hats) and wasn't renewal, not too dead?

>> No.17992420

Used to think like that, then I became basically unable to sleep for more than 2 to 4 hours per night.

>> No.17992623

I tried to start the game but the exe deleted itself from the sandbox and from the actual folder instead of doing anything. Guess I won't be playing.

>> No.17993867

I'm not actually sure, I think they had one originally but switched to a different client version.
Not sure what you mean by this, the game deleted itself after running trough a sandbox?

>> No.17993929

>Not sure what you mean by this, the game deleted itself after running trough a sandbox?
Just the exe itself. but I realized that my antivirus was the one deleting it and not mentioning it.

>> No.17994551

>the game is actually a virus
Yeah that REALLY means I'm not playing anymore.

>> No.17994616

I'd point out the things that are stupid in this post, but that would force me to quote the whole thing.
This is why you don't make /v/ threads on /jp/.

>> No.17994770

Guess that's it for Touhou then. Enjoy your kigurumi and idols.

>> No.17994929
File: 2.72 MB, 2560x1440, mmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Cross to Fate?

idk the fuck I'm doing because everything is in moon but in it's actually a bit more fun that way.

>> No.17994976

That's Aura Kingdom's JP name?

>> No.17994989

Ooh, that's right - no wonder I recognized it. It was Aura Kingdom, after all.

I remember soloing it until I reached the very end of the English server's content but never went back to continue it. It was fun enough.

>> No.17995003
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AK was a pretty fun and simple MMO. I just got kinda tired trying to farm keys for those pokemans

>> No.17995019

I like the fact that you can equip your for-fashion and for-stat gears at the same time without the hassle of swapping between the two. Also, the idea of double-classing (iirc) was pretty novel at the time.

>> No.17995789

X-legend made a hundred of mmos that are carbon copy of each other. They never intended to keep player in their games like other mmo and instead just keep making a new cash grab.

>> No.17996614

Joke's on them, I've never paid a single cent on games and never will.

>> No.17996616

I've been playing the archeage private server
just got a cute sailor seifuku too

>> No.17997190

So, like three days have passed, what's the playercount?

>> No.17997338

I wasn't able to join because it wont launch for me.

>> No.17997618

So I deactivate my antivirus temporarily, so I can try to start the game. It works for a while. Then I get distracted and while doing so, my antivirus reactivates and rapes the exe again, closing the game. I guess I'll be playing another tomorrow.

>> No.17997626

Don't disable your antivirus, just whitelist/make an exclusion the folder or the .exe

This was an issue even in the official times because nvsoft uses some sort of homebrew method of encrypting their games.

>> No.17997760

Antivirus software is worse than a lot of actual viruses. Just disable ads and js and don't run executables you get in emails from your long-lost Saudi prince uncle and you'll be fine.

>> No.17997795
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Yea, but out of the 3 I played (Eden Eternal, Aura Kingdom, Twin Saga), I liked AK the most. Plus I played on private servers anyways.

>> No.17999011


>> No.17999156


>> No.18002593

Any possibility of a third set of hotkeys for potions and a disable button of some sort in the case of pin-boxes/login?

>> No.18002902
File: 6 KB, 78x160, 2017-12-07_22-30-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A and S for potions, capslock to suspend the script

>> No.18003078
File: 36 KB, 93x166, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Started shortly after release in the West (first on Aibatt and then Lawolf) and stopped in 2012 or 2013 after mass hackings where many accounts, including mine, got emptied by bots.

I often have a hard time playing MMO games because I'm too aloof to make friends but leveling in Flyff was almost exclusively based on players (often strangers) pairing up, with one purely focused on healing and buffing the other. 16h weekend grind sessions during seasonal EXP events created a special kind of intimacy that I haven't seen anywhere else, and even I made a bunch of friends.

>> No.18005614

While I understand you probably meant good, you managed to actually choose a really. really bad server.
If you guys are actually going to play it, don't play a sense class or a mage class, as both have been somehow devastatingly been screwed over in some magical way for nearly a year and the developer has no intention of fixing that.

Right now the only server that isn't completetly screwed over in terms of lacking content and broken skill mechanics is playtrickster, but that's another complete bag of heap that you're not going to enjoy unless you pretend to be a girl and mooch off pay2win items from whales.

>> No.18005645

For the Magic type, there's the issue that mage skills don't scale with elemental attributes, meaning that Dark Dragon and Soul Master turn into complete rubbish, as they have no actual way of scaling outside of pure MA.
For the Sense type, Lion gets screwed over because a good chunk of his skills are missing for some reason, gun skill damage is wonky, and gun criticals aren't correct for some reason.
Fox is completely screwed over, whenever she uses a throwing item, her boosted rates go back to 1/1/1 until said throwing skill has completely finished. She too is missing most of her good skills, and even then I'd doubt anyone playing her could get to a high enough level to use them correctly.
Power types are sort of fine, missing skills but most people would go hybrid on those as well.
Same for Charm.

Either way, playing at an inane rate that pandaTO has with the issues it has is probably just going to end up with you guys running to level 400 solo in a few days and feeling completely horrible.

>> No.18005706

Suggest a different, non broken game. Are there any Pangya private servers? I never actually played that, but it seems well regarded before it died(it's being remade as a mobile game). I'd probably have fun with it playing with /jp/.

>running to level 400 solo
I'd just do that no matter what.probably. It doesn't matter really, I'm just probably going to forget about it anyway when chain swords come out in Mabinogi next week and r9 comes out in ToS too.

>> No.18005764

>I'd just do that no matter what.probably.
What on earth is the point of this thread or playing with /jp/ if you're not going to play with /jp/?

>> No.18005845

Isn't it enough to be in a guild or chat and have some common interest to talk about?

>> No.18005972

I'd recommend Alchemia Story which is a mobile MMO released a few weeks ago in Japan.


At least it's worth trying making cute characters as you please.

>> No.18006029

It's shit.

>> No.18006527

where am i supposed to find a smart phone?
i haven't even bought a new computer since 2008

>> No.18006536

Although now that I think about it, even with those flaws, the server is still much better than playTrickster simply for the fact that you can actually play the game without having to ooze your wallets out, so if you guys are having fun with it, who am I to judge.

>> No.18006704

This one is cute, why don't we play this one?

>> No.18007022

Anything that isn't a private server won't work because you cant play dressup properly when half of the stuff is behind a paywall

>> No.18007037

I do it just fine in Mabi and every outfit is behind a gatcha nowadays. Just get gold and buy from players. Don't know about other games though, but other games don't have as much dress up anyway. Does BDO have dressup and fashion shows? It seems like it was trying to be a modern Mabi.

>> No.18007142

Anything that is a private server won't work because for some reason nobody stays on private servers for even a small amount of time.

In fact, anything with /jp/ just wont work.

>> No.18007308

Okay, so what the hell does /jp/ require to actually play an MMO together?
I assume it needs to contain cute girls, dressup, low rates and partying, but how the hell do you get people here to even play together?

Does one need to do a magical ritual and make a RO server where hats are locked behind party content?

>> No.18007336

The will to play

>> No.18007338

Define play together. Joining your guild and talking to you is enough for me. Do you want a group to carry you through content while you be their support slut or something?

At least old /jp/ it was enough to sit around and drink tea online. In the dying days, more competitive games were played. There were fun days of fighting against /m/ and (was it /a/ or /v/ on the other team?) in Cosmic Break and moderate fun on Aika doing the country wars, although that completely went to shit due to certain people. I would say avoid too much of an emphasis on pvp, that attracts bad people, although it doesn't have to be devoid of it. WoT and DotS were popular.

I didn't play that whatever game it was where you built towns and avoided being killed by Russians, but /jp/ seemed to have fun with it. There was also a Minecraft server for a while. Probably something where you can have a hangout and some sense of association instead of having to depend on people being online and willing to grind is probably best.

>> No.18007392

>I didn't play that whatever game it was where you built towns and avoided being killed by Russians, but /jp/ seemed to have fun with it.
Oh man, old haven.

That game was potentially the most fun I've had with /jp/, shame the developers decided to pull a korean on it.

>> No.18007634

I enjoyed playing Minecraft with the J and would do it again

>> No.18007661

Sounds like you want an IRC channel.

>> No.18007741

What do you want to do on an mmorpg? Grind in a party silently? Never talk to anyone unless its "hey guys, come help me with x"?

>> No.18007763

These are some pretty heavy assumptions.

>> No.18007765

You seem to think chatting and socializing is for ircs, so correct me.

>> No.18007827

Playing with people, in a party, while communicating is the top notch goal for MMOs and /jaypee/ alike.

>> No.18007847

That's my ideal mmorpg experience. Alas, everyone just wants to use this as an excuse to circlejerk among themselves instead of playing the game.

>> No.18007863

Why bother with an MMO when you could just play singleplayer games and chat with people in another window?
I'll never understand why all these people who want to be left alone clutch onto these massive games, I didn't see it happening that much before 2008 when games generally punished you for playing alone.

Is everyone in the MMO genre just a singleplayer sasuke and latch onto the possibility of soloing in every case? Were people just not able to do so beforehand?

>> No.18007906

WoW's popularity bought a lot of normies and idiots to the "genre", so many that devs try to copy them and pander to "solo" players. Pretty ironic, since the strength of the genre is playing with hundreds (even thousands, if the games could handle them) of players at the same time. IMO, playing a MMO alone would be like playing a FPS with auto-aim.

>> No.18007961
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That's the jist of it, the cycle of /jp/ MMO threads always ends at the same thing: nobody plays anything together.
/jp/ MMO groups need good leaders who can balance out the "playing together" and "taking it easy", as not to force people into a 24/7 party grind, but also to avoid people playing on their own and using the games as social boxes.
You want people to come back to play again, and the best method to do so is to get people to bond with eachother. Sure, you might not like everyone in the group, but you'll find a friend or two who will pull you away from solo grinding whenever they come online.

That's a good concept of what /jp/ MMO sessions should be, making individual best friends from a big group of friends, playing with your newfound best friends while socializing with everyone, and every now and then taking group activities with the whole gang and having fun.

>> No.18007987

I think you misunderstood what I said. I don't mind chatting with others when it's exclusively about the game or the occasional idle chat, but some people, like that other anon said, use these games as an IRC chat and forget about playing the game together. Of course I could play whatever other solo game to get my rpg fix but it's very difficult to find a good balance between socialization among players and actually making some progress in the game when it comes to mmos (at least in my experience). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the experience of playing together with others but I don't care about the extra hassle of socializing with them after we're "done" for the day. I just want to start the game, have a very small chat with others, play the game and then leave when we're done.

>> No.18008161

I want open world hunting and crafting. I want cute aesthetics. What I don't want is e-sports garbage and instanced dungeons that force you to party/solo. I want to progress at my own pace but still be able to participate in activities and do content with the community. MMOs nowadays just pander to the lowest denominator and turn what could possibly be an adventure into a small arena game with linear progression and gear checks

>> No.18008742
File: 2.04 MB, 1680x987, 2017-01-02_14.20.16.171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull a korean
You mean introducing a weekly playtime limit for the new iteration of Haven? That was dropped pretty quickly when they realized that no one was willing to pay a subscription for a permadeath game where people from larger factions will kill on sight everyone. The system they have now is adds "convenience" to verified/subscriber accounts, which isn't as good as old Haven but it's something to sustain the devs.

There was a /jp/ village for the first month or two of World 10 (about a year ago) but people lost interest pretty quickly. I don't think they ever managed to expand the village claim over their walls before everyone quit.

At least Jorb and Loftar are still actively developing the game. Maybe I'll go back to playing when World 11 drops.

>> No.18008781

No, I meant in terms of raids and questing gameplay

also good thread, finally got a single one where at least some amount of people started playing something, and there were quite a bit of good pointers of how /jp/ MMOs should go at the later posts.

>> No.18008794

I want to play an MMO where I can dress up as a maid.

>> No.18008813
File: 186 KB, 1107x757, lPmCLhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean look at this shit
I'd guess it's harder to find one where you can't dress up as a maid.

>> No.18008822

That's pretty much any KMMORPG

>> No.18008853

I don't remember this at all. Is this their new "dungeon" thing that they implemented? Looks pretty silly. I can't even tell what's happening in this picture.

Questing in Haven is pretty strong early on, but from my experience the quests become really tedious the more you do them. People can also grief the quest givers (claiming them, chopping/chipping them, etc). Curios are still the main source of LP and the average player should be able to get enough exp from various events to fund their LP gain anyways. Of course, this is assuming that things haven't changed much since a year ago.

>> No.18008872
File: 62 KB, 403x134, J4K7nA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Curios are still the main source of LP and the average player should be able to get enough exp from various events to fund their LP gain anyways.
Nope, Quests now scale on a stat.

>> No.18008876
File: 668 KB, 1920x1016, javaw 2017-01-21 14-56-36-286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did quests (and they're doing dungeons now) because there's simply nothing do to once you're behind your walls and got an industry going except for quality grind. And this grind is pointless too if you're not in a big village and racing versus another big village, for pvp or whatever.
Drop after a month or two happened to me every time after w4 or so. It takes about that much time to find a good place, get walls/resources and equip, then it's just expanding on little stuff.
If J&L were jaypee I suppose they'd make their game prettier and add some more customisation, but since they aren't they're just trying to add more stuff you can do ingame.

>> No.18008925

Haven is a complete mess anyhow, they're constantly trying their best to evade any potential moot/drama/war/political concepts and adding stupid shit so they've got a game where everybody does nothing but dailies (feed moos, do the farm, maybe mine and smelt a bit and go shoot a boar or two)
Land has 0 value now, so there's no reason to have wars or politics over it.
Everyone has a mine, everyone has a farm, everyone can potentially have infinite quality everything as long as they just do their dailies.
And at that point you realize that there is no threat, and without a threat, there is no satisfaction of being safe.
And then you realize that you're just playing a dumbed down and more waitwall prolonged farmville and quit.

>> No.18008930

Was this a recent change? The most I've ever gotten was 64k or something. Normally I'd end up with 1-4k LP or some exp.

Either way, that's pretty discouraging. Are people just walling off quest givers now? I remember exploring mountains and seeing palisades on every localized resource. Wouldn't surprise me if they did that to quest givers too.

>> No.18008939

Sort of a recent change, but not really.
>Are people just walling off quest givers now?
No, no point. If one gets cut down another tree is just given a [quest giver] tag.
>I remember exploring mountains and seeing palisades on every localized resource.
Ah yes, the resources that are either walled off or botted.

>> No.18009229

I imagine the best server to have a /jp/ guild, if on WoW, would be Moonguard.

>> No.18009254

What kind of loli pets does WoW have? What about in the way of kitty ears and maid dresses?

>> No.18009297

Wow isn't very kawaii tho

>> No.18010789

Is /a/ still on novaro?

>> No.18010813

1) why not ask /a/
2) no

>> No.18011541

>There was a /jp/ village for the first month or two of World 10 (about a year ago) but people lost interest pretty quickly.

>> No.18011725

We really should actually just choose a game and make a thread with it in the OP instead of having "hey lets play X" after 3 million posts.
How about DOMO?

>> No.18011843
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I'm going to check it out and quit after one hour

>> No.18011939

Who needs an MMO buddy? We can play one together!

>> No.18012019

I'd rather just talk about playing MMOs. Actually playing them is too tedious.

>> No.18012038

It's a goodgame, but I'm going to guess anyone on /jp/ playing it will drop it as soon as the game matches someone up with them.

>> No.18012044

I actually quit in 20 minutes

>> No.18012180
File: 26 KB, 331x331, 1494770957105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Twin Saga with me

>> No.18012195

Which version?

>> No.18012259

Started Mabinogi because of this thread. Boy is this game a time sink, I love it already.
Seriously though, what were they thinking when they changed the dungeons?
I get that the end-game players were bored, but they made dungeons useless to beginners.
I'm grinding my skills on field mobs because every dungeon mob is "weakest" and still wrecks my shit.
I feel like a part of the game is lost. I can never get the same skill grinding experiences as long-time players.

>> No.18012484

>I feel like a part of the game is lost. I can never get the same skill grinding experiences as long-time players.

>I'm grinding my skills on field mobs because every dungeon mob is "weakest" and still wrecks my shit.
Is the experience. The game was always traditionally a really tough game. People got their shit kicked by the wolves outside Tir in 2008 while learning to play the game. Dungeon mobs would hit for like half your health even defending. Being multi aggroed was a death sentence if you were trying to solo and didn't have high level windmill or a pet or something to cheese the game with.

But the combat power system has always been dumb. There are enchantments that can modify your combat power, making it higher or lower, but you should use shadow missions (ones like Shadow Cast City and Their Method are pretty good) since you can set their difficulty.

As for dungeons, they were only ever useful for getting exp for levels and maybe enchants. Ever since shadow missions were invented, they were basically useless for everyone. It's only because they have item mats in them now that they're even useful again. Training before SMs was done in various places and in TNN/the other world.

Also the dungeons are probably still easier than they were originally, since they changed the battle system and still haven't changed the enemies to use the new system.(meaning it's a lot easier to defeat the enemies since you don't have to care about timing anymore) Try playing as a pet when you get a few to really understand. Their abilities are about the same as a newbie character and they still use the old battle system too.

>> No.18012493

We chose Trickster, where have you been? Although I don't know if anyone is still playing. I'm not on it right now.

>> No.18012517

>As for dungeons, they were only ever useful for getting exp for levels and maybe enchants.
Party scrolls were insane for gathering loot and gold.
Trickster is probably one of the most unfriendly games I have played, to the point where you can't change keybinds. Not to mention you guys chose a server which is 1 season behind compared to playtrickster.

>> No.18012571

>Party scrolls
I forgot those even existed. Why change fomor scrolls to give more but not those?

>> No.18012596

I'm avoiding shadow missions because they aren't a part of the original design (not before G9 at least).
Yes I know it's still easier now than it was then because of talents and other changes.
Still, my impression was that dungeon mobs were relatively balanced for their CP before the revamp.
Are you saying that dungeon mobs have always been stupidly hard compared to field mobs with the same CP?

>> No.18012624

In fact, here's a list of skills that pandaTO doesn't have:
Boxer: Clinch Release > Only move in the game that lets you escape stunlocks from mobs
Warrior: Lightning Strike > Best skill for Buffalo, hands down
Bard: Elemental Boost > Not really that good but still an OK boost
Magician: Revival > Glorious addition to an already great party character, no more need for forced cash shop revival scrolls
Explorer: Rain of Knives > Okay skill
Inventor: Speed Loader > shit
Entertainer: Aura Shatter > great for party content, breaks enemy buffs and damages
Card Master: Mass Destruction > Priest + HP build = never ending explosions
Champion: Chi Release > literal only AoE champion gets
Gladiator: Chakra Balance > partyplay tank skill
Soul Master: Dimensional Rift > partyplay disable/CC
Priest: Refreshing Dew > party AoE regen heal
Dark Lord: Dark Assimilation > actually lets dark lord use his 3rd job skills for damage instead of 2nd
Thief Master: Exploit Weakness > Boss/high def target skill, gives foxes a reason to exist in the lategame
Scientist: Bunker, Bunker Release > fun but not very useful skill
Primadonna: Beasts Instincts > a nice buff
Gambler: Four of A Kind > Only reliable AoE skill coon will ever use
I think they did a bit, and even then they were amazing when they were originally released and still are quite good.

>> No.18012696
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Huh I still had this on character I never use. I thought they deleted them

>my impression was that dungeon mobs were relatively balanced for their CP before the revamp.
Nope. This was a "fuck up and you die in 2 hits" kinda game. Rats (in the lower dungeons) and spiders (in lower dungeons) didn't kill you instantly but everything else more or less would. I wouldn't say it was unbalanced though, just that enemies and players were roughly the same strength in terms of ability to kill one another, which is why the game tends to be 1 on 1 fights early on.

>Are you saying that dungeon mobs have always been stupidly hard compared to field mobs with the same CP
I don't know about stupidly hard, but dungeons have always had enemies that will wreck your shit into pieces. They weren't generally meant to be soloed or anything besides the beginner ones maybe(but they could be once you had bought a pet). This is a game where a solo strategy once was "kill the dungeon boss by repeatedly summoning your pets and having them hit it once before desummoning and chip it down over 25 minutes". Fiodh was probably one of the worst normal dungeons(i.e. not peaca or solo rabbie or alby advanced or coill siren or anything special) since things could aggro you before you entered the room, so if you died it was a bitch continuing.

Field mobs were... well bears were very strong too. The game was mostly crazy strong wolves and bears before Iria, so I can't really speak for enemies strength compared to CP. Just everything was very strong, it was a game where you'd die in a couple of hits, and so you had to basically not get hit. It was definitely a game geared towards killing you as much as possible though, and also dungeon mobs had better ai routines than field ones generally. Stuff on Iria had a really high CP and weren't too hard to fight probably because of everything on Uladh being weakest by then. So yes, they were much easier than dungeon mobs.

>aren't a part of the original design
That's like Iria and everything after. Shadow Missions are at least before the battle system change. The original design of Mabi was a freemium p2w game anyway and everything was ridiculously hard or annoying. Paladin and spirit weapons were basically I-win buttons for paying players.

I guess in terms of power, everything went from basically equal ground to fairly easy with power creep, to a snooze with system changes and armor masteries. Incidentally, get those masteries up, they'll help you a lot. Another thing people did is avoiding things like raising combat mastery, the oldest newbie trap, since hp and strength raises your combat power like crazy. Magic mastery is nearly as bad. https://wiki.mabi.world/view/Combat_Power

>> No.18012722
File: 12 KB, 958x218, you what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah and the admin shoehorns his "humor" into every endgame and "custom" content. I don't see how anyone could take it easy if they were bombarded by horrid content like this every 3rd step they took after level 300~.
>which is why the game tends to be 1 on 1 fights early on.
I think the best part of old mabinogi was the first encounter with a golem in the story.
I don't think that fight was possible to do without at least three people shuffling counters.

>> No.18012765

I can't believe how terrible it feels to not be able to go back in time to experience the joys of early Mabinogi again. Or any MMO for that matter.

>> No.18012770

>I think the best part of old mabinogi was the first encounter with a golem in the story.
Do you mean the beginner golem with the funny camera cutscene or the first real golem?

>> No.18012774

>The game was mostly crazy strong wolves and bears before Iria
Huh, well I guess that's not so different from my experience in modern Mabinogi then. I'm grinding out the last few ranks of Windmill on bears that could easily kill me, and I've been piling up wolves to get the multi-hit skill exp.

>Incidentally, get those masteries up, they'll help you a lot.
As soon as I have the AP. I'm kind of on the fence about using skill resets to get quick AP from the journal. Feels a bit like cheating, but my desire to get the original experience only goes so far. I don't mind so much the changes that simply reduce the amount of time and money required (e.g. talents, free rebirths, etc.).

>> No.18012897

>I can't believe how terrible it feels to not be able to go back in time to experience the joys of early Mabinogi again
Unless you are a masochist, you would probably quit g1-3 Mabinogi. Incidentally, how social are you? One of the best and worst things in olden Mabi was having to go around getting other players to come back to town with you so you could show them to NPCs who were looking for people with specific clothes and hairs. You had to be paying to do the quests though, and some end of story stuff would have you only able to do them on a specific day of the week and be insanely hard, possibly involving you wasting a day so you could wait another week.

The only thing that's really changed in mabi is the battle system and casualizing the quests anyway. It's mostly just a game about doing whatever you want.

>> No.18012907

>Feels a bit like cheating, but my desire to get the original experience only goes so far

The original experience is only being able to level up to 200 before you had to pay $$$ to rebirth and keep leveling, and only really level 40-50 being realistic in that 1 month time period before you were allowed to use rebirth, unless you were a hardcore leveller. The original experience is always rebirthing to age 10 if you weren't a whale so you could get several months of weekly ap for aging up. Don't hold nostalgia for old Mabi, like I said, the sin is mainly changing the battle system. You can just play a pet to experience that.

>> No.18012921

Oh no, I played early mabinogi trough even when you couldn't rebirth without wanting to blow your brains out if you were a free player.

I can generally see that mabinogi had to make quite a bit of the changes because the playercount drop, but that's also one of my least favorite things about mabinogi these days.
The players are all superhigh gods who will be happy to party with you, but end up just 1shotting things even when completely naked, which is a shame since every mabinogi memory I can recall is me being in a party of 3+ people who were around the same progression as me, the same powerlevel as me and the same experience/knowledge as me.

I did actually run into a group of new players in the japanese version two years ago, and had a blast running around trough dungeons with them, maybe I'll see if I can hit up something similar like that this winter.

>> No.18012994

>which is a shame since every mabinogi memory I can recall is me being in a party of 3+ people who were around the same progression as me, the same powerlevel as me and the same experience/knowledge as me.

That's a nice memory. I have memories like that, but also memories of paying players with paladins and several hundred levels on me easily killing enemies for my group. And being happy about it, but still.

>> No.18013004

I also feel the need to point out that combat is probably not even in the top reasons I like Mabinogi. I like it because you don't have to do combat, more so now than ever. I enjoy it more or less as much now as I did then, even though I barely fight anything because I can find things to do all day that don't involve me just running a dungeon, although I can still do that if I want.

>> No.18013074

>the sin is mainly changing the battle system
You're talking about Genesis, right? Delayed skill activation sounds like a nightmare and something that would only work in Korea with quality Internet.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to try out combat with pets.

>> No.18013093

While mabinogi was quite laggy at times, it's a slower paced game, so it worked fine. Too fine actually, since the biggest problem besides the enemies still being locked to it, was that certain skills just worked better with it. In particular archery, which they only fixed a while ago.

>Delayed skill activation sounds like a nightmare
Challenging skill based combat. Push the wrong skill, you got fucked because there's no time to load another. It feels like a half hearted action game nowadays.

>> No.18014752

maple reboot

>> No.18015005

respond this very instant

>> No.18015432

There is no reason to not play on the private server, though I don't know which one that anon is playing.

>> No.18017438

I want to play an MMO that I won't just quit after at least 2 weeks. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.18017527

I personally think that FFXIV is pretty good at the moment. There's plenty of content to be enjoyed solo and even the endgame raids as long as you know what you're doing, crafting/gathering or playing the economy is super comfy and rewarding and the main storyline isn't half bad. There's also a lot of customization options for playing dress up.

>> No.18017530

What makes you quit MMORPGs?
Lack of population? Play WoW.
Lack of graphical quality? Play whatever the FotM is, probably BDO.
Lack of ERP? Play FF14 or Tera.
Lack or being RO? Cant help you, you're fucked.
Lack of things to do besides thempark quests? Mabinogi or Eve.

>> No.18018345

3 weeks, 2 games, 0 people met. Pretty good.
