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178944 No.178944 [Reply] [Original]

I regularly asked myself, "What would Shiki do?" Then I realized that I was just being a jerk.

Why is Shiki such a jerk to everyone, and why do women love jerks like him?

>> No.178954

Explain. He seemed ok to me. But then again, I may be a jerk as well...OH SHI-

>> No.178955

Shiki Tohno isn't a jerk, he's actually very(if not overly) friendly towards everyone.

Shiki Nanaya though...

>> No.178972

I guess I'm naturally a jerk.

>> No.178973

Shiki is nice to everybody, but he is not especially nice one person, which makes him a jerk.

>> No.178975

is a complete badass and pimp

>> No.178990

Shiki's a pretty nice guy so long as you're human and he's not being possessed by an evil spirit. If you're not human or he is possessed, prepare for rape-induced pain.

>> No.178995

He's not a jerk in tsukihime, donno what happened in other games though.

But they've been drawing him with really up-himself looks, so i guess that's where the jerk thing comes from.

>> No.179006

Shiki Tohno = Nice guy
Shiki Tohno having sex = Bastard
Shiki Nanaya = Bastard

>> No.179042

I can't imagine him being a jerk when everyone he dealt with was trying to murder him, make him kill himself, or relentlessly lie to him over the course of the game.

Not to mention he had alot of shit going on in his head and his life.

>> No.179075


The fact that he even bothers to give a shit about anyone after he finds out that his father isn't really his father and the family he's been a part of for a good portion of his life wiped out not only his original family but his entire clan as well. In addition, he's half-dead all the time due to him being killed by the son of said family while trying to save the daughter of the same family.

>> No.179090

>hy is Shiki such a jerk to everyone, and why do women love jerks like him?
Its an Anime

>> No.179095

Actually, Hisui was always kind to him and helps him alot. The fact that in Hisui True that all the freaks die or go away makes it that much better.

>> No.179112

She helped perpetuate the lie.

>> No.179121

No, she was being oppressed by that freak Akiha.

>> No.179128

Yeah faggot that was EXACTLY what happened.
I wish to God I still had the screenshot of it to call you out on your bullshit.

Also nice constant tripchanges for someone who's never been banned.

>> No.179171

Akiha thought of Shiki as nothing but a possession, like Gollums obsession with the one ring from lord of the rings.

>> No.179179

Women love jerks.

>> No.179273
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Was he really that much of a Bastard in bed?

Also Women Love Shiki.

>> No.179278


Were we playing different games? Akiha kept herself in check by keeping Shiki at an arms length because she was afraid of eating him. It wasn't until she killed and absorbed SHIKI did she go batshit crazy.

>> No.179285

Ryougi Shiki's also a jerk.

I'd hate to imagine what a sex scene between her and Tohno Shiki would be like.

There probably wouldn't be any survivors.

>> No.179304

Might wanna replay it.
She was very insecure on how Shiki might treat her if he ever came to realize the truth. That's why she went to such Great lengths to keep up the lie that he was Tohno Shiki that her father constructed.

The truth of her family's sins was quite burdensome, not to mention she was a half demon and for all she knew he was normal.

>> No.179305

Shiki is God.

Shiki is SUBETE.

HE is my ultimate goal.

>> No.179315

That's exactly why I wish it to happen.

Shiki x Shiki GURO.


>> No.179323

>Was he really that much of a Bastard in bed?

Shiki sex goes along the lines of:

Girl "P-please be gentle~"


>> No.179332

Women never REALLY want it gentle, Shiki is just giving them what they want. You can't fault him for that!

>> No.179337

>Nasu likes rape

>> No.179353


>> No.179362

Yeah, but rape with love is a-ok, so Shiki is still fine.

>> No.181156


Holy shit, sauce? rapidshare link?

>> No.181215

come /a/, we're having a ronery thread. it's fun.

>> No.181248
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>> No.181277

Kohaku sex scene wasn't as bad, though.

>> No.181278


Yeah, whats up with that. Nasu and his crazy sex scenes. He sets them up fine in that they start off sweet and cute and then it turns into the equivalent of a rhinoceroses fucking a girl.

>> No.181291


that sounds like what I imagine to be true reality of sex

>> No.181292

also mollusks

>> No.181299


>equivalent of a rhinoceroses fucking a girl.

That sounds interesting, I think I'd like to see that.

>> No.181345

I hate Shiki so much for getting that sweet Ciel action.

Though I love Nasu for leaving us the option to keep her glasses on.


>> No.181353



>> No.181357

Its true, Shiki is a jerk in bed because he knows by instinct girls love that shit.

>> No.181416


a girl once told me that she had the best orgasm when the guy who was plowing her dislocated her shoulder

>> No.181869


>> No.181920

Shiki is an alright guy unless you're having sex with him. Then he's an asshole.

>> No.182001

Shiki is just another character type that won't survive in the real world

Luckily, he's in a VN so naturally every other made up character loves him

>> No.182004

Shiki might not survive, but he'd atleast sire several children.

>> No.182009


No, he won't

Since rape will only result in abortion

>> No.182046


Well duh, he would have died when SHIKI killed him if not for h4x magic.
