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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 431 KB, 1220x1771, __drawn_by_wlop__c47a0db10f5e1d17d5364c39dffbbd84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17747726 No.17747726 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>17728063

>> No.17747727
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>> No.17747750
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>> No.17747796
File: 431 KB, 800x600, 1488000890993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What word is カマ here supposed to be? Nothing in the dictionary makes sense.

I don't really want to give context for this scene since it's spoilers, but in case it's necessary - They're talking about whether or not another character is lying about something. Here are the relevant lines:




>> No.17747825
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>> No.17747826


>> No.17747833

Ah, thank you.

>> No.17748021
File: 69 KB, 200x240, 1437123057433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Dekiru the Wise?"


"I thought not. It's not a story that /djt/ would tell you. It is a Nihongo legend. Darth Dekiru was a Dark Lord of Nihongo so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the kanji-chlorians to create... posts. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the VNs he cared about... from being translated."

"He could actually... save kamige from translation?"

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

"What happened to him?"

"He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power... which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice deleted his Anki deck in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from English... but not himself."

"Is it possible to learn this power?"

"Not from /djt/."

>> No.17748022


>> No.17748027


>> No.17748065

I am studying English.


>> No.17748067


>> No.17748097

>でも、 俺を手なずけたところで

I understand this sentence but could somebody explain the ところ part to me? Or could you point me to a good source that explains these odd uses of ところ? I don't know where to even start.

>> No.17748116


>> No.17748135
File: 696 KB, 1280x1932, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello djt

I don't really know japanese. I know the kana and a handful of basic kanji. However, I am fairly proficient at using IME, allowing me to operate as a terribly inefficient OCR device. I also know how to use online dictionaries (I prefer http://www.edrdg.org/cgi-bin/wwwjdic/wwwjdic?1C).). Together, these allow me to roughly translate, very slowly.

I figure that with enough time, I ought to be able to achieve better than CGrascal-tier. So I picked a short, untranslated work I liked (pic related).

>It's me, the 19th submarine of the I-series: I-19, or Iku for short!
>Me: Not so hard.

>Just now, a new ship girl arrived at the naval base. <3
>Me: I got this.

>Me: Urk
>The admiral here prefers to appoint newly arrived ship girls as his secretary. (uncertain)

The following 2-3 pages consist of Iku's dream sequence, which appear to suggest Iku is imagining herself to be teitoku's secretary. Which seems to suggest that the second panel really should be
>I've only just arrived at this naval base. <3

When I realized I couldn't determine such a basic thing as whether Iku was talking about herself or not, I was thoroughly disheartened.

Basically I'm looking for advice.

P.S. Is there any rhyme or reason why ほし can convert to , but こころ won't convert to ?

>> No.17748140

Ignore the last thing, apparently the star and heart characters won't display.

>> No.17748167

Stop translating and practice reading for a few years, of course.

>> No.17748172

You should just learn basic Japanese. You don't even have to be at it for a few years, or with any kind of intensity. Simply reading a doujinshi in Japanese every single day for a month will bring you above the level of the typical scanlation within a month. Good luck!

>> No.17748188

す し ざ ん ま い

>> No.17748206
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1448058718637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw EOPs have to rely on someone like this for translations

>> No.17748244


>> No.17748294

I think it might be being used here as in "this is the part where." So something like "This is the part where i'm supposed to be won over"? Someone stronger than me please confirm

>> No.17748311



>> No.17748329
File: 577 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (80).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the つれ mean here?

>> No.17748331


>> No.17748354

Thank you. Jisho is useless.

>> No.17748378


>> No.17748393
File: 208 KB, 642x636, 三ツ星カラーズ 第1巻.zip-三ツ星カラーズ 第1巻-三ツ星カラーズ_1_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17748431

It's funny when I can actually understand it.

>> No.17748493


>> No.17748599

Is taking a month to get through both genki textbooks taking to long?

>> No.17748705


>> No.17748839

Can anyone define なれりゅ for me? Kanji dictionaries don't seem to pick it up as anything. I did a google search and based on the sentences I found I'm guessing it is something like "to become" but I don't think I'm quiet right.

>> No.17748881

Anyone here read Saekano? Is it a decent first LN? How much vocab should I know going in?

>> No.17748893


>> No.17748944

not sure if troll.

>> No.17748972

If you're not, next time just @ them instead of giving them a (You), what they sorely crave

>> No.17749010


>> No.17749054



>> No.17749056

When using anki real time import is there a way to make it use say the second or third entry/definition when making a card?

>> No.17749072


>> No.17749096


>> No.17749119


>> No.17749152


>> No.17749156

The topic is still 私.
There's no hint of the topic having changed.
The second sentence is talking about herself.

>> No.17749263


>> No.17749265
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>> No.17749299


>> No.17749302
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>> No.17749303


>> No.17749307

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lemme just naturally soak in the 80000 vocab words I need to become able to read anything without looking shit up every two seconds

>> No.17749317

It's not vocabulary, it's grammar that's present even in Tae Kim

>> No.17749330
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>> No.17749333

Anki is stupid and pointless; just go through the N3 ~ N1 vocabulary books cover-to-cover.

>> No.17749374


>> No.17749383

explain why i shouldn't make those words into anki flashcards in order to remember them better

>> No.17749408


>> No.17749430

i'm too dumb to learn vocab please at least let me pretend i'm learning a little by increasing my mature words count

>> No.17749433

use anki then, its free :^)

>> No.17749434

That’s exactly what the anons on djt are doing. Increasing some binary numbers in a software just to post a screenshot on a cambodian liposuction website.

>> No.17749438

too dumb to learn grammar, that is. and now i'm also too dumb to properly post my genuine experience in my native language

>> No.17749467



>> No.17749474

>DJT thread
>pic is clearly hongkong

>> No.17749493


>> No.17749497


>> No.17749500

At a leisurely pace/at one's own pace.

>> No.17749504

fucking tastyやget it in yaかもしれません

>> No.17749509
File: 30 KB, 512x491, DLjZmOHVoAAbUC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ボケ 白人か黒人かが日本に生まれると、外人じゃないでしょ?
ツッコミ まぁ、確かにそうなんですけど、純粋な日本人じゃないだね
ボケ なら日本人じゃなくて全体外人じゃないなら、何と言う人ですか?
ツッコミ わからん。「日本に生まれた外人」っしょ?
ボケ 外人の逆だよ。「内人」と呼ばれていいんでしょ
ツッコミ なんでやねん!


>> No.17749520


>> No.17749524


>> No.17749525



>> No.17749533
File: 20 KB, 259x224, ksb48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17749536


>> No.17749541


>> No.17749543


>> No.17749548
File: 50 KB, 500x463, 土蜘蛛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17749556
File: 32 KB, 236x203, ksb53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17749561
File: 2.26 MB, 1061x1200, ぬりかべ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17749596

only doing 10 new cards a day

i will never learn japanese

>> No.17749610

Same but I'm already 6k mature in mining deck

>> No.17749615


That's pretty much the average, more cards doesn't mean faster learning if you can't memorize them properly.

>> No.17749631

How many new cards you do is completely irrelevant.

What matters is how many LNs you read a day.

>> No.17749712


>> No.17749722

"coffee break" で いいじゃん

>> No.17749792
File: 96 KB, 720x720, 1479554128971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a full VN route
>still don't know when 何 is supposed to be なん or なに

>> No.17749808

I dunno guys, I am doing Anki for quite a while now and am at around 2k mature words. I started reading a VN months ago but the pace was unbearebly slow and I can't bring myself to continue. Thinking of just doing Genki or something to have a more structured learning with clear goals and then go back to reading and hope it'll be at least a little bit more enjoyable.
I think at this rate I will never learn Japanese.

>> No.17749816

>Thinking of just doing Genki
You can't learn Japanese by reading about it, the same way you can't learn to ride a bike just by hearing someone explain how to do it.

>> No.17749823

Yeah, obviously. That's why I am thinking of doing Genki instead of sitting here and never actually doing anything, while pretending I am actively reading something in Moonspeak.

>> No.17749843



Softalk female number one じゃあつうじないよね?

>> No.17749869

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17749878 [DELETED] 

A dekinai even in his own mother tongue

>> No.17749956 [DELETED] 

Laughed out loud xD

>> No.17749981

Been meaning to ask this of you fellas for a while but kept forgetting, can anyone tell me what the guy is saying in this track?


>> No.17750035


>> No.17750052

Even if this was the translation request thread, it would help if you'd add a damn timestamp for the part you're asking about.

>> No.17750056 [DELETED] 

hey /int/ /bro/

>> No.17750095

what does いたはずなんだけど mean?

What does いたはずなんだけど mean?
はず= I expect that~; it is expected that~; ~is expected to; I am fairly certain that~; should; ought to; it is natural that~; no wonder~?

>> No.17750114




>> No.17750158

いた = 存在した
なんだけど = なのだけど
さっきまで外にいたはずなんだけど… = I must have been outside until now, but...

>> No.17750166

How much do places like Yen Press and Seven Seas pay their translators?

>> No.17750176

Finally made up my mind to skip those stupid handwritten "notes" pages in my manga. Progress is inevitable now.

>> No.17750182

What is the difference between these sentences?


Is the latter more formal, or written style? I understand the first one.

captcha: hawk for sale

>> No.17750197



>> No.17750206


>> No.17750215

The first one sounds a response.
When you were asked as 準備しておいて, you might answer as the first one. The second one sounds strange in this case.

>> No.17750230


>> No.17750249



>> No.17750252


>> No.17750271


>> No.17750301

>Character has special move called 夏塩蹴り.

>> No.17750609

reminder that it takes natives 2 hour to read a light novel cover to cover.

>> No.17750835

I don't suppose there's an option in Anki to auto-fail a card after a certain amount of time -- or even a timer that would let me know exactly how long I've been staring at a card and therefore when to move on?

>> No.17750884

Heisig's Remembering the Kanji uses English for everything, it doesn't even teach the Japanese names for these kanji. Why would I use this exactly?

>> No.17750904

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

>> No.17750920

you dont

>> No.17750948

>reminder that native people are fluent in their language

wow, fucking TESLA level intellect right here folks.

>> No.17750953

Read its introduction, where this question is answered, and many of your misconceptions will be cleared up. RTK does not do what you think it does.

>> No.17750988

let me hook you up real quick

>> No.17751136
File: 172 KB, 483x3329, Kanjii Grid 2016-11-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished RTK 1. Did I do good /djt/

>> No.17751163

Could somebody translate the space scene? The subs I have are missing the part in the middle. I just have:
"The outputs are not going up!"
"What are you, my mom?"


>> No.17751182

is there a way in Anki to see the cards that I have most problems with?

>> No.17751185

Select ones with the leech tag

>> No.17751187
File: 9 KB, 295x532, lapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort by lapses in card browser

>> No.17751192
File: 29 KB, 800x600, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my handwriting? Pretty good, no?

>> No.17751194

You can directly filther these by using the following filter
prop:lapses>x = the minimum number of lapses you want to start with.

>> No.17751199

は is somewhat fine, rest looks like shit 2bh

>> No.17751207

Your ふ looks off, especially towards the end where it barely looks like anything at all.

>> No.17751223

Okay, I'll ganbaru harder, senpaitachi.

>> No.17751228

Yeah, almost native level.

>> No.17751235

If you're talking about Aku no Hana the mangaka gets his shit together and writes those in actual Japanese in later chapters.

>> No.17751238

Better than my English handwriting

>> No.17751262


Can you understand Japanese already?

Because otherwise you should channel your ganbaring on actual studying instead of worrying about your handwriting.

>> No.17751273
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, screenshot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what all these words mean.

>> No.17751313

my brain

>> No.17751314

~wonder in one hand shit in the other see which one fills up first~

>> No.17751468


>> No.17751477
File: 26 KB, 379x568, Timer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a timer in the lower right corner. Unless you have it disabled for some reason.

Here are some addons that might do what you want.

>> No.17751538


>> No.17751551


>> No.17751568

You mean the other volumes have those notes between the chapters typeset instead of handwritten?

>> No.17751707
File: 578 KB, 1000x1000, 四十八手.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17751768

reminder, this image triggered the search of someone's possessions and got them arrested, convicted, and jailed for possession of virtual child pornography

>> No.17751799

Is 長い and 長居 pronounced differently?

>> No.17751820

Didn't he plead guilty?
Never plead guilty.

>> No.17751850

is a sixth grade vocabulary enough to play rpgs?

>> No.17751858

its not like you can't look up the words you don't know.
6th grade is pretty fluent though.

>> No.17751869

vocabulary or understanding
big difference

>> No.17751873

0 vocabulary is enough to understand rpgs.

I imported tales of the abyss when I couldn't even read hiragana.

>> No.17751896
File: 26 KB, 283x314, 1495869672516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17751897
File: 876 KB, 1066x1500, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even guess their age. I guess both the judge and the prosecutor wanted to see a little girl getting fugged.

>> No.17751904

yeah, i can't expect to know every word. i want to be confident enough to understand most of it.

do you mean grammar?

>> No.17751949

No honest question from someone just starting

>> No.17752154


Taking too long to what? Your pace should be based on your comprehension and learning. If you understand things easily then you'll progress quickly, if you have a hard time then you'll progress slowly. If you feel like you're capable of going faster then push yourself to go faster, if you feel like you're not grasping what you're studying then try slowing down a bit or try some other source or method.

Understand your own capabilities and think for yourself.

>> No.17752159


>> No.17752247

Is it better to be kanji-heavy or hiragana-heavy?

>> No.17752262

Do you prefer being regarded as a pompous ass or a childish simpleton?

>> No.17752263



>> No.17752270

what does ここあのみたい mean here

>> No.17752281

Literally, "I want to fuck everyone here"

>> No.17752307

haha you got me nice meme sir upvoted

>> No.17752321

Hey, all, first time poster here. What's the difference between は and が?

>> No.17752352

What do you mean? Those kanji look nothing alike.

>> No.17752364

a simple rule is は is for the main subject of the sentence while が for the related subject.

>> No.17752413

が marks the grammatical subject, は links to other particles to change their meaning slightly. When は links to a が the が disappears so it looks like は is marking the subject but actually there's a が there you just can't see it.

>> No.17752416

You are not a first time poster.

>> No.17752425


>> No.17752461

If you can understand what information is being conveyed by them when they are used in a sentence, then who cares? This is not an important question until you start producing, by which time you should've already done a lot of reading and listening and figured out the answer for yourself.

>> No.17752530

None of the grammar guides ive seen ever mention the terms godan and ichidan verbs. That seems kind of dumb to me. I had to figure it out myself because tae kim just said "it's u or ru verbs."

>> No.17752545

I want to listening practice with idol variety shows and the like but I have no idea where to find them

>> No.17752546

I've never learned them desu
Unless I just picked it up naturally along the way I have no idea what those are.

>> No.17752552

Figuring shit out yourself is kind of the entire basis of learning anything

>> No.17752553

Dailymotion has quite a few episodes of AKBingo I think. Haven't watched any in years though.

>> No.17752567
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i guess you read no grammar guide and used no dictionary
no reason to reinvent the wheel if somebody already did the hard work

>> No.17752627
File: 323 KB, 850x1200, 65218871_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17752640

If a proper term already exists, why not teach it? Further, why go out of the way specifically to not teach it?

>> No.17752643

All of the grammar terminology for Japanese in English guides is completely unrelated to how Japanese grammar actually is understood in the Japanese language. You'll never hear a word about even a fundamental concept like 文節, or the division of words in 自立語 and 付属語, or the further division in 体言 and 用言, and they wont teach you that ます, た, and a bunch of other shit are actually 助動詞, in fact, I think the whole concept of 助動詞 is absent from Tae Kim. Then there's the classification of verbs you mentioned which is also very weird since there's never a word about the logic behind the six basic inflections (未然形、連用形, etc...) and how they're related to the suffixes that can come after each form. I had to relearn grammar from scratch, in Japanese, because I wanted to understand all of that terminology. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I think most people don't give a shit about grammar and just want the simplest route to understanding the language, and for a lot of them that is just examples and hand-wavy explanations, and that's fine, but it's really confusing that they have this whole grammar system going unused when teaching the language. I'm sure a lot of people would benefit from it.

Well, Imabi is an exception to that, it actually teaches standard Japanese grammar, but you have to be really autistic to do Imabi given how horribly it's written.

>> No.17752690

The difference is you're building a wheel. Regardless of the fact someone already invented the language, you still have to put in the legwork of understanding how to build it and actually build the damn thing.

You should absolutely read a guide and theory behind the wheel if you're constructing a wheel, but that doesn't mean you'll automatically be able to make it, or make it to your specifications. While learning the theory and construction of wheels you'll naturally figure out why things exist the way they do, more so than what the theory is capable of telling you.

>> No.17752691

>The two categories of regular verbs have several english names, but only one japanese name each: 一段 and 五段. In english, they're called consonant or vowel stem verbs, ichidan or godan verbs, or "ru" and "u" verbs.

>Well, Imabi is an exception to that, it actually teaches standard Japanese grammar
There is no single "standard Japanese grammar". There are multiple grammatical systems that draw the boundaries between different jargon terms in slightly different places.

>> No.17752699

>I think most people don't give a shit about grammar and just want the simplest route to understanding the language
Of course. People come here with the goal of basic comprehension first, if they desire more after that, its not covered very well due to lack of demand.
Reading stories helps sort out the kinks eventually anyway.

>> No.17752707

>You should absolutely read a guide and theory behind the wheel if you're constructing a wheel
then why did you start this argument with your retarded comment

>> No.17752719

Because you're a dumb baka who just doesn't understand.

The grammar guides and kanji cards = theory and guide of the wheel.
You do need to read these to start to put things together, but figuring out exactly how they work and linking 2+2 together in your head is the basis of language making.
Its one thing to say
>put a round thing on the ground and it rolls
its another to actually make it roll how you want it.

>> No.17752726

Someone who merely reads about how wheels work will not understand the need for treads (instead of a finely textured design) or the befit of spokes (instead of a solid design) until the time comes that they make a wheel.

>> No.17752731

>You do need to read these to start to put things together
then why make stupid comment when some anon was angry the guide was incomplete

>> No.17752735

It's not incomplete.

>> No.17752746

it doesn't teach basic stuff as evidenced by the first comment of the chain
don't reply if you don't know what we are talking about

>> No.17752747

>There is no single "standard Japanese grammar". There are multiple grammatical systems that draw the boundaries between different jargon terms in slightly different places.
Sorry, standard wasn't the right word to use. I meant to say something at least similar to how Japanese grammar is taught at schools.

>> No.17752749

Because the anon I was quoting said
>then i guess you read no grammar guide and used no dictionary
>no reason to reinvent the wheel if somebody already did the hard work
which was a reply to
>Figuring shit out yourself is kind of the entire basis of learning anything

regardless if there's already things in place to teach you, you're still going to have to figure things out yourself. so saying something like "if you're figuring things out yourself then why bother using dictionaries" is stupid. because you have to have a base knowledge before you begin to figure things out, and you'll never cover an entirety of a language with guides or dictionaries without actually making the effort to figure things out and understand it yourself.

>> No.17752756

>None of the grammar guides ive seen ever mention the terms godan and ichidan verbs.
The fact that godan and ichidan are the Japanese terms is trivia. Lacking this information does not make it incomplete in any meaningful way. If it was missing something like how to conjugate to the past tense (like Sakubi was for a while lmao) then you might be able to call it incomplete, but complaining about something like this means that what you actually want is an unreadable five-book long impenetrable disaster.

>> No.17752758

>>Figuring shit out yourself is kind of the entire basis of learning anything
which was retarded as a reply to
>None of the grammar guides ive seen ever mention the terms godan and ichidan verbs. That seems kind of dumb to me. I had to figure it out myself because tae kim just said "it's u or ru verbs."

>> No.17752767

Yes, but it doesn't make your comment any less retarded.
and I was just posting to call you retarded for making a retarded comment.

>> No.17752769

it's a very common term for dictionaries, basic stuff
way more useful that some other things he mentions

>> No.17752776

Every single last piece of information in Tae Kim (except for maybe some of the stuff in the very last two or three lessons) is more important than the fact that ichidan and godan are the Japanese terms. Everything in Tae Kim is EXTREMELY basic. So basic that it's hard to imagine reading with just Tae Kim. You're going to need to adopt more complete reference material, and at such a time you'll figure out what ichidan and godan means just fine. Probably a lot more easily than if Tae Kim tried explaining it early on in the first place, considering you need to already understand basic verbal conjugation to understand why the names are what they are and remember which is which.

>> No.17752786 [DELETED] 

what was retarded about it apart from your strawman
I merely stated that it would be better if the info anon needed was in the guide

>> No.17752795
File: 57 KB, 460x534, 1469753482994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now, I didn't expect you boys to get so torn up over my little post. I mostly just wanted to whine about the because Tae Kim spends so much time cementing "ru and u verbs" into your head, and then specifically says "if you can't tell them apart just look them up in a dictionary," so when I looked in dictionaries for verbs I looked for "is this verb a ru verb or an u verb." And of course, it doesn't have that term in there, it's got "ichidan" and "godan." The other guides I've used don't mention "ichidan or godan," but they do say "go look it up in the dictionary with only OUR term to go off of" so if they know the dictionary they're recommending is going to use specific terminology, why not just teach the fucking terminology?

Gomenasai anonsantachi I didn't mean to start a fight.

>> No.17752796

>is more important than the fact that ichidan and godan are the Japanese terms
It's basic stuff needed to start using a dictionary.
On the other hand for some of his grammar edict entry is enough.
Let us end this autism though as we just have to agree to disagree.

>> No.17752798 [DELETED] 


>> No.17752799
File: 52 KB, 640x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's basic stuff needed to start using a dictionary.
Works fine here. Maybe get a real argument?

>> No.17752810

The "basic stuff needed to start using a dictionary" that anon was referring to was the terms ichidan and godan. That doesn't say "this is a ru/u verb!" it says "this is an ichidan verb." Somebody that doesn't know the term (because they're a beginner and their guide didn't teach it to them) won't be able to make use of that info because they haven't been taught the term. damn dude

>> No.17752811 [DELETED] 

was meant for >>17752767
also see >>17752795 for how making people do their own research instead of just mentioning it in the guide is reinventing the wheel

>> No.17752814

You don't need to know what kind of verb it is to use the dictionary. The conjugation is right there. My dictionary deconjugated なり into なる, therefore it must be one of these "u" verbs that I was taught about. Trivial shit.

>> No.17752820 [DELETED] 

That's not what a strawman is, I suggest you learn how to use an English dictionary before trying to use a Japanese one.
And honestly, If you can't figure that one out yourself, you're probably too mentally deficient to learn Japanese.

>> No.17752824

once again sakubi proves to be the superior grammar guide

>> No.17752828 [DELETED] 

english dictionaries use the term

the strawman part was suggesting that I don't know dictionary and textbook knowledge is not enough, that you also need exposure

>> No.17752836 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 662x376, 1501809639111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what strawman means you literal butter brained booger worm.

>> No.17752838 [DELETED] 

>And honestly, If you can't figure that one out yourself
I got taught about it before I started using a dictionary, I was just empathising with the anon. Though it's nice that you admit defeat by resorting to namecalling.

>> No.17752839 [DELETED] 

That's not what literal means, dumbfuck.

>> No.17752843 [DELETED] 

It literally is what it means until you can prove me wrong that you're not a worm with butter for a brain. Because from your posts that is what I gather you are.

>> No.17752844 [DELETED] 

that's exactly what you did, you argued as if I claimed textbook knowledge is enough to learn nip
an opinion I never voiced, a convenient strawman you used because you had no real arguments

>> No.17752853 [DELETED] 

the person making the claim is the one that needs to procure the proof

>> No.17752859 [DELETED] 

A strawman is setting up a scenario by yourself that introduces a opposing claim then defeating said claim.

You (or original anon) made a statement that figuring things out for yourself = reinventing the wheel and the lack of necessity of doing so.
Thus there is no point in figuring things out if its already been done and put in a guide.

And even if this is not the case, that is still not a strawman.

>> No.17752865 [DELETED] 

>You (or original anon) made a statement that figuring things out for yourself = reinventing the wheel and the lack of necessity of doing so
yes. in your strawman you argued against a strawman introduced by you (namely that textbooks are enough)

>> No.17752867 [DELETED] 

>*in your reply

>> No.17752868 [DELETED] 

Jesus fuck anon. Being the token dumbass isn't cute in real life.

>> No.17752885 [DELETED] 

my comment
>better read some fact in a guide than waste time finding it out by yourself
your comment
>textbook knowledge is not enough to learn a language
You were arguing against something I never claimed (in fact I agree that you also need a lot of exposure to get a 'feel' for a language).
arguing against something your opponent never claimed is strawman fallacy
Just give up.

>> No.17752905 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1032x1006, 1494682483677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not a strawman, learn the term before you use it. Dropping the name of fallacies incorrectly just makes you look like an idiot.

And you statement >>17752567
does not say "better to read a fact in a guide than find it out yourself"
it says
"then i guess you read no grammar guide and used no dictionary
no reason to reinvent the wheel if somebody already did the hard work"
implying >>17752859
Because as stated in your post which was a reply to "figure it out" you state there is no reason to figure things out if its already invented.

and still not a strawman, your post claiming that they don't use a dictionary or guides is closer to a strawman, but still not.

no use arguing with stupidity that can't even figure out what a strawman is.

>> No.17752912

Thanks for reminding me to push the changes I've been sitting on.

>> No.17752916 [DELETED] 

>A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
which is exactly what you did, see >>17752885

>> No.17752922 [DELETED] 

>can't even quote
had some fun but it's too much even for my standards

>> No.17752927 [DELETED] 

And repeatedly if you look at your post, that is exactly what you presented. You can reword it after the fact, but what you said implies textbook knowledge is enough.
And in the first place I never stated you made that claim, I made the statement independent of your post to make a point that both are needed while your original post claimed otherwise.

>> No.17752930 [DELETED] 

>"then i guess you read no grammar guide and used no dictionary
>no reason to reinvent the wheel if somebody already did the hard work"
>implying >>17752859#
>Because as stated in your post which was a reply to "figure it out" you state there is no reason to figure things out if its already invented.
So you meant it's better to figure it out if it's not already figured out by anyone? Not sure what you get by adding the caveat.

>> No.17752933 [DELETED] 

>but what you said implies textbook knowledge is enough
ah, so it was a reading comprehension problem
carry on then

>> No.17752935 [DELETED] 

Reinventing the wheel. I.e. being in a guide. I was using his analogy and typod.

>> No.17752936 [DELETED] 

>while your original post claimed otherwise
Not sure how you got that.

>> No.17752944 [DELETED] 

I think you lack simple logical reasoning.
I'm aware that is not what you meant, but that is what the post implies, which is why I called you retarded at the time.
Now after your 20 posts shouting strawman incorrectly and your inability to realize how your post implied something you didn't intend, I can comfortably state you are an idiot.

>> No.17752947 [DELETED] 

>I'm aware that is not what you meant, but that is what the post implies
so you are arguing just to argue
not like it's a bad thing, had some fun with you

>> No.17752952 [DELETED] 

also, I obviously meant your lack of reading comprehension
good job misunderstanding yet again

>> No.17752961

I can barely just kind of sort of pull some meaning out of one in every several sentences in とある魔術なんとか. Should I pick something easier or just keep trucking? I feel like I'm mostly only understanding by context and there's so many grammar functions that I don't understand that if I look each individual one up, I've forgotten how they all work together by the time I'm done.

>> No.17752972
File: 1.67 MB, 1668x2048, 1479827188002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17752981
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1400497682163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17752983
File: 533 KB, 1668x2048, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17752998

That doesn't sound very compelling. I suggest reading something you understand the majority of at least.

>> No.17753000

Guess I'll come back to it later after a few more volumes of Kino, then.

>> No.17753043

nice thread you got here

>> No.17753070

なに the fuck

>> No.17753074
File: 136 KB, 1241x504, 1490990510229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17753081

>BEFORE: couldn't understand funny meme image
>NOW: can understand funny meme image
It's amazing what a difference a month can make

>> No.17753084

youll be as old as old as this nigga >>17753074
before you learn japanese

>> No.17753085

What does 誘い受け mean? I got it in a sentence and all I can find out from it it means something about BL.

>> No.17753096

look at other compound words using sasoi and figure out how it involves twink asshole

>> No.17753101

>uke is 受け
my life will never be the same again

>> No.17753104

誘い(を)受け(る)? Does that make sense in context?

>> No.17753119

Yeah that's what I thought it meant. Was making sure if that was the true definition.

>> No.17753123

Always post the actual sentence. Otherwise you're better off Googling and reading the top result.

>> No.17753159
File: 123 KB, 400x254, 1483368450953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17753172

Where's a good place to order mangos

>> No.17753193

i've never had any trouble ordering from amazon. only real issue is shipping and handling if you're ordering directly from japan can be a bit expensive and takes forever. amazon.jp has a lot of manga really cheap, but they're not always willing to ship outside of japan, and the shipping costs end up being so high that even if the single volume you wanted costs 1 yen, it'll end up costing around 10 bucks.
as for condition, i've yet to be let down, and especially on amazon.jp they're very honest and detailed about the condition of the books (ex "this came from a manga cafe, so there are stamps declaring that on the cover, some of the pages, etc but other than that good condition"). you basically can't go wrong.

>> No.17753306

>tfw cant get past page 60 on tae kim guide
help a newbie out my muys

>> No.17753365
File: 249 KB, 396x396, 1492003790751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just occurred to me... Isn't Core10K a really great sentence deck (for people who are into that sort of thing)?

Given that it contains example sentences for close to 10,000 individual vocabulary words, the actual amount of vocabulary covered by the deck must be in excess of 10,000 words, right? Which means there's a good chance of it containing a good chunk of the words that you encounter in the wild while reading and listening.

Almost 10,000 sentence cards already made for you, and they're all read aloud by native speakers so you know they're grammatically sound. The audio also serves as confirmation of whether or not the furigana readings on the kanji are correct too.

Rather than the traditional approach to mining whereby you have to create a new card for every new word you encounter, with this approach all you have to do is unsuspend one instead (my idea is that you would have all the cards suspended by default and then unsuspend them as you encountered the words on them in your reading/listening).

I've been contemplating trying out sentence cards lately and as I was thinking about it, this idea just suddenly popped into my head. I figured I'd share it since there might be other people also interested in sentence cards and wondering how they should go about it. Compared to the alternative of manually copy-pasting/typing out example sentences + their translations from J-E dictionaries or textbooks, this approach seems to be better in every regard.

>> No.17753425

Just noticed one problem, that being the bold formatting applied to the vocab word in focus in the sentences, which you probably don't want in a sentence deck.

Luckily, there's an add-on for Anki which lets you strip HTML formatting from the fields of your cards, thus removing any bolding, colouring and so on:

>> No.17753443

No idea how the sentences are in that deck but I generally found the sentences in core 2k/6k to be so simple that they might as well not even be there

>> No.17753469
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Little Witch Academia - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.47_[2017.10.11_23.41.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Would you like some tea?"
Context: A student came to visit her teacher at night unannounced.

I read up a little on ていく but the explanation was less than satisfactory. It seems to indicate doing something and then going, but the character who says it isn't the type. It also says it can mean to continue to do something? Can someone explain what's going on here?

>> No.17753491

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I was under the impression that the sentences in sentence decks weren't supposed to especially long or complicated or anything. Actually, my understanding was that they were supposed to be nice and short.

After doing a little bit more thinking though, I remembered that with sentence cards, while the idea is to start out with J-E cards, you're supposed to transition to J-J cards after a time (I guess once you get to the stage where you can read J-J dictionary results without having to look up 15 other words from the definition in the process), so I guess this Core10K deck is something you would grow out of before you got to the end of it in any case.

>> No.17753537


>> No.17753540


>> No.17753559
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>> No.17753606

pls respond

>> No.17753609
File: 37 KB, 438x534, 1481815333514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>木 = tree, wood
>森 = forest
>女 = woman, female
>姦 = wicked, mischief, seduce, rape, noisy
what did japan mean by this?

>> No.17753612

kanji isn't japanese fuckwit

>> No.17753614

Some of them are actually.

>> No.17753618
File: 101 KB, 256x256, 1481819691996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but I'm not sure if they have the same meaning in japanese buddy. just trying to make some small funny talk

>> No.17753620

>same meaning in japanese
chinese** ofc

>> No.17753622

Which ones did they make? I bet it was some god damm food

>> No.17753623
File: 91 KB, 450x670, 1507424683578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abuse coffee/caffeine more and more to go on long binges of rote memorization
>make huge gains, but it's not working that well anymore
>having a hard time concentrating at all without caffeine when I try and study

How good is adderall? I've never tried it because I had a friend in High School that actually needed it for ADHD and he stopped taking it because he said it made him feel less than human after awhile.

>> No.17753625

I don't think that doing drugs to study is a good long term decision anon

>> No.17753626

If you're neurotypical, try to get ritalin, not adderall. Adderall is slightly neurotoxic if you don't have real ADHD.

>> No.17753633

this or modafinil if you can get some. Although caffeine should still be an option, you would ideally cycle though various ones to prevent receptor down-reg(shit doesnt work so good anymore feeling)

>> No.17753644 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 1100x908, 1501300770792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my Japanese just getting better or has the quality of posts here gone down dramatically for the past few threads? Most of the content has just been study advice (which is covered extensively already in the fucking guide and elsewhere), anki circlejerking, and questions that require literally a single google search. I have yet to see any substantive posts ever since the linguistics guy had a mental breakdown a while back. Are the few remaining advanced learners finally gone?

>> No.17753645

Clean your ears, it's probably お茶でも飲んでいく

>> No.17753653 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 468x539, 1507294050408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, but if I post too much, it'll expose my identity.

>> No.17753656 [DELETED] 

>anki circlejerking, and questions that require literally a single google search.
So, par for the course?
How often do you even come here

>> No.17753659 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 661x812, 笑顔.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here to tell you to watch anime

>> No.17753668 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1506179418800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I start to understand anime in genres like Sci-Fi/magic? I have trouble understanding those

>> No.17753672
File: 34 KB, 796x682, idea no hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, some SNES games sure like to use really ugly fonts. I can read the kanji in this game if I seriously sit down and look at it, but I can't imagine being able to just quickly glance through it. So this is the power of an N5-tier learner...

>> No.17753674

It's the only way they were legible through CRT blur.

>> No.17753682 [DELETED] 

Watch more of them

>> No.17753683 [DELETED] 

Read Sci-Fi/magic stuff and learn the weird vocab.

>> No.17753686
File: 648 KB, 800x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17753688

The kanji in your screenshot are all easy to read though.

>> No.17753689

yeah, that shit is eye cancer to look at normally, but if you squint your eyes to imitate a CRT its super easy to read.

>> No.17753691 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 796x712, 1506013312380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll help if I could find them with jp subs
shit never thought about that

>> No.17753694 [DELETED] 

Par for the course, but you seem to lack reading comprehension in understanding my post. The thread consists of almost only ankidroning and blogposting now, and there's almost no value in visiting this thread anymore for people outside beginners. Which is unfortunate, since there's been some really valuable and interesting posts in the past.

>> No.17753695
File: 17 KB, 760x681, metal max 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but by comparison, Metal Max 2's Kanji isn't just smaller, it's also more legible, even without the blur. Though I will admit that >>17753686 is more readable, so I guess if I wanna get through Idea no Hi in under a year I'll turn a filter on.
Also, as I said, I'm still pretty early into my learning, so I have trouble with basic kanji sometimes. It took me a few minutes to realize that last one in that screenshot was 通る

>> No.17753709 [DELETED] 

/int/'s DJT has always been the quality DJT, you've been missing out. Leave this autism den and come join us over there.

>> No.17753723

>安 = cheap, inexpensive

women = whores???

>> No.17753726 [DELETED] 

>go to /int/ /djt/
>posts are literally exclusively 2nd grade sentences in broken hiragana and katakana
>literally no one has ever passed JLPT N1
>no one wants to read, they just want to talk because /int/ is literally the most normie board after /soc/

>> No.17753735 [DELETED] 
File: 919 KB, 1700x3981, SakubiCancer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy posted his N1 results just last week, the posts are of better quality than the blog shitposting going on here and you actually get answers to questions over there instead of snide remarks which devolve into a 50 post argument about what the definition of a strawman is. Oh and no Sakubi shill over there.

>> No.17753737 [DELETED] 

Go back to your paranoia containment board.

>> No.17753743 [DELETED] 

this thread is a bad example baby give us another chance we can change baby c'mon!

>> No.17753745 [DELETED] 
File: 959 KB, 300x300, 5a46d1f2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've given you more than a year, and this place is still too autistic to be useful for learning Japanese or to be a fun hangout spot.

>> No.17753754 [DELETED] 

I do wish people would talk more about fun Japanese stuff they're learning, but that always gets memed on as blogposting.

>> No.17753755 [DELETED] 

how can you say that, look how >>17753644 is such a smart and informative person, he clearly wants to teach people and looks to be fun to hangout with. doesn't look like a snobby son of a gun at all.

>> No.17753762 [DELETED] 

There you go, problem solved. That's exactly what goes on over at /int/'s DJT, yet half the people here insist on staying here and complain how it's shit and useless. Let the /jp/ DJT die like it should have a long time ago, and let the 4-5 autists fucking up this thread sperg out elsewhere on this website.

>> No.17753765 [DELETED] 

We're not a fun hang out spot, and we like it that way.
Go back to your flags if you so desperately want them.

>> No.17753770 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 341x301, 24c71828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic lack of self-awareness in a nutshell.

>> No.17753773 [DELETED] 

Avatarposting is against the rules.

>> No.17753776

Cool I can just report you for avatarfagging now, thanks

>> No.17753790 [DELETED] 
File: 964 KB, 1200x1600, SakubiCancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two reaction images from the same thing, an avatarposter does not make.

>> No.17753795 [DELETED] 

It does actually.

>> No.17753802 [DELETED] 

Haha damn never mind looks like /int/ is way more autismal than we will ever be.
>so asspained you have to take a bunch of quotes out of context instead of discussing the actual content of the guide
What is it about Sakubi that causes people to get so weirdly anusincinerated?

>> No.17753810 [DELETED] 

doesnt this just reinforce that this is where you belong
stop self loathing and start learning japanese
i heard you can pass n1 and start a wonderful life in japan as a result of reading the sakubee

>> No.17753821 [DELETED] 

Yes, those quotes are out of context and /jp/ is usually a shining beacon of wisdom and knowledge. Just like what >>17753743 said, this thread is also bad because I'm probably reading it out of context, I should familiarize myself with the proper context in order to feel but a wisp of the spiritual enlightenment occurring over here.

>> No.17753823 [DELETED] 

Shut up Sakubi, we're not buying your shit.

>> No.17753829 [DELETED] 

Aaaaaand derailed again!

>> No.17753830 [DELETED] 

People get very upset when they realize they got trolled. https://archive.whatisthisimnotgoodwithcomputers.com/int/search/text/groundbreaking%20sakubi/

>> No.17753844 [DELETED] 

Yes, the 50 post conversation about what the nature of a strawman is didn't derail it, yet discussing how to either make this thread a better one for learning Japanese, or migrating people to /int/'s DJT so that they may have better discussions about language learning has absolutely ruined this thread. Delusional isn't just a river in Egypt.

>> No.17753849 [DELETED] 

ima be real with you *takes bite of sandwich* i just come here to laugh and talk shit and occasionally throw a bone to someone i deem worthy of bone throwing
can you stop harshing the mellow
we just finally got the other boneheads to stop slobbing all over each others strawmans

didnt i teach you about honourifics in my self titled guide "sakubee"

>> No.17753855 [DELETED] 

ctrl+f honorifiic
phrase not found
Looks like you didn't write it after all, huh?

>> No.17753864 [DELETED] 

oh i guess not
well heres the quick and dirty you may refer to me as sakubee様 or 陛下

>> No.17753868 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the rundown, sakubee奴め

>> No.17753873 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 810x320, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, never heard this honorriffic in any of my anime... sakubeeよう

>> No.17753894 [DELETED] 

it's pronounced zama as in "zama miroo"

>> No.17753913

>he doesn't use 俺

what's your excuse for being a little bitch?

>> No.17753930
File: 53 KB, 790x681, 呪呪呪.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17753932

I'm not 12 years old

>> No.17753936

i specifically use 僕 to make 俺 using men realize i want their dick, dummy.

>> No.17753963



>> No.17753977 [DELETED] 
File: 667 KB, 720x872, trap masculinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17753997 [DELETED] 

USA, and 3D is PD anyway.

>> No.17754004


>> No.17754020



>> No.17754040




>> No.17754050


>> No.17754064



>> No.17754107


Reminder that you will never catch up to the rate at which the modern Japanese language is evolving.

>> No.17754111

the textbooks teach you how to use words commonly paired with other words. also, flashcards are gay

>> No.17754137

also would like to give +1 to flashcards bein gay but then again わたしもそうダね

>> No.17754170



>> No.17754182
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, revamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what this character is? i can't find it looking through the LN

>> No.17754192

It's not one character.

>> No.17754202

ok obviously, you know what i mean

>> No.17754206

I didn't actually. I figured you were looking for it wrong and thought I'd help get you to a point where you could have a chance of figuring it out yourself.

>> No.17754212


>> No.17754213

yeah i don't want to dick around in a stroke drawing thing for 30 minutes, but ok i'll just ask a japanese person tomorrow

>> No.17754234

>30 minutes

>> No.17754376
File: 58 KB, 450x338, maitake_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Grifola frondosa

>> No.17754974

Do Japanese subtitles for nogibingo exist?

>> No.17755479
File: 61 KB, 600x377, 92b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(You) can learn Japanese

>> No.17755486


>> No.17755523


>> No.17755538

What does everyone think about FM Yamato? I think it's pretty neat from what I've listened to so far, seems to be mainly Japanese folk songs with the Tokyo accent.

I'm trying to get the Tokyo accent down by listening to it all the time, is there anything else out there to get that down?

>> No.17755542

Ah, I meant to say folk songs in general with all of them being in Japanese; the folk songs aren't Japanese-only in origin.

>> No.17755560

You might just be able to pass N5 with that Japanese

>> No.17755598


>> No.17755631

Why do long vowels so often get stripped out during romanization? Are they too confusing for Americans or what?

>> No.17755641

I know that Japanese is a language that has the least different sounds compared to the other ones. So there are a lot of homophones.

Does this affect everyday talk? I know a lot of verbs for example that have the same sound but are clearly very different in meaning. Do people confuse these or the context can tell you most of the times?

>> No.17755655

English doesn't have real long vowels, they cannot be represented when writing in English.

>> No.17755665

English isn't the only language that uses the Latin alphabet though.

>> No.17755668

Doesn't matter, that is the answer to your question.

>> No.17755885

>Do people confuse these or the context can tell you most of the times?
The fact that they exist as homophones should tell you the answer.

>> No.17755958

nobody understands anyone and just respond to each other with えっ constantly all day

>> No.17756036
File: 232 KB, 640x510, だのに.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Why not「なのに」?

>> No.17756052

Judging from his comment outside of the bubble it looks like she was using unnatural Japanese. I'm not sure though.

>> No.17756093

Why do the characters in flyable heart keep mentioning "calorie mate". What is that even.
Like in this line:

>> No.17756094

bc shes a bad bitch

>> No.17756096


You could've googled that ten times over in the time it took you to write that post.

>> No.17756099
File: 116 KB, 668x668, 1495518222203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at something in Romaji
>what am I looking at
>look at something in Kanji
>makes perfect sense


is this normal

>> No.17756103

completely normal

>> No.17756106

If I remember it's some shitty artificial health food in the game, like a ration.

>> No.17756109

It's a brand of energy bar. Why do they keep saying it. It's like Calorie Mate sponsors them

>> No.17756112

I don't think you can tell it so easily. I heard some Japanese TV show's have subtitles exactly because of this.

>> No.17756115

Calorie Mate would be キャ, they're saying ケ. It's totes different dude.

>> No.17756119


Do you think the Coca-Cola company sponsors every piece of fiction that mentions drinking cola?

>> No.17756125

Why don't they just say energy bar.

Oh I see. It seemed strange to keep mentioning a brand by name all the time but that makes more sense

>> No.17756132


Why don't they just say soda?

>> No.17756142

It's one way of mentioning something more specific the intended audience could relate to. Similar to how in manga, anime, etc. you will see often censored or slightly altered referencing to brands, people, etc. which the reader/audience will understand.

>> No.17756152

Cola is more specific than Soda but doesn't refer specifically to Coca Cola.
basically what this guy said is the correct answer

>> No.17756397

I hate when I have a busy day and I have to Anki before sleeping. Then I have to reduce my sleep if I actually want to read something. Not to mention that then when I wake up, it's anki again. So annoying.

>> No.17756409

I do anki early so I don't have this problem, but I have to get up real early so I'm sleeping by 9:30.
If I want to get an hour of reading in it means I have to get in bed by 8:30, and I get home at 6:30.

>> No.17756420

>wake up
>go to work
>come home
>open up game and anki
>do anki cards while dead in game
>Read before bed
i don't see the problem.

>> No.17756491

why does anki show all the msot difficult leech words in the last couple dozen? i have 84% retention from 200 reviews to 40 reviews left and then BANG it goes all the way down to below 70

i'm already tired and exhausted and in a hurry by the time i get there because the reset is soon so why do they have to show all the difficult words in the end? why ankI?

>> No.17756503

take your flashcards burn them up like an asteroid they are never gonna fill the void

>> No.17756634

I moved my leeches to their own deck and usually do them, then core (~50 reviews usually), then mining (~100). After the leeches, everything else feels nice and easy.

>> No.17756793

My NEET existence is coming to an end. I hope I'll be able to continue my studies even while dying every single day at a wagecuck job.

>> No.17756925
File: 47 KB, 1280x853, 1488272615481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UPDATE - https://a.pomfe.co/usgewyn.apkg

- All the cities from the Tama region of Tokyo. I came across several of these while reading and listening so I decided to make cards for them all.
- The cities and towns from the Nishitama sub-region of the Tama region.
- Region/sub-region cards for Tokyo (Special Wards, Tama and Nishitama)
- The cities and towns surrounding Mount Fuji. Figured these were probably worth knowing and there's only 7 of them so it's not like it's a lot to learn.
- Two more cities which I encountered during reading and listening.

>> No.17756941

Thanks for your work.

>> No.17756968

what are some good online magazines with N1 level grammar and vocabulary usage? I read Diamond and NHK mostly but I want to branch out to more difficult and advanced articles in preparation for the N1 this december.

>> No.17757036

>The cities and towns from the Nishitama sub-region of the Tama region.
Don't know why I wrote that. There are only towns (3 of them) and a single village in Nishitama (the area is apparently "mountainous and unsuitable for urbanization").

No problem.

>> No.17757127

Going throug tae kim and i'm pretty okay with everything except the quotation part and all the numerous uses for という. If anyone else has had the same problem is there another resource that made it easier for you? This shit is baffling me utterly.

>> No.17757154


>> No.17757163

cheers lad

>> No.17757242

Not wasting any moment to shill sakubi huh.

>> No.17757271

Not that anon, but do you have any issues with the content presented in that link or are you just mad?

>> No.17757336
File: 108 KB, 800x800, sad pepe harakiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help from anons over here.
How would I write something akin to "It would be an honor to work for ABC Company." Isn't there something more formal than the cuck-Genki "お働きたい” which is just "I want to work" with some お added for keigo?

>> No.17757358

is it time for todays epic sakubee anal meltdown

>> No.17757360

just don't give him yous and he'll wander off to spam /int/ instead

>> No.17757372

Guys I just bought Textfugu. Is it worth it or did I get meme'd?

>> No.17757376

At the N1 level magazines are harder to read than forums, and forums are much better for learning.
They're just mad.
You got memed hard.

>> No.17757400


>> No.17757417

Isn't there a more formal expression for wanting something? And であります instead of です, and so on. I have no idea actually, but it seems far too casual for the salaryman-speech

>> No.17757426

you might want to actually read what people respond to you with

>> No.17757436

He can't.

>> No.17757437

if you want the real deal then you also need to spend the first thousand words of your message apologizing for your own birth and general existence and the audacity to take up even a second of someones time which is incredibly unbecoming and your entire family is nothing but one giant dark cloud of shame hanging over the entire world while also wasting resources on your worthless miserable lives

>> No.17757456

Well shit. On a related note, how interested would you goyim be in a rip/backup of the full site?

Should it surface at some point

>> No.17757458

It wouldn't be that useful but I'm sure it would keep someone from wasting their money like you did.

>> No.17757484

I don't know if it includes EtoEto, but if so, the audio transcriptions might be useful for beginner listening practice. Someone ripped the audio files a while ago but not the transcriptions. I don't personally care that much so don't go out your way though.

>> No.17757625


>> No.17757644

For real? In what country?

>> No.17757646

Canada IIRC. And yes for real.

>> No.17757674

Because Japs must always return to superior chinese ways

>> No.17757685
File: 21 KB, 412x371, 1506185073443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it feel so good to read untranslated stuff while other people are waiting for it to be translated?

>> No.17757688

If you think that's good, just wait til you start reading NEVER EVER tier VNs.

>> No.17757764
File: 192 KB, 800x415, item_lemonhearts_tsukigase_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17757767

How the fuck do you parse through through those basic words that are conjugated against eachother often? Like しなかってなってくってなかって sort of shit. Is there a cheatsheet that just includes those awkward conjugations all jammed together in kana so it's easier to read?

Obviously I just threw all of that shit together and I know what they all mean separate but when it's together it doesn't make sense to me usually.

>> No.17757773

You get used to it. Nothing else to it.

>> No.17757780


The cheat sheet is reading

>> No.17757785
File: 93 KB, 1059x644, government tracknig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please complete this personal demographics survey
Guys is the Jap government trying to track me down and put me on a list?

>> No.17757791

I've never cared to look up what is currently untranslated, I never read a single VN or manga in english.
Boatload of subbed anime/undub games though.

>> No.17757799

what the fuck is the image below?

>> No.17757814



>> No.17757822


>> No.17757848





>> No.17757968

I was able to when I worked full-time over the summer.

>> No.17758053

My personal experience: I started seriously studying beginning of August this year. I was NEET at the time. I just started my first real 40 hour a week job on Monday of last week.
Since then it's like I know that I have the time after work each day to put in at least 30 minutes for Anki and slog through a few pages of manga, but I'm just so drained that all I want to do is relax and watch a couple episodes of the seasonal garbage and then go to sleep.
It probably doesn't help that my job involves me sitting at a computer all day, so after work I'm really not feeling like staring at a screen for fun. But I know that once I acclimate myself with no longer havin 24 hours a day to do literally whatever I want, and I actually get the hang of doing my job and I'm not putting in so much effort toward just learning how to do my job, then I'll have more energy at the end of the day to do the stuff I want to. I've encountered a routine shift, so I just need to make 日本語の勉強 a part of my routine again eventually.
Just 頑張れ anon and I'll do the same.

>> No.17758062

What does どうにだってなってくんだ mean here? I think I have an idea of どうにだって, but I have no clue what なってくんだ is contracted as (if it even is). Any ideas?

>> No.17758090

I'm actually super envious of people than can manage a job and study something like this at the same time.

If i had any kind of job dealing with the public or co-workers, the energy just wouldn't be there at the end of the day. Perhaps a job in transport or warehousing where its easier to zone out might be better. But the neet life, even without any money, free time is just fantastic

>> No.17758092



>> No.17758109

Alright so the kun-readings are from Japan saying "Fuck you China, you have a kanji that represents this idea? Well we're just going to take that kanji and give it this sound that we already have"
Then on-readings are the combination of multiple consecutive kanji where Japan stays true to the original Chinese pronunciation.

My question: are there any instances of multiple consecutive kanji where they don't adhere to the on-readings? And I'm talking proper language, not slang. (though I guess if there are any prevalent slang then it'd be good to know)

>> No.17758117

Thank you. But it kind of confuses me following 展開は一つだけ…なんてことはない. What does this mean here?

>> No.17758126





>> No.17758136

Protip: Ankidrone before work, preferably on the way there.

>> No.17758142

>My question: are there any instances of multiple consecutive kanji where they don't adhere to the on-readings?
Yes. Kanji are not words. Next.

>> No.17758154

Yeah I understand that kanji aren't words. But I guess if I got two similar responses then my fundamental understanding must be off anyways. I guess I'll just shut up and study more.

>> No.17758166



>I will stay with you.



>> No.17758218

You didn't really answer the question, but thanks for trying. You'd probably be more useful if you dropped the fake Japanese anyways.

>> No.17758275

no bully imouto

>> No.17758308

He can't speak English. If you have a question, you're better off asking it in Japanese, otherwise there's a good chance he'll misunderstand you and give an unrelated answer.

>> No.17758310


>> No.17758320
File: 499 KB, 1221x919, e0030765_10385163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.17758337

There is not only one way this situation can unfold

>> No.17758338


>> No.17758342

what does this say in english

>> No.17758345

Pleasure of cumming inside

>> No.17758351

>My question: are there any instances of multiple consecutive kanji where they don't adhere to the on-readings?

Yes, lots

>> No.17758355

Thank you, that seems super obvious now. I was overthinking なんてことはない here.
He can't speak Japanese either, so I don't see the point in providing poor explanations in it.

>> No.17758358

>He can't speak Japanese either
He's a native.

>> No.17758366

He is quite clearly writing Japanese and I don't see any errors in it

>> No.17758367

Just because you can't read hiragana-only text doesn't mean it's incorrect!

>> No.17758383

>write like a Japanese 6 year old
>Japanese understanding of a 6 year old
The perfect disguise for not actually knowing anything.

>> No.17758454
File: 358 KB, 718x640, vfP1hkb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is の used for "こっちの牛乳" "This milk"
Is it the "clause modifier" for noun form? that doesn't really make sense though i think

>> No.17758464

I think that's too formal a way to think about what an excited 5-year-old is saying.

>> No.17758477

Maybe yotsuba isn't the best option for my first read...

>> No.17758484

Is she visiting a new place? Alternatively, maybe she's emphasizing it like "this here milk is good!" Either way don't get so stuck on this and keep reading.

>> No.17758488



>> No.17758494

Kanji-less text makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

>> No.17758496


>> No.17758530

use the reading pack, its fine

>> No.17758536

It just means here, as in "the milk here is good!" (As opposed to where they used to live)

>> No.17758550

I accidentally mined some words into my Japanese main deck instead of Japanese::Vocabulary::Mining.
What's the easiest way to move them all? In the end, it doesn't really matter, but I'd like to move them to the mining deck, still.

>> No.17758556

It's kind of a joke, they just moved into the new house, and Yotsuba must think that the taste of milk is influenced by location even though it's probably the exact same stuff they had at their old house. Yotsuba is a pretty easy read, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're still trying to dissect things like that. It's too fun to waste your first time grinding through it.

>> No.17758557

I figured it out. Just had to click "change deck"

>> No.17758559

There's a load of casual stuff that seems to be confusing me. Like just now "いらん” seems to be used for a negative of something, 要らない?

>> No.17758573

Anki is helping me learn Kanji but I know it's much more important to learn words but how should I go about doing that? I can't read anything (even Yotsubato) because I still rely on Kanji and don't know words.

>> No.17758598



>> No.17758616

Where's your god now?

>> No.17758620



>> No.17758631

I just said I can't because I know nothing. I even tried the reading pack for Yotsubato but even that isn't enough. I just do not know words

>> No.17758658

重箱(ジュウばこ) 湯桶(ゆトウ) 
Google 重箱読み and 湯桶読み

>> No.17758745

well learn the words retard

>> No.17758753


You're supposed to look em up as you go. I don't know how to properly explain this to you people.

Try and read a sentence. If you don't know what certain words are, look them up. Refer to the dictionary of japanese grammar linked in the guide. Try and figure out what the sentence could mean. Compare to a translation. If you don't understand what went wrong with your reading then search for the grammar points on google.

In the beginning it is hard because you might not be sure which pieces are separate words and which pieces are inflections, particles, what might be expressions or not, etc. Yes, it is hard, no getting around it. After awhile you develop the heuristics to properly identify these things.

The only way to do it is to fucking do it.

>> No.17758774

You only need a maximum of three words per sentence and context to understand what someone is saying.

>> No.17758813

how would i go about googling a kanji i dont recognize if what im reading is in image form?

>> No.17758826




>> No.17758864

Learn your radicals.

>> No.17758876

use ocr

>> No.17758882
File: 109 KB, 640x360, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]










>> No.17758910


>> No.17759018

Has anybody here ever gotten to the point of successfully speaking japanese? Like they're talking to Japanese people watching complex shows in Japanese. Seems like everybody is focused on getting to where they can read VNs. Nothing wrong with that but curious what everyone's goals are.

I ended up living in Japan and am just focused on getting conversational. Plan on focusing on Kanji once I get to a better understanding of communicating in Japanese.

>> No.17759028

All I can say is don't live in a gajin bubble where all you do is speak English. That includes 4chan and other English langauge sites. You're not going to get any benefit from living in Japan if all you do is look at English websites on your smartphone. Every expat can get away with silent transactions at konbinis and looking things up on google, so force yourself to socialize more than you would back in your home country.

>> No.17759037


>> No.17759039

my end goal is always going to be perfection or close to my english level; which is pretty much just that I felt my way up to advanced level

for now though I want to just read stuff since it's going to be the main thing I do, read and type. after that is understanding and speaking which should be easier to do on the fly since I already have a built up vocabulary hopefully

i think most others here are in the same group

>> No.17759071

I want to be able to read and understand Japanese media at the same level I am able to understand media in english and german.

>> No.17759090

So reading is the first thing you want to achieve?

Thanks man, what stinks is I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't have much of a reason and opportunity to communicate with many people. Once I get past simple sentences I will have more confidence to go shoot the shit with people. I do have japanese friends and coworkers I can practice with they still act like I know nothing and wouldn't be able to communicate with anybody but I think I'm getting better.

>> No.17759120






>> No.17759133

How are you going to practice on your own without kanji? Unless you have someone who's going to spoonfeed you spoken Japanese for hours a day you need to read on your own.

>> No.17759134

Why would I prioritize speaking or writing?
I have no japanese people to talk to, and what does writing offer without being able to read?

>> No.17759136

No desire to live there, so not much reason to learn production. Began with the goal of understanding their media, nothing more.
The guide also doesn't really cover production so you're on your own.
I recently asked a relative of mine at a funeral(since he lives in tokyo and works for a security firm) various things about the place. Even if he had to use keigo and such with his boss, and he said his boss is from singapore..
Anything else I get from comprehensive reading and listening comprehension is a bonus.

>> No.17759229

I have an almost endless supply of anime I can watch. Loads and loads of live action japanese too, a lot of Japanese dramas are pretty comfy. I'm more into Japanese for the visual dynamic of it anyway. I also think Kanji will be way easier to learn once I already know most of the meanings in Japanese. That way I'm memorizing 1 thing instead of 2. It's not to say I don't know any Kanji, I pick some up and have plans to learn more. But what I'm saying is lot of people that speak pretty advanced Japanese know maybe 400-500 Kanji.

How can you practice saying anything unless you do so with a person who speaks advanced or native level japanese regardless or at least talk along with japanese media and not some robot in Anki?

Idk watching things without subtitles and listening to music is more of a priority for me regardless for the fact I randomly ended up living here and want to talk to people. You have no idea how much I miss just being to go around without needing to worry about a language barrier with everybody. You'll always be gaijin but a gaijin that doesn't speak conversational japanese is like this burden to people if you're not in Tokyo and they expect it.

>> No.17759513
File: 33 KB, 488x261, 七日.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me understand pic related?
Why would the 大辞泉 list 七日 as なぬか for it's main entry of 七日? I understand that originally it may have been pronounced as なぬか but shouldn't the dictionary reflect modern usage, or at least make a note of this change? It seems somewhat misleading from my limited understanding.

>> No.17759560

you right.
なぬか is the original pronunciation.
なぬか is still formally correct (e.g. 初七日: しょなぬか) but なぬか is little bit hard to speak, so it changed to なのか in daily use.

>> No.17759624

I'm more wondering why the dictionary lists the older reading as the main entry as opposed to なぬか being
My experience with J-J dictionaries is very limited, is this a standard approach?

>> No.17759633

forgot to mention, but thanks for the clarification on the reading

>> No.17759670

Is there anywhere I can go online to casually talk to native Japanese without signing up some kind of elaborate profile and having long term relationships? I just want to talk to strangers and hang up like Omegle or some shit.

>> No.17759683


>> No.17759695

I mean voice.

>> No.17759818
File: 113 KB, 1365x725, bzdIsAO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has been learning Japanese for 32 years and has authored multiple best selling Japanese learning textbooks. This is him stumbling his way through a simple 3DS game, has to look up words every other sentence:


>> No.17759826

Is core plus/10k a dead deck? I've been out of the game for 2 years and I am looking to review N5-N1. I can only find links for 2k6k optimized.

>> No.17759833

~ん negative is pretty widely used, if casual. Tae Kim covers that.

>> No.17759835

>32 years

...no, is this my future? Struggling to read Japanese for the rest of eternity?

>> No.17759844

Exactly so no imagine how shit we are going to be when we don't even live in Japan.

>> No.17759864

>struggling with basic words
>looking up words he already knows
Fucker didnt use anki

>> No.17759882

Pretty sure he just wants to be 100% clear on things and make sure he is correct. Also, he is an interpreter his skill lay more with the spoken language. If all you do is play eroge all day then you might know more kanji than him but he can speak and listen at levels that you can't even think about.

>> No.17759887

His pronunciation is pretty good, but damn, you'd expect a man with 32 years of experience to be at least slightly better than some weeb losers who learned Japanese reading an internet guide and reading porn. His vocab and reading speed are really shit.

>> No.17759893

I stopped watching at the part where he failed to read and understand the subtitle. What the fuck?

>> No.17759894

He probably doesn't spend all day playing video games and reading eroge.

>> No.17759896

Or reading anything at all for that matter.

>> No.17759898


>> No.17759922

thats me

>> No.17759925


>> No.17759938
File: 702 KB, 1282x744, tsushinbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the quality content for why Iearn jap

>> No.17759944

haha yeah seems it innit m8

>> No.17760057




>> No.17760067
File: 344 KB, 720x720, 1477138801935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17760079
File: 264 KB, 900x900, 1500706020290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently finished memorizing all the Hiragana.

I haven't started Katakana or Kanji yet since I am trying to get good enough at Hiragana that I can just read a character without having to stop to think. Should I just keep going forward or keep reading until I can become proficient in Hiragana first?

I am more or less at a part where I can fluidly but slowly read a sentence.

>> No.17760092

You'll achieve fluency at hiragana while you're learning words/kanji, so don't even worry about it. Your troubles haven't started yet.

>> No.17760095


>> No.17760098

You will already get hiragana practice every time you study anything, so I don't think it's necessary to fully "master" it before moving on.

>> No.17760111


>> No.17760116

Try reading some of those babby-tier readers from the CoR written in only hiragana for practice while you continue learning the other systems.

>> No.17760129

だからTHE windを引くすることに行ってくるで

>> No.17760137
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, 1493848857366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay.. thank you. I haven't even begun getting a grasp on vocabulary yet.

I'll have a look at it thank you

>> No.17760169







>> No.17760179

>I'll have a look at it thank you
I just checked them after submitting my post and they're not what I thought they were. None of the readers seem to have vocabulary lists in them so they're pretty much useless for a total beginner unless you want to go manually typing all the words you don't know into Jisho.

I tried googling "童話 ひらがな" though and found some pages with hiragana-only children's stories aimed at school kids. They'd be a better choice I think since you can use Yomichan with them to look up words more easily (don't just mouse over everything automatically though, try to read the words first otherwise there's no point).

>> No.17760186



>> No.17760201



>> No.17760216




>> No.17760256


>> No.17760328
File: 135 KB, 668x643, 4758350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17760407



>> No.17760410


>> No.17760430


>> No.17760439


>> No.17760516
File: 79 KB, 568x877, hundred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defend this

>> No.17760537

>mnemonics are shit
more news at 11

>> No.17760547

i remembered the kanji are gay

>> No.17760618
File: 35 KB, 254x388, IMG_20171013_230805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you use the negative on the second sentence of this example?

I'm having some trouble dealing with the negative form being used in settings where the sentence is clearly meant to be non-negative.

>> No.17760621

A bunch of leaves growing on the surface of the sun is a striking image, that makes for a good mnemonic.

>> No.17760625

>why would you use the negative on the end of a sentence that's supposed to be non-negative
That's obvious, isn't it?

>> No.17760627

"Isn't it obvious?"

>> No.17760651

ひゃく != いちひゃく 

my answer was wrong

>> No.17760664
File: 37 KB, 348x342, 1452103320747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you even talking about?

>> No.17760694

>tfw heard an older japanese lady say よいしょ while doing something today

that was adorable

>> No.17760695

how the fuck do you know which reading though

>> No.17760699

you hope there's a number before it

>> No.17760702


>> No.17760729


>> No.17760755

I like to always think i'm buying things in multiples of soft shelled turtles.
Japan just can't get enough

>> No.17760762

You learn japanese.

>> No.17760769

The same way you do with all the other 3000 kanji.

>> No.17760779

>tfw took 2 hours to read vol5 of Made in Abyss
This is why I don't read much

>> No.17760784



>> No.17760789

If you want to be able to read anything you want without having to look up or guess the meaning of kanji that's about right.

>> No.17760805

3000 is babby tier is what i meant

>> No.17760816

You have literally no idea how many kanji mean what.

>> No.17760819

>how many kanji mean what
Literally one.

>> No.17760820

>b-but i can read a newspaper!


>> No.17760823

It's definitely in the 3k~4k range. 3k isn't baby at all, it's pretty near top maturity.

>> No.17760826
File: 139 KB, 369x481, 1494472190583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17760834

/jp/'s range is 8k-10k kanji minimum

>> No.17760842

I hope you're merely pretending to be retarded.

>> No.17760843

Hey, don't let me stop me from memorizing thousands of obsolete runes you'll never come across, I was just talking about the ones that might actually serve some purpose that's not entirely self-contained in the pleasure of learning.

>> No.17760851

Those 1000-1500 kanji after the first 3000-2500? Yeah, those are literally all 1:1 variants of kanji in the first 2500 (typically kyuujitai) or are literally only used in Chinese. 3000 "kanji" is enough to read literally any modern Japanese writing without any loss in comprehension at all. There's nothing baby-like about that. Kanji are not words.

>> No.17760857

Are you sure you're replying to the right person? I started this discussion using 3k as an estimate of the kanji that are used in practice so I don't see exactly what point you could possibly be trying to get across to me by saying that.

>> No.17760867

is there some variant slang of せきをはずす that would mean 'afk'?

>> No.17760868

The entire conversation is so juvenile that I assumed you were samefagging/false flagging. Apologies.

>> No.17760895

t. 2k

>> No.17760905

This is why listening > reading.

>> No.17760913

If you want to end up like that old fart who couldn't even play DQ without looking up basic shit, sure.

>> No.17760917

just do it all man do it all do everything
except the flashcards dont do those

>> No.17760924

Can you quote the part of my post where I said "only listen, never read" please? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.17760935

Do you think you'll mistake someone saying "can I borrow 300 circles" when they actually are saying "can I borrow 300 yen?"

>> No.17760951

Can you quote the part of his post where he said you said "only listen, never read" please?
Or is this another "strawman" of yours?

>> No.17760970

The only way being unable to "even play DQ without looking up basic shit" could be possible is if you did no reading at all. If someone reads even a little bit, they would become able to read without having to look up "basic shit" in short order.

>> No.17760985

So basically you're full of shit and you read what you want.
Nice going dumb baka fuckhead.

>> No.17760999

Things can be implied without being directly said. I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand that.

>> No.17761005

Your posts imply that reading doesn't matter and listening is all you should care about.
As the question was "how do i know how to read this basic kanji" and your reply was that it doesn't matter because listening > reading.

implications goes both ways.

>> No.17761010

>Your posts imply that reading doesn't matter and listening is all you should care about.
Nope. Saying that one thing is superior to another does not imply that the other thing doesn't matter or isn't also important.

Try again.

>> No.17761018
File: 11 KB, 272x283, dq1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the anons in this thread good enough at Japanese to defeat... Dragon Quest?

>> No.17761019

If listening is more important than reading basic kanji that you learn in first grade, then you will need to look up every basic word when playing DQ.
That is the implication.

You're literally retarded anon, stop trying to prove anything online.

>> No.17761022
File: 10 KB, 272x283, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or will they be doomed to refer to Jisho (kek) every two lines of text!!!

>> No.17761025

You are misinterpreting my post. I wasn't saying that "it doesn't matter". My point was that you can learn which reading should be used in which cases through listening, so when you come to read you won't have problems with ambiguous kanji readings (the same way natives don't) because you will know from your listening exposure which reading is intended.

>> No.17761030

sorry i dont know words only kanjis

>> No.17761040
File: 11 KB, 272x283, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mwa-ha-ha! Your puny little core2k can't protect you from such mythical words as ぶき and ぼうぐ! Cower in terror of a preschooler-level game's vocabulary requirements!

>> No.17761050

i mean im on board with the concepts here but your posting is aids af dude

you wouldnt happen to be the sakubee meltdown dude with the molten anus would you

>> No.17761053

>watch anime daily
>easily understand all of this

>> No.17761055

This thread has gotten so hateful.

>> No.17761068
File: 11 KB, 272x283, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just here to make sure everyone can read kana-only text that uses basic vocabulary words that wouldn't be found in core and basic grammar structure that can easily be learned in any guide. Knowing where words start and end for example!
Besides, me shitposting a little along with some Japanese screenshots is leagues better than people arguing over the semantics of an argument that isn't going to prove anything no matter who "wins" it.

>> No.17761080

well if you can do that ill be impressed also agreed its not like youre trying to suck on someones strawman or anything so by all means たちどまらないで
i was mostly just thinking about the sakubee guy when his hole got so tight and was just hoping he was back

>> No.17761095

>sakubee guy
Is he spamming his website again? I‘m out of the loop.

>> No.17761112

Don't you think it's a little harsh to be impressed by that when the text even has spaces? I'm really hurt here dude. If you don't gimme a lil kiss on the cheek I'll be too demotivated to keep learning Japanese.

>> No.17761123

no i mean impressed that you could make sure everyone can read kana-only text that uses basic vocabulary words

>> No.17761128

Oh. Well, my bad. Looks like I can understand basic Japanese but I'm still too dumb for basic English.

>> No.17761137

Where can I download Hanahira? The CoR doesn't have VNs

>> No.17761148 [DELETED] 

my butthole is itchy

>> No.17761177 [DELETED] 


did you take a shower?

>> No.17761246
File: 30 KB, 725x687, 装甲悪鬼村正.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on AB, if you don't have an account spend the two minutes Googling to find a torrent for it.

>> No.17761304

This is a long shot, but would anybody happen to know where I could find instruction manuals for SFC games?

>> No.17761313

Unfortunately that's one of the hardest things to find. Good luck.

>> No.17761314

What you're seeing here is the difference between real Japanese and the Japanese in chuuni fiction.

>> No.17761354

>one of the most popular JRPG series in japan meant to be played by people of all ages including children
Sure, he doesn't know half the basic words in it because the language is too chuuni. Of course.

>> No.17761361

I don't know this guy at all but but from the minute I watched he seems to struggle with video game terminology and words that aren't used much in daily life. I'm sure this guy is perfectly fluent in his daily life.

>> No.17761406

holy shit this was embarrassing please dont do it again

>> No.17761419

I know it hurts to be faced with the truth that you cannot read/comprehend kana-only text but the only way to get better at it is to either try more or lurk DJT long enough that imouto's posts start making sense to you.
Alternatively quit taking yourself so seriously senpai

>> No.17761433

we get it, you just started dragon quest, want everyone else to know, and realized you had to look up a lot of words and are trying to feel better about yourself by getting other people to admit the same, it's really embarrassing though so please just stop it

>> No.17761441

I'm not about to get into a pissing contest about who knows Japanese and who doesn't, feel free to post some on-topic stuff instead of complaining about screenshots of Japanese text.

>> No.17761445

i'm already fluent I only come here to feel better than other people

>> No.17761452

If you can't read kana only text you need to watch more anime

>> No.17761455

You can collect asspain more efficiently by heading over to /vr/ /a/ or any other board and starting a thread titled "why haven't you learned Japanese, don't you know how many cool games/anime/movies you're missing out on" for future reference.

>> No.17761467

>>17761445 see >>17761406

>> No.17761470

no those people just make fun of me for wasting my time

>> No.17761485
File: 30 KB, 371x561, 1507696365879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone from here already does that regularly on /v/.
Thankfully someone posts the worst vertical image to 'help' them learn japanese.
The arguments are always the same all boring ones, from not enough/waste of time, to all the good media is already translated.
Probably the worst place for dekinai to visit really, video games do get censored but is that really enough to convince people?

>> No.17761497

Doing it over censorship is kind of dumb, but for me, it's all the retro vidya that'll never be translated and can't be OCR'd because the font is shit. The day I realized it had been an entire decade since SRW Alpha had been announced without an actual patch being released was the day I started learning.

>> No.17761500
File: 3.41 MB, 1919x1079, Isaac Asimov reference out of nowhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy those threads because they give me an excuse to post vn screenshots from whatever I'm reading at the time but the threads themselves essentially serve no purpose.

>> No.17761507

anyone know the etymology of 沢山? I just saw it written in kanji for the first time

>> No.17761523

I have no doubt about that. He's probably satisfied with what he knows, and with good reason, he's clearly very comfortable with Japanese. I just wouldn't endorse him as a teacher.

>> No.17761556

Don't waste time with things like that.

>> No.17761572

Here's a neat word for you: 語源

>> No.17761636

theres a lot of mountains so it means a lot

>> No.17761641

thanks, that means a lot to me

>> No.17761646


>> No.17761738
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1467818841041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17761767




>> No.17761773


>> No.17761827
File: 186 KB, 739x950, 1495613365405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anybody here try his books?

I'm looking for books to specifically prepare me for JLPT N5 and N4. I am looking for a list of required vocab and grammar. Can anyone recommend any of them to me?

>> No.17761838

>Did anybody here try his books?
Yeah im sure people that come here try his books :/

>> No.17761843


>> No.17761848

I appreciate it, I just can't think that hard before asking a question.

thanks brah

>> No.17761849 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 500x483, 1507845113550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn vocabulary in Hiragana before going into Kanji? Or should I just go straight into Kanji?

I am about to start learning Katakana now and it's incredible reading some stuff and being able to make sense out of what I'm seeing.

>> No.17761926

>I'm looking for books to specifically prepare me for JLPT N5 and N4
Instead of looking for books, spend the time learning Japanese

Also don't bother taking anything under N2

>> No.17761948

This, he even said in the stream that he wouldnt look them up if it was not for the video, because he wants to showcase how learners can learn the language by reading and looking up words.

>> No.17761977
File: 89 KB, 520x499, natto maniac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy busted a nut because I brought him the 納豆 he left behind when he was fleeing his monster-infested apartment complex.
How is your compelling content, friends?

>> No.17762057

i was going to play mother 2 using higan but I think i will search for some kind of blur filter to make the kana a little easier to read

>> No.17762073


>> No.17762089


>> No.17762103


>> No.17762126


>> No.17762193

how do i avoid becoming an eternal dekinai like nukemarine?

>> No.17762205
File: 19 KB, 748x286, you gotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know the answer and there's no way to avoid it.

>> No.17762217

literally who

>> No.17762219
File: 68 KB, 520x499, onnanoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17762221


>> No.17762227
File: 93 KB, 296x378, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exclamation mark

>> No.17762245


>> No.17762259

People like to bash him but I think he’s the guy who invented the coreX series. Which is funny since half of the userbase on djt are using his deck.

>> No.17762283
File: 229 KB, 757x841, 96eb0283a50fe040f56e176b572ec38c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17762296


>> No.17762300

I have a couple questions about the Rikaisama's addon. One, how do I use it to mine words from stuff I read if I'm reading it from my computer and not actually on the firefox browser? Two, I heard it doesn't work anymore or something? Is this true?

>> No.17762326


>> No.17762341



>> No.17762359


>> No.17762367
File: 780 KB, 1280x720, さや.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and not actually on the firefox browser?
In what format? Text files can be converted to html using jnovelformatter
>I heard it doesn't work anymore or something
its a legacy addon and its not being updated when firefox pulls support for all the fun people where having.
A lot of people have swapped to yomichan as it is getting suppose and after some recent updates it performs more or less the same basic functions

>> No.17762397

I think I love this word.

>> No.17762415



>> No.17762422

I mean it's not like one foreigner has much of an opinion on another language's slang but I wish there would be more literal translations pf things like websites and modern culture phenomenon.
Like お前官、鳥鳴き、顔本、or ヨンダ just to name a few for websites.

>> No.17762472

>In what format? Text files can be converted to html using jnovelformatter
Well for example I'm trying to start with Yotsubato and it's all in images, not text

>> No.17762480



>> No.17762493

you use capture 2 text, an OCR
the reading pack covers the first 2 chapters anyway
or volumes... i forget

>> No.17762498

Open the reply box here and type in the words you want to add and then add them with rikai

>> No.17762502

The importance of the reading packs is overstated though. It takes two seconds to input a word in hiragana and you'll get better results from a dictionary than some guy's shitty glosses. (IMO)

>> No.17762599



>> No.17763070

are the fonts used by Japs relatively bigger than those used by us? how the hell do they read something like 識 in small font

I watch an old TV show Asayan (97-02) and I can't imagine how they could read some of the kanji in smaller font on their TVs back in the 1990s
inb4 they read it in context - fair enough, but sometimes it's a whole row of blurred squares unless they use some easy kanji like that for mouth or day

>> No.17763100

Their fonts are the same size. It's not hard to recognize something you've seen tens of thousands of times even if it's vague.

>> No.17763168

Kanji are read via their silhouettes, not by their radicals

>> No.17763181
File: 1.51 MB, 491x750, ece82958f0477cb421bf2feb74c1b9692e9791d7d5248b5f2f8e00a5f4e1dfad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you increased your new cards per day over time, /djt/?

I'm >2000 cards deep and each card is about half as difficult, so it's definitely taking less time to send it to the mature pile.

>> No.17763193

Adjust your new cards according to the reviews Anki forecasts for tomorrow and don't worry about the specific amount you add each day.

>> No.17763195

>I thought はかせ was just the name of the character in Nichijou with no actual meaning

>> No.17763204

You'll soon discover that the reason most intermediates don't do 100 new cards a day isn't because it's difficult, but because it's time-consuming as fuck.

>> No.17763229

I'm 2600 words in and my anki used to take 70 minutes but about 11 days ago it dropped down to less than 60 minutes per day. I just use those ten minutes to read some more.

>> No.17763286

Is there a way to save the hook codes inside ITHVNR or do I have to copy it from a text file each time I want to play?

>> No.17763330

What about kanji that have the same silhouette but are different in the middle? Do you just guess from context?

>> No.17763338

The save button.

>> No.17763386

I just do whatever cards I mined the previous night, capped at 10. Lately I've only been hitting 4-8 per 30minutes of reading.

>> No.17763419
File: 35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171014-115200[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you skip your reps

>> No.17763429

That's my eventual goal, but I still get too many mined cards at this point.

>> No.17763453

liked, replied and retweeted

>> No.17763775
File: 249 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171014-105949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memrise is pretty slow but it sure does stick. I wish my high school Japanese hadn't excluded kanji for so long. I probably knew 90% of the words apart from the kanji already. There's about 4000 words in this set.

>> No.17763785

Cool story Bob

>> No.17763972

What reason would you use memrise over anki?

>> No.17764000

Maybe not knowing that you can use memrise courses in anki

>> No.17764034

What happaned to him anyway?
Did he die? Or did he just lose interest because he made no progress?

>> No.17764064

He streams himself doing flashcard reviews.

>> No.17764065

He's on Reddit now, boasting (?) about is 133 point JCat score and making N4 Memrise decks

>> No.17764071

Oh wait, the video isn't him. But he did post scores around N4 level earlier this year

>> No.17764102
File: 1.32 MB, 1296x778, 2017-10-14 19_55_56-ふたりのクオリア.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me to interpret this sentence? I a bit confused as to what it could mean.

>> No.17764128
File: 50 KB, 612x360, Atsugiri-Jason-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17764152

Sounds like an ability name.

>> No.17764192


>> No.17764205

Just from curiosity, what games did they put in 'Untranslated Visual Novels for Beginners' collage? I don't have ab but I'm curious anyway.

>> No.17764216

don't fret about difficulty for VNs, most of them have around the same difficulty, just pick whatever you are interested in

>> No.17764225

Well, I'm trying to. Anyway, thanks for advice.

>> No.17764230
File: 1.12 MB, 1220x1700, 1495521048424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17764274

What is the function of で here in the second line? Is it just saying "This way of treating humans, I wonder if I've gotten used to it because of Yuki?"

>> No.17764298
File: 661 KB, 1040x614, balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>content is so compelling I just wanna keep reading
>next scene is sex scene and I don't wanna masturbate right now
>don't want to read the sex scene without masturbating

>> No.17764371

Guys, what's the meaning of 白い in the last sentence? Thanks

>> No.17764384

have you never seen people exhale in the cold

>> No.17764392

I see. Thanks, it just didn't occur to me.

>> No.17764429

I know that feel, and I hate it.

>> No.17764546

Consider the alternative...
>Want to jerk it to my compelling characters
>30 hours in and MC is still a kissless virgin

>> No.17764690

Memrise is great

>> No.17764752


What is ゴキンジョ supposed to mean? I don't get anything consistent trying to search for it other than Tingle the wannabe fairy.

>> No.17764756


>> No.17764775

Oh, I'm retarded. I converted it to hiragana to see if it was just an accent like an earlier phrase but got no results with ごきんじょ. Guess this is a lesson to try hitting the space bar a little more. Thanks.

>> No.17764800
File: 30 KB, 644x383, probably.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to grasp the difference between 多分 「たぶん」and 恐らく「おそらく」.
If I'm understanding pic related correctly, then this person is saying that 多分 is usually predicated upon past events ("This has happened many times before, so it will 'probably' happen again"). And then 恐らく is based more upon how the speaker feels ("This candidate is unlikable so he will 'probably' lose the election")

Am I on the right track?

>> No.17764839

恐らく expresses the attitude that the probability of something being true is high. 多分 is much more general than that.

>> No.17764841
File: 1.56 MB, 1296x778, 2017-10-14 23_43_43-ふたりのクオリア.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems it is something like this. After the scene I posted, the phrase 『左右の世界』appeared two more times. From my meager understanding it refers to a situation that requires making some decision.

>> No.17764843
File: 65 KB, 399x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17764846
File: 181 KB, 410x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17764914

Can も replace の for possession?
And how about

>> No.17764921

No? Read more.

>> No.17764950

If I found the answer from reading, I wouldn't be asking.

>> No.17764957

Well your whole foundation is wrong because you haven't read enough. If you have a basic intuitive understanding of what も actually does, あの私もじてんしゃです。 would never mean what you're thinking about. Read more.

>> No.17764959

No, も replaces は/が.

>> No.17764965

Just は. It just happens that は in turn can substitute が or を.

>> No.17765004

What about にも then?

>> No.17765006

には but with も?

>> No.17765080

is this like 相槌 or something more specific

>> No.17765111

>Has been speaking Japanese for 32 years and has never seen Shou by itself
Is this language really that hard to learn? This shit is daunting

>> No.17765126
File: 67 KB, 230x230, 1466257577665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no turning back now.

>> No.17765128

>Has been speaking Japanese for 32 years and has never seen Shou by itself

>> No.17765137

Seriously don't get too hung up on all these "what's the difference between x and y" questions. If you research every little synonym like that you'll end up stuck on the first thing you started reading forever.

>> No.17765146

Sorry I don't know anything. I only put a u because he put a u

>> No.17765155

He is one of those people who only got good at the daily Japanese they needed in their life and have no clue about Japanese outside of their small bubble

>> No.17765305


>> No.17765316

How different is Japanese with Mandarin? Which is harder? Will Mandarin skill help me much in Japanese?

Never actually bring myself to learn Japanese despite being a massive mangafag cause I'm too lazy

Anyway, I'm forced to learn Mandarin for work purposes and can see myself honing this to near native level because my primary language isn't English at first but I was forced to learn English for educational purposes and here I am, my English is almost at native level now I think

>> No.17765338

It helps somewhat but hurts a little.

You're going to be better at reading runes but you're occasionally going to read things in both languages the wrong way, assuming you reach a similar level in both.

The net result is a minor benefit.

>> No.17765339


>> No.17765341

reminder that this thread isn't for learning Japanese, it's for bragging about the Japanese you already know

>> No.17765348

There is zero logic in bragging in a place where people are likely to be more proficient than you. Virtually any other board would be better.

>> No.17765352

There's a very big difference between bragging about knowing something someone else doesn't know, and telling them that they literally understand what they're asking about so little that their question is completely nonsensical.

>> No.17765369

what about このじてんしゃは私もです

>> No.17765381

も modifies what it attaches to. You aren't "also", the dictionary is "also".

>> No.17765383

Bicycle, my bad. Something was physically blocking the しゃ from where my head is.

>> No.17765461

Is there a chart for this for general VN recommendations? I'm trying to find some way to look up some interesting ones without looking up on VNDB or not really having to resort to asking 4chan all the time.

>> No.17765467

There's a few rec charts in the images tab in the COR. There's also http://wiki.wareya.moe/Stats

>> No.17765486

Is the は in 寄せては返す pronounced like a は or a わ?

>> No.17765498


It's grammar.

>> No.17765500

oh my kami

>> No.17765509

Not a chart, but https://pastebin.com/raw/T9skqt4J

>> No.17765523


>> No.17765527

Being familiar with the characters already is a huge help, but the grammar, phonetics, vocabulary are all very different.

>> No.17765532

it would help because then I'd be able to yell abuse at all the chinese that hardsub hentai releases with hanzi
absolutely despicable

>> No.17765602

>watching Musashi no Ken
>literally the worst English subs I've seen in anime so far
I think they get more than half of the lines wrong per episode

Also this anime is not too good

>> No.17765752

This game just wrote 宿題 as 宿だい and I looked it up and now I feel like a moron. It's weird to me that they'd do that.

>> No.17765881

more like 宿die (´・ω・`)

>> No.17765918

more like しにたい

>> No.17765969
File: 116 KB, 560x373, o0560037311231317083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this thread is fucking depressing

>> No.17765996
File: 9 KB, 382x151, leeeeeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually nevermind this changes everything, farewell shobon

>> No.17766065
File: 164 KB, 737x712, 1378782342399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people think n1 is hard? It's been a couple years since I took it, but it was pretty easy

>> No.17766092

Instead of pressing easy, hard, etc., you just get questions right or wrong. This speeds things up for me. You get presented the same words in both directions (j→e and e→j) and multiple formats like multiple choice, typing the answer, and listening for the answer.

>> No.17766104
File: 96 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171015-005248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come i don't know japanese lol

>> No.17766121
File: 213 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171015-011001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay owl

>> No.17766124

normalfag hobbies are so amusing, please do continue

>> No.17766143

So I got Yomichan for Chrome along with the capture2text to be able to extract characters from images of manga I'm reading so do I have to paste the result from capture2text into Chrome to then use Yomichan on or is there an easier way?

>> No.17766145

capture 2 text goes straight into the clipboard
clipboard inserter does the rest

>> No.17766172

I'm trying to migrate to yomichan. In Firefox, though it's definitely functioning (highlighting japanese words as I press shift and mouse over them, and yes, I downloaded the dictionaries), it doesn't show any pop-ups with translation. Why is this little shit not working?

>> No.17766188

it can work on pure mouse over like rikai if you set the scan modifier to none
also can you post an image of what you do see

>> No.17766195

Never mind, it started working somehow. Seems I needed to restart firefox or some shit like that.

>> No.17766198

i've been had

>> No.17766270

But that's a firefox addon, not chrome

>> No.17766272




>> No.17766275

ああああ~ッ 体がしんどいわ
