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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1779146 No.1779146 [Reply] [Original]

thought you might get a kick out of this /jp/
A paper from one of my 10 year old students.
"Wen I was lonely I cook a food.
because.......cooking is fun an I`m girle.and Cooking is good for girle" (sic)
Japan - Where women know their place.

>> No.1779151

Did you fuck her yet?

>> No.1779214

no but I did go to see the Californian Youth Orchestra with her and her grandma, shit was messed up.

>> No.1779218

That's just sad.

>> No.1779224

why did you go on a date with a 10 yearold OP?

>> No.1779230

She cooks food when she's lonely? Jeez, you need to get her a DS or something.
With Cooking Mama.

>> No.1779231

Get out of here

>> No.1779237

the kid likes me, the gran watched my class one time and talked to me afterward then just invited me out of the blue. I don't usually say no to things so that was that.

>> No.1779239

Fuck you faggot, what sort of 10 year old cooks when they're lonely? That ain't right son.

>> No.1779241

She's grooming you to be her granddaughter's husband, grats.

>> No.1779243

The one that wants to get married...

>> No.1779245

A) An affectionate one
B) A hallucinatory one

>> No.1779255

I'm hungry, so I may not be a girle, but I'm gonna go cook a food right now.

>> No.1779254

there's at least 10 years difference between them

>> No.1779257

to add comparison, the other students.
"When I am lonely, I like to watch cartoon and I like to listen to music from TV. It makes me fun"

"When I`m loney, I read a comic book. Because its funny!!!"

>> No.1779261

maybe she's cooking happy drugs

>> No.1779271

What's your point here?

>> No.1779275

> there's at least 10 years difference between them
You sure? I know of some teachers that are ten years old.

>> No.1779293


>> No.1779300

yeah cause its not weird to buy a 10 year old girl a 20000yen ds

>> No.1779305


Was it fun? Did your student enjoy it? Did you hold hands?

>> No.1779307

Once again the glorious NIHON has proven its superiority. Too bad that the girl is going to grow up to be a whore who sucks grease, 50 year old cocks to get her some Dolce & Gabbana and maybe a new and shiny KEITAI. Rape that whore, the sooner the better

>> No.1779319

sadly, this is 100% true.
japanese are sluts

>> No.1779338

It pisses me off that women think cooking is some kind of patriarchal mind control system.

If you want to enjoy being slobs that can't cook shit. Fine. Enjoy your instant meal lasagna and mcdonalds. I'm sure you'll feel really 'empowered' as a result.

>> No.1779369

She'll make a good wife one day.

>> No.1779382

Beofre or after she becomes a whore? Oh well, atleast she enjoys cooking, because shes going to do alot of cooking when her future husband is in the office 18 hours/day.

>> No.1779423

Ah come on Anonymous, Don't be so negative, not every single girl is a whore.

>> No.1779426

Godamn, why can't more girls be like her? щ(゚Д゚щ)

>> No.1779432

I agree with you, but only in the "everyone should learn how to cook." sense. True gentlemen know how to cook.

>> No.1779435

Youve never been to Japan, have you?

>> No.1779440

You're right. The girls that aren't whores are just going to get raped instead.

>> No.1779565

Racist Baka Gaijin Thread

>> No.1779566

Dirty Korean thread..

>> No.1779572

Hahahahaha! I've never posted in /jp/ before, but I had to laugh at that because I feel the same way.

>> No.1779573

Cooking girle (sic) thread

>> No.1779574

>I've never posted in /jp/ before
Obviously, since you are responding to athens.

>> No.1779582


I'm sorry.

>> No.1779591

> :<
You ought to be.

>> No.1779641

What the hell is wrong with cooking? It is a good skill and too few women have it these days. It isn't like her mother indoctrinated her into hating niggers or something. Give me a break. There isn't a sad thing about it. It's cute.

>> No.1779675


>> No.1779679

I wish there was a girle who would cook for me

>> No.1779685

I wish there was a girle who would appreciate me being able to cook.

And not just, "oh you can cook? fag.."

>> No.1779695

we have those, they're called "non-american women"

>> No.1779699


>> No.1779704

>"oh you can cook? fag.."

Girls really say this to you? How stupid.

I find it funny that the things women are supposed to be stereotypically good at like cooking, men do better at. All the best chefs are male.

>> No.1779710


>> No.1779707
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>> No.1779722

I'm no Gordon Ramsay, but I know my way around a kitchen. Yet girls have questioned my sexuality before, and when I ask why, cooking is among the reasons.

2D is superior, no?

>> No.1779728

What shithole do you live in?

>> No.1779730

2D is nice but it won't suck your dick

>> No.1779732

yo them 2d babes cant hurt you lmaooo

dey wil alwzy

be ther

4 yu


>> No.1779731

Women appreciate men who can cook as a gay friend.


>> No.1779735

They're probably just sore because you're better at it than them.

>> No.1779742

>we have those, they're called "non-american women"

And yeah, I know there are some decent girls around, but I'm pretty fucked up anyway. Easier to be ronery than to try.

(but at least I can cook for myself)

>> No.1779746

Both my sister are with guys who love to cook. Perhaps I just come from an exceptionally refined family. Not really.

>> No.1779754

Society has grown messed up. These days, if you're well groomed and dressed, people are liable to think you're a homosexual. That's not how it used to be, those were signs of a man. Men are not lumbering smelling creatures who can barely feed or cloth themselves.

>> No.1779756
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I actually cooked some soup for my japanese exchange student girl friend (note the space between 'girl' and 'friend' ;_;) and we ate together in her room (uni dorm). But a few days earlier I had confessed and she told me 友達としか思えない - I can't see you as anything but a friend. Then a few weeks later she went back to Japan. She gave me her adress and keitai email so I can contact her when I go to Japan for my own student exchange, but I don't think she'll suddenly change her mind because I go visit her once or twice. She has a ton of friends and I'm just a random item in the pile.


>> No.1779755

Society has grown messed up. These days, if you're well groomed and dressed, people are liable to think you're a homosexual. That's not how it used to be, those were signs of a man. Men are not lumbering smelling creatures who can barely feed or clothe themselves.

>> No.1779757

Find solace in knowing that the pleasures you are able to conjure in your kitchen are yours completely, not to be appreciated by anyone else.

>> No.1779763

So, girls think cooking is evil chauvinist oppression, but also think that men cooking is gay? Then who is supposed to do the cooking? Should we just eat fast food from now on? No wonder Amerikkkans are so fat.

>> No.1779769

friend zoned in moonspeak, it's like a /jp/ coming of age ritual

>> No.1779770



>> No.1779780

Your only recourse is to maintain your relationship with her over the years. Move to Japan, and into the same neighbourhood as hers. Keep a good relationship with her, and watch by her side as she gets married, has children, all this time thinking of how much you'd like to be in the place of her husband. But still keep visiting as a family friend, over the years as her children gradually grow up. Then, when one of her daughters reaches 12, you kidnap this daughter, and move to your safe lair that you prepared earlier. 1 year later, return them to her, pregnant and shortly before the due date.
Enjoy the revenge you spent your entire life planning.

>> No.1779810
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brb trying this
> friend zoned in moonspeak
Yeah, and well WTF, I went to the restaurant alone with this girl twice, watched movies, studied, did all kinds of stuff together. Most people around here thought we were a couple. And then she still said she was really surprised when I asked her.
in during 3D = sluts

>> No.1779844
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>> No.1779853

oh, I remember you from an earlier thread

>> No.1779874
File: 59 KB, 704x400, 1229536263232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did say once that I was going to study with her and made a few anons jealous, but that's it. Still nice to see /jp/ is a small world.

>> No.1779879

That's what I like about /jp/.
