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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 254 KB, 1170x1600, moe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17833074 No.17833074 [Reply] [Original]

How complex a concept is moe, /jp/? Is it something non-otaku can really understand?

>> No.17837916

It's walking on a thin line between affection and lust. "I really like this character's cute looks and personality. And not because I want to fuck her (which I still do)"

>> No.17837964

Its only complex because no one can decide what it is
If we had an actual dictionary definition and not some vague description then non-otaku could understand.

>> No.17841287

What moe is changes depending on who you ask but it's usually something like what >>17837916 mentioned.
It's either something that you either understand or don't, and unless you're a part of otaku culture, there's no way to understand.

>> No.17841374

You can only understand through experience, and once you experience it, you start being an otaku. So no, non-otakus can never understand.

>> No.17841836
File: 120 KB, 812x598, amazones39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its something anyone can experience, but only otaku embrace.

>> No.17841860

Is moe complex? I thought moe was a paternal feeling of "I want to protect her". There can be a sexual element to it but there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong being capable of feeling multiple feelings simultaneously.

>> No.17842073
File: 36 KB, 432x257, MOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe is that exists all around us, but can only be grasped by those who open their hearts to it-- anything that is moe exists, but only appreciated by those who have the power of MOE inside THEMSELVES
These bearers of MOE can truly only be OTAKU
Regardless of how whatever else, Moe exists aside it all-- it is a protective love-lust of whole purity, created out a totalitarian, HOLISTIC love of CUTE!

>> No.17847110

Well put.

>> No.17847305

I did a university paper on this last year. Their formal definition was a "blooming feeling in the heart" or something like that. It's like art though. You cannot strictly define it because it probably has a different definition to everyone based on their own personality and mindset. I really think I chose the wrong degree.

>> No.17848860

Post your paper.

>> No.17856776

Who is "they"?

>> No.17867378

If it gives you a burning feeling in your heart then it's moe. Normies even know the feeling but with 3D.

>> No.17867512

My lecturers and whatever scholarly writings we read, I don't remember exactly.

>> No.17867526

I don't see your paper there. Am I missing something?

>> No.17868251

Probably used the wrong word, sorry. I didn't write an article or do research or whatever, I mean I took a course. Though, I think I would enjoy writing a paper or journal article.

>> No.17868997
File: 61 KB, 400x500, gunmaid050714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you treat moe like it's a bad thing?

>> No.17869140
File: 317 KB, 590x700, Ultimate moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17871091

i lol'd

>> No.17881596

What isn't moe?

>> No.17884041

You desu

>> No.17888858


>> No.17888862

This reminds me of taosim, "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao" and so on.

>> No.17888973

For me, it's about seeing how weak and fragile someone is in comparison to me. It's no different from lust.

>> No.17889101


this guy has an article on moe. guessing you might've even read him?

I haven't read any of his stuff yet, but it seems interesting

>> No.17889126

He's written some interesting stuff but sometimes he seems pretty confused. I'd recommend Azuma Hiroki's work over him (tho Azuma is wrong on a lot of things too)

>> No.17889140
File: 212 KB, 741x279, Capture d’écran 2017-11-12 à 7.31.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check him out.

I started reading the moe article, but he says that Hello Kitty is moe, while I think that it's rather related to "kawaii".

>> No.17889148

If you're interesting in this more academic kind of stuff I'd also heartily recommend Saitou Tamaki's work. There's also a youtube channel called "Pause and Select" that among other things discusses some of these books.

>> No.17889222

Thank you very much. I haven't really known about any of these people, since I've only done some research on virtual idols.

>> No.17889228

No problem, it's good to find other people who're interested in this stuff. There's not much academic research into otaku culture stuff in the west and a lot of stuff in untranslated, sadly.

>> No.17889282

Yeah. I hope one day I'll be able to read the Japanese research in the original language.

In the meantime, I should probably also sharpen my critical theory chops, since I run into guys like Derrida and Deleuze everywhere I look.

>> No.17889473
File: 413 KB, 1280x1183, basically_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, as long as the non-otaku isn't an unfeeling machine, that person should be able to understand the concept of something being non-sexually adorable. Do they like cute animals? Have they ever d'awwed? This shit isn't new.

>> No.17897710


>> No.17898239

t. retard

>> No.17905205

>but he says that Hello Kitty is moe, while I think that it's rather related to "kawaii".
You fucking stupid EOP.

>> No.17905240

Fuck off retard.

>> No.17905938

Can boys be moe? For example in the yaoi and otome-game fandom, is it the same?

>> No.17905972

I have a friend that enjoy yaoi. She has a standard for the uke to be a moe in a specific way that I can't describe (unfortunately), but I think it like >>17847305 said.

>> No.17905983

I love how Japanese people writing in broken English sound like they're some kind of Yoda-like ancient rambling sage.

>> No.17912042
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, 00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute, you want to fuck it?

>> No.17912071

