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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1786249 No.1786249 [Reply] [Original]

Yuri fanboys are exactly like us yaoi fangirls, but they would never admit it. Touhou fandom honestly reminds me of Naruto yaoi fandom. Would the Touhou community ever admit it though? Hahaha...

>> No.1786257

Well this isn't an obvious troll.


Is that you?

>> No.1786259

I actually play it for the games and music.
I don't pair off touhous. ┐(-。ー;)┌

>> No.1786250

>us yaoi fangirls
>us fangirls
>us girls
>OP implying HE'S a girl

>> No.1786253

You are right, they both suck.

>> No.1786254

but I like futa.

>> No.1786255

This thread has potential.

>> No.1786256

Faggot-loving faggots.

>> No.1786260

Yes, I openly admit it. I don't harbor any hatred for yaoi or yaoi fangirls, either.

Have fun with your yaoi, OP. I'll be having fun with my yuri.

>> No.1786265

I have nothing against yaoi fangirls, it'd be hypocritical if I said I can fap to lolis eating each other out, but they can't schlick to two faggots pounding it away all night. I'd love to have a yaoi fangirl waifu as long as she didn't try to force me to get into it.

>> No.1786262

Uh, no, they have penises.

Like you, OP.

>> No.1786277

But yuri fanboys like yuri because they're insecure about seeing naked men. I thought women were usually pretty relaxed about seeing other women naked.

>> No.1786287

I've never seen a fat faggot who's crazy about Marisa x Alice assault anyone with his girth or a paddle, though.

They seem to write considerably less atrocious fanfiction too.

>> No.1786291


Average /jp/ male yuri fangirl?

>> No.1786297

>Yuri fanboys are exactly like us yaoi fangirls, but they would never admit it

This statement is a contradiction. People hate yaoi fangirls not because they're into homosexual love, but because they LOUDLY PROCLAIM IT IN REAL LIFE while interspersing their speech with Japanese words and generally embarassing anyone with interests remotely related to Area 11. "Yuri fanboys" don't do this, insofar as I've seen.

>> No.1786308

You see we don't walk around with touhou head bands and I LOVE REMI x SAKUYA T-Shirts.

>> No.1786310
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Average /jp/ male "yuri fanboy?"

>> No.1786312

If only there were some sort of body-trading machine that the yuri fanboys on /jp/ and /u/ could use to trade bodies with the yaoi fangirls on /cm/ and /y/.

Everyone would be happy.

>> No.1786321

You can't cite anyone who puts videos on youtube as an example of an "average" anything. People who put videos featuring themselves on Youtube are typically underage, histrionic attention whores, which hardly describes the average 4chan poster outside of /b/.

>> No.1786343

I was certainly not serious and even if I was I pray no one in /jp/ is like that.

>> No.1786345

This has potential for a shitstorm...

...oh wait, no it doesn't

>> No.1786338

What is a "yuri fanboy"? I don't think I've ever seen one. I've seen people who like Marimite, people who consume vast amounts of sapphic erotica, and people who care a bit too much about whose cunt Marisa sticks her face in, but nothing I would call a "yuri fanboy".

>> No.1786354

My apologies, just pre-empting a response in case you weren't trolling.

>> No.1786356

I guess they won't ever admit it. Look at shoujoai.com and you'll see I'm right.

>> No.1786363

/jp/ - /u/

>> No.1786373


>Look at shoujoai.com

Why? What did I do wrong?

>> No.1786367

>615 posts and 122 image replies omitted

>> No.1786377

>615 posts and 122 image replies omitted
I think you've confused /jp/ with /b/.

>> No.1786382

>Look at shoujoai.com and you'll see I'm right

Guess which gender writes nearly all of the fanfiction on the net? Unless you're counting fat, butch lesbians as "yuri fanboys", you haven't proved anything.

Try making a rational response to some of the points already made in this thread if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.1786384

I've never seen yaoi fangirls mentioned once on this board. I think you're projecting. What's the point of your post, anyway? "I like male homos, how dare you like female homos?"

Oh, right, I'm posting in an obvious troll thread. Whoops.

>> No.1786388

The border is fading. It's impossible to tell the difference nowadays.

>> No.1786393

I'm a male who likes people who are into yaoi more than people who are into yuri. I simply want as many people as possible to admire the magnificent creation that is the male body. Certainly a person like me cannot look in the mirror and not wish everyone on earth could get a taste of the joy I feel in that instant.

>> No.1786395


They admit it there. They just do it with a little more class by saying they are "Lesbian connoisseurs"

>> No.1786402

Very subtle, but I don't really see where you're going with it.

>> No.1786405
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>> No.1786410

>I've never seen yaoi fangirls mentioned once on this board.
That's because we're the board with most males on 4chan. We can know for certain that anyone claiming to be female is trolling, as no true female is capable to stepping into a board of such concentrated manliness.

>> No.1786423

>concentrated manliness.

lol wut.

I'm sure girls can like touhou and VNs and JAPAN/GENERAL too. The good ones just keep quiet.

>> No.1786416

A yuri fanboy is any male posting in this thread.

>> No.1786422

op is mistaken in thinking there are that many yuri fanboys. there are far more yuri fangirls.

interestingly, the yuri fandom is mostly populated by lesbians. while yaoi fandom is mostly straight girls instead of gay men.

>> No.1786432

im a yaoi fanboy I f*p to guys

>> No.1786430


>> No.1786438

Is the OP implying that there are straight men who DON'T like yuri? Everyone loves cute lesbians, it's just that in real life, 99% of 3D lesbians are pig disgusting/extremely ugly/masculine.

>> No.1786444

>there are far more yuri fangirls.

Here's a fun thing to do, walk into #lililicious@rizon and find a way to mention loli/pedophilia in the conversation.

Women are such drama whores.

>> No.1786445
File: 100 KB, 400x344, 1229651160636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marimite has one of the best fandom.
Try looking at Nanoha.

>> No.1786448

I'll do it if you guys come with me.

>> No.1786452

OP is probably the same person who posted that Lucky Star thread several hours ago

>> No.1786453

I don't. Sex needs some balance between femininity and masculinity. And I don't care enough for vaginas to want to see two of them.

>> No.1786456

I don't remember which lesbian in there throws a tantrum at the mention of loli. Maybe Rosa_Gigantea?

>> No.1786457


I don't particularly like lesbians. I'm kind of partial to faceless men rape. Nothing against lesbians, though.

>> No.1786467


Considering how /k/ greets you with "Mars God of War masturbating in a rage" (actual quote), I'd say /jp/ is actually pretty quiet and tolerant.

>> No.1786476

At least /jp/ isn't Fight Club.

>> No.1786478
File: 149 KB, 991x283, 1229651630973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I hopped over to /y/ and this is on their front page at the moment.

This is why I don't put porn on thumb drives.

>> No.1786484


I wish /jp/ was Fight Club. Except without all the rulebreaking. Secret clubhouse plus underground street fighting, fuck yeah.

>> No.1786497

>>1786484 underground street fighting
More like a huge game of pretend.

>> No.1786501

I used to think about putting loli on my ipod so I could fap to it on breaks. I am so glad I never went through with it.

>> No.1786508


I used to love playing pretend before the whole gay sex connotation. Why does it always have to be about fucking? Why can't we just pretend we're giant robots or something?

>> No.1786525

I usually pretend I'm a gay giant robot.

>> No.1786540


That's common in cases of childhood exposure to Gundam Wing.

>> No.1786535

This reminds me of how I sword fight my friends with sticks. We're all in our 20's and it's still fun as hell.

>> No.1786550

What about childhood exposure to Gundam 00/Touhou crossovers?

>> No.1786551


I did that with toy swords. I had all kinds of plastic ninja swords and lightsabers and shit. We'd go out into the hallway and fight and laugh and get hurt.

Then all my friends grew up and had lives and now I have no one to fight with. I wish someone would hit me with a plastic lightsaber again.

>> No.1786567

I miss having lightsaber fights with my friends in 6th-7th grade.

Well actually it was soldiers vs Jedi, where one team would have nerf guns and the other side would have lightsabers. Getting hit with a nerf dart = dead, getting touched by lightsaber = dead.

Damn, that was fun. And strategic, too, since nerf darts travel slowly enough that they're easy to deflect, soldiers would try to coordinate focus-fire on one Jedi at a time.

Fuck, where did I go wrong to end up what I am today?

>> No.1786572


We'll see in ten years or so.

>> No.1786576

Such people exist:

>> No.1786577

The only bad thing about it is that my friends always quit playing if they get hurt or start bleeding, while I'll go on no matter how numb and swollen my hands are. It's also pretty hard to find a good stick that will hold together.

>> No.1786594

>sword fight my friends

I do this with my friends too, except we used dicks

>> No.1786620

I'm not one to judge, but that's kind of gay, man.

>> No.1786637

Does /jp/ even have any "yuri fanboys"? I'm pretty sure we all like dicks here. Not dicks exclusively, but dicks nonetheless.

>> No.1786676

I prefer loli yuri myself, but hetero doesn't bother me as long as it's consensual.

>> No.1786689

I love yuri, but most of my fap material is harem.
Yuri is more "fun" and hetero is more "basic". Or something. I can't really put it into words.

>> No.1786745


Yuri fan here. Yuri fandom is thousands times better then Yaoi fandom. Yuri fandom is just as faggoty as Yaoi fanboys, but at least Yuri fans keeps it to themselvs.

However, /u/ is a terrible board. It's all shitstorms, much like this shitty thread.

>> No.1786798

And this is why you should transport your porn in zip files, with the names changed.

>> No.1787106

sage for butthurt fat yaoi fanbeast

>> No.1787381

So true, so true.
