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File: 206 KB, 1583x900, goldenhour_2017-09-27_21-30-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17783044 No.17783044 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17743331

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What have you finished? What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? You know the drill.

>> No.17783064 [DELETED] 
File: 508 KB, 2560x1440, 1502846171511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for Ushio onee-chan!

>> No.17783073

I love her

>> No.17783107
File: 132 KB, 800x600, onigokko_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the beginning of this thread, let us learn with eroge.

>> No.17783134
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And to follow up on this lesson, please solve the following homework: (pic)

>> No.17783141
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You should be able to solve this.

>> No.17783238
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>> No.17783267
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These are the peak of the medium.

>> No.17783304

I get what's wrong with all of them but what's with the bottom middle?

>> No.17783318

Yuuki has always attracted attention due to his superior looks and being the son of two entertainers. However, he has a quiet demeanour and did not feel comfortable in the spotlight, instead wishing for a more peaceful and ordinary life. But things don’t always go the way you want them to in life.

He met an angel by chance one night, who asked him if he wanted to become a god. Ignoring his perplexed response, she made him an ‘angel candidate’ and his life changed completely. First, the girl Touka became his imouto by using her powers to create a ‘miracle’. Moreover, two girls were sent to train him: the school’s prettiest girl and idol Mia, who was actually an angel; and, the solitary cool beauty genius girl Kazumi, who was actually a shinigami.

He was put through harsh training by the three girls, but could not become an angel, much less a god. Not only that but his osananajimi Erina, the only place of solace he could turn to, was awfully displeased with him since he’s been so close to other girls lately. Things really don’t go the way you want them to.

One year later, Yuuki still remained an angel-in-training. In fact, it’s like he hadn’t grown one bit. Would an angel without wings like him ever become a god? What kind of future awaits him?

moege plots are getting more retarded by the year

>> No.17783323


The true end where Main girl leaves the protag forever for no reason after already having disappeared 2 times for basically no reason. Also you have to play through said girl's actual route as well as all the other mediocre ones before that happens so it triggered a number of peoples autism.

>> No.17783328

I'm retarded I thought you said the actual middle. Leaving it up as a warning anyway.

>> No.17783330

I meant the game under koixshin ai

>> No.17783334


>> No.17783339

A proper shitfest.

>> No.17783343

Reminder that the genius behind this route is working on Sakura no Toki.

>> No.17783344

please meme right
replace bottom middle with hokahara3

>> No.17783346

A hack working with another hack doesn't really surprise me.

>> No.17783347

A genius working with another genius doesn't really surprise me.

>> No.17783349

My memories are fuzzy but doesn't the childhood friend get cucked by her dead sister who is reincarnated and seduces protag then gets reincarnated again as the daughter of herself and childhood friend helps raise her?

>> No.17783352


>> No.17783354

That's just thaty girl's route, the canon goes the little sister manages to hook up with the protag, forms a family and shit but because he's never gotten over his first crush they decide the best answer is to delete his memories and leave him in a loop with older sister, forever.
The author's idea of romanticism is fucking terrible.

>> No.17783366

Do you wanna add the knight rape nukige that turned into a cute moege in the canon sequel?
I forgot the name.

What the fuck

>> No.17783370
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>ningen debris

>> No.17783426 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah thought so. I don't know why so many "pure love stories" have to end with all the other girls getting shafted or ignored. It gives me the impression the writer couldn't make all the routes fit together or wrote themselves into a corner.

I would view the endings much more fondly if Konomi wasn't my favourite. I can't get over the mindfuck.

>> No.17783431 [SPOILER] 
File: 660 KB, 1280x720, 1508420974245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17783434

Honestly may only problem with it is that a couple of months with a girl>>>>>>>your firsdt child's birth, first steps, school, wedding, whatever you can think of.
Makes you hate the whole cast, especially because the mother would have to explain their kids after they die that they can't meet their dad because he's busy being a teenager railing another girl.

>> No.17783478

why are you putting actual kamige like gatenkei and ningen debris with all those meme games

>> No.17783515


So from what I can gather the girl leaves so she can better her music career which leaves the MC depressed until he discovers writing and becomes pretty successful while the girl's career does an epic fail.

Am I right in having the impression the writer projected his own miserable love life into this route?

>> No.17783522

Gatenkei is only good up to the actual NTR, the nosedive is huge and retarded.
Ningen debris is neat throughout, twist included.

>> No.17783563

idk dude, I pretty much enjoyed the game throughout. the NTR setup being generic was something I was able to hand wave because the game felt like it was really well written and it managed to do some interesting stuff with it

>> No.17783565

The NTR is outright character assasination towards Misaki worse than in most NTR because she actually has a defined one.

>> No.17783746

Probably. Then he got super assmad on Twitter because everyone was giving him shit. Total asspie.

>> No.17783749

butthurt moebuta tears are delicious lmao

>> No.17783773

I would have been fine with it if it was executed well. It wasn't. He's just a poor writer.

I would've been more assblasted if the game was actually good. Honestly the only thing it had going for it was the artwork.

>> No.17783784

There's like 4 writers. The parts Niijima wrote, which were the controversial ones, are very good.

>> No.17783797

If you have incredibly low standards, maybe.

>> No.17783813
File: 230 KB, 624x532, confused saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the general that kept track of vns that where in the process of being translated and how far they progressed? What board is it on now?

>> No.17783816

Nah, just from the perspective of a normal human being rather than than that of a sensitive moebuta such as yourself.

>> No.17783825

Normal human beings have incredibly low standards - you are defining yourself as the average. Which is fine! I suppose it's exactly the sort of person who would consider his writing good.

>> No.17783831

literally on the front page
go there

>> No.17783837
File: 67 KB, 528x604, saber smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn
Thanks son

>> No.17784178


>> No.17784342

How come when Maruto does the exact same thing Nijima does in Koikake with White Album 2, nobody gives him shit for it?

>> No.17784354

Art isn't as shiny so it doesn't attract the retarded moebuta. That's the sole reason, really.

>> No.17784445 [DELETED] 

Uh, but Moogy confirmed White Album 2 as trash, bro.

>> No.17784464
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 75459873498354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good recommended psycho horror games? Finished chonobox,C;C and さよならを教えて.

Might try totono next but thats not really a psycho horror game.

>> No.17784476


>> No.17784517

Because WA2 didn't advertise itself as a pure love moege.

>> No.17784577 [DELETED] 

What is "Moogy"?

>> No.17784585

Gore Screaming Show

>> No.17785165
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for lads?

>> No.17785190

Lame protag,Rinka and Ayame are best girls. Dont do the true route unless you want to get cucked by music.

>> No.17785198

3 garbage routes and music slut

>> No.17785276

Three cute routes.

>> No.17785312
File: 93 KB, 375x500, 1497519307444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be good game
>good game gets translated
>game gets sequel
>plebs cry for game to get localized for 2 years
>game gets localized
>plebs cry that sequel isn't as good as original

What's the final solution to the EOP problem, /jp/?

>> No.17785323

Not paying attention to them.

>> No.17785369

Does anyone know a game with a protagonist similar to Smee stuff? I really enjoy their titles. I've already played a couple of the Asa project games as well.

Are you talking about a specific title? I don't pay attention to translations.

>> No.17785416

>game gets localized
Discuss that somewhere else. Your retardation has no place here.

>> No.17785426

I don't think you should be calling anyone a retard with that level of reading comprehension. Just saying.

>> No.17785435

I'm one of the smartest people on this planet though. Just saying.

>> No.17785595

Because all three characters involved in it are cunts.

Koikake is just one bitch being a cunt to the protagonist.

>> No.17785872

Check out Black Cyc games like GSS >>17784585 or Extravaganza.

>> No.17785981
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, this is going to be suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck, I'm going in

>> No.17786261

Why would you waste time on it if you already know it's bad.

>> No.17786373

Well he spent thousands of hours learning japanese for powerpoint pornos his time can't be that valuable can it now?

>> No.17786453
File: 303 KB, 1280x1440, haruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see it myself how bad the trainwreck is.

>> No.17786585

To continue with the Koikake topic, how similar is it to Hatsusaku and Majo Koi Nikki? Don't want to look at spoilers, but it seems much more of a "pure moege" than Nijima Yuu's other games, is it worth reading at all?

>> No.17786602

It's literally 100% pure moege except the true ending of 1 heroine's route.

>> No.17786976

It is but hold ctrl through the routes written by the other people.

>> No.17787002
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>> No.17787057
File: 631 KB, 800x450, 1478624232920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be cool, I guess. Not the best scenario writer, and while we have the usual top tier coloring by Silky's they did get a new artist. Looks better than Shinsou Noise at least and with only one writer there's a good chance it will be more consistent storywise as well.

>> No.17787069

>Not the best scenario writer
I like the guy, more miss than hit but still.

>> No.17787177

I'm surprised Whirlpool is still alive after all the bad games they throw up.

>> No.17787198


The oppai loli is strong in this one. Probably the worst artstyle they had yet. Maybe it's supposed to remind you of Higurashi or something.

>> No.17787303

>got banned for telling it how it is and saying that White Album 2 is trash, as per Moody's decree
Go fuck yourself Mod. Moogy is a million times more intelligent than everyone here.

>> No.17787344

I need a game where there's a route for a girl who is into dirty jokes. I don't mind if she turns out to be either non-virgin or that type who is lewd and direct outside but actually timid(what is the term for this by the way? Fashion bitch? Shoujo bitch?).

Could you suggest something like that?

>> No.17787350


>> No.17787368

Hyper Highspeed Genius. That's the imouto in a nutshell.

>> No.17787383

Thanks, looks good. I'll give it a try.

>> No.17787413
File: 199 KB, 1024x576, nakuru_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just read the kuru games. Pic related sums them up, though you should start with harukuru.

>> No.17787478
File: 107 KB, 841x1042, WEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here done World End Economica? The reviews for it seem pretty enthusiastic but I'm wary of doujin reviews since people tend to not be as harsh on them and excuse a lot.

>> No.17787894

Am I missing much by reading VNs and turning the music off? I'v always done this since I can't imagine reading anything with music playing but i'm reading reviews praising VNs for their original score and feel like I might be missing out.

>> No.17787927

Yes, especially insert songs and when the op plays ingame.

>> No.17787928

Depends on the title.
The music is mostly relaxing and either feels just right or non-existant. I can't remember any time when music in VNs felt annoying.

>> No.17787935

I straight up would not read VNs if they didn't have music. I don't skip out on games if people praise their writing but the OST is weak or anything, but all my favorite games are my favorites precisely because they combine scenario, music and visuals in an amazing way.

>> No.17787949

What's wrong with this sound clip? It sounds as if she was sighing while saying yareyare and it just sounds so weird somehow. Also feels percussive and reverby somehow. What is this?

>> No.17788096


Rarely. Most have fairly unimpressive music and use it terribly on top of it. But there are definitely some games with fine to good music that adds to the atmosphere.

>> No.17788139

How is anyone going to convince you when you think muting the music is a good idea

>> No.17788154
File: 507 KB, 1600x900, onigakuru_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a not very new reference.
Can I actually have a nice boat ending, where she's brutally murdered? No? Bummer.

>> No.17788171

Post your favorite track

>> No.17788183

Do you also turn voices off?
Honestly, the reason I like VNs more than regular books is not so much visuals but sound.

>> No.17788214

It's so weird seeing all the girls with black hair like that.

>> No.17788226

I think this is pretty cool and ironically unique, since most of eroges usually feature a rainbow variety of hair colors.

>> No.17788232


>> No.17788238

Or just black hair that's anything but black, I like the artist for this reason, same in oniuta.

>> No.17788242

>Honestly, the reason I like VNs more than regular books is not so much visuals but sound.
Same here. One of the biggest factors for me if I like a girl or not is how their voice sounds. I'll often have my initial thoughts about a game (from just seeing pics and what not) blown away by how poor/good the voice actors did for their respective heroine.

For example, Nono in Niizuma Cation or Ushio in Mashimaro, both of their seiyuus did superb jobs voicing their respective heroines. Overall I'd say I'm more fond of seiyuu that are relatively new to eroge - sure they aren't all good but hearing a brand new voice is refreshing after hearing Tachibana Mao/etc for the 25th time this past year. Not that Tachibana Mao is bad or anything, but I've heard her a lot recently.

>> No.17788300

>Not that Tachibana Mao is bad or anything, but I've heard her a lot recently.
She is really bad for me, she is good for tomboy girls and side characters, but everything else give makes my ears bleed. Her latest good performance is Risa from Golden Hour.

>> No.17788349

>Risa from Golden Hour.
Why couldn't she have gotten a route instead of Suzu? If she wasn't cast as such a villain it could've worked, a confident and arrogant bitch route would've been a lot more fun than moeblob Suzu and her "i liek 2 watch u pray socca". Zzzzz.

That one anon a month ago said it best, a Risa route where MC "falls into depravity" with her would have been excellent, e.g. MC becomes her manager and starts blackmailing the competition, maybe culminating in a drug induced sex fest. The scene where MC meets Risa's yakuza aniki/dad could be hilarious.

>> No.17788386

>Do you also turn voices off?
Of course not. Its a bad habit I picked up from when I read at a much slower pace in Japanese than English and got annoyed by music looping. I decided not to do it anymore after experimenting with it on today.

>> No.17788466

If it's something like DC, not much I guess. When it comes to those with really good music that enhance the experience, definitely.

>> No.17788682
File: 177 KB, 640x480, moogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were as fashionable as Moogy-sama.

>> No.17788714


>> No.17788747

Oh hell no

>> No.17788793

Fuck you.

>> No.17788818

i know what i'll be looping for the next few days

>> No.17789024

Does anyone know if Wine runs Muramasa, or should I use a Windows 7 or 10 VM?

>> No.17789078

Stupid question. Of course you are "missing out", if you completely ignore a big aspect of the medium.
Doesn't mean that you have to listen to the BGM (I'd recommend at least trying it out though). I personally like it and a lot of others seem to do too but if you prefer it without, feel free to do it your way (really good music is rare anyways)

>> No.17789115 [SPOILER] 
File: 816 KB, 1040x614, 1508540167472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect Axanael to have a CG for this, since the game wasn't really gory so far despite the setting. I'm done with 4 endings now, and while my first playthrough felt really sluggish, I'm enjoying how some things are starting to fall into place.

>> No.17789148
File: 884 KB, 1281x721, df1c384f5d9b6906002be2233ef9872f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

もののあはれは彩の頃 has really unique game system. The story is pretty good too, if you want something different you should try it out.

>> No.17789232

I understood some of those words

>> No.17789318

So why did they end the Cation series again? To make generic boring games?

>> No.17789337

You answered your own question.

>> No.17789378

Jesus christ, boku no kanojo wa gatenkei is fucking tense as hell. The game is probably one of the most suspenseful games I've read so far. Didn't know I could get this invested in an NTR game. I have to take breaks because the tension gets too much for me at times.

>> No.17789389

Im a sucker for games with that kind of setting but other than that it looks painfully generic.

>> No.17789645

I'm going to miss Cation games. Sure, there was usually only one or two good heroines per game but it was something different from usual. Plus Hibiki Works was basically the only studio that knew how to use e-mote even remotely well.

Seeing Hibiki works reduced to making generic moege like seemingly every other studio makes me sad.

>> No.17789654

>both heroines have E+ cups

>> No.17789691

Pretty good background music

>> No.17789714

I have way too many but here's one:

>> No.17789808
File: 63 KB, 800x600, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about your wife aniki, you just stay here and butter up the boss some more. She just needs to sleep the booze off, I'll take her to her room and make sure she's alright - no need to thank me.

>> No.17789833

The background art was great, too.

>> No.17789963

The art in general was great to at least to me, better than most moege.

>> No.17790056 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fuck Japan, you all finger your butts in the bath?

>> No.17790059

If you don't skip voices you're autistically wasting your time

>> No.17790119

If you skip voices you're autistically wasting your money.

>> No.17790135

Art and music made it really relaxing to play when the story was nice, I guess that contributed to readers getting mad at the true end.

>> No.17790141

If you autistically waste your time you're skipping money.

>> No.17790216

I stopped playing Axanael during the 3rd playthrough, it gets better?

>> No.17790362

If you you're your time voice wasting autistically skip money.

>> No.17790597
File: 858 KB, 1040x614, RPICCU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's only worth it if you have some unanswered questions about the world. Stuff like
What happened 10 years ago?
How did Chiaki exist in two places at the same time?
What's the deal with Sugoroku and Souichi?
What happens to Sakura's little brother?

It's a bit annoying how the game's storytelling mechanism is to have random infodump scenes between scenes of filler, but that's how it is. Since I can skip everything I've already read, it makes the pacing seem better than it actually is.

>> No.17790662
File: 287 KB, 501x500, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna pick it up again then, still curious about the true ending.

>> No.17790698


>> No.17790708

Are you deaf? I'm sorry but you could still read them. I'd be more worried about missing the voice actor part.

Some VNs are called 'sound novels' for the reason of playing so well the mixing of text, visuals AND audio. R07's being an example (talking about the music here, not the -great- voice actors from PS3 versions...). And you would miss a lot of there without music. Most VNs don't master it to that level and just use the music like BGM mood music; it wouldn't be a fatal miss.

>> No.17790721


>> No.17790722
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, 1451802187065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17790734

Should I play France Shoujo?

>> No.17790736


>> No.17790737


>> No.17790738


>> No.17790742

Too late.

>> No.17790744

you wont finish it

>> No.17790755

This background isn't from a VN, is it? Really craving something with an aesthetic like this.

>> No.17790758

I believe it is from the linked song's VN - Miagete Goran.

>> No.17790762

It is from it. Its a great game that I would recommend.

>> No.17790763 [DELETED] 

She has wrote only 2 games (not counting those where she's only an assistant), it's hard to judge yet.

>> No.17790783
File: 1.40 MB, 1278x718, 79352978546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17790799
File: 1.98 MB, 1280x720, 89745897234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more.

Going through the background CGs in FINE DAYS is making emotions well up in me again.

>> No.17790805
File: 693 KB, 472x444, 2017-10-19_21-19-14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys play this?

>> No.17790880

Wow, didn't expect this. It reminds me a bit of some anime movie cuts like from Shinkai. I feel like having tachie on these would almost ruin it... something similiar in NVL format a la Swan Song would be cool.

>> No.17790971
File: 404 KB, 1280x720, stos_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are actually a fair amount of VN with good to even great background pictures. Just, you know. Usually there's at least a fat sprite in the way.

>> No.17790988
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I noticed. I just remembered the Qualia games existence, I feel they did pretty nicely with the NVL + face bubbles. Something I'd like to see more of.

>> No.17790990


>> No.17790993

Anime girls are ugly, let's ditch them entirely and just have text on pretty backgrounds.

>> No.17791077
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, goodbye_cruel_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. The poor backgrounds. Covered to the point they may not even exist.

>> No.17791093

At release, it pretty much was text on backgrounds with occasional cgs.
A lot of people complained, so they released a patch that added the face bubbles.

>> No.17792216
File: 485 KB, 1920x1080, onigakuru_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni ga kuru ended up being a mixed bag.

Common: Quite nice for the most part, though the start is not too good if you ask me.
First two enforced routes: Enforced for no reason and shit, mostly because of the big sister. Just hold ctrl.
Final: Fine, though a weak climax where it kills its own mood and an (expected) crappy asspull ending.

The big sister was so weird. She's fine in common and true, for the most part, though she can be quite annoying. In the aforementioned two enforced routes however, it's just over. And it makes no sense, either. These routes just aren't compatible with the other stuff. Guess that clarifies how the two writers split their stuff...

>> No.17792222

How long is it?

>> No.17792304

The new Lump of Sugar branch game seems interesting. Looks like a moege on the surface but a lot of people are complimenting its scenario.

>> No.17792569


Less than 20 hours I'd say, if you'd actually read everything. The few votes on EGS seem to go that direction as well.

>> No.17792590
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, sainokoro_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The writing is shit though. It's better than I expected based on the author, I guess. But I dropped the other game he wrote pretty damn fast, so that isn't even saying much.

But yeah, better than most random moege for sure, by simply not being one and having a decent cast.

>> No.17792642

I haven't been keeping up lately but did hibiki works block foreign IPs from accessing their site? Does anyone know where else I can get the appends to their cation games?

>> No.17792753

I used to get the append files on Holyseal, not sure if they're still there though.

>> No.17792876
File: 68 KB, 650x366, 歪んだ嘘の恋とレッテル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried https://vndb.org/v20769 before? I'm interested in the premise, but I want to know if the MC can focus his anger on this one childhood friend or at least guilt trip her after making his life shit.

>> No.17792898

I want to now.

>> No.17792935


I tried it for 10 minutes and dropped it afterwards. Felt like it was written by someone who hates women. It's one of those "women are at fault, I totally did nothing wrong. Everyone misunderstands me. So I rape and that is okay and totally justified" kind of things. Even though he is pretty much at fault, of course.

These kind of VNs exist here and there, I didn't exactly to get a relatively "mainstream" eroge release to be like that. Of course, it could also just be really terrible writing full of double standards, and I got it all wrong. ~10 minutes aren't much. Although it was enough to get past the "prologue" and till he blackmailed a girl into sex...

>> No.17793100
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Well, she seems not very happy. Maybe I chose a bad name?

>> No.17793174

>It's one of those "women are at fault, I totally did nothing wrong. Everyone misunderstands me. So I rape and that is okay and totally justified" kind of things
Sounds like typical revenge themed nukige MC's motive. At least after reading the summary on Getchu, I can get where MC get that motive from.
I'm fine with MC sometimes blackmailing, what I want to know is if I could control which girl that MC will blackmail, or better yet, focus all his blackmailing and anger to this one ex-lover childhood friend that cause him to be labeled as monster in the first place. From the OP it seems like she'll be the focus of the game, but I don't want to be ended up like when reading Otome Chibaku Yuugi title where I had to CTRL through about 80% of the content of MC blackmailing/raping other girls just so I can finally see he rapes the main childhood friend heroine that causes him to get suspended from the school, complete with her explaining the reason why she did that.

>> No.17793185

I think the problem is that axanael doesn't let you pick routes so your reading order is random. Still a fun read tho

>> No.17793202

anyone know a dl link for レイジングループ ? is it any good?

>> No.17793207


>> No.17793226

kinda hesitant to drop 30 on a total unknown.. was hoping to pirate first and pay later

>> No.17793234
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>> No.17793242

It's worth it. High quality scenario, fully voiced and very long as well. Could easily go for 60+.

>> No.17793261

>focus on one girl

Can't help you there, though given how it's a different girl very early in the game already, I'd assume it's not going to focus on one girl a lot, but that's just a guess.
Also, as far as I've seen, he's pretty much at fault for the situation he's in. So to me this all just felt like the writer hates women or something. Not into those kind of works.

>> No.17793266

Tell me more! There's virtually no discussion about this in the archives

>> No.17793350

Good plot with some crazy shit in it.
Well defined cast.
MC is a riot after the first route.
Actually good implementation of a flowchart.

>> No.17793351

I just downloaded it and can't get it to run.
Do I really need to change my language to Japanese or is there a workaround.

>> No.17793434

Haven't tried it myself yet but maybe Locale Emulator will get it to work without needing to change to jap..

>> No.17793455

does ithvnr work?

>> No.17793458

I use a virtual machine and have been meaning to make a new one for a while for various reasons. I'v decided to just have a virtual machine set up completely in Japanese.

>> No.17793688


The typical stuff works. (i.e. alpharom thingy, which should be easier, or noregionloader, whatever you fancy)

>> No.17794295

I changed the language to Japanese and it then said it wouldn't work on a computer that isn't set to the Japanese timezone.
After all that I learned it requires directx 9 and won't work on my vm.
I'l play it on my desktop at some stage.

>> No.17794400

I recognize it, but don't remember the title.

>> No.17794412

oh, right, titles

>> No.17794778

Thanks, picked up.

>> No.17795442
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, BALDR HEART EXE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've beaten level 52 but after checking the Baldr wiki, it seems that there are still more, starting with Makoto from Sky. Has anyone here unlocked those yet?

>> No.17795516

You need a special edition code to download the added stuff, and I don't think anyone has uploaded it.

>> No.17795528

holy shit what is this?

>> No.17795531


Bishoujo Mangekyou

>> No.17795532

How new can someone be?

>> No.17795553

Thanks for the info. It's out of reach then.

>> No.17795607

it's really not about new; can you really blame me for forgetting to check the title when webms themselves were only introduced to the site in the last few years AND titles don't always reveal the source of things?

I had found it on my own even without the title because of the artist anyway.

>> No.17796676

My progress is slowing down because there's just too many sex scenes and I can't help fapping to them. What do you guys do in cases like this? Should I just save and space out the faps over several days while progressing ahead?

Apologies if this is a bit offtopic, but it's directly related to my enjoyment of these works.

>> No.17796683

I skip all H scenes no exceptions.

>> No.17796701


>> No.17796712
File: 17 KB, 350x171, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea how to solve this problem?

>> No.17796718

Have you tried doing what it says?

>> No.17796725


>> No.17796734

How good are the Doukyuusei and Kakyuusei series? I've played a lot of Elf's later games and really enjoy their vibe so I've been considering going back and playing some of their older work. Would you say that these games are still worth playing?

>> No.17796757

I can't read it...

>> No.17796777

Very much so.

In terms of girls
Dou 1 > Kak 1 > Kak 2 = Dou 2
In terms of game quality
Dou 2 >> Dou 1 > Kak 1 = Kak 2

But all are worth playing if you're into what they're doing. Also make sure to check out Kawarazaki 2.

>> No.17796805


Do you still care about fapping after fapping? Normally you wouldn't. So you can continue and skip the rest. You could also play a dedicated fapping (nuki) game, to get that part done first... or last if no good scene in a "normal" VN came up.

>> No.17796816

>game quality
>Doukyuusei series>Kakyuusei series
By quality, you don't meant gameplay mechanics, right? Because I'd rather play Kakyuusei with actual dating sim mechanic rather than Doukyuusei's stalking simulator. And fuck the save system in Doukyuusei 2 where you have to collect diary just to unlock new save slot.

>> No.17797026

Always have ready some plotge as secondary reading while recharging batteries. When 100%, go back to the next Miel release.

>> No.17797193

Would you recommend using a guide for these games?

>> No.17797222

What I've never understood is why there are multiple sex scenes in a row or several (long) parts to a sex scene.

Who can fap twice in a row like that? Unless you prolong it knowing there will be more but you can't really know if it's your first time playing.

>> No.17797283

First playthrough definitely not. Just go with the choices you would actually take yourself and accept the results, it adds greatly to the immersion. After that if you want to go for completionism, sure.

>> No.17797294

I usually just cum if I like a CG, but ay, there's the rub: what if the next CG is even hotter? I always have this feeling of lingering regret...

>> No.17797338

>Who can fap twice in a row like that?
I usually just fap to my favorite one, modern eroge has too many H scenes to justify trying to fap to each one unless you either read really slow or have a perpetual motion scrotum.

>> No.17797341
File: 946 KB, 1040x614, iped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axanael contains a grave mistake. After Nookoo fails at the kagomeasobi and dies Sakura says 「ノーコだけに、任せてられねえ」 which is the same text she says in the route where Nookoo succeeds at the kagomeasobi and fights the tanuki

>> No.17797600

I can't fap unless I really get into it, I mean I'm looking at a single image.
I'd probably have an easier time reading manga or watching hentai. Half the time the art isn't even that decent compared to stuff that I can find with a quick google search.

>> No.17797753

Since we are talking about H scenes, what scene you recently read that have been extremely good? I have been playing Ikikoi and there is one H scene where the heroine left up her Skirt and show her panties, after a while, she get extremely wet, remove her panties, hold her skirt with her mouth and start masturbating with two hands. The MC tells her that she can stop but doesn't because it feels so good.
I thought my head would melt from that scene, actually my whole body was hot. I think there is a similar scene in Subahibi with Zakuro. We need more H scenes like that.

>> No.17797781

The first h-scene in Part 3 of Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei is one that stands out to me.

>> No.17797785

Oh yeah, also the first twins h-scene in Chronobox was pretty hot.

>> No.17797843

I've seen screenshots of a VN where a female character interrupts a game load saying that "what happened cant be undone", anybody know what it's called?

>> No.17797866


>> No.17798069

How hard is it to understand Ciel Nosurge with basic Japanese?

>> No.17798071

read it and see? retard lol

>> No.17798093

Mega is a dick and has some stupid limit, so I'd rather know whether I should try reading it or just give up before downloading anything.

>> No.17798276

What do you think youtube is for?

>> No.17798293

Anyone has a link for 月染の枷鎖-the end of scarlet luna-?can't find any link alive

>> No.17798522

the torrent works just fine, though it doesn't have the sofmap

>> No.17798542

I wanted the opinion of someone who read it with basic knowledge of Japanese. I've looked it up already, and there's some walls of
moonrunes that really put me off.

>> No.17798559

Why don't you ask shit like that in the DJT?
This thread is about discussion of the games, not learning related questions.

>> No.17798565

Will do.

>> No.17798774

It's really easy until Ion goes into technobabble.

>> No.17798881

Butterfly as in prostitute right? Count me in.

>> No.17799028

good catch. honestly there was far too much going on in axanael at any moment for me to really keep everything straight in my head. let alone between different routes.

>> No.17799087

If that is enough to discourage you, I suggest you study a few more years. The text difficulty in that game is average at best.

>> No.17799184
File: 104 KB, 971x597, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question

So Noraneko is the first VN I've ever played, and I selected the first option here, but since then, I've never got any other choices to make but the theatre ones and Sachi/Patricia route selection. Is this the nature of the game or did I make some "easy modo make no decision" selection without realizing?

>> No.17799433

>Is this the nature of the game or did I make some "easy modo make no decision" selection without realizing?
The vast majority of VNs are like that nowadays. More choices makes for a less linear narrative which takes a ton more work than a plain linear narrative, so the majority of VNs you'll play will just not have many choices beyond picking which route you want.

>> No.17799874

>So Noraneko is the first VN I've ever played
what a very unfortunate entry

>> No.17799931


To be fair, a lot of games with many choices still do not have a more branched narrative. They just have more choices.
Very few VNs, and I mean VERY VERY few VNs, with a lot of choices actually have a complex structure.

Recent years generally just streamlined things. One sacrifice are the joke choices, but it's not like they were THAT common... and they still do happen every now and then.

>> No.17800018

As opposed to what?

>> No.17800092

Noraneko is a slapstick romantic comedy with fairly poor and dull drama, so I imagine it would be an unfortunate entry as opposed to most actually good games.

>> No.17800109

Actually good like what?

>> No.17800113

the first few vns you read are very special because it's an entirely new unique medium and you will look back upon them nostalgically for years. this is the ideal time to play something like fate/stay night which while it has flaws a newcomer won't notice and instead be taken a back by the sheer scale and novelty of it all.

it's kind of like losing your virginity to a 300lbs landwhale. sure you can fuck hotties later but that special first time is gone and you will never get that feeling back.

>> No.17800114


As long as one only reads the main-route, it's fine. There are very few comedy focused games that stay as strong as Noratoto does in its main-route.

There's no perfectly good entry VN anyway. I personally always think, an okay moe-game is probably the best, because you won't enjoy those for long. Noratoto as such feels to me more like a waste to read first. For all the flaws it has, you'll be pretty happy to find something on its level later on, if you like your comedy centric stuff.

>> No.17800131


>> No.17800155 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17800211


>> No.17800300


>> No.17801566
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While I heard some good things about Lovely Cation 2, it ended up being pretty underwhelming. The loli route of Purely Cation was just better than this loli route here. Though from what I tried of Hime's route, it didn't seem much better either.

This has all the typical Cation issues, but doesn't even get the romance right. The first part is mostly written as if the protag is a teacher or father of the girl or something, with a distant view from above, speculating what kind of mental issues she has. Also lot's of series typical stalking. Once that's (randomly) over, the romance gets fast forwarded which ends in a random unplanned confession that leads to kissing and sex within 2 minutes. Seriously, didn't this want to be a dating sim? Shouldn't these things be at least somewhat of a climax? While this kind of thing isn't that weird in eroge, in a dating sim this really shouldn't happen.
Afterwards you mostly have 15 line long scenes without substance. Nice. Actually pretty funny how a dating sim the whole idea of dating isn't given a shit about.

Also, holy crap is the gameplay bad. They really threw out some garbage between this and Lovely Cation. This doesn't have the gameplay a dating sim should have (you know, trying to give the right answers, perhaps going to the right places with the girl on a date), while instead it's all just random stuff you either have to be lucky about or savescum. For example, girl eats something and you can talk to her about that the next day if you had that as well. But there's no chance to actually have that after you know about this. So you either reload your save, or will never see this. A few other things are also just random as fuck.

Finally a bit a personal thing. Hinata's voice didn't work for me at all. It reminded me too much of the actor's other roles, especially Hapymaher's Maya. And that girl is the direct opposite of Hinata. Funny enough, that one scene where Hinata was drunk and did a 180° it worked wonderfully.

I've read worse, but I don't see the appeal, unless you are currently REALLY sick of way too long and boring common routes.

>> No.17801697

I liked the heroines themselves, but yeah Cation games' dating sim parts are so lackluster and tiny they wouldn't suffer at all if the supposed "gameplay" was thrown out altogether. You may miss some optional scenes with CG that require very specific items and there's shorter parts where the heroine might briefly mention some item in another scene, but there's nothing major that requires actual effort or planning on part of the player or a real threat of a fail state unless you ignore the heroines you're pursuing and neglect the bare minimum obvious hobby stats.

>> No.17801840
File: 78 KB, 600x447, 0-YYEO2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many to count, so you get four.

>> No.17801847


The heroines were fine, with their typical cation issues. The world feeling empty, because of no side character having a sprite, meaning you generally only see one person. Due to the heavy lack of other characters, the heroine personalities are also very one dimensional. Characters are always defined by their surroundings, so with that barely to not at all existing... they suffer on the long run.
It's okay for a dating sim. Unfortunately, I have trouble calling this a dating sim. Weird game.

>> No.17801895

Boring shit taste

>> No.17802060

Does it have anyone that completed it seeding it? it's stuck at 9% without seeders.

>> No.17802066

My first VN was seacats. What did I lose my virginity to?

>> No.17802092



>> No.17802101

a woman in her 40s that is mentally still 8 year old. at the moment of your climax she shat all over the bed

>> No.17802242
File: 1.11 MB, 1040x614, ahegao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finished Axanael. Read the true ending last. Favourite sex scene was mizuha+sei even though I've never fapped to penised girl stuff before but I was disappointed that 0 CGs showed her breast. I mean, it's a bit of a petty remark, but why have a girl with really big breasts if you're not gonna reveal them in the sex scene?

It was a nice, comfy VN. The true ending revealed that sugoroku is souichi and can't die, and that jaburu is the one on the phone which were the only things I wasn't sure about by the time I read this last ending.

Fuuri was annoying.

>> No.17802393

when i made that post it had a seed

it's also on baidu and clubbox, i'm grabbing it off the latter, will be done in about 2 months

>> No.17803075

Man, I've replayed Shuusuke's intro segment like three times. The dude's voice actor is rocking. I wish Oretsuba was fully voiced, it would've been amazing.

>> No.17804090

Tried Hoshi Furu Yoru no Farnese (this Phoenix Wright esque game with witch hunt), and it was surprisingly bad. The heroines are fine, as far as I saw, but everything else is pretty awful. Including the engine. Funny, given that I had the most hope for this title from last month's releases.

>> No.17804106
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, hoshifar_2017-10-05_11-25-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I actually finished it and had a lot of fun.

>> No.17804159


Then you seem to enjoy a mystery where the game outright spoils everything when it begins, on top of shitty cat kicking villains where the protag loves to ride on their cheap provoking attempts.

Honestly, the way the game starts its chapters is actually so awful by design, I really can't understand how anyone thinks that's okay. Literally showing who murders someone at the beginning of a murder mystery? Imagine Danganronpa spoiling the murderer the moment a murder happens.

>> No.17804387

>Imagine Danganronpa spoiling the murderer the moment a murder happens.
The first Danganronpa did pretty much that. Complete with ridiculous motivations and everything else.

>> No.17804475


It may've been obvious a lot of times, but it's not actually consciously showing how the murderer kills his victim.

Dananronpa was just easy. This game here is not only easy, it's also spoiling the result first thing in a chapter. Which I don't think I've seen a mystery story do before.

>> No.17804484

I remember one case like that in PW and I wanted to kill myself because of how badly it dragged on.

>> No.17804488

I actually remember a mystery just like that but I can't recall from where. Might not have been an eroge. I don't know how this game did it but mysteries aren't just about the "whodunnit" so I don't think the concept itself is bad.

>> No.17804496

There was a whole TV series like that, focused on twists regarding the why.

>> No.17804511

Even Columbo had the murderer revealed, if we're starting to mention everything.

>> No.17804517

But that was a comedy because he would stalk them in funny ways.

>> No.17804523
File: 178 KB, 1296x779, hoshifar_2017-10-03_00-00-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it too. I didn't have high expectations of it when I played the trial and everything was just bad. I just liked it for how bad of an Ace Attorney clone it is. The trials aren't even that challenging and I do like the interactions between Farnese and MC.

>> No.17804583


I guess. Maybe this game was supposed to never be a mystery... even though it's a Phoenix Wright esque game. If you enjoy cheesy kick the kitten villains facing of a sorta hotheaded protag who likes to jump on provocations, it's may just be good enough. The heroines are more than fun enough to carry the parts outside of the story. Like
also said.

>> No.17804604

Seems like it's the second game of its kind this year already. Ouka Sabaki also had bad "mystery" parts but the light hearted scenes and art are pretty nice. Probably better to look at these kinds of games as "moege with a gimmick" rather than "mystery with moe".

>> No.17804830
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, mekuiro_try_2017-10-25_00-13-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just pass time with this trial while waiting for Baldr Bringer. I don't think gameplay in the trial was indicative of the final game because it's only the beginning. And I also hope the story's better than Heart since Sky did kinda spoiled me about how great the Baldr series is.

As for this trial, looks like your typical school VN hijinks so far. I'm mostly interested on how they tie history with these magical swordplay and smithing and shit.

>> No.17805068

Hey dear /jp/sies, I've been wanting to download RE035189 but to no avail, there's only yandere simulator stuff coming up on google, and warosu only has one post with a dead magnet link. Could one of you dear Anonons please work a moonspeak spell to see if it is downloadable through a jap site? Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong thread and/or bothering you.

>> No.17805081

First link in Google dude

>> No.17805092

Why would an American game be on a Japanese site?

>> No.17805182

Regarding those Phoenix Wright like eroge were there is one case/crime per chapter, it's always going to be hard to create a challenging mystery because of the small amount of possible suspects by chapter. I mean, you can just guess the murderer by a simple process of elimination without even having all the information, lol.

Phoenix Wright had way more budget than a simple eroge (not too mention being unvoiced) so it was way easier to have a wide arrange of characters by case. I think the best bet for a challenging murder mystery eroge is following just a main case/mystery like the Innocent Grey ones.

And regarding Hoshi no Farnese, the heroine and characters interactions are pretty good. I do recomend it in a sort of gimmicky moege, just like a post above said. Though I did like how the killer on Orihime's route was an helpfull witness from the earlier chapters. Even part of her backstory/motive was explained outside of the chapter were the murder occurred. Good stuff, actually.

>> No.17805497

Otoboku 3 trial is out

>> No.17805520
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This is the zenith, pinnacle and summit. You may not like it but this is what perfection looks like.

>> No.17805613
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>> No.17805746

>The loli route of Purely Cation was just better than this loli route here.

Sumire? Yah her route was definitely better than Hinata's since she gets some real character development and it was fun being with her every step of the way through that growth from being an extremely clumsy but very caring girl.

>> No.17805802
File: 193 KB, 1425x1079, 11eyes_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started 11eyes. I wasn't expecting this, but it's starting to make me emotional since the MC is a depressed fuck. It's too relatable. At least MC has a childhood friend to help drag him out of it sometimes.

>> No.17805863
File: 46 KB, 800x600, abyss_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy. If you like that stuff, Dear my Abyss is nice.

>> No.17805921


>> No.17806021

That's sooner than expected.

>> No.17806595

You left out "peak" before perfection. 0/10

>> No.17806662

well not everyone can plagiarize an existing mystery novel which more or less guarantees a decent story. looking at you innogrey

>> No.17806808

Purely is actually the only Cation I haven't played, mostly because the art turned me off. But if you guys are saying the loli route is pretty good I'll have to give it a shot.

>> No.17806999

Shintaro > Oshiki Hitoshi

>> No.17807009

Hazuki best girl

>> No.17807036

Is there some kind of booru where people uploads background arts in eroge?

>> No.17807053

most boorus only have a very limited selection of CGs at best. if you want full sets, panda is probably your best bet

>> No.17807082

I was put off by the art as well but its much better in motion.

>> No.17807335

anyone have a serial or crack for チアもえ×まほがく~極艶ツインパック~ ? the serial it comes with doesn't work and leads to a dead site that looked like a scam

game is here if anyone is interested

>> No.17807498

Sometimes bg art doesn't even get ripped even if the rest is.

>> No.17809390

This file is fake
A hell of a long time ago there was this campaign called P2P POISONING PROJECT where some shits spread a massive amount of fake uploads on Share
Looks like the real file was never uploaded

>> No.17809456

thanks, everything seemed shady but i grabbed it off clubbox and found a maybe torrent so figured may as well look into it

>> No.17809517

>Looks like the real file was never uploaded
That can't be right. Surely someone uploaded the real files before? There's a cg-set for that game at sadpanda.

>> No.17809670

the original game mentioned was a 2-in-1 collection but the cgs for the individual games are on sadpanda

>> No.17809684

The CG set is from a different game released in 2007

>> No.17810210

Cleared out most of my backlog and recharging with some simple fun before I continue - it's a dumb question, but does anyone have a suggested reading order for the Kyonyuu Fantasy series?
I've read the original and Majo so far, but I'm not sure if I should burn through all of the Gaiden games before I move on to 2, etc.

>> No.17810807

So many new company this year

>> No.17810956

They'll all fold after 1 or 2 games. No money in this market anymore.

>> No.17811449

>Oretsuba Fullvoice edition
Maybe in 2019 for its 10 year anniversary? or at least I hope so.

>> No.17812075

The Ouchi Marshmallow character poll wasn't very fair now that I'm actually reading the game. Kanon and Ushio got like, 5 solid hours of development before Sasa and Rairai even got introduced beyond brief asides. I'm sure Ushio would have gotten #1 anyway but the other four slots would be more contested for sure. And people were joking about the loli side character beating main heroines, but she got more lines in the early game than either Sasa or Rairai did by a fair margin.

>> No.17812425

How good was golden hour? The art and osts are pretty good , might try it. Any twists etc? I'm willing to be spoiled

>> No.17812648
File: 319 KB, 1588x900, goldenhour_2017-09-26_22-57-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the first poll was biased, since it was just for the trial which does heavily favor Kanon, Ushio and Shizuka. But poll #2 was about the complete game and Sasa and Raiha still performed quite badly.

Golden Hour was alright, I mostly played it myself for the H art, both the odd PoV and the realistic lighting made it stand out imo.

However, the writers make you feel like shit every time you pick a side girl's route, and they really hammer this in for the earlier routes (Ruri gets it the worst). I personally wasn't very fond of the main heroine Yuki, and honestly I preferred some of the side heroines over her, particularly the aforementioned Ruri route and the one-off side chara Risa had tons of untapped potential. Also I really disliked how the game played out in various ways, especially how Ruri's route (minus her H) is basically integrated into the common route - it felt like she was added as a heroine later on.

All in all it wasn't very enjoyable apart from the art. If all you want is plot and don't care about any of the heroines you can easily do Natsumi + Yuki's route and call it a day.

>> No.17812656

Not very. The artists other game HimaKoi is much better, play that instead.

>> No.17812707
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>> No.17812712
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>> No.17812950

Unrelated but how do you make sharex enter the name of the game in the filename, e.g. goldenhour here? Do you do it manually?

>> No.17812957
File: 23 KB, 786x543, ShareX_2017-10-26_03-34-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17812995


>> No.17813118


>> No.17813139


What's the best vn from this company?

>> No.17813152

>But poll #2 was about the complete game and Sasa and Raiha still performed quite badly.

Most opinions were set at that point already though. These two also really suffer from a bunch of other things in the game. Sasa for example seems VERY different than she actually is. The initial impression you get from her is just that she always apologizes and is shy as fuck. And given how she barely matters in common, you essentially have to hope there's more when it comes to her route. And there is. Unfortunately, every route is 70% ero, so she can never really recover.

So yeah, the reason the poll is as it is is still not character related, but game related. Sasa and Raiha were shafted. Hard. Unless you flatout dislike any of the other three characters, those two probably won't win your vote. So the question was always just Ushio or Kanon. And given how shit Kanon was...

>> No.17813157

Ayahime is alright too for being only 10 hours long.

>> No.17813346

Oh god the drug shit in Marshmallow, this is cringeworthy. Way to ruin the mood of a moege you dorks

>> No.17813455
File: 878 KB, 1920x1080, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random shuffle wallpaper changer chose this out of 67 pictures today. I even forgot I had this in the shuffle. That's a sign isn't it?

>> No.17813531
File: 39 KB, 229x400, Sayonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play さよならを教えて after hearing about it but I can't seem to find any downloads outside of premium sites - does anyone happen to have it on hand?

>> No.17813578
File: 206 KB, 1583x900, goldenhour_2017-09-27_21-40-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most opinions were set at that point already though.
Typically the people who vote on polls like this tend to feel strongly towards one character in particular, and in Mashimaro only Ushio and Shizuka really stood out imo, at least in the common route.

To be honest Golden Hour is the first VN I've played from Niko or their parent brand More. I do plan on eventually doing their earlier titles though, as I did greatly enjoy the art style of Golden Hour. I can't really put my finger on it, but something about the art really pleases me.

>> No.17813588


>> No.17813590

Thanks buddy

>> No.17813593
File: 31 KB, 1000x600, text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded a trial of a game
All it contains is a text file on how to play.

Lol, what?

>> No.17813814

The download being 2kb didn't tick you off?

>> No.17813948

Follow up question: Is there a recommended route order or should I just take things as they come?

>> No.17814167

Leave Mutsuki as the last route you play, otherwise it's fair game.

>> No.17814982


>> No.17815617
File: 153 KB, 640x890, bonus-item-toranoana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking forward to nee-sama route

>> No.17816329

Just not the same without Itou...

>> No.17816703


>> No.17817105
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, 107207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like there is no Noel route in the noraneko 2. After introducing her as a new heroine for almost a year, I'm not really sure what the hell are they thinking about.

>> No.17817134

I thought the new girls, Nobuchina and Eu are the ones getting routes? So instead of Noel it's Lucia who gets one? I don't really mind, but considering her personality consists of nothing but obsessing over her sisters it will be weird.

>> No.17817153


Maybe she just belongs to the main route? It simply might make no sense for all girls to have their own route.
Or so I'd say, if this wouldn't fucking go against this very thing by giving Lucia and Yuu their own route now.

I'm more angry about this:
極寒皇女アイリス 1.旅立ち (and 10 fucking sequels)
I'm sorry new (probably horrible) heroine, but your shitty ripoff of Nobuchina's glory is NOT going to work. Unless it still somehow has Nobuchina in a main role.

>> No.17817178

>極寒皇女アイリス 1.旅立ち
Arent they just the advertisement of the new game, which got released at the youtube like 2 months ago? If I'm not mistaking it with something else, they are just 3-4 min short comedic clips to introduce new heroines and create some kind of hype. Since they already made and released it, probably they wanted to add them to the game and make it longer as well.

Actually, Seems like Lucia - Nobuchina and the Iris are the real heroines of this game. Apparently Eu's route is only one hour long at best and most of it are just j-scenes. I guess they just got lazy and sloppy.

>> No.17817184

The real tragedy is this cutie https://vndb.org/c64679 probably not even having a H scene

>> No.17817186


>> No.17817203

I'm surprised Nora even got a sequel. It's fucking shit

>> No.17817234


Could be, the point still holds though. If you wanna advertise, let the redhead handle that.

But anyway, loli not getting much of a route is hilarious. Guess that would've been too lacking on the overall titty ratio or something. But Lucia? Really? Anyone liked her over Yuu for a reason that isn't "I don't like lolis"? I thought she was the worst girl of the game actually.

>> No.17817246

The appeal of it is being one of the more "sexier" games out there that isn't a nukige or low-resolutionge imo. Most moege are... well, moe and sugary whereas this is more about the comedy and sex appeal. While it isn't good by any means it is a rather rare breed of a game of which there isn't much alternatives to pick from. I hope Noratotos popularity ends up spawning some similar but better executed games.

>> No.17817254

>Could be, the point still holds though. If you wanna advertise, let the redhead handle that.
I'm pretty sure that literally every person who have read the noraneko would agree with this. But well at least nobuchina route is getting good comments, I'm still seeing this sequel as a "definitely better than not having a nobu route forever" thing, so its still okayish for me.

>> No.17817381

New heroine is good.

>> No.17817386

I'm more surprised that it's 2017 and you still believe markets respond to merit.

>> No.17817390
File: 3.26 MB, 3839x2160, BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, weekend.

>> No.17817415

Wondering if this will have Heart spoilers? I've played Sky and am considering doing this before Heart if there's no significant relation but vndb lists them as same setting. I guess I will wait for your blogposts on it.

>> No.17817431

Did you buy it?

>> No.17817575

Not him but I've played the trial and it has nothing to do with Heart other than some reused BGs and enemies.

>> No.17817798

Anyone played Otomelo (Omoi wo Sasageru Otome no Melody) from Ensemble? Fan-disc will release in November, want to find out is it the worth playing... anyone wrote any review on that? Thanks...

Can't run trial Making Lovers, nothing happens. On JP locale, with LocaleEmulator. Ugh... Maybe, anyone can say expressions?

Also, can you tell me the story of new Hooksoft game IxSHE TELL? (what the strange name)...

>> No.17817802

>Also, can you tell me the story of new Hooksoft game IxSHE TELL?

Read the synopsis on official site.

>> No.17818395

No VN has managed to hooke me since march. Where are my robots reeeeeeeeeeee
It's 28 in nihon already, isn't it?

>> No.17818399

I see a lot of conflicted opinions on LxC2. Is it actually good or what?

>> No.17818422

If you know what you're in for it's good, yeah.

>> No.17818427
File: 3.40 MB, 4223x5384, Narukawa.Hime.full.1907736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty much dependent on whether you like the heroines or not, true for moege but especially Cation games. If you've played other later games in the series you should roughly know what to expect.

Like has been already said a tiny common route so the game shifts focus to your girl of choice pretty much from the start, plot is light and there's no contrived drawn out drama, good art, the dating sim elements like stats and map movement are somewhat underutilized and the game is actually a lot more like normal VN despite those, and once the dating starts there's quite a number of H-scenes, which might drive some people off.

>> No.17818465

Hime best girl. Fight me nerds

>> No.17818482

It's a fucking dating moege romance shit game with no story whatsoever lad. None of those are "good" but they can become tolerable if you're beta enough to fall in love with one of the heroines.

>> No.17818496
File: 187 KB, 345x399, 236592789523235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fine moege. Probably my favorite out of the xCation games.

>> No.17818533

I prefered Seine, but Hime's sex scenes were the best.

>> No.17819012

How are Silky's Plus' other titles? I've read and enjoyed Nanarin when it was still their only title but I see they have released multiple titles since then.

>> No.17819276

Can protags be self-sufficient for once? All we get are mentally impared ones that can't live on their own.

>> No.17819363

But if the MC is self sufficient how can he depend on heroine X, Y or Z and grow to love her?

>> No.17819449

But that's called being a leech.

>> No.17819514


>> No.17819570

Bait for more milking

>> No.17819888

>[171027] [戯画] BALDER BRINGER 初回限定生産版 + Original Soundtrack + Update 1.01

>> No.17819958
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1476479813074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any recommendations for more realistic lolige? Where you abuse a position of power and trust to force the little girl into it, she doesn't enjoy it at all but is unable to resist, you go to great lengths to try and make sure no one else finds out, and the game ends with you getting arrested and sentenced to jail for life and her suffering permanent emotional trauma.

>> No.17820120

Go out and fuck a real child, you sick fuck.

>> No.17820157


>> No.17820194

Read 景の海のアペイリア if you enjoy infodumps about AI (+quantum mechanics) and dick jokes. Heroines are fun but not that great as heroines, there is not enough ichaicha in the game imo.

>> No.17820200

Akeiro is sequel to that, and better in many aspects.

>> No.17820201

Well uh, I don't want all that obviously, but it would be interesting to see one with a bit more realism in terms of the couple needing to hide their relationship and so forth.

>> No.17820339


>> No.17820871

Why some engine in VN doesn't have function to crop window game size? Or 1280x720, or fullscreen. Otherwise die, you stupid laptop with 1366x768... AAAGH~
